@phdthesis{Sauer2019, author = {Sauer, Mark}, title = {Die microRNA-26 Familie kontrolliert {\"u}ber den REST-Komplex ein f{\"u}r die Neurogenese essentielles regulatorisches RNA Netzwerk}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18400}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In einem sich entwickelnden multizellul{\"a}ren Organismus ist die r{\"a}umlich-zeitliche Regulation der Genexpression von entscheidender Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Bildung, Identit{\"a}t und Funktion von Zellen. Der REST (repressor element silencing transcription factor) Komplex spielt bei der neuronalen Differenzierung und bei der Aufrechterhaltung des neuronalen Status eine essentielle Rolle, indem er in nicht neuronalen Zellen und neuralen Vorl{\"a}ufern die Expression neuronaler Gene unterdr{\"u}ckt, in deren Promotorregion eine RE1 (repressor element 1) Erkennungssequenz vorhanden ist. W{\"a}hrend der neuronalen Differenzierung wird der REST-Komplex schrittweise inaktiviert, was zur Einleitung eines neuronalen Genexpression-Programms f{\"u}hrt. Es wird daher angenommen, dass die Inhibierung des REST-Komplexes ein essentieller Vorgang der Neurogenese ist. Wichtige Bestandteile f{\"u}r die transkriptionell repressive Funktion des REST-Komplexes sind kleine Phosphatasen (CTDSP = C-terminal domain small phosphatases), welche die Polymerase-II-Aktivit{\"a}t an Zielgenen inhibieren. Im Zebrafisch wurde gezeigt, dass ctdsp2 durch die miR-26b negativ reguliert wird. Alle miR-26 Familienmitglieder sind in Vertebraten evolution{\"a}r konserviert und in Introns von Ctdsp Genen kodiert. Sie sind in der Lage, die Expression ihres eigenen Wirtsgens mittels einer autoregulatorischen R{\"u}ckkopplungsschleife zu regulieren. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde als Modellsystem f{\"u}r die Neurogenese ein neurales Differenzierungssystem, welches auf murinen, embryonalen Stammzellen (ESCs) aufbaut, eingesetzt. Zur funktionellen Analyse der miR-26 Familie wurden mit Hilfe der CRISPR/Cas9-Methode verschiedene miR-26 Knockout (KO) ESC-Linien hergestellt. Hierbei wurden die Sequenzen der einzelnen Familienmitglieder und der gesamten miR-26 Familie im Genom von Wildtyp (Wt) ESCs deletiert. Diese miR-26-defizienten ESCLinien behielten ihre Pluripotenz und zeigten keinen Ph{\"a}notyp hinsichtlich Proliferation, Morphologie und Identit{\"a}t der Zellen w{\"a}hrend der Differenzierung bis zum neuralen Vorl{\"a}uferzellstadium (NPCs, engl.: neural progenitor cells). Jedoch f{\"u}hrte die Deletion sowohl der gesamten miR-26 Familie als auch einzelner Mitglieder bei der terminalen Differenzierung zu einem spezifischen Entwicklungsstillstand im NPC Stadium und infolgedessen zu einer starken Reduktion der Anzahl von Neuronen und Astroglia. Die Transkriptom-Analyse der differenzierten miR-26-KO ESCs mittels RNA-Seq zeigte, dass die Expression von Genen die mit der Neurogenese und der neuronalen Differenzierung, aber auch der Gliogenese assoziert sind, herunterreguliert war. Die Abwesenheit der miR-26 Familie f{\"u}hrte außerdem zu einer selektiven Reduzierung bestimmter miRNAs (REST-miRs), die einerseits die Expression von REST-Komplex Komponenten unterdr{\"u}cken k{\"o}nnen, und andererseits selbst unter dessen transkriptioneller Kontrolle stehen. Zu diesem REST-miR Netzwerk geh{\"o}ren einige miRNAs (miR-9, miR-124, miR-132 und miR-218), die wichtige Funktionen bei verschiedenen Prozessen der neuronalen Entwicklung haben. Weiterhin f{\"u}hrte der miR-26-KO zu einer Derepression der Proteinlevel von REST und CTDSP2 w{\"a}hrend der terminalen Differenzierung. Funktionelle Analysen mit miRNA mimics zeigten, dass erh{\"o}hte miR-26 Level zu einer Hochregulation von REST-miRs f{\"u}hren. Weitere Experimente, die darauf zielten, die Hierarchie des REST-miR Netwerks aufzukl{\"a}ren zeigten, dass die miR-26 Familie stromaufw{\"a}rts die REST-miR Expression reguliert. Zusammengefasst weisen die in dieser Arbeit gezeigten Daten darauf hin, dass die miR-26 Familie als Initiator der schrittweisen Inaktivierung des REST-Komplexes eine zentrale Rolle bei der Differenzierung von neuralen Vorl{\"a}uferzellen zu postmitotischen Neuronen spielt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Frank2019, author = {Frank, Erik Thomas}, title = {Behavioral adaptations in the foraging behaviour of \(Megaponera\) \(analis\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {An efficient foraging strategy is one of the most important traits for the fitness of animals. The theory of optimal foraging tries to predict foraging behaviour through the overarching question: how animals should forage so as to minimize costs while maximizing profits? Social insects, having occupied nearly every natural niche through widely different strategies, offer themselves as an ideal group to study how well optimal foraging theory can explain their behaviour and success. Specialization often leads to unique adaptations in morphology and behaviour. I therefore decided to investigate the behaviour of Megaponera analis. This ponerine ant species is specialized on hunting only termites of the subfamily Macrotermitinae at their foraging sites. Their foraging behaviour is regulated by a handful of individual scouts (10-20) that search for termite foraging sites before returning to the nest to recruit a large number of nestmates (200-500 ants). These ants then follow the scout in a column formation to the termites and after the hunt return together to the nest, these raids occur two to five times per day. Predators of highly defensive prey likely develop cost reducing adaptations. The evolutionary arms race between termites and ants led to various defensive mechanisms in termites, e.g. a caste specialized in fighting predators. As M. analis incurs high injury/mortality risks when preying on termites, some risk mitigating adaptations have evolved. I show that a unique rescue behaviour in M. analis, consisting of injured nestmates being carried back to the nest, reduces combat mortality. These injured ants "call for help" with pheromones present in their mandibular gland reservoirs. A model accounting for this rescue behaviour identifies the drivers favouring its evolution and estimates that rescuing allows for maintaining a 29\% larger colony size. Heavily injured ants that lost too many legs during the fight on the other hand are not helped. Interestingly, this was regulated not by the helper but by the uncooperativeness of the injured ant. I further observed treatment of the injury by nestmates inside the nest through intense allogrooming directly at the wound. Lack of treatment increased mortality from 10\% to 80\% within 24 hours, with the cause of death most likely being infections. Collective decision-making is one of the main mechanisms in social insects through which foraging is regulated. However, individual decision-making can also play an important role, depending on the type of foraging behaviour. In M. analis only a handful of individuals (the scouts) hold all the valuable information about foraging sites. I therefore looked at predictions made by optimal foraging theory to better understand the interplay between collective and individual decision-making in this obligate group-raiding predator. I found a clear positive relation between raid size and termite abundance at the foraging site. Furthermore, selectivity of the food source increased with distance. The confirmation of optimal foraging theory suggests that individual scouts must be the main driver behind raid size, choice and raiding behaviour. Therefore most central place foraging behaviours in M. analis were not achieved by collective decisions but rather by individual decisions of scout ants. Thus, 1\% of the colony (10-20 scouts) decided the fate and foraging efficiency of the remaining 99\%. Division of labour is one of the main reasons for the success of social insects. Worker polymorphism, age polyethism and work division in more primitive ants, like the ponerines, remain mostly unexplored though. Since M. analis specializes on a defensive prey, adaptations to reduce their foraging costs can be expected. I found that the work division, task allocation and column-formation during the hunt were much more sophisticated than was previously thought. The column-formation was remarkably stable, with the same ants resuming similar positions in subsequent raids and front ants even returning to their positions if displaced in the same raid. Most of the raid tasks were not executed by predetermined members of the raid but were filled out as need arose during the hunt, with a clear preference for larger ants to conduct most tasks. I show that specialization towards a highly defensive prey can lead to very unique adaptations in the foraging behaviour of a species. I explored experimentally the adaptive value of rescue behaviour focused on injured nestmates in social insects. This was not only limited to selective rescuing of lightly injured individuals by carrying them back (thus reducing predation risk) but moreover includes a differentiated treatment inside the nest. These observations will help to improve our understanding of the evolution of rescue behaviour in animals. I further show that most optimal foraging predictions are fulfilled and regulated by a handful of individuals in M. analis. Lastly, I propose that the continuous allometric size polymorphism in M. analis allows for greater flexibility in task allocation, necessary due to the unpredictability of task requirements in an irregular system such as hunting termites in groups. All of my observations help to further understand how a group-hunting predator should forage so as to minimize costs while maximizing profits.}, subject = {Stechameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franke2019, author = {Franke, Christian}, title = {Advancing Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Quantitative Analyses and Photometric Three-Dimensional Imaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15635}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since its first experimental implementation in 2005, single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) emerged as a versatile and powerful imaging tool for biological structures with nanometer resolution. By now, SMLM has compiled an extensive track-record of novel insights in sub- and inter- cellular organization.\\ Moreover, since all SMLM techniques rely on the analysis of emission patterns from isolated fluorophores, they inherently allocate molecular information \$per\$ \$definitionem\$.\\ Consequently, SMLM transitioned from its origin as pure high-resolution imaging instrument towards quantitative microscopy, where the key information medium is no longer the highly resolved image itself, but the raw localization data set.\\ The work presented in this thesis is part of the ongoing effort to translate those \$per\$ \$se\$ molecular information gained by SMLM imaging to insights into the structural organization of the targeted protein or even beyond. Although largely consistent in their objectives, the general distinction between global or segmentation clustering approaches on one side and particle averaging or meta-analyses techniques on the other is usually made.\\ During the course of my thesis, I designed, implemented and employed numerous quantitative approaches with varying degrees of complexity and fields of application.\\ \\ In my first major project, I analyzed the localization distribution of the integral protein gp210 of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) with an iterative \textit{k}-means algorithm. Relating the distinct localization statistics of separated gp210 domains to isolated fluorescent signals led, among others, to the conclusion that the anchoring ring of the NPC consists of 8 homo-dimers of gp210.\\ This is of particular significance, both because it answered a decades long standing question about the nature of the gp210 ring and it showcased the possibility to gain structural information well beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM by crafty quantification approaches.\\ \\ The second major project reported comprises an extensive study of the synaptonemal complex (SNC) and linked cohesin complexes. Here, I employed a multi-level meta-analysis of the localization sets of various SNC proteins to facilitate the compilation of a novel model of the molecular organization of the major SNC components with so far unmatched extend and detail with isotropic three-dimensional resolution.\\ In a second venture, the two murine cohesin components SMC3 and STAG3 connected to the SNC were analyzed. Applying an adapted algorithm, considering the disperse nature of cohesins, led to the realization that there is an apparent polarization of those cohesin complexes in the SNC, as well as a possible sub-structure of STAG3 beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM.\\ \\ Other minor projects connected to localization quantification included the study of plasma membrane glycans regarding their overall localization distribution and particular homogeneity as well as the investigation of two flotillin proteins in the membrane of bacteria, forming clusters of distinct shapes and sizes.\\ \\ Finally, a novel approach to three-dimensional SMLM is presented, employing the precise quantification of single molecule emitter intensities. This method, named TRABI, relies on the principles of aperture photometry which were improved for SMLM.\\ With TRABI it was shown, that widely used Gaussian fitting based localization software underestimates photon counts significantly. This mismatch was utilized as a \$z\$-dependent parameter, enabling the conversion of 2D SMLM data to a virtual 3D space. Furthermore it was demonstrated, that TRABI can be combined beneficially with a multi-plane detection scheme, resulting in superior performance regarding axial localization precision and resolution.\\ Additionally, TRABI has been subsequently employed to photometrically characterize a novel dye for SMLM, revealing superior photo-physical properties at the single-molecule level.\\ Following the conclusion of this thesis, the TRABI method and its applications remains subject of diverse ongoing research.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{PompergebMueller2019, author = {Pomper [geb. M{\"u}ller], Laura Dorothea}, title = {Unterschiede in Frontaler Kortex Oxygenierung in zweierlei Risikogruppen der Alzheimer Demenz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156757}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die verbesserte medizinische Versorgung f{\"u}hrt zu einer zunehmenden Lebenserwartung unserer Gesellschaft. Damit steigt auch die sozio{\"o}konomische Relevanz neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen kontinuierlich. F{\"u}r die Alzheimer Demenz (AD), die dabei die h{\"a}ufigste Ursache darstellt, stehen bisher keine krankheitsmodifizierenden Behandlungsoptionen zur Verf{\"u}gung. Die lange pr{\"a}klinische Phase der Erkrankung birgt jedoch großes Potential f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Behandlungsoptionen. Das Untersuchen von Risikogruppen ist f{\"u}r die Identifikation von Pr{\"a}diktoren einer sp{\"a}teren AD Manifestation von besonderem Interesse. In diesem Zusammenhang werden insbesondere das Vorliegen genetischer Risikokonstellationen, wie dem Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Ɛ4-Allel, sowie kognitiver Risikofaktoren, wie der „leichten kognitiven Beeintr{\"a}chtigung" (MCI), diskutiert. Die Identifikation pr{\"a}klinischer Aktivierungsunterschiede in relevanten Gehirnregionen von Risikogruppen kann als Basis f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neurofunktioneller Fr{\"u}herkennungs-Marker dienen. Der pr{\"a}frontale Kortex (PFC), welcher mit der Steuerung von Exekutivfunktionen assoziiert wird, hat sich in diesem Zusammenhang in bisherigen Studien als eine relevante Schl{\"u}sselregion manifestiert. Aufgrund der aufwendigen und kostenintensiven bildgebenden Untersuchungsmethoden, sind die genauen Prozesse jedoch noch unklar. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, Unterschiede in der PFC Oxygenierung in zweierlei Risikogruppen der AD mit einer kosteng{\"u}nstigeren Bildgebungsmethode, der funktionellen Nahinfrarot Spektroskopie (fNIRS), zu untersuchen. Daf{\"u}r wurde in einem ersten Schritt, der Trailmaking Test (TMT), ein weitverbreiteter neuropsychologischer Test zur Erfassung exekutiver Funktionen, f{\"u}r fNIRS implementiert. Als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Untersuchung fr{\"u}hpathologischer Prozesse, wurden zun{\"a}chst gesunde Alterungsprozesse betrachtet. Der Vergleich von jungen und {\"a}lteren Probanden (n = 20 pro Gruppe) wies neben der Eignung der Testimplementierung f{\"u}r fNIRS auf eine spezifische bilaterale PFC Oxygenierung hin, welche bei jungen Probanden rechtshemisph{\"a}risch lateralisiert war. {\"A}ltere Probanden hingegen zeigten bei vergleichbaren Verhaltensdaten insgesamt mehr signifikante Kan{\"a}le sowie eine Abnahme der Lateralisierung. Dies kann als zus{\"a}tzlicher Bedarf an Ressourcen in gesunden Alterungsprozessen interpretiert werden. Im Rahmen der Hauptstudie wurden anschließend insgesamt 604 {\"a}ltere Probanden im Alter von 70 bis 76 Jahren untersucht. Zun{\"a}chst wurde die genetische Risikogruppe der Ɛ4-Allel-Tr{\"a}ger (n = 78) mit den neutralen Ɛ3-Allel-Tr{\"a}gern (n = 216) und den Tr{\"a}gern des als protektiv geltenden Ɛ2-Allels (n = 50) verglichen. Hierbei zeigte sich eine geringere Oxygenierung der Risikogruppe bei geringer Aufgabenschwierigkeit, w{\"a}hrend sich ein erh{\"o}hter Oxygenierungsanstieg im medialen PFC mit steigender Aufgabenschwierigkeit zeigte. Dies deutet auf einen erh{\"o}hten Bedarf an neuronalen Kontrollmechanismen der Risikogruppe zur Bew{\"a}ltigung der steigenden Aufgabenschwierigkeit hin. Die protektive Gruppe zeigte hingegen eine erh{\"o}hte Oxygenierung im ventralen PFC mit steigender Aufgabenschwierigkeit, was m{\"o}glicherweise auf einen pr{\"a}ventiven Effekt hindeuten k{\"o}nnte. Weiterf{\"u}hrend wurden MCI-Patienten mit gesunden Probanden (n = 57 pro Gruppe) hinsichtlich des kognitiven Risikofaktors verglichen. Hierbei zeigte sich ein punktuell reduzierter Oxygenierunganstieg der MCI Patienten mit steigender Aufgabenschwierigkeit vor allem im ventralen PFC bei ebenfalls stabiler Verhaltensleistung. Die gefundene Reduktion k{\"o}nnte ein Zeichen f{\"u}r eine aufgebrauchte kognitive Reserve sein, welche Einbußen auf Verhaltensebene voranzugehen scheint. Diese charakteristischen Unterschiede in den frontalen Oxygenierungsmustern von Risikogruppen (APOE, MCI) k{\"o}nnten als Biomarker zur Fr{\"u}herkennung von AD noch vor dem Auftreten kognitiver Einbußen dienen. Die fNIRS-Untersuchung w{\"a}hrend der Durchf{\"u}hrung des TMT hat sich in diesem Zusammenhang als potentielles Instrument zur Fr{\"u}hdiagnose der pr{\"a}klinischen Phase der AD als geeignet erwiesen. Die Ergebnisse werden unter Einbezug des wissenschaftlichen Kontexts interpretiert und Implikationen f{\"u}r weitere notwendige Studien sowie die klinische Anwendbarkeit diskutiert.}, subject = {Alzheimerkrankheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Goettlich2019, author = {G{\"o}ttlich, Claudia}, title = {Etablierung eines humanen 3D Lungentumor-Testsystems zur Analyse von Behandlungseffekten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16413}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164132}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Lungenkrebs ist weltweit f{\"u}r die meisten krebsassoziierten Tode verantwortlich. Ursache daf{\"u}r ist unter anderem, dass viele Medikamente in der klinischen Anwendung, aufgrund nicht {\"u}bertragbarer Ergebnisse aus der Pr{\"a}klinik, scheitern. Zur Entwicklung neuer Therapiestrategien werden deshalb Modelle ben{\"o}tigt, welche die in vivo Situation besser widerspiegeln. Besonders wichtig ist es dabei, zu zeigen, f{\"u}r welche Fragestellungen ein neues Testsystem valide Ergebnisse liefert. In dieser Arbeit ist es mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineering gelungen, ein humanes 3D in vitro Lungentumor-Testsystem weiter zu entwickeln und f{\"u}r verschiedene Fragestellungen zu validieren. Zudem konnten sowohl f{\"u}r die Herstellung als auch f{\"u}r die Behandlung der Tumormodelle SOPs etabliert werden. Hier wurde zun{\"a}chst beobachtet, dass die Auswerteparameter f{\"u}r die Beurteilung von Behandlungseffekten eine geringe Varianz aufweisen und das 3D Modell deshalb als Testsystem geeignet ist. Ein Vergleich der Morphologie, des EMT-Status und der Differenzierung der Tumorzelllinien im 3D Modell mit Tumorbiopsaten von Adenokarzinompatienten verdeutlichte, dass die 3D Modelle tumorrelevante Merkmale besitzen. So sind die Zelllinien auf der biologischen Matrix, verglichen mit der jeweiligen 2D Kultur, durch eine reduzierte Proliferationsrate gekennzeichnet, welche eher der in vivo Situation entspricht. F{\"u}r die Etablierung und Validierung des 3D Modells als Testsystem war es notwendig, klinisch relevante Therapien in dem Modell anzuwenden und die Ergebnisse der Behandlung in vitro mit denen im Patienten zu vergleichen. Dabei konnte zun{\"a}chst best{\"a}tigt werden, dass eine zielgerichtete Therapie gegen den EGFR in dem 3D System zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Induktion der Apoptose im Vergleich zu 2D f{\"u}hrt. Dies entspricht klinischen Beobachtungen, bei denen EGFR-mutierte Patienten gut auf eine Therapie mit Tyrosin-Kinase-Inhibitoren (TKI) ansprechen. Anschließend wurde in dieser Arbeit erstmals in vitro gezeigt, dass die Behandlung mit einem HSP90-Inhibitor bei KRAS-Mutation wie in behandelten Patienten keine eindeutigen Vorteile bringt, diese jedoch in Experimenten der 2D Zellkultur mit den entsprechenden Zelllinien vorhergesagt werden. Die Ergebnisse aus dem in vitro Modell spiegeln damit verschiedene klinische Studien wider und unterstreichen das Potenzial des 3D Lungentumor-Testsystems die Wirkung zielgerichteter Therapien vorherzusagen. Durch die Messung von Signalwegsaktivierungen {\"u}ber Phospho-Arrays und Western Blot konnten in dieser Arbeit Unterschiede zwischen 2D und 3D nach Behandlung gezeigt werden. Diese lieferten die Grundlage f{\"u}r bioinformatische Vorhersagen f{\"u}r Medikamente. Mit fortschreitender Erkrankung und dem Entstehen invasiver Tumore, die m{\"o}glicherweise Metastasen bilden, verschlechtert sich die Prognose von Krebspatienten. Zudem entwickeln Patienten, die zun{\"a}chst auf eine Therapie mit TKI ansprechen, bereits nach kurzer Zeit Resistenzen, die ebenfalls zur Progression des Tumorwachstums f{\"u}hren. Zur Wirkungsuntersuchung von Substanzen in solchen fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungsstadien wurde das bestehende Testsystem erweitert. Zum einen wurde mit Hilfe des Wachstumsfaktors TGF-β1 eine EMT ausgel{\"o}st. Hier konnte beobachtet werden, dass sich die Expression verschiedener EMT- und invasionsassoziierter Gene und Proteine ver{\"a}nderte und die Zellen vor allem in dynamischer Kultur verst{\"a}rkt die Basalmembran der Matrix {\"u}berquerten. Zum anderen wurde die Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegen{\"u}ber TKI durch die Generierung von resistenten Subpopulationen aus einer urspr{\"u}nglich sensitiven Zelllinie und anschließender Kultivierung auf der Matrix abgebildet. Dabei zeigte sich keine der klinisch bekannten Mutationen als urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r die Resistenz, sodass weitere Mechanismen untersucht wurden. Hier konnten Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Signaltransduktion sowie der Expression EMT-assoziierter Proteine festgestellt werden. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine neuartige Behandlung im Bereich der Immuntherapie erfolgreich in dem 3D Modell angewendet. Daf{\"u}r wurden T-Zellen, die einen chim{\"a}ren Antigen-Rezeptor (CAR) gegen ROR1 tragen, in statischer und dynamischer Kultur zu den Tumorzellen gegeben und der Therapieeffekt mittels histologischer F{\"a}rbung und der Bestimmung der Apoptose evaluiert. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnten Eigenschaften der T-Zellen, wie deren Proliferation sowie Zytokinaussch{\"u}ttung quantifiziert und damit eine spezifische Wirkung der CAR transduzierten T-Zellen gegen{\"u}ber Kontroll-T-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend ist es in dieser Arbeit gelungen, ein humanes 3D Lungentumor-Testsystem f{\"u}r die Anwendung in der pr{\"a}klinischen Entwicklung von Krebsmedikamenten sowie der Grundlagenforschung im Bereich der Tumorbiologie zu etablieren. Dieses Testsystem ist in der Lage relevante Daten zu Biomarker-geleiteten Therapien, zur Behandlung fortgeschrittener Tumorstadien und zur Verbesserung neuartiger Therapiestrategien zu liefern.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pahlavan2019, author = {Pahlavan, Pirasteh}, title = {Integrated Systems Biology Analysis; Exemplified on Potyvirus and Geminivirus interaction with \(Nicotiana\) \(benthamiana\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15341}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153412}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Viral infections induce a significant impact on various functional categories of biological processes in the host. The understanding of this complex modification of the infected host immune system requires a global and detailed overview on the infection process. Therefore it is essential to apply a powerful approach which identifies the involved components conferring the capacity to recognize and respond to specific pathogens, which in general are defeated in so-called compatible virus-plant infections. Comparative and integrated systems biology of plant-virus interaction progression may open a novel framework for a systemic picture on the modulation of plant immunity during different infections and understanding pathogenesis mechanisms. In this thesis these approaches were applied to study plant-virus infections during two main viral pathogens of cassava: Cassava brown streak virus and African cassava mosaic virus. Here, the infection process was reconstructed by a combination of omics data-based analyses and metabolic network modelling, to understand the major metabolic pathways and elements underlying viral infection responses in different time series, as well as the flux activity distribution to gain more insights into the metabolic flow and mechanism of regulation; this resulted in simultaneous investigations on a broad spectrum of changes in several levels including the gene expression, primary metabolites, and enzymatic flux associated with the characteristic disease development process induced in Nicotiana benthamiana plants due to infection with CBSV or ACMV. Firstly, the transcriptome dynamics of the infected plant was analysed by using mRNA-sequencing, in order to investigate the differential expression profile according the symptom developmental stage. The spreading pattern and different levels of biological functions of these genes were analysed associated with the infection stage and virus entity. A next step was the Real-Time expression modification of selected key pathway genes followed by their linear regression model. Subsequently, the functional loss of regulatory genes which trigger R-mediated resistance was observed. Substantial differences were observed between infected mutants/transgenic lines and wild-types and characterized in detail. In addition, we detected a massive localized accumulation of ROS and quantified the scavenging genes expression in the infected wild-type plants relative to mock infected controls. Moreover, we found coordinated regulated metabolites in response to viral infection measured by using LC-MS/MS and HPLC-UV-MS. This includes the profile of the phytohormones, carbohydrates, amino acids, and phenolics at different time points of infection with the RNA and DNA viruses. This was influenced by differentially regulated enzymatic activities along the salicylate, jasmonate, and chorismate biosynthesis, glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid cycle, and pentose phosphate pathways, as well as photosynthesis, photorespiration, transporting, amino acid and fatty acid biosynthesis. We calculated the flux redistribution considering a gradient of modulation for enzymes along different infection stages, ranging from pre-symptoms towards infection stability. Collectively, our reverse-engineering study consisting of the generation of experimental data and modelling supports the general insight with comparative and integrated systems biology into a model plant-virus interaction system. We refine the cross talk between transcriptome modification, metabolites modulation and enzymatic flux redistribution during compatible infection progression. The results highlight the global alteration in a susceptible host, correlation between symptoms severity and the alteration level. In addition we identify the detailed corresponding general and specific responses to RNA and DNA viruses at different stages of infection. To sum up, all the findings in this study strengthen the necessity of considering the timing of treatment, which greatly affects plant defence against viral infection, and might result in more efficient or combined targeting of a wider range of plant pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Awad2019, author = {Awad, Eman Da'as}, title = {Modulation of insulin-induced genotoxicity in vitro and genomic damage in gestational diabetes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16186}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem, where the risk of diabetes increases rapidly due to the lifestyle changes. Patients with type II diabetes have many complications with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. High levels of insulin may lead to DNA oxidation and damage. Several studies proposed that hyperinsulinemia may be an important risk factor for various types of cancer. To investigate insulin signaling pathway inducing oxidative stress and genomic damage, pharmaceutical and natural compounds which can interfere with the insulin pathway including PI3K inhibitors, resveratrol, lovastatin, and RAD-001 were selected due to their beneficial effects against metabolic disorder. Thus, the anti-genotoxic potential of these compounds regarding insulin-mediated oxidative stress were investigated in normal rat kidney cells in vitro. Our compounds showed protective effect against genotoxic damage and significantly decreased reactive oxygen specious after treatment of cells with insulin with different mechanisms of protection between the compounds. Thus, these compounds may be attractive candidates for future support of diabetes mellitus therapy. Next, we explored the link between gestational diabetes mellitus and genomic damage in cells derived from human blood. Moreover, we investigated the influence of estradiol, progesterone, adrenaline and triiodothyronine on insulin-induced genomic damage in vitro. First, we studied the effect of these hormones in human promyelocytic leukemia cells and next ex vivo with non-stimulated and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In parallel, we also measured the basal genomic damage using three conditions (whole blood, non-stimulated and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells) in a small patient study including non-pregnant controls with/without hormonal contraceptives, with a subgroup of obese women, pregnant women, and gestational diabetes affected women. A second-time point after delivery was also applied for analysis of the blood samples. Our results showed that GDM subjects and obese individuals exhibited higher basal DNA damage compared to lower weight nonpregnant or healthy pregnant women in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in both comet and micronucleus assays. On the other hand, the DNA damage in GDM women had decreased at two months after birth. Moreover, the applied hormones also showed an influence in vitro in the enhancement of the genomic damage in cells of the control and pregnant groups but this damage did not exceed the damage which existed in obese and gestational diabetes mellitus patients with high level of genomic damage. In conclusion, insulin can induce genomic damage in cultured cells, which can be modulated by pharmaceutical and naturals substances. This may be for future use in the protection of diabetic patients, who suffer from hyperinsulinemia during certain disease stages. A particular form of diabetes, GDM, was shown to lead to elevated DNA damage in affected women, which is reduced again after delivery. Cells of affected women do not show an enhanced, but rather a reduced sensitivity for further DNA damage induction by hormonal treatment in vitro. A potential reason may be an existence of a maximally inducible damage by hormonal influences.}, subject = {Gestationsdiabetes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Potabattula2019, author = {Potabattula, Ramya Sri Krishna}, title = {Male aging and obesity effects on sperm methylome and consequences for the next generation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16548}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165481}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Besides a growing tendency for delayed parenthood, sedentary lifestyle coupled with overnutrition has dramatically increased worldwide over the last few decades. Epigenetic mechanisms can help us understand the epidemics and heritability of complex traits like obesity to a significant extent. Majority of the research till now has focused on determining the impact of maternal factors on health and disease risk in the offspring(s). This doctoral thesis is focused on deciphering the potential effects of male aging and obesity on sperm methylome, and consequences/transmission via germline to the next generation. In humans, this was assessed in a unique cohort of ~300 sperm samples, collected after in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection, as well as in conceived fetal cord blood samples of the children. Furthermore, aging effect on sperm samples derived from a bovine cohort was analyzed. The study identified that human male aging significantly increased the DNA methylation levels of the promoter, the upstream core element, the 18S, and the 28S regions of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in sperm. Prediction models were developed to anticipate an individual's age based on the methylation status of rDNA regions in his sperm. Hypermethylation of alpha satellite and LINE1 repeats in human sperm was also observed with aging. Epimutations, which are aberrantly methylated CpG sites, were significantly higher in sperm of older males compared to the younger ones. These effects on the male germline had a negative impact on embryo quality of the next generation. Consistent with these results, DNA methylation of rDNA regions, bovine alpha satellite, and testis satellite repeats displayed a significant positive correlation with aging sperm samples within the same individual and across different age-grouped bulls. A positive association between human male obesity/body mass index (BMI) and DNA methylation of the imprinted MEG3 gene and the obesity-related HIF3A gene was detected in sperm. These BMI-induced sperm DNA methylation signatures were transmitted to next generation fetal cord blood (FCB) samples in a gender-specific manner. Males, but not female offsprings exhibited a significant positive correlation between father's BMI and FCB DNA methylation in the two above-mentioned amplicons. Additionally, hypomethylation of IGF2 with increased paternal BMI was observed in female FCB samples. Parental allele-specific in-depth methylation analysis of imprinted genes using next generation sequencing technology also revealed significant correlations between paternal factors like age and BMI, and the corresponding father's allele DNA methylation in FCB samples. Deep bisulphite sequencing of imprinted genes in diploid somatic cord blood cells of offspring detected that the levels of DNA methylation signatures largely depended on the underlying genetic variant, i.e. sequence haplotypes. Allele-specific epimutations were observed in PEG1, PEG5, MEG3, H19, and IGF2 amplicons. For the former three genes, the non-imprinted unmethylated allele displayed more epimutations than the imprinted methylated allele. On the other hand, for the latter two genes, the imprinted allele exhibited higher epimutation rate than that of the non-imprinted allele. In summary, the present study proved that male aging and obesity impacts the DNA methylome of repetitive elements and imprinted genes respectively in sperm, and also has considerable consequences on the next generation. Nevertheless, longitudinal follow-up studies are highly encouraged to elucidate if these effects can influence the risk of developing abnormal phenotype in the offspring during adulthood.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hell2019, author = {Hell, Dennis}, title = {Development of self-adjusting cytokine neutralizer cells as a closed-loop delivery system of anti-inflammatory biologicals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175381}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The current treatment strategies for diseases are assessed on the basis of diagnosed phenotypic changes due to an accumulation of asymptomatic events in physiological processes. Since a diagnosis can only be established at advanced stages of the disease, mainly due to insufficient early detection possibilities of physiological disorders, doctors are forced to treat diseases rather than prevent them. Therefore, it is desirable to link future therapeutic interventions to the early detection of physiological changes. So-called sensor-effector systems are designed to recognise disease-specific biomarkers and coordinate the production and delivery of therapeutic factors in an autonomous and automated manner. Such approaches and their development are being researched and promoted by the discipline of synthetic biology, among others. Against this background, this paper focuses on the in vitro design of cytokine-neutralizing sensor-effector cells designed for the potential treatment of recurrent autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. The precise control of inducible gene expression was successfully generated in human cells. At first, a NF-κB-dependent promoter was developed, based on HIV-1 derived DNA-binding motives. The activation of this triggerable promoter was investigated using several inducers including the physiologically important NF-κB inducers tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β). The activation strength of the NF-κB-triggered promoter was doubled by integrating a non-coding RNA. The latter combined expressed RNA structures, which mimic DNA by double stranded RNAs and have been demonstrated to bind to p50 or p65 by previous publications. The sensitivity was investigated for TNFα and IL-1β. The detection limit and the EC50 values were in in the lower picomolar range. Besides the sensitivity, the reversibility and dynamic of the inducible system were characterized. Hereby a close correlation between pulse times and expression profile was shown. The optimized NF-κB-dependent promoter was then coupled to established TNFα- and IL-1-blocking biologicals to develop sensor-effector systems with anti-inflammatory activity, and thus potential use against autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. The biologicals were differentiated between ligand-blocking and receptor-blocking biologicals and different variants were selected: Adalimumab, etanercept and anakinra. The non-coding RNA improved again the activation strength of NF-κB-dependent expressed biologicals, indicating its universal benefit. Furthermore, it was shown that the TNFα-induced expression of NF-κB-regulated TNFα-blocking biologics led to an extracellular negative feedback loop. Interestingly, the integration of the non-coding RNA and this negative feedback loop has increased the dynamics and reversibility of the NF-κB-regulated gene expression. The controllability of drug release can also be extended by the use of inhibitors of classical NF-κB signalling such as TPCA-1. The efficacy of the expressed biologicals was detected through neutralization of the cytokines using different experiments. For future in vivo trials, first alginate encapsulations of the cells were performed. Furthermore, the activation of NF-κB-dependent promoter was demonstrated using co-cultures with human plasma samples or using synovial liquids. With this generated sensor-effector system we have developed self-adjusting cytokine neutralizer cells as a closed-loop delivery system for anit-inflammatory biologics.}, subject = {Biologika}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Horn2019, author = {Horn, Jessica}, title = {Molecular and functional characterization of the long non-coding RNA SSR42 in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175778}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus asymptomatically colonizes the skin and anterior nares of 20-30\% of the healthy human population. As an opportunistic human pathogen it elicits a variety of infections ranging from skin and soft tissue infections to highly severe manifestations such as pneumonia, endocarditis and osteomyelitis. Due to the emergence of multi resistant strains, treatment of staphylococcal infections becomes more and more challenging and the WHO therefore classified S. aureus as a "superbug". The variety of diseases triggered by S. aureus is the result of a versatile expression of a large set of virulence factors. The most prominent virulence factor is the cytotoxic and haemolytic pore-forming α-toxin whose expression is mediated by a complex regulatory network involving two-component systems such as the agr quorum-sensing system, accessory transcriptional regulators and alternative sigma-factors. However, the intricate regulatory network is not yet understood in its entirety. Recently, a transposon mutation screen identified the AraC-family transcriptional regulator 'Repressor of surface proteins' (Rsp) to regulate haemolysis, cytotoxicity and the expression of various virulence associated factors. Deletion of rsp was accompanied by a complete loss of transcription of a 1232 nt long non-coding RNA, SSR42. This doctoral thesis focuses on the molecular and functional characterization of SSR42. By analysing the transcriptome and proteome of mutants in either SSR42 or both SSR42 and rsp, as well as by complementation of SSR42 in trans, the ncRNA was identified as the main effector of Rsp-mediated virulence. Mutants in SSR42 exhibited strong effects on transcriptional and translational level when compared to wild-type bacteria. These changes resulted in phenotypic alterations such as strongly reduced haemolytic activity and cytotoxicity towards epithelial cells as well as reduced virulence in a murine infection model. Deletion of SSR42 further promoted the formation of small colony variants (SCV) during long term infection of endothelial cells and demonstrated the importance of this molecule for intracellular bacteria. The impact of this ncRNA on staphylococcal haemolysis was revealed to be executed by modulation of sae mRNA stability and by applying mutational studies functional domains within SSR42 were identified. Moreover, various stressors modulated the transcription of SSR42 and antibiotic challenge resulted in SSR42-dependently increased haemolysis and cytotoxicity. Transcription of SSR42 itself was found under control of various important global regulators including AgrA, SaeS, CodY and σB, thereby illustrating a central position in S. aureus virulence gene regulation. The present study thus demonstrates SSR42 as a global virulence regulatory RNA which is important for haemolysis, disease progression and adaption of S. aureus to intracellular conditions via formation of SCVs.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Froeschel2019, author = {Fr{\"o}schel, Christian}, title = {Genomweite Analyse der zellschichtspezifischen Expression in der Arabidopsis-Wurzel nach Inokulation mit pathogenen und mutualistischen Mikroorganismen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14643}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146439}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Obwohl Pflanzenwurzeln mit einer Vielzahl von Pathogenen in Kontakt kommen, sind induzierbare Abwehrreaktionen der Wurzel bisher kaum beschrieben. Aufgrund der konzentrischen Zellschicht-Organisation der Wurzel wird angenommen, dass bei einer Immunantwort in jeder Zellschicht ein spezifisches genetisches Programm aktiviert wird. Eine {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung dieser Hypothese war bisher wegen methodischen Limitierungen nicht m{\"o}glich. Die zellschichtspezifische Expression Epitop-markierter ribosomaler Proteine erlaubt eine Affinit{\"a}tsaufreinigung von Ribosomen und der assoziierten mRNA. Diese Methodik, als TRAP (Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification) bezeichnet, erm{\"o}glicht die Analyse des Translatoms und wurde dahingehend optimiert, pflanzliche Antworten auf Befall durch bodenb{\"u}rtige Mikroorganismen in Rhizodermis, Cortex, Endodermis sowie Zentralzylinder spezifisch zu lokalisieren. Die Genexpression in der Arabidopsis-Wurzel nach Inokulation mit drei Bodenorganismen mit unterschiedlichen Lebensweisen wurde vergleichend betrachtet: Piriformospora indica kann als mutualistischer Pilz pflanzliches Wachstum und Ertr{\"a}ge positiv beeinflussen, wohingegen der vaskul{\"a}re Pilz Verticillium longisporum f{\"u}r erhebliche Verluste im Rapsanbau verantwortlich ist und der hemibiotrophe Oomycet Phytophthora parasitica ein breites Spektrum an Kulturpflanzen bef{\"a}llt und Ernten zerst{\"o}rt. F{\"u}r die Interaktionsstudien zwischen Arabidopsis und den Mikroorganismen w{\"a}hrend ihrer biotrophen Lebensphase wurden sterile in vitro-Infektionssysteme etabliert und mittels TRAP und anschließender RNA-Sequenzierung eine zellschichtspezifische, genomweite Translatomanalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt (Inf-TRAP-Seq). Dabei zeigten sich massive Unterschiede in der differentiellen Genexpression zwischen den Zellschichten, was die Hypothese der zellschichtspezifischen Antworten unterst{\"u}tzt. Die Antworten nach Inokulation mit pathogenen bzw. mutualistischen Mikroorganismen unterschieden sich ebenfalls deutlich, was durch die ungleichen Lebensweisen begr{\"u}ndbar ist. Durch die Inf-TRAP-Seq Methodik konnte z.B. im Zentralzylinder der Pathogen-infizierten Wurzeln eine expressionelle Repression von positiven Regulatoren des Zellzyklus nachgewiesen werden, dagegen in den mit P. indica besiedelten Wurzeln nicht. Dies korrelierte mit einer Pathogen-induzierten Inhibition des Wurzelwachstums, welche nicht nach Inokulation mit P. indica zu beobachten war. Obwohl keines der drei Mikroorganismen in der Lage ist, den Zentralzylinder direkt zu penetrieren, konnte hier eine differentielle Genexpression detektiert werden. Demzufolge ist ein Signalaustausch zu postulieren, {\"u}ber den {\"a}ußere und innere Zellschichten miteinander kommunizieren. In der Endodermis konnten Genexpressionsmuster identifiziert werden, die zu einer Verst{\"a}rkung der Barriere-Funktionen dieser Zellschicht f{\"u}hren. So k{\"o}nnte etwa durch Lignifizierungsprozesse die Ausbreitung der Mikroorganismen begrenzt werden. Alle drei Mikroorganismen l{\"o}sten besonders im Cortex die Induktion von Genen f{\"u}r die Biosynthese Trp-abh{\"a}ngiger, antimikrobieller Sekund{\"a}rmetaboliten aus. Die biologische Relevanz dieser Verteilungen kann nun gekl{\"a}rt werden. Zusammenfassend konnten in dieser Dissertation erstmals die durch Mikroorganismen hervorgerufenen zellschichtspezifischen Antworten der pflanzlichen Wurzel aufgel{\"o}st werden. Vergleichende bioinformatische Analyse dieses umfangreichen Datensatzes erm{\"o}glicht nun, gezielt testbare Hypothesen zu generieren. Ein Verst{\"a}ndnis der zellschichtspezifischen Abwehrmaßnahmen der Wurzel ist essentiell f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Strategien zur Ertragssteigerung und zum Schutz von Nutzpflanzen gegen Pathogene in der Landwirtschaft.}, subject = {Schmalwand }, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Neubert2019, author = {Neubert, Franziska}, title = {Markierung postsynaptischer Proteine f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19239}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das menschliche Gehirn ist ein Organ, das aufgrund seiner Komplexit{\"a}t und zellul{\"a}ren Diversit{\"a}t noch am wenigsten verstanden ist. Eine der Ursachen daf{\"u}r sind zahlreiche Herausforderungen in diversen neurobiologischen Bild-gebungsverfahren. Erst seit der Erfindung der hochaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenz-mikroskopie ist es m{\"o}glich, Strukturen unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze zu visua-lisieren und somit eine maximale Aufl{\"o}sung von bis zu 20 nm zu erreichen. Zus{\"a}tzlich h{\"a}ngt die F{\"a}higkeit, biologische Strukturen aufzul{\"o}sen, von der Markierungs-gr{\"o}ße und -dichte ab. Derzeit ist die h{\"a}ufigste Methode zur Proteinf{\"a}rbung die indirekte Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbung, bei der ein Fluorophor-markierter Sekund{\"a}rantik{\"o}rper an einen Epitop-spezifischen Prim{\"a}rantik{\"o}rper bindet. Dabei kann der Abstand von Zielstruktur und Fluorophor bis zu 30 nm betragen, was eine Aufl{\"o}sungs-verminderung zur Folge haben kann. Aufgrund dessen wurden in dieser Arbeit alternative Markierungsmethoden getestet, um postsynaptische Proteine sicht-bar zu machen. Zun{\"a}chst wurde der postsynaptische N-Methyl-D-Aspartat (NMDA)-Rezeptor mit Hilfe konventioneller indirekter Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbung markiert. Hier war die NR1-Untereinheit des NMDA-Rezeptors von besonderem Interesse, da diese in der Autoimmunerkrankung Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor-Enzephalitis invol-viert ist. Patienten dieser seltenen Krankheit bilden Autoantik{\"o}rper gegen die NR1-Untereinheit, wodurch ein schneller reversibler Verlust der NMDA-Rezeptoren auf der Postsynapse induziert wird. Wichtige Informationen k{\"o}nnen nicht mehr ausreichend weitergegeben werden, was psychiatrische und neurologi-sche St{\"o}rungen zur Folge hat. In dieser Arbeit wurden sowohl kommerzielle NR1-Antik{\"o}rper, als auch rekombinante monoklonale NR1-Antik{\"o}rper von Patien-ten mit Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor-Enzephalitis getestet. In konfokalen und in hochaufgel{\"o}sten SIM- (engl. structured illumination microscopy) und dSTORM- (engl. direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy) Messun-gen konnten kommerzielle NR1-Antik{\"o}rper keine erfolgreichen F{\"a}rbungen erzielen. Dagegen erwiesen sich die rekombinanten monoklonalen NR1-Patientenantik{\"o}rper als sehr spezifisch, sowohl in prim{\"a}ren Neuronen als auch im Hippocampus von murinen Gehirnschnitten und lieferten gute Kolokalisati-onen mit dem postsynaptischen Markerprotein Homer. Um die optische Aufl{\"o}sung zu verbessern, wurde eine neue Markierungs-methode mit sog. „Super-Binde-Peptiden" (SBPs) getestet. SBPs sind modifi-zierte Peptide, die erh{\"o}hte Affinit{\"a}ten und Spezifit{\"a}ten aufweisen und mit ei-ner Gr{\"o}ße von ~ 2,5 nm wesentlich kleiner als Antik{\"o}rper sind. In dieser Arbeit best{\"a}tigte sich ein kleines hochspezifisches SPB, das an den Fluoreszenzfarb-stoff Tetra- methylrhodamin (TMR) gekoppelt ist, als effektiver Marker f{\"u}r das Ankerpro-tein Gephyrin. Gephyrin ist f{\"u}r die Lokalisation und Verankerung einiger post-synaptischer Rezeptoren zust{\"a}ndig, indem es sie mit dem Cytoskelett der Zelle verbindet. SIM-Messungen in prim{\"a}ren Neuronen zeigten eine bessere Clus-terrepr{\"a}sentation bei der F{\"a}rbung von Gephyrin mit SBPs, als mit Antik{\"o}rper-f{\"a}rbung. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden Kolokalisationsanalysen von Gephyrin zusammen mit dem inhibito-rischen pr{\"a}synaptischen vesikul{\"a}ren GABA-Transporter VGAT durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine weitere F{\"a}rbemethode stellte die bioorthogonale Click-F{\"a}rbung durch die Erweiterung des eukaryotischen genetischen Codes (engl. genetic code ex-pansion, GCE) dar. Dabei wurde eine unnat{\"u}rliche, nicht-kanonische Amino-s{\"a}ure (engl. non-canonical amino acid, ncAA) ins Zielprotein eingebaut und in Kombination mit der Click-Chemie ortsspezifisch mit organischen Tetrazin-Farbstoff-Konjugaten angef{\"a}rbt. Organische Fluorophore haben den Vorteil, dass sie mit einer Gr{\"o}ße von 0,5 - 2 nm sehr klein sind und damit die nat{\"u}rli-chen Funktionen der Proteine in der Zelle kaum beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass der tetramere postsynaptische NMDA-Rezeptor durch die Amber-Supres-sionsmethode bioorthogonal angef{\"a}rbt werden konnte. Aus sieben verschiede-nen Amber-Mutanten der NR1-Untereinheit stellte sich die Y392TAG-NR1-Mutante als diejenige mit der besten Proteinexpression, F{\"a}rbeeffizienz und rezeptorfunktionalit{\"a}t heraus. Dies konnte durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie- und Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp-Experimenten gezeigt werden. Die bioorthogo-nale Click-F{\"a}rbung durch GCE eignete sich f{\"u}r die F{\"a}rbung des NMDA-Rezeptors in verschiedenen Zelllinien, mit unterschiedlichen Tetrazin-Farbstoff-Konjugaten und f{\"u}r Lebendzellexperimente. In dSTORM-Messungen erwies sich das Tetrazin-Cy5-Farbstoff-Konjugat als ideal aufgrund seiner Gr{\"o}-ße, Photostabilit{\"a}t, Helligkeit und seines geeigneten Blinkverhaltens, sodass eine homogene NMDA-Rezeptorverteilung auf der Zellmembran gezeigt wer-den konnte. NR1-Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbungen wiesen dagegen starke Clusterbildun-gen auf. Die Ergebnisse konnten belegen, dass kleinere Farbstoffe eine deut-lich bessere Zug{\"a}nglichkeit zu ihrem Zielprotein haben und somit besser f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie geeignet sind.}, subject = {hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grimm2019, author = {Grimm, Johannes}, title = {Autocrine and paracrine effects of BRAF inhibitor induced senescence in melanoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18116}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The FDA approval of targeted therapy with BRAFV600E inhibitors like vemurafenib and dabrafenib in 2011 has been the first major breakthrough in the treatment of metastatic melanoma since almost three decades. Despite increased progression free survival and elevated overall survival rates, complete responses are scarce due to resistance development approximately six months after the initial drug treatment. It was previously shown in our group that melanoma cells under vemurafenib pressure in vitro and in vivo exhibit features of drug-induced senescence. It is known that some cell types, which undergo this cell cycle arrest, develop a so-called senescence associated secretome and it has been reported that melanoma cell lines also upregulate the expression of different factors after senescence induction. This work describes the effect of the vemurafenib-induced secretome on cells. Conditioned supernatants of vemurafenib-treated cells increased the viability of naive fibroblast and melanoma cell lines. RNA analysis of donor melanoma cells revealed elevated transcriptional levels of FGF1, MMP2 and CCL2 in the majority of tested cell lines under vemurafenib pressure, and I could confirm the secretion of functional proteins. Similar observations were also done after MEK inhibition as well as in a combined BRAF and MEK inhibitor treatment situation. Interestingly, the transcription of other FGF ligands (FGF7, FGF17) was also elevated after MEK/ERK1/2 inhibition. As FGF receptors are therapeutically relevant, I focused on the analysis of FGFR-dependent processes in response to BRAF inhibition. Recombinant FGF1 increased the survival rate of melanoma cells under vemurafenib pressure, while inhibition of the FGFR pathway diminished the viability of melanoma cells in combination with vemurafenib and blocked the stimulatory effect of vemurafenib conditioned medium. The BRAF inhibitor induced secretome is regulated by active PI3K/AKT signaling, and the joint inhibition of mTor and BRAFV600E led to decreased senescence induction and to a diminished induction of the secretome-associated genes. In parallel, combined inhibition of MEK and PI3K also drastically decreased mRNA levels of the relevant secretome components back to basal levels. In summary, I could demonstrate that BRAF inhibitor treated melanoma cell lines acquire a specific PI3K/AKT dependent secretome, which is characterized by FGF1, CCL2 and MMP2. This secretome is able to stimulate other cells such as naive melanoma cells and fibroblasts and contributes to a better survival under drug pressure. These data are therapeutically highly relevant, as they imply the usage of novel drug combinations, especially specific FGFR inhibitors, with BRAF inhibitors in the clinic.}, subject = {Inhibitor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kraehnke2019, author = {Kr{\"a}hnke, Martin}, title = {Chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow-derived stromal cells in pellet culture and silk scaffolds for cartilage engineering - Effects of different growth factors and hypoxic conditions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19299}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192999}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Articular cartilage lesions that occur upon intensive sport, trauma or degenerative disease represent a severe therapeutic problem. At present, osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide, affecting around 10\% of men and 18\% of women over 60 years of age (302). The poor self-regeneration capacity of cartilage and the lack of efficient therapeutic treatment options to regenerate durable articular cartilage tissue, provide the rationale for the development of new treatment options based on cartilage tissue engineering approaches (281). The integrated use of cells, biomaterials and growth factors to guide tissue development has the potential to provide functional substitutes of lost or damaged tissues (2,3). For the regeneration of cartilage, the availability of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) or their recruitment into the defect site is fundamental (281). Due to their high proliferation capacity, the possibility to differentiate into chondrocytes and their potential to attract other progenitor cells into the defect site, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) are still regarded as an attractive cell source for cartilage tissue engineering (80). However, in order to successfully engineer cartilage tissue, a better understanding of basic principles of developmental processes and microenvironmental cues that guide chondrogenesis is required.}, subject = {Hypoxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kremer2019, author = {Kremer, Antje}, title = {Tissue Engineering of a Vascularized Meniscus Implant}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18432}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The knee joint is a complex composite joint containing the C-shaped wedge-like menisci composed of fibrocartilage. Due to their complex composition and structure, they provide mechanical resilience to the knee joint protecting the articular cartilage. Because of the limited repair potential, meniscal injuries do not only affect the meniscus itself but also lead to altered joint homeostasis and inevitably to secondary osteoarthritis. The meniscus was characterized focusing on its anatomy, structure and meniscal markers such as aggrecan, collagen type I (Col I) and Col II. The components relevant for meniscus tissue engineering, namely cells, Col I scaffolds, biochemical and biomechanical stimuli were studied. Meniscal cells (MCs) were isolated from meniscus, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow and dermal microvascular endothelial cells (d-mvECs) from foreskin biopsies. For the human (h) meniscus model, wedge-shape compression of a hMSC-laden Col I gel was successfully established. During three weeks of static culture, the biochemical stimulus transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGF beta-3) led to a compact collagen structure. On day 21, this meniscus model showed high metabolic activity and matrix remodeling as confirmed by matrix metalloproteinases detection. The fibrochondrogenic properties were illustrated by immunohistochemical detection of meniscal markers, significant GAG/DNA increase and increased compressive properties. For further improvement, biomechanical stimulation systems by compression and hydrostatic pressure were designed. As one vascularization approach, direct stimulation with ciclopirox olamine (CPX) significantly increased sprouting of hd-mvEC spheroids even in absence of auxiliary cells such as MSCs. Second, a cell sheet composed of hMSCs and hd-mvECs was fabricated by temperature triggered cell sheet engineering and transferred onto the wedge-shaped meniscus model. Third, a biological vascularized scaffold (BioVaSc-TERM) was re-endothelialized with hd-mvECs providing a viable vascularized network. The vascularized BioVaSc-TERM was suggested as wrapping scaffold of the meniscus model by using two suture techniques, the all-inside-repair (AIR) for the posterior horn, and the outside-in-refixation (OIR) for the anterior horn and the middle part. This meniscus model for replacing torn menisci is a promising approach to be further optimized regarding vascularization, biochemical and biomechanical stimuli.}, subject = {Meniskus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glenz2019, author = {Glenz, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Die Rolle von Sphingobasen in der pflanzlichen Zelltodreaktion}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18790}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187903}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Sphingobasen bilden das Grundger{\"u}st und die Ausgangsbausteine f{\"u}r die Biosynthese von Sphingolipiden. W{\"a}hrend komplexere Sphingolipide einen wichtigen Bestandteil von eukaryotischen Membranen bilden, sind Sphingobasen, die auch als long-chain bases (LCBs) bezeichnet werden, als Signalmolek{\"u}le bei zellul{\"a}ren Prozessen in Eukaryoten bekannt. Im tierischen System wurden antagonistische Effekte von nicht-phosphorylierten Sphingobasen (LCBs) und ihren phosphorylierten Gegenst{\"u}cken (LCB-Ps) bei vielen Zellfunktionen, insbesondere der Apoptose, nachgewiesen und die zugrundeliegenden Signalwege umfassend aufgekl{\"a}rt. Im Gegensatz dazu sind in Pflanzen weniger Belege f{\"u}r einen antagonistischen Effekt und m{\"o}gliche Signaltransduktionsmechanismen bekannt. F{\"u}r eine regulatorische Funktion von Sphingobasen beim programmierten Zelltod (PCD) in Pflanzen existieren mehrere Hinweise: (I) Mutationen in Genen, die den Sphingobasen-Metabolismus betreffen, f{\"u}hren zum Teil zu spontanem PCD und ver{\"a}nderten Zelltodreaktionen. (II) Die Gehalte von LCBs sind bei verschiedenen Zelltod-ausl{\"o}senden Bedingungen erh{\"o}ht. (III) Nekrotrophe Pathogene produzieren Toxine, wie Fumonisin B1 (FB1), die mit dem Sphingolipid-Metabolismus der Wirtspflanze interferieren, was wiederum die Ursache f{\"u}r den dadurch ausgel{\"o}sten PCD darstellt. (IV) Die Behandlung von Pflanzen mit LCBs, nicht aber mit LCB-Ps, f{\"u}hrt zu Zelltod. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von Sphingobasen in der pflanzlichen Zelltodreaktion untersucht, wobei der Fokus auf der {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Hypothese eines antagonistischen, Zelltod-hemmenden Effekts von LCB-Ps lag. Anhand von Leitf{\"a}higkeit-basierten Messungen bei Blattscheiben von Arabidopsis thaliana wurde der durch Behandlung mit LCBs und separater oder gleichzeitiger Zugabe von LCB-Ps auftretende Zelltod bestimmt. Mit dieser Art der Quantifizierung wurde der an anderer Stelle publizierte inhibierende Effekt von LCB-Ps auf den LCB-induzierten Zelltod nachgewiesen. Durch parallele Messung der Spiegel der applizierten Sphingobasen im Gewebe mittels HPLC-MS/MS konnte dieser Antagonismus allerdings auf eine reduzierte Aufnahme der LCB bei Anwesenheit der LCB-P zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, was auch durch eine zeitlich getrennte Behandlung mit den Sphingobasen best{\"a}tigt wurde. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde der Einfluss einer exogenen Zugabe von LCBs und LCB-Ps auf den durch Pseudomonas syringae induzierten Zelltod von A. thaliana untersucht. F{\"u}r LCB-Ps wurde dabei kein Zelltod-hemmender Effekt beobachtet, ebenso wenig wie ein Einfluss von LCB-Ps auf den PCD, der durch rekombinante Expression und Erkennung eines Avirulenzproteins in Arabidopsis ausgel{\"o}st wurde. F{\"u}r LCBs wurde dagegen eine direkte antibakterielle Wirkung im Zuge der Experimente mit P. syringae gezeigt, die den in einer anderen Publikation beschriebenen inhibierenden Effekt von LCBs auf den Pathogen-induzierten Zelltod in Pflanzen relativiert. In weiteren Ans{\"a}tzen wurden Arabidopsis-Mutanten von Enzymen des Sphingobasen-Metabolismus (LCB-Kinase, LCB-P-Phosphatase, LCB-P-Lyase) hinsichtlich ver{\"a}nderter in-situ-Spiegel von LCBs/LCB-Ps funktionell charakterisiert. Der Ph{\"a}notyp der Mutanten gegen{\"u}ber Fumonisin B1 wurde zum einen anhand eines Wachstumstests mit Keimlingen und zum anderen anhand des Zelltods von Blattscheiben bestimmt und die dabei akkumulierenden Sphingobasen quantifiziert. Die Sensitivit{\"a}t der verschiedenen Linien gegen{\"u}ber FB1 korrelierte eng mit den Spiegeln der LCBs, w{\"a}hrend hohe Gehalte von LCB-Ps alleine nicht in der Lage waren den Zelltod zu verringern. In einzelnen Mutanten konnte sogar eine Korrelation von stark erh{\"o}hten LCB-P-Spiegeln mit einer besonderen Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber FB1 festgestellt werden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen die Hypothese eines antagonistischen Effekts von phosphorylierten Sphingobasen beim pflanzlichen Zelltod in Frage. Stattdessen konnte in detaillierten Analysen der Sphingobasen-Spiegel die positive Korrelation der Gehalte von LCBs mit dem Zelltod gezeigt werden. Die hier durchgef{\"u}hrten Experimente liefern damit nicht nur weitere Belege f{\"u}r die Zelltod-f{\"o}rdernde Wirkung von nicht-phosphorylierten Sphingobasen, sondern tragen zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der Sphingobasen-Hom{\"o}ostase und des Sphingobasen-induzierten PCD in Pflanzen bei.}, subject = {Sphingolipide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lyutova2019, author = {Lyutova, Radostina}, title = {Functional dissection of recurrent feedback signaling within the mushroom body network of the Drosophila larva}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18728}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187281}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Behavioral adaptation to environmental changes is crucial for animals' survival. The prediction of the outcome of one owns action, like finding reward or avoiding punishment, requires recollection of past experiences and comparison with current situation, and adjustment of behavioral responses. The process of memory acquisition is called learning, and the Drosophila larva came up to be an excellent model organism for studying the neural mechanisms of memory formation. In Drosophila, associative memories are formed, stored and expressed in the mushroom bodies. In the last years, great progress has been made in uncovering the anatomical architecture of these brain structures, however there is still a lack of knowledge about the functional connectivity. Dopamine plays essential roles in learning processes, as dopaminergic neurons mediate information about the presence of rewarding and punishing stimuli to the mushroom bodies. In the following work, the function of a newly identified anatomical connection from the mushroom bodies to rewarding dopaminergic neurons was dissected. A recurrent feedback signaling within the neuronal network was analyzed by simultaneous genetic manipulation of the mushroom body Kenyon cells and dopaminergic neurons from the primary protocerebral anterior (pPAM) cluster, and learning assays were performed in order to unravel the impact of the Kenyon cells-to-pPAM neurons feedback loop on larval memory formation. In a substitution learning assay, simultaneous odor exposure paired with optogenetic activation of Kenyon cells in fruit fly larvae in absence of a rewarding stimulus resulted in formation of an appetitive memory, whereas no learning behavior was observed when pPAM neurons were ablated in addition to the KC activation. I argue that the activation of Kenyon cells may induce an internal signal that mimics reward exposure by feedback activation of the rewarding dopaminergic neurons. My data further suggests that the Kenyon cells-to-pPAM communication relies on peptidergic signaling via short neuropeptide F and underlies memory stabilization.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mekala2019, author = {Mekala, SubbaRao}, title = {Generation of cardiomyocytes from vessel wall-resident stem cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of health problems and is among the leading deadly ending diseases. Accordingly, regenerating functional myocardial tissue and/or cardiac repair by stem cells is one of the most desired aims worldwide. Indeed, the human heart serves as an ideal target for regenerative intervention, because the capacity of the adult myocardium to restore itself after injury or infarct is limited. Thus, identifying new sources of tissue resident adult stem or progenitor cells with cardiovascular potential would help to establish more sophisticated therapies in order to either prevent cardiac failure or to achieve a functional repair. Ongoing research worldwide in this field is focusing on a) induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, b) embryonic stem (ES) cells and c) adult stem cells (e. g. mesenchymal stem cells) as well as cardiac fibroblasts or myofibroblasts. However, thus far, these efforts did not result in therapeutic strategies that were transferable into the clinical management of MI and heart failure. Hence, identifying endogenous and more cardiac-related sources of stem cells capable of differentiating into mature cardiomyocytes would open promising new therapeutic opportunities. The working hypothesis of this thesis is that the vascular wall serves as a niche for cardiogenic stem cells. In recent years, various groups have identified different types of progenitors or mesenchymal stem cell-like cells in the adventitia and sub-endothelial zone of the adult vessel wall, the so called vessel wall-resident stem cells (VW-SCs). Considering the fact that heart muscle tissue contains blood vessels in very high density, the physiological relevance of VW-SCs for the myocardium can as yet only be assumed. The aim of the present work is to study whether a subset of VW-SCs might have the capacity to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells. This assumption was challenged using adult mouse aorta-derived cells cultivated in different media and treated with selected factors. The presented results reveal the generation of spontaneously beating cardiomyocyte-like cells using specific media conditions without any genetic manipulation. The cells reproducibly started beating at culture days 8-10. Further analyses revealed that in contrast to several publications reporting the Sca-1+ cells as cardiac progenitors the Sca-1- fraction of aortic wall-derived VW-SCs reproducibly delivered beating cells in culture. Similar to mature cardiomyocytes the beating cells developed sarcomeric structures indicated by the typical cross striated staining pattern upon immunofluorescence analysis detecting α-sarcomeric actinin (α-SRA) and electron microscopic analysis. These analyses also showed the formation of sarcoplasmic reticulum which serves as calcium store. Correspondingly, the aortic wall-derived beating cardiomyocyte-like cells (Ao-bCMs) exhibited calcium oscillations. This differentiation seems to be dependent on an inflammatory microenvironment since depletion of VW-SC-derived macrophages by treatment with clodronate liposomes in vitro stopped the generation of Ao bCMs. These locally generated F4/80+ macrophages exhibit high levels of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). To a great majority, VW-SCs were found to be positive for VEGFR-2 and blocking this receptor also stopped the generation VW-SC-derived beating cells in vitro. Furthermore, the treatment of aortic wall-derived cells with the ß-receptor agonist isoproterenol or the antagonist propranolol resulted in a significant increase or decrease of beating frequency. Finally, fluorescently labeled aortic wall-derived cells were implanted into the developing chick embryo heart field where they became positive for α-SRA two days after implantation. The current data strongly suggest that VW-SCs resident in the vascular adventitia deliver both progenitors for an inflammatory microenvironment and beating cells. The present study identifies that the Sca-1- rather than Sca-1+ fraction of mouse aortic wall-derived cells harbors VW-SCs differentiating into cardiomyocyte-like cells and reveals an essential role of VW-SCs-derived inflammatory macrophages and VEGF-signaling in this process. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the cardiogenic capacity of aortic VW-SCs in vivo using a chimeric chick embryonic model.}, subject = {Herzmuskelzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kress2019, author = {Kreß, Sebastian}, title = {Development and proof of concept of a biological vascularized cell-based drug delivery system}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A major therapeutic challenge is the increasing incidence of chronic disorders. The persistent impairment or loss of tissue function requires constitutive on-demand drug availability optimally achieved by a drug delivery system ideally directly connected to the blood circulation of the patient. However, despite the efforts and achievements in cell-based therapies and the generation of complex and customized cell-specific microenvironments, the generation of functional tissue is still unaccomplished. This study demonstrates the capability to generate a vascularized platform technology to potentially overcome the supply restraints for graft development and clinical application with immediate anastomosis to the blood circulation. The ability to decellularize segments of the rat intestine while preserving the ECM for subsequent reendothelialization was proven. The reestablishment of a functional arteriovenous perfusion circuit enabled the supply of co-cultured cells capable to replace the function of damaged tissue or to serve as a drug delivery system. During in vitro studies, the applicability of the developed miniaturized biological vascularized scaffold (mBioVaSc-TERM®) was demonstrated. While indicating promising results in short term in vivo studies, long term implantations revealed current limitations for the translation into clinical application. The gained insights will impact further improvements of quality and performance of this promising platform technology for future regenerative therapies.}, subject = {Vaskularisation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruecker2019, author = {R{\"u}cker, Christoph}, title = {Development of a prevascularized bone implant}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17886}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The skeletal system forms the mechanical structure of the body and consists of bone, which is hard connective tissue. The tasks the skeleton and bones take over are of mechanical, metabolic and synthetic nature. Lastly, bones enable the production of blood cells by housing the bone marrow. Bone has a scarless self-healing capacity to a certain degree. Injuries exceeding this capacity caused by trauma, surgical removal of infected or tumoral bone or as a result from treatment-related osteonecrosis, will not heal. Critical size bone defects that will not heal by themselves are still object of comprehensive clinical investigation. The conventional treatments often result in therapies including burdening methods as for example the harvesting of autologous bone material. The aim of this thesis was the creation of a prevascularized bone implant employing minimally invasive methods in order to minimize inconvenience for patients and surgical site morbidity. The basis for the implant was a decellularized, naturally derived vascular scaffold (BioVaSc-TERM®) providing functional vessel structures after reseeding with autologous endothelial cells. The bone compartment was built by the combination of the aforementioned scaffold with synthetic β-tricalcium phosphate. In vitro culture for tissue maturation was performed using bioreactor technology before the testing of the regenerative potential of the implant in large animal experiments in sheep. A tibia defect was treated without the anastomosis of the implant's innate vasculature to the host's circulatory system and in a second study, with anastomosis of the vessel system in a mandibular defect. While the non-anastomosed implant revealed a mostly osteoconductive effect, the implants that were anastomosed achieved formation of bony islands evenly distributed over the defect. In order to prepare preconditions for a rapid approval of an implant making use of this vascularization strategy, the manufacturing of the BioVaSc-TERM® as vascularizing scaffold was adjusted to GMP requirements.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Njovu2019, author = {Njovu, Henry Kenneth}, title = {Patterns and drivers of herbivore diversity and invertebrate herbivory along elevational and land use gradients at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17254}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This thesis elucidates patterns and drivers of invertebrate herbivory, herbivore diversity, and community-level biomass along elevational and land use gradients at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Chapter I provides background information on the response and predictor variables, study system, and the study design. First, I give an overview of the elevational patterns of species diversity/richness and herbivory published in the literature. The overview illuminates existing debates on elevational patterns of species diversity/richness and herbivory. In connection to these patterns, I also introduce several hypotheses and mechanisms put forward to explain macroecological patterns of species richness. Furthermore, I explain the main variables used to test hypotheses. Finally, I describe the study system and the study design used. Chapter II explores the patterns of invertebrate herbivory and their underlying drivers along extensive elevational and land use gradients on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. I recorded standing leaf herbivory from leaf chewers, leaf miners and gall-inducing insects on 55 study sites located in natural and anthropogenic habitats distributed from 866 to 3060 meters above sea level (m asl) on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Standing leaf herbivory was related to climatic variables [mean annual temperature - (MAT) and mean annual precipitation - (MAP)], net primary productivity (NPP) and plant functional traits (leaf traits) [specific leaf area (SLA), carbon to nitrogen ratio (CN), and nitrogen to phosphorous ratio (NP)]. Results revealed an unimodal pattern of total leaf herbivory along the elevation gradient in natural habitats. Findings also revealed differences in the levels and patterns of herbivory among feeding guilds and between anthropogenic and natural habitats. Changes in NP and CN ratios which were closely linked to NPP were the strongest predictors of leaf herbivory. Our study uncovers the role of leaf nutrient stoichiometry and its linkages to climate in explaining the variation in leaf herbivory along climatic gradients. Chapter III presents patterns and unravels direct and indirect effects of resource (food) abundance (NPP), resource (food) diversity [Functional Dispersion (FDis)], resource quality (SLA, NP, and CN rations), and climate variables (MAT and MAP) on species diversity of phytophagous beetles. Data were collected from 65 study sites located in natural and anthropogenic habitats distributed from 866 to 4550 m asl on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Sweep net and beating methods were used to collect a total of 3,186 phytophagous beetles representing 21 families and 304 morphospecies. Two groups, weevils (Curculionidae) and leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) were the largest and most diverse families represented with 898 and 1566 individuals, respectively. Results revealed complex (bimodal) and dissimilar patterns of Chao1-estimated species richness (hereafter referred to as species diversity) along elevation and land use gradients. Results from path analysis showed that temperature and climate-mediated changes in NPP had a significant positive direct and indirect effect on species diversity of phytophagous beetles, respectively. The results also revealed that the effect of NPP (via beetles abundance and diversity of food resources) on species diversity is stronger than that of temperature. Since we found that factors affecting species diversity were intimately linked to climate, I concluded that predicted climatic changes over the coming decades will likely alter the species diversity patterns which we observe today. Chapter IV presents patterns and unravels the direct and indirect effects of climate, NPP and anthropogenic disturbances on species richness and community-level biomass of wild large mammals which represent endothermic organisms and the most important group of vertebrate herbivores. Data were collected from 66 study sites located in natural and anthropogenic habitats distributed from 870 to 4550 m asl on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Mammals were collected using camera traps and used path analysis to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of climatic variables, NPP, land use, land area, levels of habitat protection and occurrence of domesticated mammals on the patterns of richness and community-level biomass of wild mammals, respectively. Results showed unimodal patterns for species richness and community-level biomass of wild mammals along elevation gradients and that the patterns differed depending on the type of feeding guild. Findings from path analysis showed that net primary productivity and levels of habitat protection had a strong direct effect on species richness and community-level biomass of wild mammals whereas temperature had an insignificant direct effect. Findings show the importance of climate-mediated food resources in determining patterns of species richness of large mammals. While temperature is among key predictors of species richness in several ectotherms, its direct influence in determining species richness of wild mammals was insignificant. Findings show the sensitivity of wild mammals to anthropogenic influences and underscore the importance of protected areas in conserving biodiversity. In conclusion, despite a multitude of data sets on species diversity and ecosystem functions along broad climatic gradients, there is little mechanistic understanding of the underlying causes. Findings obtained in the three studies illustrate their contribution to the scientific debates on the mechanisms underlying patterns of herbivory and diversity along elevation gradients. Results present strong evidence that plant functional traits play a key role in determining invertebrate herbivory and species diversity along elevation gradients and that, their strong interdependence with climate and anthropogenic activities will shape these patterns in future. Additionally, findings from path analysis demonstrated that herbivore diversity, community-level biomass, and herbivory are strongly influenced by climate (either directly or indirectly). Therefore, the predicted climatic changes are expected to dictate ecological patterns, biotic interactions, and energy and nutrient fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems in the coming decades with stronger impacts probably occurring in natural ecosystems. Furthermore, findings demonstrated the significance of land use effects in shaping ecological patterns. As anthropogenic pressure is advancing towards more pristine higher elevations, I advocate conservation measures which are responsive to and incorporate human dimensions to curb the situation. Although our findings emanate from observational studies which have to take several confounding factors into account, we have managed to demonstrate global change responses in real ecosystems and fully established organisms with a wide range of interactions which are unlikely to be captured in artificial experiments. Nonetheless, I recommend additional experimental studies addressing the effect of top-down control by natural enemies on herbivore diversity and invertebrate herbivory in order to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms driving macroecological patterns along elevation gradients.  }, subject = {Species richness}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kiser2019, author = {Kiser, Dominik Pascal}, title = {Gene x Environment Interactions in Cdh13-deficient Mice: CDH13 as a Factor for Adaptation to the Environment}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17959}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179591}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are disorders of mostly unknown etiopathogenesis, for which both genetic and environmental influences are expected to contribute to the phenotype observed in patients. Changes at all levels of brain function, from network connectivity between brain areas, over neuronal survival, synaptic connectivity and axonal growth, down to molecular changes and epigenetic modifications are suspected to play a key roles in these diseases, resulting in life-long behavioural changes. Genome-wide association as well as copy-number variation studies have linked cadherin-13 (CDH13) as a novel genetic risk factor to neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. CDH13 is highly expressed during embryonic brain development, as well as in the adult brain, where it is present in regions including the hippocampus, striatum and thalamus (among others) and is upregulated in response to chronic stress exposure. It is however unclear how CDH13 interacts with environmentally relevant cues, including stressful triggers, in the formation of long-lasting behavioural and molecular changes. It is currently unknown how the environment influences CDH13 and which long term changes in behaviour and gene expression are caused by their interaction. This work therefore investigates the interaction between CDH13 deficiency and neonatal maternal separation (MS) in mice with the aim to elucidate the function of CDH13 and its role in the response to early-life stress (ELS). For this purpose, mixed litters of wild-type (Cdh13+/+), heterozygous (Cdh13+/-) and homozygous knockout (Cdh13-/-) mice were maternally separated from postnatal day 1 (PN1) to postnatal day 14 (PN14) for 3 hours each day (180MS; PN1-PN14). In a first series of experiments, these mice were subjected to a battery of behavioural tests starting at 8 weeks of age in order to assess motor activity, memory functions as well as measures of anxiety. Subsequently, expression of RNA in various brain regions was measured using quantitativ real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). A second cohort of mice was exposed to the same MS procedure, but was not behaviourally tested, to assess molecular changes in hippocampus using RNA sequencing. Behavioural analysis revealed that MS had an overall anxiolytic-like effect, with mice after MS spending more time in the open arms of the elevated-plus-maze (EPM) and the light compartment in the light-dark box (LDB). As a notable exception, Cdh13-/- mice did not show an increase of time spent in the light compartment after MS compared to Cdh13+/+ and Cdh13+/- MS mice. During the Barnes-maze learning task, mice of most groups showed a similar ability in learning the location of the escape hole, both in terms of primary latency and primary errors. Cdh13-/- control (CTRL) mice however committed more primary errors than Cdh13-/- MS mice. In the contextual fear conditioning (cFC) test, Cdh13-/- mice showed more freezing responses during the extinction recall, indicating a reduced extinction of fear memory. In the step-down test, an impulsivity task, Cdh13-/- mice had a tendency to wait longer before stepping down from the platform, indicative of more hesitant behaviour. In the same animals, qRT-PCR of several brain areas revealed changes in the GABAergic and glutamatergic systems, while also highlighting changes in the gatekeeper enzyme Glykogensynthase-Kinase 3 (Gsk3a), both in relation to Cdh13 deficiency and MS. Results from the RNA sequencing study and subsequent gene-set enrichment analysis revealed changes in adhesion and developmental genes due to Cdh13 deficiency, while also highlighting a strong link between CDH13 and endoplasmatic reticulum function. In addition, some results suggest that MS increased pro-survival pathways, while a gene x environment analysis showed alterations in apoptotic pathways and migration, as well as immune factors and membrane metabolism. An analysis of the overlap between gene and environment, as well as their interaction, highlighted an effect on cell adhesion factors, underscoring their importance for adaptation to the environment. Overall, the stress model resulted in increased stress resilience in Cdh13+/+ and Cdh13+/- mice, a change absent in Cdh13-/- mice, suggesting a role of CDH13 during programming and adaptation to early-life experiences, that can results in long-lasting consequences on brain functions and associated behaviours. These changes were also visible in the RNA sequencing, where key pathways for cell-cell adhesion, neuronal survival and cell-stress adaptation were altered. In conclusion, these findings further highlight the role of CDH13 during brain development, while also shedding light on its function in the adaptation and response during (early life) environmental challenges.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Letschert2019, author = {Letschert, Sebastian}, title = {Quantitative Analysis of Membrane Components using Super-Resolution Microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162139}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The plasma membrane is one of the most thoroughly studied and at the same time most complex, diverse, and least understood cellular structures. Its function is determined by the molecular composition as well as the spatial arrangement of its components. Even after decades of extensive membrane research and the proposal of dozens of models and theories, the structural organization of plasma membranes remains largely unknown. Modern imaging tools such as super-resolution fluorescence microscopy are one of the most efficient techniques in life sciences and are widely used to study the spatial arrangement and quantitative behavior of biomolecules in fixed and living cells. In this work, direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) was used to investigate the structural distribution of mem-brane components with virtually molecular resolution. Key issues are different preparation and staining strategies for membrane imaging as well as localization-based quantitative analyses of membrane molecules. An essential precondition for the spatial and quantitative analysis of membrane components is the prevention of photoswitching artifacts in reconstructed localization microscopy images. Therefore, the impact of irradiation intensity, label density and photoswitching behavior on the distribution of plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane proteins in dSTORM images was investigated. It is demonstrated that the combination of densely labeled plasma membranes and inappropriate photoswitching rates induces artificial membrane clusters. Moreover, inhomogeneous localization distributions induced by projections of three-dimensional membrane structures such as microvilli and vesicles are prone to generate artifacts in images of biological membranes. Alternative imaging techniques and ways to prevent artifacts in single-molecule localization microscopy are presented and extensively discussed. Another central topic addresses the spatial organization of glycosylated components covering the cell membrane. It is shown that a bioorthogonal chemical reporter system consisting of modified monosaccharide precursors and organic fluorophores can be used for specific labeling of membrane-associated glycoproteins and -lipids. The distribution of glycans was visualized by dSTORM showing a homogeneous molecule distribution on different mammalian cell lines without the presence of clusters. An absolute number of around five million glycans per cell was estimated and the results show that the combination of metabolic labeling, click chemistry, and single-molecule localization microscopy can be efficiently used to study cell surface glycoconjugates. In a third project, dSTORM was performed to investigate low-expressing receptors on cancer cells which can act as targets in personalized immunotherapy. Primary multiple myeloma cells derived from the bone marrow of several patients were analyzed for CD19 expression as potential target for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells. Depending on the patient, 60-1,600 CD19 molecules per cell were quantified and functional in vitro tests demonstrate that the threshold for CD19 CAR T recognition is below 100 CD19 molecules per target cell. Results are compared with flow cytometry data, and the important roles of efficient labeling and appropriate control experiments are discussed.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwedhelm2019, author = {Schwedhelm, Ivo Peter}, title = {A non-invasive microscopy platform for the online monitoring of hiPSC aggregation in suspension cultures in small-scale stirred tank bioreactors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19298}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) at large-scale becomes feasible with the aid of scalable suspension setups in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs). Suspension cul- tures of hiPSCs are characterized by the self-aggregation of single cells into macroscopic cell aggre- gates that increase in size over time. The development of these free-floating aggregates is dependent on the culture vessel and thus represents a novel process parameter that is of particular interest for hiPSC suspension culture scaling. Further, aggregates surpassing a critical size are prone to spon- taneous differentiation or cell viability loss. In this regard, and, for the first time, a hiPSC-specific suspension culture unit was developed that utilizes in situ microscope imaging to monitor and to characterize hiPSC aggregation in one specific CSTR setup to a statistically significant degree while omitting the need for error-prone and time-intensive sampling. For this purpose, a small-scale CSTR system was designed and fabricated by fused deposition modeling (FDM) using an in-house 3D- printer. To provide a suitable cell culture environment for the CSTR system and in situ microscope, a custom-built incubator was constructed to accommodate all culture vessels and process control devices. Prior to manufacture, the CSTR design was characterized in silico for standard engineering parameters such as the specific power input, mixing time, and shear stress using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The established computational model was successfully validated by comparing CFD-derived mixing time data to manual measurements. Proof for system functionality was provided in the context of long-term expansion (4 passages) of hiPSCs. Thereby, hiPSC aggregate size development was successfully tracked by in situ imaging of CSTR suspensions and subsequent automated image processing. Further, the suitability of the developed hiPSC culture unit was proven by demonstrating the preservation of CSTR-cultured hiPSC pluripotency on RNA level by qRT-PCR and PluriTest, and on protein level by flow cytometry.}, subject = {Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WeinstockgebPattschull2019, author = {Weinstock [geb. Pattschull], Grit}, title = {Crosstalk between the MMB complex and YAP in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle genes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17086}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The Myb-MuvB (MMB) multiprotein complex is a master regulator of cell cycle-dependent gene expression. Target genes of MMB are expressed at elevated levels in several different cancer types and are included in the chromosomal instability (CIN) signature of lung, brain, and breast tumors. This doctoral thesis showed that the complete loss of the MMB core subunit LIN9 leads to strong proliferation defects and nuclear abnormalities in primary lung adenocarcinoma cells. Transcriptome profiling and genome-wide DNA-binding analyses of MMB in lung adenocarcinoma cells revealed that MMB drives the expression of genes linked to cell cycle progression, mitosis, and chromosome segregation by direct binding to promoters of these genes. Unexpectedly, a previously unknown overlap between MMB-dependent genes and several signatures of YAP-regulated genes was identified. YAP is a transcriptional co-activator acting downstream of the Hippo signaling pathway, which is deregulated in many tumor types. Here, MMB and YAP were found to physically interact and co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes, which are important in cancer. Furthermore, the activation of mitotic genes and the induction of entry into mitosis by YAP were strongly dependent on MMB. By ChIP-seq and 4C-seq, the genome-wide binding of MMB upon YAP overexpression was analyzed and long-range chromatin interaction sites of selected MMB target gene promoters were identified. Strikingly, YAP strongly promoted chromatin-association of B-MYB through binding to distal enhancer elements that interact with MMB-regulated promoters through chromatin looping. Together, the findings of this thesis provide a so far unknown molecular mechanism by which YAP and MMB cooperate to regulate mitotic gene expression and suggest a link between two cancer-relevant signaling pathways.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Griffoni2019, author = {Griffoni, Chiara}, title = {Towards advanced immunocompetent skin wound models for in vitro drug evaluation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19212}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192125}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Current preclinical models used to evaluate novel therapies for improved healing include both in vitro and in vivo methods. However, ethical concerns related to the use of animals as well as the poor physiological translation between animal and human skin wound healing designate in vitro models as a highly relevant and promising platforms for healing investigation. While current in vitro 3D skin models recapitulate a mature tissue with healing properties, they still represent a simplification of the in vivo conditions, where for example the inflammatory response originating after wound formation involves the contribution of immune cells. Macrophages are among the main contributors to the inflammatory response and regulate its course thanks to their plasticity. Therefore, their implementation into in vitro skin could greatly increase the physiological relevance of the models. As no full-thickness immunocompetent skin model containing macrophages has been reported so far, the parameters necessary for a successful triple co-culture of fibroblasts, keratinocytes and macrophages were here investigated. At first, cell source and culture timed but also an implementation strategy for macrophages were deter-mined. The implementation of macrophages into the skin model focused on the minimization of the culture time to preserve immune cell viability and phenotype, as the environment has a major influence on cell polarization and cytokine production. To this end, incorporation of macrophages in 3D gels prior to the combination with skin models was selected to better mimic the in vivo environment. Em-bedded in collagen hydrogels, macrophages displayed a homogeneous cell distribution within the gel, preserving cell viability, their ability to respond to stimuli and their capability to migrate through the matrix, which are all needed during the involvement of macrophages in the inflammatory response. Once established how to introduce macrophages into skin models, different culture media were evaluated for their effects on primary fibroblasts, keratinocytes and macrophages, to identify a suitable medium composition for the culture of immunocompetent skin. The present work confirmed that each cell type requires a different supplement combination for maintaining functional features and showed for the first time that media that promote and maintain a mature skin structure have negative effects on primary macrophages. Skin differentiation media negatively affected macrophages in terms of viability, morphology, ability to respond to pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli and to migrate through a collagen gel. The combination of wounded skin equivalents and macrophage-containing gels con-firmed that culture medium inhibits macrophage participation in the inflammatory response that oc-curs after wounding. The described macrophage inclusion method for immunocompetent skin creation is a promising approach for generating more relevant skin models. Further optimization of the co-cul-ture medium will potentially allow mimicking a physiological inflammatory response, enabling to eval-uate the effects novel drugs designed for improved healing on improved in vitro models.}, subject = {Haut}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baur2019, author = {Baur, Florentin Philipp}, title = {Establishment of a 3D tumour model and targeted therapy of BRAF-mutant colorectal cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17412}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174129}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cancer remains after cardiovascular diseases the leading cause of death worldwide and an estimated 8.2 million people died of it in 2012. By 2030, 13 million cancer deaths are expected due to the growth and ageing of the population. Hereof, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in men and the second in women with a wide geographical variation across the world. Usually, CRC begins as a non-cancerous growth leading to an adenomatous polyp, or adenoma, arising from glandular cells. Since research has brought about better understanding of the mechanisms of cancer development, novel treatments such as targeted therapy have emerged in the past decades. Despite that, up to 95\% of anticancer drugs tested in clinical phase I trials do not attain a market authorisation and hence these high attrition rates remain a key challenge for the pharmaceutical industry, making drug development processes enormously costly and inefficient. Therefore, new preclinical in vitro models which can predict drug responses in vivo more precisely are urgently needed. Tissue engineering not only provides the possibility of creating artificial three-dimensional (3D) in vitro tissues, such as functional organs, but also enables the investigation of drug responses in pathological tissue models, that is, in 3D cancer models which are superior to conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures on petri dishes and can overcome the limitations of animal models, thereby reducing the need for preclinical in vivo models. In this thesis, novel 3D CRC models on the basis of a decellularised intestinal matrix were established. In the first part, it could be shown that the cell line SW480 exhibited different characteristics when grown in a 3D environment from those in conventional 2D culture. While the cells showed a mesenchymal phenotype in 2D culture, they displayed a more pronounced epithelial character in the 3D model. By adding stromal cells (fibroblasts), the cancer cells changed their growth pattern and built tumour-like structures together with the fibroblasts, thereby remodelling the natural mucosal structures of the scaffold. Additionally, the established 3D tumour model was used as a test system for treatment with standard chemotherapeutic 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The second part of the thesis focused on the establishment of a 3D in vitro test system for targeted therapy. The US Food and Drug Administration has already approved of a number of drugs for targeted therapy of specific types of cancer. For instance, the small molecule vemurafenib (PLX4032, Zelboraf™) which demonstrated impressive response rates of 50-80\% in melanoma patients with a mutation of the rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma oncogene type B (BRAF) kinase which belongs to the mitogen active protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway. However, only 5\% of CRC patients harbouring the same BRAF mutation respond to treatment with vemurafenib. An explanation for this unresponsiveness could be a feedback activation of the upstream EGFR, reactivating the MAPK pathway which sustains a proliferative signalling. To test this hypothesis, the two early passage cell lines HROC24 and HROC87, both presenting the mutation BRAF V600E but differing in other mutations, were used and their drug response to vemurafenib and/or gefitinib was assessed in conventional 2D cell culture and compared to the more advanced 3D model. Under 3D culture conditions, both cell lines showed a reduction of the proliferation rate only in the combination therapy approach. Furthermore, no significant differences between the various treatment approaches and the untreated control regarding apoptosis rate and viability for both cell lines could be found in the 3D tumour model which conferred an enhanced chemoresistance to the cancer cells. Because of the observed unresponsiveness to BRAF inhibition by vemurafenib as can be seen in the clinic for patients with BRAF mutations in CRC, the cell line HROC87 was used for further xenografting experiments and analysis of activation changes in the MAPK signalling pathway. It could be shown that the cells presented a reactivation of Akt in the 3D model when treated with both inhibitors, suggesting an escape mechanism for apoptosis which was not present in cells cultured under conventional 2D conditions. Moreover, the cells exhibited an activation of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR, c-Met) in 2D and 3D culture, but this was not detectable in the xenograft model. This shows the limitations of in vivo models. The results suggest another feedback activation loop than that to the EGFR which might not primarily be involved in the resistance mechanism. This reflects the before mentioned high attrition rates in the preclinical drug testing.}, subject = {Dickdarmtumor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Segerer2019, author = {Segerer, Gabriela}, title = {Characterization of cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase AUM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123847}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Mammalian haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-type phosphatases are a large and ubiquitous family of at least 40 human members. Many of them have important physiological functions, such as the regulation of intermediary metabolism and the modulation of enzyme activities, yet they are also linked to diseases such as cardiovascular or metabolic disorders and cancer. Still, most of the mammalian HAD phosphatases remain functionally uncharacterized. This thesis reveals novel cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase PGP, also referred to as AUM. To this end, PGP was functionally characterized by performing analyses using purified recombinant proteins to investigate potential protein substrates of PGP, cell biological studies using the spermatogonial cell line GC1, primary mouse lung endothelial cells and lymphocytes, and a range of biochemical techniques to characterize Pgp-deficient mouse embryos. To characterize the cell biological functions of PGP, its role downstream of RTK- and integrin signaling in the regulation of cell migration was investigated. It was shown that PGP inactivation elevates integrin- and RTK-induced circular dorsal ruffle (CDR) formation, cell spreading and cell migration. Furthermore, PGP was identified as a negative regulator of directed lymphocyte migration upon integrin- and GPCR activation. The underlying mechanisms were analyzed further. It was demonstrated that PGP regulates CDR formation and cell migration in a PLC- and PKC-dependent manner, and that Src family kinase activities are required for the observed cellular effects. Upon integrin- and RTK activation, phosphorylation levels of tyrosine residues 1068 and 1173 of the EGF receptor were elevated and PLCγ1 was hyper-activated in PGP-deficient cells. Additionally, PGP-inactivated lymphocytes displayed elevated PKC activity, and PKC-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling was accelerated upon loss of PGP activity. Untargeted lipidomic analyses revealed that the membrane lipid phosphatidylserine (PS) was highly upregulated in PGP-depleted cells. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the accumulation of PS in the plasma membrane leads to a pre-assembly of signaling molecules such as PLCγ1 or PKCs that couple the activation of integrins, EGF receptors and GPCRs to accelerated cytoskeletal remodeling. Thus, this thesis shows that PGP can affect cell spreading and cell migration by acting as a PG-directed phosphatase. To understand the physiological functions of PGP, conditionally PGP-inactivated mice were analyzed. Whole-body PGP inactivation led to an intrauterine growth defect with developmental delay after E8.5, resulting in a gradual deterioration and death of PgpDN/DN embryos between E9.5 and E11.5. However, embryonic lethality upon whole-body PGP inactivation was not caused by a primary defect of the (cardio-) vascular system. Rather, PGP inactivated embryos died during the intrauterine transition from hypoxic to normoxic conditions. Therefore, the potential impact of oxygen on PGP-dependent cell proliferation was investigated. Analyses of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) generated from E8.5 embryos and GC1 cells cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions revealed that normoxia (~20\% O2) causes a proliferation defect in PGP-inactivated cells, which can be rescued under hypoxic (~1\% O2) conditions. Mechanistically, it was found that the activity of triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), an enzyme previously described to be inhibited by phosphoglycolate (PG) in vitro, was attenuated in PGP-inactivated cells and embryos. TPI constitutes a critical branch point between carbohydrate- and lipid metabolism because it catalyzes the isomerization of the glycolytic intermediates dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP, a precursor of the glycerol backbone required for triglyceride biosynthesis) and glyceraldehyde 3'-phosphate (GADP). Attenuation of TPI activity, likely explains the observed elevation of glycerol 3-phosphate levels and the increased TG biosynthesis (lipogenesis). Analyses of ATP levels and oxygen consumption rates (OCR) showed that mitochondrial respiration rates and ATP production were elevated in PGP-deficient cells in a lipolysis-dependent manner. However under hypoxic conditions (which corrected the impaired proliferation of PGP-inactivated cells), OCR and ATP production was indistinguishable between PGP-deficient and PGP-proficient cells. We therefore propose that the inhibition of TPI activity by PG accumulation due to loss of PGP activity shifts cellular bioenergetics from a pro-proliferative, glycolytic metabolism to a lipogenetic/lipolytic metabolism. Taken together, PGP acts as a metabolic phosphatase involved in the regulation of cell migration, cell proliferation and cellular bioenergetics. This thesis constitutes the basis for further studies of the interfaces between these processes, and also suggests functions of PGP for glucose and lipid metabolism in the adult organism.}, subject = {Phosphoglykolatphosphatase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchmittgebWolf2019, author = {Schmitt [geb. Wolf], Karen}, title = {Studies on the role of platelet serotonin in platelet function, hemostasis, thrombosis and stroke}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-13471}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134711}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Platelet activation and aggregation are important processes in hemostasis resulting in reduction of blood loss upon vessel wall injury. However, platelet activation can lead to thrombotic events causing myocardial infarction and stroke. A more detailed understanding of the regulation of platelet activation and the subsequent formation of thrombi is essential to prevent thrombosis and ischemic stroke. Cations, platelet surface receptors, cytoskeletal rearrangements, activation of the coagulation cas-cade and intracellular signaling molecules are important in platelet activation and thrombus formation. One such important molecule is serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamin, 5 HT), an indolamine platelet agonist, biochemically derived from tryptophan. 5 HT is secreted from the enterochromaffin cells into the gastrointestinal tract (GI) and blood. Blood borne 5 HT has been proposed to regulate hemostasis by acting as a vaso-constrictor and by triggering platelet signaling through 5 HT2A receptor. Although platelets do not synthetize 5 HT, they take it up from the blood and store it in their dense granules which are secreted upon platelet activation. To identify the molecu-lar composite of the 5 HT uptake system in platelets and elucidate the role of platelet released 5-HT in thrombosis and ischemic stroke, 5 HT transporter knock out mice (5Htt / ) were analyzed in different in vitro and in vivo assays and in a model of is-chemic stroke. In 5Htt / platelets, 5 HT uptake from the blood was completely abol-ished and agonist-induced Ca2+ influx through store operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), integrin activation, degranulation and aggregation responses to glycoprotein (GP) VI and C type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC 2) were reduced. These observed in vitro defects in 5Htt / platelets could be normalized by the addition of exogenous 5 HT. Moreover, reduced 5 HT levels in the plasma, an increased bleeding time and the formation of unstable thrombi were observed ex vivo under flow and in vivo in the abdominal aorta and carotid artery of 5Htt / mice. Surprisingly, in the transient middle cerebral artery occlusion model (tMCAO) of ischemic stroke 5Htt / mice showed near-ly normal infarct volumes and a neurological outcome comparable to control mice. Although secreted platelet 5 HT does not appear to play a crucial role in the devel-opment of reperfusion injury after stroke, it is essential to amplify the second phase of platelet activation through SOCE and thus plays an important role in thrombus stabilization. To further investigate the role of cations, granules and their contents and regulation of integrin activation in the process of thrombus formation, genetically modified mice were analyzed in the different in vivo thrombosis models. Whereas Tph1 / mice (lacking the enzyme responsible for the production of 5 HT in the periphery), Trpm7KI (point mu-tation in the kinase domain of Trpm7 channel, lacking kinase activity) and Unc13d / /Nbeal2 / mice (lacking α granules and the release machinery of dense granules) showed a delayed thrombus formation in vivo, MagT1y/ mice (lacking a specific Mg2+ transporter) displayed a pro thrombotic phenotype in vivo. Trpm7fl/fl Pf4Cre (lacking the non specific Mg2+ channel) and RIAM / mice (lacking a potential linker protein in integrin "inside out" signaling) showed no alterations in thrombus formation upon injury of the vessel wall.}, subject = {Serotonin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wollny2019, author = {Wollny, Claudia}, title = {Der p97-Kofaktor UBXD1 ist ein neuer Regulator des NF-kB-Signalweges}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-13243}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die essenzielle, Ubiquitin-selektive ATPase p97 reguliert eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Prozesse in Eukaryoten. Dazu z{\"a}hlen Proteinqualit{\"a}tskontrolle, DNA-Reparatur, Signaltransduktion, Zellzykluskontrolle, Autophagie sowie das endolysosomale System. Diese unterschiedlichen Funktionen von p97 werden durch die Bindung von Kofaktoren engmaschig gesteuert und kontrolliert. Die gr{\"o}ßte und am besten untersuchte Gruppe von p97-Kofaktoren sind die Proteine der UBX Familie. Diese zeichnen sich durch den Besitz einer UBX-Dom{\"a}ne aus, welche die Bindung an p97 vermittelt. Das in h{\"o}heren Eukaryoten konservierte Familienmitglied UBXD1 besitzt dar{\"u}ber hinaus mit einer PUB-Dom{\"a}ne und einem VIM-Motiv noch mindestens zwei weitere p97-Bindemodule. UBXD1 kann an Vesikel des endolysosomalen Degradationssytems lokalisieren, seine genauen zellul{\"a}ren Funktionen sind jedoch noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die funktionelle Charakterisierung von humanem UBXD1. Daf{\"u}r wurden Kandidaten eines zuvor durchgef{\"u}hrten Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screens auf ihre Two Hybrid-Interaktion mit unterschiedlichen UBXD1-Varianten getestet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde durch Immunpr{\"a}zipitationsexperimente untersucht, ob die Kandidatenproteine auch in S{\"a}ugerzellen mit UBXD1 interagieren. Als vielversprechende neue Bindungspartner von UBXD1 wurden so die Ubiquitin-Ligase TRIAD3A und das Ubiquitin-editierende Protein A20 identifiziert. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Interaktion zwischen UBXD1 und A20 von einer funktionellen PUB Dom{\"a}ne und dem siebten Zinkfinger Motiv von A20 abh{\"a}ngig ist. Da sowohl TRIAD3A als auch A20 negative Regulatoren des NF B Signalweges sind, wurde daraufhin untersucht, ob auch UBXD1 eine Funktion in diesem Signalweg besitzt. Tats{\"a}chlich war in UBXD1-depletierten HeLa 57A-Zellen die NF B-abh{\"a}ngige Expression eines Reportgens nach Aktivierung des Signalweges durch TNF, IL-1, Doxorubicin und H2O2 stark reduziert. Dabei spricht die verringerte Aktivierung nach unterschiedlichen Stimuli f{\"u}r eine generelle Rolle von UBXD1 im NF B Signalweg. Durch quantitative Echtzeit-PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass in HeLa- und HEK293T-Zellen nach UBXD1-Depletion auch die Expression endogener NF B Zielgene verringert ist. Da in UBXD1-depletierten Zellen nach Stimulation mit TNF oder IL-1 bereits die Kerntranslokation des NF B-Transkriptionsfaktor p65 reduziert ist, ist davon auszugehen, dass UBXD1 an einer fr{\"u}heren Phase der Aktivierung des Signalweges beteiligt ist. M{\"o}glicherweise ist dies darauf zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren, dass UBXD1 bekannte Funktionen von A20 reguliert und etwa die Bindung von A20 an Vesikel des endolysosomalen Systems oder an lineare Ubiquitinketten beeinflusst. Diese Arbeit beschreibt somit eine neue Funktion des p97-Kofaktors UBXD1 im NF B-Signalweg.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{DiegmanngebWeissbach2019, author = {Diegmann [geb. Weißbach], Susann}, title = {Identifizierung des Mutationsspektrums und Charakterisierung relevanter Mutationen im Multiplen Myelom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-11480}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114800}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das Multiple Myelom (MM) ist eine maligne B-Zell-Erkrankung, welche von einer großen Heterogenit{\"a}t auf der biologischen und klinischen Ebene sowie in der Therapieantwort gepr{\"a}gt ist. Durch die biologische Interpretation von whole exome sequencing (WES)-Daten der Tumor- und Normalproben von f{\"u}nf MM-Patienten und sechs MM-Zelllinien (ZL) sowie dem Einbezug von publizierten next generation sequencing (NGS)-Daten von 38 MM-Patienten konnten in dieser Dissertation sowohl somatische tumorrelevante Mutationen identifiziert als auch ein MM-spezifisches Signaltransduktionsnetzwerk definiert werden. Interessanterweise wurde in fast 100 \% der MM-Patienten mindestens eine Mutation und in ~50 \% der MM-Patienten sogar mehr als eine Mutation innerhalb dieses Netzwerkes beobachtet, was auf eine inter- und intra-individuelle Signalweg-Redundanz hinweist, die f{\"u}r die individuelle Therapieentscheidung m{\"o}glicherweise von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnte. Außerdem konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass identische, positionsspezifische und genspezifische Mutationen im MM selten wiederholt auftreten. Als h{\"a}ufig mutierte Gene im MM konnten KRAS, NRAS, LRP1B, FAM46C, WHSC1, ALOX12B, DIS3 und PKHD1 identifiziert werden. Interessanterweise wurde die DIS3-Mutation in der MM-ZL OPM2 gemeinsam mit einer copy neutral loss of heterozygosity (CNLOH) im DIS3-Lokus detektiert, und in der MM-ZL AMO1 wurde eine noch nicht n{\"a}her charakterisierte KRAS-Mutation in Exon 4 in Verbindung mit einem copy number (CN)-Zugewinn und einer erh{\"o}hten KRAS-Genexpression gefunden. DIS3 ist ein enzymatisch aktiver Teil des humanen RNA-Exosom-Komplexes und KRAS ein zentrales Protein im RTK-Signalweg, wodurch genetische Aberrationen in diesen Genen m{\"o}glicherweise in der Entstehung oder Progression des MMs eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Daher wurde die gesamte coding sequence (CDS) der Gene DIS3 und KRAS an Tumorproben eines einheitlich behandelten Patientensets der DSMM-XI-Studie mit einem Amplikon-Tiefen-Sequenzierungsansatz untersucht. Das Patientenset bestand aus 81 MM-Patienten mit verf{\"u}gbaren zytogenetischen und klinischen Daten. Dies ergab Aufschluss {\"u}ber die Verteilung der Mutationen innerhalb der Gene und dem Vorkommen der Mutationen in Haupt- und Nebenklonen des Tumors. Des Weiteren wurde die Assoziation der Mutationen mit weiteren klassischen zytogenetischen Alterationen (z.B. Deletion von Chr 13q14, t(4;14)-Translokation) untersucht und der Einfluss der Mutationen in Haupt- und Nebenklonen auf den klinischen Verlauf und die Therapieantwort bestimmt. Besonders hervorzuheben war dabei die Entdeckung von sieben neuen Mutationen sowie drei zuvor unbeschriebenen hot spot-Mutationen an den Aminos{\"a}ure (AS)-Positionen p.D488, p.E665 und p.R780 in DIS3. Es wurde des Weiteren die Assoziation von DIS3-Mutationen mit einer Chr 13q14-Deletion und mit IGH-Translokationen best{\"a}tigt. Interessanterweise wurde ein niedrigeres medianes overall survival (OS) f{\"u}r MM-Patienten mit einer DIS3-Mutation sowie auch eine schlechtere Therapieantwort f{\"u}r MM-Patienten mit einer DIS3-Mutation im Nebenklon im Vergleich zum Hauptklon beobachtet. In KRAS konnten die bereits publizierten Mutationen best{\"a}tigt und keine Auswirkungen der KRAS-Mutationen in Haupt- oder Nebenklon auf den klinischen Verlauf oder die Therapieantwort erkannt werden. Erste siRNA vermittelte knockdown-Experimente von KRAS und {\"U}berexpressionsexperimente von KRAS-Wildtyp (WT) und der KRAS-Mutationen p.G12A, p.A146T und p.A146V mittels lentiviraler Transfektion zeigten eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Phosphorylierung von MEK1/2 und ERK1/2 von dem KRAS-Mutationsstatus. Zusammenfassend liefert die vorliegende Dissertation einen detaillierten Einblick in die molekularen Strukturen des MMs, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Rolle von DIS3 und KRAS bei der Tumorentwicklung und dem klinischen Verlauf.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hieke2019, author = {Hieke, Marie}, title = {Synaptic arrangements and potential communication partners of \(Drosophila's\) PDF-containing clock neurons within the accessory medulla}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175988}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Endogenous clocks regulate physiological as well as behavioral rhythms within all organisms. They are well investigated in D. melanogaster on a molecular as well as anatomical level. The neuronal clock network within the brain represents the center for rhythmic activity control. One neuronal clock subgroup, the pigment dispersing factor (PDF) neurons, stands out for its importance in regulating rhythmic behavior. These neurons express the neuropeptide PDF (pigment dispersing factor). A small neuropil at the medulla's edge, the accessory medulla (AME), is of special interest, as it has been determined as the main center for clock control. It is not only highly innervated by the PDF neurons but also by terminals of all other clock neuron subgroups. Furthermore, terminals of the photoreceptors provide light information to the AME. Many different types of neurons converge within the AME and afterward spread to their next target. Thereby the AME is supplied with information from a variety of brain regions. Among these neurons are the aminergic ones whose receptors' are expressed in the PDF neurons. The present study sheds light onto putative synaptic partners and anatomical arrangements within the neuronal clock network, especially within the AME, as such knowledge is a prerequisite to understand circadian behavior. The aminergic neurons' conspicuous vicinity to the PDF neurons suggests synaptic communication among them. Thus, based on former anatomical studies regarding this issue detailed light microscopic studies have been performed. Double immunolabellings, analyses of the spatial relation of pre- and postsynaptic sites of the individual neuron populations with respect to each other and the identification of putative synaptic partners using GRASP reenforce the hypothesis of synaptic interactions within the AME between dopaminergic/ serotonergic neurons and the PDF neurons. To shed light on the synaptic partners I performed first steps in array tomography, as it allows terrific informative analyses of fluorescent signals on an ultrastructural level. Therefore, I tested different ways of sample preparation in order to achieve and optimize fluorescent signals on 100 nm thin tissue sections and I made overlays with electron microscopic images. Furthermore, I made assumptions about synaptic modulations within the neuronal clock network via glial cells. I detected their cell bodies in close vicinity to the AME and PDFcontaining clock neurons. It has already been shown that glial cells modulate the release of PDF from s-LNvs' terminals within the dorsal brain. On an anatomical level this modulation appears to exist also within the AME, as synaptic contacts that involve PDF-positive dendritic terminals are embedded into glial fibers. Intriguingly, these postsynaptic PDF fibers are often VIIAbstract part of dyadic or even multiple-contact sites in opposite to prolonged presynaptic active zonesimplicating complex neuronal interactions within the AME. To unravel possible mechanisms of such synaptic arrangements, I tried to localize the ABC transporter White. Its presence within glial cells would indicate a recycling mechanism of transmitted amines which allows their fast re-provision. Taken together, synapses accompanied by glial cells appear to be a common arrangement within the AME to regulate circadian behavior. The complexity of mechanisms that contribute in modulation of circadian information is reflected by the complex diversity of synaptic arrangements that involves obviously several types of neuron populations}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baig2019, author = {Baig, Ayesha Anjum}, title = {Studies on platelet interactions with the coagulation system and on modulators of platelet (hem)ITAM signaling in genetically modified mice}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16488}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164888}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Activated platelets and coagulation jointly contribute to physiological hemostasis. However, pathological conditions can also trigger unwanted platelet activation and initiation of coagulation resulting in thrombosis and precipitation of ischemic damage of vital organs such as the heart or brain. The specific contribution of procoagulant platelets, positioned at the interface of the processes of platelet activation and coagulation, in ischemic stroke had remained uninvestigated. The first section of the thesis addresses this aspect through experiments conducted in novel megakaryocyte- and platelet-specific TMEM16F conditional KO mice (cKO). cKO platelets phenocopied defects in platelets from Scott Syndrome patients and had severely impaired procoagulant characteristics. This led to decelerated platelet-driven thrombin generation and delayed fibrin formation. cKO mice displayed prolonged bleeding times and impaired arterial thrombosis. However, infarct volumes in cKO mice were comparable to wildtype (WT) mice in an experimental model of ischemic stroke. Therefore, while TMEM16F-regulated platelet procoagulant activity is critical for hemostasis and thrombosis, it is dispensable for cerebral thrombo-inflammation in mice. The second section describes the generation and initial characterization of a novel knockin mouse strain that expresses human coagulation factor XII (FXII) instead of endogenous murine FXII. These knockin mice had normal occlusion times in an experimental model of arterial thrombosis demonstrating that human FXII is functional in mice. Therefore, these mice constitute a valuable tool for testing novel pharmacological agents against human FXII - an attractive potential target for antithrombotic therapy. Glycoprotein (GP)VI and C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2)-mediated (hem)immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) signaling represent a major pathway for platelet activation. The last section of the thesis provides experimental evidence for redundant functions between the two members of the Grb2 family of adapter proteins - Grb2 and Gads that lie downstream of GPVI and CLEC-2 stimulation. In vitro and in vivo studies in mice deficient in both Grb2 and Gads (DKO) revealed that DKO platelets had defects in (hem)ITAM-stimulation-specific activation, aggregation and signal transduction that were more severe than the defects observed in single Grb2 KO or Gads KO mice. Furthermore, the specific role of these adapters downstream of (hem)ITAM signaling was essential for maintenance of hemostasis but dispensable for the known CLEC-2 dependent regulation of blood-lymphatic vessel separation.}, subject = {Blutgerinnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lotz2019, author = {Lotz, Christian}, title = {Entwicklung eines Augenirritationstests zur Identifikation aller GHS-Kategorien f{\"u}r den Endpunkt Augenreizung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170126}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Risikobewertung von Chemikalien ist f{\"u}r die {\"o}ffentliche Gesundheit von entschei-dender Bedeutung, weshalb strenge Testverfahren zu deren toxikologischer Begutach-tung angewandt werden. Die urspr{\"u}nglich tierbasierten Testverfahren werden aufgrund von neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und wegen {\"o}konomischer Ineffizienz sowie ethischer Fragw{\"u}rdigkeit immer mehr durch alternative Methoden ohne Tiermodelle ersetzt. F{\"u}r den toxikologischen Endpunkt der Augenreizung wurden bereits die ersten alternativen Testsysteme auf der Basis von ex vivo- oder in vitro-Modellen entwickelt. Jedoch ist bis dato kein alternatives Testsystem in der Lage, das gesamte Spektrum der verschiedenen Kategorien der Augenreizungen nach dem global harmonisierten System zur Einstufung und Kennzeichnung von Chemikalien (GHS) vorherzusagen und damit den tierbasierten Draize-Augenreizungstest vollends zu ersetzen. Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind fehlende physiologische Merkmale im Modell sowie eine destruktive Analysemethode. Aufgrund dessen wurden in dieser Studie die Hypothesen getestet, ob ein verbessertes In-vitro-Modell oder eine zerst{\"o}rungsfreie, hochsensitive Analysemethode die Vorher-sagekraft des Augenreizungstests verbessern k{\"o}nnen. Daf{\"u}r wurden zun{\"a}chst neue Mo-delle aus humanen Hornhaut- und Hautepithelzellen entwickelt. Die Modelle aus pri-m{\"a}ren cornealen Zellen zeigten eine gewebespezifische Expression der Marker Zytokera-tin 3 und 12 sowie Loricrin. In beiden Modellen konnte durch die Verk{\"u}rzung der Kul-turdauer die Ausbildung einer Hornschicht verhindert werden. Die Modelle wiesen dadurch eine sensiblere Barriere vergleichbar der nativen Cornea auf. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte durch die chemische Quervernetzung mit Polyethylenglykolsuccinimidylglutara-tester ein transparentes, nicht kontrahierendes Stroma-{\"A}quivalent etabliert werden. Der Stroma-Ersatz konnte zur Generierung von Hemi- und Voll-Cornea-{\"A}quivalenten einge-setzt werden und lieferte somit erste Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r die Rekonstruktion der nativen Hornhaut. Parallel dazu konnte ein zerst{\"o}rungsfreies Analyseverfahren basierend auf der Impe-danzspektroskopie entwickelt werden, das wiederholte Messungen der Gewebeintegri-t{\"a}t zul{\"a}sst. Zur verbesserten Messung der Barriere in dreidimensionalen Modelle wurde hierf{\"u}r ein neuer Parameter, der transepitheliale elektrische Widerstand (TEER) bei der Frequenz von 1000 Hz, der TEER1000 Hz definiert, der eine genauere Aussage {\"u}ber die Integrit{\"a}t der Modelle zul{\"a}sst. Durch die Kombination der entwickelten cornealen Epithelzellmodelle mit der TEER1000 Hz-Messung konnte die Pr{\"a}dikitivit{\"a}t des Augenrei-zungstests auf 78 - 100 \% erh{\"o}ht werden. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist dabei, dass die nicht destruktive Messung des TEER1000 Hz zum ersten Mal erlaubte, die Persistenz von Irritationen durch wiederholte Messungen in einem in vitro-Modell zu erkennen und somit die GHS-Kategorie 1 von GHS-Kategorie 2 zu unterscheiden. Der wissenschaftli-che Gewinn dieser Forschungsarbeit ist ein neues Testverfahren, das alle GHS-Kategorien in einem einzigen in vitro-Test nachweisen und den Draize-Augenreizungstest g{\"a}nzlich ersetzen kann.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{TshitengeTshitenge2019, author = {Tshitenge Tshitenge, Dieudonn{\´e}}, title = {Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Novel Anti-Infective Naphthylisoquinoline Alkaloids from Ancistrocladus ealaensis, and Phytochemical Analysis of Two Congolese Medicinal Plants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15417}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154175}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Herein described are the isolation, structural elucidation, and biological evaluation of highly thrilling monomeric and dimeric new naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids from A. ealaensis. The separation, chiral resolution, and characterization of a series of stereoisomeric 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran neolignans are also reported. The analytical and phytochemical analysis on two Congolese antimalarial herbal drugs is part of the last chapter of the results. In this last case, major concerns on widely used Congolese herbal drugs are discussed.}, subject = {Naphthylisochinolinalkaloide}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SoaresMachado2019, author = {Soares Machado, J{\´e}ssica}, title = {Dosimetry-based Assessment of Radiation-associated Cancer risk for \(^9\)\(^9\)\(^m\)Tc-MAG3 Scans in Infants and Optimization of Administered Activities for \(^6\)\(^8\)Ga-labelled Peptides in Children and Adolescents}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19264}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192640}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In 2006, 0.18 Mio pediatric nuclear medicine diagnostic exams were performed worldwide. However, for most of the radiopharmaceuticals used data on biokinetics and, as a consequence on dosimetry, are missing or have not been made publicly available. Therefore, most of the dosimetry assessments presented today for diagnostic agents in children and adolescents rely on the biokinetics data of adults. Even for one of the most common nuclear medicine exams for this patient group, renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-MAG3 for assessing renal function measured data on biokinetics is available only from a study performed on four children of different ages. In particular, renal scans are among the most frequent exams performed on infants and toddlers. Due to the young age, this patient group can be classified as a risk group with a higher probability of developing stochastic radiation effects compared to adults. As there are only limited data on biokinetics and dosimetry in this patient group, the aim of this study is to reassess the dosimetry and the associated radiation risk for a larger number of infants undergoing 99mTc-MAG3 renal scans based on a retrospective analysis of existing patient data. Data were collected retrospectively from 34 patients younger than 20 months with normal (20 patients) and abnormal renal function (14 patients) undergoing 99mTc-MAG3 scans. The patient-specific organ activity was estimated based on a retrospective calibration which was performed based on a set of two 3D-printed infant kidneys (newborns: 8.6 ml; 1-year-old: 23.4 ml) filled with known activities. Both phantoms were scanned at different positions along the anteroposterior axis inside a water phantom, providing depth- and size-dependent attenuation correction factors for planar imaging. Time-activity curves were determined by drawing kidney, bladder, and whole body regions-of-interest for each patient, and subsequently applying the calibration factor for conversion of counts to activity. Patient-specific time-integrated activity coefficients were obtained by integrating the organ-specific time-activity curves. Absorbed and effective dose coefficients for each patient were assessed with OLINDA/EXM for the provided newborn and 1-year-old phantom. Based on absorbed dose values, the radiation risk estimation was performed individually for each of the 34 patients with the National Cancer Institute's Radiation Risk Assessment Tool. The patients' organ-specific mean absorbed dose coefficients for the patients with normal renal function were 0.04±0.03 mGy/MBq for the kidneys and 0.27±0.24 mGy/MBq for the bladder. This resulted in a mean effective dose coefficient of 0.02±0.02 mSv/MBq. Based on the dosimetry results, the evaluation of the excess lifetime risk (ELR) for the development of radiation-induced cancer showed that the group of newborns has an ELR of 16.8 per 100,000 persons, which is higher in comparison with the 1-year-old group with an ELR of 14.7 per 100,000 persons. With regard to the 14 patients with abnormal renal function, the mean values for the organ absorbed dose coefficients for the patients were: 0.40±0.34 mGy/MBq for the kidneys and 0.46±0.37 mGy/MBq for the bladder. The corresponding effective dose coefficients (mSv/MBq) was: 0.05±0.02 mSv/MBq. The mean ELR (per 100,000 persons) for developing cancer from radiation exposure for patients with abnormal renal function was 29.2±18.7 per 100,000 persons. As a result, the radiation-associated stochastic risk increases with the organ doses, taking age- and gender-specific influences into account. Overall, the lifetime radiation risk associated with the 99mTc-MAG3 scans is very low in comparison to the general population risk for developing cancer. Furthermore, due to the increasing demand for PET-scans in children and adolescents with 68Ga-labelled peptides, in this work published data sets for those compounds were analyzed to derive recommendations for the administered activities in children and adolescents. The recommendation for the activities to be administered were based on the weight-independent effective dose model, proposed by the EANM Pediatric Dosage Card for application in pediatric nuclear medicine. The aim was to derive recommendations on administered activities for obtaining age-independent effective doses. Consequently, the corresponding weight-dependent effective dose coefficients were rescaled according to the formalism of the EANM dosage card, to determine the radiopharmaceutical class of 68Ga-labeled peptides ("multiples"), and to calculate the baseline activities based on the biokinetics of these compounds and an upper limit of the administered activity of 185 MBq for an adult. Analogous to 18F-fluoride, a minimum activity of 14 MBq is recommended. As a result, for those pediatric nuclear medicine applications involving 68Ga-labeled peptides, new values for the EANM dosage card were proposed and implemented based on the results derived in this work. Overall, despite the low additional radiation-related cancer risk, all efforts should be undertaken to optimize administered activities in children and adolescents for obtaining sufficient diagnostic information with minimal associated radiation risk.}, subject = {Biokinetics}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Romanov2019, author = {Romanov, Natalie}, title = {Characterizing Variation of Protein Complexes and Functional Modules on a Temporal Scale and across Individuals}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16813}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168139}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A fundamental question in current biology concerns the translational mechanisms leading from genetic variability to phenotypes. Technologies have evolved to the extent that they can efficiently and economically determine an individual's genomic composition, while at the same time big data on clinical profiles and diagnostics have substantially accumulated. Genome-wide association studies linking genomic loci to certain traits, however, remain limited in their capacity to explain the cellular mechanisms that underlie the given association. For most associations, gene expression has been blamed; yet given that transcript and protein abundance oftentimes do not correlate, that finding does not necessarily decrypt the underlying mechanism. Thus, the integration of further information is crucial to establish a model that could prove more accurate in predicting genotypic effects on the human organism. In this work we describe the so-called proteotype as a feature of the cell that could provide a substantial link between genotype and phenotype. Rather than looking at the proteome as a set of independent molecules, we demonstrate a consistent modular architecture of the proteome that is driven by molecular cooperativity. Functional modules, especially protein complexes, can be further interrogated for differences between individuals and tackled as imprints of genetic and environmental variability. We also show that subtle stoichiometric changes of protein modules could have broader effects on the cellular system, such as the transport of specific molecular cargos. The presented work also delineates to what extent temporal events and processes influence the stoichiometry of protein complexes and functional modules. The re-wiring of the glycolytic pathway for example is illustrated as a potential cause for an increased Warburg effect during the ageing of the human bone marrow. On top of analyzing protein abundances we also interrogate proteome dynamics in terms of stability and solubility transitions during the short temporal progression of the cell cycle. One of our main observations in the thesis encompass the delineation of protein complexes into respective sub-complexes according to distinct stability patterns during the cell cycle. This has never been demonstrated before, and is functionally relevant for our understanding of the dis- and assembly of large protein modules. The insights presented in this work imply that the proteome is more than the sum of its parts, and primarily driven by variability in entire protein ensembles and their cooperative nature. Analyzing protein complexes and functional modules as molecular reflections of genetic and environmental variations could indeed prove to be a stepping stone in closing the gap between genotype and phenotype and customizing clinical treatments in the future.}, subject = {Proteotype}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ALHijailan2019, author = {AL-Hijailan, Reem Saud}, title = {Establishment of endothelialized cardiac tissue using human induced pluripotent stem cells generated cardiomyocytes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17397}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173979}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cardiovascular diseases are considered the leading cause of death worldwide according to the World Health Organization. Heart failure is the last stage of most of these diseases, where loss of myocardium leads to architectural and functional decline. The definitive treatment option for patients with CVDs is organ or tissue transplantation, which relies on donor availability. Therefore, generating an autologous bioengineered myocardium or heart could overcome this limitation. In addition, generating cardiac patches will provide ventricular wall support and enable reparative stem cells delivery to damaged areas. Although many hurdles still exist, a good number of researches have attempted to create an engineered cardiac tissue which can induce endogenous cardiac repair by replacing damaged myocardium. The present study provided cardiac patches in two models, one by a detergent coronary perfusion decellularization protocol that was optimized, and the other that resulted in a 3D cell-free extracellular matrix with intact architecture and preserved s-glycosaminoglycan and vasculature conduits. Perfusion with 1\% Sodium dodecyle sulfate (SDS) under constant pressure resulted in cell-free porcine scaffold within two and cell-free rat scaffold in 7 days, whereas scaffold perfused with 4\% sodium deoxycholate (SDO) was not able to remove cells completely. Re-reendothelialization of tissue vasculature was obtained by injecting human microvascular endothelial cell and human fibroblast in 2:1 ratio in a dynamic culture. One-week later, CD31 positive cells and endothelium markers were observed, indicating new blood lining. Moreover, functionality test of re-endothelialized tissue revealed improvement in clotting seen in decellularized tissues. When the tissue was ready to be repopulated, porcine induced pluripotent stem cells (PiPSc) were generated by transfected reprogramming of porcine skin fibroblast and then differentiated to cardiac cells following a robust protocol, for an autologous cardiac tissue model. However, due to the limitation in the PiPSc cell number, alternatively, human induced pluripotent stem cells generated cardiac cells were used. For reseeding a coculture of human iPSc generated cardiac cells, human mesenchymal stem cells and human fibroblast in 2:1:1 ratio respectively were used in a dynamic culture for 6-8 weeks. Contractions at different areas of the tissue were recorded at an average beating rate of 67 beats/min. In addition, positive cardiac markers (Troponin T), Fibroblast (vemintin), and mesenchymal stem cells (CD90) were detected. Not only that, but by week 3, MSC started differentiating to cardiac cells progressively until few CD90 positive cells were very few by week 6 with increasing troponin t positive cells in parallel. Electrophysiological and drug studies were difficult to obtain due to tissue thickness and limited assessment sources. However, the same construct was established using small intestine submucosa (SISer) scaffold, which recorded a spontaneous beating rate between 0.88 and 1.2 Hz, a conduction velocity of 23.9 ± 0.74 cm s-1, and a maximal contraction force of 0.453 ± 0.015 mN. Moreover, electrophysiological studies demonstrated a drug-dependent response on beating rate; a higher adrenalin frequency was revealed in comparison to the untreated tissue and isoproterenol administration, whereas a decrease in beating rate was observed with propranolol and untreated tissue. The present study demonstrated the establishment of vascularized cardiac tissue, which can be used for human clinical application.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nelke2019, author = {Nelke, Lena}, title = {Establishment and optimization of 3-dimensional mamma carcinoma models for therapy simulation and drug testing}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17228}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172280}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and the second most common cause of cancer death in the developed countries. As the current state of the art in first-line drug screenings is highly ineffective, there is an urgent need for novel test systems that allow for reliable predictions of drug sensitivity. In this study, a tissue engineering approach was used to successfully establish and standardize a 3-dimensional (3D) mamma carcinoma test system that was optimized for the testing of anti-tumour therapies as well as for the investigation of tumour biological issues. This 3D test system is based on the decellularised scaffold of a porcine small intestinal segment and represents the three molecular subsets of oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2/Neu-overexpressing and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). The characterization of the test system with respect to morphology as well as the expression of markers for epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and differentiation indicate that the 3D tumour models cultured under static and dynamic conditions reflect tumour relevant features and have a good correlation with in vivo tumour tissue from the corresponding xenograft models. In this respect, the dynamic culture in a flow bioreactor resulted in the generation of tumour models that exhibited best reflection of the morphology of the xenograft material. Furthermore, the proliferation indices of 3D models were significantly reduced compared to 2-dimensional (2D) cell culture and therefore better reflect the in vivo situation. As this more physiological proliferation index prevents an overestimation of the therapeutic effect of cytostatic compounds, this is a crucial advantage of the test system compared to 2D culture. Moreover, it could be shown that the 3D models can recapitulate different tumour stages with respect to tumour cell invasion. The scaffold SISmuc with the preserved basement membrane structure allowed the investigation of invasion over this barrier which tumour cells of epithelial origin have to cross in in vivo conditions during the process of metastasis formation. Additionally, the data obtained from ultrastructural analysis and in situ zymography indicate that the invasion observed is connected to a tumour cell-associated change in the basement membrane in which matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are also involved. This features of the model in combination with the mentioned methods of analysis could be used in the future to mechanistically investigate invasive processes and to test anti-metastatic therapy strategies. The validation of the 3D models as a test system with respect to the predictability of therapeutic effects was achieved by the clinically relevant targeted therapy with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab which induces therapeutic response only in patients with HER2/Neu-overexpressing mamma carcinomas due to its specificity for HER2. While neither in 2D nor in 3D models of all molecular subsets a clear reduction of cell viability or an increase in apoptosis could be observed, a distinct increase in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) was detected only in the HER2/NEU-overexpressing 3D model with the help of an ADCC reporter gene assay that had been adapted for the application in the 3D model in the here presented work. This correlates with the clinical observations and underlines the relevance of ADCC as a mechanism of action (MOA) of trastuzumab. In order to measure the effects of ADCC on the tumour cells in a direct way without the indirect measurement via a reporter gene, the introduction of an immunological component into the models was required. This was achieved by the integration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), thereby allowing the measurement of the induction of tumour cell apoptosis in the HER2/Neu-overexpressing model. Hence, in this study an immunocompetent model could be established that holds the potential for further testing of therapies from the emergent field of cancer immunotherapies. Subsequently, the established test system was used for the investigation of scientific issues from different areas of application. By the comparison of the sensitivity of the 2D and 3D model of TNBC towards the water-insoluble compound curcumin that was applied in a novel nanoformulation or in a DMSO-based formulation, the 3D test system was successfully applied for the evaluation of an innovative formulation strategy for poorly soluble drugs in order to achieve cancer therapy-relevant concentrations. Moreover, due to the lack of targeted therapies for TNBC, the TNBC model was applied for testing novel treatment strategies. On the one hand, therapy with the WEE1 kinase inhibitor MK 1775 was evaluated as a single agent as well as in combination with the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin. This therapy approach did not reveal any distinct benefits in the 3D test system in contrast to testing in 2D culture. On the other hand, a novel therapy approach from the field of cellular immunotherapies was successfully applied in the TNBC 3D model. The treatment with T cells that express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) against ROR1 revealed in the static as well as in the dynamic model a migration of T cells into the tumour tissue, an enhanced proliferation of T cells as well as an efficient lysis of the tumour cells via apoptosis and therefore a specific anti-cancer effect of CAR-transduced T cells compared to control T cells. These results illustrate that the therapeutic application of CAR T cells is a promising strategy for the treatment of solid tumours like TNBC and that the here presented 3D models are suitable for the evaluation and optimization of cellular immunotherapies. In the last part of this work, the 3D models were expanded by components of the tumour stroma for future applications. By coculture with fibroblasts, the natural structures of the intestinal scaffold comprising crypts and villi were remodelled and the tumour cells formed tumour-like structures together with the fibroblasts. This tissue model displayed a strong correlation with xenograft models with respect to morphology, marker expression as well as the activation of dermal fibroblasts towards a cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) phenotype. For the integration of adipocytes which are an essential component of the breast stroma, a coculture with human adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (hASCs) which could be successfully differentiated along the adipose lineage in 3D static as well as dynamic models was established. These models are suitable especially for the mechanistic analysis of the reciprocal interaction between tumour cells and adipocytes due to the complex differentiation process. Taken together, in this study a human 3D mamma carcinoma test system for application in the preclinical development and testing of anti-tumour therapies as well as in basic research in the field of tumour biology was successfully established. With the help of this modular test system, relevant data can be obtained concerning the efficacy of therapies in tumours of different molecular subsets and different tumour stages as well as for the optimization of novel therapy strategies like immunotherapies. In the future this can contribute to improve the preclinical screening and thereby to reduce the high attrition rates in pharmaceutical industry as well as the amount of animal experiments.}, subject = {Brustkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Derakhshani2019, author = {Derakhshani, Shaghayegh}, title = {Measles virus infection enhances dendritic cell migration in a 3D environment}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18918}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The respiratory system is amongst the most important compartments in the human body. Due to its connection to the external environment, it is one of the most common portals of pathogen entry. Airborne pathogens like measles virus (MV) carried in liquid droplets exhaled from the infected individuals via a cough or sneeze enter the body from the upper respiratory tract and travel down to the lower respiratory tract and reach the alveoli. There, pathogens are captured by the resident dendritic cells (DCs) or macrophages and brought to the lymph node where immune responses or, as in case of MV, dissemination via the hematopoietic cell compartment are initiated. Basic mechanisms governing MV exit from the respiratory tract, especially virus transmission from infected immune cells to the epithelial cells have not been fully addressed before. Considering the importance of these factors in the viral spread, a complex close-to-in-vivo 3D human respiratory tract model was generated. This model was established using de-cellularized porcine intestine tissue as a biological scaffold and H358 cells as targets for infection. The scaffold was embedded with fibroblast cells, and later on, an endothelial cell layer seeded at the basolateral side. This provided an environment resembling the respiratory tract where MV infected DCs had to transmigrate through the collagen scaffold and transmit the virus to epithelial cells in a Nectin-4 dependent manner. For viral transmission, the access of infected DCs to the recipient epithelial cells is an essential prerequisite and therefore, this important factor which is reflected by cell migration was analyzed in this 3D system. The enhanced motility of specifically MV-infected DCs in the 3D models was observed, which occurred independently of factors released from the other cell types in the models. Enhanced motility of infected DCs in 3D collagen matrices suggested infection-induced cytoskeletal remodeling, as also verified by detection of cytoskeletal polarization, uropod formation. This enforced migration was sensitive to ROCK inhibition revealing that MV infection induces an amoeboid migration mode in DCs. In support of this, the formation of podosome structures and filopodia, as well as their activity, were reduced in infected DCs and retained in their uninfected siblings. Differential migration modes of uninfected and infected DCs did not cause differential maturation, which was found to be identical for both populations. As an underlying mechanism driving this enforced migration, the role of sphingosine kinase (SphK) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) was studied in MV-exposed cultures. It was shown in this thesis that MV-infection increased S1P production, and this was identified as a contributing factor as inhibition sphingosine kinase activity abolished enforced migration of MV-infected DCs. These findings revealed that MV infection induces a fast push-and-squeeze amoeboid mode of migration, which is supported by SphK/S1P axis. However, this push-and-squeeze amoeboid migration mode did not prevent the transendothelial migration of MV-infected DCs. Altogether, this 3D system has been proven to be a suitable model to study specific parameters of mechanisms involved in infections in an in vivo-like conditions.}, subject = {Dendritische Zelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wilde2019, author = {Wilde, Sabrina}, title = {Einsatz von mechanistischen Biomarkern zur Charakterisierung und Bewertung von \(in\) \(vitro\) Genotoxinen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18278}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182782}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die verf{\"u}gbaren in vitro Genotoxizit{\"a}tstests weisen hinsichtlich ihrer Spezifit{\"a}t und ihres Informationsgehalts zum vorliegenden Wirkmechanismus (Mode of Action, MoA) Einschr{\"a}nkungen auf. Um diese M{\"a}ngel zu {\"u}berwinden, wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei Ziele verfolgt, die zu der Entwicklung und Etablierung neuer in vitro Methoden zur Pr{\"u}fung auf Genotoxizit{\"a}t in der Arzneimittelentwicklung beitragen. 1. Etablierung und Bewertung einer neuen in vitro Genotoxizit{\"a}tsmethode (MultiFlow Methode) Die MultiFlow Methode basiert auf DNA-schadensassoziierten Proteinantworten von γH2AX (DNA-Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che), phosphorylierten H3 (S10) (mitotische Zellen), nukle{\"a}ren Protein p53 (Genotoxizit{\"a}t) und cleaved PARP1 (Apoptose) in TK6-Zellen. Insgesamt wurden 31 Modellsubstanzen mit dem MultiFlow Assay und erg{\"a}nzend mit dem etablierten Mikrokerntest (MicroFlow MNT), auf ihre F{\"a}higkeit verschiedene MoA-Gruppen (Aneugene/Klastogene/Nicht-Genotoxine) zu differenzieren, untersucht. Die Performance der „neuen" gegen{\"u}ber der „alten" Methode f{\"u}hrte zu einer verbesserten Sensitivit{\"a}t von 95\% gegen{\"u}ber 90\%, Spezifit{\"a}t von 90\% gegen{\"u}ber 72\% und einer MoA-Klassifizierungsrate von 85\% gegen{\"u}ber 45\% (Aneugen vs. Klastogen). 2. Identifizierung mechanistischer Biomarker zur Klassifizierung genotoxischer Substanzen Die Analyse 67 ausgew{\"a}hlter DNA-schadensassoziierter Gene in der QuantiGene Plex Methode zeigte, dass mehrere Gene gleichzeitig zur MoA-Klassifizierung beitragen k{\"o}nnen. Die Kombination der h{\"o}chstrangierten Marker BIK, KIF20A, TP53I3, DDB2 und OGG1 erm{\"o}glichte die beste Identifizierungsrate der Modellsubstanzen. Das synergetische Modell kategorisierte 16 von 16 Substanzen korrekt in Aneugene, Klastogene und Nicht-Genotoxine. Unter Verwendung der Leave-One-Out-Kreuzvalidierung wurde das Modell evaluiert und erreichte eine Sensitivit{\"a}t, Spezifit{\"a}t und Pr{\"a}diktivit{\"a}t von 86\%, 83\% und 85\%. Ergebnisse der traditionellen qPCR Methode zeigten, dass Genotoxizit{\"a}t mit TP53I3, Klastogenit{\"a}t mit ATR und RAD17 und oxidativer Stress mit NFE2L2 detektiert werden kann. Durch die Untersuchungen von posttranslationalen Modifikationen unter Verwendung der High-Content-Imaging-Technologie wurden mechanistische Assoziationen f{\"u}r BubR1 (S670) und pH3 (S28) mit Aneugenit{\"a}t, 53BP1 (S1778) und FANCD2 (S1404) mit Klastogenit{\"a}t, p53 (K373) mit Genotoxizit{\"a}t und Nrf2 (S40) mit oxidativem Stress identifiziert. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass (Geno)toxine unterschiedliche Gen- und Proteinver{\"a}nderungen in TK6-Zellen induzieren, die zur Erfassung mechanistischer Aktivit{\"a}ten und Einteilung (geno)toxischer MoA-Gruppen (Aneugen/Klastogen/ Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies) eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen und daher eine bessere Risikobewertung von Wirkstoffkandidaten erm{\"o}glichen.}, subject = {Genotoxizit{\"a}t}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beck2019, author = {Beck, Sebastian}, title = {Using optogenetics to influence the circadian clock of \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18495}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Almost all life forms on earth have adapted to the most impactful and most predictable recurring change in environmental condition, the cycle of day and night, caused by the axial rotation of the planet. As a result many animals have evolved intricate endogenous clocks, which adapt and synchronize the organisms' physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the daily change in environmental conditions. The scientific field researching these endogenous clocks is called chronobiology and has steadily grown in size, scope and relevance since the works of the earliest pioneers in the 1960s. The number one model organism for the research of circadian clocks is the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, whose clock serves as the entry point to understanding the basic inner workings of such an intricately constructed endogenous timekeeping system. In this thesis it was attempted to combine the research on the circadian clock with the techniques of optogenetics, a fairly new scientific field, launched by the discovery of Channelrhodopsin 2 just over 15 years ago. Channelrhodopsin 2 is a light-gated ion channel found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In optogenetics, researches use these light-gated ion channels like Channelrhodopsin 2 by heterologously expressing them in cells and tissues of other organisms, which can then be stimulated by the application of light. This is most useful when studying neurons, as these channels provide an almost non-invasive tool to depolarize the neuronal plasma membranes at will. The goal of this thesis was to develop an optogenetic tool, which would be able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster upon illumination. A phase shift is the adaptive response of the circadian clock to an outside stimulus that signals a change in the environmental light cycle. An optogenetic tool, able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock predictably and reliably, would open up many new ways and methods of researching the neuronal network of the clock and which neurons communicate to what extent, ultimately synchronizing the network. The first optogenetic tool to be tested in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster was ChR2-XXL, a channelrhodopsin variant with dramatically increased expression levels and photocurrents combined with a prolonged open state. The specific expression of ChR2-XXL and of later constructs was facilitated by deploying the three different clock-specific GAL4-driver lines, clk856-gal4, pdf-gal4 and mai179-gal4. Although ChR2-XXL was shown to be highly effective at depolarizing neurons, these stimulations proved to be unable to significantly phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila. The second series of experiments was conducted with the conceptually novel optogenetic tools Olf-bPAC and SthK-bPAC, which respectively combine a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel (Olf and SthK) with the light-activated adenylyl-cyclase bPAC. These tools proved to be quite useful when expressed in the motor neurons of instar-3 larvae of Drosophila, paralyzing the larvae upon illumination, as well as affecting body length. This way, these new tools could be precisely characterized, spawning a successfully published research paper, centered around their electrophysiological characterization and their applicability in model organisms like Drosophila. In the circadian clock however, these tools caused substantial damage, producing severe arrhythmicity and anomalies in neuronal development. Using a temperature-sensitive GAL80-line to delay the expression until after the flies had eclosed, yielded no positive results either. The last series of experiments saw the use of another new series of optogenetic tools, modelled after the Olf-bPAC, with bPAC swapped out for CyclOp, a membrane-bound guanylyl-cyclase, coupled with less potent versions of the Olf. This final attempt however also ended up being unsuccessful. While these tools could efficiently depolarize neuronal membranes upon illumination, they were ultimately unable to stimulate the circadian clock in way that would cause it to phase shift. Taken together, these mostly negative results indicate that an optogenetic manipulation of the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster is an extremely challenging subject. As light already constitutes the most impactful environmental factor on the circadian clock, the combination of chronobiology with optogenetics demands the parameters of the conducted experiments to be tuned with an extremely high degree of precision, if one hopes to receive positive results from these types of experiments at all.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breitenbach2019, author = {Breitenbach, Tim}, title = {A mathematical optimal control based approach to pharmacological modulation with regulatory networks and external stimuli}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17436}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this work models for molecular networks consisting of ordinary differential equations are extended by terms that include the interaction of the corresponding molecular network with the environment that the molecular network is embedded in. These terms model the effects of the external stimuli on the molecular network. The usability of this extension is demonstrated with a model of a circadian clock that is extended with certain terms and reproduces data from several experiments at the same time. Once the model including external stimuli is set up, a framework is developed in order to calculate external stimuli that have a predefined desired effect on the molecular network. For this purpose the task of finding appropriate external stimuli is formulated as a mathematical optimal control problem for which in order to solve it a lot of mathematical methods are available. Several methods are discussed and worked out in order to calculate a solution for the corresponding optimal control problem. The application of the framework to find pharmacological intervention points or effective drug combinations is pointed out and discussed. Furthermore the framework is related to existing network analysis tools and their combination for network analysis in order to find dedicated external stimuli is discussed. The total framework is verified with biological examples by comparing the calculated results with data from literature. For this purpose platelet aggregation is investigated based on a corresponding gene regulatory network and associated receptors are detected. Furthermore a transition from one to another type of T-helper cell is analyzed in a tumor setting where missing agents are calculated to induce the corresponding switch in vitro. Next a gene regulatory network of a myocardiocyte is investigated where it is shown how the presented framework can be used to compare different treatment strategies with respect to their beneficial effects and side effects quantitatively. Moreover a constitutively activated signaling pathway, which thus causes maleficent effects, is modeled and intervention points with corresponding treatment strategies are determined that steer the gene regulatory network from a pathological expression pattern to physiological one again.}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jannasch2019, author = {Jannasch, Maren Annika}, title = {In vitro Fremdk{\"o}rpermodellsysteme zur Vorhersage von biomaterialinduzierten Immunreaktionen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16289}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162893}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Implantation eines Medizinprodukts in den menschlichen K{\"o}rper ruft eine Immunreaktion hervor, die zur fibr{\"o}sen Einkapselung f{\"u}hren kann. Makrophagen in direktem Kontakt mit der Oberfl{\"a}che des Implantats erfassen sensorisch den Fremdk{\"o}rper und {\"u}bersetzten das Signal in die Freisetzung zahlreicher l{\"o}slicher Mediatoren. Das generierte Entz{\"u}ndungsmilieu moduliert die Heilungsreaktion und kann zur Anreicherung von Fibroblasten sowie zur Erh{\"o}hung der Matrixsyntheserate in der Wundumgebung f{\"u}hren. Eine dichte fibr{\"o}se Kapsel um ein Medizinprodukt beeintr{\"a}chtigt den Ersatz von K{\"o}rperstrukturen, das Unterst{\"u}tzen physiologischer K{\"o}rperfunktionen sowie die Effizienz einer medizinischen Therapie. Zur Identifizierung potenzieller Biomaterialkandidaten mit optimalen Eigenschaften ist jedoch eine evidenzbasierte Entscheidungsfindung notwendig und diese wiederum muss durch geeignete Testmethoden unterst{\"u}tzt werden. Zur Erfassung lokaler Effekte nach Implantation eines Biomaterials begr{\"u}ndet die Komplexi-t{\"a}t der ablaufenden Fremdk{\"o}rperreaktion die Anwendung von Tiermodellen als Goldstandard. Die Eingliederung von in vitro Modellsystemen in standardisierte Testverfahren scheitert oft an der Verf{\"u}gbarkeit validierter, verl{\"a}sslicher und reproduzierbarer Methoden. Demnach ist kein standardisiertes in vitro Testverfahren beschrieben, das die komplexen dreidimensionalen Gewebsstrukturen w{\"a}hrend einer Fremdk{\"o}rperreaktion abbildet und sich zur Testung {\"u}ber l{\"a}ngere Kontaktphasen zwischen Blutkomponenten und Biomaterialien eignet. Jedoch k{\"o}nnen in vitro Testungen kosten- und zeiteffizienter sein und durch die Anwendung humaner Zellen eine h{\"o}here {\"U}bertragbarkeit auf den Menschen aufweisen. Zus{\"a}tzlich adressiert die Pr{\"a}ferenz zu in vitro Testmethoden den Aspekt „Reduzierung" der 3R-Prinzipien „Replacement, Reduction, Refinement" (Ersatz, Reduzierung, Verbesserung) von Russel und Burch (1959) zu einer bewussten und begr{\"u}ndeten Anwendung von Tiermodellen in der Wissenschaft. Ziel von diesem Forschungsvorhaben war die Entwicklung von humanen in vitro Modellsystemen, die den Kontakt zu Blutkomponenten sowie die Reaktion des umliegenden Bindegewebes bei lokaler Implantation eines Biomaterials abbilden. Referenzmaterialien, deren Gewebsantwort nach Implantation in Tiere oder den Menschen bekannt ist, dienten als Validierungskriterium f{\"u}r die entwickelten Modellsysteme. Die Anreicherung von Zellen sowie die Bildung extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrix in der Wundumgebung stellen wichtige Teilprozesse w{\"a}hrend einer Fremdk{\"o}rperreaktion dar. F{\"u}r beide Teilprozesse konnte in einem indirekten zellbasierten Modellsystem der Einfluss einer zellvermittelten Konditionierung wie die Freisetzung von l{\"o}slichen Mediatoren durch materialadh{\"a}rente Makrophagen auf die gerichtete Wanderung von Fibroblasten sowie den Umbau eines dreidimensionalen Bindegewebsmodells aufgezeigt werden. Des Weiteren ließ sich das Freisetzungsprofil von Zytokinen durch materialst{\"a}ndige Makrophagen unter verschiedenen Testbedingungen wie der Kontamination mit LPS, der Oberfl{\"a}chenbehandlung mit humanem Blutplasma und der Gegenwart von IL-4 bestimmen. Die anschließende vergleichende statistische Modellierung der generierten komplexen multifaktoriellen Datenmatrix erm{\"o}glichte die {\"U}bersetzung in eine Biomaterialbewertung. Dieses entwickelte Testverfahren eignete sich einerseits zur Validierung von in vitro Testbedingungen sowie andererseits zur Bewertung von Biomaterialien. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte in einem dreidimensionalen Fremdk{\"o}rpermodell die komplexe dreidimensionale Struktur der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix in einer Wunde durch die Kombination unterschiedlicher Zell- und Matrixkomponenten biomimetisch nachgebaut werden. Diese neuartigen dreidimensionalen Fremdk{\"o}rpermodelle erm{\"o}glichten die Testung von Biomaterialien {\"u}ber l{\"a}ngere Testphasen und k{\"o}nnen in anschließenden Studien angewandt werden, um dynamische Prozesse zu untersuchen. Zusammenfassend konnten in dieser Arbeit drei unterschiedliche Teststrategien entwickelt werden, die (I) die Bewertung von Teilprozessen erm{\"o}glichen, (II) die Identifizierung verl{\"a}sslicher Testbedingungen unterst{\"u}tzen und (III) biomimetisch ein Wundgewebe abbilden. Wesentlich ist, dass biomimetisch ein dreidimensionales Gewebemodell entwickelt werden konnte, das eine verl{\"a}ssliche Unterscheidungskapazit{\"a}t zwischen Biomaterialien aufweist.}, subject = {Biomaterial}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yu2019, author = {Yu, Sung-Huan}, title = {Development and application of computational tools for RNA-Seq based transcriptome annotations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In order to understand the regulation of gene expression in organisms, precise genome annotation is essential. In recent years, RNA-Seq has become a potent method for generating and improving genome annotations. However, this Approach is time consuming and often inconsistently performed when done manually. In particular, the discovery of non-coding RNAs benefits strongly from the application of RNA-Seq data but requires significant amounts of expert knowledge and is labor-intensive. As a part of my doctoral study, I developed a modular tool called ANNOgesic that can detect numerous transcribed genomic features, including non-coding RNAs, based on RNA-Seq data in a precise and automatic fashion with a focus on bacterial and achaeal species. The software performs numerous analyses and generates several visualizations. It can generate annotations of high-Resolution that are hard to produce using traditional annotation tools that are based only on genome sequences. ANNOgesic can detect numerous novel genomic Features like UTR-derived small non-coding RNAs for which no other tool has been developed before. ANNOgesic is available under an open source license (ISCL) at https://github.com/Sung-Huan/ANNOgesic. My doctoral work not only includes the development of ANNOgesic but also its application to annotate the transcriptome of Staphylococcus aureus HG003 - a strain which has been a insightful model in infection biology. Despite its potential as a model, a complete genome sequence and annotations have been lacking for HG003. In order to fill this gap, the annotations of this strain, including sRNAs and their functions, were generated using ANNOgesic by analyzing differential RNA-Seq data from 14 different samples (two media conditions with seven time points), as well as RNA-Seq data generated after transcript fragmentation. ANNOgesic was also applied to annotate several bacterial and archaeal genomes, and as part of this its high performance was demonstrated. In summary, ANNOgesic is a powerful computational tool for RNA-Seq based annotations and has been successfully applied to several species.}, subject = {Genom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Memmel2019, author = {Memmel, Simon}, title = {Automatisierte Algorithmen zur Analyse der Migration und der strahleninduzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den humaner Glioblastomzellen nach kombinierter PI3K/mTOR/Hsp90-Inhibierung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18571}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185710}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das hohe invasive Potential und die starke Resistenz gegen Radio-/Chemotherapie von Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) Zellen machen sie zu dem t{\"o}dlichsten Tumor ihrer Art. Es ist deshalb von großem Interesse die Grundlagen, welche der Migrationsf{\"a}higkeit und DNA Reparatur zu Grunde liegen, besser zu verstehen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Algorithmen zur automatischen Analyse der Migration in der Einzelzellverfolgung und im Wundheilungsassay modifiziert. Die Auswertung der Daten konnte automatisch und somit schnell, effektiv und mit geringerem Arbeitsaufwand durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Mit Hilfe dieser automatischen Algorithmen wurde die Migrationsf{\"a}higkeit von zwei GBM-Zelllinien (DK-MG und SNB19) untersucht. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde die konfokale Laserscanning- sowie die hochaufl{\"o}sende dSTORM-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie verwendet um die, der Zellbewegung zu Grunde liegende, Struktur des F Aktin und der fokalen Adh{\"a}sionskinase (FAK) aufzul{\"o}sen und darzustellen. Unter Anwendung dieser genannten Methoden sind die Effekte des dualen PI3K/mTOR Inhibitors PI-103 alleine und in Kombination mit dem Hsp90 Inhibitor NVP AUY922 mit und ohne Bestrahlung auf die Bewegung untersucht worden. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich beide Zelllinien deutlich in ihrem migratorischem Potential in vitro unterscheiden und zudem auch markante Unterschiede in ihrer Morphologie aufweisen. Die weniger invasiven DK MG-Zellen besitzen eine polarisierte Zellstruktur, wohingegen SNB19-Zellen sich durch multipolare ungerichtete Bewegung auszeichneten. Zudem wurde die Migration, durch PI3K/mTOR Inhibition mit PI-103 bei den DK-MG-Zellen (p53 wt, PTEN wt), sehr effektiv unterdr{\"u}ckt. Wohingegen sich die SNB19-Zellen (p53 mut, PTEN mut) resistent gegen diesen Inhibitor zeigten. Hsp90 Inhibition offenbarte in beiden Zelllinien einen starken inhibitorischen Effekt auf die Migration der Zellen sowie die Reorganisierung des F Aktinskelettes. In der zweiten H{\"a}lfte dieser Arbeit wurde ein Augenmerk auf die DNA-DSB-Reparatur der GBM Zellen nach ionisierender Strahlung gelegt. Zun{\"a}chst wurde eine automatische Analysesoftware „FocAn-3D" entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe die DNA Doppelstrangbruchreparaturkinetik untersucht werden sollte. Diese Software erm{\"o}glicht es die gesamten Zellkerne mit ihren γH2AX-Foci in 3D-cLSM-Aufnahmen zu untersuchen. Es konnte somit eine Verbesserung der Genauigkeit in der Ausz{\"a}hlung der γH2AX-Foci erreicht werden, welche 2D beschr{\"a}nkter Software verwehrt bleibt. Mit FocAn-3D konnte der gesamte Verlauf der Induktions- und Abbauphase der γH2AX-Foci in DK MG- und SNB19-Zellen mit einem mathematischen Modell ausgewertet und dargestellt werden. Des Weiteren wurde die Nanometerstruktur von γH2AX- und pDNA-PKcs-Foci mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender dSTORM-Mikroskopie untersucht. Konventionelle Mikroskopiemethoden, begrenzt durch das Beugungslimit und einer Aufl{\"o}sung von ~200 nm, konnten die Nanometerstruktur (<100 nm) der Reparaturfoci bisher nicht darstellen. Mit Hilfe der beugungsunbegrenzten dSTORM-Mikroskopie war es m{\"o}glich in DK MG- und SNB19-Zellen die Nanometerstruktur genannten Reparaturproteine in den Foci mit einer Aufl{\"o}sung von bis zu ~20 nm darzustellen. γH2AX-Foci zeigten sich als eine Verteilung aus einzelnen Untereinheiten („Nanofoci") mit einem Durchmesser von ~45 nm. Dies l{\"a}sst die Vermutung zu, dass es sich hier um die elementare Substruktur der Foci und somit der γH2AX enthaltenen Nukleosome handelt. DNA-PK-Foci wiesen hingegen eine diffusere Verteilung auf. Die in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Unterschiede im Migrationsverhalten der Zellen rechtfertigen eine weitere pr{\"a}klinische Untersuchung der verwendeten Inhibitoren als potentielle Zelltherapeutika f{\"u}r die Behandlung von GBM. Zudem konnte sich dSTORM als machtvolles Hilfsmittel, sowohl zur Analyse der Migration zugrundeliegenden Zytoskelettstruktur und der Effekte der Hsp90 Inhibierung, als auch, der Nanostruktur der DNA-DSB-Reparaturfoci herausstellen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass beugungsunbegrenzte Mikroskopiemethoden sich als bedeutende Werkzeuge in der medizinischen und biologischen Erforschung der DNA-Reparaturmechanismen herausstellen werden. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte ImageJ Plugin „FocAn-3D" bewies sich ebenfalls als ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug f{\"u}r die Analyse der Reparaturkinetik. Mit Hilfe von „FocAn-3D" sollte es somit m{\"o}glich sein u.a. den Einfluss gezielter Inhibition auf den zeitlichen Verlauf der Induktion und des Abbaus der DNA-Reparaturmaschinerie genauer zu studieren.}, subject = {Glioblastom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kaymak2019, author = {Kaymak, Irem}, title = {Identification of metabolic liabilities in 3D models of cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Inefficient vascularisation of solid tumours leads to the formation of oxygen and nutrient gradients. In order to mimic this specific feature of the tumour microenvironment, a multicellular tumour spheroid (SPH) culture system was used. These experiments were implemented in p53 isogenic colon cancer cell lines (HCT116 p53 +/+ and HCT116 p53-/-) since Tp53 has important regulatory functions in tumour metabolism. First, the characteristics of the cells cultured as monolayers and as spheroids were investigated by using RNA sequencing and metabolomics to compare gene expression and metabolic features of cells grown in different conditions. This analysis showed that certain features of gene expression found in tumours are also present in spheroids but not in monolayer cultures, including reduced proliferation and induction of hypoxia related genes. Moreover, comparison between the different genotypes revealed that the expression of genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis is induced in p53 deficient cells compared to p53 wild type cells and this difference was only detected in spheroids and tumour samples but not in monolayer cultures. In addition, it was established that loss of p53 leads to the induction of enzymes of the mevalonate pathway via activation of the transcription factor SREBP2, resulting in a metabolic rewiring that supports the generation of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10). An adequate supply of ubiquinone was essential to support mitochondrial electron transport and pyrimidine biosynthesis in p53 deficient cancer cells under conditions of metabolic stress. Moreover, inhibition of the mevalonate pathway using statins selectively induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in p53 deficient colon cancer cells exposed to oxygen and nutrient deprivation. This was caused by ubiquinone being required for electron transfer by dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, an essential enzyme of the pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis pathway. Supplementation with exogenous nucleosides relieved the demand for electron transfer and restored viability of p53 deficient cancer cells under metabolic stress. Moreover, the mevalonate pathway was also essential for the synthesis of ubiquinone for nucleotide biosynthesis to support growth of intestinal tumour organoids. Together, these findings highlight the importance of the mevalonate pathway in cancer cells and provide molecular evidence for an enhanced sensitivity towards the inhibition of mitochondrial electron transfer in tumour-like metabolic environments.}, subject = {Tumor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gorelashvili2019, author = {Gorelashvili, Maximilian Georg}, title = {Investigation of megakaryopoiesis and the acute phase of ischemic stroke by advanced fluorescence microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18600}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186002}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In mammals, anucleate platelets circulate in the blood flow and are primarily responsible for maintaining functional hemostasis. Platelets are generated in the bone marrow (BM) by megakaryocytes (MKs), which mainly reside directly next to the BM sinusoids to release proplatelets into the blood. MKs originate from hematopoietic stem cells and are thought to migrate from the endosteal to the vascular niche during their maturation, a process, which is, despite being intensively investigated, still not fully understood. Long-term intravital two photon microscopy (2PM) of MKs and vasculature in murine bone marrow was performed and mean squared displacement analysis of cell migration was performed. The MKs exhibited no migration, but wobbling-like movement on time scales of 3 h. Directed cell migration always results in non-random spatial distribution. Thus, a computational modelling algorithm simulating random MK distribution using real 3D light-sheet fluorescence microscopy data sets was developed. Direct comparison of real and simulated random MK distributions showed, that MKs exhibit a strong bias to vessel-contact. However, this bias is not caused by cell migration, as non-vessel-associated MKs were randomly distributed in the intervascular space. Furthermore, simulation studies revealed that MKs strongly impair migration of other cells in the bone marrow by acting as large-sized obstacles. MKs are thought to migrate from the regions close to the endosteum towards the vasculature during their maturation process. MK distribution as a function of their localization relative to the endosteal regions of the bones was investigated by light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM). The results show no bone-region dependent distribution of MKs. Taken together, the newly established methods and obtained results refute the model of MK migration during their maturation. Ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury is a frequent complication of cerebral ischemic stroke, where brain tissue damage occurs despite successful recanalization. Platelets, endothelial cells and immune cells have been demonstrated to affect the progression of I/R injury in experimental mouse models 24 h after recanalization. However, the underlying Pathomechanisms, especially in the first hours after recanalization, are poorly understood. Here, LSFM, 2PM and complemental advanced image analysis workflows were established for investigation of platelets, the vasculature and neutrophils in ischemic brains. Quantitative analysis of thrombus formation in the ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres at different time points revealed that platelet aggregate formation is minimal during the first 8 h after recanalization and occurs in both hemispheres. Considering that maximal tissue damage already is present at this time point, it can be concluded that infarct progression and neurological damage do not result from platelet aggregated formation. Furthermore, LSFM allowed to confirm neutrophil infiltration into the infarcted hemisphere and, here, the levels of endothelial cell marker PECAM1 were strongly reduced. However, further investigations must be carried out to clearly identify the role of neutrophils and the endothelial cells in I/R injury.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuellsack2019, author = {F{\"u}llsack, Simone Alexandra}, title = {Die Bedeutung von Todesdom{\"a}ne Adapterproteinen f{\"u}r die Signaltransduktion des TNFR1 und der TRAIL Todesrezeptoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18451}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184518}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die NFκB-Signalwege, Apoptose und Nekroptose sind essentielle Prozesse in der Immunantwort. Außerdem sind diese Signalwege Teil der Regulation von Zelldifferenzierung, -proliferation, -tod und Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktionen. Dabei wird zuerst der Rezeptor (TNFR1 oder TRAILR 1/2) aktiviert, die rekrutierten DD-Adapterproteine TRADD, FADD und RIPK1 leiten dann die entsprechende Signalkaskade weiter und bestimmen durch ihre Zusammenwirkung, ob der NFκB-Signalweg, Apoptose oder Nekroptose induziert wird. TNFR1 und TRAILR 1/2 ben{\"o}tigen die DD-Adapterproteine TRADD, FADD und RIPK1 f{\"u}r die Zelltodinduktion, deren konkrete Bedeutung in Bezug auf Rezeptor-Spezifit{\"a}t, Zusammenwirken und Relevanz allerdings noch unklar ist. Um das Zusammenspiel dieser Proteine besser zu verstehen, wurden in dieser Arbeit Nekroptose-kompetente RIPK3-exprimierende HeLa-Zellen verwendet, bei denen die DD-Adapterproteine FADD, TRADD und RIPK1 einzeln oder in Kombination von zweien ausgeknockt wurden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass RIPK1 essentiell f{\"u}r die TNFR1- und TRAILR 1/2-vermittelte Nekroptose-Induktion ist, doch RIPK1 alleine, d.h. ohne FADD- oder TRADD-Mitbeteiligung, nur bei der TNFR1-Nekroptose-Induktion ausreicht. Wiederum inhibiert TRADD die TNFR1- und TRAILR 1/2-induzierte Nekroptose. RIPK1 und TRADD sind aber unverzichtbar f{\"u}r die NFκB-Aktivierung durch TNFR1 oder TRAILR 1/2 und spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei TNFR1-induzierter Apoptose. Andererseits ist FADD alleine ausreichend f{\"u}r die TRAILR 1/2-bezogene Caspase-8 Aktivierung. Zudem ist FADD notwendig f{\"u}r die TRAIL-induzierte NFκB-Signalaktivierung. In Abwesenheit von FADD und TRADD vermittelt RIPK1 die TNF-induzierte Caspase-8 Aktivierung. FADD wird f{\"u}r die TRAIL-induzierte Nekroptose ben{\"o}tigt, aber gegenl{\"a}ufig wirkt die TNF-induzierte Nektroptose in einer Caspase-8 abh{\"a}ngigen und unabh{\"a}ngigen Weise. Zudem sensitiviert TWEAK die TNF- und TRAIL-induzierte Nekroptose. Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Arbeit die Auswirkung von TNFR1 und TRAILR 1/2 auf die Aktivierung der unterschiedlichen Signalkaskaden untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, in welcher Weise sich das Zusammenspiel von TRADD, FADD und RIPK1 auf die Induktion von NFκB, Apoptose und Nekroptose auswirkt.}, subject = {Signaltransduktion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koenig2019, author = {K{\"o}nig, Eva-Maria}, title = {Pathogenese von Kraniosynostosen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das humane Sch{\"a}deldach besteht aus f{\"u}nf Sch{\"a}delplatten, die durch intramembran{\"o}se Ossifikation entstehen. Wenn diese in der Embryonalentwicklung aufeinandertreffen, bilden sich Sch{\"a}deln{\"a}hte aus, die eine Fusion der Sch{\"a}delplatten verhindern und damit ein Sch{\"a}delwachstum parallel zu Gehirnentwicklung erm{\"o}glichen. F{\"u}r diesen Prozess ist eine Balance aus Zellproliferation und Differenzierung n{\"o}tig, deren Aufrechterhaltung wiederum durch eine komplexe Regulation von verschiedenen Signalwegen gew{\"a}hrleistet wird. St{\"o}rungen in diesem regulatorischen System k{\"o}nnen zu einer vorzeitigen Fusion der Sch{\"a}delplatten, Kraniosynostose genannt, f{\"u}hren. Die Kraniosynostose ist eine der h{\"a}ufigsten kraniofazialen Fehlbildungen beim Menschen. Durch kompensatorisches Wachstum an den nicht fusionierten Suturen entstehen charakteristische Sch{\"a}deldeformationen, die sekund{\"a}r einen erh{\"o}hten intrakranialen Druck zur Folge haben k{\"o}nnen. Eine vorzeitige Fusion der Suturen kann sowohl isoliert als auch syndromal zusammen mit weiteren klinischen Auff{\"a}lligkeiten vorliegen. Bisher sind {\"u}ber 150 verschiedene Kraniosynostose Syndrome beschrieben und insgesamt 25-30\% aller Kraniosynostose Patienten sind von einer syndromalen Form betroffen. Da die klinischen Merkmale der Kraniosynostose Syndrome variabel sind und zum Teil {\"u}berlappen, ist eine klare klinische Diagnose h{\"a}ufig erschwert. Sowohl Umwelteinfl{\"u}sse als auch genetische Ver{\"a}nderungen k{\"o}nnen die Ursache f{\"u}r Kraniosynostosen sein. Vor allem bei syndromalen Kraniosynostosen wurden genetische Ver{\"a}nderungen, wie beispielsweise Mutationen in den Genen FGFR2, FGFR3, TWIST1 und EFNB1, identifiziert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden chromosomale Ver{\"a}nderungen wie partielle Monosomien von 7p, 9p oder 11p sowie partielle Trisomien von 5q, 13q oder 15q mit Kraniosynostose assoziiert. Trotzdem ist in {\"u}ber 50\% der F{\"a}lle die genetische Ursache unbekannt und die Pathogenese von Kraniosynostosen noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es neue genetische Ursachen bei Kraniosynostose Patienten zu identifizieren und so zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der Pathogenese beizutragen. Es wurde die genomische DNA von 83 Patienten molekulargenetisch durch Mikroarray basierte vergleichende Genomhybridisierung (Array-CGH) oder durch ein speziell entworfenes Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Genpanel untersucht. Bei 30\% der Patienten konnte eine potentiell pathogene Ver{\"a}nderung identifiziert werden. Davon waren 23\% chromosomale Aberrationen wie unbalancierte Translokationen, isolierte interstitielle Verluste und ein Zugewinn an genomischen Material. Bei zwei Patienten wurden unbalancierte Translokationen mit partieller 5q Trisomie nachgewiesen. Das Gen MSX2 liegt innerhalb des duplizierten Bereichs, sodass m{\"o}glicherweise eine MSX2 {\"U}berexpression vorliegt. F{\"u}r ein normales Sch{\"a}delwachstum ist jedoch die richtige Menge an MSX2 kritisch. Des Weiteren wurde eine partielle Deletion von TCF12 detektiert, die in einer Haploinsuffizienz von TCF12 resultiert. TCF12 Mutationen sind mit Koronarnahtsynosten assoziiert. In einem anderen Fall lag das Gen FGF10 innerhalb der duplizierten 5p15.1-p12 Region. Das Gen kodiert f{\"u}r einen Liganden des FGF Signalwegs und wurde bisher noch nicht mit Kraniosynostose assoziiert. Aufgrund dessen wurden Analysen im Tiermodell Danio rerio durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine simulierte {\"U}berexpression durch Injektion der fgf10a mRNA in das 1-Zell Stadium f{\"u}hrte zu schweren Gehirn-, Herz- und Augendefekten. Mittels NGS wurden 77\% der potentiell pathogenen genetischen Ver{\"a}nderungen identifiziert. Hierf{\"u}r wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Genpanel erstellt, das 68 Gene umfasst. Es wurden sowohl bekannte Kraniosynostose- als auch Kandidaten-Gene sowie Gene, die mit der Ossifikation assoziiert sind, in die Analyse eingeschlossen. Das Genpanel wurde durch die Sequenzierung von f{\"u}nf Kontrollproben mit bekannten Mutationen erfolgreich validiert. Anschließend wurde die genomische DNA von 66 Patienten analysiert. Es konnten 20 (potentiell) pathogene Varianten identifiziert werden. Neben bereits bekannten Mutationen in den Genen FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 und TWIST1, konnten zus{\"a}tzlich 8 neue, potentiell pathogene Varianten in den Genen ERF, MEGF8, MSX2, PTCH1 und TCF12 identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit tragen dazu bei das Mutationsspektrum dieser Gene zu erweitern. Bei zwei der Varianten handelte es sich um potentielle Spleißvarianten. F{\"u}r diese konnte in einem in vitro Spleißsystem gezeigt werden, dass sie eine {\"A}nderung des Spleißmusters bewirken. Der Nachweis von zwei seltenen Varianten in den Genen FGFR2 und HUWE1 hat außerdem dazu beigetragen die Pathogenit{\"a}t dieser spezifischen Varianten zu bekr{\"a}ftigen. Eine Variante in POR, die aufgrund bioinformatischer Analysen als potentiell pathogen bewertet wurde, wurde nach der Segregationsanalyse als wahrscheinlich benigne eingestuft. Zusammenfassend konnten bei etwa einem Drittel der Patienten, die mit dem NGS Genpanel analysiert wurden, eine genetische Ursache identifiziert werden. Dieses Genpanel stellt somit ein effizientes diagnostisches Tool dar, das zuk{\"u}nftig in der genetischen Routine-Diagnostik von Kraniosynostose-Patienten eingesetzt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass sowohl eine Untersuchung auf CNVs als auch auf Sequenz{\"a}nderungen bei Kraniosynostose Patienten sinnvoll ist.}, subject = {Kraniosynostose}, language = {de} }