TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Alice A1 - Meyer, Hanna A1 - Otte, Insa A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Appelhans, Tim A1 - Behler, Christina A1 - Böhning-Gaese, Katrin A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Detsch, Florian A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Eardley, Connal D. A1 - Ferger, Stefan W. A1 - Fischer, Markus A1 - Gebert, Friederike A1 - Haas, Michael A1 - Helbig-Bonitz, Maria A1 - Hemp, Andreas A1 - Hemp, Claudia A1 - Kakengi, Victor A1 - Mayr, Antonia V. A1 - Ngereza, Christine A1 - Reudenbach, Christoph A1 - Röder, Juliane A1 - Rutten, Gemma A1 - Schellenberger Costa, David A1 - Schleuning, Matthias A1 - Ssymank, Axel A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Tardanico, Joseph A1 - Tschapka, Marco A1 - Vollstädt, Maximilian G. R. A1 - Wöllauer, Stephan A1 - Zhang, Jie A1 - Brandl, Roland A1 - Nauss, Thomas T1 - Potential of airborne LiDAR derived vegetation structure for the prediction of animal species richness at Mount Kilimanjaro JF - Remote Sensing N2 - The monitoring of species and functional diversity is of increasing relevance for the development of strategies for the conservation and management of biodiversity. Therefore, reliable estimates of the performance of monitoring techniques across taxa become important. Using a unique dataset, this study investigates the potential of airborne LiDAR-derived variables characterizing vegetation structure as predictors for animal species richness at the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. To disentangle the structural LiDAR information from co-factors related to elevational vegetation zones, LiDAR-based models were compared to the predictive power of elevation models. 17 taxa and 4 feeding guilds were modeled and the standardized study design allowed for a comparison across the assemblages. Results show that most taxa (14) and feeding guilds (3) can be predicted best by elevation with normalized RMSE values but only for three of those taxa and two of those feeding guilds the difference to other models is significant. Generally, modeling performances between different models vary only slightly for each assemblage. For the remaining, structural information at most showed little additional contribution to the performance. In summary, LiDAR observations can be used for animal species prediction. However, the effort and cost of aerial surveys are not always in proportion with the prediction quality, especially when the species distribution follows zonal patterns, and elevation information yields similar results. KW - biodiversity KW - species richness KW - LiDAR KW - elevation KW - partial least square regression KW - arthropods KW - birds KW - bats KW - predictive modeling Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262251 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Claßen, Alice T1 - Diversity, traits and ecosystem services of pollinators along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro T1 - Diversität, Merkmale und Ökosystemfunktionen von Bestäubern entlang von Klima- und Landnutzungsgradienten am Kilimandscharo N2 - Since more than two centuries naturalists are fascinated by the profound changes in biodiversity observed along climatic gradients. Although the theories explaining changes in the diversity and the shape of organisms along climatic gradients belong to the foundations of modern ecology, our picture on the spatial patterns and drivers of biodiversity is far from being complete. Ambiguities in theory and data are common and past work has been strongly concentrated on plants and vertebrates. In the last two decades, interest in the fundamental processes structuring diversity along climatic gradients gained new impetus as they are expected to improve our understanding about how ecosystems will respond to global environmental changes. Global temperatures are rising faster than ever before; natural habitats are transformed into agricultural land and existing land use systems get more and more intensified to meet the demands of growing human populations. The fundamental shifts in the abiotic and biotic environment are proclaimed to affect ecosystems all over the world; however, precise predictions about how ecosystems respond to global changes are still lacking. We investigated diversity, traits and ecosystem services of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa). Wild bees play a major role in ecosystems, as they contribute to the reproduction and performance of wild and crop plants. Their responsiveness to environmental changes is therefore of high ecological and economic importance. Temperature and energy resources have often been suggested to be the main determinants of global and local species richness, but the mechanisms behind remain poorly understood. In the study described in chapter II we analyzed species richness patterns of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro and disentangled the factors explaining most of the changes in bee richness. We found that floral resources had a weak but significant effect on pollinator abundance, which in turn was positively related to species richness. However, temperature was the strongest predictor of species richness, affecting species richness both directly and indirectly by positively influencing bee abundances. We observed higher levels of bee-flower-interactions at higher temperatures, independently of flower and bee abundances. This suggests that temperature restricts species richness by constraining the exploitation of resources by ectotherms. Current land use did not negatively affect species richness. We conclude that the richness of bees is explained by both temperature and resource availability, whereas temperature plays the dominant role as it limits the access of ectotherms to floral resources and may accelerate ecological and evolutionary processes that drive the maintenance and origination of diversity. Not only species numbers, but also morphological traits like body size are expected to be shaped by both physiological and energetic constraints along elevational gradients. Paradoxically, Bergmann´s rule predicts increases of body sizes in cooler climates resulting from physiological constraints, while species-energy theory suggests declines in the mean body size of species caused by increased extinction probabilities for large-bodied species in low-energy habitats. In chapter III we confronted this ambiguity with field data by studying community-wide body size variation of wild bees on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We found that along a 3680 m elevational gradient bee individuals became on average larger within species, while large species were increasingly absent from high-elevational communities. This demonstrates, on the one hand, how well-established, but apparently contrasting ecological theories can be merged through the parallel consideration of different levels of biological organization. On the other hand it signals that the extinction risk in the course of environmental change is not equally distributed among species within a community. Land use intensification is known to threaten biodiversity, but the consequences for ecosystem services are still a matter of debate. In chapter IV, we experimentally tested the single and combined contributions of pest predators and pollinators to coffee production along a land use intensification gradient on Mount Kilimanjaro. We found that pest predation increased fruit set by on average 9%, while pollination increased fruit weight of coffee by on average 7.4%. Land use had no significant effect on both ecosystem services. However, we found that in coffee plantations with most intensified land use, pollination services were virtually exclusively provided by the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The reliance on a single pollinator species is risky, as possible declines of that species may directly lower pollination services, resulting in yield losses. In contrast, pollination services in structurally complex homegardens were found to be provided by a diverse pollinator community, increasing the stability of pollination services in a long term. We showed that on Mount Kilimanjaro pollinator communities changed along elevational gradients in terms of species richness (chapter II) and trait composition (chapter III). Temperature and the temperature-mediated accessibility of resources were identified as important predictors of these patterns, which contributes to our fundamental understanding about the factors that shape ectothermic insect communities along climatic gradients. The strong temperature-dependence of pollinators suggests that temperature shifts in the course of global change are likely to affect pollinator communities. Pollinators might either profit from rising temperatures, or shift to higher elevations, which could result in related biotic attrition in the lowland with consequences for the provision of ecosystem services in cropping systems. Up to now, land use intensification had no significant impact on the diversity of pollinator communities and their ecosystem services. Pollinators might profit from the strong landscape heterogeneity in the region and from the amount of flower resources in the understory of cropping systems. However,progressing homogenization of the landscape and the pronounced application of pesticides could result in reduced diversity and dominance of single species, as we already found in sun coffee plantations. Such shifts in community compositions could threaten the stability of ecosystem services within cropping and natural systems in a long term. N2 - Die Biodiversität auf der Erde ist nicht gleichmäßig verteilt, sondern verändert sich entlang klimatischer Gradienten – ein Phänomen, das Naturwissenschaftler schon seit mehr als zwei Jahrhunderten fasziniert. Über die Mechanismen, welche die Verteilung von Arten entlang von Klimazonen bestimmen, besteht nach wie vor keine Einigkeit, auch wenn viele der hier hervorgebrachten Theorien zu den Grundlagen der modernen Ökologie gehören. Ambivalenzen in den Erklärungsmodellen und erhobenen Daten sind häufig und bisherige Studien konzentrierten sich vorrangig auf Pflanzen und Vertebraten, während andere Taxa weniger Beachtung fanden. Die Unsicherheit über die Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Ökosysteme und die Konsequenzen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen setzte neue Impulse im Bereich der Biodiversitätsforschung. Temperaturen steigen so schnell wie nie zuvor; natürliche Habitate werden zunehmend in Agrarflächen umgewandelt und bestehende Landwirtschaftssysteme werden intensiviert. Präzise Vorhersagen darüber, wie Ökosysteme auf solch drastische Umweltveränderungen reagieren, fehlen jedoch weitgehend. In dieser Dissertation wird gezeigt, wie sich die Artenvielfalt, morphologische Merkmale und Ökosystemfunktionen von Bienen entlang von Klima- und Landnutzungsgradienten des Kilimandscharos (Tansania, Ostafrika) verändern. Bienen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in Ökosystemen, da sie als Bestäuber zur Reproduktion und Produktivität von Wild- und Nutzpflanzen beitragen. Die Veränderung ihres Artenreichtums, ihrer Merkmale und ihrer Ökosystemdienstleistungen entlang von Umweltgradienten ist somit von großer ökologischer und ökonomischer Relevanz. Temperatur und die Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen sind die Faktoren, mit denen globale und lokale Muster von Diversität am häufigsten erklärt werden. Die kausalen Zusammenhänge über welche die Temperatur und die Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen eine Erhöhung der Artenvielfalt bewirken, sind jedoch nach wie vor unklar. Im zweiten Kapitel dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich der Artenreichtum von Bienen entlang von Klima- und Landnutzungsgradienten des Kilimandscharos verändert und welche Faktoren für diese Veränderungen verantwortlich sind. Blühressourcen hatten einen schwachen, aber signifikanten Einfluss auf die Bestäuberabundanzen, welche wiederum einen Großteil des Artenreichtums erklärten. Insgesamt hatte die Temperatur jedoch einen deutlich stärken Einfluss auf die Artenvielfalt als die Verfügbarkeit von Blühressourcen: Die Temperatur wirkte sich direkt, möglicherweise über einen Erhöhung von Speziationsraten, und indirekt, über eine Erhöhung der Bienenabundanz, auf die Artenvielfalt von Bienen aus. Zusätzlich konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Blütenbesuche von Bienen unabhängig von der Blütendichte und der Bienenabundanz, mit einem Anstieg der Temperatur zunahmen. Aus diesen Beobachtungen folgern wir, dass bei Ektothermen die Nutzbarkeit von Ressourcen durch die Temperatur gesteuert sein könnte. Die Untersuchung morphologischer Merkmale entlang von Umweltgradienten erlaubt es, deterministische von stochastischen Prozessen bei der Zusammensetzung von Artengemeinschaften zu unterscheiden. Während bei stochastischen Prozessen Merkmale entlang von Umweltgradienten zufällig aus Artengemeinschaften ausscheiden sollten, wird im Falle deterministischer Prozesse ein gerichtetes Muster erwartet. Unter den deterministischen Prozessen konkurrieren bezüglich der Körpergröße zwei scheinbar konträre Theorien: Während die Bergmannsche Regel vorhersagt, dass große Tiere, aufgrund eines verbesserten Oberflächen-Volumen-Verhältnisses, einen Vorteil in kühlen Regionen haben, weist die Arten-Energie-Theorie größeren Arten eine erhöhte Aussterbewahrscheinlichkeit in energielimitierten, kühlen Gebieten zu, so dass die mittlere Körpergröße von Lebensgemeinschaften bei kälterer Temperatur sinken sollte. Im dritten Kapitel dieser Dissertation untersuchten wir, ob sich morphologische Merkmale von Wildbienen mit zunehmender Höhe verändern. Dabei betrachteten wir nicht nur Merkmalsveränderungen innerhalb von Artengemeinschaften, sondern auch innerartliche Veränderungen. Sowohl physiologische als auch energetische Restriktionen prägten die Merkmalskompositionen, allerdings auf unterschiedlichen biologischen Ebenen. So nahm die Körpergröße innerhalb von Arten mit der Höhe im Durchschnitt zu (=Bergmannsche Regel), während auf Gemeinschaftsebene kleinere Arten die Hochgebirgsregionen dominierten (=energetische Restriktion). Die parallele Betrachtung der intra- und interspezifischen Ebene ermöglichte es uns, scheinbar konträre ökologische Theorien zusammenzuführen. Zudem konnten wir zeigen, dass Merkmale nicht zufällig, sondern gerichtet aus Artengemeinschaften gefiltert werden. Landnutzungsintensivierung bedroht Biodiversität, aber die Konsequenzen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen sind nach wie vor ungewiss. Im vierten Kapitel dieser Arbeit prüften wir mit Hilfe von einzelnen und kombinierten Bestäuber- und Prädatorausschlussexperimenten, welchen Beitrag Bestäuber, Vögel und Fledermäuse in verschiedenen Anbausystemen zur Kaffeeproduktion am Kilimandscharo leisten. Wir zeigten, dass sich Bestäuber und Prädatoren in ihren Effekten ergänzten: Während Bestäuber eine Steigerung des Kaffeebohnengewichtes um durchschnittlich 7.4% bewirkten, konnte durch die Prädation von Schädlingen der Fruchtansatz des Kaffees um durchschnittlich 9% gesteigert werden. Landwirtschaftliche Intensivierung, von komplexen Waldwirtschaftssystemen, über beschattete Kaffeeplantagen, bis hin zu Sonnenplantagen hatte keinen negativen Effekt auf die Ökosystemdienstleistungen von Bestäubern und Prädatoren. Wir konnten jedoch nachweisen, dass in Waldwirtschaftssystemen eine diverse Bestäubergemeinschaft den Kaffee bestäubt, während in Sonnenplantagen fast ausschließlich die Honigbiene als Bestäuber fungiert. Eine solche Verschiebung der Bestäuber-komposition könnte die langfristige Stabilität intensiv genutzter Flächen gefährden. In dieser Dissertation zeigten wir, wie sich Bestäubergemeinschaften am Kilimandscharo entlang von Höhengradienten bezüglich ihrer Artenvielfalt (Kapitel II) und ihrer Merkmale (Kapitel III) verändern. Temperatur und temperatur-gesteuerte Ressourcennutzbarkeit wurden als maßgebende Determinanten dieser Muster identifiziert. Damit wurde ein Beitrag zur Identifikation von Gesetzmäßigkeiten in der Verteilung ektothermer Insekten entlang von Klimagradienten geleistet. Unsere Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Klimaveränderungen im Zuge des globalen Wandels Konsequenzen für Bestäubergemeinschaften haben könnten. Eventuell könnten Bestäuber von den steigenden Temperaturen profitieren. Gleichsam könnte es aber auch zu einer Verschiebung von Bestäubern in höher gelegene Regionen und zu einem daran gekoppelten Einbruch der Bestäubungsleistungen in tiefliegenden Kulturlandschaften kommen. Im Hinblick auf die Konsequenzen anthropogener Landnutzung wurde festgestellt, dass die landwirtschaftliche Intensivierung am Kilimandscharo bisher keinen messbaren negativen Effekt auf die Ökosystemdienstleitungen von Bestäubern hatte. Die Bestäuber profitieren vermutlich von der starken Landschaftsheterogenität der Region und zahlreichen krautigen Blühressourcen im Unterwuchs von Agrarflächen. Eine zunehmende Homogenisierung der Landschaft und ein verstärkter Einsatz von Pestiziden könnten jedoch, wie auf Sonnenplantagen bereits zu finden, zu einer Dominanz von einigen wenigen Arten führen, welches zusammen mit der klimabedingten Artenverschiebung die langfristige Stabilität von Agrarsystemen und natürlichen Systemen gefährden könnte. KW - Kilimandscharo KW - Bestäuber KW - Biodiversität KW - Höhengradient KW - Landnutzungsgradient KW - Arten-Energy-Theory KW - species-energy-theory KW - elevational gradient KW - Kilimanjaro KW - pollinators KW - diversity KW - ecosystem service KW - ecology Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101292 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kerner, Janika M. A1 - Krauss, Jochen A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Bofinger, Lukas A1 - Classen, Alice T1 - Alpine butterflies want to fly high: Species and communities shift upwards faster than their host plants JF - Ecology N2 - Despite sometimes strong codependencies of insect herbivores and plants, the responses of individual taxa to accelerating climate change are typically studied in isolation. For this reason, biotic interactions that potentially limit species in tracking their preferred climatic niches are ignored. Here, we chose butterflies as a prominent representative of herbivorous insects to investigate the impacts of temperature changes and their larval host plant distributions along a 1.4‐km elevational gradient in the German Alps. Following a sampling protocol of 2009, we revisited 33 grassland plots in 2019 over an entire growing season. We quantified changes in butterfly abundance and richness by repeated transect walks on each plot and disentangled the direct and indirect effects of locally assessed temperature, site management, and larval and adult food resource availability on these patterns. Additionally, we determined elevational range shifts of butterflies and host plants at both the community and species level. Comparing the two sampled years (2009 and 2019), we found a severe decline in butterfly abundance and a clear upward shift of butterflies along the elevational gradient. We detected shifts in the peak of species richness, community composition, and at the species level, whereby mountainous species shifted particularly strongly. In contrast, host plants showed barely any change, neither in connection with species richness nor individual species shifts. Further, temperature and host plant richness were the main drivers of butterfly richness, with change in temperature best explaining the change in richness over time. We concluded that host plants were not yet hindering butterfly species and communities from shifting upwards. However, the mismatch between butterfly and host plant shifts might become a problem for this very close plant–herbivore relationship, especially toward higher elevations, if butterflies fail to adapt to new host plants. Further, our results support the value of conserving traditional extensive pasture use as a promoter of host plant and, hence, butterfly richness. KW - Alps KW - altitudinal gradient KW - global warming KW - grazing KW - Lepidoptera KW - mountain biodiversity KW - plant–herbivore interactions KW - species range shifts KW - upslope shift Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312015 VL - 104 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sponsler, Douglas B. A1 - Requier, Fabrice A1 - Kallnik, Katharina A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Sieger, Johanna A1 - Steffan‐Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Contrasting patterns of richness, abundance, and turnover in mountain bumble bees and their floral hosts JF - Ecology N2 - Environmental gradients generate and maintain biodiversity on Earth. Mountain slopes are among the most pronounced terrestrial environmental gradients, and the elevational structure of species and their interactions can provide unique insight into the processes that govern community assembly and function in mountain ecosystems. We recorded bumble bee–flower interactions over 3 years along a 1400‐m elevational gradient in the German Alps. Using nonlinear modeling techniques, we analyzed elevational patterns at the levels of abundance, species richness, species β‐diversity, and interaction β‐diversity. Though floral richness exhibited a midelevation peak, bumble bee richness increased with elevation before leveling off at the highest sites, demonstrating the exceptional adaptation of these bees to cold temperatures and short growing seasons. In terms of abundance, though, bumble bees exhibited divergent species‐level responses to elevation, with a clear separation between species preferring low versus high elevations. Overall interaction β‐diversity was mainly caused by strong turnover in the floral community, which exhibited a well‐defined threshold of β‐diversity rate at the tree line ecotone. Interaction β‐diversity increased sharply at the upper extreme of the elevation gradient (1800–2000 m), an interval over which we also saw steep decline in floral richness and abundance. Turnover of bumble bees along the elevation gradient was modest, with the highest rate of β‐diversity occurring over the interval from low‐ to mid‐elevation sites. The contrast between the relative robustness bumble bee communities and sensitivity of plant communities to the elevational gradient in our study suggests that the strongest effects of climate change on mountain bumble bees may be indirect effects mediated by the responses of their floral hosts, though bumble bee species that specialize in high‐elevation habitats may also experience significant direct effects of warming. KW - alpine plants KW - climate KW - elevation gradient KW - mountain ecology KW - pollination network Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287199 VL - 103 IS - 7 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael A1 - Ammer, Christian A1 - Eisenhauer, Nico A1 - Seidel, Dominik A1 - Schuldt, Bernhard A1 - Biedermann, Peter A1 - Schmitt, Thomas A1 - Künzer, Claudia A1 - Wegmann, Martin A1 - Cesarz, Simone A1 - Peters, Marcell A1 - Feldhaar, Heike A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Claßen, Alice A1 - Bässler, Claus A1 - von Oheimb, Goddert A1 - Fichtner, Andreas A1 - Thorn, Simon A1 - Weisser, Wolfgang T1 - BETA-FOR: Erhöhung der strukturellen Diversität zwischen Waldbeständen zur Erhöhung der Multidiversität und Multifunktionalität in Produktionswäldern. Antragstext für die DFG Forschungsgruppe FOR 5375 T1 - BETA-FOR: Enhancing the structural diversity between patches for improving multidiversity and multifunctionality in production forests. Proposal for DFG Research Unit FOR 5375 BT - β\(_4\) : Proposal for the 1st phase (2022-2026) of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5375/1 (DFG Forschergruppe FOR 5375/1 – BETA-FOR), Fabrikschleichach, October 2021 N2 - Der in jüngster Zeit beobachtete kontinuierliche Verlust der β-Diversität in Ökosystemen deutet auf homogene Gemeinschaften auf Landschaftsebene hin, was hauptsächlich auf die steigende Landnutzungsintensität zurückgeführt wird. Biologische Vielfalt ist mit zahlreichen Funktionen und der Stabilität von Ökosystemen verknüpft. Es ist daher zu erwarten, dass eine abnehmende β-Diversität auch die Multifunktionalität verringert. Wir kombinieren hier Fachwissen aus der Forstwissenschaft, der Ökologie, der Fernerkundung, der chemischen Ökologie und der Statistik in einem gemeinschaftlichen und experimentellen β-Diversitätsdesign, um einerseits die Auswirkungen der Homogenisierung zu bewerten und andererseits Konzepte zu entwickeln, um negative Auswirkungen durch Homogenisierung in Wäldern rückgängig zu machen. Konkret werden wir uns mit der Frage beschäftigen, ob die Verbesserung der strukturellen β-Komplexität (ESBC) in Wäldern durch Waldbau oder natürliche Störungen die Biodiversität und Multifunktionalität in ehemals homogenen Produktionswäldern erhöhen kann. Unser Ansatz wird mögliche Mechanismen hinter den beobachteten Homogenisierungs-Diversitäts-Beziehungen identifizieren und zeigen, wie sich diese auf die Multifunktionalität auswirken. An elf Standorten in ganz Deutschland haben wir dazu zwei Waldbestände als zwei kleine "Waldlandschaften" ausgewählt. In einem dieser beiden Bestände haben wir ESBC (Enhancement of Structural Beta Complexity)-Behandlungen durchgeführt. Im zweiten, dem Kontrollbestand, werden wir die gleich Anzahl 50x50m Parzellen ohne ESBC einrichten. Auf allen Parzellen werden wir 18 taxonomische Artengruppen aller trophischer Ebenen und 21 Ökosystemfunktionen, einschließlich der wichtigsten Funktionen in Wäldern der gemäßigten Zonen, messen. Der statistische Rahmen wird eine umfassende Analyse der Biodiversität ermöglichen, indem verschiedenen Aspekte (taxonomische, funktionelle und phylogenetische Vielfalt) auf verschiedenen Skalenebenen (α-, β-, γ-Diversität) quantifiziert werden. Um die Gesamtdiversität zu kombinieren, werden wir das Konzept der Multidiversität auf die 18 Taxa anwenden. Wir werden neue Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Aufteilung der Multifunktionalität auf α- und β-Skalen verwenden und entwickeln. Durch die experimentelle Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs zwischen β-Diversität und Multifunktionalität in einer Reallandschaft wird unsere Forschung einen neuen Weg einschlagen. Darüber hinaus werden wir dazu beitragen, verbesserte Leitlinien für waldbauliche Konzepte und für das Management natürlicher Störungen zu entwickeln, um Homogenisierungseffekte der Vergangenheit umzukehren. N2 - The recently observed consistent loss of β-diversity across ecosystems indicates increasingly homogeneous communities in patches of landscapes, mainly caused by increasing land-use intensity. Biodiversity is related to numerous ecosystem functions and stability. Therefore, decreasing β-diversity is also expected to reduce multifunctionality. To assess the impact of homogenization and to develop guidelines to reverse its potentially negative effects, we combine expertise from forest science, ecology, remote sensing, chemical ecology and statistics in a collaborative and experimental β-diversity approach. Specifically, we will address the question whether the Enhancement of Structural Beta Complexity (ESBC) in forests by silviculture or natural disturbances will increase biodiversity and multifunctionality in formerly homogeneously structured production forests. Our approach will identify potential mechanisms behind observed homogenization-diversity-relationships and show how these translate into effects on multifunctionality. At eleven forest sites throughout Germany, we selected two districts as two types of small ‘forest landscapes’. In one of these two districts, we established ESBC treatments (nine differently treated 50x50 m patches with a focus on canopy cover and deadwood features). In the second, the control district, we will establish nine patches without ESBC. By a comprehensive sampling, we will monitor 18 taxonomic groups and measure 21 ecosystem functions, including key functions in temperate forests, on all patches. The statistical framework will allow a comprehensive biodiversity assessment by quantifying the different aspects of multitrophic biodiversity (taxonomical, functional and phylogenetic diversity) on different levels of biodiversity (α-, β-, γ-diversity). To combine overall diversity, we will apply the concept of multidiversity across the 18 taxa. We will use and develop new approaches for quantification and partitioning of multifunctionality at α- and β- scales. Overall, our study will herald a new research avenue, namely by experimentally describing the link between β-diversity and multifunctionality. Furthermore, we will help to develop guidelines for improved silvicultural concepts and concepts for management of natural disturbances in temperate forests reversing past homogenization effects. KW - Waldökosystem KW - Biodiversität KW - BETA-Multifunktionalität KW - beta-multifunctionality KW - BETA-Diversität KW - beta diversity KW - Forschungsstation Fabrikschleichach Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290849 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Hemp, Andreas A1 - Appelhans, Tim A1 - Behler, Christina A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Detsch, Florian A1 - Ensslin, Andreas A1 - Ferger, Stefan W. A1 - Frederiksen, Sara B. A1 - Gebert, Frederike A1 - Haas, Michael A1 - Helbig-Bonitz, Maria A1 - Hemp, Claudia A1 - Kindeketa, William J. A1 - Mwangomo, Ephraim A1 - Ngereza, Christine A1 - Otte, Insa A1 - Röder, Juliane A1 - Rutten, Gemma A1 - Costa, David Schellenberger A1 - Tardanico, Joseph A1 - Zancolli, Giulia A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Eardley, Connal D. A1 - Peters, Ralph S. A1 - Rödel, Mark-Oliver A1 - Schleuning, Matthias A1 - Ssymank, Axel A1 - Kakengi, Victor A1 - Zhang, Jie A1 - Böhning-Gaese, Katrin A1 - Brandl, Roland A1 - Kalko, Elisabeth K.V. A1 - Kleyer, Michael A1 - Nauss, Thomas A1 - Tschapka, Marco A1 - Fischer, Markus A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Predictors of elevational biodiversity gradients change from single taxa to the multi-taxa community level JF - Nature Communications N2 - The factors determining gradients of biodiversity are a fundamental yet unresolved topic in ecology. While diversity gradients have been analysed for numerous single taxa, progress towards general explanatory models has been hampered by limitations in the phylogenetic coverage of past studies. By parallel sampling of 25 major plant and animal taxa along a 3.7 km elevational gradient on Mt. Kilimanjaro, we quantify cross-taxon consensus in diversity gradients and evaluate predictors of diversity from single taxa to a multi-taxa community level. While single taxa show complex distribution patterns and respond to different environmental factors, scaling up diversity to the community level leads to an unambiguous support for temperature as the main predictor of species richness in both plants and animals. Our findings illuminate the influence of taxonomic coverage for models of diversity gradients and point to the importance of temperature for diversification and species coexistence in plant and animal communities. KW - community ecology KW - macroecology KW - tropical ecology KW - biodiversity Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169374 VL - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brenzinger, Kristof A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Schimmer, Leonie A1 - Bischler, Thorsten A1 - Classen, Alice T1 - Temperature and livestock grazing trigger transcriptome responses in bumblebees along an elevational gradient JF - iScience N2 - Climate and land-use changes cause increasing stress to pollinators but the molecular pathways underlying stress responses are poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the transcriptomic response of Bombus lucorum workers to temperature and livestock grazing. Bumblebees sampled along an elevational gradient, and from differently managed grassland sites (livestock grazing vs unmanaged) in the German Alps did not differ in the expression of genes known for thermal stress responses. Instead, metabolic energy production pathways were upregulated in bumblebees sampled in mid- or high elevations or during cool temperatures. Extensive grazing pressure led to an upregulation of genetic pathways involved in immunoregulation and DNA-repair. We conclude that widespread bumblebees are tolerant toward temperature fluctuations in temperate mountain environments. Moderate temperature increases may even release bumblebees from metabolic stress. However, transcriptome responses to even moderate management regimes highlight the completely underestimated complexity of human influence on natural pollinators. KW - bumblebees KW - stress KW - transcriptomic response KW - climate changes Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301276 VL - 25 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sponsler, Douglas A1 - Kallnik, Katharina A1 - Requier, Fabrice A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Maihoff, A. Fabienne A1 - Sieger, Johanna A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Floral preferences of mountain bumble bees are constrained by functional traits but flexible through elevation and season JF - Oikos N2 - Patterns of resource use by animals can clarify how ecological communities have assembled in the past, how they currently function and how they are likely to respond to future perturbations. Bumble bees (Hymentoptera: Bombus spp.) and their floral hosts provide a diverse yet tractable system in which to explore resource selection in the context of plant–pollinator networks. Under conditions of resource limitation, the ability of bumble bees species to coexist should depend on dietary niche overlap. In this study, we report patterns and dynamics of floral morphotype preferences in a mountain bumble bee community based on ~13 000 observations of bumble bee floral visits recorded along a 1400 m elevation gradient. We found that bumble bees are highly selective generalists, rarely visiting floral morphotypes at the rates predicted by their relative abundances. Preferences also differed markedly across bumble bee species, and these differences were well-explained by variation in bumble bee tongue length, generating patterns of preference similarity that should be expected to predict competition under conditions of resource limitation. Within species, though, morphotype preferences varied by elevation and season, possibly representing adaptive flexibility in response to the high elevational and seasonal turnover of mountain floral communities. Patterns of resource partitioning among bumble bee communities may determine which species can coexist under the altered distributions of bumble bees and their floral hosts caused by climate and land use change. KW - resource selection KW - coexistence KW - competition KW - foraging KW - niche KW - pollinator Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259653 VL - 2022 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Eardley, Connal D. A1 - Hemp, Andreas A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Peters, Ralph S. A1 - Ssymank, Axel A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Specialization of plant-pollinator interactions increases with temperature at Mt. Kilimanjaro JF - Ecology and Evolution N2 - Aim: Species differ in their degree of specialization when interacting with other species, with significant consequences for the function and robustness of ecosystems. In order to better estimate such consequences, we need to improve our understanding of the spatial patterns and drivers of specialization in interaction networks. Methods: Here, we used the extensive environmental gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa) to study patterns and drivers of specialization, and robustness of plant–pollinator interactions against simulated species extinction with standardized sampling methods. We studied specialization, network robustness and other network indices of 67 quantitative plant–pollinator networks consisting of 268 observational hours and 4,380 plant–pollinator interactions along a 3.4 km elevational gradient. Using path analysis, we tested whether resource availability, pollinator richness, visitation rates, temperature, and/or area explain average specialization in pollinator communities. We further linked pollinator specialization to different pollinator taxa, and species traits, that is, proboscis length, body size, and species elevational ranges. Results: We found that specialization decreased with increasing elevation at different levels of biological organization. Among all variables, mean annual temperature was the best predictor of average specialization in pollinator communities. Specialization differed between pollinator taxa, but was not related to pollinator traits. Network robustness against simulated species extinctions of both plants and pollinators was lowest in the most specialized interaction networks, that is, in the lowlands. Conclusions: Our study uncovers patterns in plant–pollinator specialization along elevational gradients. Mean annual temperature was closely linked to pollinator specialization. Energetic constraints, caused by short activity timeframes in cold highlands, may force ectothermic species to broaden their dietary spectrum. Alternatively or in addition, accelerated evolutionary rates might facilitate the establishment of specialization under warm climates. Despite the mechanisms behind the patterns have yet to be fully resolved, our data suggest that temperature shifts in the course of climate change may destabilize pollination networks by affecting network architecture. KW - altitudinal gradient KW - climate change KW - ecological network KW - functional traits KW - generalization KW - mutualistic interactions KW - network specialization index (H2′) KW - pollination KW - robustness KW - specialization Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235959 VL - 10 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Friess, Nicolas A1 - Hoiss, Bernhard A1 - Schmid‐Egger, Christian A1 - Kerner, Janika A1 - Neumayer, Johann A1 - Hopfenmüller, Sebastian A1 - Bässler, Claus A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Classen, Alice T1 - Smaller, more diverse and on the way to the top: Rapid community shifts of montane wild bees within an extraordinary hot decade JF - Diversity and Distributions N2 - Aim Global warming is assumed to restructure mountain insect communities in space and time. Theory and observations along climate gradients predict that insect abundance and richness, especially of small‐bodied species, will increase with increasing temperature. However, the specific responses of single species to rising temperatures, such as spatial range shifts, also alter communities, calling for intensive monitoring of real‐world communities over time. Location German Alps and pre‐alpine forests in south‐east Germany. Methods We empirically examined the temporal and spatial change in wild bee communities and its drivers along two largely well‐protected elevational gradients (alpine grassland vs. pre‐alpine forest), each sampled twice within the last decade. Results We detected clear abundance‐based upward shifts in bee communities, particularly in cold‐adapted bumble bee species, demonstrating the speed with which mobile organisms can respond to climatic changes. Mean annual temperature was identified as the main driver of species richness in both regions. Accordingly, and in large overlap with expectations under climate warming, we detected an increase in bee richness and abundance, and an increase in small‐bodied species in low‐ and mid‐elevations along the grassland gradient. Community responses in the pre‐alpine forest gradient were only partly consistent with community responses in alpine grasslands. Main Conclusion In well‐protected temperate mountain regions, small‐bodied bees may initially profit from warming temperatures, by getting more abundant and diverse. Less severe warming, and differences in habitat openness along the forested gradient, however, might moderate species responses. Our study further highlights the utility of standardized abundance data for revealing rapid changes in bee communities over only one decade. KW - Alps KW - altitudinal gradient KW - body size KW - climate change KW - global warming KW - hymenoptera KW - pollinator KW - range shifts Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312126 VL - 29 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Steffan‑Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Increasing the phylogenetic coverage for understanding broad-scale diversity gradients JF - Oecologia N2 - Despite decades of scientific effort, there is still no consensus on the determinants of broad-scale gradients of animal diver-sity. We argue that general drivers of diversity are unlikely to be found among the narrowly defined taxa which are typically analyzed in studies of broad-scale diversity gradients because ecological niches evolve largely conservatively. This causes constraints in the use of available niche space leading to systematic differences in diversity gradients among taxa. We instead advocate studies of phylogenetically diverse animal communities along broad environmental gradients. Such multi-taxa communities are less constrained in resource use and diversification and may be better targets for testing major classical hypotheses on diversity gradients. Besides increasing the spatial scale in analyses, expanding the phylogenetic coverage may be a second way to achieve higher levels of generality in studies of broad-scale diversity gradients KW - elevational diversity KW - DNA metabarcoding KW - negative density dependence KW - productivity hypothesis KW - species energy theory KW - temperature-speciation hypothesis Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232519 SN - 0029-8549 VL - 192 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Sahler, Simone A1 - Schoger, Simon A1 - Brenzinger, Kristof A1 - Kallnik, Katharina A1 - Sauer, Nikki A1 - Bofinger, Lukas A1 - Schmitt, Thomas A1 - Nooten, Sabine S. A1 - Classen, Alice T1 - Cuticular hydrocarbons of alpine bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Bombus) are species-specific, but show little evidence of elevation-related climate adaptation JF - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution N2 - Alpine bumble bees are the most important pollinators in temperate mountain ecosystems. Although they are used to encounter small-scale successions of very different climates in the mountains, many species respond sensitively to climatic changes, reflected in spatial range shifts and declining populations worldwide. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) mediate climate adaptation in some insects. However, whether they predict the elevational niche of bumble bees or their responses to climatic changes remains poorly understood. Here, we used three different approaches to study the role of bumble bees’ CHCs in the context of climate adaptation: using a 1,300 m elevational gradient, we first investigated whether the overall composition of CHCs, and two potentially climate-associated chemical traits (proportion of saturated components, mean chain length) on the cuticle of six bumble bee species were linked to the species’ elevational niches. We then analyzed intraspecific variation in CHCs of Bombus pascuorum along the elevational gradient and tested whether these traits respond to temperature. Finally, we used a field translocation experiment to test whether CHCs of Bombus lucorum workers change, when translocated from the foothill of a cool and wet mountain region to (a) higher elevations, and (b) a warm and dry region. Overall, the six species showed distinctive, species-specific CHC profiles. We found inter- and intraspecific variation in the composition of CHCs and in chemical traits along the elevational gradient, but no link to the elevational distribution of species and individuals. According to our expectations, bumble bees translocated to a warm and dry region tended to express longer CHC chains than bumble bees translocated to cool and wet foothills, which could reflect an acclimatization to regional climate. However, chain lengths did not further decrease systematically along the elevational gradient, suggesting that other factors than temperature also shape chain lengths in CHC profiles. We conclude that in alpine bumble bees, CHC profiles and traits respond at best secondarily to the climate conditions tested in this study. While the functional role of species-specific CHC profiles in bumble bees remains elusive, limited plasticity in this trait could restrict species’ ability to adapt to climatic changes. KW - pollinators KW - altitudinal gradient KW - cuticular hydrocarbon KW - desiccation KW - mountain KW - global change KW - translocation experiment KW - drought stress Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304420 SN - 2296-701X VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Albrecht, Jörg A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Vollstädt, Maximilian G.R. A1 - Mayr, Antonia A1 - Mollel, Neduvoto P. A1 - Schellenberger Costa, David A1 - Dulle, Hamadi I. A1 - Fischer, Markus A1 - Hemp, Andreas A1 - Howell, Kim M. A1 - Kleyer, Michael A1 - Nauss, Thomas A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Tschapka, Marco A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Böhning-Gaese, Katrin A1 - Schleuning, Matthias T1 - Plant and animal functional diversity drive mutualistic network assembly across an elevational gradient JF - Nature Communications N2 - Species' functional traits set the blueprint for pair-wise interactions in ecological networks. Yet, it is unknown to what extent the functional diversity of plant and animal communities controls network assembly along environmental gradients in real-world ecosystems. Here we address this question with a unique dataset of mutualistic bird-fruit, bird-flower and insect-flower interaction networks and associated functional traits of 200 plant and 282 animal species sampled along broad climate and land-use gradients on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We show that plant functional diversity is mainly limited by precipitation, while animal functional diversity is primarily limited by temperature. Furthermore, shifts in plant and animal functional diversity along the elevational gradient control the niche breadth and partitioning of the respective other trophic level. These findings reveal that climatic constraints on the functional diversity of either plants or animals determine the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control in plant-animal interaction networks. KW - Traits-Environment Relationships KW - Species Traits KW - Ecological Networks KW - 4TH-Corner Problem KW - Multiple Traits KW - Bottom-up KW - Biodiversity KW - Community ecology KW - Ecological networks KW - Ecology KW - Ecosystem ecology Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221056 VL - 9 ER -