@phdthesis{Kress2019, author = {Kreß, Sebastian}, title = {Development and proof of concept of a biological vascularized cell-based drug delivery system}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A major therapeutic challenge is the increasing incidence of chronic disorders. The persistent impairment or loss of tissue function requires constitutive on-demand drug availability optimally achieved by a drug delivery system ideally directly connected to the blood circulation of the patient. However, despite the efforts and achievements in cell-based therapies and the generation of complex and customized cell-specific microenvironments, the generation of functional tissue is still unaccomplished. This study demonstrates the capability to generate a vascularized platform technology to potentially overcome the supply restraints for graft development and clinical application with immediate anastomosis to the blood circulation. The ability to decellularize segments of the rat intestine while preserving the ECM for subsequent reendothelialization was proven. The reestablishment of a functional arteriovenous perfusion circuit enabled the supply of co-cultured cells capable to replace the function of damaged tissue or to serve as a drug delivery system. During in vitro studies, the applicability of the developed miniaturized biological vascularized scaffold (mBioVaSc-TERM®) was demonstrated. While indicating promising results in short term in vivo studies, long term implantations revealed current limitations for the translation into clinical application. The gained insights will impact further improvements of quality and performance of this promising platform technology for future regenerative therapies.}, subject = {Vaskularisation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kraehnke2019, author = {Kr{\"a}hnke, Martin}, title = {Chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow-derived stromal cells in pellet culture and silk scaffolds for cartilage engineering - Effects of different growth factors and hypoxic conditions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19299}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192999}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Articular cartilage lesions that occur upon intensive sport, trauma or degenerative disease represent a severe therapeutic problem. At present, osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide, affecting around 10\% of men and 18\% of women over 60 years of age (302). The poor self-regeneration capacity of cartilage and the lack of efficient therapeutic treatment options to regenerate durable articular cartilage tissue, provide the rationale for the development of new treatment options based on cartilage tissue engineering approaches (281). The integrated use of cells, biomaterials and growth factors to guide tissue development has the potential to provide functional substitutes of lost or damaged tissues (2,3). For the regeneration of cartilage, the availability of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) or their recruitment into the defect site is fundamental (281). Due to their high proliferation capacity, the possibility to differentiate into chondrocytes and their potential to attract other progenitor cells into the defect site, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) are still regarded as an attractive cell source for cartilage tissue engineering (80). However, in order to successfully engineer cartilage tissue, a better understanding of basic principles of developmental processes and microenvironmental cues that guide chondrogenesis is required.}, subject = {Hypoxie}, language = {en} } @article{KunzGoetzSaueretal.2019, author = {Kunz, Tobias C. and G{\"o}tz, Ralph and Sauer, Markus and Rudel, Thomas}, title = {Detection of chlamydia developmental forms and secreted effectors by expansion microscopy}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}, number = {276}, issn = {2235-2988}, doi = {10.3389/fcimb.2019.00276}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195716}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Expansion microscopy (ExM) is a novel tool to improve the resolution of fluorescence-based microscopy that has not yet been used to visualize intracellular pathogens. Here we show the expansion of the intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, enabling to differentiate its two distinct forms, catabolic active reticulate bodies (RB) and infectious elementary bodies (EB), on a conventional confocal microscope. We show that ExM enables the possibility to precisely locate chlamydial effector proteins, such as CPAF or Cdu1, within and outside of the chlamydial inclusion. Thus, we claim that ExM offers the possibility to address a broad range of questions and may be useful for further research on various intracellular pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2019, author = {K{\"o}nig, Eva-Maria}, title = {Pathogenese von Kraniosynostosen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das humane Sch{\"a}deldach besteht aus f{\"u}nf Sch{\"a}delplatten, die durch intramembran{\"o}se Ossifikation entstehen. Wenn diese in der Embryonalentwicklung aufeinandertreffen, bilden sich Sch{\"a}deln{\"a}hte aus, die eine Fusion der Sch{\"a}delplatten verhindern und damit ein Sch{\"a}delwachstum parallel zu Gehirnentwicklung erm{\"o}glichen. F{\"u}r diesen Prozess ist eine Balance aus Zellproliferation und Differenzierung n{\"o}tig, deren Aufrechterhaltung wiederum durch eine komplexe Regulation von verschiedenen Signalwegen gew{\"a}hrleistet wird. St{\"o}rungen in diesem regulatorischen System k{\"o}nnen zu einer vorzeitigen Fusion der Sch{\"a}delplatten, Kraniosynostose genannt, f{\"u}hren. Die Kraniosynostose ist eine der h{\"a}ufigsten kraniofazialen Fehlbildungen beim Menschen. Durch kompensatorisches Wachstum an den nicht fusionierten Suturen entstehen charakteristische Sch{\"a}deldeformationen, die sekund{\"a}r einen erh{\"o}hten intrakranialen Druck zur Folge haben k{\"o}nnen. Eine vorzeitige Fusion der Suturen kann sowohl isoliert als auch syndromal zusammen mit weiteren klinischen Auff{\"a}lligkeiten vorliegen. Bisher sind {\"u}ber 150 verschiedene Kraniosynostose Syndrome beschrieben und insgesamt 25-30\% aller Kraniosynostose Patienten sind von einer syndromalen Form betroffen. Da die klinischen Merkmale der Kraniosynostose Syndrome variabel sind und zum Teil {\"u}berlappen, ist eine klare klinische Diagnose h{\"a}ufig erschwert. Sowohl Umwelteinfl{\"u}sse als auch genetische Ver{\"a}nderungen k{\"o}nnen die Ursache f{\"u}r Kraniosynostosen sein. Vor allem bei syndromalen Kraniosynostosen wurden genetische Ver{\"a}nderungen, wie beispielsweise Mutationen in den Genen FGFR2, FGFR3, TWIST1 und EFNB1, identifiziert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden chromosomale Ver{\"a}nderungen wie partielle Monosomien von 7p, 9p oder 11p sowie partielle Trisomien von 5q, 13q oder 15q mit Kraniosynostose assoziiert. Trotzdem ist in {\"u}ber 50\% der F{\"a}lle die genetische Ursache unbekannt und die Pathogenese von Kraniosynostosen noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es neue genetische Ursachen bei Kraniosynostose Patienten zu identifizieren und so zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der Pathogenese beizutragen. Es wurde die genomische DNA von 83 Patienten molekulargenetisch durch Mikroarray basierte vergleichende Genomhybridisierung (Array-CGH) oder durch ein speziell entworfenes Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Genpanel untersucht. Bei 30\% der Patienten konnte eine potentiell pathogene Ver{\"a}nderung identifiziert werden. Davon waren 23\% chromosomale Aberrationen wie unbalancierte Translokationen, isolierte interstitielle Verluste und ein Zugewinn an genomischen Material. Bei zwei Patienten wurden unbalancierte Translokationen mit partieller 5q Trisomie nachgewiesen. Das Gen MSX2 liegt innerhalb des duplizierten Bereichs, sodass m{\"o}glicherweise eine MSX2 {\"U}berexpression vorliegt. F{\"u}r ein normales Sch{\"a}delwachstum ist jedoch die richtige Menge an MSX2 kritisch. Des Weiteren wurde eine partielle Deletion von TCF12 detektiert, die in einer Haploinsuffizienz von TCF12 resultiert. TCF12 Mutationen sind mit Koronarnahtsynosten assoziiert. In einem anderen Fall lag das Gen FGF10 innerhalb der duplizierten 5p15.1-p12 Region. Das Gen kodiert f{\"u}r einen Liganden des FGF Signalwegs und wurde bisher noch nicht mit Kraniosynostose assoziiert. Aufgrund dessen wurden Analysen im Tiermodell Danio rerio durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine simulierte {\"U}berexpression durch Injektion der fgf10a mRNA in das 1-Zell Stadium f{\"u}hrte zu schweren Gehirn-, Herz- und Augendefekten. Mittels NGS wurden 77\% der potentiell pathogenen genetischen Ver{\"a}nderungen identifiziert. Hierf{\"u}r wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Genpanel erstellt, das 68 Gene umfasst. Es wurden sowohl bekannte Kraniosynostose- als auch Kandidaten-Gene sowie Gene, die mit der Ossifikation assoziiert sind, in die Analyse eingeschlossen. Das Genpanel wurde durch die Sequenzierung von f{\"u}nf Kontrollproben mit bekannten Mutationen erfolgreich validiert. Anschließend wurde die genomische DNA von 66 Patienten analysiert. Es konnten 20 (potentiell) pathogene Varianten identifiziert werden. Neben bereits bekannten Mutationen in den Genen FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 und TWIST1, konnten zus{\"a}tzlich 8 neue, potentiell pathogene Varianten in den Genen ERF, MEGF8, MSX2, PTCH1 und TCF12 identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit tragen dazu bei das Mutationsspektrum dieser Gene zu erweitern. Bei zwei der Varianten handelte es sich um potentielle Spleißvarianten. F{\"u}r diese konnte in einem in vitro Spleißsystem gezeigt werden, dass sie eine {\"A}nderung des Spleißmusters bewirken. Der Nachweis von zwei seltenen Varianten in den Genen FGFR2 und HUWE1 hat außerdem dazu beigetragen die Pathogenit{\"a}t dieser spezifischen Varianten zu bekr{\"a}ftigen. Eine Variante in POR, die aufgrund bioinformatischer Analysen als potentiell pathogen bewertet wurde, wurde nach der Segregationsanalyse als wahrscheinlich benigne eingestuft. Zusammenfassend konnten bei etwa einem Drittel der Patienten, die mit dem NGS Genpanel analysiert wurden, eine genetische Ursache identifiziert werden. Dieses Genpanel stellt somit ein effizientes diagnostisches Tool dar, das zuk{\"u}nftig in der genetischen Routine-Diagnostik von Kraniosynostose-Patienten eingesetzt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass sowohl eine Untersuchung auf CNVs als auch auf Sequenz{\"a}nderungen bei Kraniosynostose Patienten sinnvoll ist.}, subject = {Kraniosynostose}, language = {de} } @article{LatifiValbuena2019, author = {Latifi, Hooman and Valbuena, Ruben}, title = {Current trends in forest ecological applications of three-dimensional remote sensing: Transition from experimental to operational solutions?}, series = {Forests}, volume = {10}, journal = {Forests}, number = {10}, issn = {1999-4907}, doi = {10.3390/f10100891}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193282}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The alarming increase in the magnitude and spatiotemporal patterns of changes in composition, structure and function of forest ecosystems during recent years calls for enhanced cross-border mitigation and adaption measures, which strongly entail intensified research to understand the underlying processes in the ecosystems as well as their dynamics. Remote sensing data and methods are nowadays the main complementary sources of synoptic, up-to-date and objective information to support field observations in forest ecology. In particular, analysis of three-dimensional (3D) remote sensing data is regarded as an appropriate complement, since they are hypothesized to resemble the 3D character of most forest attributes. Following their use in various small-scale forest structural analyses over the past two decades, these sources of data are now on their way to be integrated in novel applications in fields like citizen science, environmental impact assessment, forest fire analysis, and biodiversity assessment in remote areas. These and a number of other novel applications provide valuable material for the Forests special issue "3D Remote Sensing Applications in Forest Ecology: Composition, Structure and Function", which shows the promising future of these technologies and improves our understanding of the potentials and challenges of 3D remote sensing in practical forest ecology worldwide.}, language = {en} } @article{LeeLiRuanetal.2019, author = {Lee, Hong-Jen and Li, Chien-Feng and Ruan, Diane and He, Jiabei and Montal, Emily D. and Lorenz, Sonja and Girnun, Geoffrey D. and Chan, Chia-Hsin}, title = {Non-proteolytic ubiquitination of Hexokinase 2 by HectH9 controls tumor metabolism and cancer stem cell expansion}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-10374-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236445}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Enormous efforts have been made to target metabolic dependencies of cancer cells for developing new therapies. However, the therapeutic efficacy of glycolysis inhibitors is limited due to their inability to elicit cell death. Hexokinase 2 (HK2), via its mitochondrial localization, functions as a central nexus integrating glycolysis activation and apoptosis resilience. Here we identify that K63-linked ubiquitination by HectH9 regulates the mitochondrial localization and function of HK2. Through stable isotope tracer approach and functional metabolic analyses, we show that HectH9 deficiency impedes tumor glucose metabolism and growth by HK2 inhibition. The HectH9/HK2 pathway regulates cancer stem cell (CSC) expansion and CSC-associated chemoresistance. Histological analyses show that HectH9 expression is upregulated and correlated with disease progression in prostate cancer. This work uncovers that HectH9 is a novel regulator of HK2 and cancer metabolism. Targeting HectH9 represents an effective strategy to achieve long-term tumor remission by concomitantly disrupting glycolysis and inducing apoptosis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Letschert2019, author = {Letschert, Sebastian}, title = {Quantitative Analysis of Membrane Components using Super-Resolution Microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162139}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The plasma membrane is one of the most thoroughly studied and at the same time most complex, diverse, and least understood cellular structures. Its function is determined by the molecular composition as well as the spatial arrangement of its components. Even after decades of extensive membrane research and the proposal of dozens of models and theories, the structural organization of plasma membranes remains largely unknown. Modern imaging tools such as super-resolution fluorescence microscopy are one of the most efficient techniques in life sciences and are widely used to study the spatial arrangement and quantitative behavior of biomolecules in fixed and living cells. In this work, direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) was used to investigate the structural distribution of mem-brane components with virtually molecular resolution. Key issues are different preparation and staining strategies for membrane imaging as well as localization-based quantitative analyses of membrane molecules. An essential precondition for the spatial and quantitative analysis of membrane components is the prevention of photoswitching artifacts in reconstructed localization microscopy images. Therefore, the impact of irradiation intensity, label density and photoswitching behavior on the distribution of plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane proteins in dSTORM images was investigated. It is demonstrated that the combination of densely labeled plasma membranes and inappropriate photoswitching rates induces artificial membrane clusters. Moreover, inhomogeneous localization distributions induced by projections of three-dimensional membrane structures such as microvilli and vesicles are prone to generate artifacts in images of biological membranes. Alternative imaging techniques and ways to prevent artifacts in single-molecule localization microscopy are presented and extensively discussed. Another central topic addresses the spatial organization of glycosylated components covering the cell membrane. It is shown that a bioorthogonal chemical reporter system consisting of modified monosaccharide precursors and organic fluorophores can be used for specific labeling of membrane-associated glycoproteins and -lipids. The distribution of glycans was visualized by dSTORM showing a homogeneous molecule distribution on different mammalian cell lines without the presence of clusters. An absolute number of around five million glycans per cell was estimated and the results show that the combination of metabolic labeling, click chemistry, and single-molecule localization microscopy can be efficiently used to study cell surface glycoconjugates. In a third project, dSTORM was performed to investigate low-expressing receptors on cancer cells which can act as targets in personalized immunotherapy. Primary multiple myeloma cells derived from the bone marrow of several patients were analyzed for CD19 expression as potential target for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells. Depending on the patient, 60-1,600 CD19 molecules per cell were quantified and functional in vitro tests demonstrate that the threshold for CD19 CAR T recognition is below 100 CD19 molecules per target cell. Results are compared with flow cytometry data, and the important roles of efficient labeling and appropriate control experiments are discussed.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{LiLiLinketal.2019, author = {Li, Shan and Li, Xin and Link, Roman and Li, Ren and Deng, Liping and Schuldt, Bernhard and Jiang, Xiaomei and Zhao, Rongjun and Zheng, Jingming and Li, Shuang and Yin, Yafang}, title = {Influence of cambial age and axial height on the spatial patterns of xylem traits in Catalpa bungei, a ring-porous tree species native to China}, series = {Forests}, volume = {10}, journal = {Forests}, number = {8}, issn = {1999-4907}, doi = {10.3390/f10080662}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196297}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Studying how cambial age and axial height affects wood anatomical traits may improve our understanding of xylem hydraulics, heartwood formation and axial growth. Radial strips were collected from six different heights (0-11.3 m) along the main trunk of three Manchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei) trees, yielding 88 samples. In total, thirteen wood anatomical vessel and fiber traits were observed usinglight microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and linear models were used to analyse the combined effect of axial height, cambial age and their interaction. Vessel diameter differed by about one order of magnitude between early- and latewood, and increased significantly with both cambial age and axial height in latewood, while it was positively affected by cambial age and independent of height in earlywood. Vertical position further had a positive effect on earlywood vessel density, and negative effects on fibre wall thickness, wall thickness to diameter ratio and length. Cambial age had positive effects on the pit membrane diameter and vessel element length, while the annual diameter growth decreased with both cambial age and axial position. In contrast, early- and latewood fiber diameter were unaffected by both cambial age and axial height. We further observed an increasing amount of tyloses from sapwood to heartwood, accompanied by an increase of warty layers and amorphous deposits on cell walls, bordered pit membranes and pit apertures. This study highlights the significant effects of cambial age and vertical position on xylem anatomical traits, and confirms earlier work that cautions to take into account xylem spatial position when interpreting wood anatomical structures, and thus, xylem hydraulic functioning.}, language = {en} } @article{LiedtkeOrthMeissleretal.2019, author = {Liedtke, Daniel and Orth, Melanie and Meissler, Michelle and Geuer, Sinje and Knaup, Sabine and K{\"o}blitz, Isabell and Klopocki, Eva}, title = {ECM alterations in fndc3a (fibronectin domain containing protein 3A) deficient zebrafish cause temporal fin development and regeneration defects}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-50055-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202141}, pages = {13383}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Fin development and regeneration are complex biological processes that are highly relevant in teleost fish. They share genetic factors, signaling pathways and cellular properties to coordinate formation of regularly shaped extremities. Especially correct tissue structure defined by extracellular matrix (ECM) formation is essential. Gene expression and protein localization studies demonstrated expression of fndc3a (fibronectin domain containing protein 3a) in both developing and regenerating caudal fins of zebrafish (Danio rerio). We established a hypomorphic fndc3a mutant line (fndc3a\(^{wue1/wue1}\)) via CRISPR/Cas9, exhibiting phenotypic malformations and changed gene expression patterns during early stages of median fin fold development. These developmental effects are mostly temporary, but result in a fraction of adults with permanent tail fin deformations. In addition, caudal fin regeneration in adult fndc3a\(^{wue1/wue1}\) mutants is hampered by interference with actinotrichia formation and epidermal cell organization. Investigation of the ECM implies that loss of epidermal tissue structure is a common cause for both of the observed defects. Our results thereby provide a molecular link between these developmental processes and foreshadow Fndc3a as a novel temporal regulator of epidermal cell properties during extremity development and regeneration in zebrafish.}, language = {en} } @article{LiuKinoshitaAdolfietal.2019, author = {Liu, Ruiqi and Kinoshita, Masato and Adolfi, Mateus C. and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {Analysis of the role of the Mc4r system in development, growth, and puberty of medaka}, series = {Frontiers in Endocrinology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Endocrinology}, doi = {10.3389/fendo.2019.00213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201472}, pages = {213}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In mammals the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) signaling system has been mainly associated with the regulation of appetite and energy homeostasis. In fish of the genus Xiphophorus (platyfish and swordtails) puberty onset is genetically determined by a single locus, which encodes the mc4r. Wild populations of Xiphophorus are polymorphic for early and late-maturing individuals. Copy number variation of different mc4r alleles is responsible for the difference in puberty onset. To answer whether this is a special adaptation of the Mc4r signaling system in the lineage of Xiphophorus or a more widely conserved mechanism in teleosts, we studied the role of Mc4r in reproductive biology of medaka (Oryzias latipes), a close relative to Xiphophorus and a well-established model to study gonadal development. To understand the potential role of Mc4r in medaka, we characterized the major features of the Mc4r signaling system (mc4r, mrap2, pomc, agrp1). In medaka, all these genes are expressed before hatching. In adults, they are mainly expressed in the brain. The transcript of the receptor accessory protein mrap2 co-localizes with mc4r in the hypothalamus in adult brains indicating a conserved function of modulating Mc4r signaling. Comparing growth and puberty between wild-type and mc4r knockout medaka revealed that absence of Mc4r does not change puberty timing but significantly delays hatching. Embryonic development of knockout animals is retarded compared to wild-types. In conclusion, the Mc4r system in medaka is involved in regulation of growth rather than puberty.}, language = {en} } @article{LiuMaierhoferRybaketal.2019, author = {Liu, Yi and Maierhofer, Tobias and Rybak, Katarzyna and Sklenar, Jan and Breakspear, Andy and Johnston, Matthew G. and Fliegmann, Judith and Huang, Shouguang and Roelfsema, M. Rob G. and Felix, Georg and Faulkner, Christine and Menke, Frank L.H. and Geiger, Dietmar and Hedrich, Rainer and Robatzek, Silke}, title = {Anion channel SLAH3 is a regulatory target of chitin receptor-associated kinase PBL27 in microbial stomatal closure}, series = {eLife}, volume = {8}, journal = {eLife}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.44474}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202631}, pages = {e44474}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In plants, antimicrobial immune responses involve the cellular release of anions and are responsible for the closure of stomatal pores. Detection of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) induces currents mediated via slow-type (S-type) anion channels by a yet not understood mechanism. Here, we show that stomatal closure to fungal chitin is conferred by the major PRRs for chitin recognition, LYK5 and CERK1, the receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase PBL27, and the SLAH3 anion channel. PBL27 has the capacity to phosphorylate SLAH3, of which S127 and S189 are required to activate SLAH3. Full activation of the channel entails CERK1, depending on PBL27. Importantly, both S127 and S189 residues of SLAH3 are required for chitin-induced stomatal closure and anti-fungal immunity at the whole leaf level. Our results demonstrate a short signal transduction module from MAMP recognition to anion channel activation, and independent of ABA-induced SLAH3 activation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lotz2019, author = {Lotz, Christian}, title = {Entwicklung eines Augenirritationstests zur Identifikation aller GHS-Kategorien f{\"u}r den Endpunkt Augenreizung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170126}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Risikobewertung von Chemikalien ist f{\"u}r die {\"o}ffentliche Gesundheit von entschei-dender Bedeutung, weshalb strenge Testverfahren zu deren toxikologischer Begutach-tung angewandt werden. Die urspr{\"u}nglich tierbasierten Testverfahren werden aufgrund von neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und wegen {\"o}konomischer Ineffizienz sowie ethischer Fragw{\"u}rdigkeit immer mehr durch alternative Methoden ohne Tiermodelle ersetzt. F{\"u}r den toxikologischen Endpunkt der Augenreizung wurden bereits die ersten alternativen Testsysteme auf der Basis von ex vivo- oder in vitro-Modellen entwickelt. Jedoch ist bis dato kein alternatives Testsystem in der Lage, das gesamte Spektrum der verschiedenen Kategorien der Augenreizungen nach dem global harmonisierten System zur Einstufung und Kennzeichnung von Chemikalien (GHS) vorherzusagen und damit den tierbasierten Draize-Augenreizungstest vollends zu ersetzen. Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind fehlende physiologische Merkmale im Modell sowie eine destruktive Analysemethode. Aufgrund dessen wurden in dieser Studie die Hypothesen getestet, ob ein verbessertes In-vitro-Modell oder eine zerst{\"o}rungsfreie, hochsensitive Analysemethode die Vorher-sagekraft des Augenreizungstests verbessern k{\"o}nnen. Daf{\"u}r wurden zun{\"a}chst neue Mo-delle aus humanen Hornhaut- und Hautepithelzellen entwickelt. Die Modelle aus pri-m{\"a}ren cornealen Zellen zeigten eine gewebespezifische Expression der Marker Zytokera-tin 3 und 12 sowie Loricrin. In beiden Modellen konnte durch die Verk{\"u}rzung der Kul-turdauer die Ausbildung einer Hornschicht verhindert werden. Die Modelle wiesen dadurch eine sensiblere Barriere vergleichbar der nativen Cornea auf. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte durch die chemische Quervernetzung mit Polyethylenglykolsuccinimidylglutara-tester ein transparentes, nicht kontrahierendes Stroma-{\"A}quivalent etabliert werden. Der Stroma-Ersatz konnte zur Generierung von Hemi- und Voll-Cornea-{\"A}quivalenten einge-setzt werden und lieferte somit erste Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r die Rekonstruktion der nativen Hornhaut. Parallel dazu konnte ein zerst{\"o}rungsfreies Analyseverfahren basierend auf der Impe-danzspektroskopie entwickelt werden, das wiederholte Messungen der Gewebeintegri-t{\"a}t zul{\"a}sst. Zur verbesserten Messung der Barriere in dreidimensionalen Modelle wurde hierf{\"u}r ein neuer Parameter, der transepitheliale elektrische Widerstand (TEER) bei der Frequenz von 1000 Hz, der TEER1000 Hz definiert, der eine genauere Aussage {\"u}ber die Integrit{\"a}t der Modelle zul{\"a}sst. Durch die Kombination der entwickelten cornealen Epithelzellmodelle mit der TEER1000 Hz-Messung konnte die Pr{\"a}dikitivit{\"a}t des Augenrei-zungstests auf 78 - 100 \% erh{\"o}ht werden. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist dabei, dass die nicht destruktive Messung des TEER1000 Hz zum ersten Mal erlaubte, die Persistenz von Irritationen durch wiederholte Messungen in einem in vitro-Modell zu erkennen und somit die GHS-Kategorie 1 von GHS-Kategorie 2 zu unterscheiden. Der wissenschaftli-che Gewinn dieser Forschungsarbeit ist ein neues Testverfahren, das alle GHS-Kategorien in einem einzigen in vitro-Test nachweisen und den Draize-Augenreizungstest g{\"a}nzlich ersetzen kann.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lyutova2019, author = {Lyutova, Radostina}, title = {Functional dissection of recurrent feedback signaling within the mushroom body network of the Drosophila larva}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18728}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187281}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Behavioral adaptation to environmental changes is crucial for animals' survival. The prediction of the outcome of one owns action, like finding reward or avoiding punishment, requires recollection of past experiences and comparison with current situation, and adjustment of behavioral responses. The process of memory acquisition is called learning, and the Drosophila larva came up to be an excellent model organism for studying the neural mechanisms of memory formation. In Drosophila, associative memories are formed, stored and expressed in the mushroom bodies. In the last years, great progress has been made in uncovering the anatomical architecture of these brain structures, however there is still a lack of knowledge about the functional connectivity. Dopamine plays essential roles in learning processes, as dopaminergic neurons mediate information about the presence of rewarding and punishing stimuli to the mushroom bodies. In the following work, the function of a newly identified anatomical connection from the mushroom bodies to rewarding dopaminergic neurons was dissected. A recurrent feedback signaling within the neuronal network was analyzed by simultaneous genetic manipulation of the mushroom body Kenyon cells and dopaminergic neurons from the primary protocerebral anterior (pPAM) cluster, and learning assays were performed in order to unravel the impact of the Kenyon cells-to-pPAM neurons feedback loop on larval memory formation. In a substitution learning assay, simultaneous odor exposure paired with optogenetic activation of Kenyon cells in fruit fly larvae in absence of a rewarding stimulus resulted in formation of an appetitive memory, whereas no learning behavior was observed when pPAM neurons were ablated in addition to the KC activation. I argue that the activation of Kenyon cells may induce an internal signal that mimics reward exposure by feedback activation of the rewarding dopaminergic neurons. My data further suggests that the Kenyon cells-to-pPAM communication relies on peptidergic signaling via short neuropeptide F and underlies memory stabilization.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @article{LuebckeEbbersVolzkeetal.2019, author = {L{\"u}bcke, Paul M. and Ebbers, Meinolf N. B. and Volzke, Johann and Bull, Jana and Kneitz, Susanne and Engelmann, Robby and Lang, Hermann and Kreikemeyer, Bernd and M{\"u}ller-Hilke, Brigitte}, title = {Periodontal treatment prevents arthritis in mice and methotrexate ameliorates periodontal bone loss}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-44512-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237355}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Recent studies indicate a causal relationship between the periodontal pathogen P. gingivalis and rheumatoid arthritis involving the production of autoantibodies against citrullinated peptides. We therefore postulated that therapeutic eradication P. gingivalis may ameliorate rheumatoid arthritis development and here turned to a mouse model in order to challenge our hypothesis. F1 (DBA/1 x B10.Q) mice were orally inoculated with P. gingivalis before collagen-induced arthritis was provoked. Chlorhexidine or metronidazole were orally administered either before or during the induction phase of arthritis and their effects on arthritis progression and alveolar bone loss were compared to intraperitoneally injected methotrexate. Arthritis incidence and severity were macroscopically scored and alveolar bone loss was evaluated via microcomputed tomography. Serum antibody titres against P. gingivalis were quantified by ELISA and microbial dysbiosis following oral inoculation was monitored in stool samples via microbiome analyses. Both, oral chlorhexidine and metronidazole reduced the incidence and ameliorated the severity of collagen-induced arthritis comparable to methotrexate. Likewise, all three therapies attenuated alveolar bone loss. Relative abundance of Porphyromonadaceae was increased after oral inoculation with P. gingivalis and decreased after treatment. This is the first study to describe beneficial effects of non-surgical periodontal treatment on collagen-induced arthritis in mice and suggests that mouthwash with chlorhexidine or metronidazole may also be beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and a coexisting periodontitis. Methotrexate ameliorated periodontitis in mice, further raising the possibility that methotrexate may also positively impact on the tooth supporting tissues of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.}, language = {en} } @article{MammadovaBachBraun2019, author = {Mammadova-Bach, Elmina and Braun, Attila}, title = {Zinc homeostasis in platelet-related diseases}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {20}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {21}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms20215258}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285554}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Zn\(^{2+}\) deficiency in the human population is frequent in underdeveloped countries. Worldwide, approximatively 2 billion people consume Zn\(^{2+}\)-deficient diets, accounting for 1-4\% of deaths each year, mainly in infants with a compromised immune system. Depending on the severity of Zn\(^{2+}\) deficiency, clinical symptoms are associated with impaired wound healing, alopecia, diarrhea, poor growth, dysfunction of the immune and nervous system with congenital abnormalities and bleeding disorders. Poor nutritional Zn\(^{2+}\) status in patients with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma or with advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma, was accompanied by cutaneous bleeding and platelet dysfunction. Forcing Zn\(^{2+}\) uptake in the gut using different nutritional supplementation of Zn\(^{2+}\) could ameliorate many of these pathological symptoms in humans. Feeding adult rodents with a low Zn\(^{2+}\) diet caused poor platelet aggregation and increased bleeding tendency, thereby attracting great scientific interest in investigating the role of Zn\(^{2+}\) in hemostasis. Storage protein metallothionein maintains or releases Zn\(^{2+}\) in the cytoplasm, and the dynamic change of this cytoplasmic Zn\(^{2+}\) pool is regulated by the redox status of the cell. An increase of labile Zn\(^{2+}\) pool can be toxic for the cells, and therefore cytoplasmic Zn\(^{2+}\) levels are tightly regulated by several Zn\(^{2+}\) transporters located on the cell surface and also on the intracellular membrane of Zn\(^{2+}\) storage organelles, such as secretory vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus. Although Zn\(^{2+}\) is a critical cofactor for more than 2000 transcription factors and 300 enzymes, regulating cell differentiation, proliferation, and basic metabolic functions of the cells, the molecular mechanisms of Zn\(^{2+}\) transport and the physiological role of Zn\(^{2+}\) store in megakaryocyte and platelet function remain elusive. In this review, we summarize the contribution of extracellular or intracellular Zn\(^{2+}\) to megakaryocyte and platelet function and discuss the consequences of dysregulated Zn\(^{2+}\) homeostasis in platelet-related diseases by focusing on thrombosis, ischemic stroke and storage pool diseases.}, language = {en} } @article{MatosMachadoSchartletal.2019, author = {Matos, Isa and Machado, Miguel P. and Schartl, Manfred and Coelho, Maria Manuela}, title = {Allele-specific expression variation at different ploidy levels in Squalius alburnoides}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-40210-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200910}, pages = {3688}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Allopolyploid plants are long known to be subject to a homoeolog expression bias of varying degree. The same phenomenon was only much later suspected to occur also in animals based on studies of single selected genes in an allopolyploid vertebrate, the Iberian fish Squalius alburnoides. Consequently, this species became a good model for understanding the evolution of gene expression regulation in polyploid vertebrates. Here, we analyzed for the first time genome-wide allele-specific expression data from diploid and triploid hybrids of S. alburnoides and compared homoeolog expression profiles of adult livers and of juveniles. Co-expression of alleles from both parental genomic types was observed for the majority of genes, but with marked homoeolog expression bias, suggesting homoeolog specific reshaping of expression level patterns in hybrids. Complete silencing of one allele was also observed irrespective of ploidy level, but not transcriptome wide as previously speculated. Instead, it was found only in a restricted number of genes, particularly ones with functions related to mitochondria and ribosomes. This leads us to hypothesize that allelic silencing may be a way to overcome intergenomic gene expression interaction conflicts, and that homoeolog expression bias may be an important mechanism in the achievement of sustainable genomic interactions, mandatory to the success of allopolyploid systems, as in S. alburnoides.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mekala2019, author = {Mekala, SubbaRao}, title = {Generation of cardiomyocytes from vessel wall-resident stem cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of health problems and is among the leading deadly ending diseases. Accordingly, regenerating functional myocardial tissue and/or cardiac repair by stem cells is one of the most desired aims worldwide. Indeed, the human heart serves as an ideal target for regenerative intervention, because the capacity of the adult myocardium to restore itself after injury or infarct is limited. Thus, identifying new sources of tissue resident adult stem or progenitor cells with cardiovascular potential would help to establish more sophisticated therapies in order to either prevent cardiac failure or to achieve a functional repair. Ongoing research worldwide in this field is focusing on a) induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, b) embryonic stem (ES) cells and c) adult stem cells (e. g. mesenchymal stem cells) as well as cardiac fibroblasts or myofibroblasts. However, thus far, these efforts did not result in therapeutic strategies that were transferable into the clinical management of MI and heart failure. Hence, identifying endogenous and more cardiac-related sources of stem cells capable of differentiating into mature cardiomyocytes would open promising new therapeutic opportunities. The working hypothesis of this thesis is that the vascular wall serves as a niche for cardiogenic stem cells. In recent years, various groups have identified different types of progenitors or mesenchymal stem cell-like cells in the adventitia and sub-endothelial zone of the adult vessel wall, the so called vessel wall-resident stem cells (VW-SCs). Considering the fact that heart muscle tissue contains blood vessels in very high density, the physiological relevance of VW-SCs for the myocardium can as yet only be assumed. The aim of the present work is to study whether a subset of VW-SCs might have the capacity to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells. This assumption was challenged using adult mouse aorta-derived cells cultivated in different media and treated with selected factors. The presented results reveal the generation of spontaneously beating cardiomyocyte-like cells using specific media conditions without any genetic manipulation. The cells reproducibly started beating at culture days 8-10. Further analyses revealed that in contrast to several publications reporting the Sca-1+ cells as cardiac progenitors the Sca-1- fraction of aortic wall-derived VW-SCs reproducibly delivered beating cells in culture. Similar to mature cardiomyocytes the beating cells developed sarcomeric structures indicated by the typical cross striated staining pattern upon immunofluorescence analysis detecting α-sarcomeric actinin (α-SRA) and electron microscopic analysis. These analyses also showed the formation of sarcoplasmic reticulum which serves as calcium store. Correspondingly, the aortic wall-derived beating cardiomyocyte-like cells (Ao-bCMs) exhibited calcium oscillations. This differentiation seems to be dependent on an inflammatory microenvironment since depletion of VW-SC-derived macrophages by treatment with clodronate liposomes in vitro stopped the generation of Ao bCMs. These locally generated F4/80+ macrophages exhibit high levels of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). To a great majority, VW-SCs were found to be positive for VEGFR-2 and blocking this receptor also stopped the generation VW-SC-derived beating cells in vitro. Furthermore, the treatment of aortic wall-derived cells with the ß-receptor agonist isoproterenol or the antagonist propranolol resulted in a significant increase or decrease of beating frequency. Finally, fluorescently labeled aortic wall-derived cells were implanted into the developing chick embryo heart field where they became positive for α-SRA two days after implantation. The current data strongly suggest that VW-SCs resident in the vascular adventitia deliver both progenitors for an inflammatory microenvironment and beating cells. The present study identifies that the Sca-1- rather than Sca-1+ fraction of mouse aortic wall-derived cells harbors VW-SCs differentiating into cardiomyocyte-like cells and reveals an essential role of VW-SCs-derived inflammatory macrophages and VEGF-signaling in this process. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the cardiogenic capacity of aortic VW-SCs in vivo using a chimeric chick embryonic model.}, subject = {Herzmuskelzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Memmel2019, author = {Memmel, Simon}, title = {Automatisierte Algorithmen zur Analyse der Migration und der strahleninduzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den humaner Glioblastomzellen nach kombinierter PI3K/mTOR/Hsp90-Inhibierung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18571}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185710}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das hohe invasive Potential und die starke Resistenz gegen Radio-/Chemotherapie von Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) Zellen machen sie zu dem t{\"o}dlichsten Tumor ihrer Art. Es ist deshalb von großem Interesse die Grundlagen, welche der Migrationsf{\"a}higkeit und DNA Reparatur zu Grunde liegen, besser zu verstehen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Algorithmen zur automatischen Analyse der Migration in der Einzelzellverfolgung und im Wundheilungsassay modifiziert. Die Auswertung der Daten konnte automatisch und somit schnell, effektiv und mit geringerem Arbeitsaufwand durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Mit Hilfe dieser automatischen Algorithmen wurde die Migrationsf{\"a}higkeit von zwei GBM-Zelllinien (DK-MG und SNB19) untersucht. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde die konfokale Laserscanning- sowie die hochaufl{\"o}sende dSTORM-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie verwendet um die, der Zellbewegung zu Grunde liegende, Struktur des F Aktin und der fokalen Adh{\"a}sionskinase (FAK) aufzul{\"o}sen und darzustellen. Unter Anwendung dieser genannten Methoden sind die Effekte des dualen PI3K/mTOR Inhibitors PI-103 alleine und in Kombination mit dem Hsp90 Inhibitor NVP AUY922 mit und ohne Bestrahlung auf die Bewegung untersucht worden. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich beide Zelllinien deutlich in ihrem migratorischem Potential in vitro unterscheiden und zudem auch markante Unterschiede in ihrer Morphologie aufweisen. Die weniger invasiven DK MG-Zellen besitzen eine polarisierte Zellstruktur, wohingegen SNB19-Zellen sich durch multipolare ungerichtete Bewegung auszeichneten. Zudem wurde die Migration, durch PI3K/mTOR Inhibition mit PI-103 bei den DK-MG-Zellen (p53 wt, PTEN wt), sehr effektiv unterdr{\"u}ckt. Wohingegen sich die SNB19-Zellen (p53 mut, PTEN mut) resistent gegen diesen Inhibitor zeigten. Hsp90 Inhibition offenbarte in beiden Zelllinien einen starken inhibitorischen Effekt auf die Migration der Zellen sowie die Reorganisierung des F Aktinskelettes. In der zweiten H{\"a}lfte dieser Arbeit wurde ein Augenmerk auf die DNA-DSB-Reparatur der GBM Zellen nach ionisierender Strahlung gelegt. Zun{\"a}chst wurde eine automatische Analysesoftware „FocAn-3D" entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe die DNA Doppelstrangbruchreparaturkinetik untersucht werden sollte. Diese Software erm{\"o}glicht es die gesamten Zellkerne mit ihren γH2AX-Foci in 3D-cLSM-Aufnahmen zu untersuchen. Es konnte somit eine Verbesserung der Genauigkeit in der Ausz{\"a}hlung der γH2AX-Foci erreicht werden, welche 2D beschr{\"a}nkter Software verwehrt bleibt. Mit FocAn-3D konnte der gesamte Verlauf der Induktions- und Abbauphase der γH2AX-Foci in DK MG- und SNB19-Zellen mit einem mathematischen Modell ausgewertet und dargestellt werden. Des Weiteren wurde die Nanometerstruktur von γH2AX- und pDNA-PKcs-Foci mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender dSTORM-Mikroskopie untersucht. Konventionelle Mikroskopiemethoden, begrenzt durch das Beugungslimit und einer Aufl{\"o}sung von ~200 nm, konnten die Nanometerstruktur (<100 nm) der Reparaturfoci bisher nicht darstellen. Mit Hilfe der beugungsunbegrenzten dSTORM-Mikroskopie war es m{\"o}glich in DK MG- und SNB19-Zellen die Nanometerstruktur genannten Reparaturproteine in den Foci mit einer Aufl{\"o}sung von bis zu ~20 nm darzustellen. γH2AX-Foci zeigten sich als eine Verteilung aus einzelnen Untereinheiten („Nanofoci") mit einem Durchmesser von ~45 nm. Dies l{\"a}sst die Vermutung zu, dass es sich hier um die elementare Substruktur der Foci und somit der γH2AX enthaltenen Nukleosome handelt. DNA-PK-Foci wiesen hingegen eine diffusere Verteilung auf. Die in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Unterschiede im Migrationsverhalten der Zellen rechtfertigen eine weitere pr{\"a}klinische Untersuchung der verwendeten Inhibitoren als potentielle Zelltherapeutika f{\"u}r die Behandlung von GBM. Zudem konnte sich dSTORM als machtvolles Hilfsmittel, sowohl zur Analyse der Migration zugrundeliegenden Zytoskelettstruktur und der Effekte der Hsp90 Inhibierung, als auch, der Nanostruktur der DNA-DSB-Reparaturfoci herausstellen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass beugungsunbegrenzte Mikroskopiemethoden sich als bedeutende Werkzeuge in der medizinischen und biologischen Erforschung der DNA-Reparaturmechanismen herausstellen werden. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte ImageJ Plugin „FocAn-3D" bewies sich ebenfalls als ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug f{\"u}r die Analyse der Reparaturkinetik. Mit Hilfe von „FocAn-3D" sollte es somit m{\"o}glich sein u.a. den Einfluss gezielter Inhibition auf den zeitlichen Verlauf der Induktion und des Abbaus der DNA-Reparaturmaschinerie genauer zu studieren.}, subject = {Glioblastom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MendesPereira2019, author = {Mendes Pereira, Lenon}, title = {Morphological and Functional Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Lung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18317}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-183176}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this thesis, a 3D Ultrashort echo time (3D-UTE) sequence was introduced in the Self-gated Non-Contrast-Enhanced Functional Lung Imaging (SENCEFUL) framework. The sequence was developed and implemented on a 3 Tesla MR scanner. The 3D-UTE technique consisted of a nonselective RF pulse followed by a koosh ball quasi-random sampling order of the k-space. Measurements in free-breathing and without contrast agent were performed in healthy subjects and a patient with lung cancer. A gating technique, using a combination of different coils with high signal correlation, was evaluated in-vivo and compared with a manual approach of coil selection. The gating signal offered an estimation of the breathing motion during measurement and was used as a reference to segment the acquired data into different breathing phases. Gradient delays and trajectory errors were corrected during post-processing using the Gradient Impulse Response Function. Iterative SENSE was then applied to determine the fully sampled data. In order to eliminate signal changes caused by motion, a 3D image registration was employed, and the results were compared to a 2D image registration method. Ventilation was assessed in 3D and regionally quantified by monitoring the signal changes in the lung parenchyma. Finally, image quality and quantitative ventilation values were compared to the standard 2D-SENCEFUL technique. 3D-UTE, combined with an automatic gating technique and SENCEFUL MRI, offered ventilation maps with high spatial resolution and SNR. Compared to the 2D method, UTE-SENCEFUL greatly improved the clinical quality of the structural images and the visualization of the lung parenchyma. Through-plane motion, partial volume effects and ventilation artifacts were also reduced with a three-dimensional method for image registration. UTE-SENCEFUL was also able to quantify regional ventilation and presented similar results to previous studies.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @article{MercierWolmaransSchubertetal.2019, author = {Mercier, Rebecca and Wolmarans, Annemarie and Schubert, Jonathan and Neuweiler, Hannes and Johnson, Jill L. and LaPointe, Paul}, title = {The conserved NxNNWHW motif in Aha-type co-chaperones modulates the kinetics of Hsp90 ATPase stimulation}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-09299-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224007}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hsp90 is a dimeric molecular chaperone that is essential for the folding and activation of hundreds of client proteins. Co-chaperone proteins regulate the ATP-driven Hsp90 client activation cycle. Aha-type co-chaperones are the most potent stimulators of the Hsp90 ATPase activity but the relationship between ATPase regulation and in vivo activity is poorly understood. We report here that the most strongly conserved region of Aha-type co-chaperones, the N terminal NxNNWHW motif, modulates the apparent affinity of Hsp90 for nucleotide substrates. The ability of yeast Aha-type co-chaperones to act in vivo is ablated when the N terminal NxNNWHW motif is removed. This work suggests that nucleotide exchange during the Hsp90 functional cycle may be more important than rate of catalysis.}, language = {en} }