TY - JOUR A1 - Bernards, R. A1 - Schackleford, G. M. A1 - Gerber, M. R. A1 - Horowitz, J. M. A1 - Friend, S. H. A1 - Schartl, Manfred A1 - Bogenmann, E. A1 - Rapaport, J. M. A1 - Mcgee, T. A1 - Dryja, T. P. T1 - Structure and expression of the murine retinoblastoma gene and characterization of its encoded protein N2 - No abstract available KW - Physiologische Chemie Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61819 ER - TY - THES A1 - Berkane, Emir T1 - Etude de l'interaction entre GpJ, une protéine du bactériophage Lambda, et LamB, une protéine de la membrane externe des bactéries gram-négatives T1 - Interaktion zwischen dem Protein GPJ des Bakteriophagen Lambda und LamB, einem Protein aus der externen Membran von gram-negativen Bakterien N2 - La fixation du bactériophage Lambda sur son récepteur cellulaire, LamB, est dûe à une protéine de sa queue appelée GpJ. Le but des travaux est d’étudier l’intéraction entre le bactériophage Lambda et LamB à travers l’étude du complexe entre LamB et GpJ exprimée en protéine de fusion. Pour ce faire, deux protéines de fusion sont utilisées : MBP-gpJ et HisgpJ. MBP-gpJ est une protéine de fusion entre la Maltose Binding Protéine et l’extrêmité Cterminale de la protéine GpJ (résidu 684 à 1132), grâcieusement fournie par le Pr. Charbit (Paris, France). Grâce à la Technique du Film Noir (BLM), il a été permis d’observer que MBP-gpJ, après expression dans E.coli et purification, intéragit grâce au fragment de GpJ avec l’extrêmité extracellulaire de LamB. Cette intéraction se traduit par un blocage complet et réversible des canaux de LamB sauvage, mais également de mutants: LamB de Shigella sonnei, LamB Y118G et LamB D4+D6+D9v. Afin d’obtenir des informations sur la liaison de LamB avec uniquement le fragment de GpJ sans la partie MBP, une autre protéine de fusion a été réalisée: His-GpJ. His-gpJ représente l’extrêmité C-terminale de GpJ (684-1132) en fusion avec un 6×Histidine-tag. Cette protéine est exprimée sous forme de corps d’inclusion dans E.coli. Après purification et renaturation, une protéine de nouveau soluble peut être obtenue. Lors d’expériences de Film Noir, His-gpJ intéragit certes avec LamB, mais n’induit pas le blocage des canaux comme précedemment observé après ajout de MBP-gpJ. En parallèle, la formation d’un complexe entre His-gpJ et LamB sauvage, ainsi que de mutants a pu être confirmée au travers de travaux de SDS-PAGE et d’immunodétection par la présence de bandes de masse moléculaire élevée. L’utilisation de mutants de LamB a par ailleurs permis d’essayer d’identifier la partie de LamB impliquée dans l’interaction avec le fragment C-terminal de GpJ, qui se révèle être différente de celle de GpJ dans la queue du bactériophage Lambda. Mots clés: bactériophage Lambda, gpJ, LamB, technique du film noir (BLM), immunodétection. N2 - The bacteriophage Lambda is a virus which infects bacteria carrying LamB protein in their outer membrane. GpJ, a protein of the tail of the phage, is involved in the binding to LamB. The study of the interaction between GpJ expressed as fusion protein and LamB was performed in order to investigate the interaction between the bacteriophage Lambda and LamB. The fusion proteins are called MBP-gpJ and His-gpJ. MBP-gpJ is a chimeric protein representing Maltose Binding Protein connected to the Cterminal part of the GpJ protein (residue 684 until 1132), graciously given by Pr. Charbit (Paris, France). MBP-gpJ, expressed in E.coli and purified, bound to the exoplasmic side of LamB and LamB variants in planar lipid bilayer experiments and allowed a complete and reversible blockage of LamB channels. In order to obtain data about the binding of the GpJ fragment alone to LamB, an other fusion protein without MBP was created, called His-gpJ. His-gpJ is the C-terminal part of GpJ (684-1132) in fusion with a 6×Histidine-tag, produced as insoluble form in E.coli. After renaturation, a soluble protein can be obtained. Without MBP, the GpJ fragment still bound to LamB in planar lipid bilayer experiments, but did not block significantly its channels, as previously observed after addition of MBP-gpJ. The interaction between His-gpJ and LamB or LamB mutants was also demonstrated on SDSPAGE and immunodetection by the presence of high molecular mass bands. Furthermore, the use of variants of lamB allowed to demonstrate that the C-terminal fragment of GpJ does not bind to the same area on the surface of LamB than GpJ involved in the tail of the Lambda phage. KW - Bakteriophage Lambda KW - Molekularbiologie KW - GPJ KW - Phage Lamda KW - LampB KW - gram-negative Bakterien KW - GPJ KW - Phage Lamda KW - LamB KW - gram-negative Bacteria Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12889 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bergmann Borges, Alyssa T1 - The endo-lysosomal system of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\): insights from a protist cell model T1 - Das Endo-lysosomale System von \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\): Erkenntnisse aus einem Protisten-Zellmodell N2 - Most of the studies in cell biology primarily focus on models from the opisthokont group of eukaryotes. However, opisthokonts do not encompass the full diversity of eukaryotes. Thus, it is necessary to broaden the research focus to other organisms to gain a comprehensive understanding of basic cellular processes shared across the tree of life. In this sense, Trypanosoma brucei, a unicellular eukaryote, emerges as a viable alternative. The collaborative efforts in genome sequencing and protein tagging over the past two decades have significantly expanded our knowledge on this organism and have provided valuable tools to facilitate a more detailed analysis of this parasite. Nevertheless, numerous questions still remain. The survival of T. brucei within the mammalian host is intricately linked to the endo-lysosomal system, which plays a critical role in surface glycoprotein recycling, antibody clearance, and plasma membrane homeostasis. However, the dynamics of the duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation and its potential relationship with plasma membrane growth remain poorly understood. Thus, as the primary objective, this thesis explores the endo-lysosomal system of T. brucei in the context of the cell cycle, providing insights on cell surface growth, endosome duplication, and clathrin recruitment. In addition, the study revisits ferritin endocytosis to provide quantitative data on the involvement of TbRab proteins (TbRab5A, TbRab7, and TbRab11) and the different endosomal subpopulations (early, late, and recycling endosomes, respectively) in the transport of this fluid-phase marker. Notably, while these subpopulations function as distinct compartments, different TbRabs can be found within the same region or structure, suggesting a potential physical connection between the endosomal subpopulations. The potential physical connection of endosomes is further explored within the context of the cell cycle and, finally, the duplication and morphological plasticity of the lysosome are also investigated. Overall, these findings provide insights into the dynamics of plasma membrane growth and the coordinated duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation. The early duplication of endosomes suggests their potential involvement in plasma membrane growth, while the late duplication of the lysosome indicates a reduced role in this process. The recruitment of clathrin and TbRab GTPases to the site of endosome formation supports the assumption that the newly formed endosomal system is active during cell division and, consequently, indicates its potential role in plasma membrane homeostasis. Furthermore, considering the vast diversity within the Trypanosoma genus, which includes ~500 described species, the macroevolution of the group was investigated using the combined information of the 18S rRNA gene sequence and structure. The sequence-structure analysis of T. brucei and other 42 trypanosome species was conducted in the context of the diversity of Trypanosomatida, the order in which trypanosomes are placed. An additional analysis focused on Trypanosoma highlighted key aspects of the group’s macroevolution. To explore these aspects further, additional trypanosome species were included, and the changes in the Trypanosoma tree topology were analyzed. The sequence-structure phylogeny confirmed the independent evolutionary history of the human pathogens T. brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi, while also providing insights into the evolution of the Aquatic clade, paraphyly of groups, and species classification into subgenera. N2 - Die meisten Studien in der Zellbiologie konzentrieren sich in erster Linie auf Modelle aus der Opisthokont-Gruppe der Eukaryonten. Die Opisthokonten umfassen jedoch nicht die gesamte Vielfalt der Eukaryonten. Daher ist es notwendig, den Forschungsschwerpunkt auf andere Organismen auszuweiten, um ein umfassendes Verständnis grundlegender zellulärer Prozesse zu erlangen, die im gesamten Lebensbaum vorkommen. In diesem Sinne stellt Trypanosoma brucei, ein einzelliger Eukaryote, eine brauchbare Alternative dar. Die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen bei der Genomsequenzierung und der Markierung von Proteinen in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten haben unser Wissen über diesen Organismus erheblich erweitert und wertvolle Instrumente für eine detailliertere Analyse dieses Parasiten bereitgestellt. Dennoch bleiben noch zahlreiche Fragen offen. Das Überleben von T. brucei im Säugetierwirt ist eng mit dem endo-lysosomalen System verknüpft, das eine entscheidende Rolle beim Recycling von Oberflächenglykoproteinen, der Antikörper-Clearance und der Homöostase der Plasmamembran spielt. Die Dynamik der Verdoppelung des endo-lysosomalen Systems während der Vermehrung von T. brucei und seine mögliche Beziehung zum Wachstum der Plasmamembran sind jedoch noch wenig bekannt. In dieser Arbeit wird daher das endo-lysosomale System von T. brucei im Kontext des Zellzyklus untersucht, um Erkenntnisse über das Wachstum der Zelloberfläche, die Verdopplung der Endosomen und die Clathrin-Rekrutierung zu gewinnen. Darüber hinaus wird in der Studie die Ferritin-Endozytose erneut untersucht, um quantitative Daten über die Beteiligung der TbRab-Proteine (TbRab5A, TbRab7 und TbRab11) und der verschiedenen endosomalen Subpopulationen (frühe, späte bzw. Recycling-Endosomen) am Transport dieses Flüssigphasenmarkers zu erhalten. Bemerkenswert ist, dass diese Subpopulationen zwar als unterschiedliche Kompartimente fungieren, aber verschiedene TbRabs in derselben Region oder Struktur gefunden werden können, was auf eine mögliche physische Verbindung zwischen den endosomalen Subpopulationen hindeutet. Die potenzielle physikalische Verbindung von Endosomen wird im Zusammenhang mit dem Zellzyklus weiter erforscht, und schließlich werden auch die Verdopplung und die morphologische Plastizität des Lysosoms untersucht. Insgesamt bieten diese Ergebnisse Einblicke in die Dynamik des Plasmamembranwachstums und die koordinierte Verdopplung des endo-lysosomalen Systems während der Proliferation von T. brucei. Die frühe Verdoppelung der Endosomen deutet auf ihre mögliche Beteiligung am Plasmamembranwachstum hin, während die späte Verdoppelung der Lysosomen auf eine geringere Rolle in diesem Prozess hindeutet. Die Rekrutierung von Clathrin- und TbRab-GTPasen an der Stelle der Endosomenbildung unterstützt die Annahme, dass das neu gebildete endosomale System während der Zellteilung aktiv ist, und deutet folglich auf seine potenzielle Rolle bei der Homöostase der Plasmamembran hin. In Anbetracht der enormen Vielfalt innerhalb der Gattung Trypanosoma, die etwa 500 beschriebene Arten umfasst, wurde die Makroevolution der Gruppe anhand der kombinierten Informationen der 18S rRNA-Gensequenz und Struktur untersucht. Die Sequenz-Struktur-Analyse von T. brucei und anderen 42 Trypanosomen-Arten wurde im Zusammenhang mit der Vielfalt der Trypanosomatida, der Ordnung, in die Trypanosomen eingeordnet werden, durchgeführt. Eine zusätzliche Analyse, die sich auf Trypanosoma konzentrierte, hob Schlüsselaspekte der Makroevolution dieser Gruppe hervor. Um diese Aspekte weiter zu erforschen, wurden zusätzliche Trypanosomenarten einbezogen und die Veränderungen in der Topologie des Trypanosoma-Baums analysiert. Die Sequenz-Struktur-Phylogenie bestätigte die unabhängige Evolutionsgeschichte der humanen Krankheitserreger T. brucei und Trypanosoma cruzi, während sie gleichzeitig Einblicke in die Evolution der aquatischen Klade, die Paraphylie von Gruppen und die Klassifizierung der Arten in Untergattungen lieferte. KW - 18S rRNA KW - Endocytose KW - Zellzyklus KW - Phylogenie KW - Endocytosis KW - Cell cycle KW - Trypanosoma KW - Phylogeny KW - Sequence-Structure KW - Endosomes KW - Lysosome Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-329248 ER - TY - THES A1 - Berghoff, Stefanie M. T1 - Sociobiology of the hypogaeic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith T1 - Soziobiologie der unterirdischen Treiberameise Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith N2 - Originally renowned for their spectacular epigaeic raids, army ants have captured scientific attention for almost two centuries. They now belong to one of the best studied group of ants. However, most of our knowledge about army ants was derived from the study of the minority of specialized, epigaeicly active species. These species evolved probably rather recently from hypogaeic ancestors. The majority of army ant species still leads a hypogaeic life and is almost completely unknown in its entire sociobiology. It thus remained speculative, whether the assumed 'general' characteristics of army ants represent an adaptation to epigaeic activity or apply also to the majority of hypogaeic species. Based on the recent observation that the hypogaeic Asian army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus recruits predictably to palm oil baits, I developed and tested an oil-baiting method for the study of hypogaeic (army)ants. Prior to my study, nothing was known about the sociobiology of the assumed rare D. laevigatus. Throughout my work, I showed D. laevigatus to be very common and abundant in a wide range of habitats in West-Malaysia and on Borneo. Investigating its foraging behavior, I revealed D. laevigatus to differ from epigaeicly active species in several ways. Never demonstrated for any of the epigaeic species, D. laevigatus established stable trunk trail systems. Such a trail system contradicted the perception of army ant foraging, which was believed to be characterized by raids with constantly alternating trail directions. The trunk trail system further enabled a near omnipresence of D. laevigatus within its foraging area, which was also believed to be atypical for an army ant. Raids differed in structure and composition of participating workers from those of epigaeic species. Also, bulky food sources could be exploited over long periods of time. The foraging system of D. laevigatus resembled in several ways that of e.g. leaf-cutter and harvester ants. Likewise contrary to the assumptions, D. laevigatus had a wide food spectrum and showed only little effect on local arthropod communities, even falling itself prey to other ants. Strong aggressive behavior was observed only towards ant species with similar lifestyles, enabling me to provide the first detailed documentation of interspecific fights between two sympatric Dorylus species. Similar to foraging habits or ecological impact, nothing was known about colony size and composition, nesting habits, or worker polymorphism for D. laevigatus or any other hypogaeic Dorylus species prior to my work. By observing and eventually excavating a colony, I showed D. laevigatus to have a much smaller colony size and to lack the large sized workers of epigaeic Dorylus species. Similar to epigaeic Dorylinae, I showed D. laevigatus to have a non-phasic brood production, to emigrate rarely, and to alter its nest form along with habitat conditions. Detailed morphological and geographical descriptions give an impression of the Asian Dorylus species and are expected to aid other researchers in the difficult species identification. The genetic analysis of a male collected at a light trap demonstrated its relation to D. laevigatus. Confirming the male and queen associations, D. laevigatus is now one of five Dorylus species (out of a total of 61), for which all castes are known. In cooperation with D. Kistner, I provide a morphological and taxonomical description of nine Coleopteran beetles associated with D. laevigatus. Behavioral observations indicated the degree of their integration into the colony. The taxonomic position of the beetles further indicated that D. laevigatus emigrated from Africa to Asia, and was accompanied by the majority of associated beetles. The diversity of D. laevigatus guests, which included a number of unidentified mites, was rather low compared to that of epigaeic species. Overall, I demonstrated the developed baiting containers to effectively enable the study of hypogaeic ants. I showed several other hypogaeic ant species to be undersampled by other methods. Furthermore, the method enabled me to documented a second hypogaeic Dorylus species on Borneo. A detailed description of this species' morphology, ecology, and interactions with D. laevigatus is provided. My study indicated D. laevigatus to be an ecologically important species, able to influence soil structure and organisms of tropical regions in many ways. Relating the observed traits of D. laevigatus to epigaeicly active species, I conclude that our assumption of 'general' army ant behavior is erroneous in several aspects and needs to be changed. The oil-baiting method finally provides a tool enabling the location and study of hypogaeic (army)ant species. This opens a broad field for future studies on this cryptic but nonetheless important group of ants. N2 - Bekannt durch ihre spektakulären Massenraubzüge werden Treiberameisen seit fast 200 Jahren wissenschaftlich untersucht und sind nun eine der am besten untersuchten Ameisengruppen. Jedoch basiert unser Wissen über diese Tiere fast ausschließlich auf der Erforschung der kleinen Gruppe der oberirdisch fouragierenden Arten. Diese haben sich jedoch wahrscheinlich erst vor evolutionär relativ kurzer Zeit aus unterirdischen Arten entwickelt. Die weitaus größere Zahl der Arten lebt auch heute noch unterirdisch und ist in ihrer Soziobiologie praktisch unbekannt. Es blieb daher spekulativ, ob die als 'typisch' geltenden Treiberameisencharakteristika nur eine besondere Anpassung an ein oberirdisches Fouragieren darstellen, oder auch auf die unterirdische Mehrheit der Arten zutreffen. Basierend auf die Entdeckung dass die unterirdische asiatische Treiberameisenart Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus voraussagbar an Palmöl-Köder rekrutiert habe ich verschiedene Köderbehälter entworfen und die Eignung der Ködermethode für die Erforschung unterirdischer (Treiber)ameisen untersucht. Vor meiner Arbeit war über die Soziobiologie der als selten geltenden D. laevigatus nichts bekannt. Meine Arbeit zeigte dagegen, dass D. laevigatus sehr häufig und verbreitet ist. Durch die genauere Untersuchung des Fouragierverhaltens konnte ich zeigen, dass sich D. laevigatus von den bekannten, oberirdisch aktiven Arten in mehreren grundlegenden Merkmalen unterscheidet. Das gefundene fest etablierte und lang genutzte Wegesystem von D. laevigatus wurde bisher nie für epigäische Arten gezeigt und widerspricht sogar dem bisherigen Bild des Lebenstyps Treiberameise, für den ständig wechselnde Wegrouten als typisch galten. Dieses Wegesystem verlieh D. laevigatus eine nahe Omnipräsenz in ihrem Fouragiergebiet. Weiterhin wichen Raubzüge in ihrer Struktur und Zusammensetzung der beteiligten Arbeiterinnen von denen oberirdischer Arten ab. Auch konnten große Futtermengen über längere Zeiträume hinweg genutzt werden. Das beobachtete Fouragierverhalten ähnelt daher zum Teil eher dem von Blattscheider- und Ernteameisen als dem oberirdisch jagender Treiberameisen. Ebenfalls entgegen den bisherigen Vermutungen hat D. laevigatus ein breites Nahrungsspektrum und zeigte nur geringen Einfluss auf lokale Bodengemeinschaften. Zum Teil wurde sie selbst zur Beute. Stark aggressives Verhalten konnte ich vor allem gegenüber Arten mit ähnlicher Lebensweise beobachten. Dies erlaubte mir die erste detaillierte Dokumentation interspezifischer Kämpfe zwischen zwei sympatrischen Dorylus Arten. Ähnlich den Fouragiergewohnheiten und des ökologischen Einflusses war bislang auch nichts über Koloniegröße, Nistgewohnheiten und Arbeiterinnen-Polymorphismus von D. laevigatus oder anderen unterirdischen Dorylus Arten bekannt. Nach der Beobachtung und Einsammlung eines Volkes konnte ich zeigen, dass eine D. laevigatus Kolonie bedeutend kleiner ist und ihr die großen Arbeiterinnen fehlen im Vergleich zu oberirdischen Dorylus Arten. Ähnlich den oberirdischen Dorylinae zeigte D. laevigatus eine nicht-phasische Brutproduktion, eher seltene Kolonieumzüge und eine mit dem Habitat variierende Nestform. Detaillierte morphologische und geographische Beschreibungen geben einen Überblick über die asiatischen Dorylus Arten und sollen nachfolgenden Wissenschaftlern bei der schwierigen Artbestimmung unterstützen. Die genetische Analyse eines am Licht gefangenen Männchens weist dies eindeutig D. laevigatus zu. Durch meine Arbeit zählt D. laevigatus nun zu einer von fünf Dorylus Arten (von insgesamt 61), von denen alle Kasten bekannt sind. In Kooperation mit D. Kistner liefere ich eine morphologische und taxonomische Beschreibung von neun mit D. laevigatus assoziierten Käferarten. Verhaltensbeobachtungen geben Aufschluss über den Grad der Assoziation. Die taxonomische Position der Käfer lässt ferner darauf schließen, dass die Ameisen aus Afrika nach Asien emigrierten und der Großteil der assoziierten Käfer dieser Wanderung folgte. Die entwickelten Köderbehälter erwiesen sich als effektiv und gut geeignet für die Untersuchung unterirdischer Ameisen. So konnte ich zeigen, dass unterirdische Ameisenarten in Studien mit anderen Sammelmethoden oft unterrepräsentiert sind. Auch fand ich mit Hilfe der Ködermethode eine zweite, auf Borneo bislang unbekannte Dorylus Art. Morphologie, Ökologie dieser Art sowie Interaktionen mit D. laevigatus werden beschrieben. Meine Studie weist D. laevigatus als eine ökologisch wichtige Art aus, die in vielfacher Weise Bodenstruktur und Bodenorganismen tropischer Regionen beeinflussen kann. Im Vergleich mit den bekannten oberirdisch lebenden Arten komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass unser bisheriges Bild von 'typischen' Treiberameiseneigenschaften in verschiedener Hinsicht nicht zutrifft und geändert werden muss. KW - Borneo KW - Dorylus KW - Nahrungserwerb KW - Boden KW - Ameise KW - Verhalten KW - Bodenökologie KW - Tropen KW - Borneo KW - behavior KW - soil KW - ecology KW - rainforest KW - Borneo Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5005 ER - TY - THES A1 - Berg, Daniela T1 - Entwicklung von TRAIL-Fusionsproteinen und ihre Wirkung auf Myelomzellen N2 - 1. Zusammenfassung Lösliche humane TRAIL-Varianten (hTRAIL), die nur die “TNF homology domain” (THD) beinhalten, binden sowohl den TRAILR1 aus auch den TRAILR2, stimulieren jedoch nur den TRAILR1. Nach sekundärem Quervernetzen des Liganden wird dann aber auch der TRAILR2 effektiv aktiviert. Entsprechende murine TRAIL-Varianten (mTRAIL) dagegen zeigen nur eine schwache Rezeptorbindung und sind selbst nach sekundärem Quervernetzen nur wenig aktiv. Interessanterweise kann ein Fusionsprotein aus der THD von mTRAIL und der Trimerisierungsdomäne von Tenascin-C (TNC), das wie mTRAIL selbst auch als Trimer vorligt, effizient an TRAIL-Rezeptoren binden und nach sekundärem Quervernetzen den TRAILR2 gut stimulieren. Weiterhin kann eine mTRAIL-Variante, die neben der THD auch die Stammregion des Moleküls enthält, die die THD von der Transmembrandomäne trennt, nach sekundärem Quervernetzen Apoptose induzieren, jedoch nicht so effektiv wie das TNC-mTRAILFusionsprotein. Die spezifische Bioaktivität der humanen TRAIL-Varianten wird gleichfalls, wenn auch weniger stark, durch Fusion mit der Tenascin-C-Trimerisierungsdomäne gesteigert. Die Fixierung des N-Terminus der THD, die hier durch die TNCDomäne sonst jedoch durch die Stamm- oder Transmembrandomäne gewährleistet wird, könnte demnach für mTRAIL für eine gute Rezeptorbindung und effektive Apoptoseinduktion nötig sein. Dies deutet auf eine bisher nicht erkannte Rolle der Stammregion für die Aktivität dieser Liganden hin und bietet die Möglichkeit, rekombinante lösliche Liganden der TNF-Familie mit erhöhter Aktivität zu generieren. Die TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose kann für die Behandlung von Tumorzellen nützlich sein. Es wurde jedoch kürzlich gezeigt, dass TRAIL neben Apoptose auch proinflammatorische, d. h. potentiell tumorfördernde Signalwege, insbesondere in apoptoseresistenten Zellen induzieren kann. Im Folgenden sollte untersucht werden, inwiefern TRAIL solche Signalwege in Myelomzellen stimuliert. Oligomerisiertes TRAIL kann bei allen analysierten Zelllinien Caspasen aktivieren und Apoptose induzieren. Werden die Zelllinien mit dem pan-Caspaseinhibitor ZVAD behandelt, kann die Caspase- Aktivierung bei allen Zellen blockiert werden, die Apoptoseinduktion jedoch nur bei zwei Zelllinien. Im Gegensatz dazu schützt ZVAD drei andere Myelomzelllinien nur partiell vor der TRAIL-induzierten Apoptose. Dies zeigt, dass TRAIL in Myelomzellen auch caspaseunabhängigen Zelltod induzieren kann. TRAIL induziert in den Myelomzellen auch proinflammatorische Signalwege wie den NFкB-, den JNK-, den p38- und den p42/44-Signalweg. Die Stimulation des JNK- und des p38-Signalwegs erwies sich hierbei in zelltypspezifischer Weise caspaseabhängig, die Aktivierung des NFкB- und p42/44-Signalwegs immer als caspaseunabhängig. Zusammenfassend geht aus diesen Ergebnissen hervor, dass zur Behandlung des multiplen Myeloms, TRAIL in Kombination mit anti-inflammatorisch wirkenden Mitteln eingesetzt werden sollte, insbesondere um mögliche proinflammatorische Nebenwirkungen durch TRAIL zu minimieren. N2 - 2. Summary Variants of soluble human TRAIL (hTRAIL), encompassing solely the TNF-homology domain (THD), interact with TRAILR1 and TRAILR2, but they only stimulate TRAILR1 robustly. After crosslinking however, these ligands are also able to activate TRAILR2. Contrarily, the corresponding murine TRAIL variants poorly bind and activate their receptors even after crosslinking. Interestingly, a fusion protein consisting of the THD of mTRAIL and the trimerization domain of Tenascin-C (TNC) shows an effictive receptor binding and TRAILR2 activation after crosslinking. A variant of mTRAIL that not only contains the THD, but also the the stalk region, which seperates the transmembranedomain from the THD, does also induce apoptosis after crosslinking, but not as effective as the TNC-mTRAIL fusionprotein. The activity of soluble human TRAIL variants is also enhanced after fusion with TNC. It seems that especially for mTRAIL the spatial fixation of the THD by TNC is necessary for proper receptor binding and activation. This spatial fixiation is otherwise ensured by the stalk region or the transmembrane-domain. So the stalk region has unanticipated functions for the activity of the TNF ligands. Moreover, there is now an option to generate soluble ligands of the TNF-family with improved activity. TRAIL-induced apoptosis could be applied in the treatment of tumor cells. However, it was shown that TRAIL cannot only induce apoptosis, but also activates proinflammatory potentially tumor promoting pathways, especially in apoptosis resistant cells. Therefore, the ability of TRAIL to activate such pathways in myeloma cells was analyzed. Oligomerized TRAIL induces apoptosis and caspase activation in all analyzed myeloma cells. In experiments with the pan-caspase inhibitor ZVAD caspase acitvation could be blocked in all cell lines, but apoptosis could be blocked only in two cell lines. Three other myeloma cell lines were only marginally rescued from apoptosis. Therefore, TRAIL can also induce caspase independent cell death in myeloma cells. Beside apoptosis TRAIL also stimulates proinflammatory pathways like the NFкB-, the JNK, the p38- and the p42/44- pathway. Thereby, the activation of the NFкB- and p42/44-pathways is always caspase-dependent, but the induction of the p38- and JNKpathways is cell type specifically caspase-dependent. Thus, taken together for myeloma therapy TRAIL should be used in combination with anti-proinflammatory drugs to avoid potential side effects related to the proinflammatory properties of TRAIL. KW - TRAIL KW - Myelom KW - Apoptose KW - TRAIL KW - multiple myeloma KW - apoptosis Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27430 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Berberich, Andreas A1 - Kurz, Andreas A1 - Reinhard, Sebastian A1 - Paul, Torsten Johann A1 - Burd, Paul Ray A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Kollmannsberger, Philip T1 - Fourier Ring Correlation and anisotropic kernel density estimation improve deep learning based SMLM reconstruction of microtubules JF - Frontiers in Bioinformatics N2 - Single-molecule super-resolution microscopy (SMLM) techniques like dSTORM can reveal biological structures down to the nanometer scale. The achievable resolution is not only defined by the localization precision of individual fluorescent molecules, but also by their density, which becomes a limiting factor e.g., in expansion microscopy. Artificial deep neural networks can learn to reconstruct dense super-resolved structures such as microtubules from a sparse, noisy set of data points. This approach requires a robust method to assess the quality of a predicted density image and to quantitatively compare it to a ground truth image. Such a quality measure needs to be differentiable to be applied as loss function in deep learning. We developed a new trainable quality measure based on Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC) and used it to train deep neural networks to map a small number of sampling points to an underlying density. Smooth ground truth images of microtubules were generated from localization coordinates using an anisotropic Gaussian kernel density estimator. We show that the FRC criterion ideally complements the existing state-of-the-art multiscale structural similarity index, since both are interpretable and there is no trade-off between them during optimization. The TensorFlow implementation of our FRC metric can easily be integrated into existing deep learning workflows. KW - dSTORM KW - deep learning–artificial neural network (DL-ANN) KW - single molecule localization microscopy KW - microtubule cytoskeleton KW - super-resolution Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261686 VL - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benz, Roland A1 - Maier, Elke A1 - Bauer, Susanne A1 - Ludwig, Albrecht T1 - The Deletion of Several Amino Acid Stretches of Escherichia coli Alpha-Hemolysin (HlyA) Suggests That the Channel-Forming Domain Contains Beta-Strands JF - PLOS ONE N2 - Escherichia coli α-hemolysin (HlyA) is a pore-forming protein of 110 kDa belonging to the family of RTX toxins. A hydrophobic region between the amino acid residues 238 and 410 in the N-terminal half of HlyA has previously been suggested to form hydrophobic and/or amphipathic α-helices and has been shown to be important for hemolytic activity and pore formation in biological and artificial membranes. The structure of the HlyA transmembrane channel is, however, largely unknown. For further investigation of the channel structure, we deleted in HlyA different stretches of amino acids that could form amphipathic β-strands according to secondary structure predictions (residues 71–110, 158–167, 180–203, and 264–286). These deletions resulted in HlyA mutants with strongly reduced hemolytic activity. Lipid bilayer measurements demonstrated that HlyAΔ71–110 and HlyAΔ264–286 formed channels with much smaller single-channel conductance than wildtype HlyA, whereas their channel-forming activity was virtually as high as that of the wildtype toxin. HlyAΔ158–167 and HlyAΔ180–203 were unable to form defined channels in lipid bilayers. Calculations based on the single-channel data indicated that the channels generated by HlyAΔ71–110 and HlyAΔ264–286 had a smaller size (diameter about 1.4 to 1.8 nm) than wildtype HlyA channels (diameter about 2.0 to 2.6 nm), suggesting that in these mutants part of the channel-forming domain was removed. Osmotic protection experiments with erythrocytes confirmed that HlyA, HlyAΔ71–110, and HlyAΔ264–286 form defined transmembrane pores and suggested channel diameters that largely agreed with those estimated from the single-channel data. Taken together, these results suggest that the channel-forming domain of HlyA might contain β-strands, possibly in addition to α-helical structures. KW - membrane potential KW - molecular mass KW - cations KW - membrane structures KW - membrane proteins KW - lipid bilayer KW - red blood cells KW - toxins Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118115 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 9 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bensaad, Karim A1 - Favaro, Elena A1 - Lewis, Caroline A. A1 - Peck, Barrie A1 - Lord, Simon A1 - Collins, Jennifer M. A1 - Pinnick, Katherine E. A1 - Wigfield, Simon A1 - Buffa, Francesca M. A1 - Li, Ji-Liang A1 - Zhang, Qifeng A1 - Wakelam, Michael J. O. A1 - Karpe, Fredrik A1 - Schulze, Almut A1 - Harris, Adrian L. T1 - Fatty Acid Uptake and Lipid Storage Induced by HIF-1 alpha Contribute to Cell Growth and Survival after Hypoxia-Reoxygenation JF - Cell Reports N2 - An in vivo model of antiangiogenic therapy allowed us to identify genes upregulated by bevacizumab treatment, including Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 (FABP3) and FABP7, both of which are involved in fatty acid uptake. In vitro, both were induced by hypoxia in a hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha)-dependent manner. There was a significant lipid droplet (LD) accumulation in hypoxia that was time and O-2 concentration dependent. Knockdown of endogenous expression of FABP3, FABP7, or Adipophilin (an essential LD structural component) significantly impaired LD formation under hypoxia. We showed that LD accumulation is due to FABP3/7-dependent fatty acid uptake while de novo fatty acid synthesis is repressed in hypoxia. We also showed that ATP production occurs via beta-oxidation or glycogen degradation in a cell-type-dependent manner in hypoxia-reoxygenation. Finally, inhibition of lipid storage reduced protection against reactive oxygen species toxicity, decreased the survival of cells subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation in vitro, and strongly impaired tumorigenesis in vivo. KW - inducible factor-I KW - binding protein KW - triglyceride accumulation KW - cancer cell KW - complex-III KW - beta-oxidation KW - metabolism KW - lipogenesis KW - proliferation KW - resistance Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115162 SN - 2211-1247 VL - 9 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benoit, Joshua B. A1 - Adelman, Zach N. A1 - Reinhardt, Klaus A1 - Dolan, Amanda A1 - Poelchau, Monica A1 - Jennings, Emily C. A1 - Szuter, Elise M. A1 - Hagan, Richard W. A1 - Gujar, Hemant A1 - Shukla, Jayendra Nath A1 - Zhu, Fang A1 - Mohan, M. A1 - Nelson, David R. A1 - Rosendale, Andrew J. A1 - Derst, Christian A1 - Resnik, Valentina A1 - Wernig, Sebastian A1 - Menegazzi, Pamela A1 - Wegener, Christian A1 - Peschel, Nicolai A1 - Hendershot, Jacob M. A1 - Blenau, Wolfgang A1 - Predel, Reinhard A1 - Johnston, Paul R. A1 - Ioannidis, Panagiotis A1 - Waterhouse, Robert M. A1 - Nauen, Ralf A1 - Schorn, Corinna A1 - Ott, Mark-Christoph A1 - Maiwald, Frank A1 - Johnston, J. Spencer A1 - Gondhalekar, Ameya D. A1 - Scharf, Michael E. A1 - Raje, Kapil R. A1 - Hottel, Benjamin A. A1 - Armisén, David A1 - Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan A1 - Refki, Peter Nagui A1 - Santos, Maria Emilia A1 - Sghaier, Essia A1 - Viala, Sèverine A1 - Khila, Abderrahman A1 - Ahn, Seung-Joon A1 - Childers, Christopher A1 - Lee, Chien-Yueh A1 - Lin, Han A1 - Hughes, Daniel S.T. A1 - Duncan, Elizabeth J. A1 - Murali, Shwetha C. A1 - Qu, Jiaxin A1 - Dugan, Shannon A1 - Lee, Sandra L. A1 - Chao, Hsu A1 - Dinh, Huyen A1 - Han, Yi A1 - Doddapaneni, Harshavardhan A1 - Worley, Kim C. A1 - Muzny, Donna M. A1 - Wheeler, David A1 - Panfilio, Kristen A. A1 - Jentzsch, Iris M. Vargas A1 - Jentzsch, IMV A1 - Vargo, Edward L. A1 - Booth, Warren A1 - Friedrich, Markus A1 - Weirauch, Matthew T. A1 - Anderson, Michelle A.E. A1 - Jones, Jeffery W. A1 - Mittapalli, Omprakash A1 - Zhao, Chaoyang A1 - Zhou, Jing-Jiang A1 - Evans, Jay D. A1 - Attardo, Geoffrey M. A1 - Robertson, Hugh M. A1 - Zdobnov, Evgeny M. A1 - Ribeiro, Jose M.C. A1 - Gibbs, Richard A. A1 - Werren, John H. A1 - Palli, Subba R. A1 - Schal, Coby A1 - Richards, Stephen T1 - Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome JF - Nature Communications N2 - The bed bug, Cimex lectularius, has re-established itself as a ubiquitous human ectoparasite throughout much of the world during the past two decades. This global resurgence is likely linked to increased international travel and commerce in addition to widespread insecticide resistance. Analyses of the C. lectularius sequenced genome (650 Mb) and 14,220 predicted protein-coding genes provide a comprehensive representation of genes that are linked to traumatic insemination, a reduced chemosensory repertoire of genes related to obligate hematophagy, host–symbiont interactions, and several mechanisms of insecticide resistance. In addition, we document the presence of multiple putative lateral gene transfer events. Genome sequencing and annotation establish a solid foundation for future research on mechanisms of insecticide resistance, human–bed bug and symbiont–bed bug associations, and unique features of bed bug biology that contribute to the unprecedented success of C. lectularius as a human ectoparasite. KW - human ectoparasite KW - bed bug KW - Cimex lectularius KW - genome Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166221 VL - 7 IS - 10165 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bencurova, Elena A1 - Shityakov, Sergey A1 - Schaack, Dominik A1 - Kaltdorf, Martin A1 - Sarukhanyan, Edita A1 - Hilgarth, Alexander A1 - Rath, Christin A1 - Montenegro, Sergio A1 - Roth, Günter A1 - Lopez, Daniel A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - Nanocellulose composites as smart devices with chassis, light-directed DNA Storage, engineered electronic properties, and chip integration JF - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology N2 - The rapid development of green and sustainable materials opens up new possibilities in the field of applied research. Such materials include nanocellulose composites that can integrate many components into composites and provide a good chassis for smart devices. In our study, we evaluate four approaches for turning a nanocellulose composite into an information storage or processing device: 1) nanocellulose can be a suitable carrier material and protect information stored in DNA. 2) Nucleotide-processing enzymes (polymerase and exonuclease) can be controlled by light after fusing them with light-gating domains; nucleotide substrate specificity can be changed by mutation or pH change (read-in and read-out of the information). 3) Semiconductors and electronic capabilities can be achieved: we show that nanocellulose is rendered electronic by iodine treatment replacing silicon including microstructures. Nanocellulose semiconductor properties are measured, and the resulting potential including single-electron transistors (SET) and their properties are modeled. Electric current can also be transported by DNA through G-quadruplex DNA molecules; these as well as classical silicon semiconductors can easily be integrated into the nanocellulose composite. 4) To elaborate upon miniaturization and integration for a smart nanocellulose chip device, we demonstrate pH-sensitive dyes in nanocellulose, nanopore creation, and kinase micropatterning on bacterial membranes as well as digital PCR micro-wells. Future application potential includes nano-3D printing and fast molecular processors (e.g., SETs) integrated with DNA storage and conventional electronics. This would also lead to environment-friendly nanocellulose chips for information processing as well as smart nanocellulose composites for biomedical applications and nano-factories. KW - nanocellulose KW - DNA storage KW - light-gated proteins KW - single-electron transistors KW - protein chip Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283033 SN - 2296-4185 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bencurova, Elena A1 - Gupta, Shishir K. A1 - Sarukhanyan, Edita A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - Identification of antifungal targets based on computer modeling JF - Journal of Fungi N2 - Aspergillus fumigatus is a saprophytic, cosmopolitan fungus that attacks patients with a weak immune system. A rational solution against fungal infection aims to manipulate fungal metabolism or to block enzymes essential for Aspergillus survival. Here we discuss and compare different bioinformatics approaches to analyze possible targeting strategies on fungal-unique pathways. For instance, phylogenetic analysis reveals fungal targets, while domain analysis allows us to spot minor differences in protein composition between the host and fungi. Moreover, protein networks between host and fungi can be systematically compared by looking at orthologs and exploiting information from host–pathogen interaction databases. Further data—such as knowledge of a three-dimensional structure, gene expression data, or information from calculated metabolic fluxes—refine the search and rapidly put a focus on the best targets for antimycotics. We analyzed several of the best targets for application to structure-based drug design. Finally, we discuss general advantages and limitations in identification of unique fungal pathways and protein targets when applying bioinformatics tools. KW - Aspergillus KW - metabolic pathways KW - computational modelling KW - drug design Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197670 SN - 2309-608X VL - 4 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bencurova, Elena A1 - Akash, Aman A1 - Dobson, Renwick C.J. A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - DNA storage-from natural biology to synthetic biology JF - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal N2 - Natural DNA storage allows cellular differentiation, evolution, the growth of our children and controls all our ecosystems. Here, we discuss the fundamental aspects of DNA storage and recent advances in this field, with special emphasis on natural processes and solutions that can be exploited. We point out new ways of efficient DNA and nucleotide storage that are inspired by nature. Within a few years DNA-based information storage may become an attractive and natural complementation to current electronic data storage systems. We discuss rapid and directed access (e.g. DNA elements such as promotors, enhancers), regulatory signals and modulation (e.g. lncRNA) as well as integrated high-density storage and processing modules (e.g. chromosomal territories). There is pragmatic DNA storage for use in biotechnology and human genetics. We examine DNA storage as an approach for synthetic biology (e.g. light-controlled nucleotide processing enzymes). The natural polymers of DNA and RNA offer much for direct storage operations (read-in, read-out, access control). The inbuilt parallelism (many molecules at many places working at the same time) is important for fast processing of information. Using biology concepts from chromosomal storage, nucleic acid processing as well as polymer material sciences such as electronical effects in enzymes, graphene, nanocellulose up to DNA macramé , DNA wires and DNA-based aptamer field effect transistors will open up new applications gradually replacing classical information storage methods in ever more areas over time (decades). KW - DNA KW - RNA KW - data storage KW - natural processing KW - synthetic biology Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349971 SN - 2001-0370 VL - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benavente, Ricardo A1 - Schmidt-Zachmann, Marion S. A1 - Hügle-Dörr, B. A1 - Reimer, G. A1 - Rose, K. M. A1 - Scheer, Ulrich T1 - Identification and definition of nucleolus-related fibrillar bodies in micronucleated cells N2 - Small nucleolus-related bodies which occur in the nUcleoplasm of " micronuclei" lacking nucleolar organizers have been studied by immunofluorescence microscopy. These bodies stained specifically with three different antibodies directed against proteins that are normally associated with the dense fibrillar component of functional nucleoli, but not with antibodies specific for certain proteins of the granular component or the fibrillar centers. Our data show that, in the absence of rRNA genes, the various constituent proteins characteristic of the dense fibrillar component spontaneously assemble into spherical entities but that the subsequent fusion of these bodies into larger structures is prevented in these micronuclei. The similarity between these nucleolus-related bodies of micronuclei and the prenucleolar bodies characteristic of early stages of nucleologenesis during mitotic telophase is discussed. Y1 - 1988 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39423 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benavente, Ricardo A1 - Scheer, Ulrich A1 - Chaly, Nathalie T1 - Nucleocytoplasmic sorting of macromolecules following mitosis: fate of nuclear constituents after inhibition of pore complex function N2 - PtK2 cells in which pore complex-mediated transport is blocked by microinjection early in mitosis of a monoclonal antibody (specific for an Mr 68000 pore complex glycoprotein) or of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) complete cytokinesis. However, their nuclei remain stably arrested in a telophase-like organization characterized by highly condensed chromatin and the absence of nucleoli, indicating a requirement for pore-mediated transport for the reassembly of interphase nuclei. We have now examined this requirement more closely by monitoring the behavior of individual nuclear macromolecules in microinjected cells using immunofluorescence microscopy and have investigated the effect of microinjecting the antibody or WGA on cellular ultrastructure. The absence of nuclear transport did not affect the sequestration into daughter nuclei of components such as DNA, DNA topoisomerase I and the nucleolar protein fibrillarin that are carried through mitosis on chromosomes. On the other hand, lamins, snRNAs and the p68 pore complex glycoprotein, all cytoplasmic during mitosis, remained largely cytoplasmic in the telophase-arrested cells. Electron microscopy showed the nuclei to be surrounded by a doublelayered membrane with some inserted pore complexes. In addition, however, a variety of membranous structures with associated pore complexes was regularly noted in the cytoplasm, suggesting that chromatin may not be essential for the postmitotic formation of pore complexes. We propose that cellular compartmentalization at telophase is a two-step process. First, a nuclear envelope tightly encloses the condensed chromosomes, excluding non-selectively all macromolecules not associated with the chromosomes. Interphase nuclear organization is then progressively restored by selective pore complex-mediated uptake of nuclear proteins from the cytoplasm. KW - Cytologie KW - Nucleocytoplasmic transport KW - nuclear organization KW - nuclear envelope KW - nucleologenesis KW - mitosis Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40777 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benavente, Ricardo A1 - Rose, Kathleen M. A1 - Reimer, Georg A1 - Hügle-Dörr, Barbara A1 - Scheer, Ulrich T1 - Inhibition of nucleolar reformation after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into mitotic cells N2 - The formation of daughter nuclei and the reformation of nucleolar structures was studied after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into dividing cultured cells (PtK2). The fate of several nucleolar proteins representing the three main structural subcomponents of the nucleolus was examined by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The results show that the RNA polymerase I antibodies do not interfere with normal mitotic progression or the early steps of nucleologenesis, i.e. , the aggregation of nucleolar material into prenucleolar bodies. However,they inhibit the telophasic coalescence of the prenucleolar bodies into the chromosomal nucleolar organizer regions, thus preventing the formation of new nucleoli. These prenucleolar bodies show a fibrillar organization that also compositionally resembles the dense fibrillar component of interphase nucleoli . We conclude that during normal nucleologenesis the dense fibrillar component forms from preformed entities around nucleolar organizer regions, and that this association seems to be dependent on the presence of an active form of RNA polymerase I. Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33247 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benavente, Ricardo A1 - Reimer, Georg A1 - Rose, Kathleen M. A1 - Hügle-Dörr, Barbara A1 - Scheer, Ulrich T1 - Nucleolar changes after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into the nucleus of mammalian cells N2 - After microinjection of antibodies against RNA polymerase I into the nuclei of cultured rat kangaroo (PtKz) and rat (RVF-SMC) cells alterations in nucleolar structure and composition were observed. These were detected by electron microscopy and double-label immunofluorescence microscopy using antibodies to proteins representative of the three major components of the nucleolus. The microinjected antibodies produced a progressive loss of the material of the dense fibrillar component (DFC) from the nucleoli which, at 4 h after injection, were transformed into bodies with purely granular component (GC) structure with attached fibrillar centers (FCs). Concomitantly, numerous extranucleolar aggregates appeared in the nucleoplasm which morphologically resembled fragments of the DFC and contained a protein (fibrillarin) diagnostic for this nucleolar structure. These observations indicate that the topological distribution of the material constituting the DFC can be experimentally influenced in interphase cells, apparently by modulating the transcriptional activity of the rRNA genes. These effects are different from nucleolar lesions induced by inhibitory drugs such as actinomycin D-dependent "nucleolar segregation". The structural alterations induced by antibodies to RNA polymerase I resemble, however, the initial events of nucleolar disintegration during mitotic prophase. Y1 - 1988 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40666 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Benavente, Ricardo A1 - Dabauvalle, Marie-Christine A1 - Scheer, Ulrich A1 - Chaly, Nathalie T1 - Functional role of newly formed pore complexes in postmitotic nuclear reorganization N2 - Many nuclear proteins are released into the cytoplasm at prometaphase and are transported back into the daughter nuclei at the end of mitosis. To determine the role of this reentry in nuclear remodelling during early interphase, we experimentally manipulated nuclear protein uptake in dividing cells. Recently we and others have shown that signal-dependent, pore complex-mediated uptake of nuclear protein is blocked in living cells on microinjection of the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), or of antibodies such as PI1 that are directed against WGA-binding pore complex glycoproteins. In the present study, we microinjected mitotic PtKz cells with WGA or antibody PIt and followed nuclear reorganization of the daughter cells by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The inhibitory effect on nuclear protein uptake was monitored by co-injection of the karyophilic protein nucleoplasmin. When injected by itself early in mitosis, nucleoplasmin became sequestered into the daughter nuclei as they entered telophase. In contrast, nucleoplasmin was excluded from the daughter nuclei in the presence of WGA or antibody PI1 . Although PtKz cells with blocked nuclear protein uptake completed cytokinesis, their nuclei showed a telophaselike organization characterized by highly condensed chromatin surrounded by a nuclear envelope containing a few pore complexes. These findings suggest that pore complexes become functional as early as telophase, in close coincidence with nuclear envelope reformation. They further indicate that the extensive structural rearrangement of the nucleus during the telophase-G1 transition is dependent on the influx of karyophilic proteins from the cytoplasm through the pore complexes, and is not due solely to chromosome- associated components. Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40754 ER - TY - THES A1 - Benadi, Gita T1 - Linking specialisation and stability of plant-pollinator networks T1 - Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Spezialisierungsgrad und Stabilität von Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Netzwerken N2 - In this dissertation, I examine the relationship between specialisation and stability of plant-pollinator networks, with a focus on two issues: Diversity maintenance in animal-pollinated plant communities and robustness of plant-pollinator systems against disturbances such as those caused by anthropogenic climate change. Chapter 1 of this thesis provides a general introduction to the concepts of ecological stability and specialisation with a focus on plant-pollinator systems, and a brief outline of the following chapters. Chapters 2-5 each consist of a research article addressing a specific question. While chapters 2 and 3 deal with different aspects of diversity maintenance in animal-pollinated plant communities, chapters 4 and 5 are concerned with the consequences of climate change in the form of temporary disturbances caused by extreme climatic events (chapter 4) and shifts in phenology of plants and pollinators (chapter 5). From a methodological perspective, the first three articles (chapter 2-4) can be grouped together as they all employ mathematical models of plant-pollinator systems, whereas chapter 5 describes an empirical study of plant-pollinator interactions along an altitudinal gradient in the Alps. The final chapter (6) provides a review of current knowledge on each of the two main themes of this thesis and places the findings of the four research articles in the context of related studies. N2 - In dieser Dissertation untersuche ich den Zusammenhang zwischen Spezialisierung und Stabilität von Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Netzwerken. Dabei konzentriere ich mich speziell auf zwei Themengebiete: Die Erhaltung der Diversität in Pflanzengemeinschaften, die durch Tiere bestäubt werden, und die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Systemen gegenüber Störungen, wie sie durch den anthropogenen Klimawandel hervorgerufen werden. Kapitel 1 dieser Arbeit gibt eine allgemeine Einführung zu den Konzepten der ökologischen Stabilität und der Spezialisierung mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Systemen, und einen kurzen Überblick über die folgenden Kapitel der Arbeit. Kapitel 2-5 bestehen jeweils aus einem wissenschaftlichen Artikel, der eine spezifische Fragestellung untersucht. Während Kapitel 2 und 3 sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Erhaltung der Diversität in tierbestäubten Pflanzengemeinschaften befassen, beschäftigen sich Kapitel 4 und 5 mit den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in Form von temporären Störungen verursacht durch klimatische Extremereignisse (Kapitel 4) und zeitlichen Verschiebungen der Phänologie von Pflanzen und Bestäubern (Kapitel 5). Aus methodologischer Sicht bilden die ersten drei Artikel eine Einheit, da sie alle mathematische Modelle der Populationsdynamik von Pflanzen und Bestäubern verwenden, während Kapitel 5 eine empirische Studie über Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Interaktionen entlang eines Höhengradienten in den Alpen beschreibt. Das letzte Kapitel (6) gibt einen Überblick über den Wissensstand in den beiden zentralen Themengebieten dieser Arbeit und bettet die Ergebnisse der vier Artikel in den Kontext verwandter wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten ein. KW - Theoretische Ökologie KW - Bestäubung KW - Theoretical ecology KW - Plant-animal interactions KW - Pollination KW - Tierökologie Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85288 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bemm, Felix Mathias T1 - Genetic foundation of unrivaled survival strategies - Of water bears and carnivorous plants - T1 - Genetische Grundlagen einzigartiger Überlebensstrategien - Über Bärtierchen und fleischfressende Pflanzen - N2 - All living organisms leverage mechanisms and response systems to optimize reproduction, defense, survival, and competitiveness within their natural habitat. Evolutionary theories such as the universal adaptive strategy theory (UAST) developed by John Philip Grime (1979) attempt to describe how these systems are limited by the trade-off between growth, maintenance and regeneration; known as the universal three-way trade-off. Grime introduced three adaptive strategies that enable organisms to coop with either high or low intensities of stress (e.g., nutrient deficiency) and environmental disturbance (e.g., seasons). The competitor is able to outcompete other organisms by efficiently tapping available resources in environments of low intensity stress and disturbance (e.g., rapid growers). A ruderal specism is able to rapidly complete the life cycle especially during high intensity disturbance and low intensity stress (e.g., annual colonizers). The stress tolerator is able to respond to high intensity stress with physiological variability but is limited to low intensity disturbance environments. Carnivorous plants like D. muscipula and tardigrades like M. tardigradum are two extreme examples for such stress tolerators. D. muscipula traps insects in its native habitat (green swamps in North and South Carolina) with specialized leaves and thereby is able to tolerate nutrient deficient soils. M. tardigradum on the other side, is able to escape desiccation of its terrestrial habitat like mosses and lichens which are usually covered by a water film but regularly fall completely dry. The stress tolerance of the two species is the central study object of this thesis. In both cases, high througput sequencing data and methods were used to test for transcriptomic (D. muscipula) or genomic adaptations (M. tardigradum) which underly the stress tolerance. A new hardware resource including computing cluster and high availability storage system was implemented in the first months of the thesis work to effectively analyze the vast amounts of data generated for both projects. Side-by-side, the data management resource TBro [14] was established together with students to intuitively approach complex biological questions and enhance collaboration between researchers of several different disciplines. Thereafter, the unique trapping abilities of D. muscipula were studied using a whole transcriptome approach. Prey-dependent changes of the transcriptional landscape as well as individual tissue-specific aspects of the whole plant were studied. The analysis revealed that non-stimulated traps of D. muscipula exhibit the expected hallmarks of any typical leaf but operates evolutionary conserved stress-related pathways including defense-associated responses when digesting prey. An integrative approach, combining proteome and transcriptome data further enabled the detailed description of the digestive cocktail and the potential nutrient uptake machinery of the plant. The published work [25] as well as a accompanying video material (https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/ 2016-05/cshl-fgr042816.php; Video credit: Sönke Scherzer) gained global press coverage and successfully underlined the advantages of D. muscipula as experimental system to understand the carnivorous syndrome. The analysis of the peculiar stress tolerance of M. tardigradum during cryptobiosis was carried out using a genomic approach. First, the genome size of M. tardigradum was estimated, the genome sequenced, assembled and annotated. The first draft of M. tardigradum and the workflow used to established its genome draft helped scrutinizing the first ever released tardigrade genome (Hypsibius dujardini) and demonstrated how (bacterial) contamination can influence whole genome analysis efforts [27]. Finally, the M. tardigradum genome was compared to two other tardigrades and all species present in the current release of the Ensembl Metazoa database. The analysis revealed that tardigrade genomes are not that different from those of other Ecdysozoa. The availability of the three genomes allowed the delineation of their phylogenetic position within the Ecdysozoa and placed them as sister taxa to the nematodes. Thereby, the comparative analysis helped to identify evolutionary trends within this metazoan lineage. Surprisingly, the analysis did not reveal general mechanisms (shared by all available tardigrade genomes) behind the arguably most peculiar feature of tardigrades; their enormous stress tolerance. The lack of molecular evidence for individual tardigrade species (e.g., gene expression data for M. tardigradum) and the non-existence of a universal experimental framework which enables hypothesis testing withing the whole phylum Tardigrada, made it nearly impossible to link footprints of genomic adaptations to the unusual physiological capabilities. Nevertheless, the (comparative) genomic framework established during this project will help to understand how evolution tinkered, rewired and modified existing molecular systems to shape the remarkable phenotypic features of tardigrades. N2 - Alle lebenden Organismen verwenden Mechanismen und Rückkopplungssysteme um Reproduktion, Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit, Abwehreffizienz und Konkurrenzfähigkeit in ihrem natürlichen Habitat zu optimieren. Evolutionäre Theorien, wie die von John Philip Grime (1979) entwickelte „universal adaptive strategy theory“ (UAST), versuchen zu beschreiben wie diese Systeme durch eine Balance zwischen Wachstum, Erhaltung und Regeneration, auch gemeinhin bekannt als universeller Dreiwege-Ausgleich, des jeweiligen Organismus limitiert sind. Grime führte dazu drei adaptive Strategien ein, die es Organismen ermöglicht sich an hohe oder niedrige Stress-Intensitäten (z.B. Nahrungsknappheit) oder umweltbedingte Beeinträchtigung (z.B. Jahreszeiten) anzupassen. Der Wettkämpfer ist in der Lage seine Konkurrenz durch eine effiziente Ressourcengewinnung zu überflügeln und ist vor allem bei niedrigem Stresslevel und minimalen umweltbedingten Beeinträchtigungen effizient (z. B. schnelles Wachstum). Ruderale Organismen hingegen durchlaufen den Leben- szyklus in kurzer Zeit und sind damit perfekt an starke umweltbedingte Beeinträchtigungen, wie zum Beispiel Jahreszeiten, angepasst. Allerdings können auch sie nur bei niedrigen Stresslevel effizient wachsen. Die letzte Gruppe von Organismen, die Stresstoleranten sind in der Lage sich an hohen Stressintensitäten mithilfe extremer physiologischer Variabilität anzupassen, können das allerdings nur in Umgebungen mit niedrigen umweltbedingten Beeinträchtigungen. Fleischfressende Pflanzen wie die Venusfliegenfalle (D. muscipula) oder Bärtierchen (M. tardigradum) sind zwei herausragende Beispiele für stresstolerante Organismen. Die Venusfliegenfalle ist in der Lage Insekten mit spezialisierten Blätter, welche eine einzigartige Falle bilden, zu fangen. Die Pflanze kompensiert so die stark verminderte Mengen an wichtigen Makronährstoffen (z.B. Stickstoff) in den Sümpfen von Nord- und Süd-Carolina. Bärtierchen dagegen sind in der Lage in schnell austrocknenden Habitaten wie Moosen oder Flechten, die normalerweise mit einem Wasserfilm überzogen sind, durch eine gesteuerte Entwässerung ihres Körpers zu überleben. Die Stresstoleranz beider Spezies ist zentraler Forschungsschwerpunkt dieser Dissertation. In beiden Fällen wer- den Hochdurchsatz-Methoden zur Sequenzierung verwendet um genomische (Bärtierchen) sowie transkriptomische (Venusfliegenfalle) Anpassungen zu identifizieren, die der enorem Stresstoleranz zugrunde liegen. Um den erhöhten technischen Anforderungen der Datenanal- ysen beider Projekte Rechnung zu tragen wurde in den ersten Monaten der Dissertation eine neue zentrale Rechenumgebung und ein dazugehöriges Speichersystem etabliert. Parallel wurde die Datenmanagementplattform TBro [14] zusammen mit Studenten aufgesetzt, um komplexe biologische Fragestellung mit einem fachübergreifendem Kollegium zu bearbeiten. Danach wurden die einzigartigen Fangfähigkeiten der Venusfliegenfalle mittels einem tran- skriptomischen Ansatz untersucht. Vor allem wurden transkriptionelle Änderungen infolge eines Beutefangs sowie gewebespezifische Aspekte der ruhenden Pflanzen untersucht. Die Analyse zeigte deutlich, dass die Fallen der fleischfressenden Pflanze immer noch Merkmale von typischen „grünen“ Blättern aufweisen. Während des Beutefangs und -verdauens jedoch wird eine Vielzahl an evolutionär konservierten Systemen aktiviert, die bisher nur mit Stres- santworten und zellulärer Verteidigung in Verbindung gebracht worden sind. Die Integration von proteomischen und transkriptomischen Hochdurchsatzdaten ermöglichte es zudem den Verdauungssaft der Venusfliegenfalle genaustens zu beschreiben und wichtige Komponenten der Aufnahmemaschinerie zu identifizieren. Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit [25] und das beglei- tende Videomaterial (https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-05/cshl-fgr042816.php; Video credit: Sönke Scherzer) erfreute sich einer breiten Berichterstattung in den Medien und unterstreicht die Vorteile der Venusfliegenfalle als experimentelles System um fleis- chfressende Pflanzen besser zu verstehen. Die genomische Analyse des Bärtierchen (M. tardigradum) zielte auf die außerordentliche Stresstoleranz, vor allem auf die Kryptobiose, einen Zustand in dem Stoffwechselvorgänge extrem reduziert sind, ab. Dazu wurden das komplette genetische Erbgut (Genom) entschlüsselt. Die Größe des Genomes wurde bes- timmt und das Erbgut mittels Sequenzierung entschlüsselt. Die gewonnenen Daten wurden zu einer kontinuierlichen Sequenz zusammengesetzt und Gene identifiziert. Der dabei etablierte Arbeitsablauf wurde verwendet um ein weiteres Bärtierchengenom genau zu überprüfen. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse stellte sich heraus, dass eine große Anzahl an Kontaminationen im Genom von H. dujardini vorhanden sind [27]. Das neu etablierte Genom von M. tardigradum wurde im folgenden verwendet um einen speziesübergreifenden Vergleich dreier Bärtierchen und aller Spezies aus der Metazoadatenbank von Ensembl durchzuführen. Die Analyse zeigte, dass Bärtierchengenome sehr viel Ähnlichkeit zu den bereits veröffentlichten Genomen aus dem Überstamm der Urmünder (Protostomia) aufweisen. Die erstmalige Verfügbarkeit aller Bärtierchengenome ermöglichte es zudem, das Phylum der Bärtierchen als Schwester der Nematoden mittels einer phylogenomische Analyse zu platzieren. Die vergleichende Anal- yse identifizierte außerdem zentrale evolutionäre Trends, vor allem einen enormen Verlust an Genen in dieser Linie der Metazoa. Die Analyse ermöglichte es aber nicht, generelle Mechanismen, die zur enormen Stresstoleranz in Bärtierchen führen, artübergreifend zu identifizieren. Vor allem das Fehlen von weiteren molekularen Daten für einzelne Bärtierchen- spezies (z.B. transkriptionelle Daten für M. tardigradum) machten es unmöglich die wenigen genomische Adaptionen mit den physiologischen Besonderheiten der Bärtierchen in Deckung zu bringen. Nichtsdestotrotz konnten die vergleichenden Analysen zeigen, dass Evolution auch innerhalb der Bärtierchen verschiedenste Systeme neu zusammensetzt, neue Funktionen erschafft oder bestehenden Systeme modifiziert und damit die außerordentliche phänotypis- che Variabilität ermöglicht. KW - transcriptome KW - venus KW - flytrap KW - defense KW - secretion KW - jasmonate KW - Bärtierchen KW - Genom KW - Stressresistenz KW - Venusfliegenfalle KW - Proteom KW - Transkriptom Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157109 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bemm, Felix A1 - Becker, Dirk A1 - Larisch, Christina A1 - Kreuzer, Ines A1 - Escalante-Perez, Maria A1 - Schulze, Waltraud X. A1 - Ankenbrand, Markus A1 - Van de Weyer, Anna-Lena A1 - Krol, Elzbieta A1 - Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. A1 - Mithöfer, Axel A1 - Weber, Andreas P. A1 - Schultz, Jörg A1 - Hedrich, Rainer T1 - Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies JF - Genome Research N2 - Although the concept of botanical carnivory has been known since Darwin's time, the molecular mechanisms that allow animal feeding remain unknown, primarily due to a complete lack of genomic information. Here, we show that the transcriptomic landscape of the Dionaea trap is dramatically shifted toward signal transduction and nutrient transport upon insect feeding, with touch hormone signaling and protein secretion prevailing. At the same time, a massive induction of general defense responses is accompanied by the repression of cell death-related genes/processes. We hypothesize that the carnivory syndrome of Dionaea evolved by exaptation of ancient defense pathways, replacing cell death with nutrient acquisition. KW - Dionaea-muscipula ellis KW - Plant utricularia-gibba KW - Programmed cell-death KW - Genomics data sets KW - RNA-SEQ data KW - Arabidopsis-thaliana KW - Jasmonate perception KW - Action potentials KW - Stress responses KW - Wonderful plants Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188799 VL - 26 IS - 6 ER -