@phdthesis{Klotzky2018, author = {Klotzky, Jens}, title = {Well-posedness of a fluid-particle interaction model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis considers a model of a scalar partial differential equation in the presence of a singular source term, modeling the interaction between an inviscid fluid represented by the Burgers equation and an arbitrary, finite amount of particles moving inside the fluid, each one acting as a point-wise drag force with a particle related friction constant. \begin{align*} \partial_t u + \partial_x (u^2/2) \&= \sum_{i \in N(t)} \lambda_i \Big(h_i'(t)-u(t,h_i(t)\Big)\delta(x-h_i(t)) \end{align*} The model was introduced for the case of a single particle by Lagouti{\`e}re, Seguin and Takahashi, is a first step towards a better understanding of interaction between fluids and solids on the level of partial differential equations and has the unique property of considering entropy admissible solutions and the interaction with shockwaves. The model is extended to an arbitrary, finite number of particles and interactions like merging, splitting and crossing of particle paths are considered. The theory of entropy admissibility is revisited for the cases of interfaces and discontinuous flux conservation laws, existing results are summarized and compared, and adapted for regions of particle interactions. To this goal, the theory of germs introduced by Andreianov, Karlsen and Risebro is extended to this case of non-conservative interface coupling. Exact solutions for the Riemann Problem of particles drifting apart are computed and analysis on the behavior of entropy solutions across the particle related interfaces is used to determine physically relevant and consistent behavior for merging and splitting of particles. Well-posedness of entropy solutions to the Cauchy problem is proven, using an explicit construction method, L-infinity bounds, an approximation of the particle paths and compactness arguments to obtain existence of entropy solutions. Uniqueness is shown in the class of weak entropy solutions using almost classical Kruzkov-type analysis and the notion of L1-dissipative germs. Necessary fundamentals of hyperbolic conservation laws, including weak solutions, shocks and rarefaction waves and the Rankine-Hugoniot condition are briefly recapitulated.}, subject = {Hyperbolische Differentialgleichung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MeiningergebChrist2018, author = {Meininger [geb. Christ], Susanne}, title = {Processing of calcium and magnesium phosphate cements for bone substitution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169126}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The main focus of this thesis was the processing of different calcium and magnesium phosphate cements together with an optimization of mechanical and biological properties. Therefore, different manufacturing techniques like 3D powder printing and centrifugally casting were employed for the fabrication of reinforced or biomedically improved implants. One of the main problems during 3D powder printing is the low green strength of many materials, especially when they are only physically bonded and do not undergo a setting reaction. Such materials need post-treatments like sintering to exhibit their full mechanical performance. However, the green bodies have to be removed from the printer requiring a certain stability. With the help of fiber reinforcement, the green strength of printed gypsum samples could be increased by the addition of polymeric and glass fibers within the printing process. The results showed that fiber reinforcement during 3D powder printing is possible and opens up diverse opportunities to enhance the damage tolerance of green bodies as well as directly printed samples. The transfer to biomedically relevant materials like calcium and magnesium phosphate cements and biocompatible fibers would be the next step towards reinforced patient-specific implants. In a second approach, centrifugally casting derived from construction industries was established for the fabrication of hollow bioceramic cylinders. The aim was the replacement of the diaphysis of long bones, which exhibit a tubular structure with a high density of cortical bone on the fringe. By centrifugation, cement slurries with and without additives could be fabricated to tubes. As a first establishment, the processing parameters regarding the material (e.g. cement composition) as well as the set-up (e.g. rotation times) had to be optimized for each system. In respect of mechanics, such tubes can keep up with 3D powder printed tubes, although the mechanical performance of 3D printed tubes is strongly dependent on printing directions. Additionally, some material compositions like dual setting systems cannot be fabricated by 3D powder printing. Therefore, a transfer of such techniques to centrifugally casting enabled the fabrication of tubular structures with an extremely high damage tolerance due to high deformation ability. A similar effect was achieved by fiber (mesh) addition, as already shown for 3D powder printing. Another possibility of centrifugally casting is the combination of different materials resulting in graded structures to adjust implant degradation or bone formation. This became especially apparent for the incorporation of the antibiotic vancomycin, which is used for the treatment of bacterial implant infections. A long-term release could be achieved by the entrapment of the drug between magnesium phosphate cement layers. Therefore, the release of the drug could be regulated by the degradation of the outer shell, which supports the release into an acidic bacterial environment. The centrifugally casting technique exhibited to be a versatile tool for numerous materials and applications including the fabrication of non-centrosymmetric patient-specific implants for the reconstruction of human long bones. The third project aimed to manufacture strontium-substituted magnesium phosphate implants with improved biological behavior by 3D powder printing. As the promoting effect of strontium on bone formation and the inhibitory impact on bone resorption is already well investigated, the incorporation of strontium into a degradable magnesium phosphate cement promised a fast integration and replacement of the implant. Porous structures were obtained with a high pore interconnectivity that is favorable for cell invasion and bone ingrowth. Despite the porosity, the mechanical performance was comparable to pure magnesium phosphate cement with a high reliability of the printed samples as quantitatively determined by Weibull statistics. However, the biological testing was impeded by the high degradation rate and the relating ion release. The high release of phosphate ions into surrounding media and the detachment of cement particles from the surface inhibited osteoblast growth and activity. To distinguish those two effects, a direct and indirect cell seeding is always required for degradable materials. Furthermore, the high phosphate release compared to the strontium release has to be managed during degradation such that the adverse effect of phosphate ions does not overwhelm the bone promoting effect of the strontium ions. The manufacturing techniques presented in this thesis together with the material property improvement offer a diverse tool box for the fabrication of patient-specific implants. This includes not just the individual implant shape but also the application like bone growth promotion, damage tolerance and local drug delivery. Therefore, this can act as the basis for further research on specific medical indications.}, subject = {Calciumphosphate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glogger2018, author = {Glogger, Marius}, title = {Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy in live \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) and model membranes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der eukaryotische Parasit Trypanosoma brucei hat komplexe Strategien entwickelt um der Immunantwort eines Wirtes zu entkommen und eine persistente Infektion innerhalb dessen aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein zentrales Element seiner Verteidigungsstrategie st{\"u}tzt sich auf die Schutzfunktion seines Proteinmantels auf der Zelloberfl{\"a}che. Dieser Mantel besteht aus einer dichten Schicht aus identischen, Glykosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-verankerten variablen Oberfl{\"a}chenglykoproteinen (VSG). Der VSG Mantel verhindert die Erkennung der darunterliegenden, invarianten Epitope durch das Immunsystem. Obwohl es notwendig ist die Funktionsweise des VSG Mantels zu verstehen, vor allem um ihn als m{\"o}gliches Angriffsziel gegen den Parasiten zu verwenden, sind seine biophysikalischen Eigenschaften bisher nur unzureichend verstanden. Dies ist vor allem der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die hohe Motilit{\"a}t der Parasiten mikroskopische Studien in lebenden Zellen bisher weitestgehend verhinderten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nun hochmoderne Einzelmolek{\"u}l-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (EMFM) als M{\"o}glichkeit f{\"u}r mikroskopische Untersuchungen im Forschungsbereich der Trypanosomen vorgestellt. Die Arbeit umfasst Untersuchungen der VSG Dynamik unter definierten Bedingungen k{\"u}nstlicher Membransysteme. Es wurde zuerst der Einfluss der lateralen Proteindichte auf die VSG Diffusion untersucht. Experimente mittels Fluoreszenz- Wiederkehr nach irreversiblem Photobleichen und komplement{\"a}re Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente offenbarten, dass ein molekularer Diffusionsschwellenwert existiert. {\"U}ber diesem Schwellenwert wurde eine dichteabh{\"a}nige Reduzierung des Diffusionskoeffizienten gemessen. Eine relative Quantifizierung der rekonstituierten VSGs verdeutlichte, dass der Oberfl{\"a}chenmantel der Trypanosomen sehr nahe an diesem Schwellenwert agiert. Der VSG Mantel ist optimiert um eine hohe Proteindichte bei gleichzeitiger hoher Mobilit{\"a}t der VSGs zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der VSG N-Glykosylierung auf die Diffusion des Proteins quantitativ untersucht. Die Messungen ergaben, dass die N-Glykosylierung dazu beitr{\"a}gt eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t bei hohen Proteindichten aufrechtzuerhalten. Eine detaillierte Analyse von VSG Trajektorien offenbarte, dass zwei unterschiedliche Populationen frei diffundierender VSGs in der k{\"u}nstlichen Membran vorlagen. K{\"u}rzlich wurde entdeckt, dass VSGs zwei strukturell unterschiedliche Konformationen annehmen k{\"o}nnen. Die Messungen in der Arbeit stimmen mit diesen Beschreibungen {\"u}berein. Die Ergebnisse der EMFM in k{\"u}nstlichen Membranen wurden durch VSG Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente auf lebenden Zellen erg{\"a}nzt. Es wurde eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t und Dynamik einzelner VSGs gemessen, was die allgemein dynamische Natur des VSG Mantels verdeutlicht. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass der VSG Mantel auf lebenden Trypanosomen ein dichter und dennoch dynamischer Schutzmantel ist. Die F{\"a}higkeit der VSGs ihre Konformation flexibel anzupassen, unterst{\"u}tzt das Erhalten der Fluidit{\"a}t bei variablen Dichten. Diese Eigenschaften des VSG Mantels sind elementar f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung einer presistenden Infektion eines Wirtes. In dieser Arbeit werden des Weiteren verschiedene, auf Hydrogel basierende Einbettungsmethoden vorgestellt. Diese erm{\"o}glichten die Zellimmobilisierung und erlaubten EMFM in lebenden Trypanosomen. Die Hydrogele wiesen eine hohe Zytokompatibilit{\"a}t auf. Die Zellen {\"u}berlebten in den Gelen f{\"u}r eine Stunde nach Beginn der Immobilisierung. Die Hydrogele erf{\"u}llten die Anforderungen der Superresolution Mikroskopie (SRM) da sie eine geringe Autofluoreszenz im Spektralbereich der verwendeten Fluorophore besaßen. Mittels SRM konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Hydrogele die Zellen effizient immobilisierten. Als erstes Anwendungsbeispiel der Methode wurde die Organisation der Plasmamembran in lebenden Trypanosomen untersucht. Die Untersuchung eines fluoreszenten Tracers in der inneren Membranschicht ergab, dass dessen Verteilung nicht homogen war. Es wurden spezifische Membrandom{\"a}nen gefunden, in denen das Molek{\"u}l entweder vermehrt oder vermindert auftrat. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass diese Verteilung durch eine Interaktion des Tracers mit Proteinen des zellul{\"a}ren Zytoskeletts zustande kam. Die in dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass EMFM erfolgreich f{\"u}r verschiedene biologische Untersuchungen im Forschungsfeld der Trypanosomen angewendet werden kann. Dies gilt zum Beispiel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung von der VSG Dynamik in k{\"u}nstlichen Membransystemen, aber auch f{\"u}r Studien in lebenden Zellen unter Verwendung der auf Hydrogelen basierenden Zelleinbettung.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Collenburg2018, author = {Collenburg, Lena}, title = {The Role of Ceramides and Sphingomyelinases for Dynamic Membrane Processes in T Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Previous work of our group has established a role of sphingomyelinases in the regulation of T cell responses to TCR or pathogen stimulation, and this became particularly evident at the level of actin cytoskeletal dynamics. The formation of lipid membrane microdomains is crucial for receptor clustering and signal induction, and therefore, ceramide accumulation by membrane sphingomyelin breakdown is needed for signalling- complex-assembly. Pathogen-induced overshooting of SMase activation substantially impacted the formation of membrane protrusions, with T cell spreading as well as a front/rear polarisation upon CD3/CD28 co-stimulation [103]. On the other hand, NSM activation is part of the physiological TCR signal [67], indicating that a spatiotemporally balanced NSM activation is crucial for its physiological function. It involves actin cytoskeletal reorganisation and T cell polarisation. These two functions are also of central importance in directional T cell migration and motility in tissues. This thesis aims on defining the role of NSM in compartmentalisation of the T cell membrane in polarisation and migration. Therefore, functional studies on the impact of NSM activity in these processes had to be complemented by the development of tools to study ceramide compartmentalisation in living T cells.}, subject = {Ceramides}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Candemir2018, author = {Candemir, Esin}, title = {Involvement of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS-I) PDZ interactions in neuropsychiatric disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151194}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS-I) and its adaptor protein (NOS1AP) have been repeatedly and consistently associated with neuropsychiatric disorders in several genetic association and linkage studies, as well as functional studies. NOS-I has an extended PDZ domain which enables it to interact with postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95) bringing NOS-I in close proximity to NMDA receptors. This interaction allows NMDA receptor activity dependent calcium-influx to activate NOS-I, linking NO synthesis to regulation of glutamatergic signaling pathways. NOS1AP is a PDZ-domain ligand of NOS-I and has been proposed to compete with PSD-95 for NOS-I interaction. Studies performed on post-mortem brain tissues have shown increased expression of NOS1AP in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, suggesting that increased NOS-I/NOS1AP interactions might be involved in neuropsychiatric disorders possibly through disruption of NOS-I PDZ interactions. Therefore, I have investigated the involvement of NOS-I in different endophenotypes of neuropsychiatric disorders by targeting its specific PDZ interactions in vitro and in vivo. To this end, I used recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors expressing NOS1AP isoforms/domains (NOS1AP-L: full length NOS1AP; NOS1AP-LC20: the last 20 amino acids of NOS1AP-L, containing the PDZ interaction motif suggested to stabilize interaction with NOS-I; NOS1AP-LΔC20: NOS1AP-L lacking the last 20 amino acids; NOS1AP-S: the short isoform of NOS1AP), residues 396-503 of NOS1AP-L (NOS1AP396-503) encoding the full NOS-I interaction domain, and N-terminal 133 amino acids of NOS-I (NOS-I1-133) encoding for the extended PDZ-domain. Neuropsychiatric disorders involve morphological brain changes including altered dendritic development and spine plasticity. Hence, I have examined dendritic morphology in primary cultured hippocampal and cortical neurons upon overexpression of constructed rAAV vectors. Sholl analysis revealed that overexpression of NOS1AP-L and NOS1AP-LΔC20 mildly reduced dendritic length/branching. Moreover, overexpression of all NOS1AP isoforms/domains resulted in highly altered spine plasticity including significant reduction in the number of mature spines and increased growth of filopodia. These findings suggest that NOS1AP affects dendritic growth and development of dendritic spines, which may involve both, increased NOS-I/NOS1AP interaction as well as interaction of NOS1AP with proteins other than NOS-I. Interestingly, the observed alterations in dendritic morphology were reminiscent of those observed in post-mortem brains of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Given the dendritic alterations in vitro, I have examined, whether disruption of NOS-I PDZ interaction would also result in behavioral deficits associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. To this end, rAAV vectors expressing NOS1AP-L, NOS1AP396-503, NOS-I1-133, and mCherry were stereotaxically delivered to the dorsal hippocampus of 6-week-old male C57Bl/6J mice. One week after surgery, mice were randomly separated into two groups. One of those groups underwent three weeks of chronic mild stress (CMS). Afterwards all mice were subjected to a comprehensive behavioral analysis. The findings revealed that overexpression of the constructs did not result in phenotypes related to anxiety or depression, though CMS had an anxiolytic effect independent of the injected construct. Mice overexpressing NOS-I1-133, previously shown to disrupt NOS-I/PSD-95 interaction, showed impaired spatial memory, sensorimotor gating, social interaction, and increased locomotor activity. NOS1AP overexpressing mice showed mild impairments in sensorimotor gating and spatial working memory and severely impaired social interaction. NOS1AP396-503 overexpressing mice also showed impaired social interaction but enhanced sensorimotor gating and reduced locomotor activity. Taken together, these behavioral findings indicate an involvement of NOS-I PDZ interactions in phenotypes associated with positive symptoms and cognitive deficits of psychotic disorders. In summary, this study revealed an important contribution of NOS-I protein interactions in the development of endophenotypic traits of neuropsychiatric disorders, in particular schizophrenia, at morphological and behavioral levels. These findings might eventually aid to a better understanding of NOS-I-dependent psychopathogenesis, and to develop pharmacologically relevant treatment strategies.}, subject = {Stickstoffmonoxid-Synthase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kleffel2018, author = {Kleffel, Sonja Beate}, title = {The role of cancer cell-expressed PD-1 in tumorigenesis and tumor immune evasion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151205}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) are highly aggressive cancers of the skin that frequently escape immune recognition and acquire resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, which poses a major obstacle to successful cancer treatment. Recently, a new class of therapeutics targeting the programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint receptor has shown remarkable efficacy in the treatment of both cancers. Blockade of PD-1 on T cells activates cancer-specific immune responses that can mediate tumor regression. The data presented in this Ph.D. thesis demonstrates that PD-1 is also expressed by subsets of cancer cells in melanoma and MCC. Moreover, this work identifies PD-1 as a novel tumor cell-intrinsic growth receptor, even in the absence of T cell immunity. PD-1 is expressed by tumorigenic cell subsets in melanoma patient samples and established human and murine cell lines that also co-express ABCB5, a marker of immunoregulatory tumor- initiating cells in melanoma. Consistently, melanoma-expressed PD-1 downmodulates T effector cell functions and increases the intratumoral frequency of tolerogenic myeloid- derived suppressor cells. PD-1 inhibition on melanoma cells by RNA interference, blocking antibodies, or mutagenesis of melanoma-PD-1 signaling motifs suppresses tumor growth in immunocompetent, immunocompromised, and PD-1-deficient tumor graft recipient mice. Conversely, melanoma-specific PD-1 overexpression enhances tumorigenicity, including in mice lacking adaptive immunity. Engagement of melanoma- PD-1 by its ligand PD-L1 promotes tumor growth, whereas melanoma-PD-L1 inhibition or knockout of host-PD-L1 attenuates growth of PD-1-positive melanomas. Mechanistically, the melanoma-PD-1 receptor activates mTOR signaling mediators, including ribosomal protein S6. In a proof-of-concept study, tumoral expression of phospho-S6 in pretreatment tumor biopsies correlated with clinical responses to anti-PD-1 therapy in melanoma patients. In MCC, PD-1 is similarly co-expressed by ABCB5+ cancer cell subsets in clinical tumor specimens and established human cell lines. ABCB5 renders MCC cells resistant to the standard-of-care chemotherapeutic agents, carboplatin and etoposide. Antibody-mediated ABCB5 blockade reverses chemotherapy resistance and inhibits tumor xenograft growth by enhancing chemotherapy-induced tumor cell killing. Furthermore, engagement of MCC-expressed PD-1 by its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, promotes proliferation and activates MCC-intrinsic mTOR signaling. Consistently, antibody- mediated PD-1 blockade inhibits MCC tumor xenograft growth and phosphorylation of mTOR effectors in immunocompromised mice. In summary, these findings identify cancer cell-intrinsic functions of the PD-1 pathway in tumorigenesis and suggest that blocking melanoma- and MCC-expressed PD-1 might contribute to the striking clinical efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy. Additionally, these results establish ABCB5 as a previously unrecognized chemoresistance mechanism in MCC.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2018, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Julian}, title = {Synthesis and Photophysical Investigation of Donor-Acceptor-Substituted meta- and para-Benzene Derivatives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155007}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die erfolgreiche Synthese einer Serie von bisTriarylamin (bisTAA) Verbindungen vorgestellt. Zum einen wurde das Substitutionmuster an der Benzol Br{\"u}ckeneinheit in Form einer meta- bzw. para-St{\"a}ndigkeit der Redoxzentren (pX bzw. mX), und zum anderen die energetische Lage der Br{\"u}ckeneinheit durch zwei elektronen-schiebende oder ziehende Substituenten X (mit X = OMe, Me, Cl, CN, NO2) in 2,5-Position variiert. Im Falle der meta-Serie wurden auch einige in 4,6-Position substituierte Verbinungen hergestellt (mX46). Die neutral Verbindungen wurden bez{\"u}glich ihrer elektrochemischen und photophysikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Durch Oxidation konnten die gemischt valenten (MV), kationischen bisTAA-Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Der thermisch induzierte Lochtransfer (HT) wurde durch temperatur-abh{\"a}ngige ESR-Spektroskopie untersucht. W{\"a}hrend die HT-Rate k und HT-Barriere ΔG in mX unbeeinflusst von den Substituenten X sind, steigen gleichzeitig k und ΔG in der pX-Serie mit zunehmenden Elektonenschub von X an. Diese zun{\"a}chst widerspr{\"u}chliche Beobachtung konnte durch einen ansteigenden Einfluss von L{\"o}sungsmitteleffekten und dadurch resultierend, einer zus{\"a}tzlichen effektiven Barriere erkl{\"a}rt werden. Der optisch induzierte Lochtransfer wurde mittels UV/Vis/NIR-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die pX-Serie zeigte eine Zuhname der elektronischen Kopplung V und dementsprechende eine Abnahme von ΔG, mit Anstieg des elektonenschiebenden Charakters von X. F{\"u}r mX war eine spektroskopische Bestimmung dieser Parameter nicht m{\"o}glich. Die mX46-Serie zeigte ein intermedi{\"a}res Verhalten, wobei MV-Verbindungen mit stark elektronenschiebenden X eine {\"a}hnliche hohe Kopplungen wie pX aufwiesen, was mit Hilfe von DFT-Rechnungen bez{\"u}glich der Molek{\"u}lorbitale erkl{\"a}rt werden konnte. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Synthese einer Serie von Verbindungen mit Triarylamin (TAA) als Donor und Naphthalindiimid (NDI) als Akzeptor vorgestellt. Auch hier wurde zum einen das Substitutionmuster an der Benzol-Br{\"u}ckeneinheit in Form einer meta- bzw. para-St{\"a}ndigkeit der Redoxzentren (pXNDI bzw. mXNDI) variieiet und die energetische Lage der durch X (mit X = OMe, Me, Cl, CN, NO2) in 2,5-Position variiert. Außerdem wurde die in 4,6-Position substituierte Verbinungen mOMe46NDI hergestellt. Alle Verbindungen wurden bez{\"u}glich ihrer elektochemischen und photophysikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Die Elektronentransferprozesse der Ladungsseparierung (CS) und Ladungsrekombination (CR) dieser Verbindungen sollten mittels transienter Absorptionsspektroskopie (TA) in Toluol untersucht werden. F{\"u}r die Nitroverbindungen p-/mNO2NDI war dies nicht m{\"o}glich, da sich diese unter Bestrahung zersetzten. Die CR von pXNDI waren nicht im ns-Bereich detektierbar, weshalb sich auf die mXNDI-Serie (mit X = OMe-CN) konzentriert wurde. Die CS wurde mittels fs-TA untersucht. Nach optischer Anregung konnte die Bildung eines CS-Zustandes detektiert werden, dessen Bildungsgeschwindigkeit hin zu elektronen-ziehenden Substituenten X steigt. Die CR wurde mit ns-TA untersucht. Sie findet in der Marcus invertierten Region statt und zeichnet sich wird durch ein biexponentialles Abklingverhaten, was durch ein Singulet-Triplett Gleichgewicht im CS-Zustand zustande kommt, aus. Durch Anlegen eines externen Magnetfeldes ließ sich das Abklingverhalten entscheidend ver{\"a}ndern und es konnte eine Singulett-Triplett Aufspaltung nachgewiesen werden. Dieser Befund konnte weiterhin durch Simulation der Abklingkurven best{\"a}tigt werden. In beiden Teilen dieser Arbeit konnte ein entscheidender Einfluss der Benzolbr{\"u}cke auf die auftretenden Ladungstransferprozesse gezeigt werden. F{\"u}r den HT in Grundzustand der MV bisTAA Verbindungen, sowie der ET im angeregten Zustand der Donor-Akzeptor-Verbindungen, wurden die h{\"o}chsten ET-Raten f{\"u}r die para-Serien pX und pXNDI gefunden, w{\"a}hrend die meta-Serien mX und mXNDI deutlch kleine Transferraten aufwiesen. In beiden Studien zeigten die meta46-Verbindungen mX46 und mOMeNDI46 ein intermedi{\"a}res Verhalten, zwischen denen der para- und meta-Verbindungen.}, subject = {Synthese}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lerch2018, author = {Lerch, Maike Franziska}, title = {Characterisation of a novel non-coding RNA and its involvement in polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA)-mediated biofilm formation of \(Staphylococcus\) \(epidermidis\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155777}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Coagulase-negative staphylococci, particularly Staphylococcus epidermidis, have been recognised as an important cause of health care-associated infections due to catheterisation, and livestock-associated infections. The colonisation of indwelling medical devices is achieved by the formation of biofilms, which are large cell-clusters surrounded by an extracellular matrix. This extracellular matrix consists mainly of PIA (polysaccharide intercellular adhesin), which is encoded by the icaADBC-operon. The importance of icaADBC in clinical strains provoking severe infections initiated numerous investigations of this operon and its regulation within the last two decades. The discovery of a long transcript being located next to icaADBC, downstream of the regulator gene icaR, led to the hypothesis of a possible involvement of this transcript in the regulation of biofilm formation (Eckart, 2006). Goal of this work was to characterise this transcript, named ncRNA IcaZ, in molecular detail and to uncover its functional role in S. epidermidis. The ~400 nt long IcaZ is specific for ica-positive S. epidermidis and is transcribed in early- and mid-exponential growth phase as primary transcript. The promotor sequence and the first nucleotides of icaZ overlap with the 3' UTR of the preceding icaR gene, whereas the terminator sequence is shared by tRNAThr-4, being located convergently to icaZ. Deletion of icaZ resulted in a macroscopic biofilm-negative phenotype with highly diminished PIA-biofilm. Biofilm composition was analysed in vitro by classical crystal violet assays and in vivo by confocal laser scanning microscopy under flow conditions to display biofilm formation in real-time. The mutant showed clear defects in initial adherence and decreased cell-cell adherence, and was therefore not able to form a proper biofilm under flow in contrast to the wildtype. Restoration of PIA upon providing icaZ complementation from plasmids revealed inconsistent results in the various mutant backgrounds. To uncover the functional role of IcaZ, transcriptomic and proteomic analysis was carried out, providing some hints on candidate targets, but the varying biofilm phenotypes of wildtype and icaZ mutants made it difficult to identify direct IcaZ mRNA targets. Pulse expression of icaZ was then used as direct fishing method and computational target predictions were executed with candidate mRNAs from aforesaid approaches. The combined data of these analyses suggested an involvement of icaR in IcaZ-mediated biofilm control. Therefore, RNA binding assays were established for IcaZ and icaR mRNA. A positive gel shift was maintained with icaR 3' UTR and with 5'/3' icaR mRNA fusion product, whereas no gel shift was obtained with icaA mRNA. From these assays, it was assumed that IcaZ regulates icaR mRNA expression in S. epidermidis. S. aureus instead lacks ncRNA IcaZ and its icaR mRNA was shown to undergo autoregulation under so far unknown circumstances by intra- or intermolecular binding of 5' UTR and 3' UTR (Ruiz de los Mozos et al., 2013). Here, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is blocked through 5'/3' UTR base pairing and RNase III, an endoribonuclease, degrades icaR mRNA, leading to translational blockade. In this work, icaR mRNA autoregulation was therefore analysed experimentally in S. epidermidis and results showed that this specific autoregulation does not take place in this organism. An involvement of RNase III in the degradation process could not be verified here. GFP-reporter plasmids were generated to visualise the interaction, but have to be improved for further investigations. In conclusion, IcaZ was found to interact with icaR mRNA, thereby conceivably interfering with translation initiation of repressor IcaR, and thus to promote PIA synthesis and biofilm formation. In addition, the environmental factor ethanol was found to induce icaZ expression, while only weak or no effects were obtained with NaCl and glucose. Ethanol, actually is an ingredient of disinfectants in hospital settings and known as efficient effector for biofilm induction. As biofilm formation on medical devices is a critical factor hampering treatment of S. epidermidis infections in clinical care, the results of this thesis do not only contribute to better understanding of the complex network of biofilm regulation in staphylococci, but may also have practical relevance in the future.}, subject = {Biofilm}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Semeniak2018, author = {Semeniak, Daniela}, title = {Role of bone marrow extracellular matrix proteins on platelet biogenesis and function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155857}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Platelets, small anucleated blood cells responsible for hemostasis, interact at sights of injury with several exposed extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins through specific receptors. Ligand binding leads to activation, adhesion and aggregation of platelets. Already megakaryocytes (MKs), the immediate precursor cells in bone marrow (BM), are in constant contact to these ECM proteins (ECMP). The interaction of ECMP with MKs is, in contrast to platelets, less well understood. It is therefore important to study how MKs interact with sinusoids via the underlying ECMP. This thesis addresses three major topics to elucidate these interactions and their role in platelet biogenesis. First, we studied the topology of ECMP within BM and their impact on proplatelet formation (PPF) in vitro. By establishing a four-color immunofluorescence microscopy we localized collagens and other ECMP and determined their degree of contact towards vessels and megakaryocytes (MKs). In in vitro assays we could demonstrate that Col I mediates increased MK adhesion, but inhibits PPF by collagen receptor GPVI. By immunoblot analyses we identified that the signaling events underyling this inhibition are different from those in platelet activation at the Src family kinase level. Second, we determined the degree of MK-ECM interaction in situ using confocal laser scanning microscopy of four-color IF-stained femora and spleen sections. In transgenic mouse models lacking either of the two major collagen receptors we could show that these mice have an impaired association of MKs to collagens in the BM, while the MK count in spleen increased threefold. This might contribute to the overall unaltered platelet counts in collagen receptor-deficient mice. In a third approach, we studied how the equilibrium of ECMP within BM is altered after irradiation. Collagen type IV and laminin-α5 subunits were selectively degraded at the sinusoids, while the matrix degrading protease MMP9 was upregulated in MKs. Platelet numbers decreased and platelets became hyporesponsive towards agonists, especially those for GPVI activation. Taken together, the results indicate that MK-ECM interaction differs substantially from the well-known platelet-ECM signaling. Future work should further elucidate how ECMP can be targeted to ameliorate the platelet production and function defects, especially in patients after BM irradiation.}, subject = {Knochenmark}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boeck2018, author = {B{\"o}ck, Thomas}, title = {Multifunctional Hyaluronic Acid / Poly(glycidol) Hydrogels for Cartilage Regeneration Using Mesenchymal Stromal Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Improved treatment options for the degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis (OA) are of major interest, since OA is one of the main sources of disability, pain, and socioeconomic burden worldwide [202]. According to epidemiological data, already 27 million people suffer from OA in the US [23]. Moreover, the WHO expects OA to be the fourth most common cause of disability in 2020 [203], illustrating the need for effective and long-lasting therapy options of severe cartilage defects. Despite numerous clinically available products for the treatment of cartilage defects [62], the development of more cartilage-specific materials is still at the beginning. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a major component of the cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) and inherently creates a cell-friendly niche by providing cell attachment and migration sites. Furthermore, it is known that the functional groups of HA are well suited for chemical modification. These characteristics render HA an attractive material for hydrogel-based tissue engineering approaches. Poly(glycidol) (PG) as chemical crosslinker basically features similar chemical characteristics as the widely used poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), but provides additional side groups at each repeating unit that can be further chemically functionalized. With the introduction of PG as multifunctional crosslinker for HA gels, a higher cross-linking density and, accordingly, a greater potential for biomimetic functionalization may be achieved. However, despite the mentioned potential benefits, PG has not been used for cartilage regeneration approaches so far. The initial aim of the study was to set up and optimize a HA-based hydrogel for the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), using different amounts and variations of cross-linkers. Therefore, the hydrogel composition was optimized by the utilization of different PEG diacrylate (PEGDA) concentrations to cross-link thiol-modified HA (Glycosil, HA-SH) via Michael addition. We aimed to generate volumestable scaffolds that simultaneously enable a maximum of ECM deposition. Histological and biochemical analysis showed 0.4\% PEGDA as the most suitable concentration for these requirements (Section 5.1.2). In order to evaluate the impact of a differently designed cross-linker on MSC chondrogenesis, HA-SH was cross-linked with PEGTA (0.6\%) and compared to PEGDA (0.4\%) in a next step. Following this, acrylated PG (PG-Acr) as multifunctional cross-linker alternative to acrylated PEG was evaluated. It provides around five times more functional groups when utilized in PG-Acr (0.6\%) HA-SH hydrogels compared to PEGTA (0.6\%) HA-SH hydrogels, thus enabling higher degrees of biomimetic functionalization. Determination of cartilage-specific ECM components showed no substantial differences between both cross-linkers while the deposition of cartilaginous matrix appeared more homogeneous in HA-SH PG-Acr gels. Taken together, we were able to successfully increase the possibilities for biomimetic functionalization in the developed HA-SH hydrogel system by the introduction of PG-Acr as cross-linker without negatively affecting MSC chondrogenesis (Section 5.1.3). The next part of this thesis focused extensively on the biomimetic functionalization of PG-Acr (0.6\%) cross-linked HA-SH hydrogels. Here, either biomimetic peptides or a chondrogenic growth factor were covalently bound into the hydrogels. Interestingly, the incorporation of a N-cadherin mimetic (HAV), a collagen type II binding (KLER), or a cell adhesion-mediating peptide (RGD) yielded no improvement of MSC chondrogenesis. For instance, the covalent binding of 2.5mM HAV changed morphology of cell nuclei and reduced GAG production while the incorporation of 1.0mM RGD impaired collagen production. These findings may be attributed to the already supportive conditions of the employed HA-based hydrogels for chondrogenic differentiation. Most of the previous studies reporting positive peptide effects on chondrogenesis have been carried out in less supportive PEG hydrogels or in significantly stiffer MeHA-based hydrogels [99, 101, 160]. Thus, the incorporation of peptides may be more important under unfavorable conditions while inert gel systems may be useful for studying single peptide effects (Section 5.2.1). The chondrogenic factor transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-b1) served as an example for growth factor binding to PG-Acr. The utilization of covalently bound TGF-b1 may thereby help overcome the need for repeated administration of TGF-b1 in in vivo applications, which may be an advantage for potential clinical application. Thus, the effect of covalently incorporated TGF-b1 was compared to the effect of the same amount of TGF-b1 without covalent binding (100nM TGF-b1) on MSC chondrogenesis. It was successfully demonstrated that covalent incorporation of TGF-b1 had a significant positive effect in a dose-dependent manner. Chondrogenesis of MSCs in hydrogels with covalently bound TGF-b1 showed enhanced levels of chondrogenesis compared to hydrogels into which TGF-b1 was merely mixed, as shown by stronger staining for GAGs, total collagen, aggrecan and collagen type II. Biochemical evaluation of GAG and collagen amounts, as well as Western blot analysis confirmed the histological results. Furthermore, the positive effect of covalently bound TGF-b1 was shown by increased expression of chondrogenic marker genes COL2A1, ACAN and SOX9. In summary, covalent growth factor incorporation utilizing PG-Acr as cross-linker demonstrated significant positive effects on chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs (Section 5.2.2). In general, PG-Acr cross-linked HA hydrogels generated by Michael addition represent a versatile hydrogel platform due to their high degree of acrylate functionality. These hydrogels may further offer the opportunity to combine several biological modifications, such as the incorporation of biomimetic peptides together with growth factors, within one cell carrier. A proof-of-principle experiment demonstrated the suitability of pure PG gels for studying single peptide effects. Here, the hydrogels were generated by the utilization of thiol-ene-click reaction. In this setting, without the supportive background of hyaluronic acid, MSCs showed enhanced chondrogenic differentiation in response to the incorporation of 1.0mM HAV. This was demonstrated by staining for GAGs, the cartilage-specific ECM molecules aggrecan and type II collagen, and by increased GAG and total collagen amounts shown by biochemical analysis. Thus, pure PG gels exhibit the potential to study the effects and interplay of peptides and growth factors in a highly modifiable, bioinert hydrogel environment. The last section of the thesis was carried out as part of the EU project HydroZONES that aims to develop and generate zonal constructs. The importance of zonal organization has attracted increased attention in the last years [127, 128], however, it is still underrepresented in tissue engineering approaches so far. Thus, the feasibility of zonal distribution of cells in a scaffold combining two differently composed hydrogels was investigated. A HA-SH(FMZ) containing bottom layer was generated and a pure PG top layer was subsequently cast on top of it, utilizing both times thiol-ene-click reaction. Indeed, stable, hierarchical constructs were generated that allowed encapsulated MSCs to differentiate chondrogenically in both zones as shown by staining for GAGs and collagen type II, and by quantification of GAG amount. Thus, the feasibility of differently composed zonal hydrogels utilizing PG as a main component was successfully demonstrated (Section 5.4). With the first-time utilization and evaluation of PG-Acr as versatile multifunctional cross-linker for the preparation of Michael addition-generated HA-SH hydrogels in the context of cartilage tissue engineering, a highly modifiable HA-based hydrogel system was introduced. It may be used in future studies as an easily applicable and versatile toolbox for the generation of biomimetically functionalized hydrogels for cell-based cartilage regeneration. The introduction of reinforcement structures to enhance mechanical resistance may thereby further increase the potential of this system for clinical applications. Additionally, it was also demonstrated that thiol-ene clickable hydrogels can be used for the generation of cell-laden, pure PG gels or for the generation of more complex, coherent zonal constructs. Furthermore, thiol-ene clickable PG hydrogels have already been further modified and successfully been used in 3D bioprinting experiments [204]. 3D bioprinting, as part of the evolving biofabrication field [205], offers the possibilities to generate complex and hierarchical structures, and to exactly position defined layers, yet at the same time alters the requirements for the utilized hydrogels [159, 206-209]. Since a robust chondrogenesis of MSCs was demonstrated in the thiol-ene clickable hydrogel systems, they may serve as a basis for the development of hydrogels as so called bioinks which may be utilized in more sophisticated biofabrication processes.}, subject = {Hyalurons{\"a}ure}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegenhals2018, author = {Ziegenhals, Thomas}, title = {The role of the miR-26 family in neurogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {For the differentiation of a embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to neuronal cells (NCs) a complex and coordinated gene regulation program is needed. One important control element for neuronal differentiation is the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) complex, which represses neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. Crucial effector proteins of the REST complex are small phosphatases such as the CTDSPs (C-terminal domain small phosphatases) that regulate polymerase II activity by dephosphorylating the C-terminal domain of the polymerase, thereby repressing target genes. The stepwise inactivation of REST, including the CTDSPs, leads to the induction of a neuron-specific gene program, which ultimately induces the formation of neurons. The spatio-temporal control of REST and its effector components is therefore a crucial step for neurogenesis. In zebrafish it was shown that the REST-associated CTDSP2 is negatively regulated by the micro RNA (miR) -26b. Interestingly, the miR-26b is encoded in an intron of the primary transcript of CTDSP2. This gives the fundament of an intrinsic regulatory negative feedback loop, which is essential for the proceeding of neurogenesis. This feedback loop is active during neurogenesis, but inactive in non-neuronal cells. The reason for this is that the maturation of the precursor miR (pre-miR) to the mature miR-26 is arrested in non neuronal cells, but not in neurons. As only mature miRs are actively repressing genes, the regulation of miR-26 processing is an essential step in neurogenesis. In this study, the molecular basis of miR-26 processing regulation in the context of neurogenesis was addressed. The mature miR is processed from two larger precursors: First the primary transcript is cleaved by the enzyme DROSHA in the nucleus to form the pre-miR. The pre-miR is exported from the nucleus and processed further through the enzyme DICER to yield the mature miR. The mature miR can regulate gene expression in association with the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Multiple different scenarios in which miR processing was regulated were proposed and experimentally tested. Microinjection studies using Xenopus leavis oocytes showed that slowdown or blockage of the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport are not the reason for delayed pre-miR-26 processing. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo miR-processing assays showed that maturation is most likely regulated through a in trans acting factor, which blocks processing in non neuronal cells. Through RNA affinity chromatographic assays using zebrafish and murine lysates I was able to isolate and identify proteins that interact specifically with pre-miR-26 and could by this influence its biogenesis. Potential candidates are FMRP/FXR1/2, ZNF346 and Eral1, whose functional characterisation in the context of miR-biogenesis could now be addressed. The second part of my thesis was executed in close colaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Albrecht M{\"u}ller. The principal question was addressed how miR-26 influences neuronal gene expression and which genes are primarily affected. This research question could be addressed by using a cell culture model system, which mimics ex vivo the differentiation of ESCs to NCs via neuronal progenitor. For the functional analysis of miR-26 knock out cell lines were generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. miR-26 deficient ESC keep their pluripotent state and are able to develop NPC, but show major impairment in differentiating to NCs. Through RNA deep sequencing the miR-26 induced transcriptome differences could be analysed. On the level of mRNAs it could be shown, that the expression of neuronal gene is downregulated in miR-26 deficient NCs. Interestingly, the deletion of miR-26 leads to selectively decreased levels of miRs, which on one hand regulate the REST complex and on the other hand are under transcriptional control by REST themself. This data and the discovery that induction of miR-26 leads to enrichment of other REST regulating miRs indicates that miR-26 initiates neurogenesis through stepwise inactivation of the REST complex.}, subject = {miRNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2018, author = {Chen, Jiangtian}, title = {Functions of allatostatin A (AstA) and myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs) in the regulation of food intake and sleep in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Neuropeptides and peptide hormones carrying neural or physiological information are intercellular signalling substances. They control most if not all biological processes in vertebrates and invertebrates by acting on specific receptors on the target cell. In mammals, many different neuropeptides and peptide hormones are involved in the regulation of feeding and sleep. In \textit{Drosophila}, allatostatin A (AstA) and myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs) are brain-gut peptides. The AstA receptors are homologues of the mammalian galanin receptors and the amino acid sequences of MIPs are similar to a part of galanin, which has an orexigenic effect and is implicated in the control of sleep behaviour in mammals. I am interested in dissecting pleiotropic functions of AstA and MIPs in the regulation of food intake and sleep in \textit{Drosophila}. \par In the first part of the dissertation the roles of brain-gut peptide allatostatin A are analysed. Due to the genetic and molecular tools available, the fruit fly \textit{Drosophila melanogaster} is chosen to investigate functions of AstA. The aims in this part are to identify pleiotropic functions of AstA and assign specific effects to the activity of certain subsets of AstA expressing cells in \textit{Drosophila} adults. A new and restricted \textit{AstA\textsuperscript{34}-Gal4} line was generated. The confocal imaging result showed that AstA neurons are located in the posterior lateral protocerebrum (PLP), the gnathal ganglia (GNG), the medullae, and thoracic-abdominal ganglion (TAG). AstA producing DLAa neurons in the TAG innervate hindgut and the poterior part of midgut. In addition, AstA are detected in the enteroendocrine cells (EECs).\par Thermogenetic activation and neurogenetic silencing tools with the aid of the \textit{UAS/Gal4} system were employed to manipulate the activity of all or individual subsets of AstA cells and investigate the effects on food intake, locomotor activity and sleep. Our experimental results showed that thermogenetic activation of two pairs of PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs reduced food intake, which can be traced to AstA signalling by using \textit{AstA} mutants. In the locomotor activity, thermogenetic activation of two pairs of PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs resulted in strongly inhibited locomotor activity and promoted sleep without sexual difference, which was most apparent during the morning and evening activity peaks. The experimental and control flies were not impaired in climbing ability. In contrast, conditional silencing of the PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs reduced sleep specifically in the siesta. The arousal experiment was employed to test for the sleep intensity. Thermogenetically activated flies walked significantly slower and a shorter distance than controls for all arousal stimulus intensities. Furthermore, PDF receptor was detected in the PLP neurons and the PLP neurons reacted with an intracellular increase of cAMP upon PDF, only when PDF receptor was present. Constitutive activation of AstA cells by tethered PDF increased sleep and thermogenetic activation of the PDF producing sLNvs promoted sleep specifically in the morning and evening. \par The study shows that the PLP neurons and/or EECs vis AstA signalling subserve an anorexigenic and sleep-regulating function in \textit{Drosophila}. The PLP neurons arborise in the posterior superior protocerebrum, where the sleep relevant dopaminergic neurons are located, and EECs extend themselves to reach the gut lumen. Thus, the PLP neurons are well positioned to regulate sleep and EECs potentially modulate feeding and possibly locomotor activity and sleep during sending the nutritional information from the gut to the brain. The results of imaging, activation of the PDF signalling pathway by tethered PDF and thermoactivation of PDF expressing sLNvs suggest that the PLP neurons are modulated by PDF from sLNv clock neurons and AstA in PLP neurons is the downstream target of the central clock to modulate locomotor activity and sleep. AstA receptors are homologues of galanin receptors and both of them are involved in the regulation of feeding and sleep, which appears to be conserved in evolutionary aspect.\par In the second part of the dissertation, I analysed the role of myoinhibitory peptides. MIPs are brain-gut peptides in insects and polychaeta. Also in \textit{Drosophila}, MIPs are expressed in the CNS and EECs in the gut. Previous studies have demonstrated the functions of MIPs in the regulation of food intake, gut motility and ecdysis in moths and crickets. Yet, the functions of MIPs in the fruit fly are little known. To dissect effects of MIPs regarding feeding, locomotor activity and sleep in \textit{Drosophila melanogater}, I manipulated the activity of MIP\textsuperscript{W{\"U}} cells by using newly generated \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{W{\"U}}-Gal4} lines. Thermogenetical activation or genetical silencing of MIP\textsuperscript{W{\"U}} celles did not affect feeding behaviour and resulted in changes in the sleep status. \par My results are in contradiction to a recent research of Min Soohong and colleagues who demonstrated a role of MIPs in the regulation of food intake and body weight in \textit{Drosophila}. They showed that constitutive silencing of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells increased food intake and body weight, whereas thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells decreased food intake and body weight by using \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}-Gal4} driver. Then I repeated the experiments with the \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}-Gal4} driver, but could not reproduce the results. Interestingly, I just observed the opposite phenotype. When MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells were silenced by expressing UAS-tetanus toxin (\textit{UAS-TNT}), the \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}\$>\$TNT} flies showed reduced food intake. The thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells did not affect food intake. Furthermore, I observed that the thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells strongly reduced the sleep duration.\par In the third part of the dissertation, I adapted and improved a method for metabolic labelling for \textit{Drosophila} peptides to quantify the relative amount of peptides and the released peptides by mass spectrometry under different physiological and behavioural conditions. qRT-PCR is a practical technique to measure the transcription and the corresponding mRNA level of a given peptide. However, this is not the only way to measure the translation and production of peptides. Although the amount of peptides can be quantified by mass spectrometry, it is not possible to distinguish between peptides stored in vesicles and released peptides in CNS extracts. I construct an approach to assess the released peptides, which can be calculated by comparing the relative amount of peptides between two timepoints in combination with the mRNA levels which can be used as semiquantitative proxy reflecting the production of peptides during this period. \par After optimizing the protocol for metabolic labelling, I carried out a quantitative analysis of peptides before and after eclosion as a test. I was able to show that the EH- and SIFa-related peptides were strongly reduced after eclosion. This is in line with the known function and release of EH during eclosion. Since this test was positive, I next used the metabolic labelling in \textit{Drosophila} adult, which were either fed \textit{ad libitum} or starved for 24 hrs, and analysed the effects on the amount of AstA and MIPs. In the mRNA level, my results showed that in the brain \textit{AstA} mRNA level in the 24 hrs starved flies was increased compared to in the \textit{ad libitum} fed flies, whereas in the gut the \textit{AstA} mRNA level was decreased. Starvation induced the reduction of \textit{Mip} mRNA level in the brain and gut. Unfortunately, due to technical problems I was unable to analyse the metabolic labelled peptides during the course of this thesis.\par}, subject = {AstA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Balasubramanian2018, author = {Balasubramanian, Srikkanth}, title = {Novel anti-infectives against pathogenic bacteria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163882}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Marine sponge-associated actinomycetes are reservoirs of diverse natural products with novel biological activities. Their antibiotic potential has been well explored against a range of Gram positive and negative bacteria. However, not much is known about their anti-infective or anti-virulence potential against human pathogens. This Ph.D. project aimed to investigate the anti-infective (anti-Shiga toxin and anti-biofilm) potential of sponge-derived actinobacteria through identification and isolation of their bioactive metabolites produced and characterizing their mechanism of action by transcriptomics. This thesis is divided into three studies with the overall objective of exploring the anti-infective efficacy of actinomycetes-derived extracts and compound(s) that could possibly be used as future therapeutics. The first study deals with investigation on the anti-Shiga toxin effects of sponge-associated actinomycetes. Diarrheal infections pose a huge burden in several developing and developed countries. Diarrheal outbreaks caused by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) could lead to life-threatening complications like gastroenteritis and haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) if left untreated. Shiga toxin (Stx) produced by EHEC is a major virulence factor that negatively affects the human cells, leading them to death via apoptosis. Antibiotics are not prescribed against EHEC infections since they may enhance the risk of development of HUS by inducing the production and release of Stx from disintegrating bacteria and thereby, worsening the complications. Therefore, an effective drug that blocks the Stx production without affecting the growth needs to be urgently developed. In this study, the inhibitory effects of 194 extracts and several compounds originating from a collection of marine sponge-derived actinomycetes were evaluated against the Stx production in EHEC strain EDL933 with the aid of Ridascreen® Verotoxin ELISA assay kit. It was found that treatment with the extracts did not lead to significant reduction in Stx production. However, strepthonium A isolated from the culture of Streptomyces sp. SBT345 (previously cultivated from the Mediterranean sponge Agelas oroides) reduced the Stx production (at 80 μM concentration) in EHEC strain EDL933 without affecting the bacterial growth. The structure of strepthonium A was resolved by spectroscopic analyses including 1D and 2D-NMR, as well as ESI-HRMS and ESI-HRMS2 experiments. This demonstrated the possible application of strepthonium A in restraining EHEC infections. VI In the second study, the effect of marine sponge-associated actinomycetes on biofilm formation of staphylococci was assessed. Medical devices such as contact lenses, metallic implants, catheters, pacemakers etc. are ideal ecological niches for formation of bacterial biofilms, which thereby lead to device-related infections. Bacteria in biofilms are multiple fold more tolerant to the host immune responses and conventional antibiotics, and hence are hard-to-treat. Here, the anti-biofilm potential of an organic extract derived from liquid fermentation of Streptomyces sp. SBT343 (previously cultivated from the Mediterranean sponge Petrosia ficiformis) was reported. Results obtained in vitro demonstrated its anti-biofilm (against staphylococci) and non-toxic nature (against mouse macrophage (J774.1), fibroblast (NIH/3T3) and human corneal epithelial cell lines). Interestingly, SBT343 extract could inhibit staphylococcal biofilm formation on polystyrene, glass and contact lens surfaces without affecting the bacterial growth. High Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS) analysis indicated the complexity and the chemical diversity of components present in the extract. Preliminary physio-chemical characterization unmasked the heat stable and non-proteinaceous nature of the active component(s) in the extract. Finally, fractionation experiments revealed that the biological activity was due to synergistic effects of multiple components present in the extract. In the third study, anti-biofilm screening of 50 organic extracts generated from solid and liquid fermentation of 25 different previously characterized sponge-derived actinomycetes was carried out. This led to identification of the anti-biofilm organic extract derived from the solid culture of Streptomyces sp. SBT348 (previously cultivated from the Mediterranean sponge Petrosia ficiformis). Bioassay-guided fractionation was employed to identify the active fraction Fr 7 in the SBT348 crude extract. Further purification with semi-preparative HPLC led to isolation of the bioactive SKC1, SKC2, SKC3, SKC4 and SKC5 sub-fractions. The most active sub-fraction SKC3 was found to be a pure compound having BIC90 and MIC values of 3.95 μg/ml and 31.25 μg/ml against S. epidermidis RP62A. SKC3 had no apparent toxicity in vitro on cell lines and in vivo on the greater wax moth Galleria melonella larvae. SKC3 was stable to heat and enzymatic treatments indicating its non-proteinaceous nature. HR-MS analysis revealed the mass of SKC3 to be 1258.3 Da. Structure elucidation of SKC3 with the aid of 1D and 2D-NMR data is currently under investigation. Further, to obtain insights into the mode of action of SKC3 on S. epidermidis RP62A, RNA sequencing was done. Transcriptome data revealed that SKC3 was recognized by RP62A at 20 min and SKC3 negatively interfered with the central metabolism of staphylococci at 3 h. Taken VII together, these findings suggest that SKC3 could be a lead structure for development of new anti-staphylococcal drugs. Overall, the results obtained from this work underscore the anti-infective attributes of actinomycetes consortia associated with marine sponges, and their applications in natural product drug discovery programs.}, subject = {Marine sponges}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2018, author = {K{\"o}nig, Julia Maria}, title = {Fungal grass endophytes and their dependence on land-use intensity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Plant-associated fungi can affect the plants' interaction with herbivores and other microorganisms. For example, many common forage grasses are infected with Epichlo{\"e} endophytes. The endophytes systemically colonize the aerial parts of the plants. They produce bioprotective alkaloids that can negatively affect insects and livestock feeding on the grasses, and interact with other fungal species which living from the plants' nutrients. Environmental conditions strongly influence Epichlo{\"e} endophytes. Endophyte-mediated effects on herbivores are more pronounced under increased temperatures and the endophytes may benefit from land use in managed grasslands. Under the framework of the large-scale German project "Biodiversity Exploratories", I investigated whether infection rates and alkaloid concentrations of Epichlo{\"e} festucae var. lolii in Lolium perenne (Chapter I) and Epichlo{\"e} endophytes (E. uncinata, E. siegelii) in Festuca pratensis (Chapter II) depend on land use and season. Further I analysed, whether foliar fungal assemblages of L. perenne are affected by the presence of Epichlo{\"e} endophytes (Chapter IV).}, subject = {Endophytische Pilze}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wohlfart2018, author = {Wohlfart, Christian}, title = {The Yellow River Basin in Transition - Multi-faceted Land Cover Change Analysis in the Yellow River Basin in the Context of Global Change Using Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Imagery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163724}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {As a cradle of ancient Chinese civilization, the Yellow River Basin has a very long human-environment interrelationship, where early anthropogenic activities re- sulted in large scale landscape modifications. Today, the impact of this relationship has intensified further as the basin plays a vital role for China's continued economic development. It is one of the most densely-populated, fastest growing, and most dynamic regions of China with abundant natural and environmental resources providing a livelihood for almost 190 million people. Triggered by fundamental economic reforms, the basin has witnessed a spectacular economic boom during the last decades and can be considered as an exemplary blueprint region for contemporary dynamic Global Change processes occurring throughout the country, which is currently transitioning from an agrarian-dominated economy into a modern urbanized society. However, this resourcesdemanding growth has led to profound land use changes with adverse effects on the Yellow River social-ecological systems, where complex challenges arise threatening a long-term sustainable development. Consistent and continuous remote sensing-based monitoring of recent and past land cover and land use change is a fundamental requirement to mitigate the adverse impacts of Global Change processes. Nowadays, technical advancement and the multitude of available satellite sensors, in combination with the opening of data archives, allow the creation of new research perspectives in regional land cover applications over heterogeneous landscapes at large spatial scales. Despite the urgent need to better understand the prevailing dynamics and underlying factors influencing the current processes, detailed regional specific land cover data and change information are surprisingly absent for this region. In view of the noted research gaps and contemporary developments, three major objectives are defined in this thesis. First (i), the current and most pressing social-ecological challenges are elaborated and policy and management instruments towards more sustainability are discussed. Second (ii), this thesis provides new and improved insights on the current land cover state and dynamics of the entire Yellow River Basin. Finally (iii), the most dominant processes related to mining, agriculture, forest, and urban dynamics are determined on finer spatial and temporal scales. The complex and manifold problems and challenges that result from long-term abuse of the water and land resources in the basin have been underpinned by policy choices, cultural attitude, and institutions that have evolved over centuries in China. The tremendous economic growth that has been mainly achieved by extracting water and exploiting land resources in a rigorous, but unsustainable manner, might not only offset the economic benefits, but could also foster social unrest. Since the early emergence of the first Chinese dynasties, flooding was considered historically as a primary issue in river management and major achievements have been made to tame the wild nature of the Yellow River. Whereas flooding is therefore largely now under control, new environmental and social problems have evolved, including soil and water pollution, ecological degradation, biodiversity decline, and food security, all being further aggravated by anthropogenic climate change. To resolve the contemporary and complex challenges, many individual environmental laws and regulations have been enacted by various Chinese ministries. However, these policies often pursue different, often contradictory goals, are too general to tackle specific problems and are usually implemented by a strong top-down approach. Recently, more flexible economic and market-based incentives (pricing, tradable permits, investments) have been successfully adopted, which are specifically tailored to the respective needs, shifting now away from the pure command and regulating instruments. One way towards a more holistic and integrated river basin management could be the establishment of a common platform (e.g. a Geographical Information System) for data handling and sharing, possibly operated by the Yellow River Basin Conservancy Commission (YRCC), where available spatial data, statistical information and in-situ measures are coalesced, on which sustainable decision-making could be based. So far, the collected data is hardly accessible, fragmented, inconsistent, or outdated. The first step to address the absence and lack of consistent and spatially up-to-date information for the entire basin capturing the heterogeneous landscape conditions was taken up in this thesis. Land cover characteristics and dynamics were derived from the last decade for the years 2003 and 2013, based on optical medium-resolution hightemporal MODIS Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series at 250 m. To minimize the inherent influence of atmospheric and geometric interferences found in raw high temporal data, the applied adaptive Savitzky-Golay filter successfully smoothed the time series and substantially reduced noise. Based on the smoothed time series data, a large variety of intra-annual phenology metrics as well as spectral and multispectral annual statistics were derived, which served as input variables for random forest (RF) classifiers. High quality reference data sets were derived from very high resolution imagery for each year independently of which 70 \% trained the RF models. The accuracy assessments for all regionally specific defined thematic classes were based on the remaining 30 \% reference data split and yielded overall accuracies of 87 \% and 84 \% for 2003 and 2013, respectively. The first regional adapted Yellow River Land Cover Products (YRB LC) depict the detail spatial extent and distribution of the current land cover status and dynamics. The novel products overall differentiate overall 18 land cover and use classes, including classes of natural vegetation (terrestrial and aquatic), cultivated classes, mosaic classes, non-vegetated, and artificial classes, which are not presented in previous land cover studies so far. Building on this, an extended multi-faceted land cover analysis on the most prominent land cover change types at finer spatial and temporal scales provides a better and more detailed picture of the Yellow River Basin dynamics. Precise spatio-temporal products about mining, agriculture, forest, and urban areas were examined from long-trem Landsat satellite time series monitored at annual scales to capture the rapid rate of change in four selected focus regions. All archived Landsat images between 2000 and 2015 were used to derive spatially continuous spectral-temporal, multi-spectral, and textural metrics. For each thematic region and year RF models were built, trained and tested based on a stablepixels reference data set. The automated adaptive signature (AASG) algorithm identifies those pixels that did not change between the investigated time periods to generate a mono-temporal reference stable-pixels data set to keep manual sampling requirements to a minimum level. Derived results gained high accuracies ranging from 88 \% to 98 \%. Throughout the basin, afforestation on the Central Loess Plateau and urban sprawl are identified as most prominent drivers of land cover change, whereas agricultural land remained stable, only showing local small-scale dynamics. Mining operations started in 2004 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which resulted in a substantial loss of pristine alpine meadows and wetlands. In this thesis, a novel and unique regional specific view of current and past land cover characteristics in a complex and heterogeneous landscape was presented by using a multi-source remote sensing approach. The delineated products hold great potential for various model and management applications. They could serve as valuable components for effective and sustainable land and water management to adapt and mitigate the predicted consequences of Global Change processes.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KraehenbuehlAmstalden2018, author = {Kr{\"a}henb{\"u}hl Amstalden, Maria Cecilia}, title = {Development of a bacterial responsive antibiotic release system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163386}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A major problem regarding public health is the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains, especially methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is mainly attributed to the unnecessary overuse of antimicrobial drugs by patients; however, one aspect that is often neglected is their untargeted mechanism of action, affecting not only the infection itself but also commensal bacteria which are often opportunistic pathogens causing many diseases as well. Therefore, our goal was to develop a bioresponsive antibiotic delivery system triggered by virulence factors. The designed system is comprised of a polymer to enhance its pharmacokinetic profile, a peptide cleavable linker, and the antibiotic agent itself. The bacterial protease aureolysin which is expressed by S. aureus during infections would cleave the linker and partially release the antibiotic which would be still attached to a remaining tetrapeptide. These would be cleaved by a group of proteases naturally present in plasma called aminopeptidases, finally releasing the compound. In the first part of this project, we searched for a suitable sequence to serve as a cleavable linker. It should be sensitive towards the target bacterial protease but not be cleaved by any human enzymes to guarantee the specificity of the system. Therefore, we synthesized three peptide sequences via Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis and incubated them with aureolysin as well as with many human matrix Metalloproteases. The analysis and quantification of enzymatic activity was monitored chromatographically (RP-HPLC). The plasminogen originated sequence was chosen since it was not sensitive towards MMPs, but cleaved by aureolysin. In the second part, we tried to incorporate the chosen peptide sequences as crosslinkers in hydrogel formulations. The purpose was to physically incorporate the antibiotic within the hydrogel, which would be released by the cleavage of those sequences and the consequent loosening the hydrogel net. For that purpose we used a commercially available hydrogel kit with a PVA matrix modified with maleimide, which allows a conjugation reaction with thiol functionalized crosslinkers. Three fluorophores were chosen to serve as antibiotic models and a diffusion assay was performed. Only the glomerular structured Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) presented a low diffusion rate, thus the aureolysin release assays were performed only using this prototype. Assays showed that with a low hydrogel polymer concentration, the fluorophore either quickly diffused into the medium or was not released at all. The physical incorporation of the antibiotic within the hydrogel pores was therefore abolished as a suitable release approach. For a second attempt, we covalently bound a fluorophore to the linker, which was conjugated to the hydrogel matrix. The incubation with aureolysin and subsequent RP-HPLC analysis showed a peak with the same retention time correspondent to the fragment product after cleavage of the free linker. This is a proof that the concept of linking the peptide sequence to the antibiotic is a promising strategy for its bioresponsive release. Within the third part of this study, we analyzed the degradation of the resulted fragment after aureolysin activity and subsequent full release of the antibiotic by human aminopeptidases. We determined the concentration of those enzymes in human plasma and synthesized the fragment by conjugating the tetrapeptide sequence to aminofluorescein via EDC/NHS reaction. By incubating the construct with the lowest aminopeptidase concentration measured in plasma, the fluorophore was completely released within two hours, showing the efficacy of these enzymes as bioresponsive agents. The last part was the construction of the PEGylated linker-antibiotic. For this purpose we chose the tetracycline like antibiotic chelocardin (CHD) as our prototype. The conjugation of the linker- CHD to the polymer was performed by copper free click chemistry. The cleavage rate of the linker by aureolysin was very similar to the one obtained for the free peptide, indicating that the PEGylation does not interfere on the enzymatic activity. However, by trying to increase the loading ratio of chelocardin onto the polymer, we observed a very low cleavage rate for the system, indicating the formation of aggregates by those constructs. The designed system has proved to be a smart strategy for the delivery on demand of antibiotics in which the drug is only released by the presence of S. aureus during their virulent state.}, subject = {Arzneimittelforschung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bury2018, author = {Bury, Susanne}, title = {Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen der antagonistischen Effekte des probiotischen \(Escherichia\) \(coli\) Stamms Nissle 1917 auf Shiga-Toxin produzierende \(Escherichia\) \(coli\) St{\"a}mme}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163401}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Shiga toxin produzierende E. coli (STEC) stellen mit einer Infektionsdosis von gerade einmal 100 Bakterien ein großes Risiko f{\"u}r unsere Gesundheit dar. Betroffene Patienten k{\"o}nnen milde Krankheitssymptome wie w{\"a}ssrigen Durchfall aufweisen, welcher sich allerdings zu blutigem Durchfall oder dem h{\"a}molytisch ur{\"a}mischen Syndrom (HUS) weiterentwickeln kann. Die Ursache f{\"u}r das Krankheitsbild ist das zytotoxische Protein Shiga-Toxin (Stx), welches von STEC St{\"a}mmen produziert wird, eukaryotischen Zellen angreift und den apoptotischen Zelltod induziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass infizierte Patienten in ihrem Krankheitsverlauf stark variieren, was unter anderem auf die Zusammensetzung ihrer Mikrobiota zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sein k{\"o}nnte. Diesbez{\"u}glich k{\"o}nnen zum Beispiel einige Bakterien bereits die Darmbesiedlung von STEC St{\"a}mmen unterbinden, wohingegen andere die Toxin Produktion der pathogenen St{\"a}mme beeinflussen und wieder andere von den stx tragenden Phagen infiziert werden k{\"o}nnen und daraufhin selbst zu Toxin produzierenden St{\"a}mmen werden. Da die genetischen Informationen f{\"u}r das Toxin auf einem Prophagen im Genom der STEC St{\"a}mme kodiert ist, f{\"u}hrt eine Antibiotika Behandlung von infizierten Patienten zwar zum Tod der Bakterien, hat allerdings auch einen Wechsel vom lysogenen zum lytischen Phagen Zyklus und damit einen enormen Anstieg an freigesetztem Stx zur Folge. In den letzten Jahrzehnten kam es immer wieder zu Epidemien mit STEC St{\"a}mmen, welche auch einige Todesopfer forderten. Die Behandlung von Patienten erfolgt auf Grund von mangelnden Behandlungsm{\"o}glichkeiten meist nur symptomatisch, weswegen neue Strategien f{\"u}r die Behandlung einer STEC Infektion dringend ben{\"o}tigt werden. Der probiotische E. coli Stamm Nissle 1917 (EcN) z{\"a}hlt bereits seit mehr als 100 Jahren als Medikament f{\"u}r Behandlungen von Darmentz{\"u}ndungen. In vitro und in vivo Studien mit dem probiotischen Stamm und STEC St{\"a}mmen konnten zeigen, dass EcN die Produktion von Stx unterdr{\"u}ckt und gleichzeitig die STEC Zellzahl reduziert. Diese Ergebnisse waren der Anlass f{\"u}r diese Studie in der die Auswirkungen von EcN auf STEC St{\"a}mme genauer untersucht wurden, um eine m{\"o}gliche Behandlung von STEC Infektionen mit dem Probiotikum zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Eines der Hauptziele dieser Studie war es, herauszufinden, ob EcN von stx-Phagen infiziert werden kann und damit selbst zu einem Toxin Produzenten wird. In diesem Falle w{\"a}re eine Behandlung mit dem E. coli Stamm ausgeschlossen, da es den Krankheitsverlauf verschlimmern k{\"o}nnte. Verschiedene experimentelle Ans{\"a}tze in denen versucht wurde den YaeT stx-Phagen Rezeptor tragenden Stamm zu infizieren schlugen fehl. Weder mittels PCR Analysen, Phagen Plaque Assays oder der Phagen Anreicherung konnte eine Lyse oder eine Prophagen Integration nachgewiesen werden. Transkriptom Analysen konnten zeigen, dass Gene eines lambdoiden Prophagen in EcN in Anwesenheit von stx-Phagen stark reguliert sind. Auch andere E. coli St{\"a}mme, welche sich ebenfalls durch eine Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber einer stx-Phagen Infektion auswiesen, wurden positiv auf lambdoide Prophagen untersucht. Einzig dem stx-Phagen sensitiven K-12 Stamm MG1655 fehlt ein kompletter lambdoider Prophage, weswegen die Vermutung nahe liegt, dass ein intakter lambdoider Prophage vor der Superinfektion mit stx-Phagen sch{\"u}tzten kann. In weiteren Experimenten wurde der Einfluss der Mikrozin-negativen EcN Mutante SK22D auf STEC St{\"a}mme untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass SK22D nicht nur die Produktion des zytotoxischen Proteins unterdr{\"u}ckt, sondern auch mit der Produktion der stx-Phagen von allen getesteten STEC St{\"a}mmen interferiert (O157:H7, O26:H11, O145:H25, O103:H2, O111:H- und zwei O104:H4 Isolate vom STEC Ausbruch in Deutschland im Jahr 2011). Transwell Studien konnten zeigen, dass der Faktor, welcher die Transkription des Prophagen unterdr{\"u}ckt, von SK22D sekretiert wird. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Pr{\"a}senz von SK22D den lysogenen Zustand des Prophagen st{\"u}tzt und somit den lytischen Zyklus unterdr{\"u}ckt. Da stx-Phagen eine große Gefahr darstellen andere E. coli St{\"a}mme zu infizieren, haben wir uns in weiteren Studien dem Einfluss von EcN auf isolierte Phagen gewidmet. Die Kultivierungsexperimente von EcN mit Phagen zeigten, dass der probiotische Stamm in der Lage war die stx-Phagen in ihrer Effizienz der Lyse des K 12 Stammes MG1655 von~ 1e7 pfus/ml auf 0 pfus/ml nach einer 44 st{\"u}ndigen Inkubation zu inaktivieren. Diese Inaktivierung konnte auf die Aktivit{\"a}t eines hitzestabilen Proteins, welches in der station{\"a}ren Wachstumsphase synthetisiert wird, zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Studien welche einen Anstieg der Biofilmmasse zur Folge hatten zeigten eine gesteigerte Effizienz in der Phagen Inaktivierung, weswegen Komponenten des Biofilms m{\"o}glicherweise die Phagen Inaktivierung herbeif{\"u}hren. Neben dem direkten Einfluss auf die Phagen wurde auch ein Schutzeffekt von SK22D gegen{\"u}ber dem stx-Phagen empf{\"a}nglichen K 12 St{\"a}mmen untersucht. Lysogene K 12 St{\"a}mme zeichneten sich durch eine enorme Stx und stx-Phagen Produktion aus. Die Pr{\"a}senz von SK22D konnte den K 12 vermittelten Anstieg der pathogenen Faktoren unterbinden. Transwell Ergebnisse und Kinetik Studien lassen vermuten, dass SK22D eher die Phagen Infektion von K-12 St{\"a}mmen unterbindet als die Lyse von lysogenen K-12 St{\"a}mmen zu st{\"o}ren. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r den Schutz der K-12 St{\"a}mme vor einer stx-Phagen Infektion k{\"o}nnte darin liegen, dass die K-12 St{\"a}mme innerhalb der SK22D Kultur wachsen und dadurch von den infekti{\"o}sen Phagen abgeschirmt werden. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Studie gezeigt werden, dass der probiotische Stamm EcN sowohl die Lyse von STEC St{\"a}mmen unterdr{\"u}ckt als auch die infekti{\"o}sen stx-Phagen inaktiviert und sensitive E. coli St{\"a}mme vor der Phagen Infektion sch{\"u}tzen kann. Diese Ergebnisse sollten als Grundlage f{\"u}r in vivo Studien herangezogen werden, um eine m{\"o}gliche Behandlung von STEC infizierten Patienten mit dem Probiotikum zu gew{\"a}hrleisten.}, subject = {EHEC}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dolles2018, author = {Dolles, Dominik}, title = {Development of Hybrid GPCR Ligands: Photochromic and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibiting Human Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Agonists}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {While life expectancy increases worldwide, treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as AD becomes a major task for industrial and academic research. Currently, a treatment of AD is only symptomatical and limited to an early stage of the disease by inhibiting AChE. A cure for AD might even seem far away. A rethinking of other possible targets is therefore necessary. Addressing targets that can influence AD even at later stages might be the key. Even if it is not possible to find a cure for AD, it is of great value for AD patients by providing an effective medication. The suffering of patients and their families might be relieved and remaining years may be spent with less symptoms and restrictions. It was shown that a combination of hCB2R agonist and BChE inhibitor might exactly be a promising approach to combat AD. In the previous chapters, a first investigation of dual-acting compounds that address both hCB2R and BChE was illustrated (figure 6.1). A set of over 30 compounds was obtained by applying SARs from BChE inhibitors to a hCB2R selective agonist developed by AstraZeneca. In a first in vitro evaluation compounds showed selectivity over hCB1R and AChE. Further investigations could also prove agonism and showed that unwanted off-target affinity to hMOP receptor could be designed out. The development of a homology model for hCB2R (based on a novel hCB1R crystal) could further elucidate the mode of action of the ligand binding. Lastly, first in vivo studies showed a beneficial effect of selected dual-acting compounds regarding memory and cognition. Since these first in vivo studies mainly aim for an inhibition of the BChE, it should be the aim of upcoming projects to proof the relevance of hCB2R agonism in vivo as well. In addition, pharmacokinetic as well as solubility studies may help to complete the overall picture. Currently, hybrid-based dual-acting hCB2R agonists and selective BChE inhibitors are under investigation in our lab. First in vitro evaluations showed improved BChE inhibition and selectivity over AChE compared to tacrine.78 Future in vitro and in vivo studies will clarify their usage as drug molecules with regard to hepatotoxicity and blood-brain barrier penetration. Since the role of hCB2R is not yet completely elucidated, the use of photochromic toolcompounds becomes an area of interest. These tool-compounds (and their biological effect) can be triggered upon irradiation with light and thus help to investigate time scales and ligand binding. A set of 5-azobenzene benzimidazoles was developed and synthesized. In radioligand binding studies, affinity towards hCB2R could be increased upon irradiation with UV-light (figure 6.2). This makes the investigated compounds the first GPCR ligands that can be activated upon irradiation (not vice versa). The aim of upcoming research will be the triggering of a certain intrinsic activity by an "efficacy-switch". For this purpose, several attempts are currently under investigation: an introduction of an azobenzene moiety at the 2-position of the benzimidazole core already led to a slight difference in efficacy upon irradiation with UV light. Another approach going on in our lab is the development of hCB1R switches based on the selective hCB1R inverse agonist rimonabant. First in vitro results are not yet available (figure 6.3).}, subject = {Ligand }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchuesslergebHecht2018, author = {Sch{\"u}ßler [geb. Hecht], Nina Kristin Petra}, title = {Novel formulation principles for bioavailability enhancement of poorly water-soluble and poorly permeable drugs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162766}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Since four decades, high-throughput screenings have been conducted in drug discovery, fuelling the identification of potential new drug candidates. This approach, however, often promotes the detection of compounds with undesired physico-chemical properties like poor aqueous solubility or low membrane permeability. Indeed, dissolution and absorption of a drug are prerequisites for systemic exposure and therapeutic effects. Therefore, innovative strategies to optimize unfavourable performance of new drug candidates are in great demand in order to increase drug concentrations at the site of action whilst simultaneously reducing drug variability. In chapter I of this research work, hydrophobic ion pairing (HIP) is discussed as a promising strategy to improve the bioavailability of BCS class III compounds, which have high aqueous solubility and low permeability. The review points out the limitations of poorly absorbable drugs and details the approach of pairing these APIs with hydrophobic counterions. Apart from the motivation to tailor physico-chemical, biopharmaceutical and toxicological properties of BCS class III compounds, the hydrophobic ion pairing facilitates their formulation into drug delivery systems. Besides advantageous effects, disadvantages of the ion pair formation, such as the decreased aqueous solubility of the ions pair, are critically outlined. Finally, the review covers an overview of non-invasive administration routes permitted after ion pair formation, including oral/enteral, buccal, nasal, ocular and transdermal drug administration. Overall, the HIP approach offers substantial benefits regarding the bioavailability enhancement of BCS class III compounds. Chapter II concerns GHQ168 developed by Holzgrabe et al., a BCS class II compound characterized by low aqueous solubility and high permeability. GHQ168 was developed for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), a tropical disease for which novel active compounds are urgently needed. This lead compound was found to be very active against trypanosoma brucei brucei and trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in cell culture assays, however, the low aqueous solubility prevented further preclinical development. To target this drawback, two different approaches were selected, including (I) the chemical modification and (II) the spray drying of GHQ168. The newly synthesized set of derivatives as well as the spray dried GHQ168 were subjected to a physico-chemical and microbiological characterization. It turned out that both approaches successfully improved aqueous solubility, however, for the derivatives of GHQ168 at the expense of activity. Furthermore, the pharmacokinetic parameters of GHQ168 and of the most active derivatives, GHQ242 and GHQ243, were evaluated. Elimination half-lives between 1.5 to 3.5 h after intraperitoneal administration and modest to strong serum albumin binding for GHQ243 (45\%) and GHQ168 (80\%) and very high binding (> 99\%) for GHQ242 were detected. The spray dried formulation of GHQ168, as well as GHQ242 and GHQ243 were investigated in two in vivo studies in mice infected with t. b. rhodesiense (STIB900), referred to as (I) stringent model and (II) early-treatment model. In the stringent model (2 applications/day on day 3-6 after infection) the mean survival duration (MSD) of mice treated with spray dried GHQ168 exceeded the MSD of the untreated control group (17 days versus 9 days), a difference that was statistically significant. In contrast, no statistical difference was observed for GHQ242 (14 days) and GHQ243 (12 days). GHQ168 was further assessed in the early-treatment model (2 applications/day on day 1-4 after infection) and again a statistically significant improvement of MSD (32 days (end of observation period) versus 7 days) was observed. Finally, exciting antitrypanosomal efficacy for the spray dried formulation of GHQ168 was demonstrated. NADPH oxidases (NOX) were found to be the main source of endothelial reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. Chapter III reports on the formulation studies on triazolopyrimidine derivatives from the VAS library, a set of NADPH oxidase inhibitors. These were developed for the treatment of elevated ROS levels, which contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Although in vitro results from numerous studies indicated promising efficacy and selectivity for the VAS-compounds, the low water solubility impeded the in vivo translation and further preclinical development. For this reason, three derivatives, VAS2870, VAS3947, and VAS4024 were physico-chemically characterized and VAS3947, the most soluble compound, was selected for further formulation studies. These approaches included (I) spray drying, (II) microemulsification and (III) complexation with cyclodextrins in order to develop formulations for oral and parenteral application. Solubility improvement of VAS3947 was successfully demonstrated for all preparations as expressed by supersaturation ratios in comparison to the solubility of the unformulated compound. For seven spray dried formulations, the ratio ranged from 3-9, and the ratio for four microemulsions was 8-19 after 120 min, respectively. The six cyclodextrin formulations achieved the highest supersaturation ratio between 3 and 174 after 20 hours. NMR measurements elucidated the inclusion of VAS3947 within the CD's cavity as well as the interaction with its outer surface. Ultimately, NOX inhibitors were opened for oral and parenteral administration for the first time. After successful solubility improvement of VAS3947, further investigations towards in vivo studies were conducted including stability studies with a focus on stability in solution and in plasma as presented in chapter IV. Furthermore, permeability and cytotoxicity assays were performed for the first time. It turned out that VAS3947 was instable in buffer and when exposed to light. Moreover, the compound showed decomposition in the presence of mouse microsomes and in human plasma. The VAS compounds contain an oxazol moiety linked to the triazolopyrimidine skeleton via a thioether. This structural element is responsible for the efficacy of the compound class, however it is susceptible to hydrolysis and to further degradation reactions. Moreover, VAS3947 harmed membrane integrity in the cell permeability assays and cytotoxicity investigations in HEK-293 and HEP-G2 cells revealed IC50 values in the same concentration range as reported for efficacy assays. Summarized, it was demonstrated that substances from the VAS library were no appropriate model compounds for ROS investigations nor suitable candidates for further preclinical development.}, subject = {L{\"o}slichkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiedenmann2018, author = {Wiedenmann, Jonas}, title = {Induced topological superconductivity in HgTe based nanostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162782}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis describes the studies of topological superconductivity, which is predicted to emerge when pair correlations are induced into the surface states of 2D and 3D topolog- ical insulators (TIs). In this regard, experiments have been designed to investigate the theoretical ideas first pioneered by Fu and Kane that in such system Majorana bound states occur at vortices or edges of the system [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 096407 (2008), Phys. Rev. B 79, 161408 (2009)]. These states are of great interest as they constitute a new quasiparticle which is its own antiparticle and can be used as building blocks for fault tolerant topological quantum computing. After an introduction in chapter 1, chapter 2 of the thesis lays the foundation for the understanding of the field of topology in the context of condensed matter physics with a focus on topological band insulators and topological superconductors. Starting from a Chern insulator, the concepts of topological band theory and the bulk boundary corre- spondence are explained. It is then shown that the low energy Hamiltonian of mercury telluride (HgTe) quantum wells of an appropriate thickness can be written as two time reversal symmetric copies of a Chern insulator. This leads to the quantum spin Hall effect. In such a system, spin-polarized one dimensional conducting states form at the edges of the material, while the bulk is insulating. This concept is extended to 3D topological insulators with conducting 2D surface states. As a preliminary step to treating topological superconductivity, a short review of the microscopic theory of superconductivity, i.e. the theory of Bardeen, Cooper, and Shrieffer (BCS theory) is presented. The presence of Majorana end modes in a one dimensional superconducting chain is explained using the Kitaev model. Finally, topological band insulators and conventional superconductivity are combined to effectively engineer p-wave superconductivity. One way to investigate these states is by measuring the periodicity of the phase of the Josephson supercurrent in a topological Josephson junction. The signature is a 4π-periodicity compared to the 2π-periodicity in conventional Josephson junctions. The proof of the presence of this effect in HgTe based Josephson junction is the main goal of this thesis and is discussed in chapters 3 to 6. Chapter 3 describes in detail the transport of a 3D topological insulator based weak link under radio-frequency radiation. The chapter starts with a review of the state of research of (i) strained HgTe as 3D topological insulator and (ii) the progress of induc- ing superconducting correlations into the topological surface states and the theoretical predictions of 3D TI based Josephson junctions. Josephson junctions based on strained HgTe are successfully fabricated. Before studying the ac driven Josephson junctions, the dc transport of the devices is analysed. The critical current as a function of temperature is measured and it is possible to determine the induced superconducting gap. Under rf illumination Shapiro steps form in the current voltage characteristic. A missing first step at low frequencies and low powers is found in our devices. This is a signature of a 4π-periodic supercurrent. By studying the device in a wide parameter range - as a 147148 SUMMARY function of frequency, power, device geometry and magnetic field - it is shown that the results are in agreement with the presence of a single gapless Andreev doublet and several conventional modes. Chapter 4 gives results of the numerical modelling of the I -V dynamics in a Josephson junction where both a 2π- and a 4π-periodic supercurrents are present. This is done in the framework of an equivalent circuit representation, namely the resistively shunted Josephson junction model (RSJ-model). The numerical modelling is in agreement with the experimental results in chapter 3. First, the missing of odd Shapiro steps can be understood by a small 4π-periodic supercurrent contribution and a large number of modes which have a conventional 2π-periodicity. Second, the missing of odd Shapiro steps occurs at low frequency and low rf power. Third, it is shown that stochastic processes like Landau Zener tunnelling are most probably not responsible for the 4π contribution. In a next step the periodicity of Josephson junctions based on quantum spin Hall insulators using are investigated in chapter 5. A fabrication process of Josephson junctions based on inverted HgTe quantum wells was successfully developed. In order to achieve a good proximity effect the barrier material was removed and the superconductor deposited without exposing the structure to air. In a next step a gate electrode was fabricated which allows the chemical potential of the quantum well to be tuned. The measurement of the diffraction pattern of the critical current Ic due to a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the sample plane was conducted. In the vicinity to the expected quantum spin Hall phase, the pattern resembles that of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). This shows that the current flows predominantly on the edges of the mesa. This observation is taken as a proof of the presence of edge currents. By irradiating the sample with rf, missing odd Shapiro steps up to step index n = 9 have been observed. This evidences the presence of a 4π-periodic contribution to the supercurrent. The experiment is repeated using a weak link based on a non-inverted HgTe quantum well. This material is expected to be a normal band insulator without helical edge channels. In this device, all the expected Shapiro steps are observed even at low frequencies and over the whole gate voltage range. This shows that the observed phenomena are directly connected to the topological band structure. Both features, namely the missing of odd Shapiro steps and the SQUID like diffraction pattern, appear strongest towards the quantum spin Hall regime, and thus provide evidence for induced topological superconductivity in the helical edge states. A more direct way to probe the periodicity of the Josephson supercurrent than using Shapiro steps is the measurement of the emitted radiation of a weak link. This experiment is presented in chapter 6. A conventional Josephson junction converts a dc bias V to an ac current with a characteristic Josephson frequency fJ = eV /h. In a topological Josephson junction a frequency at half the Josephson frequency fJ /2 is expected. A new measurement setup was developed in order to measure the emitted spectrum of a single Josephson junction. With this setup the spectrum of a HgTe quantum well based Josephson junction was measured and the emission at half the Josephson frequency fJ /2 was detected. In addition, fJ emission is also detected depending on the gate voltage and detection frequency. The spectrum is again dominated by half the Josephson emission at low voltages while the conventional emission is determines the spectrum at high voltages. A non-inverted quantum well shows only conventional emission over the whole gateSUMMARY 149 voltage and frequency range. The linewidth of the detected frequencies gives a measure on the lifetime of the bound states: From there, a coherence time of 0.3-4ns for the fJ /2 line has been deduced. This is generally shorter than for the fJ line (3-4ns). The last part of the thesis, chapter 7, reports on the induced superconducting state in a strained HgTe layer investigated by point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy. For the experiment, a HgTe mesa was fabricated with a small constriction. The diameter of the orifice was chosen to be smaller than the mean free path estimated from magne- totransport measurements. Thus one gets a ballistic point-contact which allows energy resolved spectroscopy. One part of the mesa is covered with a superconductor which induces superconducting correlations into the surface states of the topological insulator. This experiment therefore probes a single superconductor normal interface. In contrast to the Josephson junctions studied previously, the geometry allows the acquisition of energy resolved information of the induced superconducting state through the measurement of the differential conductance dI/dV as a function of applied dc bias for various gate voltages, temperatures and magnetic fields. An induced superconducting order parame- ter of about 70µeV was extracted but also signatures of the niobium gap at the expected value around Δ Nb ≈ 1.1meV have been found. Simulations using the theory developed by Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk and an extended model taking the topological surface states into account were used to fit the data. The simulations are in agreement with a small barrier at the topological insulator-induced topological superconductor interface and a high barrier at the Nb to topological insulator interface. To understand the full con- ductance curve as a function of applied voltage, a non-equilibrium driven transformation is suggested. The induced superconductivity is suppressed at a certain bias value due to local electron population. In accordance with this suppression, the relevant scattering regions change spatially as a function of applied bias. To conclude, it is emphasized that the experiments conducted in this thesis found clear signatures of induced topological superconductivity in HgTe based quantum well and bulk devices and opens up the avenue to many experiments. It would be interesting to apply the developed concepts to other topological matter-superconductor hybrid systems. The direct spectroscopy and manipulation of the Andreev bound states using circuit quantum electrodynamic techniques should be the next steps for HgTe based samples. This was already achieved in superconducting atomic break junctions by the group in Saclay [Science 2015, 349, 1199-1202 (2015)]. Another possible development would be the on-chip detection of the emitted spectrum as a function of the phase φ through the junction. In this connection, the topological junction needs to be shunted by a parallel ancillary junction. Such a setup would allow the current phase relation I(φ) directly and the lifetime of the bound states to be measured directly. By coupling this system to a spectrometer, which can be another Josephson junction, the energy dependence of the Andreev bound states E(φ) could be obtained. The experiments on the Andreev reflection spectroscopy described in this thesis could easily be extended to two dimensional topological insulators and to more complex geometries, like a phase bias loop or a tunable barrier at the point-contact. This work might also be useful for answering the question how and why Majorana bound states can be localized in quantum spin Hall systems.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ries2018, author = {Ries, Mathias}, title = {The Role of the Central Bank, Banks and the Bond Market in the Paradigm of Monetary Analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162997}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Als Folge der Finanzkrise 2008/09 sind unter einigen {\"O}konomen Zweifel an der Ad{\"a}quanz der theoretischen Modelle aufgekommen, insbesondere {\"u}ber diejenigen, die den Anspruch erheben, Finanzm{\"a}rkte und Banken zu modellieren. Aufgrund dieser Zweifel folgen einige {\"O}konomen einer neuen Str{\"o}mung, indem sie versuchen, ein neues Paradigma zu entwickeln, das auf einer geldwirtschaftlichen anstatt auf einer g{\"u}terwirtschaftlichen Theorie beruht. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen diesen beiden Sichtweisen ist, dass in einer G{\"u}terwirtschaft Geld keine essentielle Rolle spielt, wohingegen bei einer Geldwirtschaft jede Transaktion mit Geld abgewickelt wird. Grundlegend ist es deshalb wichtig zu kl{\"a}ren, ob eine Theorie, die Geld miteinschließt, zu anderen Schlussfolgerungen kommt als eine Theorie, die Geld außen vor l{\"a}sst. Ausgehend von dieser Problemstellung stelle ich im zweiten Kapitel die Schlussfolgerungen aus der g{\"u}terwirtschaftlichen Logik des Finanzsystems - modelliert durch die Loanable Funds-Theorie - der geldwirtschaftlichen Logik gegen{\"u}ber. Im Anschluss an die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Schlussfolgerungen beschreibe ich drei Theorien {\"u}ber Banken. Hierbei beschreibt die sog. endogene Geldsch{\"o}fpungstheorie, in der die Zentralbanken die Kreditvergabe der Banken durch Preise steuern, unsere Welt am besten. Die endogene Geldsch{\"o}pfungstheorie ist die Basis f{\"u}r das theoretische Modell im dritten Kapitel. In diesem Modell handeln die Banken nach einem Gewinnmaximierungskalk{\"u}l, wobei die Ertr{\"a}ge aus dem Kreditgesch{\"a}ft erzielt werden und Kosten des Kreditausfallrisikos sowie Kosten durch die Refinanzierung (inklusive regulatorischer Vorschriften) enstehen. Hieraus leitet sich das Kreditangebot ab, das auf dem Kreditmarkt auf die Kreditnachfrage trifft. Die Kreditnachfrage wird durch die Kreditnehmer bestimmt, die f{\"u}r Konsumzwecke bzw. Investitionen Kredite bei Banken aufnehmen. Aus dem Zusammenspiel von Kreditangebot und Kreditnachfrage ergibt sich der gleichgewichtige Kreditzins sowie das gleichgewichtige Kreditvolumen, das Banken an Nichtbanken vergeben. Die Angebots- und Nachfrageseite, die auf dem Kreditmarkt miteinander interagieren, werden ausgehend vom theoretischen Modell empirisch f{\"u}r Deutschland im Zeitraum von 1999-2014 mit Hilfe eines Ungleichgewichtsmodells gesch{\"a}tzt, wobei sich zeigt, dass die Determinanten aus dem theoretischen Modell statistisch signifikant sind. Aufbauend auf dem theoretischen Bankenmodell wird das Modell im vierten Kapitel um den Bondmarkt erweitert. Der Bankenkredit- und der Bondmarkt sind im Gegensatz zur Beschreibung in der g{\"u}terwirtschaftlichen Analyse fundamental unterschiedlich. Zum Einen schaffen Banken Geld gem{\"a}ß der endogenen Geldsch{\"o}pfungstheorie. Sobald das Geld im Umlauf ist, k{\"o}nnen Nichtbanken dieses Geld umverteilen, indem sie es entweder f{\"u}r den G{\"u}terkauf verwenden oder l{\"a}ngerfristig ausleihen. Aufgrund des Fokusses auf das Finanzsystem in dieser Dissertation wird der Fall betrachtet, in dem Geld l{\"a}ngerfristig ausgeliehen wird. Das Motiv der Anbieter auf dem Bondmarkt, d.h. derjenigen, die Geld verleihen m{\"o}chten, ist {\"a}hnlich wie bei Banken getrieben von der Gewinnmaximierung. Ertr{\"a}ge k{\"o}nnen die Anbieter durch die Zinsen auf Bonds erwirtschaften. Kosten entstehen durch die Opportunit{\"a}tskosten der Geldhaltung als Depositen, den Kreditausfall des Schuldners sowie Kursverluste aufgrund von Zinsver{\"a}nderungen. Die geschilderte Logik basiert auf der Idee, dass Banken Geld schaffen, d.h. Originatoren von Geld sind, und das Geld auf dem Bondmarkt umverteilt wird und somit mehrfache Verwendung findet. Die beiden M{\"a}rkte sind sowohl angebots- als auch nachfrageseitig miteinander verkn{\"u}pft. Zum Einen refinanzieren sich Banken auf dem Bondmarkt, um die Fristentransformation, die durch die Kreditvergabe ensteht, zu reduzieren. Des Weiteren haben Kreditnachfrager die M{\"o}glichkeit, entweder Bankkredite oder Kredite auf dem Bondmarkt nachzufragen. Nach der theoretischen Darstellung des Finanzsystems bestehend aus dem Banken- und Bondmarkt folgt im f{\"u}nften Kapitel die Anwendung des Modells bei Quantitative Easing. Hier ist festzustellen, dass Quantitative Easing bereits bei der Ank{\"u}ndigung der Zentralbank das Verhalten der Marktakteure beeinflusst. Die vier großen Zentralbanken (Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank und Europ{\"a}ische Zentralbank) haben aufgrund der anhaltenden Rezession und der bereits niedrigen kurzfristigen Zinsen das unkonventionelle Instrument des Aufkaufs von Anleihen angewandt. Im theoretischen Modell beeinflusst die Zentralbank bereits durch die Ank{\"u}ndigung die Akteuere auf dem Bondmarkt, sodass es zu sinkenden Risikopr{\"a}mien, da die Zentralbank als sog. 'lender of confidence' auftritt, zu (zumindest kurzfristig) sinkenden Zinserwartungen sowie insgesamt zu sinkenden langfristigen Zinsen kommt. Diese drei Hypothesen werden anhand empirischer Methoden f{\"u}r die Eurozone {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pennington2018, author = {Pennington, Laura Sophie}, title = {The role of Cadherin-13 in serotonergic neurons during different murine developmental stages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Abstract Background: Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ranges among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders worldwide with a prevalence of 3-12\% in childhood and 1-5\% for adults. Over the last decade extensive genetic research has been conducted in order to determine its causative genetic factors. None of the so far identified susceptibility genes, however, could explain the estimated ADHD heritability of 76\%. In this thesis one of the most promising candidates -Cadherin 13 (Cdh13) - was examined in terms of its influence on the central serotonergic (5-HT) system. In addition to that, the Cdh13 protein distribution pattern was analysed over time. Methods: The developing serotonergic system was compared over three embryonic and postnatal stages (E13.5, E17.5 and P7) in different Cdh13 genotypes (WT, HZ and KO) using immunohistochemistry and various double staining protocols. Results: The raphe nuclei of the 5-HT system develop in spite of Cdh13 absence and show a comparable mature constellation. The cells in the KO, however, are slightly more scattered than in the WT. Furthermore the dynamics of their formation is altered, with a transient delay in migration at E13.5. In early developmental stages the total amount of serotonergic cells is reduced in KO and HZ, though their proportional distribution to the raphe nuclei stays constant. Strikingly, at P7 the absolute numbers are comparable again. Concerning the Cdh13 protein, it shows high concentrations on fibres running through hindbrain and midbrain areas at E13.5. This, however, changes over time, and it becomes more evenly spread until P7. Furthermore, its presence in serotonergic cells could be visualised using confocal microscopy. Since the described pattern is only in parts congruent to the localisation of serotonergic neurons, it is most likely that Cdh13 is present in other developing neurotransmitter systems, such as the dopaminergic one, as well. Conclusion: It could be proven that Cdh13 is expressed in serotonergic cells and that its knockout does affect the developing serotonergic system to some degree. Its absence, however, only slightly and transiently affects the measured parameters of serotonergic system development, indicating a possible compensation of CDH13 function by other molecules in the case of Cdh13 deficiency. In addition further indicators could be found for an influence of Cdh13 on outgrowth and path finding of neuronal processes.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scheuermeyer2018, author = {Scheuermeyer, Philipp}, title = {Macroeconomic Consequences of Income Inequality: Evidence from Panel Data Econometrics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Within three self-contained chapters, this dissertation provides new insights into the macroeconomic consequences of income inequality from a global perspective. Following an introduction, which summarizes the main findings and offers a brief overview of trends in income distribution, Chapter 2 evaluates the relationship between the labor share of income and the evolution of aggregate demand. Chapter 3 analyzes the link between income inequality and aggregate saving; and Chapter 4 directly estimates the effect of inequality and public redistribution on economic growth.}, subject = {Panelanalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aufmkolk2018, author = {Aufmkolk, Sarah}, title = {Super-Resolution Microscopy of Synaptic Proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151976}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {X, 97}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The interaction of synaptic proteins orchestrate the function of one of the most complex organs, the brain. The multitude of molecular elements influencing neurological correlations makes imaging processes complicated since conventional fluorescence microscopy methods are unable to resolve structures beyond the diffraction-limit. The implementation of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy into the field of neuroscience allows the visualisation of the fine details of neural connectivity. The key element of my thesis is the super-resolution technique dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) and its optimisation as a multi-colour approach. Capturing more than one target, I aim to unravel the distribution of synaptic proteins with nanometer precision and set them into a structural and quantitative context with one another. Therefore dSTORM specific protocols are optimized to serve the peculiarities of particular neural samples. In one project the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is investigated in primary, hippocampal neurons. With a precision beyond 15 nm, preand post-synaptic sites can be identified by staining the active zone proteins bassoon and homer. As a result, hallmarks of mature synapses can be exhibited. The single molecule sensitivity of dSTORM enables the measurement of endogenous BDNF and locates BDNF granules aligned with glutamatergic pre-synapses. This data proofs that hippocampal neurons are capable of enriching BDNF within the mature glutamatergic pre-synapse, possibly influencing synaptic plasticity. The distribution of the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu4 is investigated in physiological brain slices enabling the analysis of the receptor in its natural environment. With dual-colour dSTORM, the spatial arrangement of the mGlu4 receptor in the pre-synaptic sites of parallel fibres in the molecular layer of the mouse cerebellum is visualized, as well as a four to six-fold increase in the density of the receptor in the active zone compared to the nearby environment. Prior functional measurements show that metabotropic glutamate receptors influence voltage-gated calcium channels and proteins that are involved in synaptic vesicle priming. Corresponding dSTORM data indeed suggests that a subset of the mGlu4 receptor is correlated with the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav2.1 on distances around 60 nm. These results are based on the improvement of the direct analysis of localisation data. Tools like coordinated based correlation analysis and nearest neighbour analysis of clusters centroids are used complementary to map protein connections of the synapse. Limits and possible improvements of these tools are discussed to foster the quantitative analysis of single molecule localisation microscopy data. Performing super-resolution microscopy on complex samples like brain slices benefits from a maximised field of view in combination with the visualisation of more than two targets to set the protein of interest in a cellular context. This challenge served as a motivation to establish a workflow for correlated structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and dSTORM. The development of the visualisation software coSIdSTORM promotes the combination of these powerful super-resolution techniques even on separated setups. As an example, synapses in the cerebellum that are affiliated to the parallel fibres and the dendrites of the Purkinje cells are identified by SIM and the protein bassoon of those pre-synapses is visualised threedimensionally with nanoscopic precision by dSTORM. In this work I placed emphasis on the improvement of multi-colour super-resolution imaging and its analysing tools to enable the investigation of synaptic proteins. The unravelling of the structural arrangement of investigated proteins supports the building of a synapse model and therefore helps to understand the relation between structure and function in neural transmission processes.}, subject = {Hochaufl{\"o}sende Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HockSiew2018, author = {Hock Siew, Tan}, title = {Functional characterization of an acid-regulated sRNA in \(Helicobacter\) \(pylori\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Low pH is the main environmental stress encountered by Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach. To ensure its survival under acidic conditions, this bacterium utilizes urease (encoded by the ureAB operon), a nickel-activated metalloenzyme, which cleaves urea into ammonia to buffer the periplasmic space. Expression of the ureAB operon is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Moreover, the urease activity is modulated post translationally via the activity of nickel-binding proteins such as HP1432 that act as nickel sponges to either sequester or release nickel depending on the pH. However, little is known how the levels of these nickel-binding proteins are regulated at the post-transcriptional level. Interestingly, more than 60 candidate small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) have been identified in a differential RNA-seq approach in H. pylori strain 26695, suggesting an uncharacterized layer of post-transcriptional riboregulation in this pathogen. sRNAs control their trans- or cis- encoded targets by direct binding. Many of the characterized sRNAs are expressed in response to specific environmental cues and are ideal candidates to confer post-transcriptional regulation under different growth conditions. This study demonstrates that a small RNA termed ArsZ (Acid Responsive sRNA Z) and its target HP1432 constitute yet another level of urease regulation. In-vitro and in-vivo experiments show that ArsZ interacts with the ribosome binding site (RBS) of HP1432 mRNA, effectively repressing translation of HP1432. During acid adaptation, the acid-responsive ArsRS two-component system represses expression of ArsZ. ArsRS and ArsZ work in tandem to regulate expression of HP1432 via a coherent feedforward loop (FFL). ArsZ acts as a delay mechanism in this feedforward loop to ensure that HP1432 protein levels do not abruptly change upon transient pH drops encountered by the bacteria. ArsZ "fine-tunes" the dynamics of urease activity after pH shift presumably by altering nickel availability through post transcriptional control of HP1432 expression. Interestingly, after adaptation to acid stress, ArsZ indirectly activates the transcription of HP1432 and forms an incoherent FFL with ArsRS to regulate HP1432. This study identified a non-standard FFL in which ArsZ can participate directly or indirectly in two different network configurations depending on the state of acid stress adaptation. The importance of ArsZ in the acid response of H. pylori is further supported by bioinformatics analysis showing that the evolution of ArsZ is closely related to the emergence of modern H. pylori strains that globally infect humans. No homologs of arsZ were found in the non-pylori species of Helicobacter. Moreover, this study also demonstrates that the physiological role of a sRNA can be elucidated without the artificial overexpression of the respective sRNA, a method commonly used to characterize sRNAs. Coupled with time-course experiments, this approach allows the kinetics of ArsZ regulation to be studied under more native conditions. ArsZ is the first example of a trans-acting sRNA that regulates a nickel storage protein to modulate apo-urease maturation. These findings may have important implications in understanding the details of urease activation and hence the colonization capability of H. pylori, the only bacterial class I carcinogen to date (WHO, 1994).}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mao2018, author = {Mao, Lujia}, title = {Transition Metal-Catalyzed Construction of Benzyl/Allyl sp\(^3\) and Vinyl/Allenyl sp\(^2\) C-B Bonds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154022}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Organoboron compounds, such as benzyl-, allyl-, allenyl-, vinyl-, and 2-boryl allyl-boronates, have been synthesized via metal-catalyzed borylations of sp3 C-O and C-H bonds. Thus, Cu-catalyzed borylations of alcohols and their derivatives provide benzyl-, allyl-, allenyl-, vinyl-, and 2-boryl allyl-boronates via nucleophilic substitution. The employment of Ti(OiPr)4 turns the OH moiety into a good leaving group ('OTi'). The products of Pd-catalyzed oxidative borylations of allylic C-H bonds of alkenes were isolated and purified, and their application in the one-pot synthesis of stereodefined homoallyl alcohols was also investigated. Chapter 2 presents a copper-catalyzed synthesis of benzyl-, allyl-, and allenyl-boronates from benzylic, allylic, and propargylic alcohols, respectively, employing a commercially available catalyst precursor, [Cu(CH3CN)4]2+[BF4-]2, and Xantphos as the ligand. The borylation of benzylic alcohols was carried out at 100 oC with 5-10 mol \% [Cu(CH3CN)4]2+[BF4-]2, which afforded benzylic boronates in 32\%-95\% yields. With 10 mol \% [Cu(CH3CN)4]2+[BF4-]2, allylic boronates were provided in 53\%-89\% yields from the borylation of allylic alcohols at 60 or 100 oC. Secondary allylboronates were prepared in 72\%-84\% yields from the borylation of primary allylic alcohols, which also suggests that a nucleophilic substitution pathway is involved in this reaction. Allenylboronates were also synthesized in 72\%-89\% yields from the borylation of propargylic alcohols at 40 or 60 oC. This methodology can be extended to borylation of benzylic and allylic acetates. This protocol exhibits broad reaction scope (40 examples) and high efficiency (up to 95\% yield) under mild conditions, including the preparation of secondary allylic boronates. Preliminary mechanistic studies suggest that nucleophilic substitution is involved in this reaction. Chapter 3 reports an efficient methodology for the synthesis of vinyl-, allyl-, and (E)-2-boryl allylboronates from propargylic alcohols via copper-catalyzed borylation reactions under mild conditions. In the presence of a commercially available catalyst precursor (Cu(OAc)2 or Cu(acac)2) and ligand (Xantphos), the reaction affords the desired products in up to 92\% yield with a broad substrate scope (43 examples). Vinylboronates were synthesized in 50\%-83\% yields via Cu-catalyzed hydroboration of mono-substituted propargylic alcohols. With 1,1-disubstituted propargylic alcohols as the starting materials and Cu(OAc)2 as the catalyst precursor, a variety of allylboronates were synthesized in 44\%-83\% yields. The (E)-2-boryl allylboronates were synthesized in 54\%-92\% yields via the Cu-catalyzed diboration of propargylic alcohols. The stereoselectivity is different from the Pd(dba)2-catalyzed diboration of allenes that provided (Z)-2-boryl allylboronates predominantly. The isolation of an allenyl boronate as the reaction intermediate suggests that an SN2'-type reaction, followed by borylcupration, is involved in the mechanism of the diboration of propargylic alcohols. In chapter 4, a Pd-catalyzed allylic C-H borylation of alkenes is reported. The transformation exhibits high regioselectivity with a variety of linear alkenes, employing a Pd-pincer complex as the catalyst precursor, and the allylic boronate products were isolated and purified. This protocol can also be extended to one-pot carbonyl allylation reactions to provide homoallyl alcohols efficiently. An interesting mechanistic feature is that the reaction proceeds via a Pd(II)/Pd(IV) catalytic cycle. Formation of the Pd(IV) intermediate occurs by a unique combination of an NCNpincer complex and application of F-TEDA-BF4 as the oxidant. An important novelty of the present C-H borylation reaction is that all allyl-Bpin products can be isolated with usually high yields. This is probably a consequence of the application of the NCN-pincer complex as catalyst, which selectively catalyzes C-B bond formation avoiding subsequent C-B bond cleavage based side-reactions}, subject = {{\"U}bergangsmetall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koellner2018, author = {K{\"o}llner, Sebastian}, title = {Essays on trade, inequality, and redistribution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152471}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {203}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf den Arbeitsmarkt sowie der Analyse der Determinanten staatlicher Umverteilung. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die empirische Auseinandersetzung mit diesen beiden Aspekten. Die in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu beobachtende {\"O}ffnung der M{\"a}rkte und die damit einhergehende steigende internationale Verflechtung wird in der Literatur neben dem technischen Fortschritt als Haupttreiber der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gesehen. In letzter Zeit jedoch ist die Globalisierung zunehmend in den Ruf geraten, verst{\"a}rkt negative Konsequenzen mit sich zu bringen, z.B. in Form h{\"o}herer Ungleichheit bzw. einer h{\"o}heren Volatilit{\"a}t der Besch{\"a}ftigung. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht den Einfluss der zunehmenden Importpenetration (in Form steigender importierter Vorprodukte) auf die Besch{\"a}ftigung im verarbeitenden Gewerbe in 12 OECD-Staaten. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen insgesamt leicht positiven Besch{\"a}ftigungseffekt der zunehmenden internationalen Verflechtung, wobei auf eine Vielzahl an zus{\"a}tzlichen Einflusskan{\"a}len, verschiedene Modellspezifikationen sowie unterschiedliche Maße der Importpenetration kontrolliert wird. In Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Ursprungsland der importierten Vorprodukte differieren die Arbeitsmarkteffekte jedoch deutlich. W{\"a}hrend Importe aus den alten EU-Mitgliedsstaaten komplement{\"a}r zur Industriebesch{\"a}ftigung in den beobachteten OECD-L{\"a}ndern wirken, kann eine substitutive Beziehung f{\"u}r importierte Vorprodukte aus China und den neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten beobachtet werden. Die Resultate unterscheiden sich f{\"u}r die einzelnen Volkswirtschaften zum Teil sp{\"u}rbar. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird deutlich, dass die hierarchische Struktur der Daten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt, w{\"a}hrend die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Endogenit{\"a}tsproblemen die Ergebnisse unber{\"u}hrt l{\"a}sst. Die ambivalenten Folgen der Globalisierung auf die Besch{\"a}ftigung verst{\"a}rken die Nachfrage nach dem Sozialstaat. Das folgende Kapitel analysiert daher die Bestimmungsgr{\"u}nde staatlicher Umverteilung f{\"u}r ein breites L{\"a}ndersample. Dabei geht es um die Frage, an welchen Faktoren sich staatliche Entscheidungstr{\"a}ger orientieren, wenn sie umverteilende Maßnahmen durchf{\"u}hren. Die Meltzer-Richard-Hypothese kann empirisch best{\"a}tigt werden, wobei der Einfluss abh{\"a}ngig vom Entwicklungsstand der L{\"a}nder ist. In reichen Nationen mit ausgepr{\"a}gten politischen Rechten ist der Zusammenhang zwischen Ungleichheit und Umverteilung sehr robust, wohingegen dies f{\"u}r {\"a}rmere L{\"a}nder mit weniger entwickelten politischen Rechten in weitaus geringerem Maße gilt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist auch die Form der Einkommensverteilung entscheidend f{\"u}r die H{\"o}he der staatlichen Umverteilung. W{\"a}hrend die Mittelschicht ein Mehr an Umverteilungsmaßnahmen bef{\"u}rwortet, {\"u}ben Top-Einkommensbezieher ebenfalls einen signifikanten, jedoch negativen Einfluss auf die H{\"o}he der staatlichen Umverteilung aus. Niedrigeinkommensbezieher als eigentliche Hauptprofiteure von Umverteilungsmaßnahmen spielen hingegen keine zentrale Rolle im Entscheidungskalk{\"u}l der Politiker. Die Ergebnisse weisen zudem darauf hin, dass die H{\"o}he der gef{\"u}hlten Ungleichheit der Individuen f{\"u}r die Nachfrage nach Umverteilung wichtiger ist als die tats{\"a}chliche H{\"o}he der Ungleichheit. Im n{\"a}chsten Kapitel wird der im vorangegangenen Kapitel aufgestellte Untersuchungsrahmen um kulturelle Aspekte erweitert. Hintergrund ist der in den letzten Jahren zu beobachtende Anstieg von Migrationsstr{\"o}men und dessen m{\"o}gliche Auswirkungen auf die Sozialstaaten in den Aufnahmel{\"a}ndern. Dieses Kapitel analysiert die Auswirkungen von Kultur und ethnischer, religi{\"o}ser sowie kultureller Diversit{\"a}t auf die H{\"o}he der staatlichen Umverteilung f{\"u}r ein breites L{\"a}ndersample. Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r die Messung von Kultur sind die Kulturdimensionen nach Hofstede, die um zus{\"a}tzliche kulturelle Indikatoren sowie verschiedene Maße von Diversit{\"a}t erweitert werden. Um kulturelle Charakteristika von institutionellen Gegebenheiten zu trennen, werden sowohl regionale als auch externe Instrumente verwendet. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen ambivalenten Einfluss von Kultur auf die H{\"o}he staatlicher Umverteilung. W{\"a}hrend in L{\"a}ndern mit einem hohen Maß an Individualismus und gegenseitigem Vertrauen sowie geringen famili{\"a}ren Bindungen mehr umverteilt wird, kann das Gegenteil f{\"u}r L{\"a}nder mit hoher Machtdistanz und der Vorstellung, dass pers{\"o}nlicher Erfolg das Ergebnis harter Arbeit ist, beobachtet werden. Die empirischen Befunde weisen zudem auf einen negativen, jedoch nicht-linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Umverteilung und Diversit{\"a}t.}, subject = {Globalisierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Monjezi2018, author = {Monjezi, Razieh}, title = {Engineering of chimeric antigen receptor T cells with enhanced therapeutic index in cancer immunotherapy using non-viral gene transfer and genome editing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152521}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The advances in genetic engineering have enabled us to confer T cells new desired functions or delete their specific undesired endogenous properties for improving their antitumor function. Due to their efficient gene delivery, viral vectors have been successfully used in T-cell engineering to provide gene transfer medicinal products for the treatment of human disease. One example is adoptive cell therapy with T cells that were genetically modified with gamma-retroviral and lentiviral (LV) delivery vectors to express a CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) for cancer treatment. This therapeutic approach has shown remarkable results against B-cell malignancies in pilot clinical trials. Consequently, there is a strong desire to make CAR T cell therapy scalable and globally available to patients. However, there are persistent concerns and limitations with the use of viral vectors for CAR T cell generation with regard to safety, cost and scale of vector production. In order to address these concerns, we aimed to improve non-viral gene transfer and genome editing tools as an effective, safe and broadly applicable alternative to viral delivery methods for T-cell engineering. In the first part of the study, we engineered CAR T cells through non-viral Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposition of CAR genes from minimalistic DNA vectors called minicircles rather than conventional SB plasmids. This novel approach dramatically increased stable gene transfer rate and cell viability and resulted in higher yield of CAR+ T cells without the need of long ex vivo expansion to generate therapeutic doses of CAR+ T cells. Importantly, CD19-CAR T cells modified by MC-based SB transposition were equally effective as LV transduced CD19-CAR T cells in vitro and in a murine xenograft model (NSG/Raji-ffLuc), where a single administration of CD8+ and CD4+ CAR T cells led to complete eradication of lymphoma and memory formation of CAR T cells after lymphoma clearance. To characterize the biosafety profile of the CAR T cell products, we did the most comprehensive genomic insertion site analysis performed so far in T cells modified with SB. The data showed a close-to-random integration profile of the SB transposon with a higher number of insertions in genomic safe harbors compared to LV integrants. We developed a droplet digital PCR assay that enables rapid determination of CAR copy numbers for clinical applications. In the second part of the study, we ablated expression of PD-1, a checkpoint and negative regulator of T cell function to improve the therapeutic index of CAR T cells. This was accomplished using non-viral CRISPR/Cas9 via pre-assemble Cas9 protein and in vitro-transcribed sgRNA (Cas9 RNP). Finally, we combined our developed Cas9 RNP tool with CAR transposition from MC vectors into a single-step protocol and successfully generated PD-1 knockout CAR+ T cells. Based on the promising results achieved from antibody-mediated PD-1 blockade in the treatment of hematological and solid tumors, we are confident that PD-1 knockout CAR T cells enhance the potency of CAR T cell therapies for treatment of cancers without the side effects of antibody-based therapies. In conclusion, we provide a novel platform for virus-free genetic engineering of CAR T cells that can be broadly applied in T-cell cancer therapy. The high level of gene transfer rate and efficient genome editing, superior safety profile as well as ease-of-handling and production of non-viral MC vectors and Cas9 RNP position our developed non-viral strategies to become preferred approaches in advanced cellular and gene-therapy.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jones2018, author = {Jones, Gabriel}, title = {Bioinspired FGF-2 delivery for pharmaceutical application}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153179}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In resent years the rate of biologics (proteins, cytokines and growth-factors) as newly registered drugs has steadily risen. The greatest challenge for pharmaceutical biologics poses its arrival at the desired target location due to e.g. proteolytic and pH dependent degradation, plasma protein binding, insolubility etc. Therefore, advanced drug delivery systems, where biologics are site directed immobilized to carriers mimicking endogenous storage sites such as the extra cellular matrix can enormously assist the application and consequently the release of exogenous administered pharmaceutical biologics. We have resorted to the fibroblast growth factor 2/ heparansulfate/ fibroblast growth factor bindingprotein 1 system as a model. Phase I deals with the selection and subcloning of a wild type murine FGF-2 construct into the bacterial pHis-Trx vector system for high yields of expression and fast, feasible purification measurements. This first step enables the provision of mFGF-2, which plays a pivotal part as a growth factor in the wound healing process as well as the vascularization of tumors, for future investigations. Therefore, the correct expression of mFGF-2 was monitored via MALDI-MS and SDS-PAGE, whereas the proper folding of the tertiary beta-trefoil structure was assessed by fluorescence spectroscopy. The MTT assay allowed us to ensure that the bioactivity was comparable to sourced FGF-2. In the last step, the purity; a requirement for future binding- and protein-protein interaction assays was monitored chromatographically (RP-HPLC). In addition, a formulation for freeze-drying was developed to ensure protein stability and integrity over a period of 60 days. Altogether, the bacterial expression and purification proved to be suitable, leading to bioactive and stable production of mFGF-2. In Phase II the expression, purification and characterization of FGFBP1, as the other key partner in the FGF-2/ HS/ FGFBP1 system is detailed. As FGFBP1 exhibits a complex tertiary structure, comprised of five highly conserved disulfide bonds and presumably multiple glycosylation sites, a eukaryotic expression was used. Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293F) as suspension cells were transiently transfected with DNA-PEI complexes, leading to expression of Fc-tagged murine FGFBP1. Different PEI to DNA ratios and expression durations were investigated for optimal expression yields, which were confirmed by western blot analysis and SDS-PAGE. LC-MS/MS analysis of trypsin and elastase digested FGFBP1 gave first insights of the three O-glycosylation sites. Furthermore, the binding protein was modified by inserting a His6-tag between the Fc-tag (for purification) and the binding protein itself to enable later complexation with radioactive 99mTc as radio ligand to track bio distribution of administered FGFBP1 in mice. Overall, expression, purification and characterization of mFGFBP1 variants were successful with a minor draw back of instability of the tag free binding protein. Combining the insights and results of expressed FGF-2 as well as FGFBP1 directed us to the investigation of the interaction of each partner in the FGF-2/ HS/ FGFBP1 system as Phase III. Thermodynamic behavior of FGF-2 and low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin), as a surrogate for HS, under physiological conditions (pH 7.4) and pathophysiological conditions, similar to hypoxic, tumorous conditions (acidic pH) were monitored by means of isothermal titration calorimetry. Buffer types, as well as the pH influences binding parameters such as stoichiometry (n), enthalpy (ΔH) and to some extent the dissociation constant (KD). These findings paved the way for kinetic binding investigations, which were performed by surface plasmon resonance assays. For the first time the KD of full length FGFBP1 and FGF-2 was measured. Furthermore the binding behavior of FGF-2 to FGFBP1 in the presence of various heparin concentrations suggest a kinetic driven release of bound FGF-2 by its chaperone FGFBP1. Having gathered multiple data on the FGF-2 /HS /FGFBP1 system mainly in solution, our next step in Phase IV was the development of a test system for immobilized proteins. With the necessity to better understand and monitor the cellular effects of immobilized growth factors, we decorated glass slides in a site-specific manner with an RGD-peptide for adhesion of cells and via the copper(I)-catalyzed-azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) a fluorescent dye (a precursor for modified proteins for click chemistry). Human osteosarcoma cells were able to grow an the slides and the fluorescence dye was immobilized in a biocompatible way allowing future thorough bioactivity assay such as MTT-assays and phospho-ERK-assays of immobilized growth factors.}, subject = {Fibroblastenwachstumsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{PonceGarcia2018, author = {Ponce Garcia, Irene Paola}, title = {Strategies for optimizing dynamic MRI}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162622}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), acquisition of dynamic data may be highly complex due to rapid changes occurred in the object to be imaged. For clinical diagnostic, dynamic MR images require both high spatial and temporal resolution. The speed in the acquisition is a crucial factor to capture optimally dynamics of the objects to obtain accurate diagnosis. In the 90's, partially parallel MRI (pMRI) has been introduced to shorten scan times reducing the amount of acquired data. These approaches use multi-receiver coil arrays to acquire independently and simultaneously the data. Reduction in the amount of acquired data results in images with aliasing artifacts. Dedicated methods as such Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE) and Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA) were the basis of a series of algorithms in pMRI. Nevertheless, pMRI methods require extra spatial or temporal information in order to optimally reconstruct the data. This information is typically obtained by an extra scan or embedded in the accelerated acquisition applying a variable density acquisition scheme. In this work, we were able to reduce or totally eliminate the acquisition of the training data for kt-SENSE and kt-PCA algorithms obtaining accurate reconstructions with high temporal fidelity. For dynamic data acquired in an interleaved fashion, the temporal average of accelerated data can generate an artifact-free image used to estimate the coil sensitivity maps avoiding the need of extra acquisitions. However, this temporal average contains errors from aliased components, which may lead to signal nulls along the spectra of reconstructions when methods like kt-SENSE are applied. The use of a GRAPPA filter applied to the temporal average reduces these errors and subsequently may reduce the null components in the reconstructed data. In this thesis the effect of using temporal averages from radial data was investigated. Non-periodic artifacts performed by undersampling radial data allow a more accurate estimation of the true temporal average and thereby avoiding undesirable temporal filtering in the reconstructed images. kt-SENSE exploits not only spatial coil sensitivity variations but also makes use of spatio-temporal correlations in order to separate the aliased signals. Spatio-temporal correlations in kt-SENSE are learnt using a training data set, which consists of several central k-space lines acquired in a separate scan. The scan of these extra lines results in longer acquisition times even for low resolution images. It was demonstrate that limited spatial resolution of training data set may lead to temporal filtering effects (or temporal blurring) in the reconstructed data. In this thesis, the auto-calibration for kt-SENSE was proposed and its feasibility was tested in order to completely eliminate the acquisition of training data. The application of a prior TSENSE reconstruction produces the training data set for the kt-SENSE algorithm. These training data have full spatial resolution. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the proposed auto-calibrating method reduces significantly temporal filtering in the reconstructed images compared to conventional kt-SENSE reconstructions employing low resolution training images. However, the performance of auto-calibrating kt-SENSE is affected by the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the first pass reconstructions that propagates to the final reconstructions. Another dedicated method used in dynamic MRI applications is kt-PCA, that was first proposed for the reconstruction of MR cardiac data. In this thesis, kt-PCA was employed for the generation of spatially resolved M0, T1 and T2 maps from a single accelerated IRTrueFISP or IR-Snapshot FLASH measurement. In contrast to cardiac dynamic data, MR relaxometry experiments exhibit signal at all temporal frequencies, which makes their reconstruction more challenging. However, since relaxometry measurements can be represented by only few parameters, the use of few principal components (PC) in the kt-PCA algorithm can significantly simplify the reconstruction. Furthermore, it was found that due to high redundancy in relaxometry data, PCA can efficiently extract the required information from just a single line of training data. It has been demonstrated in this thesis that auto-calibrating kt-SENSE is able to obtain high temporal fidelity dynamic cardiac reconstructions from moderate accelerated data avoiding the extra acquisition of training data. Additionally, kt-PCA has been proved to be a suitable method for the reconstruction of highly accelerated MR relaxometry data. Furthermore, a single central training line is necessary to obtain accurate reconstructions. Both reconstruction methods are promising for the optimization of training data acquisition and seem to be feasible for several clinical applications.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hochleitner2018, author = {Hochleitner, Gernot}, title = {Advancing melt electrospinning writing for fabrication of biomimetic structures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162197}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In order to mimic the extracellular matrix for tissue engineering, recent research approaches often involve 3D printing or electrospinning of fibres to scaffolds as cell carrier material. Within this thesis, a micron fibre printing process, called melt electrospinning writing (MEW), combining both additive manufacturing and electrospinning, has been investigated and improved. Thus, a unique device was developed for accurate process control and manufacturing of high quality constructs. Thereby, different studies could be conducted in order to understand the electrohydrodynamic printing behaviour of different medically relevant thermoplastics as well as to characterise the influence of MEW on the resulting scaffold performance. For reproducible scaffold printing, a commonly occurring processing instability was investigated and defined as pulsing, or in extreme cases as long beading. Here, processing analysis could be performed with the aim to overcome those instabilities and prevent the resulting manufacturing issues. Two different biocompatible polymers were utilised for this study: poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) as the only material available for MEW until then and poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) for the first time. A hypothesis including the dependency of pulsing regarding involved mass flows regulated by the feeding pressure and the electrical field strength could be presented. Further, a guide via fibre diameter quantification was established to assess and accomplish high quality printing of scaffolds for subsequent research tasks. By following a combined approach including small sized spinnerets, small flow rates and high field strengths, PCL fibres with submicron-sized fibre diameters (f{\O} = 817 ± 165 nm) were deposited to defined scaffolds. The resulting material characteristics could be investigated regarding molecular orientation and morphological aspects. Thereby, an alignment and isotropic crystallinity was observed that can be attributed to the distinct acceleration of the solidifying jet in the electrical field and by the collector uptake. Resulting submicron fibres formed accurate but mechanically sensitive structures requiring further preparation for a suitable use in cell biology. To overcome this handling issue, a coating procedure, by using hydrophilic and cross-linkable star-shaped molecules for preparing fibre adhesive but cell repellent collector surfaces, was used. Printing PCL fibre patterns below the critical translation speed (CTS) revealed the opportunity to manufacture sinusoidal shaped fibres analogously to those observed using purely viscous fluids falling on a moving belt. No significant influence of the high voltage field during MEW processing could be observed on the buckling phenomenon. A study on the sinusoidal geometry revealed increasing peak-to-peak values and decreasing wavelengths as a function of decreasing collector speeds sc between CTS > sc ≥ 2/3 CTS independent of feeding pressures. Resulting scaffolds printed at 100 \%, 90 \%, 80 \% and 70 \% of CTS exhibited significantly different tensile properties, foremost regarding Young's moduli (E = 42 ± 7 MPa to 173 ± 22 MPa at 1 - 3 \% strain). As known from literature, a changed morphology and mechanical environment can impact cell performance substantially leading to a new opportunity of tailoring TE scaffolds. Further, poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone-co-acryloyl carbonate) as well as poly(ε-caprolactone-co-acryloyl carbonate) (PCLAC) copolymers could be used for MEW printing. Those exhibit the opportunity for UV-initiated radical cross-linking in a post-processing step leading to significantly increased mechanical characteristics. Here, single fibres of the polymer composed of 90 mol.\% CL and 10 mol.\% AC showed a considerable maximum tensile strength of σmax = 53 ± 16 MPa. Furthermore, sinusoidal meanders made of PCLAC yielded a specific tensile stress-strain characteristic mimicking the qualitative behaviour of tendons or ligaments. Cell viability by L929 murine fibroblasts and live/dead staining with human mesenchymal stem cells revealed a promising biomaterial behaviour pointing out MEW printed PCLAC scaffolds as promising choice for medical repair of load-bearing soft tissue. Indeed, one apparent drawback, the small throughput similar to other AM methods, may still prevent MEW's industrial application yet. However, ongoing research focusses on enlargement of manufacturing speed with the clear perspective of relevant improvement. Thereby, the utilisation of large spinneret sizes may enable printing of high volume rates, while downsizing the resulting fibre diameter via electrical field and mechanical stretching by the collector uptake. Using this approach, limitations of FDM by small nozzle sizes could be overcome. Thinking visionary, such printing devices could be placed in hospitals for patient-specific printing-on-demand therapies one day. Taking the evolved high deposition precision combined with the unique small fibre diameter sizes into account, technical processing of high performance membranes, filters or functional surface finishes also stands to reason.}, subject = {scaffold}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halboth2018, author = {Halboth, Florian}, title = {Building behavior and nest climate control in leaf-cutting ants: How environmental cues affect the building responses of workers of \(Atta\) \(vollenweideri\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161701}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The present work investigates the influence of environmental stimuli on the building behavior of workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. It focuses on cues related to the airflow-driven ventilation of their giant underground nests, i.e., air movements and their direction, carbon dioxide concentrations and humidity levels of the nest air. First, it is shown that workers are able to use airflow and its direction as learned orientation cue by performing learning experiments with individual foragers using a classical conditioning paradigm. This ability is expected to allow workers to also navigate inside the nest tunnels using the prevailing airflow directions for orientation, for example during tasks related to nest construction and climate control. Furthermore, the influence of carbon dioxide on the digging behavior of workers is investigated. While elevated CO2 levels hardly affect the digging rate of the ants, workers prefer to excavate at locations with lower concentrations and avoid higher CO2 levels when given a choice. Under natural conditions, shifting their digging activity to soil layers containing lower carbon dioxide levels might help colonies to excavate new or to broaden existing nest openings, if the CO2 concentration in the underground rises. It is also shown that workers preferably transport excavated soil along tunnels containing high CO2 concentrations, when carbon dioxide levels in the underground are elevated as well. In addition, workers prefer to carry soil pellets along outflow tunnels instead of inflow tunnels, at least for high humidity levels of the air. The material transported along tunnels providing outflow of CO2-rich air might be used by workers for the construction of ventilation turrets on top of the nest mound, which is expected to promote the wind-induced ventilation and the removal of carbon dioxide from the underground. The climatic conditions inside the nest tunnels also influence the structural features of the turrets constructed by workers on top the nest. While airflow and humidity have no effect on turret structure, outflow of CO2-rich air from the nest causes workers to construct turrets with additional openings and increased aperture, potentially enhancing the airflow-driven gas exchanges within the nest. Finally, the effect of airflow and ventilation turrets on the gas exchanges in Atta vollenweideri nests is tested experimentally on a physical model of a small nest consisting of a single chamber and two nest tunnels. The carbon dioxide clearance rate from the underground was measured depending on both the presence of airflow in the nest and the structural features of the built turrets. Carbon dioxide is removed faster from the physical nest model when air moves through the nest, confirming the contribution of wind-induced flow inside the nest tunnels to the ventilation of Atta vollenweideri nests. In addition, turrets placed on top of one of the tunnel openings of the nest further enhance the CO2 clearance rate and the effect is positively correlated with turret aperture. Taken together, climatic variables like airflow, carbon dioxide and humidity levels strongly affect the building responses of Atta vollenweideri leaf-cutting ants. Workers use these environmental stimuli as orientation cue in the nest during tasks related to excavation, soil transport and turret construction. Although the effects of these building responses on the microclimatic conditions inside the nest remain elusive so far, the described behaviors are expected to allow ant colonies to restore and maintain a proper nest climate in the underground.}, subject = {Verhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wannagat2018, author = {Wannagat, Wienke Charlotte}, title = {Cognitive Processes of Discourse Comprehension in Children and Adults - Comparisons between Written, Auditory, and Audiovisual Modes of Presentation -}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162515}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In drei Studien wurde untersucht, wie sich unterschiedliche Darbietungsformate (schriftlich, auditiv, audiovisuell (auditiv + Bilder) auf das Verst{\"a}ndnis semantisch identischer Inhalte auswirken. Dabei interessierte insbesondere der Entwicklungsverlauf von der ersten Klasse bis zum Erwachsenenalter. Dass sich Bilder f{\"o}rderlich auf die Verst{\"a}ndnisleistung auswirken k{\"o}nnen, gilt als gut untersucht (z.B. Carney \& Levin, 2002). Anders als viele bisherige Studien erfassen wir Textverstehen mit impliziten Maßen, die differenziertere R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die, g{\"a}ngigen Theorien zufolge, zugrundeliegenden Prozesse zulassen: Textverstehen geht mit der Konstruktion von drei Ebenen mentaler Repr{\"a}sentationen einher (vgl. Kintsch, 1998). Weiterhin bedeutet erfolgreiches Textverstehen, eine auf lokaler und globaler Ebene koh{\"a}rente mentale Repr{\"a}sentation zu konstruieren (z.B. Schnotz \& Dutke, 2004). Mit einem Satz-Rekognitionstest (vgl. Schmalhofer \& Glavanov, 1986) untersuchten wir, ob sich das Ged{\"a}chtnis f{\"u}r die Textoberfl{\"a}che, die Textbasis und das Situationsmodell bei 103 8- und 10-J{\"a}hrigen zwischen schriftlicher, auditiver und audiovisueller (Studie 1) und bei 106 7-, 9- und 11-J{\"a}hrigen zwischen auditiver und audiovisueller Darbietung narrativer Texte (Studie 2) unterscheidet. Weiterhin (Studie 3) untersuchten wir mit 155 9- und 11-J{\"a}hrigen, inwieweit sich die F{\"a}higkeit der Inferenzbildung zur Herstellung lokaler und globaler Koh{\"a}renz zwischen schriftlicher, auditiver und audiovisueller Darbietung unterscheidet. Als Indikator dienten die Reaktionszeiten auf W{\"o}rter, die mit einem {\"u}ber (global)- oder untergeordneten (lokal) Protagonistenziel assoziiert sind. Insgesamt zeigte sich, dass Sch{\"u}ler bis zu einem Alter von 11 Jahren nicht nur die Textoberfl{\"a}che besser erinnern, sondern auch besser in der Lage sind ein Situationsmodell zu konstruieren, wenn einem Text Bilder beigef{\"u}gt sind. Dies zeigte sich sowohl im Vergleich mit auditiver als auch mit schriftlicher Darbietung. Bei Erwachsenen zeigte sich kein Effekt der Darbietungsform. Sowohl 9- als auch 11-J{\"a}hrigen gelingt außerdem die Herstellung globaler Koh{\"a}renz bei audiovisueller Darbietung besser als bei auditiver. Die schriftliche Darbietung zeigte sich im Vergleich zur auditiven sowohl im Hinblick auf lokale als auch auf globale Koh{\"a}renz {\"u}berlegen.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albert2018, author = {Albert, Julian}, title = {Quantum Studies on Low-Dimensional Coupled Electron-Nuclear Dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161512}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the context of quantum mechanical calculations, the properties of non-adiabatic coupling in a small system, the Shin-Metiu model, is investigated. The transition from adiabatic to non-adiabatic dynamics is elucidated in modifying the electron-nuclear interaction. This allows the comparison of weakly correlated electron-nuclear motion with the case where the strong correlations determine the dynamics. The studies of the model are extended to include spectroscopical transitions being present in two-dimensional and degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy. Furthermore, the quantum and classical time-evolution of the coupled motion in the complete electron-nuclear phase space is compared for the two coupling cases. Additionally, the numerically exact electron flux within the weak coupling case is compared to the Born-Oppenheimer treatment. In the last part of the thesis, the model is extended to two dimensions. The system then possesses potential energy surfaces which exhibit a typical 'Mexican hat'-like structure and a conical intersection in the adiabatic representation. Thus, it is possible to map properties of the system onto a vibronic coupling (Jahn-Teller) hamiltonian. Exact wave-packet propagations as well as nuclear wave-packet dynamics in the adiabatic and diabatic representation are performed.}, subject = {Theoretische Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchenkneeWolf2018, author = {Schenk [n{\´e}e Wolf], Mariela}, title = {Timing of wild bee emergence: mechanisms and fitness consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Solitary bees in seasonal environments have to align their life-cycles with favorable environmental conditions and resources. Therefore, a proper timing of their seasonal activity is highly fitness relevant. Most species in temperate environments use temperature as a trigger for the timing of their seasonal activity. Hence, global warming can disrupt mutualistic interactions between solitary bees and plants if increasing temperatures differently change the timing of interaction partners. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate the mechanisms of timing in spring-emerging solitary bees as well as the resulting fitness consequences if temporal mismatches with their host plants should occur. In my experiments, I focused on spring-emerging solitary bees of the genus Osmia and thereby mainly on O. cornuta and O. bicornis (in one study which is presented in Chapter IV, I additionally investigated a third species: O. brevicornis). Chapter II presents a study in which I investigated different triggers solitary bees are using to time their emergence in spring. In a climate chamber experiment I investigated the relationship between overwintering temperature, body size, body weight and emergence date. In addition, I developed a simple mechanistic model that allowed me to unite my different observations in a consistent framework. In combination with the empirical data, the model strongly suggests that solitary bees follow a strategic approach and emerge at a date that is most profitable for their individual fitness expectations. I have shown that this date is on the one hand temperature dependent as warmer overwintering temperatures increase the weight loss of bees during hibernation, which then advances their optimal emergence date to an earlier time point (due to an earlier benefit from the emergence event). On the other hand I have also shown that the optimal emergence date depends on the individual body size (or body weight) as bees adjust their emergence date accordingly. My data show that it is not enough to solely investigate temperature effects on the timing of bee emergence, but that we should also consider individual body conditions of solitary bees to understand the timing of bee emergence. In Chapter III, I present a study in which I investigated how exactly temperature determines the emergence date of solitary bees. Therefore, I tested several variants degree-day models to relate temperature time series to emergence data. The basic functioning of such degree-day models is that bees are said to finally emerge when a critical amount of degree-days is accumulated. I showed that bees accumulate degree-days only above a critical temperature value (~4°C in O. cornuta and ~7°C in O. bicornis) and only after the exceedance of a critical calendar date (~10th of March in O. cornuta and ~28th of March in O. bicornis). Such a critical calendar date, before which degree-days are not accumulated irrespective of the actual temperature, is in general less commonly used and, so far, it has only been included twice in a phenology model predicting bee emergence. Furthermore, I used this model to retrospectively predict the emergence dates of bees by applying the model to long-term temperature data which have been recorded by the regional climate station in W{\"u}rzburg. By doing so, the model estimated that over the last 63 years, bees emerged approximately 4 days earlier. In Chapter IV, I present a study in which I investigated how temporal mismatches in bee-plant interactions affect the fitness of solitary bees. Therefore, I performed an experiment with large flight cages serving as mesocosms. Inside these mesocosms, I manipulated the supply of blossoms to synchronize or desynchronize bee-plant interactions. In sum, I showed that even short temporal mismatches of three and six days in bee-plant interactions (with solitary bee emergence before flower occurrence) can cause severe fitness losses in solitary bees. Nonetheless, I detected different strategies by solitary bees to counteract impacts on their fitness after temporal mismatches. However, since these strategies may result in secondary fitness costs by a changed sex ratio or increased parasitism, I concluded that compensation strategies do not fully mitigate fitness losses of bees after short temporal mismatches with their food plants. In the event of further climate warming, fitness losses after temporal mismatches may not only exacerbate bee declines but may also reduce pollination services for later-flowering species and affect populations of animal-pollinated plants. In conclusion, I showed that spring-emerging solitary bees are susceptible to climate change as in response to warmer temperatures bees advance their phenology and show a decreased fitness state. As spring-emerging solitary bees not only consider overwintering temperature but also their individual body condition for adjusting emergence dates, this may explain differing responses to climate warming within and among bee populations which may also have consequences for bee-plant interactions and the persistence of bee populations under further climate warming. If in response to climate warming plants do not shift their phenologies according to the bees, bees may experience temporal mismatches with their host plants. As bees failed to show a single compensation strategy that was entirely successful in mitigating fitness consequences after temporal mismatches with their food plants, the resulting fitness consequences for spring-emerging solitary bees would be severe. Furthermore, I showed that spring-emerging solitary bees use a critical calendar date before which they generally do not commence the summation of degree-days irrespective of the actual temperature. I therefore suggest that further studies should also include the parameter of a critical calendar date into degree-day model predictions to increase the accuracy of model predictions for emergence dates in solitary bees. Although our retrospective prediction about the advance in bee emergence corresponds to the results of several studies on phenological trends of different plant species, we suggest that more research has to be done to assess the impacts of climate warming on the synchronization in bee-plant interactions more accurately.}, subject = {wild bees}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knauer2018, author = {Knauer, Kim}, title = {Vegetation Dynamics in West Africa - Spatio-temporal Data Fusion for the Monitoring of Agricultural Expansion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164776}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {West Africa is one of the fastest growing regions in the world with annual population growth rates of more than three percent for several countries. Since the 1950s, West Africa experienced a fivefold increase of inhabitants, from 71 to 353 million people in 2015 and it is expected that the region's population will continue to grow to almost 800 million people by the year 2050. This strong trend has and will have serious consequences for food security since agricultural productivity is still on a comparatively low level in most countries of West Africa. In order to compensate for this low productivity, an expansion of agricultural areas is rapidly progressing. The mapping and monitoring of agricultural areas in West Africa is a difficult task even on the basis of remote sensing. The small scale extensive farming practices with a low level of agricultural inputs and mechanization make the delineation of cultivated land from other land cover and land use (LULC) types highly challenging. In addition, the frequent cloud coverage in the region considerably decreases the availability of earth observation datasets. For the accurate mapping of agricultural area in West Africa, high temporal as well as spatial resolution is necessary to delineate the small-sized fields and to obtain data from periods where different LULC types are distinguishable. However, such consistent time series are currently not available for West Africa. Thus, a spatio-temporal data fusion framework was developed in this thesis for the generation of high spatial and temporal resolution time series. Data fusion algorithms such as the Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (ESTARFM) enjoyed increasing popularity during recent years but they have hardly been used for the application on larger scales. In order to make it applicable for this purpose and to increase the input data availability, especially in cloud-prone areas such as West Africa, the ESTARFM framework was developed in this thesis introducing several enhancements. An automatic filling of cloud gaps was included in the framework in order to use even partly cloud-covered Landsat images for the fusion without producing gaps on the output images. In addition, the ESTARFM algorithm was improved to automatically account for regional differences in the heterogeneity of the study region. Further improvements comprise the automation of the time series generation as well as the significant acceleration of the processing speed through parallelization. The performance of the developed ESTARFM framework was tested by fusing an 8-day NDVI time series from Landsat and MODIS data for a focus area of 98,000 km² in the border region between Burkina Faso and Ghana. The results of this test show the capability of the ESTARFM framework to accurately produce high temporal resolution time series while maintaining the spatial detail, even in such a heterogeneous and cloud-prone region. The successfully tested framework was subsequently applied to generate consistent time series as the basis for the mapping of agricultural area in Burkina Faso for the years 2001, 2007, and 2014. In a first step, high temporal (8-day) and high spatial (30 m) resolution NDVI time series for the entire country and the three years were derived with the ESTARFM framework. More than 500 Landsat scenes and 3000 MODIS scenes were automatically processed for this purpose. From the fused ESTARFM NDVI time series, phenological metrics were extracted and together with the single time steps of NDVI served as input for the delineation of rainfed agricultural areas, irrigated agricultural areas and plantations. The classification was conducted with the random forest algorithm at a 30 m spatial resolution for entire Burkina Faso and the three years 2001, 2007, and 2014. For the training and validation of the classifier, a randomly sampled reference dataset was generated from Google Earth images based on expert knowledge of the region. The overall classification accuracies of 92\% (2001), 91\% (2007), and 91\% (2014) indicate the well-functioning of the developed methodology. The resulting maps show an expansion of agricultural area of 91\% from about 61,000 km² in 2001 to 116,900 km² in 2014. While rainfed agricultural areas account for the major part of this increase, irrigated areas and plantations also spread considerably. Especially the expansion of irrigation systems and plantation area can be explained by the promotion through various national and international development projects. The increase of agricultural areas goes in line with the rapid population growth in most of Burkina Faso's provinces which still had available land resources for an expansion of agricultural area. An analysis of the development of agricultural areas in the vicinity of protected areas highlighted the increased human pressure on these reserves. The protection of the remnant habitats for flora and fauna while at the same time improving food security for a rapidly growing population, are the major challenges for the region in the future. The developed ESTARFM framework showed great potential beyond its utilization for the mapping of agricultural area. Other large-scale research that requires a sufficiently high temporal and spatial resolution such as the monitoring of land degradation or the investigation of land surface phenology could greatly benefit from the application of this framework.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auerhammer2018, author = {Auerhammer, Nina A.}, title = {Energy Transfer and Excitonic Interactions in Conjugated Chromophore Arrangements of Bodipys and Pyrenes and Squaraines}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166721}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this work the energy transfer and excitonic coupling in different chromophore arrangements were investigated. A difference in the coupling strength was introduced by varring the connecting unit and the spacial orientation relative to each other. The synthesis of the 2,7-substituted pyrene compounds could be optimised and good yields of HAB 1 and HAB 2 and small amounts of HAB 2 could be achieved by cobalt-catalysed trimerisation or Diels Alder reaction in the end. Absorption and fluorescence spectra reveal strong intramolecular interactions between the pyrene molecules in the HAB 1. Excitation spectra recorded at the high and low energy fluorescence suggest the contribution of two components to the spectra. One being similar to the ground state aggregate and a second species similar to undisturbed pyrene. All these feature can be accounted to two different fluorescent states which are due to electronical decoupling in the excited state. Due to the strong intramolecular coupling already in the ground state of the molecule, no energy transfer could be studied, as the six pyrene units cannot be seen as separate spectroscopic entities between which energy could be transferred. In the second part of this thesis dye conjugates of different size and alignment were synthesised to study the interaction of the transition-dipole moments. Therefore a systematic investigation of Sonogashira conditions was performed in order to obtain good yields of the desired compounds and keep dehalogenation at a minimum level. Nevertheless only the symmetrical triads could be purified as the asymmeric triads and pentades proved to decompose during purification. The pyrene containing triads Py2B and Py2SQB show small interactions already in the ground state represented by red shifts of the spectra and a broadening of the bands. Nevertheless, these interactions are in the weak coupling regime and energy transfer between the constituents is possible. On the contrary in the TA spectra it is obvious that always the whole triad, at least to some extend is excited. To question if the excitation of the high energy state is deactivated by energy transfer or rather IC in a superchromophore could not be distinguished in the course of this work. At present additional time-dependent calculations of the dynamics are in progress to get a deeper understanding of the photophysical processes taking place in the triads. The dye conjugates B2SQB-3 and (SQB)2B-4 can be assigned to the strong interaction range and hence are describable by exciton theory. The transition-dipole moments proved to be more than additive and increase for both compounds from absorption to fluorescence. This can be explained by an enhancement of the coupling in the relaxed excited state compared to the absorption into the Franck-Condon state due to a more steep potential energy surface in the excited state and hence smaller fluctuations. In the last part of this thesis the influence of disrupting electronical communication by implementing a rigid non-conjugated bridge in a bichromophoric trans-squaraine system was tested. While the flexible linked squaraines show complex spectra due to different conformers the SQA2Anth compound is rigified and no rotation is possible. This change in flexibility is represented in the steady-state spectra where just one main absorption and fluorescence band is present due to a single allowed excitonic state. The system proves to own an excited state that is completely delocalised over the whole molecule.}, subject = {Chromophor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Martin2018, author = {Martin, Corinna}, title = {Oxidized phospholipids and their role in neuronal excitation of primary sensory neurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-160665}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Recently, our research group identified in a study novel proalgesic targets in acute and chronic inflammatory pain: oxidized phospholipids (OxPL). OxPL, endogenous chemical irritants, are generated in inflamed tissue and mediate their pain-inducing function by activating the transient receptor potential channels TRPA1 and TRPV1. Both channels are sensors for chemical stimuli on primary afferent nociceptors and are involved in nociception. Here, with the help of calcium imaging and whole cell patch clamp recording techniques, it was found that OxPL metabolites acutely activate TRPA1 and TRPV1 ion channels to excite DRG neurons. OxPL species act predominantly via TRPA1 ion channels and mediate long- lasting non-selective inward currents. Notably, one pure OxPL compound, PGPC, activated a TRPA1 mutant lacking the binding site for electrophilic agonists, suggesting that OxPL activate TRP ion channels by an indirect mechanical mechanism. Next, it was investigated how OxPL influence the excitability of primary sensory neurons. Acute stimulation and fast calcium imaging revealed that OxPL elicit repetitive, spike-like calcium transients in small- diameter DRG neurons, which were fully blocked by antagonists against TRPA1/V1 and N- type voltage-gated calcium channels. In search of a mechanism that drives repetitive spiking of DRG neurons, it was asked whether NaV1.9, a voltage-gated sodium channel involved in subthreshold excitability and nociception, is needed to trigger OxPL-induced calcium spikes and action potential firing. In electrophysiological recordings, both the combination of local application of OxPL and current injection were required to efficiently increase the action potential (AP) frequency of small-diameter sensory neurons. However, no difference was monitored in the resting membrane potential or OxPL-induced AP firing rate between wt and NaV1.9-deficient small diameter DRG neurons. To see whether NaV1.9 needs inflammatory conditions to be integrated in the OxPL-induced excitation cascade, sensory neurons were pretreated with a mixture of inflammatory mediators before OxPL application. Under inflammatory conditions both the AP and the calcium-spike frequency were drastically enhanced in response to an acute OxPL stimulus. Notably, this potentiation of OxPL stimuli was entirely lost in NaV1.9 deficient sensory neurons. Under inflammatory conditions, the resting membrane potential of NaV1.9-deficient neurons was more negative compared to wt neurons, suggesting that NaV1.9 shows resting activity only under inflammatory conditions. In conclusion, OxPL are endogenous irritants that induce excitability in small-diameter DRG neurons, a cellular model of nociceptors, via TRP activation. This effect is potentiated under inflammatory conditions. Under these conditions, NaV1.9 functions as essential mediator as it eases the initiation of excitability after OxPL stimulation. As mutants in the human NaV1.9 mediate an enhanced or painless perception, this study provides new insight into the mechanism on how NaV1.9 amplifies stimuli of endogenous irritants under inflammatory conditions.}, subject = {Entz{\"u}ndung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hofmann2018, author = {Hofmann, Lukas}, title = {The α-galactosidase A deficient mouse as a model for Fabry disease and the effect of Gb3 depositions on peripheral nociceptive ion channel function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158513}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder with intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) due to α-galactosidase A deficiency. We studied α-galactosidase A knockout mice (GLA KO) as a model for sensory disturbance and pain in FD. Pain associated behavior of young (3 months) and old (≥18 months) GLA KO mice and wildtype (WT) littermates in an inflammatory and a neuropathic pain model was investigated. Furthermore, affective and cognitive behavior was assessed in the na{\"i}ve state and in an inflammatory pain model. Gene and protein expression of pain associated ion channels and Gb3 accumulation in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons was determined. We also performed patch clamp analysis on cultivated DRG neurons and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK) cells expressing voltage-gated-sodium channel 1.7 (Nav1.7) as an in vitro model of FD. Intracellular Gb3 deposits were modulated using shRNA silencing of α-galactosidase A. After intraplantar injection of complete Freund`s adjuvant (CFA) and chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the right sciatic nerve, old GLA KO mice did not develop heat and mechanical hypersensitivity in contrast to young GLA KO and old WT mice. Additionally, we found no relevant differences between genotypes and age-groups in affective and cognitive behavior in the na{\"i}ve state and after CFA injection. Gene and protein expression analysis provided no explanation for the observed sensory impairment. However, cultured DRG neurons of old GLA KO mice revealed a marked decrease of sodium and Ih-currents compared to young GLA KO and old WT mice. DRG neurons of old GLA KO mice displayed substantial intracellular accumulation of Gb3 compared to young GLA KO and old WT mice. Similar to cultured neurons, sodium currents were also decreased in HEK cells treated with shRNA and consecutively increased intracellular Gb3 deposits compared to the control condition, but could be rescued by treatment with agalsidase-alpha. Our study unveils that, similar to patients with FD, GLA KO mice display age-dependent sensory deficits. However, contrary to patients, GLA KO mice are also protected from hypersensitivity induced by inflammation and nerve lesion due to Gb3-dependent and reversible reduction of neuronal sodium- and Ih-currents. Our data provide evidence for direct Gb3-dependent ion channel impairment in sensory DRG neurons as a potential contributor to sensory dysfunction and pain in FD.}, subject = {Fabry-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huegel2018, author = {H{\"u}gel, Markus}, title = {The control of nanomorphology in star-shaped mesogens}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165321}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Stilbene-based star-shaped mesogens have been synthesized with and without fullerene guests. Thermotropic properties and the mechanism of space-filling in the mesophases of these systems have been examined.}, subject = {Fl{\"u}ssigkristall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidenreich2018, author = {Heidenreich, Julius Frederik}, title = {Characterization of the widely used Rac1-inhibitors NSC23766 and EHT1864 in mouse platelets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165453}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Platelet activation and aggregation at sites of vascular injury is critical to prevent excessive blood loss, but may also lead to life-threatening ischemic diseases, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Extracellular agonists induce platelet activation by stimulation of platelet membrane receptors. Signal transduction results in reorganization of the cytoskeleton, shape change, platelet adhesion and aggregation, cumulating in thrombus formation. Several Rho GTPases, including Rac1, Cdc42 and RhoA, are essential mediators of subsequent intracellular transduction of ITAM- and GPCR-signaling. Therefore, inhibition or knockout can result in severely defective platelet signaling. Mice with platelet specific Rac1-deficiency are protected from arterial thrombosis. This benefit highlights further investigation of Rac1-specific functions and its potential as a new pharmacological target for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Two newly developed synthetic compounds, NSC23766 and EHT1864, were proposed to provide highly specific inhibition of Rac1 activity, but both drugs have never been tested in Rac1-deficient cell systems to rule out potential Rac1-independent effects. This study revealed significant off-target effects of NSC23766 and EHT1864 that occurred in a dose-dependent fashion in both wild-type and Rac1-deficient platelets. Both inhibitors individually affected resting platelets after treatment, either by altering membrane protein expression (NSC23766) or by a marked decrease of platelet viability (EHT1864). Platelet apoptosis could be confirmed by enhanced levels of phosphatidylserine exposure and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential. Phosphorylation studies of the major effector proteins of Rac1 revealed that NSC23766 and EHT1864 abolish PAK1/PAK2 activation independently of Rac1 in wild-type and knockout platelets, which may contribute to the observed off-target effects. Additionally, this study demonstrated the involvement of Rac1 in G protein-coupled receptor-mediated platelet activation and GPIb-induced signaling. Furthermore, the data revealed that Rac1 is dispensable in the process of integrin IIb 3-mediated clot retraction. This study unveiled that new pharmacological approaches in antithrombotic therapy with Rac1 as molecular target have to be designed carefully in order to obtain high specificity and minimize potential off-target effects.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steck2018, author = {Steck, Daniel}, title = {Lagrange Multiplier Methods for Constrained Optimization and Variational Problems in Banach Spaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174444}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with a class of general-purpose algorithms for constrained minimization problems, variational inequalities, and quasi-variational inequalities in Banach spaces. A substantial amount of background material from Banach space theory, convex analysis, variational analysis, and optimization theory is presented, including some results which are refinements of those existing in the literature. This basis is used to formulate an augmented Lagrangian algorithm with multiplier safeguarding for the solution of constrained optimization problems in Banach spaces. The method is analyzed in terms of local and global convergence, and many popular problem classes such as nonlinear programming, semidefinite programming, and function space optimization are shown to be included as special cases of the general setting. The algorithmic framework is then extended to variational and quasi-variational inequalities, which include, by extension, Nash and generalized Nash equilibrium problems. For these problem classes, the convergence is analyzed in detail. The thesis then presents a rich collection of application examples for all problem classes, including implementation details and numerical results.}, subject = {Optimierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Godbole2018, author = {Godbole, Amod Anand}, title = {A new paradigm in GPCR signaling at the trans-Golgi network of thyroid cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147159}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Whereas G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been long believed to signal through cyclic AMP exclusively at cell surface, our group has previously shown that GPCRs not only signal at the cell surface but can also continue doing so once internalized together with their ligands, leading to persistent cAMP production. This phenomenon, which we originally described for the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) in thyroid cells, has been observed also for other GPCRs. However, the intracellular compartment(s) responsible for such persistent signaling and its consequences on downstream effectors were insufficiently characterized. The aim of this study was to follow by live-cell imaging the trafficking of internalized TSHRs and other involved signaling proteins as well as to understand the consequences of signaling by internalized TSHRs on the downstream activation of protein kinase A (PKA). cAMP and PKA activity was measured in real-time in living thyroid cells using FRET-based sensors Epac1-camp and AKAR2 respectively. The results suggest that TSH co-internalizes with its receptor and that the internalized TSH/TSHR complexes traffic retrogradely to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). This study also provides evidence that these internalized TSH/TSHR complexes meet an intracellular pool of Gs proteins in sorting endosomes and in TGN and activate it there, as visualized in real-time using a conformational biosensor nanobody, Nb37. Acute Brefeldin A-induced Golgi collapse hinders the retrograde trafficking of TSH/TSHR complexes, leading to reduced cAMP production and PKA signaling. BFA pretreatment was also able to attenuate CREB phosphorylation suggesting that an intact Golgi/TGN organisation is essential for an efficient cAMP/PKA signaling by internalized TSH/TSHR complexes. Taken together this data provides evidence that internalized TSH/TSHR complexes meet and activate Gs proteins in sorting endosomes and at the TGN, leading to a local activation of PKA and consequently increased CREB activation. These findings suggest unexpected functions for receptor internalization, with major pathophysiological and pharmacological implications.}, subject = {G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartossek2018, author = {Bartossek, Thomas}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of the trypanosomal variant surface glycoprotein using x-ray scattering techniques and fluorescence microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144775}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is an obligate parasite and causative agent of severe diseases affecting humans and livestock. The protist lives extracellularly in the bloodstream of the mammalian host, where it is prone to attacks by the host immune system. As a sophisticated means of defence against the immune response, the parasite's surface is coated in a dense layer of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), that reduces identification of invariant epitopes on the cell surface by the immune system to levels that prevent host immunity. The VSG has to form a coat that is both dense and mobile, to shield invariant surface proteins from detection and to allow quick recycling of the protective coat during immune evasion. This coat effectively protects the parasite from the harsh environment that is the mammalian bloodstream and leads to a persistent parasitemia if the infection remains untreated. The available treatment against African Trypanosomiasis involves the use of drugs that are themselves severely toxic and that can lead to the death of the patient. Most of the drugs used as treatment were developed in the early-to-mid 20th century, and while developments continue, they still represent the best medical means to fight the parasite. The discovery of a fluorescent VSG gave rise to speculations about a potential interaction between the VSG coat and components of the surrounding medium, that could also lead to a new approach in the treatment of African Trypanosomiasis that involves the VSG coat. The initially observed fluorescence signal was specific for a combination of a VSG called VSG'Y' and the triphenylmethane (TPM) dye phenol red. Exchanging this TPM to a bromo-derivative led to the observation of another fluorescence effect termed trypanicidal effect which killed the parasite independent of the expressed VSG and suggests a structurally conserved feature between VSGs that could function as a specific drug target against T. b. brucei. The work of this thesis aims to identify the mechanisms that govern the unique VSG'Y' fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. Fluorescence experiments and protein mutagenesis of VSG'Y' as well as crystallographic trials with a range of different VSGs were utilized in the endeavour to identify the binding mechanisms between TPM compounds and VSGs, to find potentially conserved structural features between VSGs and to identify the working mechanisms of VSG fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. These trials have the potential to lead to the formulation of highly specific drugs that target the parasites VSG coat. During the crystallographic trials of this thesis, the complete structure of a VSG was solved experimentally for the first time. This complete structure is a key component in furthering the understanding of the mechanisms governing VSG coat formation. X-ray scattering techniques, involving x-ray crystallography and small angle x-ray scattering were applied to elucidate the first complete VSG structures, which reveal high flexibility of the protein and supplies insight into the importance of this flexibility in the formation of a densely packed but highly mobile surface coat.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vanEeuwijk2018, author = {van Eeuwijk, Judith Martina Maria}, title = {Studies on thrombopoiesis and spleen tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling in platelets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142933}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In mammals, anucleate blood platelets are constantly produced by their giant bone marrow (BM) progenitors, the megakaryocytes (MKs), which originate from hematopoietic stem cells. Megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis have been studied intensively, but the exact mechanisms that control platelet generation from MKs remain poorly understood. Using multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM), thrombopoiesis and proplatelet formation were analyzed in the murine BM in real-time and in vivo, identifying an important role for several proteins, including Profilin1, TRPM7 and RhoA in thrombopoiesis. Currently, it is thought that blood cell precursors, such as MKs, migrate from the endosteal niche towards the vascular niche during maturation. In contrast to this paradigm, it was shown that MKs are homogeneously distributed within the dense BM blood vessel network, leaving no space for vessel-distant niches. By combining results from in vivo MP-IVM, in situ light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) of the intact BM as well as computational simulations, surprisingly slow MK migration, limited intervascular space and a vessel-biased MK pool were revealed, contradicting the current concept of directed MK migration during thrombopoiesis. Platelets play an essential role in hemostasis and thrombosis, but also in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke, which is mainly caused by thromboembolic occlusion of brain arteries, is among the leading causes of death and disability worldwide with limited treatment options. The platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein (GP) VI is a key player in arterial thrombosis and a critical determinant of stroke outcome, making its signaling pathway an attractive target for pharmacological intervention. The spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) is an essential signaling mediator downstream of GPVI, but also of other platelet and immune cell receptors. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that mice lacking Syk specifically in platelets are protected from arterial thrombus formation and ischemic stroke, but display unaltered hemostasis. Furthermore, it was shown that mice treated with the novel, selective and orally bioavailable Syk inhibitor BI1002494 were protected in a model of arterial thrombosis and had smaller infarct sizes and a significantly better neurological outcome 24 h after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO), also when BI1002494 was administered therapeutically, i.e. after ischemia. These results provide direct evidence that pharmacological Syk inhibition might become a safe therapeutic strategy. The T cell receptor  chain-associated protein kinase of 70 kDA (Zap-70) is also a spleen tyrosine kinase family member, but has a lower intrinsic activity compared to Syk and is expressed in T cells and natural killer (NK) cells, but not in platelets. Unexpectedly, arterial thrombus formation in vivo can occur independently of Syk kinase function as revealed by studies in Sykki mice, which express Zap-70 under the control of intrinsic Syk promoter elements.}, subject = {Thrombose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Das2018, author = {Das, Sudip}, title = {Genome-wide identification of virulence-associated genes in Staphylococcus aureus using Transposon insertion-site deep sequencing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus asymptomatically colonises one third of the healthy human population, finding its niche in the nose and on skin. Apart from being a commensal, it is also an important opportunistic human pathogen capable of destructing tissue, invading host cells and killing them from within. This eventually contributes to severe hospital- and community-acquired infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), resistant to commonly used antibiotics are protected when residing within the host cell. This doctoral thesis is focused on the investigation of staphylococcal factors governing intracellular virulence and subsequent host cell death. To initiate an unbiased approach to conduct this study, complex S. aureus mutant pools were generated using transposon insertional mutagenesis. Genome-wide infection screens were performed using these S. aureus transposon mutant pools in vitro and in vivo, followed by analysis using Transposon insertion site deep sequencing (Tn-seq) technology. Amongst several other factors, this study identified a novel regulatory system in S. aureus that controls pathogen-induced host cytotoxicity and intra-host survival. The primary components of this system are an AraC-family transcription regulator called Repressor of surface proteins (Rsp) and a virulence associated non-coding RNA, SSR42. Mutants within rsp exhibit enhanced intra-host survival in human epithelial cells and delayed host cytotoxicity. Global gene-expression profiling by RNA-seq demonstrated that Rsp controls the expression of SSR42, several cytotoxins and other bacterial factors directed against the host immune system. Rsp enhances S. aureus toxin response when triggered by hydrogen peroxide, an antimicrobial substance employed by neutrophils to destroy pathogens. Absence of rsp reduces S. aureus-induced neutrophil damage and early lethality during mouse pneumonia, but still permits blood stream infection. Intriguingly, S. aureus lacking rsp exhibited enhanced survival in human macrophages, which hints towards a Trojan horse-like phenomenon and could facilitate dissemination within the host. Hence, Rsp emerged as a global regulator of bacterial virulence, which has an impact on disease progression with prolonged intra-cellular survival, delayed-lethality but allows disseminated manifestation of disease. Moreover, this study exemplifies the use of genome-wide approaches as useful resources for identifying bacterial factors and deduction of its pathogenesis.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schartner2018, author = {Schartner, Christoph}, title = {The regulation of corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 gene expression and its role in panic disorder}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150586}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Panic Disorder (PD) is characterized by unexpected, recurrent panic attacks, which are not restricted to certain situations, medication or stimuli. Like other anxiety disorders, PD is a multifactorial disorder and develops through the interaction of genetic and environmental risk factors. Despite an estimated heritability of up to 48\%, no distinct genetic mechanism could be revealed yet. A dysregulation of the stress response has been shown in patients with PD and several studies could find an association of components of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) system with PD. The corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) is the main receptor of CRF in the brain and thus a crucial regulator of cerebral CRF signaling. Recent genetic studies found an association of certain CRHR1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with PD and other anxiety disorders. Among the associated CRHR1 SNPs, rs17689918 showed further evidence in a multilevel study regulating CRHR1 gene expression in panic-relevant brain regions and affecting brain activation in fMRI experiments, as well as flight behavior in a behavioral avoidance task (Weber et al, 2015). Here, we aimed to investigate the underlying neurogenetic and neurobiological mechanisms, by which the rs17689918 risk allele affects CRHR1 gene expression and receptor function, and its putative function in the pathophysiology of PD. Due to its intronic position and the predicted change of splicing regulatory elements by the risk allele of rs17689918, the expression of alternative spliced CRHR1 isoforms was investigated using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in a human post-mortem brain tissue sample. Of eight known CRHR1 isoforms, expression of three CRHR1 isoforms and the CRHR1-IT1-CRHR1 readthrough transcript variant 5 - all expressing the seven transmembrane domains needed for functional receptors - was analyzed. Subsequently, electrophysiological assays were developed to measure the receptor activity of differentially expressed CRHR1 isoforms via co-expressed Kir2.3 potassium channels in vitro. In a second approach, possible epigenetic regulation of CRHR1 expression by rs17689918 was investigated by analyses of DNA methylation patterns of a CpG Island within the CRHR1 promoter region, firstly in a case-control sample for PD and secondly in a healthy control sample, separated in high and low anxious individuals. To investigate a possible gene × epigene × environment interaction, the impact of early life stress by means of childhood trauma was evaluated via the childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ). Finally, consequences of differential DNA methylation of the CRHR1 promoter region on gene expression were investigated by luciferase-based reporter gene assays in vitro. The expression of CRHR1β was significantly decreased in amygdalae and midbrains of risk allele carriers. The expression of CRHR1-IT1-CRHR1 readthrough transcript variant 5 was significantly increased in forebrains and midbrains of risk allele carriers. All other analyzed isoforms showed no differences in expression between non-risk and risk allele carriers of rs17689918. The electrophysiological recordings of membrane potential showed an activation of Kir2.3 channels by CRHR1β in contrast to an inconsistent mix of activation and inhibition of Kir2.3 by the main isoform CRHR1α. DNA methylation of the CRHR1 promoter region was significantly reduced in panic disorder patients, as well as in high anxious individuals of an independent healthy control sample, but no direct relation to the rs17689918 risk allele could be discerned. However, the combination of carrying the risk allele, low DNA methylation and high CTQ scores lead to increased sum scores in the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in healthy individuals. Functional analyses revealed an activation of gene expression by decreased DNA methylation of the promoter region in vitro. Our results revealed that rs17689918 regulates CRHR1 function by increasing the expression of alternative transcript variants with altered function. Our analyses of DNA methylation revealed decreased methylation as a new risk factor for panic disorder and high anxious behavior, which in combination with other risk factors like childhood trauma and the rs17689918 risk allele might further increase cognitive and somatic anxiety symptoms. This supports the role of CRHR1 as a plasticity gene of anxiety behavior, i.e. a gene that is highly regulated by epigenetic or post-transcriptional mechanisms in response to environmental stressors. By its role in CRF signaling, the dysregulation of CRHR1 might extensively affect the stress response and contribute to the pathophysiology of stress-related disorders like PD. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms, especially the genetic and epigenetic regulation, would however enhance CRHR1 as a target of improved future therapeutics for PD and other anxiety disorders.}, subject = {Corticoliberin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eck2018, author = {Eck, Martin}, title = {Iron- and Copper-catalyzed Borylation of Alkyl and Aryl Halides and B-B Bond Activation and NHC Ring-expansion Reactions of the Diboron(4) Compound Bis(ethylene glycolato)diboron (B\(_2\)eg\(_2\))}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149791}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The purpose of the present work was, in the first part, to investigate the potential of iron-based metal complexes in catalytic borylation reactions with alkyl halides as substrates and B2pin2 as the borylation reagent. Moreover, extended studies of the recently reported, copper mediated borylation reactions of aryl halides were performed, including the screening of substrates and alkoxy bases as well as ligand-screening. Investigations were undertaken on the role of Cu-nanoparticles, which might be involved in this catalytic reaction. Furthermore, Cu-phosphine complexes were synthesized as precursors, but attempts to isolate Cu-boryl species which are intermediates in the proposed catalytic cycle were unsuccessful, although 11B NMR evidence for a Cu-boryl complex was obtained. In the second part of this work, the alternative, Lewis-acidic diboron(4) compound bis(ethylene glycolato)diboron (B2eg2) was synthesized to compare its reactivity with the reactivity of other diboron(4) compounds (e.g. B2neop2, B2cat2, B2pin2 and B2(NMe2)4). Therefore, reactions of B2eg2 with different Lewis-bases, such as NHCs and phosphines, were performed to investigate the possible formation of sp2-sp3 or sp3-sp3 adducts and ring-expansion reactions (RERs). The aim was to obtain a better general insight into the reactivity of diboron(4) compounds with Lewis-bases because they are both used as reactants in transition metal-catalyzed and metal-free borylation reactions. Understanding the B-B bond activation process promoted by Lewis-bases provides a new perspective on the reaction pathways available for various borylation reactions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kalleda2018, author = {Kalleda, Nataraja Swamy}, title = {Spatiotemporal analysis of immune cell recruitment and Neutrophil defence functions in \(Aspergillus\) \(fumigatus\) lung infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150931}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Humans are continuously exposed to airborne spores of the saprophytic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. In healthy individuals, local pulmonary host defence mechanisms can efficiently eliminate the fungus without any overt symptoms. In contrast, A. fumigatus causes devastating infections in immunocompromised patients. However, local host immune responses against A. fumigatus lung infections in immunocompromised conditions have remained largely elusive. Given the dynamic changes in immune cell subsets within tissues upon immunosuppressive therapy, we dissected the spatiotemporal pulmonary immune response after A. fumigatus infection to reveal basic immunological events that fail to effectively control the invasive fungal disease. In different immunocompromised murine models, myeloid but not lymphoid cells were strongly recruited upon infection. Notably, neutrophils and macrophages were recruited to infected lungs in different immunosuppressed regimens. Other myeloid cells, particularly dendritic cells and monocytes were only recruited in the corticosteroid model after infection. Lymphoid cells, particularly CD4+ or CD8+ T-cells and NK cells were highly reduced upon immunosuppression and were not recruited after A. fumigatus infection. Importantly, adoptive CD11b+ myeloid cell transfer rescued immunosuppressed mice from lethal A. fumigatus infection. These findings illustrate that CD11b+ myeloid cells are critical for anti-A. fumigatus defence under immunocompromised conditions. Despite improved antifungal agents, invasive A. fumigatus lung infections cause a high rate morbidity and mortality in neutropenic patients. Granulocyte transfusions have been tested as an alternative therapy for the management of high-risk neutropenic patients with invasive A. fumigatus infections. To increase the granulocyte yield for transfusion, donors are treated with corticosteroids. Yet, the efficacy of granulocyte transfusion and the functional defence mechanisms of granulocytes collected from corticosteroid treated donors remain largely elusive. We aimed to assess the efficacy of granulocyte transfusion and functional defence mechanisms of corticosteroid treated granulocytes using mouse models. In this thesis, we show that transfusion of granulocytes from corticosteroid treated mice did not protect cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed mice against lethal A. fumigatus infection in contrast to granulocytes from untreated mice. Upon infection, increased levels of inflammatory cytokines helped to recruit granulocytes to the lungs without any recruitment defects in corticosteroid treated and infected mice or in cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed and infected mice that have received the granulocytes from corticosteroid treated mice. However, corticosteroid treated human or mouse neutrophils failed to form neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in in vitro and in vivo conditions. Further, corticosteroid treated granulocytes exhibited impaired ROS production against A. fumigatus. Notably, corticosteroids impaired the β-glucan receptor Dectin-1 (CLEC7A) on mouse and human granulocytes to efficiently recognize and phagocytize A. fumigatus, which markedly impaired fungal killing. We conclude that corticosteroid treatment of granulocyte donors for increasing neutrophil yields or patients with ongoing corticosteroid treatment could result in deleterious effects on granulocyte antifungal functions, thereby limiting the benefit of granulocyte transfusion therapies against invasive fungal infections.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lichtenstein2018, author = {Lichtenstein, Leonie}, title = {Color vision and retinal development of the compound eye in bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150997}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The superfamiliy of bees, Apiformes, comprises more than 20,000 species. Within the group, the eusocial species like honeybees and bumblebees are receiving increased attention due to their outstanding importance for pollination of many crop and wild plants, their exceptional eusocial lifestyle and complex behavioral repertoire, which makes them an interesting invertebrate model to study mechanisms of sensory perception, learning and memory. In bees and most animals, vision is one of the major senses since almost every living organism and many biological processes depend on light energy. Bees show various forms of vision, e.g. color vision, achromatic vision or polarized vision in order to orientate in space, recognize mating partners, detect suitable nest sites and search for rewarding food sources. To catch photons and convert light energy into electric signals, bees possess compound eyes which consists of thousands of single ommatidia comprising a fixed number of photoreceptors; they are characterized by a specific opsin protein with distinct spectral sensitivity. Different visual demands, e.g. the detection of a single virgin queen by a drone, or the identification and discrimination of flowers during foraging bouts by workers, gave rise to the exceptional sex-specific morphology and physiology of male and female compound eyes in honeybees. Since Karl von Frisch first demonstrated color vision in honeybees more than 100 years ago, much effort has been devoted to gain insight into the molecular, morphological and physiological characteristics of (sex-specific) bee compound eyes and the corresponding photoreceptors. However, to date, almost nothing is known about the underlying mechanisms during pupal development which pattern the retina and give rise to the distinct photoreceptor distribution. Hence, in Chapter 2 and 3 I aimed to better understand the retinal development and photoreceptor determination in the honeybee eye. In a first step, the intrinsic temporal expression pattern of opsins within the retina was evaluated by quantifying opsin mRNA expression levels during the pupal phase of honeybee workers and drones. First results revealed that honeybee workers and drones express three different opsin genes, UVop, BLop and Lop1 during pupal development which give rise to an ultraviolet, blue, and green-light sensitive photoreceptor. Moreover, opsin expression patterns differed between both sexes and the onset of a particular opsin occurred at different time points during retinal development. Immunostainings of the developing honeybee retina in Chapter 2 showed that at the beginning of pupation the retina consist only of a thin hypodermis. However, at this stage all retinal structures are already present. From about mid of pupation, opsin expression levels increase and goes hand in hand with the differentiation of the rhabdoms, suggesting a two-step process in photoreceptor development and differentiation in the honeybee compound eye. In a first step the photoreceptor cells meet its fate during late pupation; in a second step, the quantity of opsin expression in each photoreceptor strongly increase up to the 25-fold shortly after eclosion. To date, the underlying mechanisms leading to different photoreceptor types have been intensively studied in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, and to some extend in butterflies. Interestingly, the molecular mechanisms seemed to be conserved within insects and e.g. the two transcription factors, spalt and spineless, which have been shown to be essential for photoreceptor determination in flies and butterflies, have been also identified in the honeybee. In chapter 3, I investigated the expression patterns of both transcription factors during pupal development of honeybee workers and showed that spalt is mainly expressed during the first few pupal stages which might correlate with the onset of BLop expression. Further, spineless showed a prominent peak at mid of pupation which might initiates the expression of Lop1. However, whether spalt and spineless are also essential for photoreceptor determination in the honeybee has still to be investigated, e.g. by a knockdown/out of the respective transcription factor during retinal development which leads to a spectral phenotype, e.g. a dichromatic eye. Such spectral phenotypes can then be tested in behavioral experiments in order to test the function of specific photoreceptors for color perception and the entrainment of the circadian clock. In order to evaluate the color discrimination capabilities of bees and the quality of color perception, a reliable behavioral experiment under controlled conditions is a prerequisite. Hence, in chapter 4, I aimed to establish the visual PER paradigm as a suitable method for behaviorally testing color vision in bees. Since PER color vision has considered to be difficult in bees and was not successful in Western honeybees without ablating the bee's antennae or presenting color stimuli in combination with other cues for several decades, the experimental setup was first established in bumblebees which have been shown to be robust and reliable, e.g. during electrophysiological recordings. Workers and drones of the bufftailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris were able to associate different monochromatic light stimuli with a sugar reward and succeeded in discriminating a rewarded color stimulus from an unrewarded color stimulus. They were also able to retrieve the learned stimulus after two hours, and workers successfully transferred the learned information to a new behavioral context. In the next step, the experimental setup was adapted to honeybees. In chapter 5, I tested the setup in two medium-sized honeybees, the Eastern honeybee, Apis cerana and the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. Both honeybee species were able to associate and discriminate between two monochromatic light stimuli, blue and green light, with peak sensitivities of 435 nm and 528 nm. Eastern and Western honeybees also successfully retrieve the learned stimulus after two hours, similar to the bumblebees. Visual conditioning setups and training protocols in my study significantly differed from previous studies using PER conditioning. A crucial feature found to be important for a successful visual PER conditioning is the duration of the conditioned stimulus presentation. In chapter 6, I systematically tested different length of stimuli presentations, since visual PER conditioning in earlier studies tended to be only successful when the conditioned stimulus is presented for more than 10 seconds. In this thesis, intact honeybee workers could successfully discriminate two monochromatic lights when the stimulus was presented 10 s before reward was offered, but failed, when the duration of stimulus presentation was shorter than 4 s. In order to allow a more comparable conditioning, I developed a new setup which includes a shutter, driven by a PC based software program. The revised setup allows a more precise and automatized visual PER conditioning, facilitating performance levels comparable to olfactory conditioning and providing now an excellent method to evaluate visual perception and cognition of bees under constant and controlled conditions in future studies.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GarciaBetancur2018, author = {Garcia Betancur, Juan Carlos}, title = {Divergence of cell-fates in multicellular aggregates of \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\) defines acute and chronic infection cell types}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148059}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile human pathogen that normally develops acute or chronic infections. The broad range of diseases caused by this bacterium facilitates the escape from the host's immune response as well as from target-specific antimicrobial therapies. Nevertheless, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that enable S. aureus to cause these disparate types of infections are largely unknown. In this work, we depicted a novel genetic program involved in the development of cell-fate decision, which promotes the differentiation of the staphylococcal cells into two genetically identical but differently heritable cell lines capable of defining the course of an infection, by simultaneously progressing to (i) a biofilm-associated chronic infection or (ii) a disperse acute bacteremia. Here, S. aureus growing in architecturally complex multicellular communities harbored different cell types that followed an exclusive developmental plan, resulting in a clonal heterogeneous population. We found that these cell types are physiologically specialized and that, this specialization impacts the collective behavior within the multicellular aggregates. Whereas one cell line that we named BRcells, promotes biofilm formation that engenders chronic infections, the second cell line, which we termed DRcells is planktonic and synthetizes virulence factors, such as toxins that can drive acute bacteremia. We identified that the positive feedback loop present in Agr quorum sensing system of S. aureus acts a bimodal switch able to antagonistically control the divergence of these two physiologically distinct, heritable cell lines. Also, we found that this bimodal switch was triggered in response to environmental signals particularly extracellular Mg2+, affecting the size of the subpopulations in specific colonization environments. Specifically, Mg2+-enriched environments enhanced the binding of this cation to the staphylococcal teichoic acids, increasing the rigidity of the cell wall and triggering a genetic program involving the alternative sigma factor σB that downregulated the Agr bimodal switch, favoring the enrichment of the BRcells type. Therefore, colonization environments with different Mg2+ content favored different outcomes in the bimodal system, defining distinct ratio in the BRcells/DRcells subpopulations and the S. aureus outcome in our in vitro model of development of multicellular aggregates and, the infection outcome in an in vivo mice infection model. In this prime human pathogen cell-fate decision-making generates a conserved pattern of heritable, physiological heterogeneity that actively contributes to determine the course of an infection through the emergence and spatio-temporal dynamics of distinct and specialized cell types. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that cell differentiation in pathogenic bacteria is a fundamental phenomenon and its understanding, is central to understand nosocomial infections and to designing new anti-infective strategies}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Joschinski2018, author = {Joschinski, Jens}, title = {Is the phenology of pea aphids (\(Acyrthosiphon\) \(pisum\)) constrained by diurnal rhythms?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth leads to a cyclic change of night and day. Numerous strategies evolved to cope with diurnal change, as it is generally advantageous to be synchronous to the cyclic change in abiotic conditions. Diurnal rhythms are regulated by the circadian clock, a molecular feedback loop of RNA and protein levels with a period of circa 24 hours. Despite its importance for individuals as well as for species interactions, our knowledge of circadian clocks is mostly confined to few model organisms. While the structuring of activity is generally adaptive, a rigid temporal organization also has its drawbacks. For example, the specialization to a diurnal pattern limits the breadth of the temporal niche. Organisms that are adapted to a diurnal life style are often poor predators or foragers during night time, constraining the time budget to only diurnal parts of the day/night cycle. Climate change causes shifts in phenology (seasonal timing) and northward range expansions, and changes in season or in latitude are associated with novel day length - temperature correlations. Thus, seasonal organisms will have some life history stages exposed to novel day lengths, and I hypothesized that the diurnal niche determines whether the day length changes are beneficial or harmful for the organism. I thus studied the effects of day length on life-history traits in a multi-trophic system consisting of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and predatory larvae of Chrysoperla carnea (common green lacewing) and Episyrphus balteatus (marmalade hoverfly). In order to identify the mechanisms for phenological constraints I then focused on diurnal rhythms and the circadian clock of the pea aphid. Aphids reacted to shorter days with a reduced fecundity and shorter reproductive period. Short days did however not impact population growth, because the fitness constraints only became apparent late in the individual's life. In contrast, E. balteatus grew 13\% faster in the shorter day treatment and preyed on significantly more aphids, whereas C. carnea grew 13\% faster under longer days and the elevation of predation rates was marginally significant. These results show that day length affects vital life-history traits, but that the direction and effect size depends on species. I hypothesized that the constraints or fitness benefits are caused by a constricted or expanded time budget, and hence depend on the temporal niche. E. balteatus is indeed night-active and C. carnea appears to be crepuscular, but very little data exists for A. pisum. Hence, I reared the pea aphid on an artificial diet and recorded survival, moulting and honeydew excretion. The activity patterns were clearly rhythmic and molting and honeydew excretion were elevated during day-time. Thus, the diurnal niche could explain the observed, but weak, day length constraints of aphids. The diurnal niche of some organisms is remarkably flexible, and a flexible diurnal niche may explain why the day length constrains were relatively low in A. pisum. I thus studied its circadian clock, the mechanism that regulates diurnal rhythms. First, I improved an artificial diet for A. pisum, and added the food colorant Brilliant Blue FCF. This food colorant stained gut and honeydew in low concentration without causing mortalities, and thus made honeydew excretion visible under dim red light. I then used the blue diet to raise individual aphids in 16:08 LD and constant darkness (DD), and recorded honeydew excretion and molting under red light every three hours. In addition, we used a novel monitoring setup to track locomotor activity continuously in LD and DD. Both the locomotor rhythm and honeydew excretion of A. pisum appeared to be bimodal, peaking in early morning and in the afternoon in LD. Both metabolic and locomotor rhythm persisted also for some time under constant darkness, indicating that the rhythms are driven by a functional circadian clock. However, the metabolic rhythm damped within three to four days, whereas locomotor rhythmicity persisted with a complex distribution of several free-running periods. These results fit to a damped circadian clock that is driven by multiple oscillator populations, a model that has been proposed to link circadian clocks and photoperiodism, but never empirically tested. Overall, my studies integrate constraints in phenological adaptation with a mechanistic explanation. I showed that a shorter day length can constrain some species of a trophic network while being beneficial for others, and linked the differences to the diurnal niche of the species. I further demonstrated that a flexible circadian clock may alleviate the constraints, potentially by increasing the plasticity of the diurnal niche.}, subject = {Tagesrhythmus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Guenther2018, author = {G{\"u}nther, Katharina}, title = {Generation of early human neuroepithelial progenitors from primary cells for biomedical applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150348}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) emerged as a promising cell source for disease modeling and drug screening as well as a virtually unlimited source for restorative therapy. The thesis deals with three major topics to help realizing biomedical applications with neural stem cells. To enable the generation of transgene-free iPSCs, alternatives to retroviral reprogramming were developed. Hence, the adaptation and evaluation of reprogramming using excisable lentiviral constructs, Sendai virus (SeV) and synthetic mRNA-based methods was assessed in the first part of this thesis. hiPSCs exhibit the pluripotency markers OCT4, SSEA-4, TRA1-60 which were confirmed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. Besides, the potential to differentiate in cell types of all three germ layers was detected, confirming pluripotent identity of proliferating colonies resulting from various reprogramming strategies. However, major differences such as high efficiency with SeV in contrast to a relatively low efficiency with mRNA in regard to passage number and the phenotype of starting fibroblasts were observed. Furthermore, a prolonged clone- and passage-dependent residual presence of viral RNA genes was identified in SeV-iPSCs for up to 23 passages using RT-PCR underlining the importance of careful monitoring of clone selection. In contrast, viral-free reprogramming by synthetic mRNA represents a fully non-integrative approach but requires further refinement to be efficiently applicable to all fibroblasts. The second part of this thesis deals with the establishment of a rapid monolayer approach to differentiate neural progenitor cells from iPSCs. To achieve this, a two-step protocol was developed allowing first the formation of a stable, primitive NPC line within 7 days which was expanded for 2-3 passages. In a second step, a subsequent adaptation to conditions yielding neural rosette-like NPCs followed. Both neural lines were demonstrated to be expandable, cryopreservable and negative for the pluripotency marker OCT4. Furthermore, a neural precursor identity including SOX1, SOX2, PAX6, Nestin was confirmed by immunofluorescence and quantitative RT-PCR. Moreover, the differentiation resulted in TUJ1-positive neurons and GFAP-positive astrocytes. Nonetheless, the outcome of glial differentiation from primitive NSCs remained low, whereas FGF/EGF-NPCs were efficiently differentiated into GFAP-positive astrocytes which were implicated in a cellular model of the blood brain barrier. The third and major objective of this study was to generate human early neural progenitor cells from fetal brain tissue with a wide neural differentiation capacity. Therefore, a defined medium composition including small molecules and growth factors capable of modulation of crucial signaling pathways orchestrating early human development such as SHH and FGF was assessed. Indeed, specific culture conditions containing TGFβ inhibitor SB431542, SHH agonist Purmorphamine, GSK3β inhibitor CHIR99021 and basic FGF, but no EGF enabled robust formation of early neuroepithelial progenitor (eNEP) colonies displaying a homogeneous morphology and a high proliferation rate. Moreover, primary eNEPs exhibit a relatively high clonogenicity of more than 23 \% and can be monoclonally expanded for more than 45 passages carrying a normal karyotype. Characterization by immunofluorescence, flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR revealed a distinct NPC profile including SOX1, PAX6, Nestin and SOX2 and Prominin. Furthermore, primary eNEPs show NOTCH and HES5 activation in combination with non-polarized morphology, indicative of an early neuroepithelial identity. Microarray analysis unraveled SOX11, BRN2 and other HES-genes as characteristic upregulated genes. Interestingly, eNEPs were detected to display ventral midbrain/hindbrain regional identity. The validation of yielded cell types upon differentiation indicates a strong neurogenic potential with more than 90 \% of TUJ1-positive neurons. Moreover, astrocytes marked by GFAP and putative myelin structures indicating oligodendrocytes were identified. Electrophysiological recordings revealed functionally active neurons and immunofluorescence indicate GABAergic, glutamatergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic subtypes. Additionally, putative physiological synapse formation was observed by the presence of Synapsin and PSD-95 as well as by ultrastructural examination. Notably, rare neurons stained positive for the peripheral neuronal marker Peripherin suggesting the potential of eNEPS to give rise to cells of neural tube and neural crest origin. By the application of specific differentiation protocols an increase of TH-positive neurons or neural crest-derivatives such as putative A- and C-sensory neurons and mesenchymal cells was identified. Taken together, primary eNEPs might help to elucidate mechanisms of early human neurodevelopment and will serve as a novel source for cell replacement and further biomedical applications.}, subject = {progenitors}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Coban2018, author = {Coban, Mustafa}, title = {Contributions to the Empirics of Immigration, Redistribution and Social Mobility}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148934}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In recent decades the international migration has increased worldwide. The influx of people from different cultures and ethnic groups poses new challenges to the labor market and the welfare state of the host countries and causes changes in the social fabric. In general, immigration benefits the economy of the host country. However, these gains from immigration are unevenly distributed among the native population. Natives who are in direct competition with the new workers expect wage losses and a higher probability of getting unemployed, whereas remaining natives foresee either no feedback effects or even wage gains. On the other hand, the tax and transfer system benefits disproportionally from an influx of highly skilled immigrants. Examinations of 20 European countries in 2010 show that a higher proportion of low-skilled immigrants in the immediate neighborhood of the natives increases the difference in the demand for redistribution between high-skilled and low-skilled natives. Thus, high-skilled natives are more opposed to an expansion of the governmental redistribution. On the one hand, a higher proportion of low-skilled immigrants generates a higher fiscal burden on the welfare state. On the other hand, high-skilled natives' wages increase due to an influx of low-skilled immigrants, since relative supply of high-skilled labor increases. In addition to the economic impact of immigration, the inflow of new citizens is accompanied by natives' fear of changes in the social environment as well as in symbolic values, such as cultural identity or natives' set of values. The latter might generate negative attitudes towards immigrants and increase the demand for a more restrictive immigration policy. On the other hand, more interethnic contact due to a higher ethnic diversity could reduce natives' information gaps, prejudices and stereotypes. This, in turn, could enhance more tolerance and solidarity towards immigrants among natives. Examinations of 18 European countries in 2014 show that more interethnic contact during everyday life reduces both the natives' social distance from immigrants and their fear of social upheaval by the presence of immigrants. However, natives' social distance from immigrants has no effect on their preference for redistribution, but their perceived threat to the national culture and social life by the presence of immigrants has a significantly negative impact on their demand for redistribution. Thus, natives' concern about the preservation of symbolic norms and values affects the solidarity channel of their redistribution preference. An individual's upward mobility over time or in relation to his or her parents determines his or her attitude towards the welfare state as well as the transfer of his or her opinions to his or her own children. With regard to intergenerational income mobility, Germany shows a value in the international midfield; higher than the United States (lower mobility) and lower than the Scandinavian countries (higher mobility). For example, if a father's lifetime income increases by 10 percent, his son's lifetime income increases by 4.9 percent in the United States and by 3.1 percent in Germany. Additionally, in Germany, fathers' lifetime income tends to show a higher impact on their sons' income if their incomes are higher. In the United States, fathers' lifetime incomes have a stronger influence on their sons' income at the lower and the upper end of the income distribution compared to the middle. Taking a closer look at the intragenerational wage mobility and wage inequality in Germany, the development at the current edge is rather sobering. Since 2000 there is a steady decline in wage mobility. Furthermore, wage mobility in the services sector has been significantly lower than in the manufacturing sector since the beginning of the 2000s. This result is mainly driven by the decrease of wage mobility in the health care and social services sector. Moreover, a worker's unemployment spells and occupation have become more important in the meantime. Since 2006 the increase in the German wage inequality has markedly slowed down and wage growth between 2006 and 2013 has been even polarized, i.e. wages at the lower and at the upper end of the wage distribution have increased more than wages in the middle. However, this development can be partly attributed to the computerization and automation of the production processes. Although, there was substitution of manual routine tasks between 2001 and 2013, cognitive routine tasks are still more pronounced in the middle and at the upper end of the wage distribution. Furthermore, the latter experienced an increase in wage mobility since 2000. On the other hand, manual non-routine tasks are localized disproportionally in the middle and at the lower end of the wage distribution. Thus, the wage gains of these occupations at the lower end were compensated for by the wage losses in the middle.}, subject = {Einwanderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mildner2018, author = {Mildner, Stephanie}, title = {Temporal organization in \(Camponotus\) \(ants\): endogenous clocks and zeitgebers responsible for synchronization of task-related circadian rhythms in foragers and nurses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149382}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth around its axis causes recurring and predictable changes in the environment. To anticipate those changes and adapt their physiology and behavior accordingly, most organisms possess an endogenous clock. The presence of such a clock has been demonstrated for several ant species including Camponotus ants, but its involvement in the scheduling of daily activities within and outside the ant nest is fairly unknown. Timing of individual behaviors and synchronization among individuals is needed to generate a coordinated collective response and to maintain colony function. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the presence of a circadian clock in different worker castes, and to determine the daily timing of their behavioral tasks within the colonies of two nectar-collecting Camponotus species. In chapter I, I describe the general temporal organization of work throughout the worker life in the species Camponotus rufipes. Continuous tracking of behavioral activity of individually- marked workers for up to 11 weeks in subcolonies revealed an age-dependent division of labor between interior and exterior workers. After eclosion, the fairly immobile young ants were frequently nurtured by older nurses, yet they started nursing the brood themselves within the first 48 hours of their life. Only 60\% of workers switched to foraging at an age range of one to two weeks, likely because of the reduced needs within the small scale of the subcolonies. Not only the transition rates varied between subcolonies, but also the time courses of the task sequences between workers did, emphasizing the timed allocation of workers to different tasks in response to colony needs. Most of the observed foragers were present outside the nest only during the night, indicating a distinct timing of this behavioral activity on a daily level as well. As food availability, humidity and temperature levels were kept constant throughout the day, the preference for nocturnal activity seems to be endogenous and characteristic for C. rufipes. The subsequent monitoring of locomotor activity of workers taken from the subcolonies revealed the presence of a functional endogenous clock already in one-day old ants. As some nurses displayed activity rhythms in phase with the foraging rhythm, a synchronization of these in-nest workers by social interactions with exterior workers can be hypothesized. Do both castes use their endogenous clock to schedule their daily activities within the colony? In chapter II, I analyzed behavioral activity of C. rufipes foragers and nurses within the social context continuously for 24 hours. As time-restricted access to food sources may be one factor affecting daily activities of ants under natural conditions, I confronted subcolonies with either daily pulses of food availability or ad libitum feeding. Under nighttime and ad libitum feeding, behavioral activity of foragers outside the nest was predominantly nocturnal, confirming the results from the simple counting of exterior workers done in chapter I. Foragers switched to diurnality during daytime feeding, demonstrating the flexible and adaptive timing of a daily behavior. Because they synchronized their activity with the short times of food availability, these workers showed high levels of inactivity. Nurses, in contrast, were active all around the clock independent of the feeding regime, spending their active time largely with feeding and licking the brood. After the feeding pulses, however, a short bout of activity was observed in nurses. During this time period, both castes increasingly interacted via trophallaxis within the nest. With this form of social zeitgeber, exterior workers were able to entrain in-nest workers, a phenomenon observed already in chapter I. Under the subsequent monitoring of locomotor activity under LD conditions the rhythmic workers of both castes were uniformly nocturnal independent of the feeding regime. This endogenous activity pattern displayed by both worker castes in isolation was modified in the social context in adaption to task demands. Chapter III focuses on the potential factors causing the observed plasticity of daily rhythms in the social context in the ant C. rufipes. As presence of brood and conspecifics are likely indicators of the social context, I tested the effect of these factors on the endogenous rhythms of otherwise isolated individuals. Even in foragers, the contact to brood triggered an arrhythmic activity pattern resembling the arrhythmic behavioral activity pattern seen in nurses within the social context. As indicated in chapter I and II, social interaction could be one crucial factor for the synchronization of in nest activities. When separate groups were entrained to phase-shifted light-dark-cycles and monitored afterwards under constant conditions in pairwise contact through a mesh partitioning, both individuals shifted parts of their activity towards the activity period of the conspecific. Both social cues modulated the endogenous rhythms of workers and contribute to the context dependent plasticity in ant colonies. Although most nursing activities are executed arrhythmically throughout the day (chapter II), previous studies reported rhythmic translocation events of the brood in Camponotus nurses. As this behavior favors brood development, the timing of the translocations within the dark nest seems to be crucial. In chapter IV, I tracked translocation activity of all nurses within subcolonies of C. mus. Under the confirmed synchronized conditions of a LD-cycle, the daily pattern of brood relocation was based on the rhythmic, alternating activity of subpopulations with preferred translocation direction either to the warm or to the cold part of the temperature gradient at certain times of the day. Although the social interaction after pulse feeding had noticeable effects on the in-nest activity in C. rufipes (chapter I and II), it was not sufficient to synchronize the brood translocation rhythm of C. mus under constant darkness (e.g. when other zeitgebers were absent). The free-running translocation activity in some nurses demonstrated nevertheless the involvement of an endogenous clock in this behavior, which could be entrained under natural conditions by other potential non-photic zeitgebers like temperature and humidity cycles. Daily cycling of temperature and humidity could not only be relevant for in-nest activities, but also for the foraging activity outside the nest. Chapter V focuses on the monitoring of field foraging rhythms in the sympatric species C. mus and C. rufipes in relation to abiotic factors. Although both species had comparable critical thermal limits in the laboratory, foragers in C. mus were strictly diurnal and therefore foraged under higher temperatures than the predominant nocturnal foragers in C. rufipes. Marking experiments in C. rufipes colonies with higher levels of diurnal activity revealed the presence of temporally specialized forager subpopulations. These results suggest the presence of temporal niches not only between the two Camponotus species, but as well between workers within colonies of the same species. In conclusion, the temporal organization in colonies of Camponotus ants involves not only the scheduling of tasks performed throughout the worker life, but also the precise timing of daily activities. The necessary endogenous clock is already functioning in all workers after eclosion. Whereas the light-dark cycle and food availability seem to be the prominent zeitgebers for foragers, nurses may rely more on non-photic zeitgeber like social interaction, temperature and humidity cycles.}, subject = {circadian clocks}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwenk2018, author = {Schwenk, Nicola}, title = {Seeing the Light: Synthesis of Luminescent Rhodacyclopentadienes and Investigations of their Optical Properties and Catalytic Activity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149550}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Luminescent organotransition metal complexes are of much current interest. As the large spin-orbit coupling of 2nd and 3rd row transition metals usually leads to rapid intersystem crossing from S1 to T1, which enables phosphorescence, there is a special interest in using triplet-emitting materials in organic or organometallic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Marder et al. have found that, reductive coupling of both para-R-substituted diarylbutadiynes and diaryldodecatetraynes on Rh(PMe3)4X leads to quantitative yields of bis(arylethynyl)-rhodacyclopentadienes with complete regiospecificity (R = BMes2, H, Me, OMe, SMe, CF3, CN, CO2Me, NMe2, NO2, C≡C-TMS and X = -C≡C-TMS, -C≡C-C6H4-4-NMe2, -C≡C-C≡C-C6H4-4-NPh2, Me, Cl).47,49 Unexpectedly, these compounds show intense fluorescence rather than phosphorescence (ɸf = 0.33-0.69, t = 1.2 3.0 ns). The substituent R has a significant influence on the photophysical properties, as absorption and emission are both bathochromically shifted compared to R = H, especially for R = π-acceptor. To clarify the mechanism of the formation of the rhodacyclopentadienes, and to investigate further their unique photophysical properties, a series of novel, luminescent rhodacyclopentadienes with dithiocarbamate as a bidentate ligand at the rhodium centre has been synthesised and characterised (R = NO2, CO2Me, Me, NMe2, SMe, Ar = C6F4-4-OMe). The rhodacyclopentadienes have been formed via reductive coupling of diaryl undecatetraynes with [Rh(k2-S,S`-S2CNEt2)(PMe3)2]. The structures of a series of such compounds were solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction and are discussed in this work. The compounds were fully characterised via NMR, UV/Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as by elemental analysis, high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and X-ray diffraction. When heating the reactions, another isomer is formed to a certain extent. The so-called dibenzorhodacyclopentadienes already appeared during earlier studies of Marder et al., when acetylacetonate (acac) was employed as the bidentate ligand at the Rh-centre. They are probably formed via a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction and C-H activation, followed by a β-H shift. Use of the perfluorinated phenyl moiety Ar = C6F4-4-OMe provided a total new insight into the mechanism of formation of the rhodacyclopentadiene isomers and other reactions. Besides the formation of the expected rhodacyclopentadiene, a bimetallic compound was generated, isolated and characterised via X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and high resolution mass spectrometry. For further comparison, analogous reactions with [Rh(k2 S,S` S2CNEt2)(PPh3)2] and a variety of diaryl undecatetraynes (R = NO2 CO2Me, Me, NMe2, SMe, Ar = C6F4-4-OMe) were carried out. They also yield the expected rhodacyclopentadienes, but quickly react with a second or even third equivalent of the tetraynes to form, catalytically, alkyne cyclotrimerisation products, namely substituted benzene derivatives (dimers and trimers), which are highly luminescent. The rhodacyclopentadienes (R = NO2, CO2Me, Me, SMe, Ar = C6F4-4-OMe) are stable and were isolated. The structures of a series of these compounds were obtained via single crystal X-ray crystallography and the compounds were fully characterised via NMR, UV/Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as by elemental analysis and HRMS. Another attempt to clarify the mechanism of formation of the rhodacyclopentadienes involved reacting a variety of diaryl 1,3-butadiynes (R = CO2Me, Me, NMe2, naphthyl) with [Rh(k2 S,S` S2CNEt2)(PMe3)2]. The reactions stop at an intermediate step, yielding a 1:1 trans π-complex, confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy. Only after several weeks, or under forcing conditions (µw / 80 °C, 75 h), the formation of another major product occurs, having bound a second diaryl 1,3-butadiyne. Based on earlier results of Murata, the product is identified as an unusual [3+2] cycloaddition product, ϭ-bound to the rhodium centre.}, subject = {Rhodium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HebronMwalwisi2018, author = {Hebron Mwalwisi, Yonah}, title = {Assessment of Counterfeit and Substandard Antimalarial Medicines using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145821}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Although the prevalence of substandard and counterfeit pharmaceutical products is a global problem, it is more critical in resource-constrained countries. The national medicines regulatory authorities (MNRA) in these countries have limited resources to cater for regular quality surveillance programmes aimed at ensuring that medicines in circulation are of acceptable quality. Among the reasons explained to hinder the implementation of these strategies is that compendial monographs are too complicated and require expensive infrastructures in terms of environment, equipment and consumables. In this study it was therefore aimed at developing simple, precise, and robust HPLC and HPTLC methods utilizing inexpensive, readily available chemicals (methanol and simple buffers) that can determine the APIs, other API than declared one, and which are capable of impurity profiling. As an outcome of this study, three isocratic and robust HPLC and two HPTLC methods for sulfadoxine, sulfalene, pyrimethamine, primaquine, artesunate, as well as amodiaquine have been developed and validated. All HPLC methods are operated using an isocratic elution mode which means they can be implemented even with a single pump HPLC system and standard C18 columns. The densitometric sulfadoxine/sulfalene and pyrimethamine method utilizes standard TLC plates as well as inexpensive, readily available and safe chemicals (toluene, methanol, and ethyl acetate), while that for artesunate and amodiaquine requires HPTLC plates as well as triethylamine and acetonitrile due to challenges associated with the analysis of amodiaquine and poorly the detectable artesunate. These HPTLC methods can be implemented as alternative to those requiring HPLC equipment e.g. in countries that already have acquired densitometer equipment. It is understood that HPTLC methods are less sensitive, precise and accurate when compared to HPLC methods, but this hindrance can easily be addressed by sending representative samples to third party quality control laboratories where the analytical results are verified using compendial HPLC methods on a regular basis. It is therefore anticipated that the implementation of these methods will not only address the problem of limited resources required for medicines quality control but also increase the number of monitored targeted antimalarial products as well as the number of resource- constrained countries participating in quality monitoring campaigns. Moreover, the experiences and skills acquired within this work will be applied to other API groups, e. g. antibiotics, afterwards.}, subject = {Instrumentelle Analytik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuecker2018, author = {Sch{\"u}cker, Katharina}, title = {The molecular architecture of the meiotic chromosome axis as revealed by super-resolution microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144199}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {During meiosis proteins of the chromosome axis are important for monitoring chromatin structure and condensation, for pairing and segregation of chromosomes, as well as for accurate recombination. They include HORMA-domain proteins, proteins of the DNA repair system, synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins, condensins and cohesins. To understand more about their function in shaping the meiotic chromosome it is crucial to establish a defined model of their molecular architecture. Up to now their molecular organization was analysed using conventional methods, like confocal scanning microscopy (CLSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Unfortunately, these techniques are limited either by their resolution power or their localization accuracy. In conclusion, a lot of data on the molecular organization of chromosome axis proteins stays elusive. For this thesis the molecular structure of the murine synaptonemal complex (SC) and the localization of its proteins as well as of three cohesins was analysed with isotropic resolution, providing new insights into their architecture and topography on a nanoscale level. This was done using immunofluorescence labelling in combination with super-resolution microscopy, line profiles and average position determination. The results show that the murine SC has a width of 221.6 nm ± 6.1 nm including a central region (CR) of 148.2 nm ± 2.6 nm. In the CR a multi-layered organization of the central element (CE) proteins was verified by measuring their strand diameters and strand distances and additionally by imaging potential anchoring sites of SYCP1 (synaptonemal complex protein 1) to the lateral elements (LEs). We were able to show that the two LEs proteins SYCP2 and SYCP3 do co-localize alongside their axis and that there is no significant preferential localization towards the inner LE axis of SYCP2. The presented results also predict an orderly organization of murine cohesin complexes (CCs) alongside the chromosome axis in germ cells and support the hypothesis that cohesins in the CR of the SC function independent of CCs. In the end new information on the molecular organization of two main components of the murine chromosome axis were retrieved with nanometer precision and previously unknown details of their molecular architecture and topography were unravelled.}, subject = {Meiose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Carstensen2018, author = {Carstensen, Anne Carola}, title = {Identification of novel N-MYC interacting proteins reveals N-MYC interaction with TFIIIC}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143658}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {N-MYC is a member of the human MYC proto-oncogene family, which comprises three transcription factors (C-, N- and L-MYC) that function in multiple biological processes. Deregulated expression of MYC proteins is linked to tumour initiation, maintenance and progression. For example, a large fraction of neuroblastoma displays high N-MYC levels due to an amplification of the N-MYC encoding gene. MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma depend on high N-MYC protein levels, which are maintained by Aurora-A kinase. Aurora-A interaction with N-MYC interferes with degradation of N-MYC via the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFFBXW7. However, the underlying mechanism of Aurora-A-mediated stabilisation of N-MYC remains to be elucidated. To identify novel N-MYC interacting proteins, which could be involved in N-MYC stabilisation by Aurora-A, a proteomic analysis of purified N-MYC protein complexes was conducted. Since two alanine mutations in MBI of N-MYC, T58A and S62A (N-MYC mut), disable Aurora-A-mediated stabilisation of N-MYC, N-MYC protein complexes from cells expressing either N-MYC wt or mut were analysed. Proteomic analysis revealed that N-MYC interacts with two deubiquitinating enzymes, USP7 and USP11, which catalyse the removal of ubiquitin chains from target proteins, preventing recognition by the proteasome and subsequent degradation. Although N-MYC interaction with USP7 and USP11 was confirmed in subsequent immunoprecipitation experiments, neither USP7, nor USP11 was shown to be involved in the regulation of N-MYC stability. Besides USP7/11, proteomic analyses identified numerous additional N-MYC interacting proteins that were not described to interact with MYC transcription factors previously. Interestingly, many of the identified N-MYC interaction partners displayed a preference for the interaction with N-MYC wt, suggesting a MBI-dependent interaction. Among these were several proteins, which are involved in three-dimensional organisation of chromatin domains and transcriptional elongation by POL II. Not only the interaction of N-MYC with proteins functioning in elongation, such as the DSIF component SPT5 and the PAF1C components CDC73 and CTR9, was validated in immunoprecipitation experiments, but also with the POL III transcription factor TFIIIC and topoisomerases TOP2A/B. ChIP-sequencing analysis of N-MYC and TFIIIC subunit 5 (TFIIIC5) revealed a large number of joint binding sites in POL II promoters and intergenic regions, which are characterised by the presence of a specific motif that is highly similar to the CTCF motif. Additionally, N-MYC was shown to interact with the ring-shaped cohesin complex that is known to bind to CTCF motifs and to assist the insulator protein CTCF. Importantly, individual ChIP experiments demonstrated that N-MYC, TFIIIC5 and cohesin subunit RAD21 occupy joint binding sites comprising a CTCF motif. Collectively, the results indicate that N-MYC functions in two biological processes that have not been linked to MYC biology previously. Furthermore, the identification of joint binding sites of N-MYC, TFIIIC and cohesin and the confirmation of their interaction with each other suggests a novel function of MYC transcription factors in three-dimensional organisation of chromatin.}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gupta2018, author = {Gupta, Shishir Kumar}, title = {Re-annotation of Camponotus floridanus Genome and Characterization of Innate Immunity Transcriptome Responses to Bacterial Infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The sequencing of several ant genomes within the last six years open new research avenues for understanding not only the genetic basis of social species but also the complex systems such as immune responses in general. Similar to other social insects, ants live in cooperative colonies, often in high densities and with genetically identical or closely related individuals. The contact behaviours and crowd living conditions allow the disease to spread rapidly through colonies. Nevertheless, ants can efficiently combat infections by using diverse and effective immune mechanisms. However, the components of the immune system of carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus and also the factors in bacteria that facilitate infection are not well understood. To form a better view of the immune repository and study the C. floridanus immune responses against the bacteria, experimental data from Illumina sequencing and mass-spectrometry (MS) data of haemolymph in normal and infectious conditions were analysed and integrated with the several bioinformatics approaches. Briefly, the tasks were accomplished in three levels. First, the C. floridanus genome was re-annotated for the improvement of the existing annotation using the computational methods and transcriptomics data. Using the homology based methods, the extensive survey of literature, and mRNA expression profiles, the immune repository of C. floridanus were established. Second, large-scale protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and signalling network of C. floridanus were reconstructed and analysed and further the infection induced functional modules in the networks were detected by mapping of the expression data over the networks. In addition, the interactions of the immune components with the bacteria were identified by reconstructing inter-species PPIs networks and the interactions were validated by literature. Third, the stage-specific MS data of larvae and worker ants were analysed and the differences in the immune response were reported. Concisely, all the three omics levels resulted to multiple findings, for instance, re-annotation and transcriptome profiling resulted in the overall improvement of structural and functional annotation and detection of alternative splicing events, network analysis revealed the differentially expressed topologically important proteins and the active functional modules, MS data analysis revealed the stage specific differences in C. floridanus immune responses against bacterial pathogens. Taken together, starting from re-annotation of C. floridanus genome, this thesis provides a transcriptome and proteome level characterization of ant C. floridanus, particularly focusing on the immune system responses to pathogenic bacteria from a biological and a bioinformatics point of view. This work can serve as a model for the integration of omics data focusing on the immuno-transcriptome of insects.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aulbach2018, author = {Aulbach, Julian}, title = {Gold-Induced Atomic Wires on Terraced Silicon Surfaces: Formation and Interactions of Silicon Spin Chains}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169347}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Atomic nanowires formed by self-assembled growth on semiconducting surfaces represent a feasible physical realization of quasi-1D electron systems and can be used to study fascinating 1D quantum phenomena. The system in the focus of this thesis, Si(553)-Au, is generated by Au adsorption onto a stepped silicon surface. It features two different chain types, interspersed with each other: A Au chain on the terrace, and a honeycomb chain of graphitic silicon located at the step edge. The silicon atoms at the exposed edges of the latter are predicted to be spin-polarized and charge-ordered [1], leading to an ordered array of local magnetic moments referred to as ``spin chains''. The present thesis puts this spin chain proposal to an experimental test. A detailed scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) scrutiny reveals a distinct unoccupied density of states (DOS) feature localized at every third Si step-edge atom, which aligns perfectly with the density functional theory (DFT) prediction. This finding provides strong evidence for the formation of spin chains at the Si(553)-Au step edges, and simultaneously rules out the interpretation of previous studies which attributed the x3 step-edge superstructure to a Peierls instability. To study the formation of spin chains in further detail, an additional member of the so-called Si(hhk)-Au family -- Si(775)-Au -- is analyzed. Based on DFT modeling (performed by S.C. Erwin, Naval Research Laboratory, USA) and detailed STM and STS experiments, a new structure model for this surface is developed, and the absence of spin chains at the Si(775)-Au step edges is demonstrated. The different step-edge charge distributions of all known Si(hhk)-Au surfaces are traced back to an electron transfer between the terrace and the step edge. Accordingly, an unintentional structure defect should create a localized spin at the Si(775)-Au step edge. This prediction is verified experimentally, and suggest that surface chemistry can be used to create and destroy Si spin chains. Having clarified why spin chains form on some Si(hhk)-Au surfaces but not on others, various interaction effects of the Si(553)-Au spin chains are inspected. A collaborative analysis by SPA-LEED (M. Horn-von Hoegen group, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), DFT (S.C. Erwin), and STM reveals strong lateral coupling between adjacent spin chains, bearing interesting implications for their magnetic ordering. The centered geometry uncovered leads to magnetic frustration, and may stabilize a 2D quantum spin liquid. Moreover, a complex interplay between neighboring Au and Si chains is detected. Specifically, the interaction is found effectively ``one-way'', i.e., the Si step edges respond to the Au chains but not vice versa. This unidirectional effect breaks the parity of the Si chains, and creates two different configurations of step edges with opposite directionality. In addition to the static properties of the Si(553)-Au surface mentioned above, the occurrence of solitons in both wire types is witnessed in real space by means of high-resolution STM imaging. The solitons are found to interact with one another such that both move in a coupled fashion along the chains. Likewise, STM experiments as a function of the tunneling current suggest an excitation of solitons along the step edge by the STM tunneling tip. Solitons are also found to play an essential role in the temperature-dependent behavior of the Si(553)-Au step edges. It is an accepted fact that the distinct x3 superstructure of the Si(553)-Au step edges vanishes upon heating to room temperature. As a first step in exploring this transition in detail over a large temperature range, a previously undetected, occupied electronic state associated with the localized step-edge spins is identified by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). A tracking of this state as a function of temperature reveals an order-disorder-type transition. Complementary STM experiments attribute the origin of this transition to local, thermally activated spin site hops, which correspond to soliton-anitsoliton pairs. Finally, a manipulation of the Si(553)-Au atomic wire array is achieved by the stepwise adsorption of potassium atoms. This does not only increase the filling of the Au-induced surface bands culminating in a metal-insulator transition (MIT), but also modifies the Si step-edge charge distribution, as indicated by STM and ARPES experiments. [1] S. C. Erwin and F. Himpsel, Intrinsic magnetism at silicon surfaces, Nat. Commun. 1, 58 (2010).}, subject = {Rastertunnelmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Skaf2018, author = {Skaf, Joseph}, title = {Antileishmanial and antitrypanosomal compounds from \(Achillea\) \(fragrantissima\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167841}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This PhD thesis is dealing with the bioassay-guided fractionation of a dichloromethane extract of the aerial parts of Achillea fragrantissima with the aim of isolation and structure isolation of the antileishmanial and/or antitrypanosomal principles in the plant.}, subject = {Schafgarbe }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Razinskas2018, author = {Razinskas, Gary}, title = {Functional plasmonic nanocircuitry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166917}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this work, functional plasmonic nanocircuitry is examined as a key of revolutionizing state-of-the-art electronic and photonic circuitry in terms of integration density and transmission bandwidth. In this context, numerical simulations enable the design of dedicated devices, which allow fundamental control of photon flow at the nanometer scale via single or multiple plasmonic eigenmodes. The deterministic synthesis and in situ analysis of these eigenmodes is demonstrated and constitutes an indispensable requirement for the practical use of any device. By exploiting the existence of multiple eigenmodes and coherence - both not accessible in classical electronics - a nanoscale directional coupler for the ultrafast spatial and spatiotemporal coherent control of plasmon propagation is conceived. Future widespread application of plasmonic nanocircuitry in quantum technologies is boosted by the promising demonstrations of spin-optical and quantum plasmonic nanocircuitry.}, subject = {Nanooptik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grauer2018, author = {Grauer, Stefan}, title = {Transport Phenomena in Bi\(_2\)Se\(_3\) and Related Compounds}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH}, isbn = {978-3-8439-3481-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {One of the most significant technological advances in history was driven by the utilization of a new material class: semiconductors. Its most important application being the transistor, which is indispensable in our everyday life. The technological advance in the semiconductor industry, however, is about to slow down. Making transistors ever smaller to increase the performance and trying to reduce and deal with the dissipative heat will soon reach the limits dictated by quantum mechanics with Moore himself, predicting the death of his famous law in the next decade. A possible successor for semiconductor transistors is the recently discovered material class of topological insulators. A material which in its bulk is insulating but has topological protected metallic surface states or edge states at its boundary. Their electrical transport characteristics include forbidden backscattering and spin-momentum-locking with the spin of the electron being perpendicular to its momentum. Topological insulators therefore offer an opportunity for high performance devices with low dissipation, and applications in spintronic where data is stored and processed at the same point. The topological insulator Bi\(_2\)Se\(_3\) and related compounds offer relatively high energy band gaps and a rather simple band structure with a single dirac cone at the gamma point of the Brillouin zone. These characteritics make them ideal candidates to study the topological surface state in electrical transport experiments and explore its physics.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sapozhnikova2018, author = {Sapozhnikova, Kateryna}, title = {Robust Stability of Differential Equations with Maximum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173945}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this thesis stability and robustness properties of systems of functional differential equations which dynamics depends on the maximum of a solution over a prehistory time interval is studied. Max-operator is analyzed and it is proved that due to its presence such kind of systems are particular case of state dependent delay differential equations with piecewise continuous delay function. They are nonlinear, infinite-dimensional and may reduce to one-dimensional along its solution. Stability analysis with respect to input is accomplished by trajectory estimate and via averaging method. Numerical method is proposed.}, subject = {Differentialgleichung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wandtner2018, author = {Wandtner, Bernhard}, title = {Non-driving related tasks in highly automated driving - Effects of task characteristics and drivers' self-regulation on take-over performance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173956}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The rise of automated driving will fundamentally change our mobility in the near future. This thesis specifically considers the stage of so called highly automated driving (Level 3, SAE International, 2014). At this level, a system carries out vehicle guidance in specific application areas, e.g. on highway roads. The driver can temporarily suspend from monitoring the driving task and might use the time by engaging in so called non-driving related tasks (NDR-tasks). However, the driver is still in charge to resume vehicle control when prompted by the system. This new role of the driver has to be critically examined from a human factors perspective. The main aim of this thesis was to systematically investigate the impact of different NDR-tasks on driver behavior and take-over performance. Wickens' (2008) architecture of multiple resource theory was chosen as theoretical framework, with the building blocks of multiplicity (task interference due to resource overlap), mental workload (task demands), and aspects of executive control or self-regulation. Specific adaptations and extensions of the theory were discussed to account for the context of NDR-task interactions in highly automated driving. Overall four driving simulator studies were carried out to investigate the role of these theoretical components. Study 1 showed that drivers focused NDR-task engagement on sections of highly automated compared to manual driving. In addition, drivers avoided task engagement prior to predictable take-over situations. These results indicate that self-regulatory behavior, as reported for manual driving, also takes place in the context of highly automated driving. Study 2 specifically addressed the impact of NDR-tasks' stimulus and response modalities on take-over performance. Results showed that particularly visual-manual tasks with high motoric load (including the need to get rid of a handheld object) had detrimental effects. However, drivers seemed to be aware of task specific distraction in take-over situations and strictly canceled visual-manual tasks compared to a low impairing auditory-vocal task. Study 3 revealed that also the mental demand of NDR-tasks should be considered for drivers' take-over performance. Finally, different human-machine-interfaces were developed and evaluated in Simulator Study 4. Concepts including an explicit pre-alert ("notification") clearly supported drivers' self-regulation and achieved high usability and acceptance ratings. Overall, this thesis indicates that the architecture of multiple resource theory provides a useful framework for research in this field. Practical implications arise regarding the potential legal regulation of NDR-tasks as well as the design of elaborated human-machine-interfaces.}, subject = {Autonomes Fahrzeug}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Behets2018, author = {Behets, Jean Nicolas}, title = {Biomimetic calcium phosphate modification of 3D-printed tissue engineering scaffolds using reactive star-shaped macromers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171728}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Biomimetic calcium phosphate (CaP) coatings imitate the trabecular bones surface structure and have shown to promote osteogenic differentiation in multipotent cells. The work of this thesis focused on the problem of former CaP coatings cracking and flaking off when being put on a bendable core structure like a 3D-printed poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffold. The aim was to provide a chemical linkage between PCL and CaP using a star-shaped polymer (sPEG) and a phosphonate, 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid (2-AEP). First, a published CaP coating protocol was revised and investigated in terms of etching parameters for the PCL scaffold. Results presented reproducible thick coatings for all groups. The protocol was then broadened to include subsequent scaffold incubation in sPEG and 2-AEP solutions. Homogenous CaP coatings of decreased thickness presented themselves, proving feasibility. However, as is often found with physical CaP coating depositions, there were some irregular outcomes even during the same experimental group. A lower consumption of the chemical 2-AEP, for economic reasons, meant that the protocol was altered to simultaneously incubate scaffolds with sPEG and 2-AEP including preceding calculations for molar ratios. For ratios 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3, again a homogenous CaP coating was produced on most of the samples, although reproducibility issues maintained. However, the mechanical bending to induce surface cracking showed that the CaP did strongly bond to the sPEG/2-AEP, while the control CaP coating flaked off the surface in large pieces. This research demonstrates that chemically-bound CaP coatings resist flaking off the fiber surface. Future investigations should focus on the mechanisms of CaP crystallization, to improve reproducibility.}, subject = {Tissue engineering}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feineis2018, author = {Feineis, Susanne}, title = {Thioether-poly(glycidol) as multifunctional coating system for gold nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The aim of this thesis was the development of a multifunctional coating system for AuNPs based on thioether polymers, providing both excellent colloidal stability and a variable possibility to introduce functionalities for biological applications. First, two thioether-polymer systems were synthesised as a systematic investigation into colloidal stabilisation efficacy. Besides commonly used monovalent poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-SR), its structural analogue linear poly(glycidol) (PG-SR) bearing multiple statistically distributed thioether moieties along the backbone was synthesised. Additionally, respective thiol analogues (PEG-SH and PG-SH) were produced and applied as reference. Successive modification of varyingly large AuNPs with aforementioned thiol- and thioether-polymers was performed via ligand exchange reaction on citrate stabilised AuNPs. An increased stabilisation efficacy of both thioether-polymers against biological and physiological conditions, as well as against freeze-drying compared to thiol analogues was determined. Based on the excellent colloidal stabilisation efficacy and multi-functionalisability of thioether-PG, a plethora of functional groups, such as charged groups, hydrophilic/hydrophobic chains, as well as bio-active moieties namely diazirine and biotin was introduced to the AuNP surface. Moreover, the generic and covalent binding of diazirine-modified PG-SR with biomolecules including peptides and proteins was thoroughly demonstrated. Lastly, diverse applicability and bioactivity of aforementioned modified particles in various studies was displayed, once more verifying the introduction of functionalities. On the one hand the electrostatic interaction of charged AuNPs with hydrogels based on hyaluronic acid was applied to tune the release kinetics of particles from three-dimensional scaffolds. On the other hand the strong complexation of siRNA onto two positively charged AuNPs was proven. The amount of siRNA payload was tuneable by varying the surface charge, ionic strength of the surrounding medium and the N/P ratio. Moreover, the biological activity and selectivity of the biotin-streptavidin conjugation was verified with respectively functionalised particles in controlled agglomeration test and in laser-triggered cell elimination experiments. In the latter, streptavidin-functionalised AuNPs resulted in excellent depletion of biotinylated cells whereas unfunctionalised control particles failed, excluding unspecific binding of these particles to the cell surface.}, subject = {Nanopartikel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bacmeister2018, author = {Bacmeister, Lucas}, title = {Effect of Cadherin-13 inactivation on different GABAergic interneuron populations of the mouse hippocampus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172693}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Cadherin-13 (CDH13) is an atypical member of the cadherin superfamily, a group of membrane proteins mediating calcium-dependent cellular adhesion. Although CDH13 shows the classical extracellular cadherin structure, the typical transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are absent. Instead, CDH13 is attached to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. These findings and many studies from different fields suggest that CDH13 also plays a role as a cellular receptor. Interestingly, many genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have found CDH13 as a risk gene for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In previous work from our research group, strong expression of Cdh13 mRNA in interneurons of the hippocampal stratum oriens (SO) was detected. Therefore, double-immunofluorescence studies were used to evaluate the degree of co-expression of CDH13 with seven markers of GABAergic interneuron subtypes. For this purpose, murine brains were double stained against CDH13 and the respective marker and the degree of colocalization in the SO of the hippocampus was assessed. Based on the result of this immunofluorescence study, quantitative differences in interneuron subtypes of the SO between Cdh13 knockout (ko), heterozygote (het) and wildtype (wt) mice were investigated in this dissertation using stereological methods. In addition, genotype- dependent differences in the expression of genes involved in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Primers targeting different GABA receptor subunits, vesicular GABA and glutamate transporter, GABA synthesizing enzymes and their interaction partners were used for this purpose. The results of the stereological quantification of the interneuron subtypes show no significant differences in cell number, cell density or volume of the SO between Cdh13 ko, het and wt mice. On the other hand, qRT-PCR results indicate significant differences in the expression of tropomyosin-related kinase B gene (TrkB), which encodes the receptor of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a regulator of GABAergic neurons. This finding supports a role for CDH13 in the regulation of BDNF signaling in the hippocampus.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bucher2018, author = {Bucher, Hannes}, title = {Pre-clinical modeling of viral- and bacterial-induced exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {XIII, 105}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbations are a considerable reason for increased morbidity and mortality in patients. Infections with influenza virus (H1N1), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) are important triggers of exacerbations. To date, no treatments are available which can stop the progression of COPD. Novel approaches are urgently needed. Pre-clinical models of the disease are crucial for the development of novel therapeutic options. In order to establish pre-clinical models which mimic aspects of human COPD exacerbations, mice were exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) and additionally infected with H1N1, RSV and/or NTHi. Clinically relevant treatments such as the corticosteroids Fluticasone propionate and Dexamethasone, the phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4) inhibitor Roflumilast and the long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist Tiotropium were tested in the established models. Furthermore, a novel treatment approach using antibodies (Abs) directed against IL-1α, IL-1β or IL-1R1 was examined in the established CS/H1N1 model. Levels of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, KC, TNF-α, RANTES, IL-17, MCP-1, MIP 1α and MIP-1β were measured in lung homogenate. Numbers of total cells, neutrophils and macrophages were assessed in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Hematoxylin- and eosin- (H\&E-) stained lung slices were analyzed to detect pathological changes. Quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) was used to investigate gene expression of ICAM-1 and MUC5 A/C. The viral/bacterial load was investigated in lung homogenate or BAL fluid. In addition to the in vivo studies, the effects of the above mentioned treatments were investigated in vitro in H1N1, RSV or NTHi-infected (primary) human bronchial epithelial cells using submerged or air-liquid-interface (ALI) cell culture systems. Four pre-clinical models (CS/H1N1, CS/RSV, CS/NTHi, CS/H1N1/NTHi) were established depicting clinically relevant aspects of COPD exacerbations such as increased inflammatory cells and cytokines in the airways and impaired lung function. In the CS/H1N1 model, Tiotropium improved lung function and was superior in reducing inflammation in comparison to Fluticasone or Roflumilast. Moreover, Fluticasone increased the loss of body-weight, levels of IL-6, KC and TNF-α and worsened lung function. In CS/RSV-exposed mice Tiotropium but not Fluticasone or Roflumilast treatment reduced neutrophil numbers and IL-6 and TNF α levels in the lung. The viral load of H1N1 and RSV was significantly elevated in CS/virus-exposed mice and NCI-H292 cells after Fluticasone and Dexamethasone treatment. The results from these studies demonstrate that Tiotropium has anti-inflammatory effects on CS/virus-induced inflammation and might help to explain the observed reduction of exacerbation rates in Tiotropium-treated COPD patients. Furthermore, the findings from this work indicate that treatment with Fluticasone or Dexamethasone might not be beneficial to reduce inflammation in the airways of COPD patients and supports clinical studies that link treatment with corticosteroids to an increased risk for pneumonia. Testing of anti-IL-1α, anti-IL-1β or anti-IL-1R1 Abs in the CS/H1N1 model suggests that, in line with clinical data, antagonization of IL-1β is not sufficient to reduce pulmonary inflammation and indicates a predominant role of IL-1α in CS/virus-induced airway inflammation. In line with the in vivo findings, anti-IL-1α but not anti-IL-1β Abs reduced levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in H1N1-infected primary human bronchial epithelial ALI cell culture. Blocking the IL-1R1 provided significant inhibitory effects on inflammatory cells in vivo but was inferior compared to inhibiting both its soluble ligands IL-1α and IL-1β. Concomitant usage of Abs against IL-1α/IL-1β revealed strong effects and reduced total cells, neutrophils and macrophages. Additionally, levels of KC, IL-6, TNF-α, MCP-1, MIP-1α and MIP-1β were significantly reduced and ICAM-1 mRNA expression was attenuated. These results suggest that combined inhibition of IL-1α/IL-1β might be beneficial to reduce inflammation and exacerbations in COPD patients. Moreover, combined targeting of both IL-1α/IL-1β might be more efficient compared to inhibition of the IL-1R1. As in the CS/virus models, corticosteroid treatment failed to reduce inflammatory cells in the CS/NTHi and CS/H1N1/NTHi models, increased the loss of body-weight and the bacterial load. Furthermore, Roflumilast administration had no significant effects on cell counts or cytokines. However, it improved compliance in the CS/NTHi model. Treatment with Azithromycin reduced the bacterial load in the CS/NTHi model and reduced numbers of total cells, neutrophils, macrophages and levels of KC and TNF-α in the CS/H1N1/NTHi model. In conclusion, the established CS/H1N1, CS/RSV, CS/NTHi, CS/H1N1/NTHi models depict clinically relevant aspects of human COPD exacerbations in mice and provide the opportunity to investigate underlying disease mechanisms and to test novel therapies.}, subject = {Obstruktive Ventilationsst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dietz2018, author = {Dietz, Daniel}, title = {Essays on Human Resource Management in view of training, retention and compensation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161969}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The analysis of how a general change, an economic shock and a modified institutional framework condition affect the HRM process, provide the motivation for the present dissertation. Thereby, the dissertation concentrates on certain areas of the HRM process, namely compensation, further training and retention, as well as changes and challenges that have been subject to a high degree of public interest in recent years. It consists of three essays, all self-contained and independently readable. The first essay investigates whether it is possible to keep employees in the establishment by offering further training measures. Therefore, this essay uses a comparison group approach and compares only training participants with those employees who had been selected by the employer to participate in training but had to cancel it for exogenous reasons. From a methodological point of view, by means of Fixed Effects and Diff GMM estimations, the essay also controls for time-variant and invariant unobserved heterogeneity as well as endogeneity of training participation. By simultaneously considering the components from the human capital theory as well as the monopsony theory, the essay shows that portability of general human capital contents and visibility of training, induced by training certificates, independently reduce the retention effect of training. The negative effect is much stronger if training is certified by external institutions and therefore credible. In addition, the effects of visibility and portability are distinct and thus also reduce the retention effect of training separately. However, the total effect of portable, visible and credible training on retention is still positive. Therefore, further training appears to be an effective measure to keep the qualified employees in the establishment. Second, the attention is on a short-term unpredictable economic shock: Essay 2 analyses whether and to what extent the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009 has had an impact on the individual training behaviour in establishments. From a theoretical point of view, the effects of the crisis on establishments' training activities are ambiguous. On the one hand, the reduced opportunity costs of training argue more in favour of an increase in further training. On the other hand, economic theory suggests decreasing training activities in the crisis because of reduced financial resources, uncertain future prospects, and, therefore, unclear returns on training. Using Difference-in-Differences analyses, this essay avoids endogeneity problems caused by unobservable third factors. The Great Recession in 2008 and 2009 can be seen as an exogenous and time-limited shock: this quasi-experimental setting helps to reveal the causal impact of the crisis on the training intensity and the number of training measures. Results indicate that there is a direct effect of the crisis on individual training activities in 2009 and 2010. This effect is stronger for unskilled employees than for employees with higher skill levels. Furthermore, the negative effect sets in with a time lag and lasts until the year 2010 (although there is already an economic upswing). Numerous analyses are used to check additional heterogeneities in training activities for other employee groups. Among others, particularly the area of executive compensation was affected by the economic crisis and the ensuing regulations in institutional framework conditions. The third essay of this dissertation deals with the question whether these changes had an impact on the compensation level and structure of executive board members. The focus is on the extent to which executive compensation is converging within and between different exchange segments in Germany. Based on a sample of CEOs and non-CEOs of German DAX and MDAX establishments, the evolution of executive compensation levels and structures (i.e., fractions of base pay, short- and long-term incentives) are examined during the period from 2006 until 2012. The results of descriptive as well as multivariate Fixed Effects analyses indicate isomorphism of both, pay levels and pay structures within (intra-segment-convergence) and between (inter-segment convergence) stock exchange segments especially for CEOs. However, for the other members of the management board (non-CEOs), there is only a convergence of the compensation structure within the segments. The results do not indicate either intra- or inter-segment convergence of salary levels. Altogether, the three essays of this dissertation provide a selection of the current changes and challenges that HRM has to deal with. From a methodological perspective, all three essays use different applied econometric estimation strategies. In order to eliminate estimation problems caused by time-invariant and variant unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity, Fixed Effects, Diff GMM as well as Difference-in-Differences approaches are applied. In addition, sample selection, research design as well as identification strategy attempts to avoid estimation bias. The first two essays are based on a linked-employer-employee panel data set and adopt a personnel economic perspective. The third essay uses establishment-level data and is based on institutional theory. The first essay was written in cooperation with Thomas Zwick and the third essay was written in cooperation with Nathalie Haidegger-Rieß and Robert Wagner.}, subject = {Human Resource Management }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MielichSuess2018, author = {Mielich-S{\"u}ß, Benjamin}, title = {Elucidating structural and functional aspects of prokaryotic membrane microdomains}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Bacterial functional membrane microdomains (FMMs) are membrane platforms that resemble lipid rafts of eukaryotic cells in certain functional and structural aspects. Lipid rafts are nanometer-sized, dynamic clusters of proteins and lipids in eukaryotic cell membranes that serve as signaling hubs and assembling platforms. Yet, studying these structures can often be hampered by the complexity of a eukaryotic cell. Thus, the analogous structures of prokaryotes are an attractive model to study molecular traits of this type of membrane organization. Similar to eukaryotic lipid rafts, the bacterial FMMs are comprised of polyisoprenoid lipids, scaffold proteins and a distinct set of membrane proteins, involved in signaling or secretion. Investigating bacterial FMMs not only contributes to the understanding of the physiological importance of FMMs in bacteria, but also helps to elucidate general principles of rafts beyond prokaryotes. In this work, a bacterial model organism was used to investigate effects of synthetic overproduction of the raft scaffolding proteins on bacterial physiology. This overexpression causes an unusual stabilization of the FMM-harbored protease FtsH and therefore the proteolytic targets of FtsH are not correctly regulated. Developmental defects and aberrances in shape are the consequence, which in turn negatively affects cell physiology. These findings may be adapted to better understand lipid raft processes in humans, where flotillin upregulation is detected along with development of neurological diseases. Moreover, it was aimed at understanding the FMM-proteome of the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. An in-depth quantitative mass-spectrometry analysis reveals adaption of the protein cargo during different conditions, while maintaining a distinct set of core FMM proteins. As a case study, the assembly of the type VII secretion system was shown to be dependent on FMM integrity and more specifically on the activity of the FMM-scaffold flotillin. This secretion system is important for the virulence of this pathogen and its secretion efficiency can be targeted by small molecules that inhibit flotillin activity. This opens new venues for non-conventional antimicrobial compounds to treat staphylococcal infections.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heinrichs2018, author = {Heinrichs, Susanne Margarete}, title = {Myocardial B-cell infiltration following occlusion of the left anterior descending artery in mice is driven by CXCL13}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168554}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Myocardial B-cell infiltration after LAD occlusion in mice is driven by CXCL13 After myocardial infarction, the immune system is activated and regulates wound healing and remodeling processes in the heart. While the role of T cells has been elucidated already, the function of B cells in myocardial infarction remained relatively unclear until now. It is, however, already known that B cells are of importance in healing processes in other tissues, for example in the skin. Our studies therefore addressed the role and function of B cells in healing and early remodeling processes in the myocardium after infarction. Under physiological conditions, only few B cells can be found in the heart. After myocardial infarction, however, which we modelled with a permanent ligation of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in C57BL/6J mice, we could demonstrate that B lymphocytes accumulate in the early phase after tissue injury (days one to seven) in the myocardium. To detect B cells, we performed immunofluorescence stainings on cryosections of infarcted hearts using an anti-B220 antibody. Quantitative analysis of tissue infiltration revealed that B cells peaked at day seven. In flow cytometry, we further characterized the B cells infiltrating infarcted tissue. We found that most of them were mature B cells (IgM+, IgD+). Next, we wanted to outline a potential mechanism responsible for B-cell infiltration to the site of tissue injury. We therefore performed ELISA experiments revealing that CXCL13 was upregulated in scar tissue. Antibody-mediated neutralization of CXCL13 verifiably attenuated B-cell infiltration. Treated mice also showed - in the tendency - smaller infarct sizes and an improved survival. In conclusion, we could show that B lymphocytes infiltrate the myocardium after MI in mice following a local CXCL13 gradient and that it is, most likely, beneficial to inhibit this process.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Munz2018, author = {Munz, Eberhard}, title = {Physiological and metabolical high-resolution MRI of plants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172518}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {177}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging technique allows for the investigation of functional processes in the living plant. For this purpose during this work, different NMR imaging methods were further developed and applied. For the localisation of the intrusion of water into the germinating rape seed with the simultaneous depiction of the lipid-rich tissue via a 3D rendering, in Chap. 5 the technique of interleaved chemical selective acquisition of water and lipid was used in the germinating seed. The utilization of high-resolution MR images of germinated seeds enabled the localization of a predetermined water gap in the lipid-rich aleurone layer, which resides directly under the seed coat. The for a long time in biology prevalent discussion, whether such a gap exists or the seed soaks up the water from all sides, rather like a sponge, could hereby, at least for the rapeseed seed, be answered clearly. Furthermore, the segmentation and 3D visualization of the vascular tissue in the rapeseed seeds was enabled by the high-resolution datasets, a multiply branched structure preconstructed in the seed could be shown. The water is directed by the vascular tissue and thus awakens the seed gradually to life. This re-awakening could as well be tracked by means of invasive imaging via an oxygen sensor. In the re-awakened seeds, the lipid degradation starts, other than expected, not in the lipid-rich cotyledons but in the residual endosperm remaining from seed development and in the aleurone layer which previously protected the embryo. Within this layer, the degradation could be verified in the high-resolution MR datasets. The method presented in Chap. 6 provides a further characteristic trait for phenotyping of seeds and lipid containing plants in general. The visualization of the compounds of fatty acids in plant seeds and fruits could be achieved by the distinct utilization of chemical shift-selective imaging techniques. Via the application of a CSI sequence the fatty acid compounds in an olive were localized in a 2D slice. In conjunction with an individually adjusted CHESS presaturation module Haa85 the high-resolution 3D visualization of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid compounds in different seeds was achieved. The ratio maps calculated from these datasets allow to draw conclusions from the developmental stage or the type of seed. Furthermore, it could be shown that the storage condition of two soybean seeds with different storage time durations lead to no degradation of the fatty acid content. Additional structural information from inside of dry seeds are now accessible via MRI. In this work the imaging of cereal seeds could be significantly improved by the application of the UTE sequence. The hitherto existing depictions of the lipid distribution, acquired with the spin echo sequence, were always sufficient for examinations of the lipid content, yet defects in the starchy endosperm or differences in the starch concentration within the seed remained constantly unseen with this technique. In a direct comparison of the datasets acquired with the previous imaging technique (spin echo) and with UTE imaging, the advantage of data acquisition with UTE could be shown. By investigating the potential seed compounds (starch, proteins, sugar) in pure form, the constituent parts contributing to the signal could be identified as bound water (residual moisture) and starch. The application of a bi-exponential fit on the datasets of the barley seed enabled the separate mapping of magnetization and of relaxation time of two components contributing to the NMR signal. The direct comparison with histological stainings verified the previous results, thus this technique can be used for the selective imaging of starch in dry seeds. Conclusions on the translocation characteristics in plants can be drawn by the technique proposed in Chap. 8. The associated translocation velocities can now, even in the range of several um/h, be determined in the living plant. Based on calculated concentrations of an MR contrast agent, which was taken up by the plant, these translocation velocities were estimated both in longitudinal direction, thus along the vascular bundle, and in horizontal direction, thus out of the bundle. The latter velocity is located below the contrast agent's velocity value of free diffusion. By adjusting a dynamic contrast-enhancing imaging technique (DCE-Imaging, Tof91) the acquisition duration of a T1-map was significantly reduced. By means of these maps, local concentrations of the contrast agent in plant stems and the siliques of the rapeseed plant could be determined. Numerous questions in plant science can only be answered by non-invasive techniques such as MRI. For this reason, besides the experimental results achieved in this work, further NMR methods were tested and provided for the investigation of plants. As an example, the study on the imaging of magnetic exchange processes are mentioned, which provided the groundwork for a possible transfer of CEST experiments (Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer) to the plant. The results are presented in the bachelor thesis of A. J{\"a}ger Jae17, which was performed under my supervision, they find great interest under biologists. The development of new technologies, which extend the possibilities for the investigation of living organisms, is of great importance. For this reason, I have contributed to the development of the currently unpublished method RACETE (Refocused Acquisition of Chemical Exchange Transferred Excitations [Jak17, Reu17, Gut18a]). By rephasing the transferred magnetization the utilization of properties which have not been available in chemical "`exchange"' experiments is enabled. With this method a positive contrast is generated, thus a reference experiment is not mandatory. Furthermore, the image phase, which in classical experiments contains no information about the exchanged protons, can be used for the distinct identification of multiple substances which have been excited simultaneously. This recently at the Department of Experimental Physics V developed method can be used in particular for the identification of lipids and for the localization of sugars and amino acids, thus it can serve the enhancement and improvement of non-invasive analytical methods.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sidiropoulou2018, author = {Sidiropoulou, Ourania}, title = {Characterization of the ATLAS-type Micromegas Detectors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Micromegas are parallel-plate gaseous detectors with micro-pattern readout structures that are able to measure precisely and efficiently at high particle rates. Their difference with respect to other gaseous detectors is that the space in which particles ionise the gas and create electrons is separated from the region in which these electrons are multiplied (or amplified) by a thin metallic mesh. In the ionisation region, typically a few mm thick, a moderate field of a few hundred V/cm is applied. The amplification region with a homogeneous electrical field of 40--50~kV/cm is only 100--150~\$\upmu\$m thick. The latter guarantees that the positive ions produced in the amplification process are rapidly evacuated and the possibility to build up space charge at high rate is reduced. Critical in micromegas detectors are sparks in the thin amplification region in the presence of the high electrical field. This problem was solved in 2011 by introducing a spark protection scheme. It consists of a layer of resistive strips on top of the readout strips, separated from the latter by a thin insulation layer. Micromegas with the spark protection scheme were selected as instrumentation of the first ATLAS forward muon station (NSW) in the upgrade of the ATLAS detector for the operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at high luminosity (HL-LHC), expected for 2026. The main subjects of this thesis are: the characterisation of the first micromegas quadruplet prototypes for the NSW detectors; the characterisation of the materials used in the spark-protection system; and the study of the influence of the mesh distance holders (pillars) on the detector performance. The thesis starts with a brief introduction into the LHC and ATLAS projects, followed by a chapter that explains the reason for the upgrade of the ATLAS muon system and shows the layout of the NSW. The first of the three main chapters covers the construction and the characterisation of the first two prototypes for the NSW detectors. These detectors comprise four detection layers and have the same mechanical structure as the NSW detectors. The mechanical precision as well as the homogeneity of the detector response are discussed. The latter has been measured using X-rays and cosmic rays. The spatial resolution that can be achieved with these detectors precision has been measured at the MAMI accelerator at Mainz with low-energy electrons. The chapter is completed by a section that describes the successful integration of a data acquisition system (DAQ) into the official ATLAS DAQ system that was required for an initially planned installation of one of the prototypes on the existing Small Wheel. The next chapter presents a study of the influence of temperature and humidity changes on the resistive strips used in the spark protection system. In addition the long-term stability of the resistive material has been measured accumulating charge equivalent to 100 years of operation in the HL-LHC and exposing the samples to intense gamma irradiation equivalent to 10 years of HL-LHC operation. The third part covers the impact of the mesh distance holders (pillars) on the performance of the detector. This study has been performed with a 10 x 10 cm\$^2\$ bulk-micromegas with two different pillar shapes. Both 5.9 keV gammas from a \$^{55}\$Fe and 8 keV X-rays from a Cu target were used. In this context also the electrostatic charge-up of the detector is discussed. In the Appendices one finds a summary of the fundamental physics relevant for gaseous detectors as well as some supporting material for the topics covered in the main part of the thesis.}, subject = {ATLAS }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schreck2018, author = {Schreck, Maximilian}, title = {Synthesis and Photophysics of Linear and Star-Shaped Oligomers of Squaraine Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174272}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this thesis, the synthesis and photophysics of a great variety of squaraine dyes are presented. This variety is based on four parent squaraines containing either indolenine or quinoline heterocycles. By a suitable choice of the donor and acceptor unit, the optical properties can already be adapted to the properties desired on the stage of the monomer. To promote a further derivatisation of these dyes, diverse functional groups are attached to the monomers using transition metal-catalysed C-C coupling reactions. However, this has to be preceded by the synthesis of bromine-functionalised derivatives as a direct halogenation of squaraine dyes is not feasible. Therefore, the halogen function is already introduced in precursor molecules giving rise to a molecular building block system containing bromine-, boronic ester-, and alkyne-functionalised monomer units, which pave the way to a plethora of squaraine oligomers and polymers. The indolenine homopolymer pSQB-1 as well as the corresponding small molecular weight oligomers dSQB-1 and tSQB were synthesized applying Ni-mediated Yamamoto and Pd-catalysed Suzuki coupling methodologies, respectively. The motivation for this project relied on the fundamental investigations by V{\"o}lker et al. on pSQB-V. A progressive red-shift of the lowest energy absorption maximum from the dimer to the polymer was observed in CHCl3 compared to the monomer. With increasing number of monomer units, the exciton coupling decreases from the dimer to the polymer. In addition, the shape of the absorption band manifold shows a strong dependence on the solvent, which was also observed by V{\"o}lker et al. J-type aggregate behavior is found in chlorinated solvents such as CHCl3 and DCM, whereas H-type aggregates are formed in acetone. Temperature-dependent absorption studies in PhCN reveals a reversible equilibrium of diverse polymer conformers, which manifests itself in a gradual change from H-aggregate behavior to a mixture with a more pronounced J-aggregate behavior upon raising the temperature. It isassumed that both characteristic aggregate bands correlate in borderline cases with two polymer structures which can be assigned to a zig-zag and a helical structure. As no experimental evidence for these structures could hitherto be provided by NMR, TD-DFT computations on oligomers (22-mers) can reproduce very closely the characteristic features of the spectra for the two conformational isomers. The subsequent chapters are motivated by the goal to influence the optical properties through a control of the superstructure and thus of the intramolecular aggregate formation. On the one hand, bulky groups are implemented in the 3-position of the indolenine scaffold to provoke steric repulsion and thus favoring J-aggregate behavior at the expense of helical arrangements. The resulting homopolymer pDiPhSQB bearing two phenyl groups per indolenine exhibits J-type aggregate behavior with red-shifted absorption maxima in all considered solvents which is explained to be caused by the formation of elongated zig-zag structures. Furthermore, single-crystal X-ray analysis of monomer DiPhSQB-2-Br2 reveals a torsion of the indolenine moieties as a consequence of steric congestion. The twist of the molecular geometry and the resulting loss of planarity leads to a serious deterioration of the fluorescence properties, however a significant bathochromic shift of ca. 1 200 cm-1 of the lowest absorption band was observed compared to parent SQB, which is even larger than the shift for dSQB-1 (ca. 1 000 cm-1). On the other hand, a partial stiffening of the polymer backbone is attempted to create a bias for elongated polymer chains. In this respect, the synthetic approach is to replace every second biarylaxis with the rigid transoid benzodipyrrolenine unit. Despite a rather low average degree of polymerization < 10, exclusively red-shifted absorption maxima are observed in all solvents used. In order to complete the picture of intramolecular aggregates through the selective design of H-aggregates, a squaraine-squaraine copolymer was synthesised containing the classic cisoid indolenine as well as the cisoid quinoline building block. Taking advantage of the highly structure directing self-assembly character of the quinoline moiety, the copolymer pSQBC indeed showes a broad, blue-shifted main absorption band in comparison with the monomer unit dSQBC. The shape of the absorption band manifold solely exhibited a minor solvent and temperature dependence indicating a persistent H-aggregate behaviour. Hence, as a proof of concept, it is shown that the optical properties of the polymers (H- and J-aggregate) and the corresponding superstructure can be inherently controlled by an adequate design of monomer precursors. The last chapter of this work deals, in contrast to all other chapters, with intermolecular aggregates. It is shown that the two star-shaped hexasquarainyl benzenes hSQA-1 and hSQA-2 exhibit a strong propensity for self-organisation. Concentration- and temperature-dependent studies reveal a great driving force for self-assembly in acetone. While the larger hSQA-2 instantaneously forms stable aggregates, the aggregates of hSQA-1 shows a pronounced kinetic stability. Taking advantage of the kinetic persistency of these aggregates, the corresponding kinetic activation parameters for aggregation and deaggregation can be assessed. The absorption spectra of both hexasquarainyl benzenes in the aggregated state reveal some striking differences. While hSQA-1 features an intensive, very narrow and blue-shifted absorption band, two red-shifted bands are observed for hSQA-2, which are closely located at the monomer absorption. The very small bandwidth of hSQA-1 are interpreted to be caused by exchange narrowing and pointed towards highly ordered supramolecular aggregates. The concentration-dependent data of the two hexasquarainyl benzenes can be fitted to the dimer-model with excellent correlation coefficients, yielding binding constants in excess of 10^6 M-1, respectively. Such high binding constants are very surprising, considering the unfavourable bulky 3,3-dimethyl groups of the indolenine units which should rather prevent aggregation. Joint theoretical and NMR spectroscopic methods were applied to unravel the supramolecular aggregate structure of hSQA-1, which is shown to consist of two stacked hexasquarainyl benzenes resembling the picture of two stacked bowls.}, subject = {Squaraine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sieck2018, author = {Sieck, Carolin}, title = {Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Luminescent Rhodacyclopentadienes and Rhodium 2,2'-Biphenyl Complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154844}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes are of great interest, since such materials can be exploited for a wide range of applications such as in photocatalysis, sensing and imaging, multiphoton-absorption materials and the fabrication of OLEDs. A full understanding of the excited state behavior of transition metal compounds is therefore important for the design of new materials for the applications mentioned above. In principle, the luminescence properties of this class of compounds can be tuned by changing the metal or subtle changes in the ligand environment. Furthermore, transition-metal complexes continue to play a major role in modern synthetic chemistry. In particular, they can realize selective transformations that would either be difficult or impossible by conventional organic chemistry. For example, they enable the efficient and selective formation of carbon-carbon bonds. One famous example of these types of transformations are metal-catalyzed cyclization reactions. Herein, metallacyclopentadiene complexes are considered as key intermediates in a number of metal-mediated or -catalyzed cyclization reactions, i.e. the [2+2+2] cyclotrimerization of alkynes. Recent research has focused on the synthesis and characterization of these metallacyclic intermediates such as MC4 ring systems. Metallacyclopentadienes are structurally related to main group EC4 systems such as boroles, siloles, thiophenes and phospholes. Overall, this group of compounds (EC4 analogues) is well known and has attracted significant attention due to their electron-transport and optical properties. Unlike transition metal analogues, however, these EC4 systems show no phosphorescence, which is due to inefficient SOC compared to 2nd and 3rd row transition metals, which promoted us to explore the phosphorescence potential of metallacyclopentadienes. In 2001, Marder et al. developed a one-pot high-yield synthesis of luminescent 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes by reductive coupling of 1,4-diarylbuta-1,3-diynes at a suitable rhodium(I) precursor. Over the past years, a variety of ligands (e.g. TMSA, S,S' diethyldithiocarbamate, etc.) and 1,4-bis(p-R-phenyl)-1,3-butadiynes or linked , bis(p-R-arylethynyl)alkanes (R = electron withdrawing or donating groups) were investigated and always provided a selective formation of 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes, which were reported to be fluorescent despite presence of the heavy atom. To examine the influence of the ligand sphere around the rhodium center on the intersystem-crossing (ISC) processes in the above-mentioned fluorescent rhodacyclopentadienes and to increase the metal character in the frontier orbitals by destabilizing the Rh filled d-orbitals, a -electron donating group was introduced, namely acetylacetonato (acac). Interestingly, in 2010 Tay reacted [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(PMe3)2] with ,-bis(p-R-arylbutadiynyl)alkanes and observed not only the fluorescent 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes, but also rhodium 2,2'-bph complexes as products, which were reported to be phosphorescent in preliminary photophysical studies. In this work, the reaction behavior of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(L)2] (L = PMe3, P(p-tolyl)3) with different ,-bis(p-R-arylbutadiynyl)alkanes was established. Furthermore, the separation of the two isomers 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes (A) and rhodium 2,2'-bph complexes (B), and the photophysical properties of those were explored in order to clarify their fundamentally different excited state behaviors. Reactions of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(P(p-tolyl3)2)] with ,-bis(arylbutadiynyl)alkanes gives exclusively weakly fluorescent 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes. Changing the phosphine ligands to PMe3, reactions of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(PMe3)2] and , bis(arylbutadiynyl)alkanes afford two isomeric types of MC4 metallacycles with very different photophysical properties, as mentioned before. As a result of a normal [2+2] reductive coupling at rhodium, 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes (A) are formed, which display intense fluorescence. Rhodium 2,2'-bph complexes (B), which show phosphorescence, have been isolated as a second isomer originating from an unusual [4+2] cycloaddition reaction and a subsequent -H-shift. Control of the isomer distribution, of 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes (A) and rhodium biphenyl complexes (B), is achieved by modification of the linked , bis(arylbutadiynyl)alkane. Changing the linker length from four CH2 to three CH2 groups, dramatically favors the formation of the rhodium biphenyl isomer B, providing a fundamentally new route to access photoactive metal biphenyl compounds in good yields. This is very exciting as the photophysical properties of only a limited number of bph complexes of Ir, Pd and Pt had been explored. The lack of photophysical reports in the literature is presumably due to the limited synthetic access to various substituted 2,2'-bph transition metal complexes. On the other hand, as the reaction of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(P(p-tolyl)3)2] with , bis(arylbutadiynyl)alkanes provides a selective reaction to give weakly fluorescent 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadiene complexes with P(p-tolyl)3 as phosphine ligands, a different synthetic access to 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadiene complexes with PMe3 as phosphine ligands was developed, preventing the time-consuming separation of the isomers. The weak rhodium-phosphorus bonds of 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadiene complexes bearing P(p tolyl)3 as phosphine ligands, relative to those of related PMe3 complexes, allowed for facile ligand exchange reactions. In the presence of an excess of PMe3, a stepwise reaction was observed, giving first the mono-substituted, mixed-phosphine rhodacyclopentadiene intermediates and, subsequently, full conversion to the highly fluorescent 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)-rhodacyclopentadienes bearing only PMe3 ligands (by increasing the reaction temperature). With spectroscopically pure 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadiene complexes A (bearing PMe3 as phosphine ligands) and rhodium 2,2-bph complexes B in hand, photophysical studies were conducted. The 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes (A) are highly fluorescent with high quantum yields up to 54\% and very short lifetimes (τ = 0.2 - 2.5 ns) in solution at room temperature. Even at 77 K in glass matrices, no additional phosphorescence is observed which is in line with previous observations made by Steffen et al., who showed that SOC mediated by the heavy metal atom in 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes and 2,5 bis(arylethynyl)iridacyclopentadienes is negligible. The origin of this fluorescence lies in the pure intra-ligand (IL) nature of the excited states S1 and T1. The HOMO and the LUMO are nearly pure  and * ligand orbitals, respectively, and the HOMO is energetically well separated from the filled rhodium d orbitals. The absence of phosphorescence in transition metal complexes due to mainly IL character of the excited states is not unusual, even for heavier homologues than rhodium with greater SOC, resulting in residual S1 emission (fluorescence) despite ISC S1→Tn being sufficiently fast for population of T1 states. However, there are very few complexes that exhibit fluorescence with the efficiency displayed by our rhodacyclopentadienes, which involves exceptionally slow S1→Tn ISC on the timescale of nanoseconds rather than a few picoseconds or faster. In stark contrast, the 2,2'-bph rhodium complexes B are exclusively phosphorescent, as expected for 2nd-row transition metal complexes, and show long-lived (hundreds of s) phosphorescence (Ф = 0.01 - 0.33) at room temperature in solution. As no fluorescence is detected even at low temperature, it can be assumed that S1→Tn ISC must be faster than both fluorescence and non-radiative decay from the S1 state. This contrasts with the behavior of the isomeric 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)rhodacyclopentadienes for which unusually slow ISC occurs on a timescale that is competitive with fluorescence (vide supra). The very small values for the radiative rate constants, however, indicate that the nature of the T1 state is purely 3IL with weak SOC mediated by the Rh atom. The phosphorescence efficiency of these complexes in solution at room temperature is even more impressive, as non-radiative coupling of the excited state with the ground state typically inhibits phosphorescence. Instead, the rigidity of the organic -system allows the ligand-based excited triplet state to exist in solution for up to 646 s and to emit with high quantum yields for biphenyl complexes. The exceptionally long lifetimes and small radiative rate constants of the rhodium biphenyl complexes are presumably a result of the large conjugated -system of the organic ligand. According to TD DFT studies, the T1 state involves charge-transfer from the biphenyl ligand into the arylethynyl moiety away from the rhodium atom. This reduces the SOC of the metal center that would be necessary for fast phosphorescence. These results show that the π-chromophoric ligand can gain control over the photophysical excited state behavior to such an extent that even heavy transition metal atoms like rhodium participate in increasing the fluorescence such as main-group analogues do. Furthermore, in the 2,2'-bph rhodium complexes, the rigidity of the organic -system allows the ligand-based excited triplet state to exist in solution for up to hundreds of s and to emit with exceptional quantum yields. Therefore, investigations of the influence of the ligand sphere around the rhodium center have been made to modify the photophysical properties and furthermore to explore the reaction behavior of these rhodium complexes. Bearing in mind that the P(p-tolyl)3 ligands can easily be replaced by the stronger -donating PMe3 ligands, ligand exchange reactions with N heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as even stronger -donors was investigated. Addition of two equivalents of NHCs at room temperature led to the release of one equivalent of P(p-tolyl3) and formation of the mono-substituted NHC rhodium complex. The reaction of isolated mono-NHC complex with another equivalent of NHC at room temperature did not result in the exchange of the second phosphine ligand. Moderate heating of the reaction to 60 °C, however, resulted in the formation of tetra-substituted NHC rhodium complex [Rh(nPr2Im)4]+[acac]-. To circumvent the loss of the other ligands in the experiments described above, a different approach was investigated to access rhodacyclopentadienes with NHC instead of phosphine ligands. Reaction of the bis-NHC complex [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(nPr2Im)2] with , bis(arylbutadiynyl)alkanes at room temperature resulted 2,5-bis(arylethynyl)-rhodacyclopentadienes with the NHC ligands being cis or trans to each other as indicated by NMR spectroscopic measurements and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Isolation of clean material and a fundamental photophysical study could not be finished for reasons of time within the scope of this work. Furthermore, shortening of the well conjugated -system of the chromophoric ligand (changing from tetraynes to diynes) was another strategy to examine the reaction behavior of theses ligands with rhodium(I) complexes and to modify the excited state behavior of the formed rhodacyclopentadienes. The reaction of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(PMe3)2] with 1,7 diaryl 1,6-heptadiynes (diynes) leads to the selective formation of 2,5 bis(aryl)rhodacyclopentadienes. These compounds, however, are very weakly fluorescent with quantum yields ФPL < 1, and very short emission lifetimes in toluene at room temperature. Presumably, vibrational modes of the bis(phenyl)butadiene backbone leads to a higher rate constant for non-radiative decay and is thus responsible for the low quantum yields compared to their corresponding PMe3 complexes with the bis(phenylethynyl)butadiene backbone at room temperature. No additional phosphorescence, even at 77 K in the glass matrix is observed. Chancing the phosphine ligands to P(p-tolyl)3, reactions of [Rh(κ2-O,O-acac)(P(p-tolyl3)2)] with 1,7-diaryl-1,6-heptadiynes, however, resulted in a metal-mediated or -catalyzed cycloaddition reaction of alkynes and leads to full conversion to dimerization and trimerization products and recovery of the rhodium(I) starting material. This is intuitive, considering that P(Ar)3 (Ar = aryl) ligands are considered weaker -donor ligands and therefore have a higher tendency to dissociate. Therefore, rhodium(I) complexes with aryl phosphines as ligands have an increasing tendency to promote catalytic reactions, while the stronger -donating ligands (PMe3 or NHCs) promote the formation of stable rhodium complexes. Finally, in Chapter 4, the findings of the work conducted on N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) and cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes (CAACs) is presented. These compounds have unique electronic and steric properties and are therefore of great interest as ligands and organo-catalysts. In this work, studies of substitution reactions involving novel carbonyl complexes of rhodium and nickel are reported. For characterization and comparison of CAACmethyl with the large amount of data available for NHC and sterically more demanding CAAC ligands, an overview on physicochemical data (electronics, sterics and bond strength) is provided. The reaction of [Rh(-Cl)(CO)2]2 with 2 equivalents of CAACmethyl at low temperature afforded the mononuclear complex cis-[(RhCl(CO)2(CAACmethyl)]. However, reacting [Rh( Cl)(CO)2]2 with CAACmethyl at room temperature afforded a mixture of complexes. The mononuclear complex [(RhCl(CO)(CAACmethyl)2], the chloro-bridged complexes [(Rh2( Cl)2(CO)3(CAACmethyl)], [Rh(-Cl)(CO)(CAACmethyl)]2 and a carbon monoxide activation product were formed. The carbon monoxide activation product is presumably formed via the reaction of two equivalents of the CAAC with CO to give the bis-carbene adduct of CO, and subsequent rearrangement via migration of the Dipp moiety. While classical N-heterocyclic carbenes are not electrophilic enough to react with CO, related diamidocarbenes and alkyl(amino)carbenes undergo addition reactions with CO to give the corresponding ketenes. Consequently, to obtain the CAAC-disubstituted mononuclear complex selectively, 8 equivalents of CAACmethyl were reacted with 1 equivalent of [Rh(-Cl)(CO)2]2. For the evaluation of TEP values, [Ni(CO)3(CAAC)] was synthesized in collaboration with the group of Radius. With the complexes [(RhCl(CO)(CAACmethyl)2] and [Ni(CO)3(CAAC)] in hand, it was furthermore possible to examine the electronic and steric parameters of CAACmethyl. Like its bulkier congeners CAACmenthyl and CAACcy, the methyl-substituted CAAC is proposed to be a notably stronger -donor than common NHCs. While it has a very similar TEP value of 2046 cm-1, it additionally possess superior -acceptor properties (P = 67.2 ppm of phosphinidene adduct). CAACs appear to be very effective in the isolation of a variety of otherwise unstable main group and transition metal diamagnetic and paramagnetic species. This is due to their low-lying LUMO and the small singlet-triplet gap. These electronic properties also allow free CAACs to activate small molecules with strong bonds. They also bind strongly to transition metal centers, which enables their use under harsh conditions. One recent development is the use of CAACs as ligands in transition metal complexes, which previously were only postulated as short-lived catalytic intermediates.[292,345] The availability of these reactive species allows for a better understanding of known catalytic reactions and the design of new catalysts and, moreover, new applications. For example Radius et al.[320] prepared a CAAC complex of cobalt as a precursor for thin-film deposition and Steffen et al.[346] reported a CAAC complex of copper with very high photoluminescent properties, which could be used in LED devices. With the development of cheap and facile synthetic methods for the preparation of CAACs and their corresponding transition metals complexes, as well as the knowledge of their electronic properties, it is safe to predict that applications in and around this field of chemistry will continue to increase.}, subject = {{\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2018, author = {Kunz, Valentin}, title = {Supramolecular Approaches for Water Oxidation Catalysis with Ruthenium Complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The catalytic splitting of water into its elements is an important reaction to establish hydrogen as a solar fuel. The bottle-neck of this process is considered to be the oxidative half reaction generating oxygen, and good catalysts are required to handle the complicated redox chemistry involved. As can be learned from nature, the incorporation of the catalytically active species into an appropriate matrix can help to improve the overall performance. Thus, the aim of the present thesis was to establish novel supramolecular approaches to improve water oxidation catalysis using the catalytically active {Ru(bda)} fragment as key motive (bda = 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylate). First, the synthesis of ruthenium catalysts gathering three {Ru(bda)} water oxidation subunits in a macrocyclic fashion is described. By using bridging bipyridine ligands of different lengths, metallosupramolecular macrocycles with distinct sizes have been obtained. Interestingly, an intermediate ring size has been proven to be optimal for the catalytic water oxidation. Detailed kinetic, spectroscopic, and theoretical studies helped to identify the reaction mechanism and to rationalize the different catalytic activities. Furthermore, solubilizing side chains have been introduced for the most active derivative to achieve full water solubility. Secondly, the {Ru(bda)} fragment was embedded into supramolecular aggregates to generate more stable catalytic systems compared to a homogeneous reference complex. Therefore, the catalyst fragment was equipped with axial perylene bisimide (PBI) ligands, which facilitate self-assembly. Moreover, the influence of the different accessible aggregate morphologies on the catalytic performance has been investigated.}, subject = {Ruthenium Komplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seifert2018, author = {Seifert, Sabine}, title = {New Electron-Deficient Polycyclic Aromatic Dicarboximides by Palladium-Catalyzed C-C Coupling and Core Halogenation-Cyanation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The thesis describes the development of new synthetic strategies towards planar nanometer-sized and electron-deficient polycyclic aromatic dicarboximides, which are rather unexplored compared with the large variety of electron-rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nanographenes. Thus, new polycyclic aromatic systems containing a different number of dicarboximide groups were designed since this class of compounds has revealed its significance in the past due to a range of desirable molecular properties and its high thermal and photochemical stability. The synthetic concept towards these systems includes different C-C coupling techniques that were combined within coupling cascade reactions. Therefore, this thesis provides new insights into the reactivity of aromatic substrates and elucidates mechanistic aspects of C-C coupling cascade reactions to facilitate the precise design of new and desirable materials based on polycyclic aromatic dicarboximides. Furthermore, structure-property relationships as well as the optical and electrochemical properties were investigated by UV/Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and cyclic or square wave voltammetry. Insights into the molecular structures in the solid state were obtained by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In subsequent studies, highly electron-deficient perylene bisimides and their reduced species have been investigated in detail. Thus, core-functionalized perylene bisimides were synthesized and UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, spectroelectrochemistry and cyclic or square wave voltammetry were used to determine their optical properties and the stability of the individual reduced species.}, subject = {Kupplungsreaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kay2018, author = {Kay, Janina}, title = {The circadian clock of the carpenter ant \(Camponotus\) \(floridanus\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158061}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Due to the earth´s rotation around itself and the sun, rhythmic daily and seasonal changes in illumination, temperature and many other environmental factors occur. Adaptation to these environmental rhythms presents a considerable advantage to survival. Thus, almost all living beings have developed a mechanism to time their behavior in accordance. This mechanism is the endogenous clock. If it fulfills the criteria of (1) entraining to zeitgebers (2) free-running behavior with a period of ~ 24 hours (3) temperature compensation, it is also referred to as "circadian clock". Well-timed behavior is crucial for eusocial insects, which divide their tasks among different behavioral castes and need to respond to changes in the environment quickly and in an orchestrated fashion. Circadian rhythms have thus been studied and observed in many eusocial species, from ants to bees. The underlying mechanism of this clock is a molecular feedback loop that generates rhythmic changes in gene expression and protein levels with a phase length of approximately 24 hours. The properties of this feedback loop are well characterized in many insects, from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, to the honeybee Apis mellifera. Though the basic principles and components of this loop are seem similar at first glance, there are important differences between the Drosophila feedback loop and that of hymenopteran insects, whose loop resembles the mammalian clock loop. The protein PERIOD (PER) is thought to be a part of the negative limb of the hymenopteran clock, partnering with CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The anatomical location of the clock-related neurons and the PDF-network (a putative in- and output mediator of the clock) is also well characterized in Drosophila, the eusocial honeybee as well as the nocturnal cockroach Leucophea maderae. The circadian behavior, anatomy of the clock and its molecular underpinnings were studied in the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus, a eusocial insect Locomotor activity recordings in social isolation proved that the majority of ants could entrain to different LD cycles, free-ran in constant darkness and had a temperature-compensated clock with a period slightly shorter than 24 hours. Most individuals proved to be nocturnal, but different types of activity like diurnality, crepuscularity, rhythmic activity during both phases of the LD, or arrhythmicity were also observed. The LD cycle had a slight influence on the distribution of these activities among individuals, with more diurnal ants at shorter light phases. The PDF-network of C. floridanus was revealed with the anti-PDH antibody, and partly resembled that of other eusocial or nocturnal insects. A comparison of minor and major worker brains, only revealed slight differences in the number of somata and fibers crossing the posterior midline. All in all, most PDF-structures that are conserved in other insects where found, with numerous fibers in the optic lobes, a putative accessory medulla, somata located near the proximal medulla and many fibers in the protocerebrum. A putative connection between the mushroom bodies, the optic lobes and the antennal lobes was found, indicating an influence of the clock on olfactory learning. Lastly, the location and intensity of PER-positive cell bodies at different times of a 24 hour day was established with an antibody raised against Apis mellifera PER. Four distinct clusters, which resemble those found in A. mellifera, were detected. The clusters could be grouped in dorsal and lateral neurons, and the PER-levels cycled in all examined clusters with peaks around lights on and lowest levels after lights off. In summary, first data on circadian behavior and the anatomy and workings of the clock of C. floridanus was obtained. Firstly, it´s behavior fulfills all criteria for the presence of a circadian clock. Secondly, the PDF-network is very similar to those of other insects. Lastly, the location of the PER cell bodies seems conserved among hymenoptera. Cycling of PER levels within 24 hours confirms the suspicion of its role in the circadian feedback loop.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borrmann2018, author = {Borrmann, Dorit}, title = {Multi-modal 3D mapping - Combining 3D point clouds with thermal and color information}, isbn = {978-3-945459-20-1}, issn = {1868-7474}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15708}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157085}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Imagine a technology that automatically creates a full 3D thermal model of an environment and detects temperature peaks in it. For better orientation in the model it is enhanced with color information. The current state of the art for analyzing temperature related issues is thermal imaging. It is relevant for energy efficiency but also for securing important infrastructure such as power supplies and temperature regulation systems. Monitoring and analysis of the data for a large building is tedious as stable conditions need to be guaranteed for several hours and detailed notes about the pose and the environment conditions for each image must be taken. For some applications repeated measurements are necessary to monitor changes over time. The analysis of the scene is only possible through expertise and experience. This thesis proposes a robotic system that creates a full 3D model of the environment with color and thermal information by combining thermal imaging with the technology of terrestrial laser scanning. The addition of a color camera facilitates the interpretation of the data and allows for other application areas. The data from all sensors collected at different positions is joined in one common reference frame using calibration and scan matching. The first part of the thesis deals with 3D point cloud processing with the emphasis on accessing point cloud data efficiently, detecting planar structures in the data and registering multiple point clouds into one common coordinate system. The second part covers the autonomous exploration and data acquisition with a mobile robot with the objective to minimize the unseen area in 3D space. Furthermore, the combination of different modalities, color images, thermal images and point cloud data through calibration is elaborated. The last part presents applications for the the collected data. Among these are methods to detect the structure of building interiors for reconstruction purposes and subsequent detection and classification of windows. A system to project the gathered thermal information back into the scene is presented as well as methods to improve the color information and to join separately acquired point clouds and photo series. A full multi-modal 3D model contains all the relevant geometric information about the recorded scene and enables an expert to fully analyze it off-site. The technology clears the path for automatically detecting points of interest thereby helping the expert to analyze the heat flow as well as localize and identify heat leaks. The concept is modular and neither limited to achieving energy efficiency nor restricted to the use in combination with a mobile platform. It also finds its application in fields such as archaeology and geology and can be extended by further sensors.}, subject = {Punktwolke}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2018, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Carmen}, title = {Influence of interleukin-6-type cytokine oncostatin M on murine aortic vascular smooth muscle cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Oncostatin M (OSM) is a cytokine of the interleukin-6 family and released in the early phase of inflammation by neutrophils, activated macrophages, dendritic cells, and T lymphocytes. Its roles in physiology and disease are not entirely understood yet. It has been shown recently that substantial amounts of OSM are found in atherosclerotic plaques. The first part of this thesis addresses the effects of OSM on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). This cell type is known to contribute to atherogenesis and expresses the type I and type II OSM receptor complexes. This study revealed that OSM is a strong inducer of an array of genes which have recently been shown to play important roles in atherosclerosis. Investigation of VSMCs isolated from OSMRbeta-deficient (Osmr-/-) mice proved that the regulation of these target genes is entirely dependent on the activation of the type II OSMR complex. In addition to OSM, other cytokines expressed by T lymphocytes were found to contribute to plaque development. According to earlier publications, the influence of IL-4, IL-13, and IL-17 on the progression of plaques were discussed controversially. Nevertheless, for the regulation of investigated atherosclerotic target genes and receptor complexes in VSMCs, they seemed to play a minor role compared to OSM. Only the expression of the decoy receptor IL-13Ralpha2 - a negative feedback mechanism for IL-13-mediated signalling - was strongly induced after treatment with all mentioned cytokines, especially when VSMCs were primed with OSM before stimulation. The second part of this thesis focuses on the role of OSM during the progression of atherosclerosis in vivo. Therefore, Ldlr-/-Osmr-/- mice were generated by crossing Ldlr-/- mice - a typical mouse model for atherosclerosis - with Osmr-/- mice. These double-deficient mice together with Ldlr-/-Osmr+/+ mice were set on cholesterol rich diet (Western diet, WD) for 12 weeks before they were sacrificed. Determination of body and organ weight, staining of aortas and aortic roots as well as gene expression profiling strongly suggested that Ldlr-/-Osmr-/- mice are less susceptible for plaque development and weight gain compared to Ldlr-/-Osmr+/+ mice. However, further experiments and additional controls (C57Bl/6 and Osmr-/- mice) on WD are necessary to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms. Taken together, the interleukin-6-type cytokine OSM is a strong inducer of an array of target genes involved in de-differentiation and proliferation of VSMCs, a process known to contribute substantially to atherogenesis. Further in vivo studies will help to clarify the role of OSM in atherosclerosis.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Popp2018, author = {Popp, Michael}, title = {Mechanisms of platelet activation and receptor regulation in genetically modified mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This work summarizes the results of studies on several major aspects of platelet activation and platelet receptor regulation. Therefore, this thesis is divided into four parts. Platelet activation and aggregation at sites of vascular injury is critical to prevent excessive blood loss, but may also lead to life-threatening ischemic disease states, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Agonist-induced elevation in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations is essential for platelet activation in hemostasis and thrombosis. The principal route of Ca2+ influx in platelets is store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). The calcium sensor molecule stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) regulates SOCE by activating the membrane calcium channel protein Orai1, but the exact mechanisms of this interaction are not fully understood. Using affinity chromatography to screen for STIM1 interacting proteins in platelets, bridging integrator 2 (BIN2), an adapter protein belonging to the family of BAR proteins that is mainly expressed in the hematopoietic system, was identified. Newly generated BIN2 KO mice were viable and fertile but their platelets displayed markedly impaired SOCE in response to thapsigargin (TG) as well as agonists acting on immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) or G protein-coupled receptors. This SOCE defect resulted in impaired (hem)ITAM induced platelet activation, aggregate formation under flow and procoagulant activity. As a consequence, mice lacking BIN2 in platelets were protected from occlusive arterial thrombus formation and thrombo-inflammatory cerebral infarct progression in a model of experimental stroke. These results identify BIN2 as a critical regulator of platelet SOCE in thrombosis and thrombo-inflammatory disease. Integrin αIIbβ3 plays a central role in the adhesion and aggregation of platelets. Integrin activation requires the transmission of a signal from the small cytoplasmic tails of the α or β subunit to the large extracellular domains resulting in conformational changes of the extracellular domains to enable ligand binding. It was hypothesized that Hic-5 is a novel regulator of integrin αIIbβ3 activation in mice. As demonstrated in the second part of this thesis, lack of Hic-5 had no detectable effect on platelet integrin activation and function in vitro and in vivo under all tested conditions. These results indicate that Hic-5 is dispensable for integrin αIIbβ3 activation and consequently for arterial thrombosis and hemostasis in mice. The Rho GTPase family members RhoA and Rac1 play major roles in platelet activation at sites of vascular injury. Little is known about possible redundant functions of these Rho GTPases in regulating platelet function. To investigate functional redundancies of RhoA and Rac1 in platelet production and function, mice with MK- and platelet-specific double- deficiencies in RhoA and Rac1 were generated. RhoA/Rac1 double-deficiency phenocopied the respective single knockouts without any additional effects in the double-knockout animals, demonstrating for the first time a functional non-redundancy of RhoA and Rac1 in platelet function. Antibodies against platelet glycoproteins (GP) trigger platelet destruction in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) by binding to Fcγ receptors (FcγRs) on immune cells. However, antibodies against the platelet collagen receptor GPVI exert powerful anti-thrombotic action in vivo by inducing ectodomain shedding of the receptor associated with a transient thrombocytopenia. As shown in the final part of this thesis, blockade or deficiency of the inhibitory FcγRIIB abolished sequestration of anti-GPVI opsonized platelets in the hepatic vasculature and GPVI shedding. This process was mediated by liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC), the major FcγRIIB expressing cell type in the body. Furthermore, LSEC FcγRIIB mediated hepatic platelet sequestration and contributed to thrombocytopenia in mice treated with antibodies against αIIbβ3, the major target antigen in human ITP. These results reveal a novel and unexpected function of hepatic FcγRIIB in the processing of antibody-opsonized platelets.}, subject = {H{\"a}mostase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Becker2018, author = {Becker, Nils}, title = {Mechanisms and consequences of environmentally and behaviorally induced synaptic plasticity in the honey bee brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138466}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The brain is the central organ of an animal controlling its behavior. It integrates internal information from the body and external stimuli from the surrounding environment to mediate an appropriate behavioral response. Since the environment is constantly changing, a flexible adjustment of the brain to new conditions is crucial for the animals' fitness. The ability of the nervous system to adapt to new challenges is defined as plasticity. Over the last few decades great advances have been made in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity. Plasticity may refer to structural changes physically remodeling the neuronal circuit, or to functional adaptations which are manifested in modified synaptic transmission, and in altered response and firing properties of single neurons. These structural and functional modifications are mediated by a complex interplay of environmental stimuli, intracellular signal transduction cascades, protein modifications, gene translation and transcription, and epigenetic gene regulatory mechanisms. However, especially the molecular mechanisms of environmentally-induced structural neuronal plasticity are still poorly understood. In this thesis the honey bee was used as an innovative model organism to investigate this issue. The honey bee with its rich behavioral repertoire, highly sophisticated and plastic neuronal system, sequenced genome and full epigenetic machinery is well suited for studying the molecular underpinnings of environmentally-induced neuronal plasticity. Adult honey bees progress through a series of tasks within the dark hive until after about three weeks they start with foraging activities in the external world. The transition from in-hive to outside tasks is associated with remarkable structural neuronal plasticity. Subdivisions of the mushroom body, a brain region related to higher cognitive functions, are increased in volume. The volume expansion is mediated by a remarkable outgrowth of the dendritic network of mushroom body intrinsic neurons, so called Kenyon cells. In parallel, prominent synaptic structures, referred to as microglomeruli, are pruned. Most interestingly for this thesis, the pruning of microglomeruli and the dendritic expansion in Kenyon cells can be induced by a simple light exposure paradigm. In the first chapter of the present thesis I used this paradigm to induce synaptic plasticity in the mushroom bodies under controlled lab conditions to search for correlating molecular changes which possibly mediate the observed plasticity. I compared the brain transcriptome of light-exposed and dark-kept control bees by whole transcriptome sequencing. This revealed a list of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The list contains conserved genes which have reported functions in neuronal plasticity, thereby introducing them as candidate genes for plasticity in the honey bee brain. Furthermore, with this transcriptomic approach I discovered many candidate genes with unknown functions or functions so far unrelated to neuronal plasticity suggesting that these novel genes may have yet unrecognized roles in neuronal plasticity. A number of DEGs are known to be methylated or to exert epigenetic modifications on themselves speaking for a strong impact of epigenetic mechanisms in light-induced structural plasticity in the honey bee brain. This notion is supported by a differential methylation pattern of one examined DEG between light-exposed and dark-kept bees as shown in this thesis. Also a plasticity-related microRNA, which is predicted to target genes associated with cytoskeleton formation, was found to be upregulated in light-exposed bees. This speaks for a translation regulatory mechanism in structural plasticity in the honey bee. Another interesting outcome of this study is the age-dependent expression of DEGs. For some plasticity-related DEGs, the amplitude of light-induced expression differs between one- and seven-day-old bees, and also the basal expression level of many DEGs in naive dark-kept control bees significantly varies between the two age groups. This suggests that the responsiveness of plasticity-related genes to environmental stimuli is also under developmental (age-dependent) control, which may be important for normal maturation and for the regulation of age-related changes in behavior. Indeed, I was able to demonstrate in phototaxis experiments that one- and seven-day-old bees show different behaviors in response to light exposure and thus the correlating age-dependent transcriptional differences may serve as mechanisms promoting age-related changes in behavior. Together the results of the transcriptomic study demonstrate the successfulness of my approach to identify candidate molecular mechanisms for environmentally-induced structural plasticity in the honey bee brain. Furthermore, the thesis provides seminal evidence for the implication of DNA methylation in this process. To better understand the role of DNA methylation for neuronal and behavioral plasticity in the honey bee, the second chapter of the thesis aims at characterizing this molecular process under more natural conditions. Therefore, I examined the expression of the DNA methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3) and of Ten-eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase (TET) between in-hive bees and foragers. DNMT3 is responsible for DNA de novo methylation, whereas TET promotes DNA demethylation by converting methylcytosine (5mC) to hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC). The data suggest that age and experience determine the expression of these two epigenetic key genes. Additionally, in this context, two examined DEGs are shown to be differentially methylated between nurses and foragers. One of these two DEGs, the plasticity related gene bubblegum (bgm), also exhibits an altered DNA methylation pattern in response to light exposure. Hence, these results of my thesis provide additional evidence for the importance of DNA methylation in behavioral and neuronal plasticity. Results from the second chapter of this thesis also suggest additional functions of DNMT3 and TET to their traditional roles in DNA methylation/demethylation. I show that TET is far more expressed in the honey bee brain than DNMT3. This stands in contrast to the relative scarcity of 5hmC compared to 5mC and points at extra functions of this gene like RNA modifications as reported for Drosophila. Antibody staining against the DNMT3 gene product revealed an unexpected rare localization of the enzyme in the nucleus, but a surprisingly high abundance in the cytoplasm. The role of cytoplasmic DNMT3 is unknown. One possibility for the high abundance in the cytoplasm is a regulatory mechanism for DNA methylation by cytoplasmic-nuclear trafficking, or an additional function of DNMT3 in RNA modification, similar to TET. Altogether, this thesis points at future research directions for neuronal plasticity by providing promising evidence for the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms and of a number of new candidate genes in environmentally induced structural plasticity in the honey bee brain. Furthermore, I present data suggesting so far unrecognized functions of DNMT3 which certainly need to be experimentally addressed in the future to fully understand the role of this enzyme.}, subject = {Neuronale Plastizit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bargul2018, author = {Bargul, Joel Ltilitan}, title = {Characterization of motility and erythrocyte adherence as virulence factors in African trypanosomes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pathogens causing African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), the major livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa, belong to the salivarian group of the African trypanosomes, which are transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly (Glossina spec.). T. vivax, T. congolense and T. brucei brucei are major pathogens of cattle in particular, causing nagana, with dramatic socio-economic consequences for the affected regions. The parasites additionally have a huge reservoir of other livestock and wild animal hosts. T. brucei, the species which also includes the subspecies pathogenic to humans causing sleeping sickness, has been extensively studied as the cultivatable model trypanosome. But less is known about the other salivarian species, which are not routinely held in culture, if at all possible. A hallmark of trypanosomal lifestyle is the protozoan flagellates incessant motility, which enables them to populate an enormous range of habitats in very diverse hosts. We were now able to characterize, for the first time with high spatiotemporal resolution microscopy, the swimming behaviour and mechanism of the most relevant salivarian species isolated directly from blood. We show the influence of viscosity on the motility of bloodstream form (BSF) cells and simulate their movement between erythrocytes, giving a clear picture of how all analyzed species move under varying environmental conditions. We show that although the basic mechanism of flagellar motility applies to all analyzed species, there are clear morphological differences that produce different reactions to the physical environment. We could define specific conditions for highly increased swimming persistence and speed for compared to the behaviour in standard culture. These results have important implications for the parasites survival strategies in the host, e.g. regarding the capacity for antibody clearance. Although we show all species to effectively remove antibodies from the cell surface, T. congolense differed markedly in its motility behaviour, which gives rise to interesting questions about this species behaviour in the bloodstream. Most of the T. congolense parasites (and to a lesser extent T. vivax) adhere to sheep erythrocytes. Further in vitro studies showed that T. congolense and T. vivax adhered to rabbit, goat, pig and cattle erythrocytes- but binding behaviour was absent in murine blood. Notably, both T. brucei and T. evansi lacked adherence to all studied host erythrocytes. Generally, attachment to blood cells caused reduction of swimming velocities. Judging from its cell architecture, as well as the motility studies in higher media viscosity and in micropillar arrays, T. congolense is not adapted to swim at high speeds in the mammalian bloodstream. Low swimming speeds could allow these purely intravascular parasites to remain bound to the host erythrocytes.}, subject = {Motili{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lorenz2018, author = {Lorenz, Viola}, title = {Cellular regulation of the hemITAM-coupled platelet receptor C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2): In vitro and in vivo studies in mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116724}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Platelet aggregation at sites of vascular injury is essential to limit posttraumatic blood loss, but may also cause acute ischemic disease states such as myocardial infarction or stroke. Stable thrombus formation requires a series of molecular events involving platelet receptors and intracellular signal transduction, which contribute to adhesion, activation and aggregation of platelets. In this thesis, the cellular regulation of platelet surface receptors and their involvement in thrombus formation was investigated using genetically modified mice. In the first part of the study, the functional relevance of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled collagen receptor GPVI and of the recently identified hemITAM-bearing C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2) for in vivo thrombus formation was analyzed. Megakaryocyte/ platelet-specific CLEC-2 knock out mice displayed a defective lymphatic development and were protected from occlusive arterial thrombus formation. These phenotypes were more pronounced in mice with a GPVI/CLEC-2 double deficiency. Hemostasis was not compromised in CLEC-2 or GPVI single-deficient animals, as they showed only mildly prolonged tail bleeding times. Combined depletion of both receptors resulted in markedly prolonged bleeding times revealing an unexpected redundant function of the two receptors in hemostasis as well as thrombosis. These findings might have important implications for the development of anti-CLEC-2/ anti-GPVI agents as therapeutics. In the second part, mechanisms underlying the cellular regulation of CLEC-2 were studied. Previous studies have shown that injection of the anti-CLEC-2 antibody INU1 results in complete immunodepletion of platelet CLEC-2 in mice, which is preceded by a severe transient thrombocytopenia thereby limiting its potential therapeutic use. It is demonstrated that INU1-induced CLEC-2 immunodepletion occurs through Src family kinase (SFK)-dependent receptor internalization in vitro and in vivo, presumably followed by intracellular degradation. In mice with spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) deficiency, INU1-induced CLEC-2 internalization/ degradation was fully preserved, whereas the associated thrombocytopenia was largely prevented. These results show that CLEC-2 can be downregulated from the platelet surface through internalization in vitro and in vivo and that this can be mechanistically uncoupled from the associated antibody-induced thrombocytopenia. Since INU1 IgG induced a pronounced thrombocytopenia, the in vivo effects of monovalent INU1 F(ab) fragments were analyzed. Very unexpectedly, injection of the F(ab) fragments resulted in widespread thrombus formation leading to persistent neurological deficits of the animals. This intravascular thrombus formation is the result of CLEC-2-dependent platelet activation and aggregation. The mechanism underlying the thrombus formation is still unknown and depends potentially on binding of a yet unidentified ligand to F(ab)-opsonized CLEC-2 on platelets.}, subject = {Thrombozytenaggregation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pedrotti2018, author = {Pedrotti, Lorenzo}, title = {The SnRK1-C/S1-bZIPs network: a signaling hub in Arabidopsis energy metabolism regulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116080}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The control of energy homeostasis is of pivotal importance for all living organisms. In the last years emerged the idea that many stress responses that are apparently unrelated, are actually united by a common increase of the cellular energy demand. Therefore, the so called energy signaling is activated by many kind of stresses and is responsible for the activation of the general stress response. In Arabidopsis thaliana the protein family SnF1- related protein kinases (SnRK1) is involved in the regulation of many physiological processes but is more known for its involvement in the regulation of the energy homeostasis in response to various stresses. To the SnRK1 protein family belong SnRK1.1 (also known as KIN10), SnRK1.2 (KIN11), and SnRK1.3 (KIN12). SnRK1 exerts its function regulating directly the activity of metabolic enzymes or those of key transcription factors (TFs). The only TFs regulated by SnRK1 identified so far is the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) 63. bZIP63 belongs to the C group of bZIPs (C-bZIPs) protein family together with bZIP9, bZIP10, and bZIP25. SnRK1.1 phosphorylates bZIP63 on three amino acids residues, serine (S) 29, S294, and S300. The phosphorylation of tbZIP63 is strongly related to the energy status of the plant, shifting from almost absent during the normal growth to strongly phosphorylated when the plant is exposed to extended dark. bZIPs normally bind the DNA as dimer in order to regulate the expression of their target genes. C-bZIPs preferentially form dimers with S1-bZIPs, constituting the so called C/S1- bZIPs network. The SnRk1 dependent phosphorylation of bZIP63 regulates its activation potential and its dimerization properties. In particular bZIP63 shift its dimerization preferences according to its phosphorylation status. The non-phosphorylated form of bZIP63 dimerize bZIP1, the phosphorylates ones, instead, forms dimer with bZIP1, bZIP11, and bZIP63 its self. Together with bZIP63, S1-bZIPs are important mediator of part of the huge transcriptional reprogramming induced by SnRK1 in response to extended dark. S1-bZIPs regulate, indeed, the expression of 4'000 of the 10'000 SnRK1-regulated genes in response to energy deprivation. In particular S1-bZIPs are very important for the regulation of many genes encoding for enzymes involved in the amino acid metabolism and for their use as alternative energy source. After the exposition for some hours to extended dark, indeed, the plant make use of every energy substrate and amino acids are considered an important energy source together with lipids and proteins. Interestingly, S1- bZIPs regulate the expression of ETFQO. ETFQO is a unique protein that convoglia the electrons provenienti from the branch chain amino acids catabolism into the mitochondrial electron transport chain. The dimer formed between bZIP63 and bZIP2 recruits SnRK1.1 directly on the chromatin of ETFQO promoter. The recruitment of SnRK1 on ETFQO promoter is associated with its acetylation on the lysine 14 of the histone protein 3 (K14H3). This chromatin modification is normally asociated with an euchromatic status of the DNA and therefore with its transcriptional activation. Beside the particular case of the regulation of ETFQO gene, S1-bZIPs are involved in the regulation of many other genes activated in response of different stresses. bZIP1 is for example an important mediator of the salt stress response. In particular bZIP1 regulates the primary C- and N-metabolism. The expression of bZIP1, in response of both salt ans energy stress seems to be regulated by SnRK1, as it is the expression of bZIP53 and bZIP63. Beside its involvement in the regulation of the energy stress response and salt response, SnRK1 is the primary activators of the lipids metabolism during see germination. SnRK1, indeed, controls the expression of CALEOSINs and OLEOSINs. Those proteins are very important for lipids remobilization from oil droplets. Without their expression seed germination and subsequent establishment do not take place because of the absence of fuel to sustain these highly energy costly processes, which entirely depend on the catabolism of seed storages.}, subject = {Ackerschmalwand}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2018, author = {Jung, Jamin}, title = {Precise timing of the trypanosome cell division cycle}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {African trypanosomes are the causative agents of fatal diseases in humans and livestock. Trypanosomes show a complex lifecycle and shuttle between the transmitting vector, the tsetse (Glossina spec.), and the mammalian host. As a result of this the parasite undergoes tremendous changes in morphology and metabolism to adapt to the different living environments. The two best-studied lifecycle stages are the procyclic forms (PCF) that live in the tsetse fly and the proliferative bloodstream form (BSF) that resides in the mammalian blood. The most conspicuous weapon that trypanosomes use to evade the host immune attack is a dense layer of a single protein type, the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), which shields the entire cell surface. Immune evasion required high rates of surface membrane turnover and surface coat recycling. Trypanosomes show highly polarised cell architecture with all major eukaryotic organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, endosomal apparatus, lysosome, mitochondrion and peroxisome-like glycosomes) generally present in single copy. Furthermore, trypanosomes possess a single flagellum, which is important not only for cellular motility but also for cell division. How the duplication of all these cellular components is coordinated in order to progresss through the cell division cycle is poorly understood. We used trypanosomes as a model organism due to the relative simplicity and the polarised nature of their cell architecture and determined the duplication of all their compartments. This was only possible due to a new synchronisation approach developed during this project. In the first part of the thesis a precise temporal map of the cell division cycle of the BSF T. brucei cell division cycle was generated. By the use of well-described morphological markers (K/N status, new flagellum outgrowth and DNA synthesis) the position of individual cells was determined with high temporal resolution; this allowed us for the first time to synchronise a cell population in silico without affecting the naturally asynchronous growth. In the second part of the thesis we used this tool to follow duplication events of the Major organelles during progression through the cell division cycle. We precisely determined the time points of organelle duplication and found that it is ordered in trypanosomes. Furthermore we found that BSF T. brucei cells do not grow continuously, cell size start to increase rapidly, during a short period of time, late in the cell division cycle. We speculate that the initiation of cell volume increase is temporally separated from the formation of all secretory organelles in order to ensure maintenance of the protective coat, which must remain intact at all times in order for BSF trypanosomes to be able to evade the host immune response.}, subject = {Zellteilung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegner2018, author = {Stegner, David}, title = {Novel Aspects of Platelet Signaling and of the Pathogenesis of Immune Thrombocytopenia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87980}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This work summarizes the results of studies on three major aspects of platelet signaling and of the pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenia. Therefore, this thesis is divided into three parts. i) Platelet activation and subsequent thrombus formation at sites of vascular injury is crucial for normal hemostasis, but it can also trigger myocardial infarction and stroke. The initial capture of flowing platelets to the injured vessel wall is mediated by the interaction of the glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX complex with von Willebrand factor (vWF) immobilized on the exposed subendothelial extracellular matrix (ECM). The central importance of GPIb for platelet adhesion is well established, whereas GPV is generally considered to be of minor relevance for platelet physiology and thrombus formation. This study intended to clarify the relevance of this receptor during thrombus formation using Gp5-/- mice and mice with different double-deficiencies in GPV and in other platelet receptors. It was found that GPV and the collagen receptor integrin a2b1 have partially redundant functions in collagentriggered platelet aggregation. Further, it was revealed that GPV limits thrombus formation and impairs hemostasis in vivo. The data presented here demonstrate that the protective effect of GPVI-deficiency (another platelet collagen receptor) in arterial thrombosis and ischemic stroke depends on the expression of GPV. Moreover, it was demonstrated that lack of GPV restores the hemostatic function of mice lacking both GPVI and a2b1 or mice lacking GPVI and the C-type lectin receptor 2 (CLEC-2). Conclusively, GPV-depletion or blockade might have the potential to treat hemorrhagic disease states. ii) Platelets contain the two phospholipase (PL) D isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, both of which presumably become activated upon platelet stimulation. However, the function of PLD in the process of platelet activation and aggregation has not been definitively explored. Thus, PLD-deficient mice were analyzed. Mice lacking PLD1 or PLD2 were viable, fertile and had normal platelet counts. PLD1 was found to be responsible for the inducible PLD-activity in platelets and to contribute to efficient integrin activation under static conditions. Moreover, flow adhesion experiments revealed that PLD1 is essential for efficient GPIb-mediated integrin activation. Consequently, Pld1-/- mice were protected from arterial thrombosis and ischemic brain infarction without affecting tail bleeding times. Hence, inhibition of PLD1 might be a novel approach for antithrombotic therapy. iii) Cellular activation of platelets or immune cells results in increased cytosolic calcium (Ca2+) levels. Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) via the STIM1-Orai1 axis is the main route of Ca2+ entry downstream of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motif (ITAM) receptor stimulation in mast cells and T cells. However, the requirement of Ca2+-mobilization in Fcg receptor (FcgR)-signaling and the relevance of STIM2 for T cell SOCE have been unclear. To address these questions, genetically modified mice lacking central molecules of the SOCE machinery were analyzed. Ca2+-measurements revealed that both STIM isoforms contribute to Ca2+-mobilization downstream of T cell receptor activation. Additionally, it was found that FcgR stimulation results in SOCE and is mediated by STIM1 and probably Orai1. Animal models of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) revealed that SOCE is essential for platelet clearance and that both STIM isoforms contribute to the pathology of ITP. Moreover, in this work it was also demonstrated that STIM1 and Orai1 are essential in IgG-mediated systemic anaphylaxis. STIM2 contributes to IgG-mediated, but not to IgE-mediated anaphylaxis. The data indicate that interference with SOCE might become a new strategy to prevent or treat IgG-dependent autoimmune diseases.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kropf2018, author = {Kropf, Jan}, title = {The Dual Olfactory Pathway in the Honeybee Brain: Sensory Supply and Electrophysiological Properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The olfactory sense is of utmost importance for honeybees, Apis mellifera. Honeybees use olfaction for communication within the hive, for the identification of nest mates and non-nest mates, the localization of food sources, and in case of drones (males), for the detection of the queen and mating. Honeybees, therefore, can serve as excellent model systems for an integrative analysis of an elaborated olfactory system. To efficiently filter odorants out of the air with their antennae, honeybees possess a multitude of sensilla that contain the olfactory sensory neurons (OSN). Three types of olfactory sensilla are known from honeybee worker antennae: Sensilla trichoidea, Sensilla basiconica and Sensilla placodea. In the sensilla, odorant receptors that are located in the dendritic arborizations of the OSNs transduce the odorant information into electrical information. Approximately 60.000 OSN axons project in two parallel bundles along the antenna into the brain. Before they enter the primary olfactory brain center, the antennal lobe (AL), they diverge into four distinct tracts (T1-T4). OSNs relay onto ~3.000-4.000 local interneurons (LN) and ~900 projection neurons (PN), the output neurons of the AL. The axons of the OSNs together with neurites from LNs and PNs form spheroidal neuropil units, the so-called glomeruli. OSN axons from the four AL input tracts (T1-T4) project into four glomerular clusters. LNs interconnect the AL glomeruli, whereas PNs relay the information to the next brain centers, the mushroom body (MB) - associated with sensory integration, learning and memory - and the lateral horn (LH). In honeybees, PNs project to the MBs and the LH via two separate tracts, the medial and the lateral antennal-lobe tract (m/lALT) which run in parallel in opposing directions. The mALT runs first to the MB and then to the LH, the lALT runs first to the LH and then to the MB. This dual olfactory pathway represents a feature unique to Hymenoptera. Interestingly, both tracts were shown to process information about similar sets of odorants by extracting different features. Individual mALT PNs are more odor specific than lALT PNs. On the other hand, lALT PNs have higher spontaneous and higher odor response action potential (AP) frequencies than mALT PNs. In the MBs, PNs form synapses with ~184.000 Kenyon cells (KC), which are the MB intrinsic neurons. KCs, in contrast to PNs, show almost no spontaneous activity and employ a spatially and temporally sparse code for odor coding. In manuscript I of my thesis, I investigated whether the differences in specificity of odor responses between m- and lALT are due to differences in the synaptic input. Therefore, I investigated the axonal projection patterns of OSNs housed in S. basiconica in honeybee workers and compared them with S. trichoidea and S. placodea using selective anterograde labeling with fluorescent tracers and confocal- microscopy analyses of axonal projections in AL glomeruli. Axons of S. basiconica-associated OSNs preferentially projected into the T3 input-tract cluster in the AL, whereas the two other types of sensilla did not show a preference for a specific glomerular cluster. T3- associated glomeruli had previously been shown to be innervated by mALT PNs. Interestingly, S. basiconica as well as a number of T3 glomeruli lack in drones. Therefore I set out to determine whether this was associated with the reduction of glomeruli innervated by mALT PNs. Retrograde tracing of mALT PNs in drones and counting of innervated glomeruli showed that the number of mALT-associated glomeruli was strongly reduced in drones compared to workers. The preferential projections of S. basiconica-associated OSNs into T3 glomeruli in female workers together with the reduction of mALT-associated glomeruli in drones support the presence of a female-specific olfactory subsystem that is partly innervated by OSNs from S. basiconica and is associated with mALT projection neurons. As mALT PNs were shown to be more odor specific, I suppose that already the OSNs in this subsystem are more odor specific than lALT associated OSNs. I conclude that this female-specific subsystem allows the worker honeybees to respond adequately to the enormous variety of odorants they experience during their lifetime. In manuscript II, I investigated the ion channel composition of mALT and lALT PNs and KCs in situ. This approach represents the first study dealing with the honeybee PN and KC ion channel composition under standard conditions in an intact brain preparation. With these recordings I set out to investigate the potential impact of intrinsic neuronal properties on the differences between m- and lALT PNs and on the sparse odor coding properties of KCs. In PNs, I identified a set of Na+ currents and diverse K+ currents depending on voltage and Na+ or Ca2+ that support relatively high spontaneous and odor response AP frequencies. This set of currents did not significantly differ between mALT and lALT PNs, but targets for potential modulation of currents leading to differences in AP frequencies were found between both types of PNs. In contrast to PNs, KCs have very prominent K+ currents, which are likely to contribute to the sparse response fashion observed in KCs. Furthermore, Ca2+ dependent K+ currents were found, which may be of importance for coincidence detection, learning and memory formation. Finally, I conclude that the differences in odor specificity between m- and lALT PNs are due to their synaptic input from different sets of OSNs and potential processing by LNs. The differences in spontaneous activity between the two tracts may be caused by different neuronal modulation or, in addition, also by interaction with LNs. The temporally sparse representation of odors in KCs is very likely based on the intrinsic KC properties, whereas general excitability and spatial sparseness are likely to be regulated through GABAergic feedback neurons.}, subject = {Voltage-Clamp-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopf2018, author = {Kopf, Juliane}, title = {Emotion processing and working memory deficits in Bipolar Disorder: interactions and changes from acute to remitted state}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97752}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {BD is a severe and highly prevalent psychiatric illness characterized by oscillating mood episodes, where patients express either depressed mood, anhedonia, decreased activation along with concentration difficulties and sleep disturbances, or elevated mood with hyperactivity and loss of inhibitions. Between mood episodes, patients return to a relatively normal state of functioning without mood symptoms. Previous research on underlying neuronal mechanisms has led to a model of neuronal dysfunction in BD which states that BD arises from disruption in early development within brain networks that modulate emotional behavior. These abnormalities in the structure and function of key emotional control networks then lead to decreased connectivity among ventral prefrontal networks and limbic brain regions. This in turn creates a loss of emotional homeostasis, putting bipolar patients at risk for developing extreme mood states and switching among mood states. Two core components for BD have been identified, a hyperactive emotion processing system and a hypoactive cognitive functions system. It is controversial whether these deficits are still detectable in euthymia, so it is unclear if hyper- and hypoactivations represent state or trait-like characteristics. The aim of this study was to research both core components of BD with a paradigm eliciting differential activations in both cognitive and emotion processing networks. For this, an emotional word working memory paradigm was constructed to test for differences between manic, depressive, and remitted patients as well as a healthy control group. Differences were assessed in behavior, brain activation (as a correlate for the hypoactive cognitive functions system), measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and electrophysiological changes in the late positive potential (as a correlate for the hyperactive emotion processing system), an event-related potential (ERP) measured with electroencephalography. 47 patients in the acutely ill phase and 45 healthy controls were measured. Of the 47 patients, 18 returned to the clinic for a second testing while in remission for at least 3 months. Acutely ill patients were classified into 4 groups according to their disorder status: a mildly depressed group, a depressed group, a manic group, and a mixed group along DSM-IV criteria. Analyses were calculated for 3 load conditions (1-back, 2-back and 3-back) and 3 valence conditions (negative, neutral, positive) for behavioral measures reaction time and omission errors, for brain activation and event related potential changes. Results indicate that ill patients differed from controls in their behavioral performance, but the difference in performance was modulated by the mood state they were in. Depressed patients showed the most severe differences in all behavioral measures, while manic and mixed patients differed from controls only upon different valence conditions. Brain activation changes were most pronounced in mildly depressed and manic patients, depressed patients and mixed patients did not differ as much from controls. ERP changes showed a significant difference only between mixed patients and controls, where mixed patients had an overall much higher ERP amplitude. When remitted patients were compared to controls, no differences in behavior, brain activation or ERP amplitude could be found. However, the same was true for differences in patients between acutely ill and remitted state. When looking at the overall data, the following conclusion can be drawn: assuming that the brain activation seen in the prefrontal cortex is part of the dorsal cognitive system, then this is the predominantly disturbed system in depressed patients who show only small changes in the ERP. In contrast, the predominantly disturbed system in manic and mixed patients is the ventral emotion processing system, which can be seen in a hyper-activation of ERP related neural correlates in mixed and hypo-activated neural correlates of the LPP in manic patients. When patients are remitted, the cognitive system regains temporary stability, and can be compared to that of healthy controls, while the emotion processing system remains dysfunctional and underlies still detectable performance deficits.}, subject = {Manisch-depressive Krankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonderMuehlen2018, author = {von der M{\"u}hlen, Sarah}, title = {Fostering Students' Epistemic Competences when Dealing with Scientific Literature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167343}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The abilities to comprehend and critically evaluate scientific texts and the various arguments stated in these texts are an important aspect of scientific literacy, but these competences are usually not formally taught to students. Previous research indicates that, although undergraduate students evaluate the claims and evidence they find in scientific documents to some extent, these evaluations usually fail to meet normative standards. In addition, students' use of source information for evaluation is often insufficient. The rise of the internet and the increased accessibility of information have yielded some additional challenges that highlight the importance of adequate training and instruction.The aim of the present work was to further examine introductory students' competences to systematically and heuristically evaluate scientific information, to identify relevant strategies that are involved in a successful evaluation, and to use this knowledge to design appropriate interventions for fostering epistemic competences in university students.To this end, a number of computer-based studies, including both quantitative and qualitative data as well as experimental designs, were developed. The first two studies were designed to specify educational needs and to reveal helpful processing strategies that are required in different tasks and situations. Two expert-novice comparisons were developed, whereby the performance of German students of psychology (novices) was compared to the performance of scientists from the domain of psychology (experts) in a number of different tasks, such as systematic plausibility evaluations of informal arguments (Study 1) or heuristic evaluations of the credibility of multiple scientific documents (Study 2). A think-aloud procedure was used to identify specific strategies that were applied in both groups during task completion, and that possibly mediated performance differences between students and scientists. In addition, relationships between different strategies and between strategy use and relevant conceptual knowledge was examined. Based on the results of the expert-novice comparisons, an intervention study, consisting of two training experiments, was constructed to foster some competences that proved to be particularly deficient in the comparisons (Study 3). Study 1 examined introductory students' abilities to accurately judge the plausibility of informal arguments according to normative standards, to recognise common argumentation fallacies, and to identify different structural components of arguments. The results from Study 1 indicate that many students, compared to scientists, lack relevant knowledge about the structure of arguments, and that normatively accurate evaluations of their plausibility seem to be challenging in this group. Often, common argumentation fallacies were not identified correctly. Importantly, these deficits were partly mediated by differences in strategy use: It was especially difficult for students to pay sufficient attention to the relationship between argument components when forming their judgements. Moreover, they frequently relied on their intuition or opinion as a criterion for evaluation, whereas scientists predominantly determined quality of arguments based on their internal consistency. In addition to students' evaluation of the plausibility of informal arguments, Study 2 examined introductory students' competences to evaluate the credibility of multiple scientific texts, and to use source characteristics for evaluation. The results show that students struggled not only to judge the plausibility of arguments correctly, but also to heuristically judge the credibility of science texts, and these deficits were fully mediated by their insufficient use of source information. In contrast, scientists were able to apply different strategies in a flexible manner. When the conditions for evaluation did not allow systematic processing (i.e. time limit), they primarily used source characteristics for their evaluations. However, when systematic evaluations were possible (i.e. no time limit), they used more sophisticated normative criteria for their evaluations, such as paying attention to the internal consistency of arguments (cf. Study 1). Results also showed that students, in contrast to experts, lacked relevant knowledge about different publication types, and this was related to their ability to correctly determine document credibility. The results from the expert-novice comparisons also suggest that the competences assessed in both tasks might develop as a result of a more fundamental form of scientific literacy and discipline expertise. Performances in all tasks were positively related. On the basis of these results, two training experiments were developed that aimed at fostering university students' competences to understand and evaluate informal arguments (Study 3). Experiment 1 describes an intervention approach in which students were familiarised with the formal structure of arguments based on Toulmin's (1958) argumentation model. The performance of the experimental group to identify the structural components of this model was compared to the performance of a control group in which speed reading skills were practiced, using a pre-post-follow-up design. Results show that the training was successful for improving the comprehension of more complex arguments and relational aspects between key components in the posttest, compared to the control group. Moreover, an interaction effect was found with study performance. High achieving students with above average grades profited the most from the training intervention. Experiment 2 showed that training in plausibility, normative criteria of argument evaluation, and argumentation fallacies improved students' abilities to evaluate the plausibility of arguments and, in addition, their competences to recognise structural components of arguments, compared to a speed-reading control group. These results have important implications for education and practice, which will be discussed in detail in this dissertation.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuernberger2018, author = {N{\"u}rnberger, Fabian}, title = {Timing of colony phenology and foraging activity in honey bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155105}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {I. Timing is a crucial feature in organisms that live within a variable and changing environment. Complex mechanisms to measure time are wide-spread and were shown to exist in many taxa. These mechanisms are expected to provide fitness benefits by enabling organisms to anticipate environmental changes and adapt accordingly. However, very few studies have addressed the adaptive value of proper timing. The objective of this PhD-project was to investigate mechanisms and fitness consequences of timing decisions concerning colony phenology and foraging activity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera), a social insect species with a high degree of social organization and one of the most important pollinators of wild plants and crops. In chapter II, a study is presented that aimed to identify the consequences of disrupted synchrony between colony phenology and the local environment by manipulating the timing of brood onset after hibernation. In a follow-up experiment, the importance of environmental factors for the timing of brood onset was investigated to assess the potential of climate change to disrupt synchronization of colony phenology (Chapter III). Chapter IV aimed to prove for the first time that honey bees can use interval time-place learning to improve foraging activity in a variable environment. Chapter V investigates the fitness benefits of information exchange between nest mates via waggle dance communication about a resource environment that is heterogeneous in space and time. II. In the study presented in chapter II, the importance of the timing of brood onset after hibernation as critical point in honey bee colony phenology in temperate zones was investigated. Honey bee colonies were overwintered at two climatically different sites. By translocating colonies from each site to the other in late winter, timing of brood onset was manipulated and consequently colony phenology was desynchronized with the local environment. Delaying colony phenology in respect to the local environment decreased the capability of colonies to exploit the abundant spring bloom. Early brood onset, on the other hand, increased the loads of the brood parasite Varroa destructor later in the season with negative impact on colony worker population size. This indicates a timing related trade-off and illustrates the importance of investigating effects of climate change on complex multi-trophic systems. It can be concluded that timing of brood onset in honey bees is an important fitness relevant step for colony phenology that is highly sensitive to climatic conditions in late winter. Further, phenology shifts and mismatches driven by climate change can have severe fitness consequences. III. In chapter III, I assess the importance of the environmental factors ambient temperature and photoperiod as well as elapsed time on the timing of brood onset. Twenty-four hibernating honey bee colonies were placed into environmental chambers and allocated to different combinations of two temperature regimes and three different light regimes. Brood onset was identified non-invasively by tracking comb temperature within the winter cluster. The experiment revealed that ambient temperature plays a major role in the timing of brood onset, but the response of honey bee colonies to temperature increases is modified by photoperiod. Further, the data indicate the involvement of an internal clock. I conclude that the timing of brood onset is complex but probably highly susceptible to climate change and especially spells of warm weather in winter. IV. In chapter IV, it was examined if honey bees are capable of interval time-place learning and if this ability improves foraging efficiency in a dynamic resource environment. In a field experiment with artificial feeders, foragers were able to learn time intervals and use this ability to anticipate time periods during which feeders were active. Further, interval time-place learning enabled foragers to increase nectar uptake rates. It was concluded that interval time-place learning can help honey bee foragers to adapt to the complex and variable temporal patterns of floral resource environments. V. The study presented in chapter V identified the importance of the honey bee waggle dance communication for the spatiotemporal coordination of honey bee foraging activity in resource environments that can vary from day to day. Consequences of disrupting the instructional component of honey bee dance communication were investigated in eight temperate zone landscapes with different levels of spatiotemporal complexity. While nectar uptake of colonies was not affected, waggle dance communication significantly benefitted pollen harvest irrespective of landscape complexity. I suggest that this is explained by the fact that honey bees prefer to forage pollen in semi-natural habitats, which provide diverse resource species but are sparse and presumably hard to find in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. I conclude that waggle dance communication helps to ensure a sufficient and diverse pollen diet which is crucial for honey bee colony health. VI. In my PhD-project, I could show that honey bee colonies are able to adapt their activities to a seasonally and daily changing environment, which affects resource uptake, colony development, colony health and ultimately colony fitness. Ongoing global change, however, puts timing in honey bee colonies at risk. Climate change has the potential to cause mismatches with the local resource environment. Intensivation of agricultural management with decreased resource diversity and short resource peaks in spring followed by distinctive gaps increases the probability of mismatches. Even the highly efficient foraging system of honey bees might not ensure a sufficiently diverse and healthy diet in such an environment. The global introduction of the parasitic mite V. destructor and the increased exposure to pesticides in intensively managed landscapes further degrades honey bee colony health. This might lead to reduced cognitive capabilities in workers and impact the communication and social organization in colonies, thereby undermining the ability of honey bee colonies to adapt to their environment.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ankenbrand2018, author = {Ankenbrand, Markus Johannes}, title = {Squeezing more information out of biological data - development and application of bioinformatic tools for ecology, evolution and genomics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {New experimental methods have drastically accelerated the pace and quantity at which biological data is generated. High-throughput DNA sequencing is one of the pivotal new technologies. It offers a number of novel applications in various fields of biology, including ecology, evolution, and genomics. However, together with those opportunities many new challenges arise. Specialized algorithms and software are required to cope with the amount of data, often requiring substantial training in bioinformatic methods. Another way to make those data accessible to non-bioinformaticians is the development of programs with intuitive user interfaces. In my thesis I developed analyses and programs to tackle current problems with high-throughput data in biology. In the field of ecology this covers the establishment of the bioinformatic workflow for pollen DNA meta-barcoding. Furthermore, I developed an application that facilitates the analysis of ecological communities in the context of their traits. Information from multiple public databases have been aggregated and can now be mapped automatically to existing community tables for interactive inspection. In evolution the new data are used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from multiple genes. I developed the tool bcgTree to automate this process for bacteria. Many plant genomes have been sequenced in current years. Sequencing reads of those projects also contain data from the chloroplasts. The tool chloroExtractor supports the targeted extraction and analysis of the chloroplast genome. To compare the structure of multiple genomes specialized software is required for calculation and visualization of the relationships. I developed AliTV to address this. In contrast to existing programs for this task it allows interactive adjustments of produced graphics. Thus, facilitating the discovery of biologically relevant information. Another application I developed helps to analyze transcriptomes even if no reference genome is present. This is achieved by aggregating the different pieces of information, like functional annotation and expression level, for each transcript in a web platform. Scientists can then search, filter, subset, and visualize the transcriptome. Together the methods and tools expedite insights into biological systems that were not possible before.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krishna2018, author = {Krishna, Anand}, title = {Regulatory Focus Theory and Information Processing - A Series of Exploratory Studies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163365}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Regulatory focus (RF) theory (Higgins, 1997) states that individuals follow different strategic concerns when focusing on gains (promotion) rather than losses (prevention). Applying the Reflective-Impulsive Model (RIM, Strack \& Deutsch, 2004), this dissertation investigates RF's influence on basic information processing, specifically semantic processing (Study 1), semantic (Study 2) and affective (Study 3) associative priming, and basic reflective operations (Studies 4-7). Study 1 showed no effect of RF on pre-activation of RF-related semantic concepts in a lexical decision task (LDT). Study 2 indicated that primes fitting a promotion focus improve performance in a LDT for chronically promotion-focused individuals, but not chronically prevention-focused individuals. However, the latter performed better when targets fit their focus. Stronger affect and arousal after processing valent words fitting an RF may explain this pattern. Study 3 showed some evidence for stronger priming effects for negative primes in a bona-fide pipeline task (Fazio et al., 1995) for chronically prevention-focused participants, while also providing evidence that situational prevention focus insulates individuals from misattributing the valence of simple primes. Studies 4-7 showed that a strong chronic prevention focus leads to greater negation effects for valent primes in an Affect Misattribution Procedure (Payne et al., 2005), especially when it fits the situation. Furthermore, Study 6 showed that these effects result from stronger weighting of negated valence rather than greater ease in negation. Study 7 showed that the increased negation effect is independent of time pressure. Broad implications are discussed, including how RF effects on basic processing may explain higher-order RF effects.}, subject = {Motivation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerlach2018, author = {Gerlach, Jennifer}, title = {Influence of Myc-interacting proteins on transcription and development}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154917}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The transcription factor Myc interacts with several co-factors to regulate growth and proliferationand thereby enables normal animal development. Deregulation of Myc is associated witha wide range of human tumors. Myc binds to DNA together with its dimerization partner Max, preferentially to canonical E-box motifs, but this sequence-specific interaction is probably not sufficient for Myc's binding to target genes. In this work, the PAF1 complex was characterized as a novel co-factor of Myc in Drosophila melanogaster. All components of the complex are required for Myc's recruitment to chromatin, but the subunit Atu has the strongest effect on Myc's binding to target genes through ist direct physical interaction with Myc. Unexpectedly, the impact of Atu depletion on the Expression of Myc target genes was weak compared to its effect on Myc binding. However, the influence of Atu becomes more prominent in situations of elevated Myc levels in vivo . Mycrepressed as well as Myc-activated targets are affected, consistent with the notion that Myc recruitment is impaired. An independent set of analyses revealed that Myc retains substantial activity even in the complete absence of Max. The overexpression of Myc in Max0 mutants specifically blocks their pupariation without affecting their survival, which raised the possibility that Myc might affect ecdysone biosynthesis. This connection was studied in the second part of this Thesis which showed that Myc inhibits the expression of ecdysteroidogenic genes and thereby the production of ecdysone. Myc most likely affects the signaling pathways (PTTH and insulin signaling) upstream of the PG, the organ where ecdysone is produced. By combining existing ChIPseq, RNAseq and electronic annotation data, we identified five potential Maxindependent Myc targets and provided experimental data that they might be involved in Myc's effect on Max mutant animals. Together our data confirm that some Myc functions are Max-independent and they raise the possibility that this effect might play a role during replication.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruendler2018, author = {Gr{\"u}ndler, Klaus}, title = {A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Development - The Role of Technology, Inequality, and the State}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-072-6 (Print)}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-073-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141520}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {300}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This dissertation contributes to the empirical analysis of economic development. The continuing poverty in many Sub-Saharan-African countries as well as the declining trend in growth in the advanced economies that was initiated around the turn of the millennium raises a number of new questions which have received little attention in recent empirical studies. Is culture a decisive factor for economic development? Do larger financial markets trigger positive stimuli with regard to incomes, or is the recent increase in their size in advanced economies detrimental to economic growth? What causes secular stagnation, i.e. the reduction in growth rates of the advanced economies observable over the past 20 years? What is the role of inequality in the growth process, and how do governmental attempts to equalize the income distribution affect economic development? And finally: Is the process of democratization accompanied by an increase in living standards? These are the central questions of this doctoral thesis. To facilitate the empirical analysis of the determinants of economic growth, this dissertation introduces a new method to compute classifications in the field of social sciences. The approach is based on mathematical algorithms of machine learning and pattern recognition. Whereas the construction of indices typically relies on arbitrary assumptions regarding the aggregation strategy of the underlying attributes, utilization of Support Vector Machines transfers the question of how to aggregate the individual components into a non-linear optimization problem. Following a brief overview of the theoretical models of economic growth provided in the first chapter, the second chapter illustrates the importance of culture in explaining the differences in incomes across the globe. In particular, if inhabitants have a lower average degree of risk-aversion, the implementation of new technology proceeds much faster compared with countries with a lower tendency towards risk. However, this effect depends on the legal and political framework of the countries, their average level of education, and their stage of development. The initial wealth of individuals is often not sufficient to cover the cost of investments in both education and new technologies. By providing loans, a developed financial sector may help to overcome this shortage. However, the investigations in the third chapter show that this mechanism is dependent on the development levels of the economies. In poor countries, growth of the financial sector leads to better education and higher investment levels. This effect diminishes along the development process, as intermediary activity is increasingly replaced by speculative transactions. Particularly in times of low technological innovation, an increasing financial sector has a negative impact on economic development. In fact, the world economy is currently in a phase of this kind. Since the turn of the millennium, growth rates in the advanced economies have experienced a multi-national decline, leading to an intense debate about "secular stagnation" initiated at the beginning of 2015. The fourth chapter deals with this phenomenon and shows that the growth potentials of new technologies have been gradually declining since the beginning of the 2000s. If incomes are unequally distributed, some individuals can invest less in education and technological innovations, which is why the fifth chapter identifies an overall negative effect of inequality on growth. This influence, however, depends on the development level of countries. While the negative effect is strongly pronounced in poor economies with a low degree of equality of opportunity, this influence disappears during the development process. Accordingly, redistributive polices of governments exert a growth-promoting effect in developing countries, while in advanced economies, the fostering of equal opportunities is much more decisive. The sixth chapter analyzes the growth effect of the political environment and shows that the ambiguity of earlier studies is mainly due to unsophisticated measurement of the degree of democratization. To solve this problem, the chapter introduces a new method based on mathematical algorithms of machine learning and pattern recognition. While the approach can be used for various classification problems in the field of social sciences, in this dissertation it is applied for the problem of democracy measurement. Based on different country examples, the chapter shows that the resulting SVMDI is superior to other indices in modeling the level of democracy. The subsequent empirical analysis emphasizes a significantly positive growth effect of democracy measured via SVMDI.}, subject = {Wirtschaftsentwicklung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{NguyenNgoc2018, author = {Nguyen-Ngoc, Anh}, title = {On Performance Assessment of Control Mechanisms and Virtual Components in SDN-based Networks}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16932}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169328}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This dissertation focuses on the performance evaluation of all components of Software Defined Networking (SDN) networks and covers whole their architecture. First, the isolation between virtual networks sharing the same physical resources is investigated with SDN switches of several vendors. Then, influence factors on the isolation are identified and evaluated. Second, the impact of control mechanisms on the performance of the data plane is examined through the flow rule installation time of SDN switches with different controllers. It is shown that both hardware-specific and controller instance have a specific influence on the installation time. Finally, several traffic flow monitoring methods of an SDN controller are investigated and a new monitoring approach is developed and evaluated. It is confirmed that the proposed method allows monitoring of particular flows as well as consumes fewer resources than the standard approach. Based on findings in this thesis, on the one hand, controller developers can refer to the work related to the control plane, such as flow monitoring or flow rule installation, to improve the performance of their applications. On the other hand, network administrators can apply the presented methods to select a suitable combination of controller and switches in their SDN networks, based on their performance requirements}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Narkhede2018, author = {Narkhede, Yogesh}, title = {In silico structure-based optimisation of pyrrolidine carboxamides as Mycobacterium tuberculosis enoyl-ACP reductase inhibitors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The high infection rates and recent emergence of extremely drug resistant forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pose a significant challenge for global health. The NADH- dependent enoyl-ACP-reductase InhA of the type II mycobacterial fatty acid biosynthesis pathway is a well-validated target for inhibiting mycobacterial growth. InhA has been shown to be inhibited by a variety of compound series. Prominent classes of InhA inhibitors from literature include diaryl ethers, pyrrolidine carboxamides and arylamides which can be subjected to further development. Despite the progress in this area, very few compounds are in clinical development phase. The present work involves a detailed computational investigation of the binding modes and structure-based optimisation of pyrrolidine carboxamides as InhA inhibitors. With substituents of widely varying bulkiness, the pyrrolidine carboxamide dataset presented a challenge for prediction of binding mode as well as affinity. Using advanced docking protocols and in-house developed pose selection procedures, the binding modes of 44 compounds were predicted. The poses from docking were used in short molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to ascertain the dominant binding conformations for the bulkier members of the series. Subsequently, an activity-based classification strategy could be developed to circumvent the affinity prediction problems observed with this dataset. The prominent motions of the bound ligand and the active site residues were then ascertained using Essential Dynamics (ED). The information from ED and literature was subsequently used to design a total of 20 compounds that were subjected to extensive in-silico evaluations. Finally, the molecular determinants of rapid-reversible binding of pyrrolidine carboxamides were investigated using long MD simulations.}, subject = {Tuberkelbakterium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Becker2018, author = {Becker, Martin}, title = {Understanding Human Navigation using Bayesian Hypothesis Comparison}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163522}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Understanding human navigation behavior has implications for a wide range of application scenarios. For example, insights into geo-spatial navigation in urban areas can impact city planning or public transport. Similarly, knowledge about navigation on the web can help to improve web site structures or service experience. In this work, we focus on a hypothesis-driven approach to address the task of understanding human navigation: We aim to formulate and compare ideas — for example stemming from existing theory, literature, intuition, or previous experiments — based on a given set of navigational observations. For example, we may compare whether tourists exploring a city walk "short distances" before taking their next photo vs. they tend to "travel long distances between points of interest", or whether users browsing Wikipedia "navigate semantically" vs. "click randomly". For this, the Bayesian method HypTrails has recently been proposed. However, while HypTrails is a straightforward and flexible approach, several major challenges remain: i) HypTrails does not account for heterogeneity (e.g., incorporating differently behaving user groups such as tourists and locals is not possible), ii) HypTrails does not support the user in conceiving novel hypotheses when confronted with a large set of possibly relevant background information or influence factors, e.g., points of interest, popularity of locations, time of the day, or user properties, and finally iii) formulating hypotheses can be technically challenging depending on the application scenario (e.g., due to continuous observations or temporal constraints). In this thesis, we address these limitations by introducing various novel methods and tools and explore a wide range of case studies. In particular, our main contributions are the methods MixedTrails and SubTrails which specifically address the first two limitations: MixedTrails is an approach for hypothesis comparison that extends the previously proposed HypTrails method to allow formulating and comparing heterogeneous hypotheses (e.g., incorporating differently behaving user groups). SubTrails is a method that supports hypothesis conception by automatically discovering interpretable subgroups with exceptional navigation behavior. In addition, our methodological contributions also include several tools consisting of a distributed implementation of HypTrails, a web application for visualizing geo-spatial human navigation in the context of background information, as well as a system for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing mobile participatory sensing data. Furthermore, we conduct case studies in many application domains, which encompass — among others — geo-spatial navigation based on photos from the photo-sharing platform Flickr, browsing behavior on the social tagging system BibSonomy, and task choosing behavior on a commercial crowdsourcing platform. In the process, we develop approaches to cope with application specific subtleties (like continuous observations and temporal constraints). The corresponding studies illustrate the variety of domains and facets in which navigation behavior can be studied and, thus, showcase the expressiveness, applicability, and flexibility of our methods. Using these methods, we present new aspects of navigational phenomena which ultimately help to better understand the multi-faceted characteristics of human navigation behavior.}, subject = {Bayes-Verfahren}, language = {en} }