@phdthesis{Fleissner2024, author = {Fleißner, Janik Frank Hans-Werner}, title = {Die Bedeutung von Oncostatin M f{\"u}r die Lipidhom{\"o}ostase Apoe- und Ldlr-deletierter M{\"a}use}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28059}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280592}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {OSM, ein Vertreter der IL-6-Typ-Zytokine, ist nicht nur f{\"u}r entz{\"u}ndliche, sondern auch f{\"u}r metabolische Prozesse von Bedeutung. Vorarbeiten der Arbeitsgruppe GEIER/HERMANNS und Studien von KOMORI et al. legen protektive Eigenschaften des Zytokins nahe, da M{\"a}use, denen OSMR fehlte, Charakteristika des metabolischen Syndroms aufwiesen. Zur eingehenderen Untersuchung der von OSM vermittelten Wirkung auf den murinen Lipidstoffwechsel wurden zwei f{\"u}r die NAFLD und Atherosklerose anf{\"a}llige Modelle herangezogen und jeweils in Gegenwart und Abwesenheit des Osmr studiert: Weibliche Apoe-/-(Osmr-/-) und Ldlr-/-(Osmr-/-) M{\"a}use wurden {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von zw{\"o}lf Wochen mit westlicher Di{\"a}t gef{\"u}ttert, w{\"o}chentlich gewogen, am Ende der Di{\"a}t geopfert und geerntet. Wildtypische C57Bl/6-M{\"a}use erfuhren die gleiche Behandlung und dienten als Referenzgruppe. Im Rahmen des Promotionsprojektes wurden Leberfettgehalt, Serumlipidspiegel, Lipoproteinfraktionen und Stuhllipide von Apoe-deletierten M{\"a}usen bestimmt und mit bereits vorhandenen Daten der Ldlr-/-(Osmr-/-) und wildtypischen M{\"a}use in Beziehung gesetzt. Expressionsanalysen von am Lipidstoffwechsel beteiligten Genen in Darm-, Leber- und Fettgewebe trugen dazu bei, OSM-abh{\"a}ngige Regulationen aufzudecken. Ldlr-/- Tiere nahmen unter der Di{\"a}t exzessiv zu, hatten hohe Serumspiegel an Leptin, Gluco-se und Lipiden, eine Lebersteatose und, begleitet von einer Induktion des Vldlr, erh{\"o}hte inflammatorische Marker im visceralen Fettgewebe. Der zus{\"a}tzliche Knockout des Osmr ging mit einer geringeren Vldlr-Expression im Fettgewebe und einer hepatozyt{\"a}ren Induktion von Cyp7a1 einher und resultierte in einem metabolisch g{\"u}nstigeren Ph{\"a}notyp. Apoe-defiziente Tiere unterschieden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Gewichtszunahme nicht von Ldlr-/-Osmr-/- und C57Bl/6-M{\"a}usen. {\"U}berraschenderweise zeigten sich im Serum von Apoe-/-Osmr-/- jedoch gegen{\"u}ber Apoe-/- M{\"a}usen erh{\"o}hte Konzentrationen des Gesamt- und VLDL-Cholesterins, der Triglyceride und freien Fetts{\"a}uren. Obwohl Lebern der Apoe-/-Osmr-/- M{\"a}use geringere Ldlr- und Lrp1-mRNA-Spiegel als die der Apoe-/- M{\"a}use aufwiesen, hatten sie einen h{\"o}heren hepatischen Cholesteringehalt. Bei gesteigerter Cpt1a-Expression fiel der hepatische Tri-glyceridgehalt Apoe-deletierter M{\"a}use geringer aus als in Ldlr-/-(Osmr-/-) und wildtypischen Tieren. Unter Umgehung einer Fettgewebsentz{\"u}ndung pr{\"a}sentierten Apoe-defiziente M{\"a}use Hinweise einer inflammatorischen Lebersch{\"a}digung, die pathogenetisch am ehesten mit einer gest{\"o}rten Cholesterinhom{\"o}ostase in Verbindung zu bringen war. Abh{\"a}ngig vom genetischen Hintergrund des Mausmodells hatte OSM sch{\"u}tzende oder sch{\"a}dliche Effekte auf den Lipidmetabolismus. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit betonen die entscheidende Bedeutung entz{\"u}ndlicher, von OSM modulierter Prozesse f{\"u}r den Fettstoffwechsel in Leber- und Fettgewebe. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Experimente sind n{\"o}tig, um die den Beobachtungen zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen zu entschl{\"u}sseln.}, subject = {Apolipoprotein E}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bakirci2024, author = {Bakirci, Ezgi}, title = {Development of \(In\) \(vitro\) Models for Tissue Engineering Applications Using a High-Resolution 3D Printing Technology}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25164}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251645}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In vitro models mimic the tissue-specific anatomy and play essential roles in personalized medicine and disease treatments. As a sophisticated manufacturing technology, 3D printing overcomes the limitations of traditional technologies and provides an excellent potential for developing in vitro models to mimic native tissue. This thesis aims to investigate the potential of a high-resolution 3D printing technology, melt electrowriting (MEW), for fabricating in vitro models. MEW has a distinct capacity for depositing micron size fibers with a defined design. In this thesis, three approaches were used, including 1) extending the MEW polymer library for different biomedical applications, 2) developing in vitro models for evaluation of cell growth and migration toward the different matrices, and 3) studying the effect of scaffold designs and biochemical cues of microenvironments on cells. First, we introduce the MEW processability of (AB)n and (ABAC)n segmented copolymers, which have thermally reversible network formulation based on physical crosslinks. Bisurea segments are combined with hydrophobic poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) or hydrophilic poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) (PPO-PEG-PPO) segments to form the (AB)n segmented copolymers. (ABAC)n segmented copolymers contain all three segments: in addition to bisurea, both hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments are available in the same polymer chain, resulting in tunable mechanical and biological behaviors. MEW copolymers either support cells attachment or dissolve without cytotoxic side effects when in contact with the polymers at lower concentrations, indicating that this copolymer class has potential in biological applications. The unique biological and surface properties, transparency, adjustable hydrophilicity of these copolymers could be beneficial in several in vitro models. The second manuscript addresses the design and development of a melt electrowritten competitive 3D radial migration device. The approach differs from most of the previous literature, as MEW is not used here to produce cell invasive scaffolds but to fabricate an in vitro device. The device is utilized to systematically determine the matrix which promotes cell migration and growth of glioblastoma cells. The glioblastoma cell migration is tested on four different Matrigel concentrations using a melt electrowritten radial device. The glioblastoma U87 cell growth and migration increase at Matrigel concentrations 6 and 8 mg mL-1 In the development of this radial device, the accuracy, and precision of melt electrowritten circular shapes were investigated. The results show that the printing speed and design diameter are essential parameters for the accuracy of printed constructs. It is the first instance where MEW is used for the production of in vitro devices. The influence of biochemical cues and scaffold designs on astrocytes and glioblastoma is investigated in the last manuscript. A fiber comprising the box and triangle-shaped pores within MEW scaffolds are modified with biochemical cues, including RGD and IKVAV peptides using a reactive NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) macromer. The results show that astrocytes and glioblastoma cells exhibit different phenotypes on scaffold designs and peptide-coated scaffolds.}, subject = {3D-Druck}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DasgebNitschke2024, author = {Das [geb. Nitschke], Felix Marcel}, title = {DNA-Methylierung und Genexpression von FKPB5 als Teil des Stresshormonsystems bei von Depressionen und Herzinsuffizienz Betroffenen sowie gesunden Kontrollen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36973}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369730}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {FKBP5 stellt im Stresssystem der HPA-Achse ein zentrales Gen bei der Regulation der Sensitivit{\"a}t des Glukokortikoidrezeptors und somit der Reaktion auf Stress dar. Zur Adaptation an Umwelteinfl{\"u}sse ist es selbst in ein komplexes System von Regulationsmechanismen eingebettet, die unter anderem epigenetische Modifikationen in Form von DNA-Methylierung umfassen. Bisherige Studien legen eine starke Assoziation von FKBP5 zu stressinduzierten psychischen Erkrankungen nahe und weisen auf eine Dysregulation der HPA-Achse als m{\"o}glichen Pathomechanismus hin. F{\"u}r die enge klinische Interaktion von Depression und Herzinsuffizienz sowie eine ebenfalls vermutete Rolle der HPA-Achse in der Pathogenese letzterer, k{\"o}nnte FKBP5 daher ein entscheidendes Bindeglied darstellen. Gleichzeitig bietet die Identifikation einer {\"u}ber FKBP5 ausgedr{\"u}ckten Dysregulation der HPA-Achse einen biologischen Befund, der als Marker f{\"u}r das Ansprechen einer antidepressiven Therapie herangezogen werden k{\"o}nnte. Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung eines m{\"o}glichen Einflusses regulatorischer Parameter von FKBP5 auf die Herzinsuffizienz sowie eine Pr{\"u}fung dieser als m{\"o}gliche Biomarker f{\"u}r einen Erfolg der antidepressiven Therapie. Dazu wurden Blutproben von ProbandInnen der GEParD- bzw. DaCFail-Studie mit Depression, Herzinsuffizienz sowie gesunde Kontrollen untersucht. Durch Pyrosequenzierung bisulfitkonvertierter DNA erfolgte die Bestimmung der Methylierung regulatorischer CpGs. Die Messung der relativen mRNA-Expression erfolgte durch den Einsatz einer qPCR. In der Auswertung fand sich keine differentielle mRNA-Expression oder Methylierung zwischen den vier Untersuchungsgruppen. Allerdings reagierten depressive PatientInnen verglichen mit der Kontrollgruppe mit einer geringeren Zunahme der mRNA-Expression als Reaktion auf den mDST. Das Therapieansprechen in der Depressionsgruppe wiederum war mit einer niedrigeren Methylierung auf CpG7 sowie einer h{\"o}heren mRNA-Expression zu Therapiebeginn assoziiert. Im Behandlungsverlauf f{\"u}hrte eine Abnahme der mRNA-Expression bei den Respondern zu einer Ann{\"a}herung beider Gruppen. Diese Arbeit konnte keine Hinweise f{\"u}r eine Rolle von FKBP5 in der Pathogenese der Herzinsuffizienz finden. Allerdings zeigten die Befunde zur Regulation des Gens bei Glukokortikoidstimulation eine hohe Konstanz zu vorherigen Ergebnissen. In diesen Kontext reihen sich auch die Ergebnisse f{\"u}r das Therapieansprechen ein, die aufgrund einer Herabregulation der HPA-Achse im Therapieverlauf die Idee einer urs{\"a}chlichen HPA-Dysregulation in der Gruppe der Responder bekr{\"a}ftigen. F{\"u}r sich allein genommen lassen sich mRNA-Expression und Methylierung aufgrund mangelnder Sensitivit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t nicht als Biomarker f{\"u}r das Therapieansprechen einsetzen. Die bisherigen Befunde best{\"a}rken aber eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle in einer Batterie unterschiedlicher Biomarker auf verschiedenen Ebenen, wie Klinik, Psychometrie und Physiologie.}, subject = {Gen FKBP5}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Junghanns2024, author = {Junghanns, Lara Madeleine}, title = {Resistenzmechanismen gegen Amphotericin B in humanpathogenen Hefepilzen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369861}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die 2009 erstmals entdeckte Spezies C. auris erlangte binnen k{\"u}rzester Zeit zunehmend weltweite Aufmerksamkeit. Vor allem die Tendenz der Multiresistenzentwicklung und das rasche Ausl{\"o}sen von nosokomialen Infektionen erschweren den Umgang und die Therapie von C. auris Infektionen im Vergleich zu anderen Candida Spezien. Diese Dissertationsarbeit umfasst eine systematische Resistenzanalyse der im NRZMyk vorhandenen Stammsammlung aus C. auris und C. parapsilosis Isolaten, um Aufschluss {\"u}ber den Wirkmechanismus von Amphotericin B in Hefepilzen zu erlangen. Anhand der zun{\"a}chst durchgef{\"u}hrten Amphotericin B-Resistenztestungen kristallisierten sich CAU37 und CAU43 mit MHK-Werten bis zu 12 µg/ml als stark Amphotericin B-resistente Isolate heraus. Die Analyse der Sequenzierungsergebnisse zeigte bei beiden St{\"a}mmen eine Mutation im ERG4 Gen an Position 576, welche nicht eindeutig als alleinige Ursache f{\"u}r die verminderte Amphotericin B-Empfindlichkeit festgelegt werden konnte. Dennoch wurde im Rahmen eines Survival Assays bei beiden Amphotericin B-resistenten Isolaten anf{\"a}nglich eine konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngige Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Amphotericin B festgestellt, bevor ein Nachwachsen der Kulturen beobachtet wurde. Somit wurde die Vermutung aufgestellt, dass lediglich ein Teil der aufgebrachten Candida-Zellen abget{\"o}tet wird und dies in einer Vermehrung der {\"u}berlebenden Zellen resultiert. Des Weiteren konnte im Rahmen von Resistenztestungen mit dem Sphingolipidinhibitor Myriocin nachgewiesen werden, dass vor allem in Amphotericin B-resistenten Isolaten eine deutliche Wirkungsverst{\"a}rkung des Polyens hervorgerufen wird. Diese Sensitivit{\"a}tssteigerung ist allgemein bei allen C. auris Isolaten zu beobachten, f{\"a}llt bei resistenten St{\"a}mmen jedoch deutlich st{\"a}rker aus. Hierdurch kam die Annahme auf, dass Amphotericin B-Resistenzen auch in m{\"o}glichen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Sphingolipid-Haushaltes begr{\"u}ndet sein k{\"o}nnten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus scheint Myriocin keinen Einfluss auf Fluconazol-resistente oder FKS-mutierte Echinocandin-resistente C. auris St{\"a}mme zu haben. Das ebenfalls untersuchte und von Myriocin abgeleitete Medikament Fingolimod hatte jedoch ebenfalls keinen wirkungsverst{\"a}rkenden Effekt. Allerdings reagierte ein Großteil der C. auris Isolate (57,6 \%) sensitiv gegen{\"u}ber dem neusten medizinisch bekannten Triazol Isavuconazol und es konnte erstmalig ein ECV-Wert von 0,03125 µg/ml festgelegt werden. Ein valider Vergleich von C. auris zu C. parapsilosis war aufgrund der mangelnden Anzahl an C. parapsilosis Isolaten jedoch nicht m{\"o}glich}, subject = {Candida}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{NoppergebAckermann2024, author = {Nopper [geb. Ackermann], Nadja}, title = {Impf- und Immunstatus W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierender von 2004-2020}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36968}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurde der Impfstatus der W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierenden von 2004-2020 entsprechend der jeweils im sechsten Semester geltenden STIKO Empfehlungen ausgewertet (im folgenden Impfquote genannt) und mit den Ergebnissen von Studien an Universit{\"a}ten in Frankfurt, Bochum und Dresden, sowie der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung und dem medizinischen Personal in Deutschland verglichen. Außerdem wurde ausgewertet, inwiefern das Angebot der Nachimpfungen im Impfkurs angenommen wurde und m{\"o}gliche Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit aufgedeckten Impfl{\"u}cken wurden diskutiert. Bei manchen impfpr{\"a}ventablen Infektionskrankheiten (IPIE) wie Pertussis war von 2004-2020 ein deutlicher Anstieg der Impfquote (von <2\% auf knapp 90\%) zu beobachten, bei anderen, wie Tetanus war bereits seit 2004 eine Impfquote von etwa 75-90\% zu sehen, der {\"u}ber die gesamte Beobachtungszeit auf etwa 85-90\% anstieg. Im Vergleich zu anderen Studien mit Medizinstudierenden anderer Universit{\"a}ten in Deutschland schnitten die W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierenden in Bezug auf Masern, Mumps, R{\"o}teln und Varizellen mit Impfquoten um die 80-90\% oder h{\"o}her im Vergleich zu 73-86\% in den anderen St{\"a}dten durchweg besser ab. Bei Hepatitis B war anfangs eine vergleichbare (65-90\%), sp{\"a}ter eine h{\"o}here Impfquote (um die 80\%) als in den Vergleichsstudien (um die 40\%) zu beobachten. In Bezug auf Tetanus (Impfquote im Schnitt 85,2\%), Diphtherie (Impfquote im Schnitt 82,9\%), Pertussis (Impfquote im Schnitt 49,3\%) und Influenza (Impfung in Vorsaison im Schnitt bei 29,3\%) waren die Daten aus W{\"u}rzburg gut mit den Daten aus Vorstudien in {\"a}hnlichen Zeitr{\"a}umen vergleichbar. Im Vergleich zu Daten zur Impfquote bei Meningokokken und HPV aus der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung lagen die W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierenden von 2017-2020 {\"u}ber den dort verzeichneten Werten (48\% zu 29\% bzw. 63\% zu 53). Im Vergleich zu Daten der Impfsurveillance des RKI aus 2020 zeigte sich der Effekt der Impfempfehlung bei Kindern (Meningokokken: 90\% der 4-7 J{\"a}hrigen, HPV: 63,3\% der 14 J{\"a}hrigen). Bei der Pneumokokken Impfung gaben - obwohl die STIKO Empfehlung nicht auf medizinisches Personal zutrifft - 10,8\% der Studierenden an, mindestens einmal geimpft zu sein. Dies k{\"o}nnte ein erh{\"o}htes Gesundheitsbewusstsein der Medizinstudierenden widerspiegeln. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass der Anteil der W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierenden, deren Impfstatus f{\"u}r die einzelnen IPIE den STIKO Empfehlungen f{\"u}r medizinisches Personal entsprach, {\"u}ber die Jahre 2004 bis 2020 angestiegen ist. Zum Großteil lag der Anteil der Studierenden mit Impfstatus entsprechend den STIKO Empfehlungen {\"u}ber dem aus den Studien der anderen Universit{\"a}ten. Trotzdem blieben noch deutliche L{\"u}cken im Impfstatus, bspw. bei Pertussis oder Masern, und Wissen der W{\"u}rzburger Medizinstudierenden bestehen. Diese L{\"u}cken werden sich auf Dauer in die {\"A}rzteschaft und schließlich auch in die Empfehlungen durch das {\"a}rztliche Personal fortsetzen. Deshalb sollte ein besonderer Fokus auf die Verbesserung des Impfstatus Medizinstudierender gelegt werden, beispielsweise durch regelm{\"a}ßige verpflichtende Kontrollen durch Betrieb{\"a}rzt*in, intensivierte Lehre sowie bessere Aufkl{\"a}rung bereits zu Beginn des Studiums. Das Format des Impfkurses, wie er in W{\"u}rzburg durchgef{\"u}hrt wird, scheint ein gut gew{\"a}hltes Format, um den Studierenden die M{\"o}glichkeit zu geben, ihren eigenen Impfstatus zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen und diesen weiter zu verbessern. Die Impfquote der Studierenden lag in den Jahren 2014 bis 2020 - den Jahren, in denen die Nachimpfungen im Kurs erfasst wurden - im Schnitt nach dem Kurs bei fast allen IPIE {\"u}ber 90\%. Nur bei Pertussis lag die Impfquote nach dem Kurs bei 83,4\% (vgl. vor dem Kurs 68,4\%). Durch nationale Vereinheitlichung der Lehre im NKLM zum Thema Impfen, fr{\"u}he Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema und regelm{\"a}ßige {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung des eigenen Impfstatus sowie niederschwellige Impfangebote im Medizinstudium, kann einerseits eine Verbesserung des Impfstatus von Medizinstudierenden erreicht werden. Andererseits k{\"o}nnen so auch insgesamt bessere Impfquoten in der Bev{\"o}lkerung durch die verbesserte Ausbildung von {\"A}rztinnen bereits im Medizinstudium erzielt werden.}, subject = {Impfung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fohmann2024, author = {Fohmann, Ingo}, title = {The Role of Sphingosine 1-phosphate and S1PR1-3 in the Pathophysiology of Meningococcal Meningitis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36976}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369764}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) is an obligate human pathogen which causes live-threatening sepsis and meningitis. The fatality rate after meningococcal infection is high and surviving patients often suffer from severe sequelae. To cause meningitis, N. meningitidis must overcome the endothelium of the blood-brain barrier. The bacterium achieves this through the interaction with endothelial surface receptors leading to alternations of the cellular metabolism and signaling, which lastly results in cellular uptake and barrier traversal of N. meningitidis. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a lipid mediator that belongs to the class of sphingolipids and regulates the integrity of the blood-brain barrier through the interaction with its cognate receptors S1P receptors 1-3 (S1PR1-3). In this study, high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to generate a time-resolved picture of the sphingolipid metabolism in a brain endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3) upon meningococcal infection. Among various changes, S1P was elevated in the cellular compartment as well as in the supernatant of infected hCMEC/D3s. Analysis of mRNA expression in infected hCMEC/D3s with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) revealed that the increase in S1P could be attributed to the enhanced expression of the S1P-generating enzyme sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1). Antibody-based detection of SphK1 protein or phosphorylation at SphK1 residue Serine 225 in hCMEC/D3 plasma membrane fractions via Western Blot revealed that N. meningitidis also induced SphK1 phospho-activation and recruitment to the plasma membrane. Importantly, recruitment of SphK1 to the plasma membrane increases the probability of substrate encounter, thus elevating SphK activity. Enhanced SphK activity was also reflected on a functional level, as detected by a commercially available ATP depletion assay used for measuring the enzymatic activity of SphK. Infection of hCMEC/D3 cells with pilus-deficient mutants resulted in a lower SphK activation compared to the N. meningitidis wild type strain. hCMEC/D3 treatment with pilus-enriched protein fractions showed SphK activation similar to the infection with living bacteria and could be ascribed to pilus interaction with the membrane-proximal domain of cellular surface receptor CD147. Inhibition of SphK1 or SphK2 through pre-treatment with specific inhibitors or RNA interference reduced uptake of N. meningitidis into hCMEC/D3 cells, as measured with Gentamicin protection assays. Released S1P induced the phospho-activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) via S1PR2 activation, whose expression was also increasing during infection. Furthermore, S1PR2 blockage had a preventive effect on bacterial invasion into hCMEC/D3 cells. On the contrary, activation of S1PR1+3 also reduced bacterial uptake, indicating an opposing regulatory role of S1PR1+3 and S1PR2 during N. meningitidis uptake. Moreover, SphK2 inhibition prevented inflammatory cytokine expression as well as release of interleukin-8 after N. meningitidis infection. Taken together, this study demonstrates the central role of S1P and its cognate receptors S1PR1-3 in the pathophysiology of meningococcal meningitis.}, subject = {Blut-Hirn-Schranke}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franken2024, author = {Franken, Robert}, title = {Precision Predictions for \(\mathrm W^+ \mathrm W^-\) Scattering at the LHC}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36944}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis we examine the vector boson scattering (VBS) process \(\mathrm p \mathrm p \to \mathrm e^+ \nu_\mathrm e\mu^-\bar\nu_\mu\mathrm j\mathrm j +X\) (short: \(\mathrm W^+\mathrm W^-\) scattering) at NLO accuracy in two experimental setups by performing a Monte Carlo analysis of a \(13\,\mathrm{TeV}\) LHC run. \(\mathrm W^+\mathrm W^-\) scattering shows similarities and differences compared to the scattering of other vector bosons. We present a detailed description of the types of appearing subprocesses and background processes. We give insight into our code which solves the problems we are faced within \(\mathrm W^+\mathrm W^-\) scattering. This is especially the presence of the Higgs-boson resonance in the fiducial phase-space region. Particular attention is dedicated to the permutation of resonances. The integrated signal cross section at LO \(\mathcal O(\alpha^6)\) amounts to \(2.6988(3)\,\mathrm{fb}\) and \(1.5322(2)\,\mathrm{fb}\), respectively, in the two experimental setups. The LO QCD-induced background of \(\mathcal O(\alpha_\mathrm s^2\alpha^4)\) amounts to \(6.9115(9)\,\mathrm{fb}\) and \(1.6923(3)\,\mathrm{fb}\). The EW corrections to the signal are \(-11.4\\%\) and \(-6.7\\%\), the QCD corrections amount to \(-5.2\\%\) and \(-23.0\\%\). The EW corrections to the background are \(-8.3\\%\) and \(-5.3\\%\), the QCD corrections amount to \(-30.3\\%\) and \(-77.6\\%\). Our results for the QCD corrections and the QCD-induced background include a large uncertainty from varying the renormalisation and factorisation scale, and we discuss improvements for future calculations. We show the differential cross sections with unique features of \(\mathrm W^+\mathrm W^-\) scattering compared to other VBS processes and investigate in particular the subprocess of Higgs-boson production by using a modified version of our setups.}, subject = {W-Boson}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumann2024, author = {Baumann, Johannes}, title = {Induced Superconductivity in HgTe Quantum Point Contacts}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36940}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369405}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, the Josephson effect in mercury telluride based superconducting quantum point contacts (SQPCs) is studied. Implementing such confined structures into topological superconductors has been proposed as a means to detect and braid Majorana fermions. For the successful realization of such experiments though, coherent transport across the constriction is essential. By demonstrating the Josephson effect in a confined topological system, the presented experiments lay the foundation for future quantum devices that can be used for quantum computation. In addition, the experiments also provide valuable insights into the behavior of the Josephson effect in the low-channel limit (N<20). Due to the confinement of the weak link, we can also study the Josephson effect in a topological insulator, where the edge modes interact. In conclusion, this thesis discusses the fabrication of, and low-temperature measurements on mercury telluride quantum point contacts embedded within Josephson junctions. We find that the merging of the currently used fabrication methods for mercury telluride quantum point contacts and Josephson junctions does not yield a good enough device quality to resolve subbands of the quantum point contact as quantization effects in the transport properties. As we attribute this to the long dry etching time that is necessary for a top-contact, the fabrication process was adapted to reduce the defect density at the superconductor-semiconductor interface. Employing a technique that involves side contacting the mercury telluride quantum well and reducing the size of the mercury telluride mesa to sub-micrometer dimensions yields a quantized supercurrent across the junction. The observed supercurrent per mode is in good agreement with theoretical predictions for ballistic, one-dimensional modes that are longer than the Josephson penetration depth. Moreover, we find that oscillatory features superimpose the plateaus of the supercurrent and the conductance. The strength of these oscillatory features are sample-dependent and complicate the identification of plateaus. We suggest that the oscillatory features originate mainly from local defects and the short gate electrode. Additionally, resonances are promoted within the weak link if the transparency of the superconductor-HgTe interface differs from one. Furthermore, the research explores the regimes of the quantum spin Hall effect and the 0.5 anomaly. Notably, a small yet finite supercurrent is detected in the QSH regime. In samples fabricated from thick mercury telluride quantum wells, the supercurrent appears to vanish when the quantum point contact is tuned into the regime of the 0.5 anomaly. For samples fabricated from thin mercury telluride quantum wells, the conductance as well as the supercurrent vanish for strong depopulation. In these samples though, the supercurrent remains detectable even for conductance values significantly below 2 e²/h. Numerical calculation reproduce the transport behavior of the superconducting quantum point contacts. Additionally, the topological nature of the weak link is thoroughly investigated using the supercurrent diffraction pattern and the absorption of radio frequency photons. The diffraction pattern reveals a gate independent, monotonous decay of \$I_\text{sw}(B)\$, which is associated with the quantum interference of Andreev bound states funneled through the quantum point contact. Interestingly, the current distribution in the weak link appears unaffected as the quantum point contact is depleted. In the RF measurements, indications of a 4π periodic supercurrent are observed as a suppression of odd Shapiro steps. The ratio of the 4π periodic current to the 2π periodic current appears to decrease for smaller supercurrents, as odd Shapiro steps are exclusively suppressed for large supercurrents. Additionally, considering the observation that the supercurrent is small when the bulk modes in the quantum point contact are fully depleted, we suggest that the re-emerging of odd Shapiro steps is a consequence of the group velocity of the edge modes being significantly suppressed when the bulk modes are absent. Consequently, the topological nature of the superconducting quantum point contact is only noticeable in the transport properties when bulk modes are transmitted through the superconducting quantum point contact. The shown experiments are the first demonstration of mercury telluride superconducting quantum point contacts that exhibit signatures of quantization effects in the conductance as well as the supercurrent. Moreover, the experiments suggest that the regime of interacting topological edge channels is also accessible in mercury telluride superconducting quantum point contacts. This is potentially relevant for the realization of Majorana fermions and their application in the field of quantum computation.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GamboaVargas2024, author = {Gamboa Vargas, Juan Fernando}, title = {Receptors of the TNFSF in the biology and regulation of Tregs}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36980}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369801}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this work we expanded upon a study from our group where a ligand-based TNF-α mutein was developed to engage specifically TNFR2 and not TNFR1 activating Tregs and expanding them, which in an allo-HCT context conferred protection from GvHD. Fusing TNF trimers to the heavy chain of an Fc-dead and mouse irrelevant antibody, a new generation of this agonist was developed called NewSTAR2. It is believed that other members of the TNFSF can also target Tregs, therefore additional agonists against DR3 and GITR were developed under the same principles as for NewSTAR2. Phenotyping analysis of the expression of these three receptors were done to confirm their specificity for Tregs before in vitro and in vivo testings with mice or murine splenic cells. A potent expansion of Tregs was seen with NewSTAR2 and the other agonists as well as upregulation of activation markers on Tregs. Thorough analyses with NewSTAR2-treated mice showed how Tregs in several immune and non-immune organs were expanded and upregulated immunomodulatory receptors. A miniature suppressive assay and other cocultures with responder cells confirmed their enhanced suppression over unstimulated Tregs through contact dependent and independent mechanisms. Despite other myeloid cells also being increased after treatment, no undesired effects were observed under steady-state and prophylactic administration of a single dose of NewSTAR2 improved survival frequencies and lessened development of clinical symptoms. Prophylactic treatment with the other TNFRSF agonists showed similar protection yet Fc(DANA)-muTL1A was superior in in terms of less death events and lower clinical score. It was found that not all the three TNFSF members have redundant functions as development of skin lesions was observed with GITRL-based agonist Fc(DANA)-muGITRL, although its expansion of Tregs in steady-state was remarkable with no apparent adverse effects. Neither agonist had an impact on donor cell engraftment or allorective T cell response, however NewSTAR2-treatmend proved to reduce inflammation in small intestine and liver. This work is proof of concept of the effectivity of selectively engaging TNFSF to activate Tregs and expand them systemically allowing them to control strong and complex immune interactions like those governing GvHD.}, subject = {Regulatorischer T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kreisz2024, author = {Kreisz, Philipp}, title = {Group S1 bZIP transcription factors regulate sink tissue development by controlling carbon and nitrogen resource allocation in \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32192}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321925}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The evolutionary success of higher plants is largely attributed to their tremendous developmental plasticity, which allows them to cope with adverse conditions. However, because these adaptations require investments of resources, they must be tightly regulated to avoid unfavourable trade-offs. Most of the resources required are macronutrients based on carbon and nitrogen. Limitations in the availability of these nutrients have major effects on gene expression, metabolism, and overall plant morphology. These changes are largely mediated by the highly conserved master kinase SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE1 (SnRK1), which represses growth and induces catabolic processes. Downstream of SnRK1, a hub of heterodimerising group C and S1 BASIC LEUCINE ZIPPER (bZIP) transcription factors has been identified. These bZIPs act as regulators of nutrient homeostasis and are highly expressed in strong sink tissues, such as flowers or the meristems that initiate lateral growth of both shoots and roots. However, their potential involvement in controlling developmental responses through their impact on resource allocation and usage has been largely neglected so far. Therefore, the objective of this work was to elucidate the impact of particularly S1 bZIPs on gene expression, metabolism, and plant development. Due to the high homology and suspected partial redundancy of S1 bZIPs, higher order loss-of-function mutants were generated using CRISPR-Cas9. The triple mutant bzip2/11/44 showed a variety of robust morphological changes but maintained an overall growth comparable to wildtype plants. In detail however, seedlings exhibited a strong reduction in primary root length. In addition, floral transition was delayed, and siliques and seeds were smaller, indicating a reduced supply of resources to the shoot and root apices. However, lateral root density and axillary shoot branching were increased, suggesting an increased ratio of lateral to apical growth in the mutant. The full group S1 knockout bzip1/2/11/44/53 showed similar phenotypes, albeit far more pronounced and accompanied by growth retardation. Metabolomic approaches revealed that these architectural changes were accompanied by reduced sugar levels in distal sink tissues such as flowers and roots. Sugar levels were also diminished in leaf apoplasts, indicating that long distance transport of sugars by apoplastic phloem loading was impaired in the mutants. In contrast, an increased sugar supply to the proximal axillary buds and elevated starch levels in the leaves were measured. In addition, free amino acid levels were increased in bzip2/11/44 and bzip1/2/11/44/53, especially for the important transport forms asparagine and glutamine. The increased C and N availability in the proximal tissues could be the cause of the increased axillary branching in the mutants. To identify bZIP target genes that might cause the observed shifts in metabolic status, RNAseq experiments were performed. Strikingly, clade III SUGARS WILL EVENTUALLY BE EXPORTED (SWEET) 8 genes were abundant among the differentially expressed genes. As SWEETs are crucial for sugar export to the apoplast and long-distance transport through the phloem, their reduced expression is likely to be the cause of the observed changes in sugar allocation. Similarly, the reduced expression of GLUTAMINE AMIDOTRANSFERASE 1_2.1 (GAT1_2.1), which exhibits glutaminase activity, could be an explanation for the abundance of glutamine in the mutants. Additional experiments (ATAC-seq, DAP� seq, PTA, q-RT-PCR) supported the direct induction of SWEETs and GAT1_2.1 by S1 bZIPs. To confirm the involvement of these target genes in the observed S1 bZIP mutant phenotypes, loss-of-function mutants were obtained, which showed moderately increased axillary branching. At the same time, the induced overexpression of bZIP11 in axillary meristems had the opposite effect. Collectively, a model is proposed for the function of S1 bZIPs in regulating sink tissue development. For efficient long-distance sugar transport, bZIPs may be required to induce the expression of clade III SWEETs. Thus, reduced SWEET expression in the S1 bZIP mutants would lead to a decrease in apoplastic sugar loading and a reduced supply to distal sinks such as shoot or root apices. The reduction in long� distance transport could lead to sugar accumulation in the leaves, which would then increasingly be transported via symplastic routes towards proximal sinks such as axillary branches and lateral roots or sequestered as starch. The reduced GAT1_2.1 levels lead to an abundance of glutamine, a major nitrogen transport form. The combined effect on C and N allocation results in increased nutrient availability in proximal tissues, promoting the formation of lateral plant organs. Alongside emerging evidence highlighting the power of bZIPs to steer nutrient allocation in other species, a novel but evolutionary conserved role for S1 bZIPs as regulators of developmental plasticity is proposed, while the generation of valuable data sets and novel genetic resources will help to gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved}, subject = {Molekularbiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kumar2024, author = {Kumar, Manish}, title = {Structural and compositional effects on tree-water relation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32624}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-326245}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Forests are essential sources of tangible and intangible benefits, but global climate change associated with recurrent extreme drought episodes severely affects forest productivity due to extensive tree die-back. On that, it appeals to an urgency for large-scale reforestation efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change worldwide; however, there is a lack of understanding of drought-effect on sapling growth and survival mechanisms. It is also challenging to anticipate how long trees can survive and when they succumb to drought. Hence, to ensure success of reforestation programs and sustainable forest productivity, it is essential to identify drought-resistant saplings. For that, profound knowledge of hydraulic characteristics is needed. To achieve this, the study was split into two phases which seek to address (1) how the hydraulic and anatomical traits influence the sapling's growth rate under drought stress. (2) how plant water potential regulation and physiological traits are linked to species' water use strategies and their drought tolerance. The dissertation is assembled of two study campaigns carried out on saplings at the Chair of Botany II, University of W{\"u}rzburg, Germany. The first study involved three ecologically important temperate broadleaved tree species — saplings of 18-month (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, and Sorbus aucuparia) — grown from seeds in contrasting conditions (inside a greenhouse and outside), with the latter being subjected to severe natural heat waves. In the second study, two additional temperate species (Fagus sylvatica and Tilia cordata) were added. The drying-out event was conducted using a randomised blocked design by monitoring plant water status in a climate-controlled chamber and a greenhouse. In campaign I, I present the result based on analysed data of 82 plants of temperate deciduous species and address the juvenile growth rate trade-off with xylem safety-efficiency. Our results indicate biomass production varies considerably due to the contrasted growing environment. High hydraulic efficiency is necessary for increased biomass production, while safety-efficiency traits are decoupled and species-specific. Furthermore, productivity was linked considerably to xylem safety without revealing a well-defined pattern among species. Moreover, plasticity in traits differed between stressed and non-stressed plants. For example, safety-related characteristics were more static than efficiency-related traits, which had higher intra-specific variation. Moreover, we recorded anatomical and leaf traits adjustments in response to a stress condition, but consistency among species is lacking. In campaign II, I combined different ways to estimate the degree of isohydry based on water potential regulation and connected the iso-anisohydric spectrum (i.e., hydroscape area, HSA) to hydraulic traits to elucidate actual plant performance during drought. We analysed plant water potential regulation (Ψpd and Ψmd) and stomatal conductance of 28-29 month saplings of five species. I used a linear mixed modelling approach that allowed to control individual variations to describe the water potential regulation and tested different conceptual definitions of isohydricity. The combined methods allowed us to estimate species' relative degree of isohydry. Further, we examined the traits coordination, including hydraulic safety margin, HSM; embolism resistance, P88; turgor loss, Ψtlp; stomata closure, Ps90; capacitance, C; cuticular conductance, gmin, to determine time to hydraulic failure (Thf). Thf is the cumulative effect of time to stomata closure (Tsc) and time after stomatal closure to catastrophic hydraulic failure (Tcrit). Our results show the species' HSA matches their stomatal stringency, which confirms the relationship between stomatal response and leaf water potential decline. Species that close stomata at lower water potential notably had a larger HSA. Isohydric behaviour was mostly associated with leaf hydraulic traits and poorly to xylem safety traits. Species' degree of isohydry was also unrelated to the species' time to death during drying-out experiments. This supports the notion that isohydry behaviours are linked to water use rather than drought survival strategies. Further, consistent with our assumptions, more isohydric species had larger internal water storage and lost their leaf turgor at less negative water potentials. Counter to our expectations, neither embolism resistance nor the associated hydraulic safety margins were related to metrics of isohydry. Instead, our results indicate traits associated with plant drought response to cluster along two largely independent axes of variation (i.e., stomatal stringency and xylem safety). Furthermore, on the temporal progression of plant drought responses, stomatal closure is critical in coordinating various traits to determine species' hydraulic strategies. Desiccation avoidance strategy was linked to Tsc and coordinated traits response of Ps90, Ψtlp, and HSA, whereas desiccation tolerance was related to Tcrit and traits such as lower P88 value, high HSM, and lower gmin. Notably, the shoot capacitance (C) is crucial in Thf and exhibits dichotomous behaviour linked to both Tsc and Tcrit. In conclusion, knowledge of growth rate trade-offs with xylem safety-efficiency combined with traits linked to species' hydraulic strategies along the isohydry could substantially enhance our ability to identify drought-resistant saplings to ensure the success of reforestation programs and predicting sensitivity to drought for achieving sustainable forest ecosystems.}, subject = {Wachstumsrate}, language = {en} } @misc{Stark2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Stark, Luise}, title = {Flechten erz{\"a}hlen. Eine kulturanthropologische Studie {\"u}ber allt{\"a}gliche {\"A}sthetiken}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36978}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369784}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {105}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Als Systemsprenger menschlicher Ordnungen und Wissenschaftstraditionen finden sich Flechten auf der ganzen Welt und bleiben doch oft unbemerkt. Das macht den Symbionten aus Pilz und Alge in urbanen, l{\"a}ndlichen und digitalen R{\"a}umen interessant f{\"u}r eine alltagswissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Menschliche Geschichten {\"u}ber Flechten sind gef{\"u}llt mit Vermutungen, H{\"o}rensagen und Assoziationen. Denn augenscheinlich sind Flechten in Deutschland wieder auf dem Vormarsch, sitzen vermehrt in den geliebten Obstb{\"a}umen, erobern Denkm{\"a}ler oder die heimischen Terrassen. Der Pilz im Symbionten wird als Gefahr f{\"u}r Leib und Leben erz{\"a}hlt, die pflanzliche Alge hingegen als Schmuck und nat{\"u}rliches Heilmittel. Ihre Auf- und Abwertung gibt viel {\"u}ber die Ordnungen des Anthropoz{\"a}ns preis. Kommen die Flechten selbst zu Wort, verfliegen diese kurzweiligen Narrative. Unbemerkt schaffen sie es durch das Bewachsen und Einf{\"a}rben von Oberfl{\"a}chen, dass Menschen R{\"a}ume anders lesen. Flechten geben uns nicht nur ein Gef{\"u}hl von Zeit, die schon vergangen ist, sondern formen redundante Wege von Wasser, Licht und Ber{\"u}hrung nach. Anhand der Flechte als {\"a}sthetischer Erfahrung wird hier ihre enorme Wirkmacht auf menschliche Alltage herausgearbeitet.}, subject = {Flechten}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Banaschewski2024, author = {Banaschewski, Nora Malaika Marcia Cath{\´e}rine}, title = {Erleichterungslernen bei Jugendlichen mit nicht-suizidalem selbstverletzendem Verhalten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32367}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Erleichterung von einem k{\"o}rperlichen Schmerzreiz besitzt appetitiven Charakter (Leknes et al., 2008; 2011; Seymour et al., 2005), aktiviert belohnungsassoziierte Hirnstrukturen (Leknes et al., 2011; Leknes \& Brock, 2014; Leknes \& Tracey, 2008; Navratilova \& Porreca, 2014) und f{\"o}rdert durch ihre Konditionierbarkeit als Erleichterungslernen bezeichnete appetitive Lern- und Konditionierungsprozesse (Andreatta et al., 2010, 2012; 2013; 2017; Gerber et al., 2014; Tanimoto et al., 2004; Yarali et al., 2008). Die vorliegende Arbeit best{\"a}tigt das angewandte Versuchsparadigma als valides Modell f{\"u}r Erleichterungslernen im Menschen und zeigt erstmals, dass der appetitive Charakter von Schmerzerleichterung auch in Jugendlichen konditionierbar ist. Erfolgreiches Erleichterungslernen zeigte sich dabei in der untersuchten Stichprobe lediglich auf impliziter, nicht aber auf expliziter, kognitiver Ebene. Dies st{\"u}tzt Thesen und vorherige Forschungsbefunde einer Dualit{\"a}t assoziativen Lernens in ein implizites Lernen, welches vornehmlich subkortikale Strukturen erfordert und ein explizites Lernen, das vorrangig kortikale Strukturen wie den pr{\"a}frontalen Cortex involviert (Andreatta et al., 2010; Strack \& Deutsch, 2004; Williams et al., 2001). Die Beobachtungen einer differenten Furcht- versus Erleichterungs-Extinktion best{\"a}rken die Thesen eines diversen neuronalen Hintergrunds dieser beiden Lernformen (Diegelmann et al., 2013; Gerber et al., 2014; Yarali et al., 2009; Yarali \& Gerber, 2010). Gleichzeitig werfen die Studienergebnisse die Frage auf, ob und inwiefern im Erleichterungslernen von Jugendlichen Unterschiede zu jenem in Erwachsenen bestehen. Die Hypothese einer verst{\"a}rkten Akquisition von Erleichterungslernen bei Jugendlichen mit NSSV im Vergleich zu gesunden Jugendlichen ließ sich in der vorliegenden Studie nicht best{\"a}tigen. Somit liefern die Ergebnisse keinen direkten Hinweis darauf, dass ein verst{\"a}rktes Lernen durch Schmerzerleichterung an der {\"A}tiopathogenese von NSSV beteiligt sein k{\"o}nnte. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigte vielmehr die Tendenz eines abgeschw{\"a}chten impliziten Erleichterungslernens bei den Jugendlichen mit NSSV. Die tendenziellen Gruppenunterschiede ließen sich nicht hinreichend durch eine differente aktuelle Stimmungslage oder durch eine unterschiedlich starke Auspr{\"a}gung aversiver emotionaler Anspannungen oder momentaner Angstaffekte erkl{\"a}ren. Innerhalb der Gruppe Jugendlicher mit NSSV zeigte sich auch kein Hinweis darauf, dass der Erfolg von Erleichterungslernen vom Schweregrad des NSSV oder von der aktuellen Einnahme von Antidepressiva abh{\"a}ngig sein k{\"o}nnte. Explorative Analysen ergaben, dass Gruppeneffekte in der vorliegenden Studie wom{\"o}glich aufgrund einer statistischen Untersch{\"a}tzung, bedingt durch einen zu geringen Stichprobenumfang, nicht das Signifikanzniveau erreichten und dass Unterschiede im Erleichterungslernen von Jugendlichen mit und ohne NSSV tats{\"a}chlich sogar noch st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gt sein k{\"o}nnten. Somit sollte die vorliegende Arbeit als Pilotstudie f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige gr{\"o}ßer angelegte Studien zu Erleichterungslernen bei NSSV betrachtet werden. Zuk{\"u}nftige Studien erscheinen insbesondere sinnvoll mit Blick auf die hohe klinische sowie gesellschaftliche Relevanz von NSSV f{\"u}r welches, trotz der hohen Pr{\"a}valenzen und des deutlich erh{\"o}hten Morbidit{\"a}ts- und Mortalit{\"a}tsrisikos, zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch keine hinreichenden Erkl{\"a}rungsmodelle bestehen. Die Studie best{\"a}tigte das Vorliegen eines erh{\"o}hten Grades aversiver emotionaler Anspannung in Jugendlichen mit NSSV, welcher zuvor nur an Erwachsenen mit einer BPD untersucht und festgestellt worden war (Niedtfeld et al., 2010; Stiglmayr et al., 2005). Die Abnahme negativer Affekte bei den Jugendlichen mit NSSV im Studienverlauf repliziert die Ergebnisse vorheriger Studien, in denen eine Reduktion selbst-berichteter negativer Affekte durch die Beendigung eines Schmerzreizes beobachtet wurde (Bresin et al., 2010; Bresin \& Gordon, 2013). Damit best{\"a}rken die Studienergebnisse bestehende Erkl{\"a}rungsmodelle f{\"u}r NSSV, welche eine entscheidende Beteiligung der k{\"o}rperlichen Schmerzen und der Schmerzerleichterung bei der Selbstverletzung an der Affektregulation vermuten. Weiterhin wirft die vorliegende Arbeit die Frage auf, welche Rolle eine ver{\"a}nderte Wahrnehmung von Schmerz und Schmerzerleichterung in der {\"A}tiopathogenese von NSSV einnimmt und wie diese sich auf Lernprozesse auswirkt. Insgesamt erbr{\"a}chten weitere Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den potenziellen Zusammenhang von NSSV und abweichendem Erleichterungslernen ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r Mechanismen der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von NSSV und b{\"o}ten zudem m{\"o}glicherweise Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r neue Therapiem{\"o}glichkeiten des St{\"o}rungsbildes.}, subject = {Selbstbesch{\"a}digung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Geissendoerfer2024, author = {Geißend{\"o}rfer, Lisa}, title = {The Macroeconomic Dimensions of Credit: A Comprehensive Analysis of Finance, Inequality and Growth}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37003}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Besonders einflussreich f{\"u}r das moderne Verst{\"a}ndnis zur makro{\"o}konomischen Rolle von Banken und Kredit ist die monet{\"a}re Wachstumstheorie von Schumpeter. Ausgehend von dieser wird in dieser Dissertation die makro{\"o}konomische Rolle des Finanzsystems f{\"u}r die (1) Erzeugung von Wirtschaftswachstum, (2) Lenkung von {\"o}konomischen Ressourcen und (3) Verteilung von Wohlstand untersucht. In Kapitel 3 wird zun{\"a}chst empirisch gezeigt, dass 1.) ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wachstum von Krediten und Wirtschaftswachstum besteht, auch f{\"u}r entwickelte L{\"a}nder, 2.) kein empirischer Zusammenhang von Haushaltssparen und Wirtschaftswachstum festgestellt werden kann, und 3.) auf l{\"a}nderspezifischer Ebene sowohl positive, als auch negative und insignifikante Effekte von Kredit auf Wirtschaftswachstum existieren. Damit zeigt sich eine breite empirische Evidenz f{\"u}r Schumpeters monet{\"a}re Hypothesen. Eine besonders interessante Anwendung von Schumpeters Wachstumstheorie zeigt sich in China. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Analyse legen nahe, dass es generell einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen Kredit- und Wirtschaftswachstum in China gibt, der aber nicht linear in Bezug auf Regionen, Zeitpunkte und Gr{\"o}ße des Finanzsystems ist. Weiterhin deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die kreditfinanzierte Industriepolitik in China zu mehr Investitionen und BIP-Wachstum beigetragen haben k{\"o}nnte, wobei es jedoch Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten zwischen einzelnen Branchen und Unternehmenstypen gibt. Zuletzt wird in Kapitel 5 die Frage aufgeworfen, welche Rolle das Finanzsystem bei der Verteilung des Wohlstands spielt. W{\"a}hrend Kredite an Haushalte und Unternehmen, zusammen mit Indikatoren zum Arbeits- und Sparverhalten, sowie zur Altersstruktur der Bev{\"o}lkerung, die wichtigsten Determinanten von Verm{\"o}gensungleichheit sind, zeigen sich in der Beziehung von Krediten und Verm{\"o}gensungleichheit ebenfalls verschiedene Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten, u.a. im Bezug auf den Entwicklungsstand von Finanzsystemen und Wohneigentumsquoten.}, subject = {Kredit}, language = {en} } @article{WidderBackhausWierlemannetal., author = {Widder, A. and Backhaus, J. and Wierlemann, A. and Hering, I. and Flemming, S. and Hankir, M. and Germer, C.-T. and Wiegering, A. and Lock, J. F. and K{\"o}nig, S. and Seyfried, F.}, title = {Optimizing laparoscopic training efficacy by 'deconstruction into key steps': a randomized controlled trial with novice medical students}, series = {Surgical Endoscopy}, volume = {36}, journal = {Surgical Endoscopy}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1007/s00464-022-09408-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323969}, pages = {8726-8736}, abstract = {Background Simulator training is an effective way of acquiring laparoscopic skills but there remains a need to optimize teaching methods to accelerate learning. We evaluated the effect of the mental exercise 'deconstruction into key steps' (DIKS) on the time required to acquire laparoscopic skills. Methods A randomized controlled trial with undergraduate medical students was implemented into a structured curricular laparoscopic training course. The intervention group (IG) was trained using the DIKS approach, while the control group (CG) underwent the standard course. Laparoscopic performance of all participants was video-recorded at baseline (t0), after the first session (t1) and after the second session (t2) nine days later. Two double-blinded raters assessed the videos. The Impact of potential covariates on performance (gender, age, prior laparoscopic experience, self-assessed motivation and self-assessed dexterity) was evaluated with a self-report questionnaire. Results Both the IG (n = 58) and the CG (n = 68) improved their performance after each training session (p < 0.001) but with notable differences between sessions. Whereas the CG significantly improved their performance from t0 -t1 (p < 0.05), DIKS shortened practical exercise time by 58\% so that the IG outperformed the CG from t1 -t2, (p < 0.05). High self-assessed motivation and dexterity associated with significantly better performance (p < 0.05). Male participants demonstrated significantly higher overall performance (p < 0.05). Conclusion Mental exercises like DIKS can improve laparoscopic performance and shorten practice times. Given the limited exposure of surgical residents to simulator training, implementation of mental exercises like DIKS is highly recommended. Gender, self-assessed dexterity, and motivation all appreciably influence performance in laparoscopic training.}, language = {en} } @article{HabartaJordanMeffertetal., author = {Habarta, Johanna and Jordan, Martin and Meffert, Rainer and Huflage, Henner and Schmalzl, Jonas}, title = {Surgical management of a traumatic elbow dislocation with disruption of the brachial artery. Case report}, series = {Obere Extremit{\"a}t}, volume = {17}, journal = {Obere Extremit{\"a}t}, number = {4}, issn = {1862-6599}, doi = {10.1007/s11678-022-00686-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323972}, pages = {267-271}, abstract = {Background Dislocations of the elbow are the second most common dislocations of humeral joints following the shoulder. Besides numerous possible concomitant injuries of the collateral ligaments or the extensor or flexor apparatus, an accompanying disruption of the brachial artery is a rare occurrence. In the following, such a case is presented and discussed. Method A 70-year-old woman sustained a closed posterior elbow dislocation with accompanying disruption of the brachial artery due to a fall in a domestic environment. Pulselessness of the radial artery led to a computed tomography angiography being performed, which confirmed the diagnosis. Direct operative vascular reconstruction with a vein insert was carried out. Due to strong swelling of the soft tissue, other examinations of the elbow could not be performed initially. A redislocation a few days later led to an operative stabilization of the elbow joint. Results The final consultation 4 months postoperatively showed a stable, centered elbow joint and a normal perfusion of the affected arm. The elbow function was good with a range of motion of 0/0/110° of extension/flexion. Conclusion An elbow dislocation is a complex injury. An accurate clinical examination of possible concomitant injuries is important and should be repeated in the first few days after the occurrence. Vascular reconstruction should be performed immediately. In the case of persistent joint instability, an operative stabilization is indicated and may be supported by a hinged external fixator.}, language = {en} } @article{EderRothermundHommel, author = {Eder, Andreas B. and Rothermund, Klaus and Hommel, Bernhard}, title = {Commentary: Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: on the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {163}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00163}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190141}, abstract = {A commentary on "Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: on the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses" by Kozlik, J., Neumann, R., and Lozo, L. (2015). Front. Psychol. 6:563. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00563}, language = {en} } @article{BachfischerBarbosaRojasetal., author = {Bachfischer, Andreas and Barbosa, Martha Cecilia and Rojas, Angel Alberto Riveras and Bechler, Reinaldo and Schwienhorst-Stich, Eva-Maria and Kasang, Christa and Simmenroth, Anne and Parisi, Sandra}, title = {Implementing community based inclusive development for people with disability in Latin America: a mixed methods perspective on prioritized needs and lessons learned}, series = {International Journal for Equity in Health}, volume = {22}, journal = {International Journal for Equity in Health}, doi = {10.1186/s12939-023-01966-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357261}, abstract = {Background Research on the needs of people with disability is scarce, which promotes inadequate programs. Community Based Inclusive Development interventions aim to promote rights but demand a high level of community participation. This study aimed to identify prioritized needs as well as lessons learned for successful project implementation in different Latin American communities. Methods This study was based on a Community Based Inclusive Development project conducted from 2018 to 2021 led by a Columbian team in Columbia, Brazil and Bolivia. Within a sequential mixed methods design, we first retrospectively analyzed the project baseline data and then conducted Focus Group Discussions, together with ratings of community participation levels. Quantitative descriptive and between group analysis of the baseline survey were used to identify and compare sociodemographic characteristics and prioritized needs of participating communities. We conducted qualitative thematic analysis on Focus Group Discussions, using deductive main categories for triangulation: 1) prioritized needs and 2) lessons learned, with subcategories project impact, facilitators, barriers and community participation. Community participation was assessed via spidergrams. Key findings were compared with triangulation protocols. Results A total of 348 people with disability from 6 urban settings participated in the baseline survey, with a mean age of 37.6 years (SD 23.8). Out of these, 18 participated within the four Focus Group Discussions. Less than half of the survey participants were able to read and calculate (42.0\%) and reported knowledge on health care routes (46.0\%). Unemployment (87.9\%) and inadequate housing (57.8\%) were other prioritized needs across countries. Focus Group Discussions revealed needs within health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment domains. Participants highlighted positive project impact in work inclusion, self-esteem and ability for self-advocacy. Facilitators included individual leadership, community networks and previous reputation of participating organizations. Barriers against successful project implementation were inadequate contextualization, lack of resources and on-site support, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall level of community participation was high (mean score 4.0/5) with lower levels in Brazil (3.8/5) and Bolivia (3.2/5). Conclusion People with disability still face significant needs. Community Based Inclusive Development can initiate positive changes, but adequate contextualization and on-site support should be assured.}, language = {en} } @article{KrenzerHeilFittingetal., author = {Krenzer, Adrian and Heil, Stefan and Fitting, Daniel and Matti, Safa and Zoller, Wolfram G. and Hann, Alexander and Puppe, Frank}, title = {Automated classification of polyps using deep learning architectures and few-shot learning}, series = {BMC Medical Imaging}, volume = {23}, journal = {BMC Medical Imaging}, doi = {10.1186/s12880-023-01007-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357465}, abstract = {Background Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The best method to prevent CRC is a colonoscopy. However, not all colon polyps have the risk of becoming cancerous. Therefore, polyps are classified using different classification systems. After the classification, further treatment and procedures are based on the classification of the polyp. Nevertheless, classification is not easy. Therefore, we suggest two novel automated classifications system assisting gastroenterologists in classifying polyps based on the NICE and Paris classification. Methods We build two classification systems. One is classifying polyps based on their shape (Paris). The other classifies polyps based on their texture and surface patterns (NICE). A two-step process for the Paris classification is introduced: First, detecting and cropping the polyp on the image, and secondly, classifying the polyp based on the cropped area with a transformer network. For the NICE classification, we design a few-shot learning algorithm based on the Deep Metric Learning approach. The algorithm creates an embedding space for polyps, which allows classification from a few examples to account for the data scarcity of NICE annotated images in our database. Results For the Paris classification, we achieve an accuracy of 89.35 \%, surpassing all papers in the literature and establishing a new state-of-the-art and baseline accuracy for other publications on a public data set. For the NICE classification, we achieve a competitive accuracy of 81.13 \% and demonstrate thereby the viability of the few-shot learning paradigm in polyp classification in data-scarce environments. Additionally, we show different ablations of the algorithms. Finally, we further elaborate on the explainability of the system by showing heat maps of the neural network explaining neural activations. Conclusion Overall we introduce two polyp classification systems to assist gastroenterologists. We achieve state-of-the-art performance in the Paris classification and demonstrate the viability of the few-shot learning paradigm in the NICE classification, addressing the prevalent data scarcity issues faced in medical machine learning.}, language = {en} } @article{MatuzBirbaumerHautzingeretal., author = {Matuz, Tamara and Birbaumer, Niels and Hautzinger, Martin and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Psychosocial adjustment to ALS: a longitudinal study}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {1197}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190208}, abstract = {For the current study the Lazarian stress-coping theory and the appendant model of psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness and disabilities (Pakenham, 1999) has shaped the foundation for identifying determinants of adjustment to ALS. We aimed to investigate the evolution of psychosocial adjustment to ALS and to determine its long-term predictors. A longitudinal study design with four measurement time points was therefore, used to assess patients' quality of life, depression, and stress-coping model related aspects, such as illness characteristics, social support, cognitive appraisals, and coping strategies during a period of 2 years. Regression analyses revealed that 55\% of the variance of severity of depressive symptoms and 47\% of the variance in quality of life at T2 was accounted for by all the T1 predictor variables taken together. On the level of individual contributions, protective buffering, and appraisal of own coping potential accounted for a significant percentage in the variance in severity of depressive symptoms, whereas problem management coping strategies explained variance in quality of life scores. Illness characteristics at T2 did not explain any variance of both adjustment outcomes. Overall, the pattern of the longitudinal results indicated stable depressive symptoms and quality of life indices reflecting a successful adjustment to the disease across four measurement time points during a period of about two years. Empirical evidence is provided for the predictive value of social support, cognitive appraisals, and coping strategies, but not illness parameters such as severity and duration for adaptation to ALS. The current study contributes to a better conceptualization of adjustment, allowing us to provide evidence-based support beyond medical and physical intervention for people with ALS.}, language = {en} }