TY - THES A1 - Maier, Sebastian T1 - Quantenpunktbasierte Einzelphotonenquellen und Licht-Materie-Schnittstellen T1 - Quantum dot based single photon sources and light-matter-interfaces N2 - Die Quanteninformationstechnologie ist ein Schwerpunkt intensiver weltweiter Forschungsarbeit, da sie Lösungen für aktuelle globale Probleme verspricht. So bietet die Quantenkommunikation (QKD, engl. quantum key distribution) absolut abhörsichere Kommunikationsprotokolle und könnte, mit der Realisierung von Quantenrepeatern, auch über große Distanzen zum Einsatz kommen. Quantencomputer (engl. quantum computing) könnten von Nutzen sein, um sehr schwierige und komplexe mathematische Probleme schneller zu lösen. Ein grundlegender kritischer Baustein der gesamten halbleiterbasierten Quanteninformationsverarbeitung (QIP, engl. quantum information processing) ist die Bereitstellung von Proben, die einerseits die geforderten physikalischen Eigenschaften aufweisen und andererseits den Anforderungen der komplexen Messtechnik genügen, um die Quanteneigenschaften nachzuweisen und technologisch nutzbar machen zu können. In halbleiterbasierten Ansätzen haben sich Quantenpunkte als sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten für diese Experimente etabliert. Halbleiterquantenpunkte weisen große Ähnlichkeiten zu einzelnen Atomen auf, die sich durch diskrete Energieniveaus und diskrete Spektrallinien im Emissionsspektrum manifestieren, und zeichnen sich überdies als exzellente Emitter für einzelne und ununterscheidbare Photonen aus. Außerdem können mit Quantenpunkten zwei kritische Bausteine in der Quanteninformationstechnologie abgedeckt werden. So können stationäre Quantenbits (Qubits) in Form von Elektronenspinzuständen gespeichert werden und mittels Spin-Photon-Verschränkung weit entfernte stationäre Qubits über fliegende photonische Qubits verschränkt werden. Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von quantenpunktbasierten Halbleiterproben, die sich durch definierte Eigenschaften für Experimente in der QIP auszeichnen, steht im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Die Basis für das Probenwachstum bildet dabei das Materialsystem von selbstorganisierten In(Ga)As-Quantenpunkten auf GaAs-Substraten. Die Herstellung der Quantenpunktproben mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie ermöglicht höchste kristalline Qualitäten und bietet die Möglichkeit, die Quantenemitter in photonische Resonatoren zu integrieren. Dadurch kann die Lichtauskoppeleffizienz stark erhöht und die Emission durch Effekte der Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung verstärkt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit verschiedene In(Ga)As-Quantenpunktproben mit definierten Anforderungen mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie hergestellt und deren morphologische und optische Eigenschaften untersucht. Für die Charakterisierung der Morphologie kamen Rasterelektronen- und Rasterkraftmikroskopie zum Einsatz. Die optischen Eigenschaften wurden mit Hilfe der Reflektions-, Photolumineszenz- und Resonanzfluoreszenz-Spektroskopie sowie Autokorrelationsmessungen zweiter Ordnung ermittelt. Der Experimentalteil der Arbeit ist in drei Kapitel unterteilt, deren Kerninhalte im Folgenden kurz wiedergegeben werden. Quasi-Planare Einzelphotonenquelle mit hoher Extraktionseffizienz: Planare quantenpunktbasierte Einzelphotonenquellen mit hoher Extraktionseffizienz sind für Experimente zur Spinmanipulation von herausragender Bedeutung. Elektronen- und Lochspins haben sich als gute Kandidaten erwiesen, um gezielt einzelne Elektronenspins zu initialisieren, manipulieren und zu messen. Ein einzelner Quantenpunkt muss einfach geladen sein, damit er im Voigt-Magnetfeld ein λ-System bilden kann, welches die grundlegende Konfiguration für Experimente dieser Art darstellt. Wichtig sind hier einerseits eine stabile Spinkonfiguration mit langer Kohärenzzeit und andererseits hohe Lichtauskoppeleffizienzen. Quantenpunkte in planaren Mikrokavitäten weisen größere Werte für die Spindephasierungszeit auf als Mikro- und Nanotürmchenresonatoren, dagegen ist bei planaren Proben die Lichtauskoppeleffizienz geringer. In diesem Kapitel wird eine quasi-planare quantenpunktbasierte Quelle für einzelne (g(2)(0)=0,023) und ununterscheidbare Photonen (g(2)indist (0)=0,17) mit hoher Reinheit vorgestellt. Die Quantenpunktemission weist eine sehr hohe Intensität und optische Qualität mit Halbwertsbreiten nahe der natürlichen Linienbreite auf. Die Auskoppeleffizienz wurde zu 42% für reine Einzelphotonenemission bestimmt und übersteigt damit die, für eine planare Resonatorstruktur erwartete, Extraktionseffizienz (33%) deutlich. Als Grund hierfür konnte die Kopplung der Photonenemission an Gallium-induzierte, Gauß-artige Defektstrukturen ausgemacht werden. Mithilfe morphologischer Untersuchungen und Simulationen wurde gezeigt, dass diese Defektkavitäten einerseits als Nukleationszentren für das Quantenpunktwachstum dienen und andererseits die Extraktion des emittierten Lichts der darunterliegenden Quantenpunkte durch Lichtbündelung verbessern. In weiterführenden Arbeiten konnte an dieser spezifischen Probe der fundamentale Effekt der Verschränkung von Elektronenspin und Photon nachgewiesen werden, der einen kritischen Baustein für halbleiterbasierte Quantenrepeater darstellt. Im Rahmen dieses Experiments war es möglich, die komplette Tomographie eines verschränkten Spin-Photon-Paares an einer halbleiterbasierten Spin-Photon Schnittstelle zu messen. Überdies konnte Zweiphotoneninterferenz und Ununterscheidbarkeit von Photonen aus zwei räumlich getrennten Quantenpunkten auf diesem Wafer gemessen werden, was ebenfalls einen kritischen Baustein für Quantenrepeater darstellt. Gekoppeltes Quantenfilm-Quantenpunkt System: Weitere Herausforderungen für optisch kontrollierte halbleiterbasierte Spin-Qubit-Systeme sind das schnelle und zerstörungsfreie Auslesen der Spin-Information sowie die Implementierung eines skalierbaren Ein-Qubit- und Zwei-Qubit-Gatters. Ein kürzlich veröffentlichtes theoretisches Konzept könnte hierzu einen eleganten Weg eröffnen: Hierbei wird die spinabhängige Austauschwechselwirkung zwischen einem Elektron-Spin in einem Quantenpunkt und einem Exziton-Polariton-Gas, welches in einem nahegelegenen Quantenfilm eingebettet ist, ausgenützt. So könnte die Spin-Information zerstörungsfrei ausgelesen werden und eine skalierbare Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei Qubits über größere Distanzen ermöglicht werden, da sich die Wellenfunktion von Exziton-Polaritonen, abhängig von der Güte des Mikroresonators, über mehrere μm ausdehnen kann. Dies und weitere mögliche Anwendungen machen das gekoppelte Quantenfilm-Quantenpunkt System sehr interessant, weshalb eine grundlegende experimentelle Untersuchung dieses Systems wünschenswert ist. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Arbeitsgruppe um Yoshihisa Yamamoto an der Universität Stanford, wurde hierzu ein konkretes Probendesign entwickelt und im Rahmen dieser Arbeit technologisch verwirklicht. Durch systematische epitaktische Optimierung ist es gelungen, ein gekoppeltes Quantenfilm-Quantenpunkt System erfolgreich in einen Mikroresonator zu implementierten. Das Exziton-Polariton-Gas konnte mittels eines Quantenfilms in starker Kopplung in einer Mikrokavität mit einer Rabi-Aufspaltung von VR=2,5 meV verwirklicht werden. Zudem konnten einfach geladene Quantenpunkte mit hoher optischer Qualität und klarem Einzelphotonencharakter (g(2)(0)=0,24) in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Quantenfilm gemessen werden. Positionierte Quantenpunkte: Für die Herstellung quantenpunktbasierter Einzelphotonenquellen mit hoher optischer Qualität ist eine skalierbare technologische Produktionsplattform wünschenswert. Dazu müssen einzelne Quantenpunkte positionierbar und somit deterministisch und skalierbar in Bauteile integriert werden können. Basierend auf zweidimensionalen, regelmäßig angeordneten und dadurch adressierbaren Quantenpunkten gibt es zudem ein Konzept, um ein skalierbares, optisch kontrolliertes Zwei-Qubit-Gatter zu realisieren. Das hier verfolgte Prinzip für die Positionierung von Quantenpunkten beruht auf der Verwendung von vorstrukturierten Substraten mit geätzten Nanolöchern, welche als Nukleationszentren für das Quantenpunktwachstum dienen. Durch eine optimierte Schichtstruktur und eine erhöhte Lichtauskopplung unter Verwendung eines dielektrischen Spiegels konnte erstmals Resonanzfluoreszenz an einem positionierten Quantenpunkt gemessen werden. In einem weiteren Optimierungsansatz konnte außerdem Emission von positionierten InGaAs Quantenpunkten auf GaAs Substrat bei 1,3 μm Telekommunikationswellenlänge erreicht werden. N2 - Quantum information technology is in the focus of worldwide intensive research, because of its promising solutions for current global problems. With tap-proofed communication protocols, the field of quantum key distribution (QKD) could revolutionize the broadcast of sensitive data and would be also available for large distance communication with the realization of quantum repeater systems. Quantum computing could be used to dramatically fasten the solution of difficult and complex mathematical problems. A critical building block of solid state based quantum information processing (QIP) is the allocation of semiconductor samples, which on the one side provide the desired quantum mechanical features and on the other side satisfy the requirements of the complex non-demolition measurement techniques. Semiconductor quantum dots are very promising candidates in solid state based approaches as they act like artificial atoms manifesting in discrete emission lines. They are excellent emitters of single and indistinguishable photons. Moreover they can save quantum information in stationary quantum bits (qubits) as electron spins and emit flying photonic qubits to entangle remote qubits via spin-photon entanglement. The fabrication and characterization of quantum dot based semiconductor samples, which serve as a basic building block for experiments in the field of QIP with pre-defined physical features, are in focus of the present thesis. The basic material system consists of In(Ga)As quantum dots on GaAs substrates. The growth of quantum dot based semiconductor samples via molecular beam epitaxy offers highest crystal quality and the possibility to integrate the quantum emitters in photonic resonators, which improve the light outcoupling efficiency and enhance the emission by light-matter-coupling effects. Against this background this thesis focusses on the preparation and characterization of different In(Ga)As based quantum dot samples. Morphologic properties were characterized via scannnig electron microscopy or atomic force microscopy. The characterization of optical properties was performed by spectroscopy of the reflectance, photoluminescence and resonance fluorescence signal as well as measurements of the second order correlation function. The main part is divided in three chapters which are briefly summarized below. Quasi-planar single photon source with high extraction efficiency: Planar quantum dot based highly efficient single photon sources are of great importance, as quantum dot electron and hole spins turned out to be promising candidates for spin manipulation experiments. To be able to intialize, manipulate and measure single electron spins, the quantum dots have to be charged with a single electron and build up a λ-system in a magnetic field in Voigt geometry. It is important that on the one side the spin configuration is stable, comprising a long spin coherence time and on the other side that the photon outcoupling efficiency is high enough for measurements. Quantum dots in planar microcavities have large spin coherence times but rather weak outcoupling efficiencies compared to micro- or nanopillar resonators. In this chapter a quasi-planar quantum dot based source for single (g(2)(0)=0,023) and indistinguishable photons (g(2)indist (0)=0,17) with a high purity is presented. This planar asymmetric microcavity doesn`t have any open surfaces in close proximity to the active layer, so that the spin dephasing is minimalized. The optical quality of the quantum dots is very high with emission linewidths near the natural linewidth of a quantum dot. Additionally the single photon source shows a high outcoupling efficiency of 42% which exceeds the outcoupling of a regular planar resonator (33%). This high extraction efficiency can be attributed to the coupling of the photon emission to Gallium-induced, Gaussian-shaped nanohill defects. Morphologic investigations and simulations show, that these defect cavity structures serve as nucleation centers during quantum dot growth and increase the outcoupling efficiency by lensing effects. In further experiments on this specific sample, entanglement of an electron spin and a photon was demonstrated, which is a critical building block for semiconductor based quantum repeaters. In this context also the full tomography of a polarization-entangled spin-photon-pair was measured with a surprisingly high fidelity. Moreover two photon interference and indistinguishability of two photons from remote quantum dots of this wafer was measured, which also constitutes a critical building block for quantum repeaters. Coupled quantum well - quantum dot system: Further challenges for optical controlled spin-qubit systems are fast readout of the quantum information with high fidelity and the implementation of a scalable one- and two-qubit gate. Therefore a proposal was adapted which is based on the coupling of an electron spin in a quantum dot to a gas of exciton-polaritons, formed in a quantum well in close proximity of the quantum dot. In cooperation with Yoshihisa Yamamoto's group from the Stanford University, a sample structure was designed and technologically realized as part of this thesis, to study the fundamental physical properties of this coupled system. By systematic epitactical improvement, a coupled quantum well-quantum dot system could successfully be implemented in a microresonator. The exciton-polariton gas was realized in a quantum well which is strongly coupled to a microcavity with a Rabi splitting of VR=2,5 meV. Although the distance to the quantum well is only a few nm, charged quantum dots with high optical quality and clear single photon emission character (g(2)(0)=0,24) could be measured. Site-controlled quantum dots: A scalable technological platform for bright sources of quantum light is highly desirable. Site-controlled quantum dots with high optical quality are very promising candidates to realize such a system. This concept offers the possibility to integrate single quantum dots in devices in a deterministic and scalable way and furthermore provides sample structures with a regular two dimensional array of site-controlled quantum dots to realize concepts for optically controlled two-qubits gates. The method to position the quantum dots used in this thesis is based on etched nanoholes in pre-patterned substrates, which serve as nucleation centers during the quantum dot growth process. An optimized layer structure and an increased light outcoupling efficiency using a dielectric mirror allowed the first measurement of resonance fluorescence on site-controlled quantum dots. In a further optimized design, emission of positioned quantum dots at 1,3 μm telecommunication wavelength was demonstrated for the first time for InGaAs quantum dots on GaAs substrates. KW - Quantenpunkt KW - Drei-Fünf-Halbleiter KW - Molekularstrahlepitaxie KW - Einzelphotonenemission KW - Photolumineszenzspektroskopie KW - InAs/GaAs Quantenpunkte KW - Positionierte Quantenpunkte KW - InAs/GaAs quantum dots KW - site-controlled quantum dots Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152972 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haferkamp, Sebastian A1 - Hesbacher, Sonja A1 - Weyandt, Gerhard A1 - Vetter-Kauczok, Claudia S. A1 - Becker, Jürgen C. A1 - Motschenbacher, Stephanie A1 - Wobser, Marion A1 - Maier, Melissa A1 - Schmid, Corinna P. A1 - Houben, Roland T1 - p53 regulation by TRP2 is not pervasive in melanoma N2 - p53 is a central tumor suppressor protein and its inhibition is believed to be a prerequisite for cancer development. In approximately 50% of all malignancies this is achieved by inactivating mutations in the p53 gene. However, in several cancer entities, including melanoma, p53 mutations are rare. It has been recently proposed that tyrosinase related protein 2 (TRP2), a protein involved in melanin synthesis, may act as suppressor of the p53 pathway in melanoma. To scrutinize this notion we analyzed p53 and TRP2 expression by immunohistochemistry in 172 melanoma tissues and did not find any correlation. Furthermore, we applied three different TRP2 shRNAs to five melanoma cell lines and could not observe a target specific effect of the TRP2 knockdown on either p53 expression nor p53 reporter gene activity. Likewise, ectopic expression of TRP2 in a TRP2 negative melanoma cell line had no impact on p53 expression. In conclusion our data suggest that p53 repression critically controlled by TRP2 is not a general event in melanoma. KW - melanomas KW - melanoma cell KW - cell staining KW - histology KW - reporter genes KW - apoptosis KW - immunohistochemistry techniques KW - tumor suppressor genes Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111396 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wurmb, Thomas A1 - Vollmer, Tina A1 - Sefrin, Peter A1 - Kraus, Martin A1 - Happel, Oliver A1 - Wunder, Christian A1 - Steinisch, Andrias A1 - Roewer, Norbert A1 - Maier, Sebastian T1 - Monitoring of in-hospital cardiac arrest events with the focus on Automated External Defibrillators – a retrospective observational study JF - Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine N2 - Background Patients with cardiac arrest have lower survival rates, when resuscitation performance is low. In In-hospital settings the first responders on scene are usually nursing staff without rhythm analysing skills. In such cases Automated External Defibrillators (AED) might help guiding resuscitation performance. At the Wuerzburg University Hospital (Germany) an AED-program was initiated in 2007. Aim of the presented study was to monitor the impact of Automated External Defibrillators on the management of in-hospital cardiac arrest events. Methods The data acquisition was part of a continuous quality improvement process of the Wuerzburg University Hospital. For analysing the CPR performance, the chest compression rate (CCR), compression depth (CCD), the no flow fraction (NFF), time interval from AED-activation to the first compression (TtC), the time interval from AED-activation to the first shock (TtS) and the post schock pause (TtCS) were determined by AED captured data. A questionnaire was completed by the first responders. Results From 2010 to 2012 there were 359 emergency calls. From these 53 were cardiac arrests with an AED-application. Complete data were available in 46 cases. The TtC was 34 (32–52) seconds (median and IQR).The TtS was 30 (28–32) seconds (median and IQR) . The TtCS was 4 (3–6) seconds (median and IQR) . The CCD was 5.5 ± 1 cm while the CCR was 107 ± 11/min. The NFF was calculated as 41 %. ROSC was achieved in 21 patients (45 %), 8 patients (17 %) died on scene and 17 patients (37 %) were transferred under ongoing CPR to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Conclusion The TtS and TtC indicate that there is an AED-user dependent time loss. These time intervals can be markedly reduced, when the user is trained to interrupt the AED’s “chain of advices” by placing the electrode-paddles immediately on the patient’s thorax. At this time the AED switches directly to the analysing mode. Intensive training and adaption of the training contents is needed to optimize the handling of the AED in order to maximize its advantages and to minimize its disadvantages. KW - cardio-pulmonary resuscitation KW - team-training KW - chest-compression rate KW - automated external defibrillators KW - in-hospital cardiac arrest Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125756 VL - 23 IS - 87 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Gold, Peter A1 - Forchel, Alfred A1 - Gregersen, Niels A1 - Mork, Jesper A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Kamp, Martin T1 - Bright single photon source based on self-aligned quantum dot-cavity systems JF - Optics Express N2 - We report on a quasi-planar quantum-dot-based single-photon source that shows an unprecedented high extraction efficiency of 42% without complex photonic resonator geometries or post-growth nanofabrication. This very high efficiency originates from the coupling of the photons emitted by a quantum dot to a Gaussian shaped nanohill defect that naturally arises during epitaxial growth in a self-aligned manner. We investigate the morphology of these defects and characterize the photonic operation mechanism. Our results show that these naturally arising coupled quantum dot-defects provide a new avenue for efficient (up to 42% demonstrated) and pure (g(2)(0) value of 0.023) single-photon emission. KW - photon statistics KW - quantum communications KW - resonators KW - quantum-well -wire and -dot devices Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119801 SN - 1094-4087 VL - 22 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yu, Leo A1 - Natarajan, Chandra M. A1 - Horikiri, Tomoyuki A1 - Langrock, Carsten A1 - Pelc, Jason S. A1 - Tanner, Michael G. A1 - Abe, Eisuke A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Hadfield, Robert H. A1 - Fejer, Martin M. A1 - Yamamoto, Yoshihisa T1 - Two-photon interference at telecom wavelengths for time-bin-encoded single photons from quantum-dot spin qubits JF - Nature Communications N2 - Practical quantum communication between remote quantum memories rely on single photons at telecom wavelengths. Although spin-photon entanglement has been demonstrated in atomic and solid-state qubit systems, the produced single photons at short wavelengths and with polarization encoding are not suitable for long-distance communication, because they suffer from high propagation loss and depolarization in optical fibres. Establishing entanglement between remote quantum nodes would further require the photons generated from separate nodes to be indistinguishable. Here, we report the observation of correlations between a quantum-dot spin and a telecom single photon across a 2-km fibre channel based on time-bin encoding and background-free frequency downconversion. The downconverted photon at telecom wavelengths exhibits two-photon interference with another photon from an independent source, achieving a mean wavepacket overlap of greater than 0.89 despite their original wavelength mismatch (900 and 911 nm). The quantum-networking operations that we demonstrate will enable practical communication between solid-state spin qubits across long distances. KW - atom KW - 1550 nm KW - up-conversion KW - heralded entanglement KW - emission KW - interface KW - generation KW - communication KW - downconversion Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138677 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weiße, Sebastian A1 - Heddergott, Niko A1 - Heydt, Matthias A1 - Pflästerer, Daniel A1 - Maier, Timo A1 - Haraszti, Tamas A1 - Grunze, Michael A1 - Engstler, Markus A1 - Rosenhahn, Axel T1 - A Quantitative 3D Motility Analysis of Trypanosoma brucei by Use of Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy JF - PLoS One N2 - We present a quantitative 3D analysis of the motility of the blood parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Digital in-line holographic microscopy has been used to track single cells with high temporal and spatial accuracy to obtain quantitative data on their behavior. Comparing bloodstream form and insect form trypanosomes as well as mutant and wildtype cells under varying external conditions we were able to derive a general two-state-run-and-tumble-model for trypanosome motility. Differences in the motility of distinct strains indicate that adaption of the trypanosomes to their natural environments involves a change in their mode of swimming. KW - african trypanosomes KW - actin cortex KW - flagellum KW - tracking KW - surface KW - models Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130666 VL - 7 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Elias, Johannes A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Schmitt, Corinna A1 - Eckhardt, Frithjof A1 - Boehm, Hartmut A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Kolb-Mäurer, Annette A1 - Riedmiller, Hubertus A1 - Müllges, Wolfgang A1 - Weisser, Christoph A1 - Wunder, Christian A1 - Frosch, Matthias A1 - Vogel, Ulrich T1 - Prevalence dependent calibration of a predictive model for nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus JF - BMC Infectious Diseases N2 - Background Published models predicting nasal colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among hospital admissions predominantly focus on separation of carriers from non-carriers and are frequently evaluated using measures of discrimination. In contrast, accurate estimation of carriage probability, which may inform decisions regarding treatment and infection control, is rarely assessed. Furthermore, no published models adjust for MRSA prevalence. Methods Using logistic regression, a scoring system (values from 0 to 200) predicting nasal carriage of MRSA was created using a derivation cohort of 3091 individuals admitted to a European tertiary referral center between July 2007 and March 2008. The expected positive predictive value of a rapid diagnostic test (GeneOhm, Becton & Dickinson Co.) was modeled using non-linear regression according to score. Models were validated on a second cohort from the same hospital consisting of 2043 patients admitted between August 2008 and January 2012. Our suggested correction score for prevalence was proportional to the log-transformed odds ratio between cohorts. Calibration before and after correction, i.e. accurate classification into arbitrary strata, was assessed with the Hosmer-Lemeshow-Test. Results Treating culture as reference, the rapid diagnostic test had positive predictive values of 64.8% and 54.0% in derivation and internal validation corhorts with prevalences of 2.3% and 1.7%, respectively. In addition to low prevalence, low positive predictive values were due to high proportion (> 66%) of mecA-negative Staphylococcus aureus among false positive results. Age, nursing home residence, admission through the medical emergency department, and ICD-10-GM admission diagnoses starting with “A” or “J” were associated with MRSA carriage and were thus included in the scoring system, which showed good calibration in predicting probability of carriage and the rapid diagnostic test’s expected positive predictive value. Calibration for both probability of carriage and expected positive predictive value in the internal validation cohort was improved by applying the correction score. Conclusions Given a set of patient parameters, the presented models accurately predict a) probability of nasal carriage of MRSA and b) a rapid diagnostic test’s expected positive predictive value. While the former can inform decisions regarding empiric antibiotic treatment and infection control, the latter can influence choice of screening method. KW - Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus KW - Infection control KW - Clinical prediction rule KW - Predictive value of tests KW - False positive reactions KW - Calibration Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96091 UR - http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/13/111 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weidemann, Frank A1 - Maier, Sebastian K. G. A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Brunner, Thomas A1 - Liu, Dan A1 - Hu, Kai A1 - Seydelmann, Nora A1 - Schneider, Andreas A1 - Becher, Jan A1 - Canan-Kühl, Sima A1 - Blaschke, Daniela A1 - Bijnens, Bart A1 - Ertl, Georg A1 - Wanner, Christoph A1 - Nordbeck, Peter T1 - Usefulness of an implantable loop recorder to detect clinically relevant arrhythmias in patients with advanced fabry cardiomyopathy JF - The American Journal of Cardiology N2 - Patients with genetic cardiomyopathy that involves myocardial hypertrophy often develop clinically relevant arrhythmias that increase the risk of sudden death. Consequently, guidelines for medical device therapy were established for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but not for conditions with only anecdotal evidence of arrhythmias, like Fabry cardiomyopathy. Patients with Fabry cardiomyopathy progressively develop myocardial fibrosis, and sudden cardiac death occurs regularly. Because 24-hour Holier electrocardiograms (ECGs) might not detect clinically important arrhythmias, we tested an implanted loop recorder for continuous heart rhythm surveillance and determined its impact on therapy. This prospective study included 16 patients (12 men) with advanced Fabry cardiomyopathy, relevant hypertrophy, and replacement fibrosis in "loco typico." No patients previously exhibited clinically relevant arrhythmias on Holier ECGs. Patients received an implantable loop recorder and were prospectively followed with telemedicine for a median of 1.2 years (range 0.3 to 2.0 years). The primary end point was a clinically meaningful event, which required a therapy change, captured with the loop recorder. Patients submitted data regularly (14 +/- 11 times per month). During follow-up, 21 events were detected (including 4 asystole, i.e., ECG pauses >= 3 seconds) and 7 bradycardia events; 5 episodes of intermittent atrial fibrillation (>3 minutes) and 5 episodes of ventricular tachycardia (3 sustained and 2 nonsustained). Subsequently, as defined in the primary end point, 15 events leaded to a change of therapy. These patients required therapy with a pacemaker or cardioverter defibrillator implantation and/or anticoagulation therapy for atrial fibrillation. In conclusion, clinically relevant arrhythmias that require further device and/or medical therapy are often missed with Holier ECGs in patients with advanced stage Fabry cardiomyopathy, but they can be detected by telemonitoring with an implantable loop recorder. KW - Cardiovascular magnetic-resonance KW - Coronary artery disease KW - Ventricular-arrhythmias KW - Task force KW - Management KW - Enzyme replacement therapy KW - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy KW - Myocardial fibrosis KW - Guidelines KW - Manifestation Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188093 VL - 118 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Chang-Min A1 - Lim, Hee-Jin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Lee, Yong-Hee T1 - Efficient single photon source based on \(\mu\)-fibre-coupled tunable microcavity JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Efficient and fast on-demand single photon sources have been sought after as critical components of quantum information science. We report an efficient and tunable single photon source based on an InAs quantum dot (QD) embedded in a photonic crystal cavity coupled with a highly curved \(\mu\)-fibre. Exploiting evanescent coupling between the \(\mu\)-fibre and the cavity, a high collection efficiency of 23% and Purcell-enhanced spontaneous emissions are observed. In our scheme, the spectral position of a resonance can be tuned by as much as 1.5 nm by adjusting the contact position of the \(\mu\)-fibre, which increases the spectral coupling probability between the QD and the cavity mode. Taking advantage of the high photon count rate and the tunability, the collection efficiencies and the decay rates are systematically investigated as a function of the QD-cavity detuning. KW - tapers KW - semiconductor quantum dots KW - crystal KW - nanowire KW - generation KW - nanoactivity KW - mode KW - emission Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145835 VL - 5 IS - 14309 ER -