@phdthesis{SchneidergebHansmann2014, author = {Schneider [geb. Hansmann], Tamara}, title = {Epigenetische Effekte der in vitro-Maturation von Eizellen auf DNA-Methylierungsprofile entwicklungsrelevanter Gene im Modellorganismus Bos taurus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98888}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Assistierte Reproduktionstechniken (ARTs) zur Behandlung von Infertilit{\"a}t werden mit einer erh{\"o}hten H{\"a}ufigkeit von epigenetischen Aberrationen w{\"a}hrend der Gametogenese und der fr{\"u}hen Embryonalentwicklung in Verbindung gebracht, speziell durch eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung von gepr{\"a}gten Genen. Die in vitro-Maturation (IVM) von Eizellen ist eine ART, die bereits routinem{\"a}ßig zur Reproduktion von {\"o}konomisch wertvollen Zuchttieren wie dem Hausrind (Bos taurus) eingesetzt wird. IVM-Oozyten weisen jedoch eine verringerte Entwicklungs-kompetenz zum Blastozystenstadium dar, welche m{\"o}glicherweise auf eine beeintr{\"a}chtigte epigenetische Regulation zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Von allen bekannten epigenetischen Mechanismen ist die DNA-Methylierung die meist untersuchte DNA-Modifikation. In dieser Arbeit wurden zur Kl{\"a}rung der Frage nach den Auswirkungen der IVM auf die DNA-Methylierung gepr{\"a}gter als auch nicht gepr{\"a}gter Gene Oozyten des Hausrinds analysiert. Diese Tierart weist eine {\"a}hnliche Pr{\"a}implantations-entwicklung und Tragezeit wie der Mensch auf und wird daher zunehmend als Modell zum Studium der humanen Keimzell- und Embryonalentwicklung herangezogen. Im Gegensatz zu Mensch und Maus gibt es bislang nur wenig Information {\"u}ber bovine gepr{\"a}gte Gene. Das erste Ziel der hier dargestellten Forschungsarbeiten war daher die Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der bovinen differenziell methylierten Regionen (DMRs) der drei gepr{\"a}gten Genorte von IGF2/H19, SNRPN und PEG3, welche mit Imprintingdefekten des Menschen und/oder im Mausmodell assoziiert werden. Die hier erstmalig erfolgte Beschreibung von mehreren intergenischen DMRs mittels Bisulfitsequenzierung und Pyrosequenzierung belegt die Existenz und evolution{\"a}re Konservierung der IGF2/H19-Imprintingkontrollregion (ICR) beim Rind. Der gepr{\"a}gte Zustand der IGF2/H19-ICR sowie der bovinen Gene SNRPN und PEG3 wurde durch den Nachweis differenzieller Methylierung in plazentalen und somatischen Geweben sowie in Spermien und parthenogenetischen Embryonen best{\"a}tigt. Die beobachteten Methylierungsprofile waren typisch f{\"u}r genomische Pr{\"a}gung. Die direkte Bisulfitsequenzierung nach vorangegangener Limiting Dilution (LD) erlaubt die Analyse von Methylierungsmustern einzelner Allele (DNA-Molek{\"u}le) von einigen wenigen oder auch nur einer einzigen Zelle (El Hajj et al., 2011). In einem ersten LD-Versuch an bovinen Oozyten wurden die drei vorab charakterisierten und gepr{\"a}gten Gene hinsichtlich m{\"o}glicher epigenetischer Ver{\"a}nderungen untersucht, welche durch verschiedene IVM-Bedingungen und -Medien (TCM und mSOF) hervorgerufen werden k{\"o}nnten. Die Gesamtrate von Methylierungsfehlern einzelner CpG-Stellen sowie die von ganzen Allelen (Imprintingfehlern) unterschied sich nicht wesentlich zwischen den beiden IVM-Gruppen und der in vivo-Gruppe. Dieses Ergebnis weist darauf hin, dass die g{\"a}ngigen IVM-Protokolle keinen oder nur einen geringf{\"u}gigen Einfluss auf diese entscheidenden epigenetischen Markierungen haben. IVM-Oozyten pr{\"a}puberaler K{\"a}lber weisen eine herabgesetzte Entwicklungskompetenz im Vergleich zu IVM-Oozyten aus adulten Tieren auf. Aus diesem Grund wurde in einem zweiten LD-Versuchsansatz die Promotormethylierung von drei entwicklungsrelevanten, nicht gepr{\"a}gten Genen (SLC2A1, PRDX1, ZAR1) nach ovarieller Stimulation mit FSH und/oder IGF1 untersucht. Sowohl ungereifte als auch in vitro-gereifte Oozyten pr{\"a}puberaler und adulter K{\"u}he zeigten eine deutliche, unbeeintr{\"a}chtige Hypomethylierung der drei Genpromotoren ohne jegliche Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Alterstypen der Spendertiere oder deren Behandlung. Weder das Alter, die hormonelle Stimulation noch die IVM scheinen somit einen Einfluss auf den Methylierungsstatus dieser drei Gene zu haben. Zusammenfassend spiegelte sich die reduzierte Entwicklungsf{\"a}higkeit von IVM-Eizellen aus adulten und pr{\"a}puberalen K{\"u}hen nicht in abnormalen Methylierungsmustern der untersuchten gepr{\"a}gten und ungepr{\"a}gten Gene wider. Dies l{\"a}sst auf eine generelle Stabilit{\"a}t der etablierten DNA-Methylierungsprofile in Oozyten schließen. Aus diesem Grund m{\"u}ssen andere epigenetische Mechanismen als die DNA-Methylierung wie beispielsweise ncRNAs oder Histonmodifikationen zur Reduktion der Entwicklungskompetenz von pr{\"a}puberalen und IVM-Oozyten beitragen. Diese Ver{\"a}nderungen behindern mutmaßlich die zytoplasmatische Reifung der Eizelle, welche wiederum zu einer sp{\"a}teren Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der Entwicklung der Zygote und des Embryos f{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoehn2014, author = {H{\"o}hn, Balthasar}, title = {Voluntary Interim Auditor Reviews and the Enforcement System in Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98957}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation behandelt das Thema der Finanzberichterstattung und Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung. In einer allgemeinen Einleitung werden die gesetzlichen Grundlagen zur kapitalmarktorientierten Rechnungslegung und deren Kontrollen beschrieben. Als Folge des Bilanzkontrollgesetzes (BilKoG) wurde die Deutsche Pr{\"u}fstelle f{\"u}r Rechnungslegung (DPR) gegr{\"u}ndet. Diese privatrechtlich organisierte Kontrollinstanz pr{\"u}ft seit dem Jahr 2005 die Rechnungslegung von Unternehmen in Deutschland, die am regulierten Kapitalmarkt gelistet sind (Enforcement). Ziel ist es, eine wahrhafte und transparente Rechnungslegung im Interesse des Kapitalmarkts zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Neben dem BilKoG wurde durch das am 20.01.2007 in Kraft getretene Transparenzrichtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz (TUG) die Richtlinie 2004/109/EG in deutsches Recht transformiert. Ziel der EU-Transparenzrichtlinie war 'die Schaffung effizienter, integrierter und transparenter Wertpapierm{\"a}rkte, die Anleger und Kapitalgeber besser {\"u}ber die Finanzlage kapitalmarktorientierter Unternehmen informieren' (Henkel et al. (2008), S. 36). In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in drei Studien spezielle Fragestellungen ausgehend von der gesetzlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland analysiert. Es werden die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen freiwilligen Kontrollen eines Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fers, staatlichem Enforcement, Pr{\"u}fungskosten und Bilanzpolitik untersucht. Die erste Studie befasst sich mit der freiwilligen Kontrolle der Zwischenberichterstattung kapitalmarktorientierter Unternehmen. Die unterj{\"a}hrige Ver{\"o}ffentlichung von Zwischenberichten bietet entscheidungsrelevante und zeitnahe Informationen f{\"u}r Kapitalmarktakteure. Eine pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht durch einen Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fer kann zus{\"a}tzliches Vertrauen in die Berichterstattung liefern. Bei der Implementierung des TUG wurde eine pflichtm{\"a}ßige pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht von Zwischenberichten in Deutschland diskutiert. Der Gesetzgeber entschied sich gegen eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung und {\"u}bertrug die Entscheidung einer freiwilligen unterj{\"a}hrigen Kontrolle an Unternehmen und Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fer. Dieser Marktl{\"o}sung in Deutschland steht eine gesetzlich verpflichtete pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht z.B. in den USA, Frankreich oder Australien gegen{\"u}ber. Es stellt sich folglich die Frage nach Kosten und Nutzen einer solchen Kontrollleistung, um die Vorteilhaftigkeit der gesetzlichen Pflicht oder der Marktl{\"o}sung zu bewerten. Diese erste Studie nutzt ausgehend vom TUG einen neu entstandenen, beobachtbaren Markt f{\"u}r pr{\"u}ferische Durchsichten in Deutschland. Die Kategorisierung der Pr{\"u}fungskosten in ‚Abschlusspr{\"u}fungskosten' und ‚Pr{\"u}fungsnahen Dienstleistungen' erm{\"o}glicht eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Kosten f{\"u}r das Unternehmen. Weiter wird der Nutzen in Bezug auf die Qualit{\"a}t der unterj{\"a}hrigen Berichterstattung analysiert. In der zweiten Studie wird das Angebot und die Nachfrage von pr{\"u}ferischen Durchsichten beleuchtet. In der Literatur werden die Agency-Kosten, die Corporate Governance Struktur und verschiedene Kostentreiber dieser Pr{\"u}fungsleistung als Einflussfaktoren identifiziert. Der positive Nachfrageschock bei pr{\"u}ferischen Durchsichten im Jahr 2007 l{\"a}sst sich durch diese Faktoren jedoch nicht erkl{\"a}ren. Ausgehend von der neu beobachtbaren Nachfrage stellt die Studie einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem erstmaligen Enforcement von Zwischenberichten durch die DPR und dem Inkrafttretens des TUG im Jahr 2007 her. Die gesetzlichen {\"A}nderungen werden dem theoretischen Rahmen von Angebot und Nachfrage freiwilliger externer Kontrollen zugeordnet. Im n{\"a}chsten Schritt wird der Einfluss von Fehlerentdeckungsrisiken durch die DPR f{\"u}r Management und Aufsichtsrat auf die Nachfrage von externen Kontrollen untersucht. Die dritte Studie befasst sich mit der Effektivit{\"a}t des deutschen Enforcement-Systems, dem Einfluss von Bilanzpolitik und dessen Antizipation in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten. Die Untersuchung analysiert den zeitlichen Aspekt von Bilanzpolitik auf Fehlerver{\"o}ffentlichungen in sp{\"a}teren Perioden. Es besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit die Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Situation eines Unternehmens durch Bilanzpolitik zu verdecken. Ohne Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage des Unternehmens f{\"u}hrt dieses Verhalten zu einem Bilanzpolitikausmaß außerhalb des gesetzlichen Rahmens und folglich zu einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit der Fehlerentdeckung bei DPR Untersuchungen. Die Entwicklung der Bilanzpolitik eines solchen Unternehmens m{\"u}sste im zweiten Schritt mit der Risikokomponente in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten des Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fers in Verbindung stehen. Der risikoorientierte Pr{\"u}fungsansatz und die Antizipation von Bilanzpolitik in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten sollte demnach vor Fehlerbekanntmachung zu einem Anstieg der Pr{\"u}fungskosten f{\"u}hren. Zus{\"a}tzlich ist nach offizieller Fehlerver{\"o}ffentlichung und somit durch eine objektiv beobachtbare Schw{\"a}che im Rechnungslegungssystem oder einem hohen Ausmaß an Bilanzpolitik ein Risikoaufschlag zu vermuten. Der letzte Abschnitt fasst die wichtigsten Aussagen der Dissertation zusammen und erl{\"a}utert die Zusammenh{\"a}nge der Ergebnisse.}, subject = {Rechnungslegung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jokinen2014, author = {Jokinen, Johanna}, title = {Prozessqualit{\"a}t von Mutter-Kind-Maßnahmen aus Sicht der M{\"u}tter - eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Erfahrungsberichten aus dem Internet}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98970}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fragestellung: Allgemeine und m{\"u}tterspezifische Kontextfaktoren in Zusammenhang mit der Kindererziehung k{\"o}nnen zu einer m{\"u}tterspezifischen Problemkonstellation f{\"u}hren, die zur Ausbildung oder Aufrechterhaltung von Gesundheitproblemen beitr{\"a}gt (vgl. Medizinischer Dienst des Spitzenverbandes Bund der Krankenkassen e.V., 2012). Als Vorsorge- und Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen sind f{\"u}r diesen Bereich Mutter-Kind-Maßnahmen etabliert und eine Qualit{\"a}tssicherung gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie die Prozessqualit{\"a}t von den M{\"u}ttern wahrgenommen und beschrieben wird. Material und Methoden: Als Material dienten 147 Erfahrungsberichte aus dem Internet von M{\"u}ttern, die an einer Mutter-Kind-Maßnahme teilgenommen hatten. Die Auswertung erfolgte durch eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2008). Es wurde ein induktives Verfahren gew{\"a}hlt, um eine materialgeleitete Bildung der Kategorien zu erreichen. Kodiert wurden Textstellen, die sich auf Merkmale der Prozessqualit{\"a}t bezogen sowie Bewertungen der Patientinnen von globalen Aspekten und der Maßnahme im Ganzen (Fazit). Insgesamt wurden 2424 Textstellen kodiert, die in 157 Kategorien erfasst und in neun Oberbereiche eingeteilt wurden. Die Strukturierung des Kategoriensystems orientiert sich an dem „idealen Prozess", der durch eine Expertengruppe unter der Leitung der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg formuliert wurde. Es erfolgte eine Analyse der Nennungsh{\"a}ufigkeiten der Kategorien, der Verteilung auf negative und positive Kategorien, der Bewertungskategorien und der Richtung der Bewertung, sowie des Fazits. Es wurden absolute und relative H{\"a}ufigkeiten berechnet. Ergebnisse: Die M{\"u}tter beschreiben {\"u}berdurchschnittlich h{\"a}ufig Merkmale, die in die Phasen Anreise und Hoteleigenschaften kodiert wurden. Besonders h{\"a}ufig werden positive Kategorien in der Phase Anreise genannt, wohingegen viele negative Merkmale in der Phase Hoteleigenschaften beschrieben werden. Die M{\"u}tter zeigen sich insgesamt zufrieden mit der Maßnahme (79\%), die {\"a}rztliche Betreuung und das Freizeitangebot werden allerdings {\"u}berdurchschnittlich negativ bewertet. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Studie konnte zeigen, dass M{\"u}tter einen anderen Schwerpunkt in der Prozessqualit{\"a}t setzen als Experten. Prozessmerkmale, die sich auf die Hoteleigenschaften beziehen, sind ihnen besonders wichtig. Hier besteht m{\"o}glicherweise Verbesserungsbedarf. Es sollte gepr{\"u}ft werden, ob eventuell eine vermehrte Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Bereichs Hoteleigenschaften in zuk{\"u}nftigen Qualit{\"a}tssicherungsverfahren im Bereich der Prozessqualit{\"a}t sinnvoll w{\"a}re, um die Sicht der M{\"u}tter zu integrieren. Das Verfahren und das Kategoriensystem sollten an anderen Stichproben validiert werden, um m{\"o}gliche Schw{\"a}chen in der Methodik auszuschließen. Eine {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Ergebnisse durch andere Erhebungsmethoden ist ebenfalls w{\"u}nschenswert.}, subject = {Mutterkindvorsorge}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ruetzel2014, author = {R{\"u}tzel, Stefan}, title = {Pulse-Sequence Approaches for Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Photochemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98993}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Observing chemical reactions in real time with femtosecond laser pulses has evolved into a very popular � field of research since it provides fascinating insights into the nature of photochemical transformations. Nevertheless, many photochemical reactions are still too complex for which reason the underlying mechanisms and all engaged species cannot be identi� fied thoroughly. In these cases, conventional time-resolved spectroscopy techniques reach their technical limits and advanced approaches are required to follow the conversion of reactants to their products including all reaction intermediates. The aim of this work was therefore the development of novel methods for ultrafast spectroscopy of photoreactive systems. Though the concept of coherent multidimensional spectroscopy has so far exclusively been used to explore photophysical phenomena, it also offers great potential for the study of photochemical processes due to its capability of extracting spectroscopic information along several frequency dimensions. This allows resolving the photochemical connectivity between various interconvertible molecular species with ultrafast temporal resolution on the basis of their absorption and emission properties as the spectral correlations are explicitly visualized in the detected spectra. The ring-open merocyanine form of the photochromic compound 6-nitro BIPS was studied in Chap. 4 of this work. Merocyanines and their associated ring-closed spiropyrans are promising candidates for future applications as, for instance, molecular electronics or optical data storage due to their unique property of being switchable between two stable con� gurations via light illumination. Transient absorption with sub-50 fs temporal resolution and broadband probing was employed to characterize the photodynamics of this system with variable excitation wavelengths. Using global data analysis, it could be inferred that two different merocyanine isomers with differing excited-state lifetimes exist in solution. These isomers differ in the cis/trans con� guration in the last bond of the methine bridge. The minority of isomers exist in the all-trans con� guration (TTT) while the isomer with a cis con� guration of the third dihedral angle (TTC) is dominant. A characteristic band, detected after long pump-probe delays, was attributed to the unidirectional cis->trans photoisomerization reaction of the TTC to the TTT form. The quantum yield of the reaction was estimated to be (18� +-4) \%. In addition, pronounced coherent vibrational wave-packet oscillations were observed and it was concluded that these signatures are related to the product formation. Coherent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy was successfully implemented using a partially collinear pump-probe beam geometry in combination with a femtosecond pulse shaper. The use of a whitelight probe continuum enabled us to probe contributions far-off the diagonal over the complete visible range. By properly adjusting the relative phase between the � first two laser pulses with the pulse shaper, the principle of phase-cycling was explained and it was demonstrated that the measurement can be carried out in the so-called "rotating frame" in which the observed frequencies detected during the coherence time are shifted to lower values. It was shown that these concepts allow the extraction of the desired background-free photon echo while the amount of necessary data points is highly reduced. In order to put our proposal of multidimensional spectroscopy of photoreactive systems into practice, third-order two- and three-dimensional spectroscopy was then employed for an in-depth analysis of a photoreactive process, in which the photoisomerization of 6-nitro BIPS served as a model system. The measured two-dimensional spectra revealed the cis->trans photoisomerization after long population times. By collecting a large data set of two-dimensional spectra for short population times and by applying a Fourier transform along the population time axis, the third-order three-dimensional spectrum was obtained. The novelty of this approach compared to coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy is the introduction of a third axis associated with the vibrational frequencies of the molecular system. In this way, the formation of the reaction product was evidenced and it was shown that the product is formed in its fi� rst excited singlet state within 200 fs after excitation. This method hence visualizes the photochemical connections between different reactive molecular species in an intuitive manner and further exposes the normal modes connecting reactant and product. Such conclusions cannot be drawn with conventional third-order techniques such as transient absorption since they are not capable of capturing the full third-order response, but only a subset of it. The reaction mechanism and the role of the observed vibrational modes were uncovered by comparing the experimental data with the results of high-level quantum-chemical calculations performed by our collaborators in the group of Prof. B. Engels from the theoretical chemistry department at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. Specifi� c calculated molecular normal modes could be assigned to the experimentally observed vibrational frequencies and potential energy surfaces of the electronic ground state and of the � first excited state were computed. The technique implemented in this chapter is general and is applicable for the time-resolved analysis of a wide range of chemical reaction networks. In the fi� rst part of Chap. 5, coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy was employed to track the reaction paths of the related 6,8-dinitro BIPS after S1 excitation. Several differences to the photochemical properties of 6-nitro BIPS were found. From the 2D spectra, the cis-trans isomerization between the two merocyanine isomers could be excluded as a major reaction path for this compound. To explore the dynamics after reexcitation to higher-lying electronic states, pump-repump-probe spectroscopy was implemented and the formation of a new species, a radical cation, was observed. To identify the precursor isomer, triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy, a � fifth-order technique previously only available in the infrared regime for vibrational transitions, was implemented for the fi� rst time for electronic excitations in the visible. This approach combines the properties of the pump-repump-probe technique with the potential of coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy. It correlates the absorption frequency of a reactive molecular species with the emission signatures of the product formed from this species after an additional absorption of a photon. Using this method, it was unambiguously proven that only the TTC isomer reacts to the radical cation thus forming the precursor species of the reaction. Electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy is hence another improved technology for time-resolved spectroscopy with applications in the study of multistep photoreactions and higher-lying electronic states. While in the two preceding chapters third- and � fifth-order experiments were discussed that neglect the vectorial character of light-matter interactions, Chap. 6 focused on a novel theoretical formalism enabling the description of light fi� elds optimized for polarization-sensitive higher-order nonlinearities. This formalism is based on the von Neumann time-frequency representation of shaped femtosecond laser pulses which permits the defi� nition of multipulse sequences on a discrete time-frequency lattice. Hence, not only the temporal spacing between subpulses is adjustable, but also the center frequencies may be adapted such that they � fit the experimental requirements. This method was generalized to the description of pulse sequences with time-varying polarization states. It was shown that by using this description, the polarization ellipticity, orientation angle, relative phase and intensity, and the time-frequency location of each subpulse is explicitly controllable. The accuracy of the transformations from Fourier space to von Neumann domain and vice versa was demonstrated. Moreover, a strict accordance between the von Neumann polarization parameters with the conventional parameters in time domain was found for well separated subpulses. A potential future application of this approach is polarization-sensitive multidimensional spectroscopy in which hidden cross peaks may be isolated by de� fining the pulses in the von Neumann picture with suitable polarization sequences. This method could also be used in quantum control experiments in which the polarization of the light fi� eld is used as a major control knob. This thesis summarizes our efforts to open the � field of femtochemistry to the concept of coherent multidimensional electronic spectroscopy. Making use of femtosecond pulse shaping, sub-50 fs temporal resolution, broadband spectral probing, higher-order nonlinearities, and new types of laser pulse descriptions, the presented methods might stimulate further future advancements in this research area.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2014, author = {Weber, David}, title = {Hey target gene regulation in embryonic stem cells and cardiomyocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101663}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Notch signaling pathway is crucial for mammalian heart development. It controls cell-fate decisions, coordinates patterning processes and regulates proliferation and differentiation. Critical Notch effectors are Hey bHLH transcription factors (TF) that are expressed in atrial (Hey1) and ventricular (Hey2) cardiomyocytes (CM) and in the developing endocardium (Hey1/2/L). The importance of Hey proteins for cardiac development is demonstrated by knockout (KO) mice, which suffer from lethal cardiac defects, such as ventricular septum defects (VSD), valve defects and cardiomyopathy. Despite this clear functional relevance, little is known about Hey downstream targets in the heart and the molecular mechanism by which they are regulated. Here, I use a cell culture system with inducible Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL expression to study Hey target gene regulation in HEK293 cells, in murine embryonic stem cells (ESC) and in ESC derived CM. In HEK293 cells, I could show that genome wide binding sites largely overlap between all three Hey proteins, but HeyL has many additional binding sites that are not bound by Hey1 or Hey2. Shared binding sites are located close to transcription start sites (TSS) where Hey proteins preferentially bind to canonical E boxes, although more loosely defined modes of binding exist. Additional sites only bound by HeyL are more scattered across the genome. The ability of HeyL to bind these sites depends on the C-terminal part of the protein. Although there are genes which are differently regulated by HeyL, it is unclear whether this regulation results from binding of additional sites by HeyL. Additionally, Hey target gene regulation was studied in ESC and differentiated CM, which are more relevant for the observed cardiac phenotypes. ESC derived CM contract in culture and are positive for typical cardiac markers by qRT PCR and staining. According to these markers differentiation is unaffected by prolonged Hey1 or Hey2 overexpression. Regulated genes are largely redundant between Hey1 and Hey2. These are mainly other TF involved in e.g. developmental processes, apoptosis, cell migration and cell cycle. Many target genes are cell type specifically regulated causing a shift in Hey repression of genes involved in cell migration in ESC to repression of genes involved in cell cycle in CM. The number of Hey binding sites is reduced in CM and HEK293 cells compared to ESC, most likely due to more regions of dense chromatin in differentiated cells. Binding sites are enriched at the proximal promoters of down-regulated genes, compared to up-or non-regulated genes. This indicates that up-regulation primarily results from indirect effects, while down-regulation is the direct results of Hey binding to target promoters. The extent of repression generally correlates with the amount of Hey binding and subsequent recruitment of histone deacetylases (Hdac) to target promoters resulting in histone H3 deacetylation. However, in CM the repressive effect of Hey binding on a subset of genes can be annulled, likely due to binding of cardiac specific activators like Srf, Nkx2-5 and Gata4. These factors seem not to interfere with Hey binding in CM, but they recruit histone acetylases such as p300 that may counteract Hey mediated histone H3 deacetylation. Such a scenario explains differential regulation of Hey target genes between ESC and CM resulting in gene and cell-type specific regulation.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hock2014, author = {Hock, David Rog{\´e}r}, title = {Analysis and Optimization of Resilient Routing in Core Communication Networks}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-10168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {175}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Routing is one of the most important issues in any communication network. It defines on which path packets are transmitted from the source of a connection to the destination. It allows to control the distribution of flows between different locations in the network and thereby is a means to influence the load distribution or to reach certain constraints imposed by particular applications. As failures in communication networks appear regularly and cannot be completely avoided, routing is required to be resilient against such outages, i.e., routing still has to be able to forward packets on backup paths even if primary paths are not working any more. Throughout the years, various routing technologies have been introduced that are very different in their control structure, in their way of working, and in their ability to handle certain failure cases. Each of the different routing approaches opens up their own specific questions regarding configuration, optimization, and inclusion of resilience issues. This monograph investigates, with the example of three particular routing technologies, some concrete issues regarding the analysis and optimization of resilience. It thereby contributes to a better general, technology-independent understanding of these approaches and of their diverse potential for the use in future network architectures. The first considered routing type, is decentralized intra-domain routing based on administrative IP link costs and the shortest path principle. Typical examples are common today's intra-domain routing protocols OSPF and IS-IS. This type of routing includes automatic restoration abilities in case of failures what makes it in general very robust even in the case of severe network outages including several failed components. Furthermore, special IP-Fast Reroute mechanisms allow for a faster reaction on outages. For routing based on link costs, traffic engineering, e.g. the optimization of the maximum relative link load in the network, can be done indirectly by changing the administrative link costs to adequate values. The second considered routing type, MPLS-based routing, is based on the a priori configuration of primary and backup paths, so-called Label Switched Paths. The routing layout of MPLS paths offers more freedom compared to IP-based routing as it is not restricted by any shortest path constraints but any paths can be setup. However, this in general involves a higher configuration effort. Finally, in the third considered routing type, typically centralized routing using a Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture, simple switches only forward packets according to routing decisions made by centralized controller units. SDN-based routing layouts offer the same freedom as for explicit paths configured using MPLS. In case of a failure, new rules can be setup by the controllers to continue the routing in the reduced topology. However, new resilience issues arise caused by the centralized architecture. If controllers are not reachable anymore, the forwarding rules in the single nodes cannot be adapted anymore. This might render a rerouting in case of connection problems in severe failure scenarios infeasible.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BurgerStritt2014, author = {Burger-Stritt, Stephanie}, title = {Pharmakokinetik der subkutanen Hydrocortisonapplikation im Vergleich zur intramuskul{\"a}ren Gabe bei Patienten mit einer chronischen Nebenniereninsuffizienz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Patienten mit chronischer Nebenniereninsuffizienz (NNI) haben ein hohes Risiko, eine lebensbedrohliche Nebennierenkrise (NNK) zu erleiden. Hauptausl{\"o}ser sind insbesondere gastrointestinale und fieberhafte Infekte, sowie Unf{\"a}lle, Operationen, psychische und physische Belastungssituationen. H{\"a}ufig entwickeln sich dabei NNK innerhalb weniger Stunden und k{\"o}nnen rasch zu einem letalen Verlauf f{\"u}hren, bevor den betroffenen Patienten suffiziente {\"a}rztliche Hilfe gew{\"a}hrleistet werden kann.Zur Pr{\"a}vention solcher NNK, werden nebenniereninsuffiziente Patienten wiederholt in der Eigenanpassung ihrer Glucocorticoiddosis in Belastungssituationen geschult. Sie erhalten einen Notfallausweis und werden zus{\"a}tzlich mit einem Notfallkit, bestehend aus einer Ampulle Hydrocortison f{\"u}r Injektionszwecke, ausgestattet. Da Patienten jedoch nach wie vor (zum Beispiel im Rahmen von Gastroenteritiden durch ungen{\"u}gende enterale Resorption des Hydrocortisons) an NNK versterben, sind eine Verbesserung der Krisenpr{\"a}vention und des Notfallmanagements dringend anzustreben.Um den Patienten in Krisensituationen ein h{\"o}heres Maß an Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit zu erm{\"o}glichen, erfolgen daher mittlerweile Schulungen in der Eigeninjektion von Hydrocortison. Aktuell besteht hier eine Zulassung f{\"u}r die intramuskul{\"a}re (i.m.) Verabreichung. Es ist jedoch anzunehmen, dass die i.m. Eigeninjektion f{\"u}r viele Patienten eine große Hemmschwelle darstellt und daher in Krisensituationen nicht konsequent genug angewandt wird. Die subkutane (s.c.) Verabreichung von Hydrocortison w{\"a}re eine f{\"u}r die Patienten leicht durchzuf{\"u}hrende und {\"a}quivalente Alternative. Erfahrungsgem{\"a}ß besteht bez{\"u}glich einer s.c. Applikation von Medikamenten eine h{\"o}here Akzeptanz , da diese in vielen anderen Bereichen, wie z. B. der s.c. Selbstinjektion von Insulin bei Diabetikern oder der Injektion von Heparin in der postoperativen Phase oder bei der Injektion von Hormonpr{\"a}paraten im Rahmen einer Hypophyseninsuffizienz, bereits regelm{\"a}ßig Anwendung findet und bei vielen Patienten bekannt ist. Ziel der Studie war es daher, die Pharmakokinetik und die Sicherheit der s.c. Hydrocortisonapplikation f{\"u}r einen routinem{\"a}ßigen Einsatz in Krisensituationen im Vergleich zur i.m. Gabe zu evaluieren. F{\"u}r die Studie wurden zw{\"o}lf Patienten mit einer chronischen NNI eingeschlossen. Ihnen wurde an drei verschiedenen Untersuchungstagen s.c. Kochsalzl{\"o}sung (Kontrollintervention), sowie s.c. und i.m. 100 mg Hydrocortison injiziert. An jedem Untersuchungstag, wurden Speichelproben sowie {\"u}ber eine ven{\"o}se Verweilkan{\"u}le Blutproben zu 15 Zeitpunkten (0 bis 240 min nach Injektion) entnommen und asserviert. Anhand der pharmakokinetischen Profile zeigte sich, dass sowohl die i.m. als auch die s.c. Applikation von Hydrocortison zu suffizienten Wirkspiegeln (> 36 µg/dl) von Cortisol im Serum f{\"u}hrt. Wie erwartet zeigte sich bei der i.m. Injektion von Hydrocortison ein etwas schnellerer Anstieg der Cortisolkonzentration. Andererseits ergab sich nach der s.c. Injektion von Hydrocortison eine l{\"a}ngere mittlere Verweildauer im Blut. Des Weiteren wurde nach s.c. Applikation eine st{\"a}rkere Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Serumcortisolprofile vom BMI der Patienten beobachtet. Schwerwiegende unerw{\"u}nschte Ereignisse traten nicht auf. Leichte unerw{\"u}nschte Ereignisse, ließen sich vielmehr auf die Injektion an sich, als auf die applizierte Substanz Hydrocortison zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren und waren {\"u}berwiegend bei der i.m. Applikation zu beobachten. Die Beurteilung der Patientenzufriedenheit anhand eines Fragebogens zeigte deutlich, dass die Patienten die s.c. gegen{\"u}ber der i.m. Eigeninjektion bevorzugen w{\"u}rden. Weiterhin wurde deutlich, dass die Bedrohung durch NNK, f{\"u}r einige Patienten auch eine Einschr{\"a}nkung der Lebensqualit{\"a}t bedeutet und dass sie sich durch die M{\"o}glichkeit der Eigeninjektion sicherer f{\"u}hlen w{\"u}rden. Alle Patienten w{\"u}rden sich nach Studienteilnahme eine Eigeninjektion von Hydrocortison zutrauen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die s.c. Applikation von Hydrocortison eine geeignete Alternative zur i.m. Injektion darstellt; besonders f{\"u}r Patienten mit einem normwertigen BMI und im Falle von beginnenden NNK, bevor es evtl. zur Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der Zirkulation im Schock und einer m{\"o}glicherweise unzureichenden Resorption bei einer Minderdurchblutung des Fettgewebes kommt. Da die Patienten die s.c. der i.m. Applikation deutlich vorziehen w{\"u}rden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass nebenniereninsuffiziente Patienten die s.c. Eigeninjektion konsequenter einsetzten w{\"u}rden. Durch eine geringere Hemmschwelle gegen{\"u}ber der s.c. Gabe und einem folglich vermehrten Einsatz der Eigeninjektion bei beginnenden Krisen, k{\"o}nnte die Zahl der NNK und deren Mortalit{\"a}t gesenkt werden. Allerdings ist die i.m. Verabreichung von Hydrocortison auch weiterhin als eine sehr gute und schneller wirksamere Art der Eigeninjektion zu betrachten, die den Patienten in erster Linie empfohlen werden kann. Zur Krisenpr{\"a}vention sollte zuk{\"u}nftig, zus{\"a}tzlich zum Notfallausweis und der generellen Aufkl{\"a}rung, der Schwerpunkt auch auf eine individuelle Schulung im richtigen Umgang mit der Eigeninjektion von Hydrocortison in Notfallsituationen gelegt werden. Des Weiteren sollte generell neben der Optimierung der Substitutionstherapie auch die Verbesserung des Krisenmanagements mit im Fokus der NNI-Forschung stehen.}, subject = {Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zieschang2014, author = {Zieschang, Fabian}, title = {Energy and Electron Transfer Studies of Triarylamine-based Dendrimers and Cascades}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this work the synthesis of dendritic macromolecules and small redox cascades was reported and studies of their energy and electron transfer properties discussed. The chromophores in the dendrimers and the redox cascades are linked via triazoles, which were built up by CuAAC. Thereby, a synthetic concept based on building blocks was implemented, which allowed the exchange of all basic components. Resulting structures include dendrimers composed exclusively of TAAs (G1-G3), dendrimers with an incorporated spirobifluorene core (spiro-G1 and spiro-G2) and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1, in which the terminal groups are exchanged by NDIs. Furthermore, a series of model compounds was synthesised in order to achieve a better understanding of the photophysical processes in the dendrimers. A modification of the synthetic concept for dendrimers enabled the synthesis of a series of donor-acceptor triads (T-Me, T-Cl and T-CN) consisting of two TAA donors and one NDI acceptor unit. The intermediate TAA chromophore ensured a downhill redox gradient from the NDI to the terminal TAA, which was proved by cyclic voltammetry measurements. The redox potential of the intermediate TAA was adjusted by different redox determining substituents in the "free" p-position of the TAA. Additionally, two dyads (Da and Db) were synthesised which differ in the junction of the triazole to the TAA or the NDI, respectively. In these cascades a nodal-plane along the N-N-axes in the NDI and a large twist angle between the NDI and the N-aryl substituent guaranteed a small electronic coupling. The photophysical investigations of the dendrimers focused on the homo-energy transfer properties in the TAA dendrimers G1-G3. Steady-state emission spectroscopy revealed that the emission takes place from a charge transfer state. The polar excited state resulted in a strong Stokes shift of the emission, which in turn led to a small spectral overlap integral between the absorption of the acceptor and the emission of the donor in the solvent relaxed state. According to the F{\"o}rster theory, the overlap integral strongly determines the energy transfer rate. Fluorescence up-conversion measurements showed a strong and rapid initial fluorescence anisotropy decay and a much slower decrease on the longer time scale. The experiment revealed a fast energy transfer in the first 2 ps followed by a much slower energy hopping. Time resolved emission spectra (TRES) of the model compound M indicated a solvent relaxation on the same time scale as the fast energy transfer. The F{\"o}rster estimation of energy transfer rates in G1 explains fast energy transfer in the vibrotionally relaxed state before solvent relaxation starts. Thereby, the emission spectrum of G1 in cyclohexane served as the time zero spectrum. Thus, solvent relaxation and fast energy transfer compete in the first two ps after excitation and it is crucial to discriminate between energy transfer in the Franck-Condon and in the solvent relaxed state. Furthermore, this finding demonstrates that fast energy transfer occurs even in charge transfer systems where a large Stokes shift prevents an effective spectral overlap integral if there is a sufficient overlap integral in before solvent relaxation. Energy transfer upon excitation was also observed in the spiro dendrimers spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and identified by steady-state emission anisotropy measurements. It was assumed that the energy in spiro-G1 is completely distributed over the entire molecule while the energy in spiro-G2 is probably distributed over only one individual branch. This finding was based on a more polarised emission of spiro-G2 compared to spiro-G1. This issue has to be ascertained by e.g. time resolved emission anisotropy measurements in further energy transfer studies. Concerning the electron transfer properties of TAA-triazole systems the radical cations of G1-G2, spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and of the model compound M were investigated by steady-state absorption spectroscopy. Experiments showed that the triazole bridge exhibits small electronic communication between the adjacent chromophores but still possesses sufficient electronic coupling to allow an effective electron transfer from one chromophore to the other. Due to the high density of chromophores, their D-A-D structure and their superficial centrosymmetry, the presented dendrimers are prospective candidates for two-photon absorption applications. The dyads, triads and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 were investigated regarding their photoinduced electron transfer properties and the effects that dominate charge separation and charge recombination in these systems. The steady-state absorption spectra of all cascades elucidated a superposition of the absorption characteristics of the individual subunits and spectra indicated that the chromophores do not interact in the electronic ground state. Time resolved transient absorption spectroscopy of the cascades was performed in the fs- and ns-time regime in MeCN and toluene as solvent. Measurements revealed that upon with 28200 cm-1 (355) nm and 26300 cm-1 (380 nm), respectively, an electron is transferred from the TAA towards the NDI unit yielding a CS state. In the triads at first a CS1 state is populated, in which the NDI is reduced and the intermediate TAA1 is oxidised. Subsequently, an additional electron transfer from the terminal TAA2 to TAA1 led to the fully CS2 state. Fully CS states of the dyads and triads exhibit lifetimes in the ns-time regime. In contrast for Db in MeCN, a lifetime of 43 ps was observed for the CS state together with the population of a 3NDI state. The signals of the other CS states decay biexponentially, which is a result of the presence of the 1CS and the 3CS states. While magnetic field dependent measurements of Db did not show an effect due to the large singlet-triplet splitting, T-CN exhibited a strong magnetic field dependence which is an evidence for the 1CS/3CS assignment. Further analysis of the singlet-triplet dynamics are required and are currently in progress. Charge recombination occurred in the Marcus inverted region for compounds solved in toluene and in the Marcus normal region for MeCN as solvent. However, a significant inverted region effect was observed only for Db. Triads are probably characterised by charge recombination rates in the inverted and in the normal region near to the vertex of the Marcus parabola. Hence the inverted region effect is not pronounced and the rate charge recombination rates are all in the same magnitude. However, compared to the charge recombination rate of Db the enlarged spatial distance between the terminal TAA and the NDI in the fully CS2 states in the triads resulted in reduced charge recombination rates by ca. one order of magnitude. More important than a small charge recombination rate is an overall lifetime of the CS states and this lifetime can significantly be enhanced by the population of the 3CS state. The reported results reveal that a larger singlet-triplet splitting in the dyads led to a CS state lifetime in the us time regime while a lifetime in the ns-time regime was observed in cases of the triads. Moreover, the singlet-triplet splitting was found to be solvent dependent in the triads, which is a promising starting point for further investigations concerning singlet-triplet splitting. The donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 showed similar characteristics to the dyads. The generation of a CS state is assumed due to a clear NDI radical anion band in the transient absorption spectrum. Noteworthy, the typical transient absorption band of the TAA radical cation is absent for D A-G1 in toluene. Bixon-Jortner analysis yielded a similar electronic coupling in D-A-G1 compared to the dyads. However, the charge recombination rate is smaller than of Db due to a more energetic CS state, which in the inverted region slows down charge recombination. In combination a singlet-triplet splitting similar to the dyads prolongs the CS state lifetime up to 14 us in diluted solution. Both effects result in an even better performance of D-A-G1 concerning energy conversion. D A-G1 is therefore a promising key structure for further studies on light harvesting applications. In a prospective study a second generation donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G2 might be an attractive structure accessible by "click reaction" of 13 and 8. D-A-G2 is expected to exhibit a downhill oriented gradient of CS states as assumed from the CV studies on G1-G3.}, subject = {Sternpolymere}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2014, author = {M{\"u}ller, Markus}, title = {Effekte kardioprotektiver Zyklopeptide auf Funktion und Morphometrie des Herzens im Rattenmodell der dilatativen Immunkardiomyopathie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Kardiomyopathien sind Erkrankungen des Herzmuskels, die mit einer kardialen Funktionsst{\"o}rung einhergehen. Formen, die ohne erkennbare Ursache zu einer progredienten Dilatation und Reduktion der Kontraktilit{\"a}t des linken Ventrikels f{\"u}hren, werden als idiopathische dilatative Kardiomyopathie (DCM) bezeichnet. Sie ist der Hauptgrund f{\"u}r schwere Herzinsuffizienz und die damit assoziierten Einschr{\"a}nkungen der Lebensqualit{\"a}t bei jungen Erwachsenen. Neben der beeintr{\"a}chtigten kardialen Funktion weisen diese Patienten oftmals auch Ver{\"a}nderungen im Bereich der humoralen und zellul{\"a}ren Immunit{\"a}t auf. Ein Teil der Patienten entwickelt Autoantik{\"o}rper, die sich gegen den kardialen β1-adrenergen Rezeptor richten und ihn {\"a}hnlich wie der nat{\"u}rliche Ligand Adrenalin aktivieren. Hieraus resultiert eine chronische {\"U}berstimulation des Rezeptors, die {\"u}ber eine initiale Hypertrophie dann zu einer eingeschr{\"a}nkten Pumpfunktion f{\"u}hrt. Nachdem sich die Therapie der Antik{\"o}rper-vermittelten Immunkardiomyopathie bisher auf die Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz und die Kontrolle der Herz-insuffizienzsymptome beschr{\"a}nkt, k{\"o}nnten β1-ECII-homologe Peptide als Antik{\"o}rper-F{\"a}nger bei Antik{\"o}rper-positiven Patienten nun einen kausalen Therapieansatz darstellen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden ein aus 25 Aminos{\"a}uren bestehendes zyklisches Peptid, eine aus 18 Aminos{\"a}uren bestehende Zyklopeptid-Mutante und ihre jeweiligen linearen {\"A}quivalente im Rattenmodell auf Antik{\"o}rper-neutralisierende Effekte und potentielle therapeutische Wirksamkeit getestet. Das Rattenmodell ist hierf{\"u}r besonders geeignet, da die Aminos{\"a}uresequenz der funktionell wichtigen zweiten extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}ne des β1-adrenergen Rezeptors (β1-ECII) bei Mensch und Ratte absolut identisch ist. Auf immunologischer Ebene konnte der Titer der krankheitsinduzierenden β1-ECII-Antik{\"o}rper bereits nach der ersten Applikation zyklischer Peptide relevant gesenkt werden und nahm im weiteren Verlauf der Behandlung kontinuierlich ab. Nach Zyklopeptidgabe kam es am Herzen zu einer Reduktion des linksventrikul{\"a}ren Durchmessers und zu einer fast vollst{\"a}ndigen Normalisierung der anatomischen Proportionen. Auf die Morphologie der Myozyten selbst und auch den Kollagengehalt des Gewebes hatte die Zyklopeptidtherapie keinen wesentlichen Einfluss. Die funktionellen Eigenschaften des Herzens ließen sich durch die Neutralisation stimulatorischer β1-ECII-Antik{\"o}rper mittels intraven{\"o}ser Zyklopeptidapplikation deutlich verbessern: Die Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion des linken Ventrikels und der Herzindex als Parameter f{\"u}r die kardiale Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit konnten durch die Behandlung wieder weitgehend normalisiert werden. Diese im Tiermodell erzielten Ergebnisse lassen einen therapeutischen Effekt der Zyklopeptide vermuten. Der Ansatz einer spezifisch gegen Antik{\"o}rper gerichteten Therapie zur Behandlung von Patienten mit β1-Antik{\"o}rper-positiver Herzinsuffizienz erscheint daher vielversprechend.}, subject = {Dilatative Kardiomyopathie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kaiser2014, author = {Kaiser, Conrad}, title = {Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems with Varying Bridge Units for the Investigation of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Electron Transfer Processes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Within this study, the influence of the energetics of the bridge unit on electron transfer (ET) in an electrode-bridge-donor system was investigated in a monolayer environment. This was realized by specifically designing molecules containing ferrocene carboxylic ester donors and hydroquinone derivatives as bridge units and by using a gold electrode as acceptor. The energetics of the hydroquinone derivatives was adjusted by synthetically varying its substituents with the intention of changing the ET speed and mechanisms. Thereby the choice of the substituents was based on the literature known half-wave potentials of similar solvated hydroquinone derivatives and successively confirming them by conducting cyclic voltammetry on the actual bridge units synthesized. Then, a synthetic pathway, which accommodated the limited stability of the integrated terminal ferrocene carbon acid ester, was developed and successfully employed. This was followed by developing a procedure for preparing very dense and highly ordered monolayers from the target molecules on self-made gold microelectrodes. For the electrochemical investigations, several electrolyte solutions were tested until one, which ensured low susceptibility of the characterization setup towards slight changes of the electrode arrangement and measurement parameters while ensuring sufficient stability of the monolayers, was found. Furthermore, a new, commercially available potentiostat was established for the impedance measurements, which reduced the stress on the monolayers during the electrochemical characterizations in comparison to the equipment used in many former studies. Regarding the determination of the ET rates, the data analysis protocol for the impedance measurements developed by Creager et al. was slightly adapted to allow analysis of the investigated monolayers despite their non-ideal behavior. In addition, the influence of changes to the electrical parameters of the impedance scans was investigated to minimize the error in the acquired data. The electrochemical analysis of the monolayers by conducting cyclic voltammetry on MA, MB and MC prepared from A, B and C confirmed the accomplishment of near ideal surface coverage and exceptionally high order. The surface coverages of MB and MC were, probably due to the space filled by the substituents on their bridge units, slightly lower than those of MA. Furthermore, the shape of the redox waves of the ferrocene carboxylic acid redox center in the voltammogram of MA showed a broadening and a shift towards higher potentials, which was assigned to electrostatic interference of oxidized terminal redox centers due to the especially dense packing. However, in the voltammogram of MB, no sharp redox waves of the bridge units, as predicted by the analysis of preliminary monolayers of the same type with low surface coverage, were present. This was attributed to the different and varying microenvironment of the bridge units deeply embedded within high-density monolayers. In detail, the different degree of shielding of each individual bridge unit from counter ions and solvent molecules probably resulted in the half wave potential being shifted to varying higher potentials, thus preventing the formation of sharp redox waves. In addition, electrostatic effects of oxidized bridge units could have enhanced this effect. This leads to the conclusion that the half-wave potentials of fully solvated bridge units determined by the cyclic voltammetry are not suited to predict the energetics of the oxidized bridge states embedded within the prepared high density monolayers. Finally, the monolayers were successfully analyzed by impedance spectroscopy, which showed that the ET rate of MA is slightly higher than that of MB, and both are higher than that of MC. All of the values were, according to literature, in the expected region considering the length and degree of conjugation of the backbone. However, this picture is relativized when considering the targeted energetic alignment of the bridge units. According to the predicted very small energy gap between the oxidized states of the donor and the bridge unit in MB, a domination of the hopping mechanism should have led to a several orders of magnitude higher ET rate than in MA and MC. That this was not the case was attributed to the underestimation of the energy of the oxidized bridge states by utilizing cyclic voltammetry of the fully solvated bridge units (see above). According to the small differences of the ET rates the superexchange process was assumed to be the dominating mechanism not only in MA and MC but also in MB. However, even when shifted, the predicted energetic order of the oxidized bridge states should have led to a moderately decreasing ET rate from MB over MA to MC. The reason for the actual ET rate in MA being slightly higher than in MB might be found in the electrostatic interference of the terminal redox centers in MA (see above). In conclusion, the targeted model systems were prepared and the ET rates were successfully determined. However, the problems concerning the relative energetic positioning of the involved states within the dense monolayers prevented the specific alteration of the speed and mechanism of the ET. The reason for this can be probably found in the high density and order of the monolayers prepared within this work, which hamper the intrusion of the components of the electrolyte solutions. This various degree of stabilization for the individual bridge units by counter ions and solvent molecules leads to the energy of the oxidized bridge states being splitted and shifted towards higher potentials with respect to fully solvated bridge units. This effect might be further enhanced by electrostatics of neighboring already oxidized bridge states. All this makes the predetermination of the energetics of the embedded bridge units extremely difficult. On one hand, this behavior can be considered an obstacle and could probably be circumvented by designing molecules with bulky anchor groups and rigid molecular backbones, which would ensure perpendicular arrangement to the surface and full exposure of the bridge and terminal redox centers to the solvent molecules and counter ions. On the other hand, monolayers which completely embed integral redox centers might open up the opportunity to study the effects of microenvironments similar to those in solid state materials. Regarding mixed valence compounds, the present study focuses on bistriarylamine radical cation F∙+, which contains the [3.3]paracyclophane bridge unit. The results were compared to the, except for the bridge units, identical literature known compounds G∙+ and N∙+ with [2.2]paracyclophane and p-xylene bridges respectively. This led to the conclusion that slightly different bridge units can induce substantial changes to the internal reorganization energy. This is especially noteworthy since it is usually believed that structural adaption limited to the redox centers taking part in the charge transfer dominates the internal reorganization energy. Furthermore, the application of the two-state Mulliken-Hush approach shows that compounds F∙+ and G∙+ have near identical couplings and similar thermal barriers. Confirmation of the latter finding as well as near identical thermal electron transfer rates for both compounds were provided via a cooperation project by Grampp et al. in which these values were directly extracted from temperature dependent electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. These results are quite unexpected since the "through-space" distances of the stacked pi-systems in the paracyclophane bridges differ significantly. They are well within the sum of the van der Waals radii in G∙+ and barely within them in compound F∙+. In addition, these findings weaken the common assumption of the ethylene bridges in G∙+ substantially adding to the electronic coupling, since then, in F∙+, due to its propylene linkers, the coupling should be substantially reduced. Finally, relying on the fact that the electronic couplings are only three times higher and the thermal electron transfer rates are only one order of magnitude higher for N∙+ than for compounds F∙+ and G∙+ shows that intermolecular electron transfer in solid state materials can remain efficient, if the interacting pi-systems stay within the sum of van der Waals radii of their carbons. Concerning the donor-acceptor dyads, the current investigation centers on triarylamine-cyclophane-naphtalene diimide (TAA-CP-NDI) compounds which display almost complete photoinduced charge separation. Furthermore, their singlet charge separated states show lifetimes of hundreds of nanoseconds, which is rarely found in such simple dyads. In the present case they can be attributed to the particular amount of electronic coupling V (on the order of 100 cm^-1), which is brought about by incorporation of the smallest model systems for pi-stacks, the CPs, together with the nodes on the NDI lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, which electronically decouples the central NDI from its nitrogen substituents. In agreement with studies of [2.2]- and [3.3]paracyclophane bridged mixed valence compounds (see above), the cycolphane bridged dyads show very similar electronic coupling when dealing with ground state processes like charge recombination. However, when investigating excited state processes, like charge separation in the TAA-CP-NDI dyads, one has to bear in mind that the CP orbitals are involved in the formation of intermediate states that likely possess charge transfer character. In this case, the [2.2]paracyclophane bridge obviously induces a stronger coupling than the [3.3]paracyclophane. Another interesting property of the dyads studied here is the substantial population of the triplet charge separated (CS) state of ca. one third regarding both CS states, which is brought about by singlet-triplet interconversion from the singlet CS state. Thus, the triplet CS state with a lifetime of several microseconds acts as a kind of buffer for the CS state before recombining to the ground state and, thus, leads to distinctly prolonged overall lifetimes of the charge separated states. Thus it can be concluded that the intersystem crossing and charge recombination (CR) processes of the CS states are governed by a delicate balance of a large electronic coupling V and a large exchange interaction 2J (both with regard to systems containing a through-space pathway). The latter appears to be induced by second order interaction with a local triplet state lying close in energy to the CS state. This balance results in slow CR- and singlet-triplet- interconversion rates, which differ only by one order of magnitude. Compared to the many NDI containing dyads studied so far, these features of the dyads studied here are, to the best of our knowledge, unique. Especially the combination of high quantum yield of charge separation, long lifetimes and high energy of the charge separated state make the investigated systems interesting for practical applications. Furthermore, the presented unraveling of the underlying mechanisms is of substantial value for the future design of dyads for practical applications regarding the implementation and adjustment of these favorable properties.}, subject = {Elektronentransfer}, language = {en} }