@article{LodhaErhardDoelkenetal.2022, author = {Lodha, Manivel and Erhard, Florian and D{\"o}lken, Lars and Prusty, Bhupesh K.}, title = {The hidden enemy within: non-canonical peptides in virus-induced autoimmunity}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, issn = {1664-302X}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2022.840911}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-263053}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Viruses play a key role in explaining the pathogenesis of various autoimmune disorders, whose underlying principle is defined by the activation of autoreactive T-cells. In many cases, T-cells escape self-tolerance due to the failure in encountering certain MHC-I self-peptide complexes at substantial levels, whose peptides remain invisible from the immune system. Over the years, contribution of unstable defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) in immunosurveillance has gained prominence. A class of unstable products emerge from non-canonical translation and processing of unannotated mammalian and viral ORFs and their peptides are cryptic in nature. Indeed, high throughput sequencing and proteomics have revealed that a substantial portion of our genomes comprise of non-canonical ORFs, whose generation is significantly modulated during disease. Many of these ORFs comprise short ORFs (sORFs) and upstream ORFs (uORFs) that resemble DRiPs and may hence be preferentially presented. Here, we discuss how such products, normally "hidden" from the immune system, become abundant in viral infections activating autoimmune T-cells, by discussing their emerging role in infection and disease. Finally, we provide a perspective on how these mechanisms can explain several autoimmune disorders in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DeDonno2020, author = {De Donno, Francesco}, title = {Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren in der Therapie des oralen Plattenepithelkarzinoms - In vitro Evaluation zur Wirksamkeit von Afatinib, Volasertib und Nintedanib in Kombination mit Cisplatin und SMAC-Mimetics}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Mit einer weltweiten Inzidenz von etwa 600.000 Neuerkrankten pro Jahr geh{\"o}rt das orale Plattenepithelkarzinom zu den sechs h{\"a}ufigsten malignen Tumorerkrankungen des Menschen. Zur Behandlung operabler Tumoren der Stadien III-IVb hat sich hingegen die multimodale Therapie mit prim{\"a}r operativem Vorgehen, gegebenenfalls mit nachfolgender adjuvanter Radiatio beziehungsweise Radiochemotherapie, etabliert. Beim Vorhandensein von Fernmetastasen hingegen ist das Therapiekonzept als palliativ einzustufen. W{\"a}hrend sich f{\"u}r die adjuvante, kurativ intendierte Radiochemotherapie die Verwendung von Cisplatin oder cisplatinhaltiger Wirkstoffe etabliert hat, stellen seit einigen Jahren selektive Wirkstoffe wie Nivolumab und Cetuximab eine Alternative zur Cisplatin-Anwendung im palliativen Setting dar. F{\"u}r die medikament{\"o}se Therapie des fortgeschrittenen oralen Plattenepithelkarzinoms scheinen daher neue rationale Therapieans{\"a}tze notwendig zu sein. Besonders ein hohes Maß an Toxizit{\"a}t sowie die individuelle Resistenzbildung verm{\"o}gen den Therapieerfolg der herk{\"o}mmlichen Chemotherapie zu kompromittieren. Spezifisch wirksame sogenannte "targeted agents" binden RTK und blockieren somit die nachgeschaltete Signalkaskade. In der vorliegenden Studie kam es zur Anwendung der TKI Afatinib, Volasertib und Nintedanib in alleiniger Anwendung sowie Kombinationstherapie mit Cisplatin und dem Smac-mimetic LCL-161. Die Analyse der Wirksamkeit oben genannter Stoffe erfolgte durch eine In-vitro-Evaluation an f{\"u}nf Zelllinien des humanen Plattenepithelkarzinoms der Kopf- und Halsregion. Nach semiquantitativem Expressionsnachweis der Zielstrukturen erfolgte die Stimulation der Zellen mittels spezifischer Verd{\"u}nnungsreihen in Mono- und Kombinationstherapie. Folgend wurden auf der Basis von Zellzahlanalysen, Kristallviolettassays und der Erstellung von Dosis-Wirkungskurven zelllinienspezifische IC50- beziehungsweise IC20-Werte ermittelt, statistisch ausgewertet und miteinander verglichen. Die Anwendung von Afatinib in Monotherapie zeigte in der vorliegenden Studie keine signifikant erh{\"o}hte Zytoreduktion im Vergleich zur alleinigen Anwendung von Cisplatin. Auch ein Zusatz von Cisplatin zur Anwendung ergab keinen erwarteten synergistischen Effekt. Die Anwendung von Nintedanib in Monotherapie zeigte in der Analyse keine signifikanten Vorteile gegen{\"u}ber einer alleinigen Cisplatinanwendung. Auf der Basis der Ergebnisse der vorausgegangenen Expressionsanalysen scheint der FGFR-2 eine {\"u}bergeordnete Rolle zu spielen, da hier partiell von einer verst{\"a}rkten Wirksamkeit auszugehen ist. Weiterhin scheint gegen{\"u}ber selektiven Angiogeneseinhibitoren kein Vorteil f{\"u}r Nintedanib zu bestehen. Betrachtet man die Kombinationsanwendung von Nintedanib mit Cisplatin so fallen sowohl synergistische wie auch partiell antagonistische Effekte im Vergleich zur Cisplatin-Monotherapie auf. Diese k{\"o}nnen durch die heterogene Expression der Zielstrukturen allein nicht erkl{\"a}rt werden, sodass hier weiterf{\"u}hrende Untersuchungen sinnvoll w{\"a}ren. Bei der Anwendung von Volasertib konnte f{\"u}r alle Zelllinien eine sehr deutliche Zytoreduktion erzielt werden, was durch generell erh{\"o}hte Expressionsraten erkl{\"a}rbar scheint. Sie manifestierte sich zudem in deutlich erniedrigten mittleren inhibitorischen Konzentrationen der Monotherapie gegen{\"u}ber einer alleinigen Cisplatin-Anwendung. Betrachtet man die Kombinationsanwendung von Volasertib mit Cisplatin imponierten f{\"u}r alle Zelllinien erstaunlicherweise sogar schlechtere Ansprechraten verglichen mit der Volasertib-Monotherapie. Hier k{\"o}nnte man von einer inhibierenden Wechselwirkung der Wirkstoffe ausgehen. Diese Tatsache macht weiterf{\"u}hrende Untersuchung zur Anwendung von Volasertib in Monotherapie attraktiver als die jeweilige Kombinationsanwendung. Die Kombinationsanwendungen von LCL-161 mit Afatinib beziehungsweise Volasertib wiesen keine signifikant erh{\"o}hten zytoreduktiven Effekte auf. Hingegen waren die Untersuchungsergebnisse der Kombinationsanwendung des verwendeten Smac-Analogons und Nintedanib bemerkenswert. In vier von f{\"u}nf Zelllinien sorgte ein LCL-161-Zusatz f{\"u}r eine signifikant erh{\"o}hte Zytoreduktion. Eine zus{\"a}tzlich zur Angiogeneseinhibition durch Nintedanib induzierte Apoptoseinduktion in Kombination mit der Apoptosesensibilisierung durch LCL-161 k{\"o}nnte eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung dieser Beobachtung darstellen. Aufgrund der sehr heterogenen Ergebnisse dieser Studie mit partiell synergistischen aber auch antagonistischen Effekten l{\"a}sst sich schlussfolgern, dass alle drei verwendeten TKI aktuell keine vielversprechende Alternative zu der herk{\"o}mmlichen Chemotherapie darstellen. Diese Heterogenit{\"a}t verdeutlicht auch, dass die Suche nach individuellen, zielgerichteten medikament{\"o}sen Therapieans{\"a}tzen essenziell bleibt. Hierbei k{\"o}nnten Smac-Analoge ein vielversprechendes Feld weiterf{\"u}hrender experimenteller und klinischer Studien er{\"o}ffnen.}, subject = {Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fleischmann2021, author = {Fleischmann, Carolin}, title = {Eine Analyse der Verlegungen von der Palliativstation in die station{\"a}re Hospizversorgung: Ist der Einsatz von Prognosescores hilfreich?}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21973}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219731}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Die zeitgerechte Integration des Entlassmanagements ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des umfassenden Therapiekonzepts auf Palliativstation. Speziell zur Entlassung in ein station{\"a}res Hospiz sollte die verbleibende {\"U}berlebenszeit gegen den Benefit eines stressbehafteten Versorgungswechsels diskutiert werden. Ziel der Studie: Aus der Vielzahl der vorhandenen und international validierten palliativmedizinischen Prognosescores wurden f{\"u}r diese Studie die Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) und der Palliative Prognostic Index (PPI) ausgew{\"a}hlt. Ziel war erstens die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf eine deutsche Palliativpopulation. Zweitens wurden sie neben Symptomen der Terminalphase auf ihre F{\"a}higkeit zur Kurzzeitprognose getestet, um Patienten mit kurzer {\"U}berlebenszeit in der station{\"a}ren Hospizversorgung nach Entlassung identifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Methodik: Am Zentrum f{\"u}r Palliativmedizin des Universit{\"a}tsklinikums W{\"u}rzburg wurden retrospektiv PPS, PPI, ausgew{\"a}hlte Symptome der Sterbephase sowie die {\"U}berlebensdauer bei 112 Patienten erhoben, die von 2012 bis 2016 in ein Hospiz entlassen worden waren. Mittels ANOVA und Kaplan-Meier-Statistik wurden {\"U}berlebensdauer und H{\"o}he der Prognosescores in Beziehung gesetzt und Risikogruppen gebildet. Zur Identifizierung von Risikopatienten mit einer Hospizverweildauer ≤ 7 Tagen wurden diese mit der Gruppe der Langverweiler (> 7 Tage) hinsichtlich H{\"o}he der PPS, des PPI und das Vorhandensein von Terminalsymptomen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Mittels ANOVA und Kaplan-Meier-Kurven konnte die signifikante Korrelation zwischen H{\"o}he des Prognosescores und der {\"U}berlebenszeit f{\"u}r die untersuchte Kohorte belegt werden. Risikopatienten mit einer Hospizverweildauer ≤ 7 Tagen wiesen einen signifikant niedrigeren PPS (40 \% vs. 50 \%) respektive einen h{\"o}heren PPI-Wert (6,5 vs. 4,5 P.) als die Langverweiler auf. Die Terminalsymptome Dysphagie und eine reduzierte orale Nahrungsaufnahme waren unter Risikopatienten h{\"a}ufiger vertreten. Schlussfolgerung: Die Prognosef{\"a}higkeit der palliativmedizinischen Prognosescores PPS und PPI konnte f{\"u}r die untersuchte Kohorte belegt werden. Eine Kurzzeitprognose erwies sich allerdings aufgrund der geringen Trennsch{\"a}rfe der Cut-Off-Werte als praxisuntauglich. Sie k{\"o}nnen dennoch in speziellen F{\"a}llen als Orientierungshilfe im Entlassmanagement dienen.}, subject = {Prognosesch{\"a}tzung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Junker2021, author = {Junker, Lara P{\"a}ldsom Rosemarie}, title = {Klonale T-LGL-Zellen bei Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Rheumatoide Arthritis ist eine h{\"a}ufig auftretende, chronisch entz{\"u}ndliche Systemerkrankung und wird bei bis zu einem Drittel der Patienten mit einer T-LGL-Leuk{\"a}mie diagnostiziert. Wie h{\"a}ufig klonale T-LGL-Zellen bei Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis auftreten, ist ungekl{\"a}rt. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Oberfl{\"a}chenantigene der T-Lymphozyten in einem Patientenkollektiv mit Rheumatoider Arthritis zu bestimmen. Der Fokus lag dabei auf der Pr{\"a}valenz von klonalen T-LGL-Zellexpansionen und m{\"o}glichen Risikofaktoren. Hierf{\"u}r wurden zwischen November 2013 und August 2015 527 Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis mittels Durchflusszytometrie untersucht. Zur Best{\"a}tigung der Klonalit{\"a}t erfolgte bei Patienten mit auff{\"a}lligem Immunph{\"a}notyp eine PCR (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion)-Analyse. Bei 19 Patienten konnte eine klonale T-LGL-Zellexpansion festgestellt werden, was einer Pr{\"a}valenz von 3,6\% entspricht. Das Auftreten von klonalen T-LGL-Zellen war mit einer TNFα-Inhibitoren-Therapie (p=0,01) und deren Dauer assoziiert (p=0,01). Ob die klonalen T-LGL-Zellen Ausdruck der Autoimmunerkrankung oder Vorl{\"a}uferzellen einer T-LGL-Leuk{\"a}mie sind, bleibt offen. Die Patienten werden mit einer klonalen T-LGL-Zellexpansion unklarer Signifikanz beschrieben.}, subject = {Rheumatoide Arthritis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bahlke2021, author = {Bahlke, Katrin}, title = {Wachstumsverhalten, Chemo- und Radiosensitivit{\"a}t ausgew{\"a}hlter Brustkrebszellen werden durch Betahydroxybutyrat nicht beeinflusst.}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23866}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Brustkrebs ist die h{\"a}ufigste maligne Erkrankung der Frau. Die Therapie setzt sich in der Regel individuell aus den Bausteinen der chirurgischen Tumorexzision, der Bestrahlung und der systemischen Therapie zusammen. Daneben gewinnt die ketogene Di{\"a}t als supportiver Therapieansatz immer mehr an Aufmerksamkeit und Forschungsinteresse. Diese Ern{\"a}hrungsform imitiert durch starke Restriktion der Kohlenhydratzufuhr den Fastenstoffwechsel, da Blutzucker- und konsekutiv auch Insulinspitzen im Blut vermieden werden. Eine tragende Rolle kommt dabei der Bildung von Ketonk{\"o}rpern, allen voran Betahydroxybutyrat, zu, die sowohl in den Tumorstoffwechsel als auch in immunologische Prozesse eingreifen k{\"o}nnen. In dieser Arbeit wurde ausgew{\"a}hlten Brustkrebszellen 3 mM Betahydroxybutyrat zugesetzt und ihr Wachstumsverhalten, ihre Chemo- und Radiosensitivit{\"a}t im Vergleich zu Kontrollzellen erfasst. Die Kontrollzellen wurden identisch behandelt, jedoch wurde Ihnen kein Betahydroxybutyrat zugef{\"u}gt. Es zeigte sich dabei kein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den beiden Zellgruppen.}, subject = {Ketogene Kost}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Momper2021, author = {Momper, Laurent}, title = {Interaktion der Schl{\"u}sselenzyme der Mineralisierung (AP, ENPP1, AnkH, PHOSPHO1) im Phosphatstoffwechsel in vitro}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23852}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238529}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Enzyme TNSALP (Tissue Non-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase), ENPP1 (Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 1) und ANKH (Ankylosis, progressive human homolog) bilden zusammen eine zentrale Regulierungseinheit f{\"u}r den Pyrophosphat (PPi)-Stoffwechsel der Zelle [1, 2]. St{\"o}rungen dieses genau geregelten Prozesses resultieren in schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen, wie z.B. bei der Hypophosphatasie [3]. Dieser meist autosomal rezessiv vererbten Erkrankung liegt eine durch genetische Mutationen beeintr{\"a}chtigte Funktion der TNSALP zugrunde, wodurch sich die PPi- Konzentration im Microenvironment der Zelle erh{\"o}ht. Diese kann im Knochengewebe zu schweren Mineralisierungsst{\"o}rungen f{\"u}hren [1, 2]. Andere Krankheiten, mit erniedrigten PPi- Konzentrationen, werden mit pathologischen Verkalkungen in verschiedensten Geweben in Verbindung gebracht [4, 5]. Diese gehen unter anderem auf genetische Defekte von ENPP1 zur{\"u}ck[4]. Auch der Mevalonat-Pathway tr{\"a}gt zur Komposition des Microenvironments bez{\"u}glich der Hom{\"o}ostase von Phosphaten bei [6, 7]. Hier bestehen auch medizinisch relevante Einflussm{\"o}glichkeiten, zum Beispiel durch Bisphosphonate, bei der sogenannten Volkskrankheit Osteoporose. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen einer PPi-Belastung auf die in vitro Mineralisierung von Mesenchymalen Stammzellen untersucht, wobei Modulatoren der Enzymaktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}r ALP und ENPP1 und der Aktivit{\"a}t des PPi-Kanals ANKH sowie des Mevalonatstoffwechsels zum Einsatz kamen (PPi, Pyridoxalphosphat (PLP), Probenecid, Vitamin D, PPADS (Pyridoxalphosphat-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfid S{\"a}ure) und ß-γmeATP (ß-γ Methylentriphosphat)). Die Resultate zeigen, dass die Modulation der PPi-Konzentration bei der osteogenen Differenzierung von hMSCs in vitro keine eindeutigen Effekte bewirkt. Geringe {\"A}nderungen des Genexpressionsmusters sind letztlich nicht auszuschliessen, blieben jedoch aufgrund der hohen Spendervariabilit{\"a}t durch eine erh{\"o}hte Anzahl von Experimenten zu beweisen. Diese Arbeit zeigt insgesamt eine unerwartet geringe Auswirkung einer exogenen und endogenen Modulation der PPi-Konzentration sowohl mit Blick auf die rein physikalischen Ph{\"a}nomene der Mineralisierung, als auch mit Blick auf die untersuchte Genregulation der wichtigsten beteiligten Proteine, was m{\"o}glicherweise die hohe Kompensationskapazit{\"a}t der Systeme unter physiologischen Bedingungen reflektiert. Untersuchungen auf proteomischer Ebene, besonders mit Blick auf die Prozessierung von Polypeptiden mit Mineralisierungs-modulierender Wirkung w{\"u}rden m{\"o}glicherweise genaueren Einblick vermitteln. Eine genauere Untersuchung der Einfl{\"u}sse von ENPP1 erscheint f{\"u}r die Zukunft vielversprechend. Allerdings treten hier, besonders auch durch die verwendeten Hemmstoffe der ENPP1, die Ph{\"a}nomene der Vernetzung des Stoffwechsels der Phosphate (inklusive ATP und seiner Metabolite) mit dem Purinergen Signalling deutlich zutage. Diese Vernetzung generiert durch ihre Komplexit{\"a}t sowohl klinisch als auch zellbiologisch/biochemisch erhebliche Interpretationsprobleme, die zuk{\"u}nftige Arbeiten aufl{\"o}sen m{\"u}ssen. Dabei sollte besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf zwei f{\"u}r HPP-PatientInnen klinisch in Zukunft potentiell bedeutsame Ergebnisse gelegt werden, die m{\"o}glicherweise ung{\"u}nstigen Auswirkungen einer Therapie mit Probenecid auf die ALPL Expression und die Steigerung der ALPL Expression unter Hemmstoffen des Enzyms ENPP1. 1. Dympna Harmey, L.H., Sonoko Narisawa, Kirsten A. Johnson, Robert Terkeltaub, Jos{\´e} Luis Mill{\´a}n, Concerted Regulation of Inorganic Pyrophosphate and osteopontin by Akp2, Enpp1 and Ank. American Journal of Pathology, 2003. 164, No. 4: p. 1199-1209. 2. Manisha C Yadav, A.M.S.S., Sonoko Narisawa, Carmen Huesa, Marc D McKee, Colin Farquharson, Jos{\´e} Luis Mill{\´a}n, Loss of Skeletal Mineralization by the Simultaneous Ablation of PHOSPHO1 and Alkaline Phosphatase Function: A Unified Model of the Mechanisms od Initiation of Skeletal Calcification. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2011. 26, No2: p. 286-297. 3. Beck, C., Hypophosphatasia. Klin Padiatr, 2009: p. 219-226. 4. Harmey, D.e.a., Concerted Regulation of Inorganic Pyrophosphate and Osteopontin by Akp2, Enpp1, and Ank. American Journal of Pathology, 2004. 164: p. 1199-1209. 5. Peter N{\"u}rnberg, H.T., David Chandler et all, Heterozygous mutations in ANKH, the human ortholog of the mouse progressive ankylosis gene, result in craniometaphyseal dysplasia. Nature Genetics, May 2001. 28: p. 37-41. 6. L{\"o}ffler, P., Heinrich, ed. Biochemie \& Pathobiochemie. Vol. 8. 2007, Springer Verlag. 7. Joseph L. Goldstein, M.S.B., Regulation of the mevalonate Pathway. Nature Genetics, 1990. 343: p. 425-430.}, subject = {Hypophosphatasie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weidner2021, author = {Weidner, Franziska}, title = {Therapeutische Hyperkapnie bei aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB) : Evaluation der optimalen Hyperkapniedauer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23869}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238696}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In einer vorangegangenen Phase-1-Studie wurde beobachtet, dass bei Patienten mit schwerer aneurysmatischer SAB, die CBF durch intermittierende kontrollierte Hyperkapnie erh{\"o}ht werden kann. Zudem zeigte sich in dieser vorherigen Studie nach dem Zur{\"u}cksetzen der mechanischen Beatmung auf die Ausgangsparameter eine langsame und asymptotische R{\"u}ckkehr der CBF zu den Ausgangsniveaus ohne einen negativen Rebound-Effekt. Diese Beobachtung legte nahe, dass eine l{\"a}ngere Dauer der Hyperkapnie den CBF-erh{\"o}henden Effekt verl{\"a}ngern kann. Die vorliegende Studie wurde als Dosisoptimierungsstudie geplant, um den Zeitpunkt zu bestimmen, zu dem der CBF ein Maximum erreicht, und unter der Annahme, dass nach diesem Maximum Puffermechanismen in Blut und Liquor zu Anpassungsmechanismen f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen, die nach dem Abbruch zu einem negativen Rebound-Effekt f{\"u}hren. Es ergab sich eine "Netto" - Optimaldauer der Hyperkapnieintervention von 45 Minuten.}, subject = {Hyperkapnie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Strulik2021, author = {Strulik, Jonas}, title = {Aufbau, Charakterisierung und Validierung eines in vitro Zellkulturmodells des pankreatischen Adenokarzinoms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24496}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Da in den letzten Jahrzehnten nur geringf{\"u}gige Verbesserungen der {\"U}berlebensraten bei an einem Pankreaskarzinom erkrankten Patienten erzielt wurden, besteht ein dringender klinischer Bedarf f{\"u}r die Entwicklung wirksamer therapeutischer Strategien. Dreidimensionale in vitro Modelle sind f{\"u}r das Screening und die Validierung von Therapeutika essenziell. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte mittels der Methoden des Tissue Engineerings ein biolumineszenzbasiertes dreidimensionales in vitro Testsystem des pankreatischen Karzinoms aufgebaut und charakterisiert werden. F{\"u}r die Detektion von LumineszenzIntensit{\"a}ten wurde die pankreatische Krebszelllinie PANC-1 zuvor mit firefly luciferase (FLUC) transduziert. PANC-1 FLUC Zellen wurden auf porziner Pankreasmatrix (PanMa) und D{\"u}nndarmmatrix (SISser) kultiviert, um den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Matrizen auf das Verhalten der Zellen im Tumormodell zu untersuchen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden in dieser Arbeit die PANC-1 FLUC mit einem Standardtherapeutikum der Pankreaskarzinomtherapie, Gemcitabin, behandelt und die Wirkung mittels biolumineszenbasierter Bildgebung detektiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Lumineszenz-Intensit{\"a}t von PANC-1 FLUC Zellen einer bestimmten Zellzahl durch biolumineszenzbasierte Messverfahren zugeordnet werden kann. Weiter wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Extrazellul{\"a}rmatrix einen Einfluss auf die Expression tumorspezifischer Marker hat und PANC-1 FLUC Zellen ein unterschiedlich invasives Wachstum auf organspezifischen Matrizen aufweisen. Die Wirkung von Gemcitabin auf die Tumorzellen kann durch das hier vorgestellte biolumineszenzbasierte Messverfahren detektiert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse sind die Grundlage f{\"u}r die weitere Validierung eines biolumineszenzbasierten dreidimemsionalen in vitro Testystems des pankreatischen Karzinoms f{\"u}r die pr{\"a}klinische Erforschung neuartiger Therapiestrategien.}, subject = {Zellkulturmodell}, language = {de} } @article{PozziPalmisanoReichetal.2022, author = {Pozzi, Nicol{\´o} G. and Palmisano, Chiara and Reich, Martin M. and Capetian, Philip and Pacchetti, Claudio and Volkmann, Jens and Isaias, Ioannis U.}, title = {Troubleshooting gait disturbances in Parkinson's disease with deep brain stimulation}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {16}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, issn = {1662-5161}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2022.806513}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274007}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus or the globus pallidus is an established treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD) that yields a marked and lasting improvement of motor symptoms. Yet, DBS benefit on gait disturbances in PD is still debated and can be a source of dissatisfaction and poor quality of life. Gait disturbances in PD encompass a variety of clinical manifestations and rely on different pathophysiological bases. While gait disturbances arising years after DBS surgery can be related to disease progression, early impairment of gait may be secondary to treatable causes and benefits from DBS reprogramming. In this review, we tackle the issue of gait disturbances in PD patients with DBS by discussing their neurophysiological basis, providing a detailed clinical characterization, and proposing a pragmatic programming approach to support their management.}, language = {en} } @article{PetzkeKloseWelschetal.2020, author = {Petzke, Frank and Klose, Petra and Welsch, Patrick and Sommer, Claudia and H{\"a}user, Winfried}, title = {Opioids for chronic low back pain: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy, tolerability and safety in randomized placebo-controlled studies of at least 4 weeks of double-blind duration}, series = {European Journal of Pain}, volume = {24}, journal = {European Journal of Pain}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1002/ejp.1519}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218498}, pages = {497 -- 517}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background and Objective This updated systematic review evaluated the efficacy, tolerability and safety of opioids compared to placebo in non-malignant chronic low back pain. Databases and Data Treatment Clinicaltrials.gov, CENTRAL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched from October 2013 to May 2019. Randomized controlled trials comparing opioids with placebo and at least 4 weeks of double-blinded duration were analysed. Primary outcomes were pain relief of 50\% or greater, disability, tolerability and safety. Effects were summarized by a random effects model using risk differences or standardized mean differences. We added nine new studies with 2,980 participants for a total of 21 studies with 7,650 participants. Study duration ranged between 4 and 15 weeks. Studies with a parallel and cross-over design: Based on very low to low-quality evidence, opioids provided no clinically relevant pain relief of 50\% or greater, but a clinically relevant reduction of disability compared to placebo. Enriched enrolment randomized withdrawal (EERW) design: Based on very low to low-quality evidence, opioids provided a clinically relevant pain relief of 50\% or greater, but not a clinically relevant reduction of disability compared to placebo. There was no clinically relevant harm with regard to serious adverse events by opioids compared to placebo in studies with parallel/cross-over and EERW design. There was a relevant harm with regard to drop out rates due to adverse events in studies with parallel/cross-over, but not in studies with EERW design. Conclusions Opioids may provide a safe and clinically relevant pain relief for 4-15 weeks in highly selected patients. Significance Within the context of randomized controlled trials of 4-15 weeks, opioids provided a clinically relevant pain relief of 30\% or greater and a clinically relevant reduction of disability compared to placebo in non-malignant chronic low back pain. Number needed to treat for an additional drop out due to side effects was 11 (95\% confidence interval: 6-33). Assessment of abuse and addiction was incomplete. The frequency of serious adverse events including deaths did not differ from placebo.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Clausen2020, author = {Clausen, Jan-Dierk}, title = {Der Einfluss des Kalziumkanalagonisten R-Roscovitine auf die Entwicklung und Differenzierung kultivierter prim{\"a}rer Motoneurone eines murinen Modellorganismus f{\"u}r spinale Muskelatrophie Typ I}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21699}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216990}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die spinale Muskelatrophie ist nach der zystischen Fibrose die zweith{\"a}ufigste Erkrankung mit autosomal-rezessivem Erbgang und Todesfolge bei Kindern. Der Mangel an intaktem SMN-Protein f{\"u}hrt zu einer retrograden Degeneration der Motoneurone. Je nach prozentualem Mangel des SMN-Proteins ergeben sich unterschiedliche Verlaufsformen. Im Falle der schwersten Form liegt die Lebenserwartung unter zwei Jahren f{\"u}r Neugeborene. Die genaue Ursache der spinalen Muskelatrophie ist nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt. Klar ist jedoch, dass eine Differenzierungsdefekt an der muskul{\"a}ren Endplatte der Motoneurone vorliegt. In Zusammenschau der hier generierten Ergebnisse und zahlreicher Vorarbeiten zeigt sich, dass eine gest{\"o}rte Kalziumhom{\"o}ostase mitverantwortlich f{\"u}r diese Differenzierungsst{\"o}rung ist. Dies ist am ehesten durch gest{\"o}rte lokale Kalziumtransienten und eine ver{\"a}nderte Mikrostruktur der Endplatte, im Sinne des Fehlens der f{\"u}r die Differenzierung essentiellen Kalziumkanal-Cluster, zu erkl{\"a}ren. Auch wenn die Wiederherstellung der Kalziumhom{\"o}ostase keinen Einfluss auf die Menge an vorhandenem SMN-Protein hat, zeigt der Einsatz des Kalziumkanalagonisten R-Roscovitine eine restitutio des Ph{\"a}notyps kultivierter Motoneurone in vitro, sowie auch eine signifikante Lebensverl{\"a}ngerung von murinen Tieren mit einer der SMA I {\"a}quivalenten Verlaufsform in vivo. Auch wenn es sich im Falle des Einsatzes von Kalziumkanalagonisten nicht um eine kausale Therapie, wie zum Beispiel im Falle gentechnologischer Ans{\"a}tze, handelt, stellen sie trotzdem eine vielversprechende Erg{\"a}nzung des Portfolios an therapeutischen Optionen dar. Die St{\"a}rke liegt hierbei in dem sofortigen Wirkeintritt nach Applikation mit antizipiert rascher Symptomverbesserung.}, subject = {Spinale Muskelatrophie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Morgenroth2020, author = {Morgenroth, Stephanie}, title = {Die Wertigkeit der pr{\"a}operativen Breischluckuntersuchung bei der Antirefluxchirurgie und der Chirurgie der Hiatushernien}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217335}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die radiologische Breischluckuntersuchung wird derzeit noch vor einer Antirefluxchirurgie und Chirurgie der Hiatushernien zur Detektion und Klassifikation einer Hiatushernie empfohlen. Ziel der Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob die pr{\"a}operative Breischluckuntersuchung bei der Diagnostik und Klassifikation von Hiatushernien einen zus{\"a}tzlichen Nutzen hat und diese Befunde dann mit Endoskopie und schnittbildgebenden Verfahren zu vergleichen.}, subject = {Gastro{\"o}sophagealer Reflux}, language = {de} } @article{SchickSchlegel2022, author = {Schick, Martin Alexander and Schlegel, Nicolas}, title = {Clinical implication of phosphodiesterase-4-inhibition}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {3}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms23031209}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284511}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The pleiotropic function of 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent pathways in health and disease led to the development of pharmacological phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-I) to attenuate cAMP degradation. While there are many isotypes of PDE, a predominant role of PDE4 is to regulate fundamental functions, including endothelial and epithelial barrier stability, modulation of inflammatory responses and cognitive and/or mood functions. This makes the use of PDE4-I an interesting tool for various therapeutic approaches. However, due to the presence of PDE4 in many tissues, there is a significant danger for serious side effects. Based on this, the aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the approaches and effects of PDE4-I for different therapeutic applications. In summary, despite many obstacles to use of PDE4-I for different therapeutic approaches, the current data warrant future research to utilize the therapeutic potential of phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition.}, language = {en} } @article{MihatschBeissertPomperetal.2022, author = {Mihatsch, Patrick W. and Beissert, Matthias and Pomper, Martin G. and Bley, Thorsten A. and Seitz, Anna K. and K{\"u}bler, Hubert and Buck, Andreas K. and Rowe, Steven P. and Serfling, Sebastian E. and Hartrampf, Philipp E. and Werner, Rudolf A.}, title = {Changing threshold-based segmentation has no relevant impact on semi-quantification in the context of structured reporting for PSMA-PET/CT}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {2}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14020270}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254782}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-directed positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is increasingly utilized for staging of men with prostate cancer (PC). To increase interpretive certainty, the standardized PSMA reporting and data system (RADS) has been proposed. Using PSMA-RADS, we characterized lesions in 18 patients imaged with \(^{18}\)F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT for primary staging and determined the stability of semi-quantitative parameters. Six hundred twenty-three lesions were categorized according to PSMA-RADS and manually segmented. In this context, PSMA-RADS-3A (soft-tissue) or -3B (bone) lesions are defined as being indeterminate for the presence of PC. For PMSA-RADS-4 and -5 lesions; however, PC is highly likely or almost certainly present [with further distinction based on absence (PSMA-RADS-4) or presence (PSMA-RADS-5) of correlative findings on CT]. Standardized uptake values (SUV\(_{max}\), SUV\(_{peak}\), SUV\(_{mean}\)) were recorded, and volumetric parameters [PSMA-derived tumor volume (PSMA-TV); total lesion PSMA (TL-PSMA)] were determined using different maximum intensity thresholds (MIT) (40 vs. 45 vs. 50\%). SUV\(_{max}\) was significantly higher in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions compared to all other PSMA-RADS categories (p ≤ 0.0322). In particular, the clinically challenging PSMA-RADS-3A lesions showed significantly lower SUV\(_{max}\) and SUV\(_{peak}\) compared to the entire PSMA-RADS-4 or -5 cohort (p < 0.0001), while for PSMA-RADS-3B this only applies when compared to the entire PSMA-RADS-5 cohort (p < 0.0001), but not to the PSMA-RADS-4 cohort (SUV\(_{max}\), p = 0.07; SUV\(_{peak}\), p = 0.08). SUV\(_{mean}\) (p = 0.30) and TL-PSMA (p = 0.16) in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions were not influenced by changing the MIT, while PSMA-TV showed significant differences when comparing 40 vs. 50\% MIT (p = 0.0066), which was driven by lymph nodes (p = 0.0239), but not bone lesions (p = 0.15). SUV\(_{max}\) was significantly higher in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions compared to all other PSMA-RADS categories in \(^{18}\)F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT. As such, the latter parameter may assist the interpreting molecular imaging specialist in assigning the correct PSMA-RADS score to sites of disease, thereby increasing diagnostic certainty. In addition, changes of the MIT in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions had no significant impact on SUV\(_{mean}\) and TL-PSMA in contrast to PSMA-TV.}, language = {en} } @article{HankirBruneauJr2022, author = {Hankir, Mohammed Khair and Bruneau Jr., Michael}, title = {Periphery-brain interactions and leptin in the regulation of whole-body energy metabolism}, series = {Nutrients}, volume = {14}, journal = {Nutrients}, number = {8}, issn = {2072-6643}, doi = {10.3390/nu14081594}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270581}, year = {2022}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {en} } @article{ErhardtMeierDeckert2020, author = {Erhardt, Angelika and Meier, Sandra and Deckert, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Genetik und Epigenetik von Angsterkrankungen}, series = {BIOspektrum}, volume = {26}, journal = {BIOspektrum}, issn = {0947-0867}, doi = {10.1007/s12268-020-1366-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232380}, pages = {252-254}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders. The etiology is complex involving genetic and environmental factors. The first genome-wide association studies so far implicate a number of genetic loci, genome-wide epigenetic and therapy response related genetic studies are emerging. Genetic studies of anxiety disorders — as the most recent Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) group of disorders — are at the threshold of providing findings comparable to other mental disorders.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ickrath2021, author = {Ickrath, Katrin Marie}, title = {DNA-Stabilit{\"a}t und -Regenerationsf{\"a}higkeit von humanen Nasenschleimhautzellen in Kulturmodellen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23043}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230438}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kulturmodelle des respiratorischen Epithels werden zur Kl{\"a}rung multipler Fragestellungen, zum Beispiel der Untersuchung seltener respiratorischer Erkrankungen, wie der prim{\"a}ren Ziliendyskinesie (PCD) herangezogen. Hierbei k{\"o}nnten in Zukunft Kulturmodelle integraler Bestandteil des Diagnosealgorithmus werden. Die Isolierung und Kultivierung von Prim{\"a}rzellen des menschlichen Respirationstrakts ist dabei wesentlich komplexer als die Nutzung etablierter Zelllinien. Jedoch erm{\"o}glicht die Verwendung der Prim{\"a}rzellkulturen eine exaktere Darstellung des mehrreihigen Flimmerepithels der oberen Atemwege. Die Gewinnung der Prim{\"a}rzellen kann mechanisch mit zus{\"a}tzlichem enzymatischen Verdau, oder durch sequentielles Auswachsen der Zellen erfolgen. Angewendet werden sowohl Epithelzell-Monokulturen wie auch Cokulturen mit Fibroblasten. Die Nutzung des Air-Liquid Interface in Transwell Systemen erm{\"o}glicht in beiden Kulturen die Differenzierung zu einem Kinozilien tragenden Flimmerepithel. Hierbei ist nicht endg{\"u}ltig gekl{\"a}rt, welches Modell die in vivo Gegebenheiten besser darstellt und welche Vorteile diese haben. Außerdem liegen bislang keine Daten {\"u}ber die Zellstabilit{\"a}t und -regenerationsf{\"a}higkeit nach genotoxischer Behandlung sowie Informationen {\"u}ber chromosomale Ver{\"a}nderungen w{\"a}hrend des Zellkultivierungsprozesses {\"u}ber mehrere Passagen vor. Derartige Informationen sind allerdings f{\"u}r die Etablierung eines Kulturmodells der oberen Atemwege von essentieller Bedeutung. Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der DNA-Stabilit{\"a}t und -Regenerationsf{\"a}higkeit {\"u}ber drei Passagen nach genotoxischer Behandlung, vergleichend f{\"u}r beide Kulturmodelle sowie die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der chromosomalen Stabilit{\"a}t innerhalb des Kultivierungsprozesses und der Funktionsf{\"a}higkeit beider Zellkulturen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine toxikologische Versuchsreihe von jeweils 10 Spendern f{\"u}r beide Kulturmodelle, Mono- bzw. Cokultur im Air-Liquid Interface {\"u}ber drei Passagen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei wurde die Grundsch{\"a}digung, die Sch{\"a}digung nach einst{\"u}ndiger Behandlung mit 300μl des Alkylanz Methylmethansulfonat (MMS) und nach einer 24-st{\"u}ndigen Regenerationszeit mit dem Comet Assay {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Zur Untersuchung der chromosomalen Stabilit{\"a}t innerhalb des Kulturprozesses wurden parallel Chromosomenaberrationstests an unbehandelten Zellen {\"u}ber drei Passagen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Funktionsf{\"a}higkeit der Zellen wurde ein Interleukin-8 (IL-8) ELISA f{\"u}r 10 Versuchsans{\"a}tze in der jeweils ersten Passage beider Kulturen verwendet. Hierbei wurde die IL-8-Konzentration im {\"U}berstand der unbehandelten Zellkulturen sowie nach 1μg/ml bzw. 10μg/ml Lipopolysaccarid(LPS)- Exposition untersucht. F{\"u}r die Cokultur wurden sowohl beide Zelltypen gemeinsam als auch die Epithelzellen bzw. die Fibroblasten getrennt betrachtet. In beiden Modellen wurden zus{\"a}tzlich rasterelektronenmikroskopische (REM) Aufnahmen zur Untersuchung der zili{\"a}ren Strukturen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Fibroblastenkontamination in der Monokultur wurden als einmaliger Versuchsablauf Vimentin- F{\"a}rbungen {\"u}ber drei Passagen angewendet. Mit dem Comet Assay konnte in beiden Modellen eine gute Regeneration der DNA-Integrit{\"a}t nach MMS-induzierter DNA-Sch{\"a}digung {\"u}ber alle Passagen nachgewiesen werden. Als einmaliger Versuchsansatz wurde das Enzym Methylpuringlykosylase (MPG) als Teil der Basenexzisionsreparatur nachgewiesen. Es ergaben sich Unterschiede in der Kultivierbarkeit der Zellen: die Monokultur zeigte eine gute Zellkultivierbarkeit bis zur dritten Passage. Es konnte jedoch mit der Vimentinf{\"a}rbung eine Fibroblastenkontamination von Beginn an sowie eine Zunahme mit H{\"o}he der Passage nachgewiesen werden. Es handelt sich hierbei demnach nicht um eine Reinkultur respiratorischer Epithelzellen. Die Cokultur erm{\"o}glicht getrennte Epithelzell- bzw. Fibroblastenkulturen, jedoch keine gute Kultivierbarkeit bis in h{\"o}here Passage. Methodisch konnte die prinzipielle Funktionsf{\"a}higkeit des Chromosomenaberrationstests an prim{\"a}ren Nasenschleimhautzellen erstmals f{\"u}r eine große Stichprobenanzahl gezeigt werden. In den durchgef{\"u}hrten Chromosomenaberrationstests konnte eine gewisse Grundsch{\"a}digung {\"u}ber alle Passagen nachgewiesen werden, jedoch sollten weitere Tests erfolgen, um diese Tendenz zu verifizieren. Die funktionelle Integrit{\"a}t wurde mit dem IL-8 ELISA nach LPS-Exposition sowie durch den Nachweis zili{\"a}rer Strukturen im REM exemplarisch best{\"a}tigt. Die erhobenen Daten liefern zusammengefasst wichtige Informationen {\"u}ber die Zellstabilit{\"a}t und -regenerationsf{\"a}higkeit der bislang verwendeten Kulturmodelle. Insbesondere Informationen {\"u}ber chromosomale Ver{\"a}nderungen sollten in Zukunft genauer betrachtet werden. Von großem Interesse w{\"a}re außerdem die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung derartige Zelleigenschaften in Zellkulturen von PCD erkrankten Spendern.}, subject = {Prim{\"a}relement}, language = {de} } @article{FroehlichSerflingHiguchietal.2021, author = {Fr{\"o}hlich, Matthias and Serfling, Sebastian and Higuchi, Takahiro and Pomper, Martin G. and Rowe, Steven P. and Schmalzing, Marc and Tony, Hans-Peter and Gernert, Michael and Strunz, Patrick-Pascal and Portegys, Jan and Schwaneck, Eva-Christina and Gadeholt, Ottar and Weich, Alexander and Buck, Andreas K. and Bley, Thorsten A. and Guggenberger, Konstanze V. and Werner, Rudolf A.}, title = {Whole-Body [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT Can Alter Diagnosis in Patients with Suspected Rheumatic Disease}, series = {Diagnostics}, volume = {11}, journal = {Diagnostics}, number = {11}, issn = {2075-4418}, doi = {10.3390/diagnostics11112073}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250227}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The 2-deoxy-d-[\(^{18}\)F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is widely utilized to assess the vascular and articular inflammatory burden of patients with a suspected diagnosis of rheumatic disease. We aimed to elucidate the impact of [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT on change in initially suspected diagnosis in patients at the time of the scan. Thirty-four patients, who had undergone [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT, were enrolled and the initially suspected diagnosis prior to [18F]FDG PET/CT was compared to the final diagnosis. In addition, a semi-quantitative analysis including vessel wall-to-liver (VLR) and joint-to-liver (JLR) ratios was also conducted. Prior to [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT, 22/34 (64.7\%) of patients did not have an established diagnosis, whereas in 7/34 (20.6\%), polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) was suspected, and in 5/34 (14.7\%), giant cell arteritis (GCA) was suspected by the referring rheumatologists. After [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT, the diagnosis was GCA in 19/34 (55.9\%), combined GCA and PMR (GCA + PMR) in 9/34 (26.5\%) and PMR in the remaining 6/34 (17.6\%). As such, [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT altered suspected diagnosis in 28/34 (82.4\%), including in all unclear cases. VLR of patients whose final diagnosis was GCA tended to be significantly higher when compared to VLR in PMR (GCA, 1.01 ± 0.08 (95\%CI, 0.95-1.1) vs. PMR, 0.92 ± 0.1 (95\%CI, 0.85-0.99), p = 0.07), but not when compared to PMR + GCA (1.04 ± 0.14 (95\%CI, 0.95-1.13), p = 1). JLR of individuals finally diagnosed with PMR (0.94 ± 0.16, (95\%CI, 0.83-1.06)), however, was significantly increased relative to JLR in GCA (0.58 ± 0.04 (95\%CI, 0.55-0.61)) and GCA + PMR (0.64 ± 0.09 (95\%CI, 0.57-0.71); p < 0.0001, respectively). In individuals with a suspected diagnosis of rheumatic disease, an inflammatory-directed [\(^{18}\)F]FDG PET/CT can alter diagnosis in the majority of the cases, particularly in subjects who were referred because of diagnostic uncertainty. Semi-quantitative assessment may be helpful in establishing a final diagnosis of PMR, supporting the notion that a quantitative whole-body read-out may be useful in unclear cases.}, language = {en} } @article{YankuBitmanLotanZoharetal.2018, author = {Yanku, Yifat and Bitman-Lotan, Eliya and Zohar, Yaniv and Kurant, Estee and Zilke, Norman and Eilers, Martin and Orian, Amir}, title = {Drosophila HUWE1 ubiquitin ligase regulates endoreplication and antagonizes JNK signaling during salivary gland development}, series = {Cells}, volume = {7}, journal = {Cells}, number = {10}, issn = {2073-4409}, doi = {10.3390/cells7100151}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197630}, pages = {151}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The HECT-type ubiquitin ligase HECT, UBA and WWE Domain Containing 1, (HUWE1) regulates key cancer-related pathways, including the Myc oncogene. It affects cell proliferation, stress and immune signaling, mitochondria homeostasis, and cell death. HUWE1 is evolutionarily conserved from Caenorhabditis elegance to Drosophila melanogaster and Humans. Here, we report that the Drosophila ortholog, dHUWE1 (CG8184), is an essential gene whose loss results in embryonic lethality and whose tissue-specific disruption establishes its regulatory role in larval salivary gland development. dHUWE1 is essential for endoreplication of salivary gland cells and its knockdown results in the inability of these cells to replicate DNA. Remarkably, dHUWE1 is a survival factor that prevents premature activation of JNK signaling, thus preventing the disintegration of the salivary gland, which occurs physiologically during pupal stages. This function of dHUWE1 is general, as its inhibitory effect is observed also during eye development and at the organismal level. Epistatic studies revealed that the loss of dHUWE1 is compensated by dMyc proeitn expression or the loss of dmP53. dHUWE1 is therefore a conserved survival factor that regulates organ formation during Drosophila development.}, language = {en} } @article{OttoSchmidtKastneretal.2019, author = {Otto, C. and Schmidt, S. and Kastner, C. and Denk, S. and Kettler, J. and M{\"u}ller, N. and Germer, C.T. and Wolf, E. and Gallant, P. and Wiegering, A.}, title = {Targeting bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) inhibits MYC expression in colorectal cancer cells}, series = {Neoplasia}, volume = {21}, journal = {Neoplasia}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1016/j.neo.2019.10.003}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202451}, pages = {1110-1120}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The transcriptional regulator BRD4 has been shown to be important for the expression of several oncogenes including MYC. Inhibiting of BRD4 has broad antiproliferative activity in different cancer cell types. The small molecule JQ1 blocks the interaction of BRD4 with acetylated histones leading to transcriptional modulation. Depleting BRD4 via engineered bifunctional small molecules named PROTACs (proteolysis targeting chimeras) represents the next-generation approach to JQ1-mediated BRD4 inhibition. PROTACs trigger BRD4 for proteasomale degradation by recruiting E3 ligases. The aim of this study was therefore to validate the importance of BRD4 as a relevant target in colorectal cancer (CRC) cells and to compare the efficacy of BRD4 inhibition with BRD4 degradation on downregulating MYC expression. JQ1 induced a downregulation of both MYC mRNA and MYC protein associated with an antiproliferative phenotype in CRC cells. dBET1 and MZ1 induced degradation of BRD4 followed by a reduction in MYC expression and CRC cell proliferation. In SW480 cells, where dBET1 failed, we found significantly lower levels of the E3 ligase cereblon, which is essential for dBET1-induced BRD4 degradation. To gain mechanistic insight into the unresponsiveness to dBET1, we generated dBET1-resistant LS174t cells and found a strong downregulation of cereblon protein. These findings suggest that inhibition of BRD4 by JQ1 and degradation of BRD4 by dBET1 and MZ1 are powerful tools for reducing MYC expression and CRC cell proliferation. In addition, downregulation of cereblon may be an important mechanism for developing dBET1 resistance, which can be evaded by incubating dBET1-resistant cells with JQ1 or MZ1.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hofstetter2022, author = {Hofstetter, Julia Eva Ines}, title = {MYC shapes the composition of RNA polymerase II through direct recruitment of transcription elongation factors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24035}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240358}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The transcription factor MYC is a onco-protein, found to be deregulated in many human cancers. High MYC levels correlate with an aggressive tumor outcome and poor survival rates. Despite MYC being discovered as an oncogene already in the 1970s, how MYC regulates transcription of its target genes, which are involved in cellular growth and proliferation, is not fully understood yet. In this study, the question how MYC influences factors interacting with the RNA polymerase II ensuring productive transcription of its target genes was addressed using quantitative mass spectrometry. By comparing the interactome of RNA polymerase II under varying MYC levels, several potential factors involved in transcriptional elongation were identified. Furthermore, the question which of those factors interact with MYC was answered by employing quantitative mass spectrometry of MYC itself. Thereby, the direct interaction of MYC with the transcription elongation factor SPT5, a subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor, was discovered and analyzed in greater detail. SPT5 was shown to be recruited to chromatin by MYC. In addition, the interaction site of MYC on SPT5 was narrowed down to its evolutionary conserved NGN-domain, which is the known binding site for SPT4, the earlier characterized second subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor. This finding suggests a model in which MYC and SPT4 compete for binding the NGN-domain of SPT5. Investigations of the SPT5-interacting region on MYC showed binding of SPT5 to MYC's N-terminus including MYC-boxes 0, I and II. In order to analyze proteins interacting specifically with the N-terminal region of MYC, a truncated MYC-mutant was used for quantitative mass spectrometric analysis uncovering reduced binding for several proteins including the well-known interactor TRRAP and TRRAP-associated complexes. Summarized, ...}, subject = {Transkription }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2021, author = {Braun, Alexandra}, title = {Psychosocial and somatic resilience factors of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24280}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242809}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: In recent years, health care has increasingly become the focus of public interest, politics, health insurance companies, and research. This includes the development of therapeutic concepts that can respond individually to patients' resources in order to improve coping with chronic diseases. Research into psychosocial and biological resilience factors is very important and the basic objective of the present work. I studied patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), who suffer among others from chronic pain, fatigue, sleep and gastrointestinal problems. This patient cohort is characterized by a pronounced heterogeneity in terms of clinical outcome, degree in disability and coping. FMS has a prevalence of 3 - 8 \% in the Western population and has a significant socio-economic impact. Validated psychosocial resilience factors include optimism, humor, coherence, self-efficacy, awareness with one's own resources and the ability to apply them profitably (coping), and a healthy social environment with positive relationships. Studies in patients with cancer revealed religiosity as positive and negative factor on the health outcome, but there is little data on religious aspects of pain resilience. Various genetic polymorphisms and anti-inflammatory cytokines are known as biological resilience factors. Various microRNA (miRNA) were detected to contribute to resilience in the context of stress and psychiatric disorders. Objective: The underlying research question of this work is to understand the factors that make some FMS patients resilient and others not, even though they suffer from the same disease. The long-term aim was to understand mechanisms and influencing factors of resilience to design preventive and resource-oriented therapies for FMS patients. Material and Methods: Three studies examined religious, physiological, biological, and psychosocial factors which may contribute to resilience in FMS patients. Study one combined data of questionnaires, a psychosocial interview, and regression analyses to investigate the relevance of religiosity for coping and resilience. Study two examined variance explaining factors and defined clusters among FMS patients by their differences in coping, pain phenotype and disability. The factor analysis used variables derived from questionnaires and qPCR of cytokines in white blood samples (WBC) of patients and healthy controls. Study three assessed cluster-wise miRNA signatures which may underly differences in behaviour, emotional and physiological disability, and resilience among patient clusters. A cluster-specific speculative model of a miRNA-mediated regulatory cycle was proposed and its potential targets verified by an online tool. Results: The data from the first study revealed a not very religious patient cohort, which was rather ambivalent towards the institution church, but described itself as a believer. The degree of religiosity played a role in the choice of coping strategy but had no effect on psychological parameters or health outcomes. The coping strategy "reinterpretation", which is closely related iv to the religious coping "reappraisal", had the highest influence on FMS related disability. Cognitive active coping strategies such as reappraisal which belongs to religious coping had the highest effect on FMS related disability (resilience) and could be trained by a therapist. Results from the second study showed high variances of all measured cytokines within the patient group and no difference between patient and control group. The high dispersion indicated cluster among patients. Factor analysis extracted four variance-explaining factors named as affective load, coping, pain, and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Psychological factors such as depression were the most decisive factors of everyday stress in life and represented the greatest influence on the variance of the data. Study two identified four clusters with respective differences in the factors and characterized them as poorly adapted (maladaptive), well adapted (adaptive), vulnerable and resilient. Their naming was based on characteristics of both resilience concepts, indicated by patients who were less stress-sensitive and impaired as a personal characteristic and by patients who emerged as more resilient from a learning and adaptive process. The data from the variance analysis suggests that problem- and emotion-focused coping strategies and a more anti-inflammatory cytokine pattern are associated with low impairment and contribute to resilience. Additional favorable factors include low anxiety, acceptance, and persistence. Some cluster-specific intervention proposals were created that combine existing concepts of behavioral and mindfulness therapies with alternative therapies such as vitamin D supplementation and a healthy intestinal flora. The results of the third study revealed lower relative gene expression of miR103a-3p, miR107, and miR130a-3p in the FMS cohort compared to the healthy controls with a large effect size. The adaptive cluster had the highest gene expression of miR103a-3p and tendentially of miR107, which was correlated with the subscale score "physical abuse" of the trauma questionnaire. Further correlations were found in particular with pain catastrophizing and FMS-related disability. MiR103a-3p and miR107 form a miRNA-family. Based on this, we proposed a miR103a/107 regulated model of an adaptive process to stress, inflammation and pain by targeting genetic factors which are included in different anti-inflammatory and stress-regulating pathways. Conclusion: All three studies provide new insights into resilience in FMS patients. Cognitive coping (reappraisal/reinterpretation) plays a central role and thus offers therapeutic targets (reframing in the context of behavioral therapy). Religosity as a resilience factor was only partially valid for our patient cohort. Basically, the use of resource-oriented therapy in large institutions still requires research and interdisciplinary cooperation to create a consensus between the humanities, natural sciences and humanism.}, subject = {Resilienz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auer2021, author = {Auer, Jonas}, title = {Sportverletzungen durch Indoor-Bouldern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24232}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bouldern ist eine noch relativ junge Trendsportart aus der Familie des Klettersports, die in den letzten Jahren starken Zuwachs gewonnen hat. Es gibt bisher wenig Literatur zu Verletzungen durch Bouldern generell und insbesondere zu Indoor-Bouldern. Das Ziel dieser Studie war Daten zu Verletzungsh{\"a}ufigkeit, -schwere und -lokalisation durch Indoor-Bouldern zu erheben sowie den Einfluss von potenziell das Verletzungsrisiko modulierenden Faktoren zu untersuchen. Mittels eines Online-Fragebogens wurden Boulderer retrospektiv zu anthropometrischen Daten, potenziell risikomodulierendem Verhalten sowie Verletzungen in der Vergangenheit befragt. Anschließend wurde monatlich prospektiv {\"u}ber ein Jahr das Auftreten neuer Verletzungen erhoben. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden Patienten der Notaufnahme und Klettersprechstunde mit Verletzungen durch Indoor-Bouldern zu Diagnose, Unfallhergang sowie potenziell risikomodulierendem Verhalten befragt. Knapp 60\% aller Probanden hatten in der Vergangenheit bereits mindestens eine Verletzung erlitten, 44\% eine Verletzung, die eine {\"a}rztliche Konsultation erforderte. W{\"a}hrend der prospektiv beobachteten 12 Monate trat bei 44\% der Probanden mindestens eine Verletzung durch Indoor-Bouldern auf, davon 78\% im UIAA Schweregrad 1, 19\% im Schweregrad 2 und 3\% im Schweregrad 3. Die obere Extremit{\"a}t war von 63\% aller Verletzungen betroffen, die untere Extremit{\"a}t von 23\%. Verletzungen der unteren Extremit{\"a}t waren h{\"a}ufiger im UIAA Schweregrad ≥ 2 klassifiziert (p = 0,007). Probanden, die Bouldern erst seit maximal einem Jahr betrieben, hatten ein erh{\"o}htes Risiko f{\"u}r Verletzungen der unteren Extremit{\"a}t (p = 0,027). Keine der untersuchten protektiven Maßnahmen inklusive Spotten konnten das Verletzungsrisiko senken. Das Nutzen von Kletterschuhen mit starkem Downturn und Vorspann erh{\"o}hte das Risiko f{\"u}r Verletzungen im UIAA Schweregrad ≥ 2 (p = 0,003). Verletzungen der Patienten aus Notaufnahme und Klettersprechstunde waren in 5,1\% im UIAA Schweregrad 1, 48,7\% im Schweregrad 2 und 46,2\% im Schweregrad 3. Verletzungen der unteren Extremit{\"a}t waren h{\"a}ufiger im Schweregrad 3 (p = 0,015). Verletzungen durch Indoor Bouldern sind h{\"a}ufig, der Großteil erfordert jedoch keine medizinische Behandlung. Verletzungen der unteren Extremit{\"a}t sind geh{\"a}uft in einem h{\"o}heren Schweregrad. Die untersuchten Pr{\"a}ventivmaßnahmen senkten das Verletzungsrisiko nicht. Einsteigerkurse sollten insbesondere sicheres Abspringen und St{\"u}rzen trainieren. Das Nutzen eines weiteren Paares Kletterschuhe ohne starken Downturn und Vorspann f{\"u}r das Training scheint ratsam. Zuk{\"u}nftige Forschung sollte sich der Verletzungspr{\"a}vention insbesondere durch St{\"u}rzen und Abspringen widmen.}, subject = {Sportverletzung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stetter2021, author = {Stetter, Maurice}, title = {LC3-associated phagocytosis seals the fate of the second polar body in \(Caenorhabditis\) \(elegans\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23198}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231981}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This work investigates the death and degradation of the second polar body of the nematode C. elegans in order to improve our understanding how pluripotent undifferentiated cells deal with dying cells. With the use of fluorescence microscopy this work demonstrates that both polar bodies loose membrane integrity early. The second polar body has contact to embryonic cells and gets internalized, dependent on the Rac1-ortholog CED-10. The polar body gets degraded via LC3-associated phagocytosis. While lysosome recruitment depends on RAB-7, LC3 does not improve lysosome recruitment but still accelerates polar body degradation. This work establishes the second polar body as a genetic model to study cell death and LC3-associated phagocytosis and has revealed further aspects of phagosome maturation and degradation.}, subject = {Polk{\"o}rper}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rehm2022, author = {Rehm, Alexandra}, title = {Etablierung von USP8 und USP48 Mutationen in Zelllinien f{\"u}r Cushing-Syndrom Analysen mittels CRISPR/Cas9}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23450}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Morbus Cushing ist die h{\"a}ufigste Ursache f{\"u}r endogenes Cushing-Syndrom und f{\"u}hrt auf Grund eines kortikotropen Hypophysenadenoms zu einem Glucocorticoid {\"U}berschuss und wiederum zu einer hohen Morbidit{\"a}t und Mortalit{\"a}t. Die Ursache hierf{\"u}r sind unter anderem somatische Mutationen in den Deubiquitinasen USP8 und USP48. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es mittels der CRISPR/Cas9-Methode, die Mutationen USP8 und USP48 in Zelllinien zu etablieren und diese f{\"u}r Cushing-Syndrom Analysen zu verwenden. Hierf{\"u}r wurden in dieser Arbeit gRNAs f{\"u}r USP8 und USP48 designt, welche anschließend in die humane embryonale Zelllinie HEK293AD Zellen transfiziert wurden. Diese Zellen wurden zu monoklonalen Zellen vereinzelt. Ziel war einen Knock-out von USP8 bzw. USP48 zu generieren. Es konnte ein erfolgreicher Zellklon generiert werden mit einem Knock-out von USP48. Ebenfalls konnte ein Genomediting von USP8 in Exon 20 durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Zusammenfassend konnte die CRISPR/Cas9 Methode f{\"u}r ein M. Cushing-Zellmodells etabliert und eine gute Ausgangsbasis f{\"u}r weitere Experimente (z.B. ein gezielter Knock-in von USP8- und USP48- Mutationen) generiert werden.}, subject = {Cushing-Syndrom}, language = {de} } @article{BaeuerleinQureischiMokhtarietal.2021, author = {B{\"a}uerlein, Carina A. and Qureischi, Musga and Mokhtari, Zeinab and Tabares, Paula and Brede, Christian and Jord{\´a}n Garrote, Ana-Laura and Riedel, Simone S. and Chopra, Martin and Reu, Simone and Mottok, Anja and Arellano-Viera, Estibaliz and Graf, Carolin and Kurzwart, Miriam and Schmiedgen, Katharina and Einsele, Hermann and W{\"o}lfl, Matthias and Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt and Beilhack, Andreas}, title = {A T-Cell Surface Marker Panel Predicts Murine Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2020.593321}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224290}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) is a severe and often life-threatening complication of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). AGvHD is mediated by alloreactive donor T-cells targeting predominantly the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and skin. Recent work in mice and patients undergoing allo-HCT showed that alloreactive T-cells can be identified by the expression of α4β7 integrin on T-cells even before manifestation of an aGvHD. Here, we investigated whether the detection of a combination of the expression of T-cell surface markers on peripheral blood (PB) CD8\(^+\) T-cells would improve the ability to predict aGvHD. To this end, we employed two independent preclinical models of minor histocompatibility antigen mismatched allo-HCT following myeloablative conditioning. Expression profiles of integrins, selectins, chemokine receptors, and activation markers of PB donor T-cells were measured with multiparameter flow cytometry at multiple time points before the onset of clinical aGvHD symptoms. In both allo-HCT models, we demonstrated a significant upregulation of α4β7 integrin, CD162E, CD162P, and conversely, a downregulation of CD62L on donor T-cells, which could be correlated with the development of aGvHD. Other surface markers, such as CD25, CD69, and CC-chemokine receptors were not found to be predictive markers. Based on these preclinical data from mouse models, we propose a surface marker panel on peripheral blood T-cells after allo-HCT combining α4β7 integrin with CD62L, CD162E, and CD162P (cutaneous lymphocyte antigens, CLA, in humans) to identify patients at risk for developing aGvHD early after allo-HCT.}, language = {en} } @article{StengelVuralBrunderetal.2019, author = {Stengel, Helena and Vural, Atay and Brunder, Anna-Michelle and Heinius, Annika and Appeltshauser, Luise and Fiebig, Bianca and Giese, Florian and Dresel, Christian and Papagianni, Aikaterini and Birklein, Frank and Weis, Joachim and Huchtemann, Tessa and Schmidt, Christian and K{\"o}rtvelyessy, Peter and Villmann, Carmen and Meinl, Edgar and Sommer, Claudia and Leypoldt, Frank and Doppler, Kathrin}, title = {Anti-pan-neurofascin IgG3 as a marker of fulminant autoimmune neuropathy}, series = {Neurology: Neuroimmunology \& Neuroinflammation}, volume = {6}, journal = {Neurology: Neuroimmunology \& Neuroinflammation}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1212/NXI.0000000000000603}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202462}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective To identify and characterize patients with autoantibodies against different neurofascin (NF) isoforms. Methods Screening of a large cohort of patient sera for anti-NF autoantibodies by ELISA and further characterization by cell-based assays, epitope mapping, and complement binding assays. Results Two different clinical phenotypes became apparent in this study: The well-known clinical picture of subacute-onset severe sensorimotor neuropathy with tremor that is known to be associated with IgG4 autoantibodies against the paranodal isoform NF-155 was found in 2 patients. The second phenotype with a dramatic course of disease with tetraplegia and almost locked-in syndrome was associated with IgG3 autoantibodies against nodal and paranodal isoforms of NF in 3 patients. The epitope against which these autoantibodies were directed in this second phenotype was the common Ig domain found in all 3 NF isoforms. In contrast, anti-NF-155 IgG4 were directed against the NF-155-specific Fn3Fn4 domain. The description of a second phenotype of anti-NF-associated neuropathy is in line with some case reports of similar patients that were published in the last year. Conclusions Our results indicate that anti-pan-NF-associated neuropathy differs from anti-NF-155-associated neuropathy, and epitope and subclass play a major role in the pathogenesis and severity of anti-NF-associated neuropathy and should be determined to correctly classify patients, also in respect to possible differences in therapeutic response.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hess2021, author = {Heß, Sebastian}, title = {Externe Validierung eines Prognose-Scores f{\"u}r Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen basierend auf extrakraniellen Faktoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24362}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243622}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen weisen eine limitierte Prognose auf. Um diese Prognose besser absch{\"a}tzen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden verschiedene Prognosescores entwickelt. Der EC-Score ist ein sehr einfach bestimmbarer Summenscore basierend auf extrakraniellen Faktoren. In dieser retrospektiven Arbeit wurden 538 Patientenf{\"a}lle inkludiert, die im Zeitraum 10/1998 bis 11/2017 eine Bestrahlung ihrer Hirnmetastasen am Uniklinikum W{\"u}rzburg erhalten haben. Der EC-Score konnte bei 173 der Patientenf{\"a}lle ausgewertet werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden die bereits etablierten DS-GPA- und RPA-Score am eigenen Patientenkollektiv angewendet und mit dem EC-Score verglichen. Im Ergebnis stellt diese Arbeit eine wichtige unabh{\"a}ngige externe Validierung des EC-Scores dar. Der Score erm{\"o}glicht es, Patienten sicher zu identifizieren, welche nicht von einer Bestrahlung ihrer Hirnmetastasen profitieren w{\"u}rden.}, subject = {Hirnmetastase}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rost2021, author = {Rost, Anna-Lena}, title = {Akute erregerbedingte Meningoenzephalitiden am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg von 2006-2015}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24084}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg wurden zwischen 2006-2015 447 F{\"a}lle einer akuten erregerbedingten Meningoenzephalitis in den Kliniken der Neurologie, Kinderklinik, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie behandelt. Es konnten sowohl F{\"a}lle durch Bakterien als auch F{\"a}lle durch Viren, Parasiten und Pilze gesichert werden. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die lokale Epidemiologie akuter erregerbedingter Meningoenzephalitiden.}, subject = {Meningoenzephalitis}, language = {de} } @article{DittertHuettnerPolaketal.2018, author = {Dittert, Natalie and H{\"u}ttner, Sandrina and Polak, Thomas and Herrmann, Martin J.}, title = {Augmentation of fear extinction by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {76}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00076}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176056}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Although posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; DSM-V 309.82) and anxiety disorders (DSM-V 300.xx) are widely spread mental disorders, the effectiveness of their therapy is still unsatisfying. Non-invasive brain-stimulation techniques like transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) might be an option to improve extinction learning, which is a main functional factor of exposure-based therapy for anxiety disorders. To examine this hypothesis, we used a fear conditioning paradigm with female faces as conditioned stimuli (CS) and a 95-dB female scream as unconditioned stimulus (UCS). We aimed to perform a tDCS of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), which is mainly involved in the control of extinction-processes. Therefore, we applied two 4 × 4 cm electrodes approximately at the EEG-positions F7 and F8 and used a direct current of 1.5 mA. The 20-min stimulation was started during a 10-min break between acquisition and extinction and went on overall extinction-trials. The healthy participants were randomly assigned in two double-blinded process into two sham stimulation and two verum stimulation groups with opposite current flow directions. To measure the fear reactions, we used skin conductance responses (SCR) and subjective ratings. We performed a generalized estimating equations model for the SCR to assess the impact of tDCS and current flow direction on extinction processes for all subjects that showed a successful conditioning (N = 84). The results indicate that tDCS accelerates early extinction processes with a significantly faster loss of CS+/CS- discrimination. The discrimination loss was driven by a significant decrease in reaction toward the CS+ as well as an increase in reaction toward the CS- in the tDCS verum groups, whereas the sham groups showed no significant reaction changes during this period. Therefore, we assume that tDCS of the vmPFC can be used to enhance early extinction processes successfully. But before it should be tested in a clinical context further investigation is needed to assess the reason for the reaction increase on CS-. If this negative side effect can be avoided, tDCS may be a tool to improve exposure-based anxiety therapies.}, language = {en} } @article{Koepsell2020, author = {Koepsell, Hermann}, title = {Glucose transporters in the small intestine in health and disease}, series = {Pfl{\"u}gers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology}, volume = {472}, journal = {Pfl{\"u}gers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology}, issn = {0031-6768}, doi = {10.1007/s00424-020-02439-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232552}, pages = {1207-1248}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Absorption of monosaccharides is mainly mediated by Na\(^+\)-d-glucose cotransporter SGLT1 and the facititative transporters GLUT2 and GLUT5. SGLT1 and GLUT2 are relevant for absorption of d-glucose and d-galactose while GLUT5 is relevant for d-fructose absorption. SGLT1 and GLUT5 are constantly localized in the brush border membrane (BBM) of enterocytes, whereas GLUT2 is localized in the basolateral membrane (BLM) or the BBM plus BLM at low and high luminal d-glucose concentrations, respectively. At high luminal d-glucose, the abundance SGLT1 in the BBM is increased. Hence, d-glucose absorption at low luminal glucose is mediated via SGLT1 in the BBM and GLUT2 in the BLM whereas high-capacity d-glucose absorption at high luminal glucose is mediated by SGLT1 plus GLUT2 in the BBM and GLUT2 in the BLM. The review describes functions and regulations of SGLT1, GLUT2, and GLUT5 in the small intestine including diurnal variations and carbohydrate-dependent regulations. Also, the roles of SGLT1 and GLUT2 for secretion of enterohormones are discussed. Furthermore, diseases are described that are caused by malfunctions of small intestinal monosaccharide transporters, such as glucose-galactose malabsorption, Fanconi syndrome, and fructose intolerance. Moreover, it is reported how diabetes, small intestinal inflammation, parental nutrition, bariatric surgery, and metformin treatment affect expression of monosaccharide transporters in the small intestine. Finally, food components that decrease d-glucose absorption and drugs in development that inhibit or downregulate SGLT1 in the small intestine are compiled. Models for regulations and combined functions of glucose transporters, and for interplay between d-fructose transport and metabolism, are discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haker2021, author = {Haker, Felix}, title = {Entwicklung eines in vitro Ansatzes zur Testung von Biofilm-Nachweismethoden und Antibiotikawirksamkeit}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25070}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250703}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von aus Patientenisolaten gewonnenen S. aureus Kulturen und deren Biofilmbildung auf implantat{\"a}hnlichen Titan-Oberfl{\"a}chen. Ziel war es, den zeitlichen Ablauf bakterieller periprothetischer Infektionen {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 21 Tagen zu beschreiben und besser zu verstehen. Dazu sollte {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden, ob ein fluoreszenzspektrometrisch ausgewertetes LIVE/DEAD Assay eine zus{\"a}tzliche Aussage zum Status der im Biofilm befindlichen Zellen liefern kann. Zudem wurde die Biofilmentwicklung anhand etablierter fluoreszenzspektrometrischer Methoden (Concanavalin-A-Markierung extrazellul{\"a}rer Polymerer Substanzen, DNA-Markierung mit Hoechst 33342) untersucht. Es konnte ein reproduzierbarer Verlauf der Entwicklung des Biofilms, sowie der DNA-Menge aufgezeigt werden. Das LIVE/DEAD Assay lieferte keine signifikanten Ergebnisse in Bezug auf das Verh{\"a}ltnis lebender zu toter S. aureus Zellen im Biofilm. Weiter wurde die Angreifbarkeit des fr{\"u}hen, am Titan adh{\"a}renten Biofilms (Alter 1-5 Tage) durch das in der Orthop{\"a}die g{\"a}ngig eingesetzte Antibiotikum Gentamicin untersucht. Die Wirksamkeit konnte zu jedem getesteten Zeitpunkt der ersten f{\"u}nf Tage durch Anzucht von Kolonien best{\"a}tigt werden. Auch wurde die Wirksamkeit {\"u}ber das LIVE/DEAD Assay {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, jedoch konnten hier keine aussagekr{\"a}ftigen Daten gewonnen werden, die diese Methode zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Antibiotikawirksamkeit empfehlen k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Biofilm}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zech2021, author = {Zech, Linda}, title = {Vitamin-D-Status und depressive Symptome bei gerontopsychiatrischen Patienten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25074}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250745}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Zusammenhang des depressiven Syndroms mit dem Vitamin D-Spiegel an einer Stichprobe gerontopsychiatrischer Patienten (n = 140) der Neurogerontopsychiatrischen Tagesklinik W{\"u}rzburg untersucht. Die Depressivit{\"a}t der Patienten zu Beginn und im Verlauf der Behandlung wurde zum einen mittels der ICD-10-Klassifikation, zum anderen mittels des Scores auf der GDS- und Hamilton-Skala zu Beginn und Ende des Aufenthalts in der Tagesklinik sowie bei einer poststation{\"a}ren Kontrolle bestimmt. Der Vitamin D-Spiegel wurde bei Behandlungsbeginn bestimmt und im Falle eines Mangels 1000 IU Vitamin D am Tag oral substituiert. Hierbei zeigte sich kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Auspr{\"a}gung des depressiven Syndroms und dem Vitamin D-Spiegel zu Beginn der Behandlung. Dagegen stellte sich heraus, dass Patienten mit einem h{\"o}heren Spiegel eine deutlichere Verbesserung der depressiven Symptome auf der GDS im Verlauf der Behandlung erfuhren. Außerdem bestand eine signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen BMI und Vitamin D-Spiegel sowie eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Spiegelh{\"o}he von der Jahreszeit. Vitamin D k{\"o}nnte nach den Ergebnissen dieser Studie m{\"o}glicherweise eine wirkungssteigernde und nebenwirkungsarme Komedikation in der antidepressiven Therapie von {\"a}lteren psychisch erkrankten Menschen darstellen. Es bedarf weiterer ausf{\"u}hrlicher Forschung {\"u}ber den neurophysiologischen Zusammenhang zwischen Vitamin D und der Schwere einer depressiven Erkrankung. Besonders hinsichtlich der Verwendung von Vitamin D als Komedikation gilt es, weitere intensive Forschung in Form von gut designten, randomisierten Fall-Kontroll-Studien und prospektiven Interventionsstudien zu betreiben, um die Therapie von depressiven Patienten im h{\"o}heren Lebensalter weiter zu verbessern.}, subject = {Altersdepression}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoefler2022, author = {H{\"o}fler, Dorina}, title = {{\"U}berexpression der katalytischen Na\(^+\)/K\(^+\)-ATPase Untereinheit α2 und nicht α1 verz{\"o}gert kardiales Remodeling nach acht Wochen Myokardinfarkt}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25077}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250773}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Herzinsuffizienz und damit einhergehend die beeintr{\"a}chtigte kardiale Funktion bei chronischer Isch{\"a}mie nach Myokardinfarkt (MI) wird mit niedrigerer Aktivit{\"a}t der Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) in Zusammenhang gebracht. Die beiden Isoformen der katalytischen Untereinheit NKA-α1 und α2 unterscheiden sich teilweise in Lokalisation, Funktion und Interaktion mit dem NCX und weiterer Signalpartner. Das Ziel des Projekts war es herauszufinden, ob die Isoform NKA-α2 im Gegensatz zu NKA-α1 einen protektiven Effekt bei chronischer Isch{\"a}mie nach einem Myokardinfarkt aufweist und was die Hintergr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind. Hierf{\"u}r wurden transgene M{\"a}use verwendet, die kardial entweder NKA-α1 oder NKA-α2 stark {\"u}berexprimieren. Diese M{\"a}use wurden mit WT M{\"a}use verglichen. Ein Myokardinfarkt wurde mittels Legierung der LAD induziert und die Herzen nach acht Wochen entnommen. Um das Remodeling bei chronischer Isch{\"a}mie in M{\"a}usen zu untersuchen, wurden die Zellgr{\"o}ße (WGA F{\"a}rbung) und der Anteil des fibrotisch umgebauten Gewebes (PSR F{\"a}rbung) gemessen. TG α2 Tiere zeigten nach chronischer Isch{\"a}mie einerseits weniger stark hypertrophierte Zellen, andererseits in der kritischen Borderzone zwischen vitalem Gewebe und infarziertem Bereich weniger Fibrose. Dies ging einher mit einem signifikant weniger starkem Verlust der linksventrikul{\"a}ren Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion nach MI, welche ein Parameter der kardialen Funktion ist. Das Level des oxidativen Stresses (ROS Detektion) {\"a}nderte sich nach acht Wochen MI in TG α2 Tieren im Vergleich zu TG α1 und WT nicht. Nach acht Wochen MI zeigte sich die Expression der totalen NKA reduziert; v.a. TG α2 Tiere zeigten tendenziell sehr niedrige Expressionslevel der totalen NKA. Die geringere NKA Aktivit{\"a}t k{\"o}nnte mit der verbesserten kardialen Funktion zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Da jedoch nach MI in WT M{\"a}usen die NKA-α2 verst{\"a}rkt und NKA-α1 reduziert exprimiert wird, gehen wir davon aus, dass die Expression der NKA-α2 eine f{\"u}r die Zelle protektive Anpassung nach chronischer Isch{\"a}mie ist, um sich vor Remodeling und damit einhergehendem Funktionsverlust zu sch{\"u}tzen. Vermutlich wird NKA so lange auf geringerem Niveau exprimiert, bis die Natrium- und Calciumkonzentration so stark ansteigt, dass die Gefahr der Arrhythmie und die kardiale Dysfunktion zu groß wird. Der Vorteil der TG α2 Tiere entsteht vermutlich aus der Reduzierung der totalen NKA nach acht Wochen MI, um die Inotropie kompensatorisch hoch zu halten, bis spezifisch die Isoform NKA-α2 verst{\"a}rkt exprimiert wird, um den Natrium{\"u}berhang und konsekutiv via NCX den Calcium{\"u}berhang zu reduzieren. Hinzu kommt, dass die Isoform NKA-α2 die pr{\"a}dominierende Isoform ist, die in der Mikrodom{\"a}ne der T-Tubuli mit dem NCX agiert und f{\"u}r den Ausgleich des Natrium- und Calciumhaushalts nach MI sorgt. Die gesteigerte Expression des NCXs nach MI in TG α2 Tieren mit verbessertem Abtransport von Calcium k{\"o}nnte zu der reduzierten Entwicklung von Hypertrophie und Fibrosierung beitragen. Dies wiederum verhindert den Progress der dilatativen Herzinsuffizienz bei chronischer Isch{\"a}mie und bringt somit einen protektiven Effekt auf die Prognose und die kardiale Funktion nach MI mit sich.}, subject = {Na+/K+-ATPase}, language = {de} } @article{FiedlerHirschElHajjetal.2019, author = {Fiedler, David and Hirsch, Daniela and El Hajj, Nady and Yang, Howard H. and Hu, Yue and Sticht, Carsten and Nanda, Indrajit and Belle, Sebastian and Rueschoff, Josef and Lee, Maxwell P. and Ried, Thomas and Haaf, Thomas and Gaiser, Timo}, title = {Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of colorectal adenomas with and without recurrence reveals an association between cytosine-phosphate-guanine methylation and histological subtypes}, series = {Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer}, volume = {58}, journal = {Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1002/gcc.22787}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212676}, pages = {783 -- 797}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Aberrant methylation of DNA is supposed to be a major and early driver of colonic adenoma development, which may result in colorectal cancer (CRC). Although gene methylation assays are used already for CRC screening, differential epigenetic alterations of recurring and nonrecurring colorectal adenomas have yet not been systematically investigated. Here, we collected a sample set of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded colorectal low-grade adenomas (n = 72) consisting of primary adenomas without and with recurrence (n = 59), recurrent adenomas (n = 10), and normal mucosa specimens (n = 3). We aimed to unveil differentially methylated CpG positions (DMPs) across the methylome comparing not only primary adenomas without recurrence vs primary adenomas with recurrence but also primary adenomas vs recurrent adenomas using the Illumina Human Methylation 450K BeadChip array. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering exhibited a significant association of methylation patterns with histological adenoma subtypes. No significant DMPs were identified comparing primary adenomas with and without recurrence. Despite that, a total of 5094 DMPs (false discovery rate <0.05; fold change >10\%) were identified in the comparisons of recurrent adenomas vs primary adenomas with recurrence (674; 98\% hypermethylated), recurrent adenomas vs primary adenomas with and without recurrence (241; 99\% hypermethylated) and colorectal adenomas vs normal mucosa (4179; 46\% hypermethylated). DMPs in cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) islands were frequently hypermethylated, whereas open sea- and shelf-regions exhibited hypomethylation. Gene ontology analysis revealed enrichment of genes associated with the immune system, inflammatory processes, and cancer pathways. In conclusion, our methylation data could assist in establishing a more robust and reproducible histological adenoma classification, which is a prerequisite for improving surveillance guidelines.}, language = {en} } @article{LichthardtWagnerLoebetal.2020, author = {Lichthardt, Sven and Wagner, Johanna and L{\"o}b, Stefan and Matthes, Niels and Kastner, Caroline and Anger, Friedrich and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Wiegering, Armin}, title = {Pathological complete response due to a prolonged time interval between preoperative chemoradiation and surgery in locally advanced rectal cancer: analysis from the German StuDoQ|Rectalcarcinoma registry}, series = {BMC Cancer}, volume = {20}, journal = {BMC Cancer}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1186/s12885-020-6538-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229334}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background Preoperative chemoradiotherapy is the recommended standard of care for patients with local advanced rectal cancer. However, it remains unclear, whether a prolonged time interval to surgery results in an increased perioperative morbidity, reduced TME quality or better pathological response. Aim of this study was to determine the time interval for best pathological response and perioperative outcome compared to current recommended interval of 6 to 8 weeks. Methods This is a retrospective analysis of the German StuDoQ|Rectalcarcinoma registry. Patients were grouped for the time intervals of "less than 6 weeks", "6 to 8 weeks", "8 to 10 weeks" and "more than 10 weeks". Primary endpoint was pathological response, secondary endpoint TME quality and complications according to Clavien-Dindo classification. Results Due to our inclusion criteria (preoperative chemoradiation, surgery in curative intention, M0), 1.809 of 9.560 patients were suitable for analysis. We observed a trend for increased rates of pathological complete response (pCR: ypT0ypN0) and pathological good response (pGR: ypT0-1ypN0) for groups with a prolonged time interval which was not significant. Ultimately, it led to a steady state of pCR (16.5\%) and pGR (22.6\%) in "8 to 10" and "more than 10" weeks. We were not able to observe any differences between the subgroups in perioperative morbidity, proportion of rectal extirpation (for cancer of the lower third) or difference in TME quality. Conclusion A prolonged time interval between neoadjuvant chemoradiation can be performed, as the rate of pCR seems to be increased without influencing perioperative morbidity.}, language = {en} } @article{RosenfeldtHartmannLengetal.2021, author = {Rosenfeldt, Mathias T. and Hartmann, Elena M. and Leng, Corinna and Rosenwald, Andreas and Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis}, title = {A case of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma with unexpected EBV-latency type}, series = {Annals of Hematology}, volume = {100}, journal = {Annals of Hematology}, issn = {0939-5555}, doi = {10.1007/s00277-020-04174-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232571}, pages = {2635-2637}, year = {2021}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} } @article{HerrmannDiederichsMelniketal.2021, author = {Herrmann, Marietta and Diederichs, Solvig and Melnik, Svitlana and Riegger, Jana and Trivanović, Drenka and Li, Shushan and Jenei-Lanzl, Zsuzsa and Brenner, Rolf E. and Huber-Lang, Markus and Zaucke, Frank and Schildberg, Frank A. and Gr{\"a}ssel, Susanne}, title = {Extracellular Vesicles in Musculoskeletal Pathologies and Regeneration}, series = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, issn = {2296-4185}, doi = {10.3389/fbioe.2020.624096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222882}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The incidence of musculoskeletal diseases is steadily increasing with aging of the population. In the past years, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have gained attention in musculoskeletal research. EVs have been associated with various musculoskeletal pathologies as well as suggested as treatment option. EVs play a pivotal role in communication between cells and their environment. Thereby, the EV cargo is highly dependent on their cellular origin. In this review, we summarize putative mechanisms by which EVs can contribute to musculoskeletal tissue homeostasis, regeneration and disease, in particular matrix remodeling and mineralization, pro-angiogenic effects and immunomodulatory activities. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) present the most frequently used cell source for EV generation for musculoskeletal applications, and herein we discuss how the MSC phenotype can influence the cargo and thus the regenerative potential of EVs. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (iMPs) may overcome current limitations of MSCs, and iMP-derived EVs are discussed as an alternative strategy. In the last part of the article, we focus on therapeutic applications of EVs and discuss both practical considerations for EV production and the current state of EV-based therapies.}, language = {en} } @article{EvdokimovFrankKlitschetal.2019, author = {Evdokimov, Dimitar and Frank, Johanna and Klitsch, Alexander and Unterecker, Stefan and Warrings, Bodo and Serra, Jordi and Papagianni, Aikaterini and Saffer, Nadine and Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren and Kampik, Daniel and Malik, Rayaz A. and Sommer, Claudia and {\"U}ceyler, Nurcan}, title = {Reduction of skin innervation is associated with a severe fibromyalgia phenotype}, series = {Annals of Neurology}, volume = {86}, journal = {Annals of Neurology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1002/ana.25565}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206168}, pages = {504-516}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective: To assess patterns and impact of small nerve fiber dysfunction and pathology in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Methods: One hundred seventeen women with FMS underwent neurological examination, questionnaire assessment, neurophysiology assessment, and small fiber tests: skin punch biopsy, corneal confocal microscopy, microneurography, quantitative sensory testing including C-tactile afferents, and pain-related evoked potentials. Data were compared with those of women with major depressive disorder and chronic widespread pain (MD-P) and healthy women. Results: Intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) was reduced at different biopsy sites in 63\% of FMS patients (MDP: 10\%, controls: 18\%; p < 0.001 for each). We found 4 patterns of skin innervation in FMS: normal, distally reduced, proximally reduced, and both distally and proximally reduced (p < 0.01 for each compared to controls). Microneurography revealed initial activity-dependent acceleration of conduction velocity upon low frequencies of stimulation in 1A fibers, besides 1B fiber spontaneous activity and mechanical sensitization in FMS patients. FMS patients had elevated warm detection thresholds (p < 0.01), impaired C-tactile afferents (p < 0.05), and reduced amplitudes (p < 0.001) of pain-related evoked potentials compared to controls. Compared to FMS patients with normal skin innervation, those with generalized IENFD reduction had higher pain intensity and impairment due to pain, higher disease burden, more stabbing pain and paresthesias, and more anxiety (p < 0.05 for each). FMS patients with generalized IENFD reduction also had lower corneal nerve fiber density (p < 0.01) and length (p < 0.05). Interpretation: The extent of small fiber pathology is related to symptom severity in FMS. This knowledge may have implications for the diagnostic classification and treatment of patients with FMS.}, language = {en} } @article{KlitschEvdokimovFranketal.2020, author = {Klitsch, Alexander and Evdokimov, Dimitar and Frank, Johanna and Thomas, Dominique and Saffer, Nadine and Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren and Sisignano, Marco and Kampik, Daniel and Malik, Rayaz A. and Sommer, Claudia and {\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan}, title = {Reduced association between dendritic cells and corneal sub-basal nerve fibers in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome}, series = {Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System}, volume = {25}, journal = {Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/jns.12360}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214150}, pages = {9-18}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In our study, we aimed at investigating corneal langerhans cells (LC) in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and small fiber neuropathy (SFN) as potential contributors to corneal small fiber pathology. We enrolled women with FMS (n = 134) and SFN (n = 41) who underwent neurological examination, neurophysiology, prostaglandin analysis in tear fluid, and corneal confocal microscopy (CCM). Data were compared with those of 60 age-matched female controls. After screening for dry eye disease, corneal LC were counted and sub-classified as dendritic (dLC) and non-dendritic (ndLC) cells with or without nerve fiber association. We further analyzed corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), length (CNFL), and branch density (CNBD). Neurological examination indicated deficits of small fiber function in patients with SFN. Nerve conduction studies were normal in all participants. Dry eye disease was more prevalent in FMS (17\%) and SFN (28\%) patients than in controls (5\%). Tear fluid prostaglandin levels did not differ between FMS patients and controls. While corneal LC density in FMS and SFN patients was not different from controls, there were fewer dLC in association with nerve fibers in FMS and SFN patients than in controls (P < .01 each). Compared to controls, CNFL was lower in FMS and SFN patients (P < .05 each), CNFD was lower only in FMS patients (P < .05), and CNBD was lower only in SFN patients (P < .001). There was no difference in any CCM parameter between patients with and without dry eyes. Our data indicate changes in corneal innervation and LC distribution in FMS and SFN, potentially based on altered LC signaling.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arampatzis2020, author = {Arampatzis, Konstantinos}, title = {Astigmatismuskorrektur im Rahmen moderner, minimalinvasiver Kataraktchirurgie - eine retrospektive Analyse}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20845}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Die Kataraktoperation ist der am meisten durchgef{\"u}hrte operative Eingriff in der Medizin {\"u}berhaupt. Astigmatismus ist einer der h{\"a}ufigsten Refraktionsfehlern wobei 15-20\% der Bev{\"o}lkerung einen klinisch relevanten Astigmatismus von > 1,5 Dpt zeigen. Im Rahmen der Kataraktoperation besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit neben der Linsentr{\"u}bung auch den Astigmatismus zu korrigieren. Material und Methoden: 176 Kataraktoperationen mit simultaner Astigmatismuskorrektur wurden retrospektiv untersucht, davon bei 110 Augen durch periphere clear-cornea Relaxationsinzisionen (PCCRI) und bei 66 Augen durch die Implantation von torischen Hinterkammerlinsen (TIOL). Es erfolgte eine topographische und refraktive Astigmatismusanalyse mittels Vektorenanalyse und Doppelwinkeldiagramme. Ergebnisse: Mittels PCCRI wurde eine topographische Reduktion des Astigmatismus von 0,86 ± 0,63 Dpt sowie eine refraktive Reduktion von 1,33 ± 1,08 Dpt erreicht. Mittels TIOL lag die refraktive Reduktion auf 2,26 ± 1,57 Dpt. Die mittlere Achsenabweichung der TIOL postoperativ lag bei 4,77° ± 4,18°. Diskussion: Die Implantation von TIOL zeigt eine hohe Effektivit{\"a}t und Sicherheit bzgl. Astigmatismuskorrektur, der PCCRI {\"u}berlegen. PCCRI ist eine gute, kosteng{\"u}nstige Alternative. Astigmatismusbetr{\"a}ge bis 1,5 Dpt k{\"o}nnen sowohl durch PCCRI als auch durch TIOL korrigiert werden. Bei h{\"o}heren Betr{\"a}gen ist die Implantation von TIOL die Korrektur der ersten Wahl. Eine Revision einer postoperativen Achsenabweichung einer TIOL von > 8° sollte bei klinischer Relevanz in der zweiten postoperativen Woche erwogen werden.}, subject = {Augenheilkunde}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hu2021, author = {Hu, Xiawei}, title = {Role of claudin-12 in neuronal barriers in painful murine and human neuropathy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20806}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In peripheral nervous system (PNS), the blood-nerve barrier (BNB) and myelin barrier (MB) are important physiological fences for maintaining the environment for axons, Schwann cells and other associated cells within peripheral nerves. The perineurium surrounding the nerves and endoneurial vessels nourishing the nerves compose the BNB. Schwann cells wrapping around neurons form the MB. Destruction or malfunction of the barriers has been postulated as an initial step in the development of pathologic conditions concerning human peripheral nerves, such as traumatic neuropathy and the disease of chronic inflammatory demyelination polyneuropathy (CIDP). Tight junction proteins (TJPs) are intercellular junctions building the microstructure of barriers. They play a key role in tightly connecting adjacent cells, controlling the passage of ions, water and other molecules via the paracellular pathway, and maintaining the cell polarity. Among the family of TJPs, claudins are the major structural components which form the backbone of TJs. Certain key TJPs [e.g. claudins (claudin-1, -5, -19, occludin, zona occludens (ZO-1)] have been identified in neural barriers and explored for therapeutic targets. The expression of Cldn12 gene has been documented in human/rodent tibial nerves, spinal cord and DRG. However, the role of claudin-12 in PNS is unknown. In the present study, we firstly found a loss of claudin-12 immunoreactivity (IR) in male or postmenopausal female patients with painful CIDP or non-inflammatory polyneuropathy (PNP). Then, we utilized male and female Cldn12-KO mice and the chronic constriction injury (CCI) model. Cldn12 mRNA and IR were reduced in WT mice after nerve injury. Deletion of Cldn12 via general knockout (KO) induced mechanical allodynia at baseline level and after CCI in time-dependent manner in male mice. KO of Cldn12 in males resulted in loss of small axons, perineurial barrier and MB breakdown, as well as TJP complex disruption with claudin-1, -19 and Pmp22 reduction. Moreover, local Cldn12 siRNA application mimicked mechanical allodynia and MB breakdown. In conclusion, claudin-12 deficiency is associated with painful CIDP/non-inflammatory PNP. Claudin-12 is a regulatory TJP crucial for mechanical nociception, perineurial barrier and MB integrity, and proper TJP composition in mice. Therefore, further investigating the functions of claudin-12 and its mechanism is important to prompt the development of new therapeutic approaches for painful neuropathies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Radakovic2020, author = {Radakovic, Dejan}, title = {Development of a Dialysis Graft Based on Tissue Engineering Methods}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20849}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208492}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Despite advancements of modern medicine, the number of patients with the the end-stage kidney disease keeps growing, and surgical procedures to establish and maintain a vascular access for hemodialysis are rising accordingly. Surgical access of choice remains autogenous arteriovenous fistula, whereas approach "fistula first at all costs" leads to failure in certain subgroups of patients. Modern synthetic vascular grafts fail to deliver long-term results comparable with AV fistula. With all that in mind, this work has an aim of developing a new alternative vascular graft, which can be used for hemodialysis access using the methods of TE, especially electrospinning technique. It is hypothesized that electrospun scaffold, made of PCL and collagen type I may assemble mechanical properties similar to native blood vessels. Seeding such electrospun scaffolds with human microvascular endothelial cells (hmvECs) and preconditioning with shear stress and continuous flow might achieve sufficient endothelial lining being able to resist acute thrombosis. One further topic considered on-site infections, which represents one of the most spread complications of dialysis therapy due to continuous needle punctures. The main hypothesis was that during electrospinning process, polymers can be blended with antibiotics with the aim of producing scaffolds with antimicrobial properties, which could lead to reducing the risk of on-site infection on one side, while not affecting the cell viability.}, subject = {Elektrospinnen}, language = {en} } @article{SabelFleischhackTippeltetal.2016, author = {Sabel, Magnus and Fleischhack, Gudrun and Tippelt, Stephan and Gustafsson, G{\"o}ran and Doz, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Kortmann, Rolf and Massimino, Maura and Navajas, Aurora and von Hoff, Katja and Rutkowski, Stefan and Warmuth-Metz, Monika and Clifford, Steven C. and Pietsch, Torsten and Pizer, Barry and Linnering, Birgitta}, title = {Relapse patterns and outcome after relapse in standard risk medulloblastoma: a report from the HIT-SIOP-PNET4 study}, series = {Journal of Neurooncology}, volume = {129}, journal = {Journal of Neurooncology}, number = {3}, organization = {SIOP-E Brain Tumour Group}, doi = {10.1007/s11060-016-2202-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187498}, pages = {515-524}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The HIT-SIOP-PNET4 randomised trial for standard risk medulloblastoma (MB) (2001-2006) included 338 patients and compared hyperfractionated and conventional radiotherapy. We here report the long-term outcome after a median follow up of 7.8 years, including detailed information on relapse and the treatment of relapse. Data were extracted from the HIT Group Relapsed MB database and by way of a specific case report form. The event-free and overall (OS) survival at 10 years were 76 +/- 2 \% and 78 +/- 2 \% respectively with no significant difference between the treatment arms. Seventy-two relapses and three second malignant neoplasms were reported. Thirteen relapses (18 \%) were isolated local relapses in the posterior fossa (PF) and 59 (82 \%) were craniospinal, metastatic relapses (isolated or multiple) with or without concurrent PF disease. Isolated PF relapse vs all other relapses occurred at mean/median of 38/35 and 28/26 months respectively (p = 0.24). Late relapse, i.e. > 5 years from diagnosis, occurred in six patients (8 \%). Relapse treatment consisted of combinations of surgery (25 \%), focal radiotherapy (RT 22 \%), high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue (HDSCR 21 \%) and conventional chemotherapy (90 \%). OS at 5 years after relapse was 6.0 +/- 4 \%. In multivariate analysis; isolated relapse in PF, and surgery were significantly associated with prolonged survival whereas RT and HDSCR were not. Survival after relapse was not related to biological factors and was very poor despite several patients receiving intensive treatments. Exploration of new drugs is warranted, preferably based on tumour biology from biopsy of the relapsed tumour.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eberhardt2020, author = {Eberhardt, Jasmin}, title = {Die Entwicklung der psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Versorgung im Bezirk Unterfranken - eine Erhebung der Indexjahre 2004, 2008 und 2012}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21232}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Ziel der Arbeit war die Beschreibung der Entwicklung der psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Versorgung im Bezirk Unterfranken mit der Ableitung von Erkl{\"a}rungsans{\"a}tzen und Impulsen f{\"u}r die Versorgungsforschung. {\"U}berpr{\"u}ft wurde hierzu einerseits die Hypothese, ob die station{\"a}re psychiatrische Belegung in beiden Bezirkskrankenh{\"a}usern zunimmt und andererseits in einer weiteren Hypothese, ob damit eine Verschlechterung der ambulanten und komplement{\"a}ren Versorgungslage (in den unterschiedlichen Sektoren) einhergeht. Dabei wurden folgende Daten vergleichend f{\"u}r die zwei Bezirkskrankenh{\"a}user in Lohr und Werneck und deren regionales Pflichtversorgungsgebiet erhoben: F{\"u}r die Indexjahre 2004, 2008 und 2012 im station{\"a}ren Bereich die Fallzahl, die Patientenzahl, die Nutzungsgrade und f{\"u}r die F{\"a}lle die durchschnittliche Verweildauer, die Hauptentlassdiagnosen und die Herkunft nach Meldeort. Im ambulanten Sektor erfolgte die Analyse der Arztsitze und Behandlungsf{\"a}lle f{\"u}r Nerven{\"a}rzte und Psychotherapeuten vergleichend f{\"u}r das 4. Quartal 2008 und das 4. Quartal 2012. In den Psychiatrischen Institutsambulanzen am Bezirkskrankenhaus Lohr und am Bezirkskrankenhaus Werneck wurden jeweils die Abrechnungsscheine, die Patienten und die Personalausstattung ausgewertet. Im komplement{\"a}ren Bereich wurden Daten zu Ausgaben, Sozialpsychiatrischen Diensten, Psychosozialen Suchtberatungsstellen, ambulant betreutem Wohnen, Psychiatrischer Familienpflege, Tagesst{\"a}tten, Werkst{\"a}tten f{\"u}r psychisch behinderte Menschen, Integrationsfirmen und Zuverdienstm{\"o}glichkeiten jeweils f{\"u}r die Jahre 2004, 2008 und 2012 erhoben. Hierbei kam es in beiden Bezirkskrankenh{\"a}usern {\"u}ber die Verlaufsjahre zu einer signifikanten Zunahme der F{\"a}lle, der Patienten und der Nutzungsgrade bei signifikanter Verk{\"u}rzung der Verweildauern von 2004 auf 2012. Das Bezirkskrankenhaus Lohr zeigte sich bzgl. Aufnahmen aus dem eigenen Einzugsgebiet selektiver als das Bezirkskrankenhaus Werneck. {\"U}ber die Beobachtungsjahre ver{\"a}nderte sich das Diagnosespektrum station{\"a}rer F{\"a}lle signifikant in beiden Kliniken. Im ambulanten Bereich zeigte sich von 2008 auf 2012 eine diskrete Zunahme von Psychotherapeutensitzen bei gleichbleibender Anzahl der Arztsitze f{\"u}r Nerven{\"a}rzte. Die Behandlungsf{\"a}lle stiegen in beiden Gruppen merklich an vom 4. Quartal 2008 auf das 4. Quartal 2012. Im komplement{\"a}ren Bereich nahmen Ausgaben und die Kapazit{\"a}ten im Bereich von Wohnen, Alltagsgestaltung und Arbeit zu. In beiden Bezirkskrankenh{\"a}usern ließ sich {\"u}ber die Indexjahre eine Zunahme der station{\"a}ren Belegung feststellen. Die Belegungszunahme ging allerdings nicht mit einer Verschlechterung der ambulanten oder komplement{\"a}ren Versorgung im regionalen Pflichtversorgungsgebiet der jeweiligen Klinik einher. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass die Zuweisung zu den psychiatrischen Fachkliniken als insuffizient und partiell unkontrolliert einzustufen ist und dringender Forschungsbedarf hinsichtlich der Patientenstr{\"o}me vom ambulanten zum station{\"a}ren Sektor besteht.}, subject = {Psychiatrische Versorgung}, language = {de} } @article{TwisselmannPagelKuenstneretal.2021, author = {Twisselmann, Nele and Pagel, Julia and K{\"u}nstner, Axel and Weckmann, Markus and Hartz, Annika and Glaser, Kirsten and Hilgendorff, Anne and G{\"o}pel, Wolfgang and Busch, Hauke and Herting, Egbert and Weinberg, Jason B. and H{\"a}rtel, Christoph}, title = {Hyperoxia/Hypoxia Exposure Primes a Sustained Pro-Inflammatory Profile of Preterm Infant Macrophages Upon LPS Stimulation}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2021.762789}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250356}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Preterm infants are highly susceptible to sustained lung inflammation, which may be triggered by exposure to multiple environmental cues such as supplemental oxygen (O\(_2\)) and infections. We hypothesized that dysregulated macrophage (MФ) activation is a key feature leading to inflammation-mediated development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in preterm infants. Therefore, we aimed to determine age-dependent differences in immune responses of monocyte-derived MФ comparing cord blood samples derived from preterm (n=14) and term (n=19) infants as well as peripheral blood samples from healthy adults (n=17) after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure. Compared to term and adult MФ, LPS-stimulated preterm MФ showed an enhanced and sustained pro-inflammatory immune response determined by transcriptome analysis, cytokine release inducing a RORC upregulation due to T cell polarization of neonatal T cells, and TLR4 surface expression. In addition, a double-hit model was developed to study pulmonary relevant exposure factors by priming MФ with hyperoxia (O\(_2\) = 65\%) or hypoxia (O\(_2\) = 3\%) followed by lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 100ng/ml). When primed by 65\% O\(_2\), subsequent LPS stimulation in preterm MФ led to an exaggerated pro-inflammatory response (e.g. increased HLA-DR expression and cytokine release) compared to LPS stimulation alone. Both, exposure to 65\% or 3\% O\(_2\) together with subsequent LPS stimulation, resulted in an exaggerated pro-inflammatory response of preterm MФ determined by transcriptome analysis. Downregulation of two major transcriptional factors, early growth response gene (Egr)-2 and growth factor independence 1 (Gfi1), were identified to play a role in the exaggerated pro-inflammatory response of preterm MФ to LPS insult after priming with 65\% or 3\% O\(_2\). Preterm MФ responses to LPS and hyperoxia/hypoxia suggest their involvement in excessive inflammation due to age-dependent differences, potentially mediated by downregulation of Egr2 and Gfi1 in the developing lung.}, language = {en} } @article{PelosiFioreDiMatteoetal.2021, author = {Pelosi, Andrea and Fiore, Piera Filomena and Di Matteo, Sabina and Veneziani, Irene and Caruana, Ignazio and Ebert, Stefan and Munari, Enrico and Moretta, Lorenzo and Maggi, Enrico and Azzarone, Bruno}, title = {Pediatric tumors-mediated inhibitory effect on NK cells: the case of neuroblastoma and Wilms' tumors}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {13}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {10}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers13102374}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239615}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Natural killer (NK) cells play a key role in the control of cancer development, progression and metastatic dissemination. However, tumor cells develop an array of strategies capable of impairing the activation and function of the immune system, including NK cells. In this context, a major event is represented by the establishment of an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME) composed of stromal cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, tumor-associated macrophages, regulatory T cells and cancer cells themselves. The different immunoregulatory cells infiltrating the TME, through the release of several immunosuppressive molecules or by cell-to-cell interactions, cause an impairment of the recruitment of NK cells and other lymphocytes with effector functions. The different mechanisms by which stromal and tumor cells impair NK cell function have been particularly explored in adult solid tumors and, in less depth, investigated and discussed in a pediatric setting. In this review, we will compare pediatric and adult solid malignancies concerning the respective mechanisms of NK cell inhibition, highlighting novel key data in neuroblastoma and Wilms' tumor, two of the most frequent pediatric extracranial solid tumors. Indeed, both tumors are characterized by the presence of stromal cells acting through the release of immunosuppressive molecules. In addition, specific tumor cell subsets inhibit NK cell cytotoxic function by cell-to-cell contact mechanisms likely controlled by the transcriptional coactivator TAZ. These findings could lead to a more performant diagnostic approach and to the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies targeting the identified cellular and molecular targets.}, language = {en} } @article{HartrampfKrebsPeteretal.2022, author = {Hartrampf, Philipp E. and Krebs, Markus and Peter, Lea and Heinrich, Marieke and Ruffing, Julia and Kalogirou, Charis and Weinke, Maximilian and Brumberg, Joachim and K{\"u}bler, Hubert and Buck, Andreas K. and Werner, Rudolf A. and Seitz, Anna Katharina}, title = {Reduced segmentation of lesions is comparable to whole-body segmentation for response assessment by PSMA PET/CT: initial experience with the keyhole approach}, series = {Biology}, volume = {11}, journal = {Biology}, number = {5}, issn = {2079-7737}, doi = {10.3390/biology11050660}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271191}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Simple Summary The calculation of PSMA-positive tumor volume (PSMA-TV) of the whole body from PSMA PET scans for response evaluation remains a time-consuming procedure. We hypothesized that it may be possible to quantify changes in PSMA-TV by considering only a limited number of representative tumor lesions. Changes in the whole-body PSMA-TV of 65 patients were comparable to the changes in PSMA-TV after including only the ten largest lesions. Moreover, changes in PSMA-TV correlated well with changes in PSA levels, as did the changes in PSMA-TV with the reduced number of lesions. We conclude that a response assessment using PSMA-TV with a reduced number of lesions is feasible and could lead to a simplified process for evaluating PSMA PET/CT. Abstract (1) Background: Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET)-derived parameters, such as the commonly used standardized uptake value (SUV) and PSMA-positive tumor volume (PSMA-TV), have been proposed for response assessment in metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) patients. However, the calculation of whole-body PSMA-TV remains a time-consuming procedure. We hypothesized that it may be possible to quantify changes in PSMA-TV by considering only a limited number of representative lesions. (2) Methods: Sixty-five patients classified into different disease stages were assessed by PSMA PET/CT for staging and restaging after therapy. Whole-body PSMA-TV and whole-body SUV\(_{max}\) were calculated. We then repeated this calculation only including the five or ten hottest or largest lesions. The corresponding serum levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were also determined. The derived delta between baseline and follow-up values provided the following parameters: ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\), ΔSUV\(_{max10}\), ΔSUV\(_{max5}\), ΔPSMA-TV\(_{all}\), ΔPSMA-TV\(_{10}\), ΔPSMA-TV\(_{5}\), ΔPSA. Finally, we compared the findings from our whole-body segmentation with the results from our keyhole approach (focusing on a limited number of lesions) and correlated all values with the biochemical response (ΔPSA). (3) Results: Among patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive PCa (mHSPC), none showed a relevant deviation for ΔSUV\(_{max10}\)/ΔSUV\(_{max5}\) or ΔPSMA-TV\(_{10}\)/ΔPSMA-TV\(_{5}\) compared to ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\) and ΔPSMA-TV\(_{all}\). For patients treated with taxanes, up to 6/21 (28.6\%) showed clinically relevant deviations between ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\) and ΔSUV\(_{max10}\) or ΔSUV\(_{max5}\), but only up to 2/21 (9.5\%) patients showed clinically relevant deviations between ΔPSMA-TV\(_{all}\) and ΔPSMA-TV\(_{10}\) or ΔPSMA-TV\(_{5}\). For patients treated with radioligand therapy (RLT), up to 5/28 (17.9\%) showed clinically relevant deviations between ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\) and ΔSUV\(_{max10}\) or ΔSUV\(_{max5}\), but only 1/28 (3.6\%) patients showed clinically relevant deviations between ΔPSMA-TV\(_{all}\) and ΔPSMA-TV\(_{10}\) or ΔPSMA-TV\(_{5}\). The highest correlations with ΔPSA were found for ΔPSMA-TV\(_{all}\) (r ≥ 0.59, p ≤ 0.01), followed by ΔPSMA-TV\(_{10}\) (r ≥ 0.57, p ≤ 0.01) and ΔPSMA-TV\(_{5}\) (r ≥ 0.53, p ≤ 0.02) in all cohorts. ΔPSA only correlated with ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\) (r = 0.60, p = 0.02) and with ΔSUV\(_{max10}\) (r = 0.53, p = 0.03) in the mHSPC cohort, as well as with ΔSUV\(_{maxall}\) (r = 0.51, p = 0.01) in the RLT cohort. (4) Conclusion: Response assessment using PSMA-TV with a reduced number of lesions is feasible, and may allow for a simplified evaluation process for PSMA PET/CT.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vandenBerg2020, author = {van den Berg, Anne Maria}, title = {Age-related alterations of the immune system aggravate the myocardial aging process}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19362}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193622}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) increases dramatically with age. Nevertheless, most of the basic research in cardiology has been conducted on young healthy animals which may not necessarily reflect the situation observed in the clinic. The heart undergoes profound changes in elderly, including molecular alterations, myocardial hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis and functional decline. To date, numerous approaches exist to explain mechanisms of the cardiac aging process whereupon inflammation and immune activity are of increasing interest. Myocardial aging is temporally associated with chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and accumulation of memory T-cells. However, a possible causal relationship between these two phenomena has not yet been investigated. Thus, aim of the present study was to assess how immunological mechanisms contribute to the myocardial aging process. Herein, the healthy murine heart was found to harbor all major resident leukocyte populations, including macrophages (CD45+CD11b+Ly6G-), granulocytes (CD45+ CD11b+Ly6G+), T-cells (CD45+CD11b-CD3e+), B-cells (CD45+CD11b-B220+) at frequencies that largely surpass those found in skeletal muscles. Age-related structural alterations and functional impairment occur simultaneously with significant shifts of the tissue resident leukocyte composition. Gene expression analyses performed on bulk myocardial samples revealed higher expression levels of TNF and INF- suggesting that in situ inflammation plays a role in the myocardial aging process. Aging was furthermore accompanied by a significant increase in size and cellularity of mediastinal, heart draining lymph nodes (med LN). Moreover, the med LNs harvested from aged mice showed a strong accumulation of effector-memory T-cells (CD44+CD62L-), mainly exhibiting a pro-inflammatory phenotype (Foxp3-, TNF+, IFN- γ+). None of these alterations were observed in popliteal lymph nodes of aged mice, indicating that they might be site-specific. Next, to go beyond mere associative evidence and examine underlying mechanisms, the myocardial aging process was comprehensively characterized in mice lacking B- (µMT) or CD4+ T-cells (CD4ko). Our analyses revealed that aged CD4+ T-cell-deficient, but not B-cell-deficient mice, exhibit a lower in situ inflammatory tone and preserved ventricular function, as compared to age-matched wild type controls. No differences in the expression levels of genes related to fibrosis were observed in the groups. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that heart-directed immune responses may spontaneously arise in the elderly, even in the absence of a clear tissue damage or concomitant infection. The T-cell-mediated immunosenescence profile might be particularly associated with age-related myocardial inflammation and functional decline, but not with tissue remodeling. These observations might shed new light on the emerging role of T cells in myocardial diseases, which primarily affect the elderly population.}, language = {en} } @article{DeakPopZimtaetal.2019, author = {Deak, Dalma and Pop, Cristina and Zimta, Alina-Andreea and Jurj, Ancuta and Ghiaur, Alexandra and Pasca, Sergiu and Teodorescu, Patric and Dascalescu, Angela and Antohe, Ion and Ionescu, Bogdan and Constantinescu, Catalin and Onaciu, Anca and Munteanu, Raluca and Berindan-Neagoe, Ioana and Petrushev, Bobe and Turcas, Cristina and Iluta, Sabina and Selicean, Cristina and Zdrenghea, Mihnea and Tanase, Alina and Danaila, Catalin and Colita, Anca and Colita, Andrei and Dima, Delia and Coriu, Daniel and Einsele, Hermann and Tomuleasa, Ciprian}, title = {Let's Talk About BiTEs and Other Drugs in the Real-Life Setting for B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, number = {2856}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2019.02856}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193921}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: Therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are currently initially efficient, but even if a high percentage of patients have an initial complete remission (CR), most of them relapse. Recent data shows that immunotherapy with either bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTEs) of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells can eliminate residual chemotherapy-resistant B-ALL cells. Objective: The objective of the manuscript is to present improvements in the clinical outcome for chemotherapy-resistant ALL in the real-life setting, by describing Romania's experience with bispecific antibodies for B-cell ALL. Methods: We present the role of novel therapies for relapsed B-cell ALL, including the drugs under investigation in phase I-III clinical trials, as a potential bridge to transplant. Blinatumomab is presented in a critical review, presenting both the advantages of this drug, as well as its limitations. Results: Bispecific antibodies are discussed, describing the clinical trials that resulted in its approval by the FDA and EMA. The real-life setting for relapsed B-cell ALL is described and we present the patients treated with blinatumomab in Romania. Conclusion: In the current manuscript, we present blinatumomab as a therapeutic alternative in the bridge-to-transplant setting for refractory or relapsed ALL, to gain a better understanding of the available therapies and evidence-based data for these patients in 2019.}, language = {en} }