TY - RPRT A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Kollmann, Nadia A1 - Clare, Jasmin A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Praper Gulič, Sergeja A1 - Gulič, Andrej A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Teofili, Corrado A1 - Rohringer, Verena A1 - Schoßleitner, Richard A1 - Ainz, Gerhard T1 - OpenSpaceAlps Planungshandbuch: Perspektiven für eine konsistente Freiraumsicherung im Alpenraum T1 - OpenSpaceAlps Planning Handbook: Perspectives for consistent safeguarding of open spaces in the Alpine region N2 - Im Alpenraum lässt sich nach wie vor die kontinuierliche Inanspruchnahme von Freiräumen für Siedlungsflächen und technische Infrastrukturen und die damit verbundene Bodenversiegelung beobachten. Dies führt in erster Linie zum Verlust von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen. Je nach Ausmaß der Bebauung kommt es auch zu einer verstärkten Landschaftszerschneidung, die zur Isolierung natürlicher Lebensräume und zur Einschränkung des ökologischen Verbundes sowie zu weiteren negativen Folgewirkungen führt. Das OpenSpaceAlps Projekt hat sich dieser Thematik angenommen und, basierend auf kooperativen Verfahren in mehreren Pilotregionen, Handlungsansätze und Strategien für eine nachhaltige Sicherung von Freiräumen entwickelt. Dieses Handbuch stellt eine Handlungs- und Entscheidungshilfe für verschiedene Akteure/Akteurinnen dar, allen voran Planer*innen in öffentlichen Planungsbehörden. Ausgehend von einer Analyse der Herausforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen im Alpenraum, werden in diesem Handbuch zentrale „Prinzipien“ der Freiraumplanung vorgestellt und verglichen. Außerdem werden integrierte Planungsstrategien für verschiedene Raumkategorien diskutiert. KW - Raumordnung KW - Alpen KW - Alpen KW - OpenSpaceAlps KW - Freiraum KW - Raumplanung KW - Transnationale Zusammenarbeit Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-273070 N1 - English version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27040. Italian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27704. N1 - The OpenSpaceAlps project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Kollmann, Nadia A1 - Clare, Jasmin A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Praper Gulič, Sergeja A1 - Gulič, Andrej A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Teofili, Corrado A1 - Rohringer, Verena A1 - Schoßleitner, Richard A1 - Ainz, Gerhard T1 - OpenSpaceAlps - Manuale di Pianificazione: Prospettive per la salvaguardia coerente degli Spazi Aperti nella regione alpina N2 - Nella regione alpina, si può osservare il continuo consumo di spazi aperti a causa dell’aumento di aree di insediamento e di infrastrutture tecniche e la conseguente impermeabilizzazione del suolo. Questo fenomeno porta principalmente alla perdita di suolo agricolo. A seconda dell'estensione dello sviluppo, si riscontra anche una maggiore frammentazione del paesaggio, che è associata all'isolamento degli habitat naturali e alla perdita della connettività ecologica, così come ad altre conseguenze negative. Il progetto OpenSpaceAlps ha affrontato questo problema e, sulla base di procedure cooperative partecipate attuate in diverse regioni pilota alpine, ha sviluppato approcci e strategie di soluzione per la salvaguardia sostenibile degli spazi aperti. Questo manuale supporta le attività e il processo decisionale di vari stakeholder, in primo luogo i pianificatori delle autorità pubbliche di pianificazione. Sulla base di un'analisi delle sfide e delle condizioni generali nella regione alpina, il manuale presenta e confronta i "principi" centrali della pianificazione degli spazi aperti. Inoltre, vengono discusse strategie di pianificazione integrata per diverse categorie spaziali. KW - Raumordnung KW - Alpen KW - OpenSpaceAlps KW - Alpi KW - pianificazione territoriale KW - spazi aperti KW - collaborazione transnazionale Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277042 N1 - English version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27040. German version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27307. Slovenian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-28651. N1 - The OpenSpaceAlps project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Kollmann, Nadia A1 - Clare, Jasmin A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Praper Gulič, Sergeja A1 - Gulič, Andrej A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Teofili, Corrado A1 - Rohringer, Verena A1 - Schoßleitner, Richard A1 - Ainz, Gerhard T1 - Izhodišča za usklajeno ohranjanje odprtega prostora na območju Alp: Načrtovalski priročnik projekta OpenSpaceAlps N2 - Na območju Alp že dalj časa poteka preobrazba odprtega prostora zaradi gradnje in širjenja naselij ter tehnične infrastrukture. Navedeni procesi povzročajo zlasti izgubo kmetijskih zemljišč, stalno pokritje površine tal z nepropustnimi snovmi in razdrobljenost krajine. Razdrobljenost je odvisna od vrst posegov in stopnje pozidanosti prostora, poglavitna negativna učinka pa sta izolacija naravnih habitatov in slabšanje ekološke povezljivosti. Opisana problematika je bila glavna tema projekta OpenSpaceAlps, v katerem so bili ob sodelovanju z deležniki na več pilotnih območjih razviti pristopi in rešitve, ki omogočajo trajnostno ohranjanje odprtega prostora. Načrtovalski priročnik povzema del rezultatov projekta. Namenjen je različnim deležnikom, zlasti načrtovalcem v javnih službah, kot pripomoček pri izvajanju načrtovalskih nalog in odločanju. V priročniku so predstavljeni analiza izzivov in okvirnih pogojev v Alpah ter opis in primerjava poglavitnih načel načrtovanja odprtega prostora, obravnavane pa so tudi celostne načrtovalske strategije za različne kategorije prostora. KW - Raumordnung KW - Alpen KW - OpenSpaceAlps KW - Alpe KW - Prostorsko načrtovanje KW - Transnacionalno sodelovanje Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286518 N1 - English version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27040. German version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27307. Italian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27704 N1 - The OpenSpaceAlps project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Kollmann, Nadia A1 - Clare, Jasmin A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Praper Gulič, Sergeja A1 - Gulič, Andrej A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Teofili, Corrado A1 - Rohringer, Verena A1 - Schoßleitner, Richard A1 - Ainz, Gerhard T1 - OpenSpaceAlps Planning Handbook: Perspectives for consistent safeguarding of open spaces in the Alpine region N2 - In the Alpine region, the continuous consumption of open spaces for settlement areas and technical infrastructure and the associated soil sealing can be observed. This leads primarily to the loss of agricultural land. Depending on the extent of development, there is also increased landscape fragmentation, which is associated with the isolation of natural habitats and the restriction of ecological connectivity, as well as other negative consequences. The OpenSpaceAlps project has addressed this issue and, based on cooperative procedures in several pilot regions, has developed approaches and solution strategies for the sustainable safeguarding of open spaces. This handbook supports the activities and decision-making of various stakeholders, first and foremost planners in public planning authorities. Based on an analysis of the challenges and framework conditions in the Alpine region, the handbook presents and compares central "principles" of open space planning. Furthermore, integrated planning strategies for different spatial categories are discussed. KW - Raumordnung KW - spatial planning KW - Alps KW - OpenSpaceAlps KW - open space KW - transnational cooperation KW - Alpen Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270401 N1 - German version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27307. Italian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27704. Slovenian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-28651. N1 - The OpenSpaceAlps project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Schindelegger, Arthur T1 - Open spaces in the European Alps — GIS-based analysis and implications for spatial planning from a transnational perspective JF - Land N2 - This article presents an open space concept of areas that are kept permanently free from buildings, technical infrastructure, and soil sealing. In the European Alps, space is scarce because of the topography; conflicts often arise between competing land uses such as permanent settlements and commercial activity. However, the presence of open spaces is important for carbon sequestration and the prevention of natural hazards, especially given climate change. A GIS-based analysis was conducted to identify an alpine-wide inventory of large-scale near-natural areas, or simply stated, open spaces. The method used identified the degree of infrastructure development for natural landscape units. Within the Alpine Convention perimeter, near-natural areas (with a degree of infrastructural development of up to 20%) account for a share of 51.5%. Only 14.5% of those areas are highly protected and are mostly located in high altitudes of over 1500 m or 2000 m above sea level. We advocate that the remaining Alpine open spaces must be preserved through the delimitation of more effective protection mechanisms, and green corridors should be safeguarded through spatial planning. To enhance the ecological connectivity of open spaces, there is the need for tailored spatial and sectoral planning strategies to prevent further landscape fragmentation and to coordinate new forms of land use for renewable energy production. KW - Alps KW - conservation KW - connectivity KW - fragmentation KW - GIS-analysis KW - land use KW - open spaces KW - protected areas KW - sectoral planning KW - spatial planning Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288207 SN - 2073-445X VL - 11 IS - 9 ER -