TY - JOUR A1 - Höhn, Stefan A1 - Frimmel, Hartwig E. A1 - Debaille, Vinciane A1 - Price, Westley T1 - Pre‐Klondikean oxidation prepared the ground for Broken Hill‐type mineralization in South Africa JF - Terra Nova N2 - New Cu isotope data obtained on chalcopyrite from the Black Mountain and the Broken Hill deposits in the medium‐ to high‐grade metamorphic Aggeneys‐Gamsberg ore district (South Africa) require a revision of our understanding of the genesis of metamorphic Broken Hill‐type massive sulphide deposits. Chalcopyrite from both deposits revealed unusually wide ranges in δ\(^{65}\)Cu (−2.41 to 2.84‰ NIST 976 standard) in combination with distinctly positive mean values (0.27 and 0.94‰, respectively). This is interpreted to reflect derivation from various silicate and oxide precursor minerals in which Cu occurred in higher oxidation states. Together with the observation of a typical supergene base metal distribution within the deposits and their spatial association with an unconformity only meters above the ore horizon, our new data are best explained by supergene oxidation of originally possibly SEDEX deposits prior to metamorphic sulphide formation, between the Okiepian (1,210–1,180 Ma) and Klondikean (1,040–1,020 Ma) orogenic events. KW - South Africa KW - mineralization KW - Broken Hill Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218545 VL - 33 IS - 2 SP - 168 EP - 173 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Bittlingmaier, Sarah A1 - Mayer, Marius A1 - von Ruschkowski, Eick A1 - Woltering, Manuel T1 - Park−People Relationships: The Socioeconomic Monitoring of National Parks in Bavaria, Germany JF - Sustainability N2 - Questions about park–people relationships and the understanding and handling of the conflicts that may result from the creation and management of national parks in the surrounding area are prerequisites for both successful park management and sustainable rural tourism development. This paper analyzes the roles that research may play in relation to park–people relationships in the context of the two oldest German national parks located in Bavaria. The different fields of action of national parks are used to identify the potential for conflict, using detailed case studies from the Bavarian Forest and Berchtesgaden National Parks using quantitative population surveys carried out in 2018. The overall attitude towards both national parks is overwhelmingly positive, with trust towards park administrations and the perceived economic benefits from rural tourism being the attitudes most strongly correlated to the overall level of park–people relationships. Nevertheless, some points of contention still exist, like the ecological integrity approach towards strict nature conservation and related landscape changes (e.g., deadwood cover). A comparison over time shows in both cases that the spatial proximity to the protected area negatively influences people’s attitudes towards the parks, but less so than in the past. Recommendations for national park management include communicating proactively and with greater transparency with locals and decision-makers, to identify conflicts earlier and, where possible, to eliminate them. Furthermore, developing a standardized method to monitor park–people relationships in Germany is a must and would benefit integrated approaches in research and management based on conservation social science. KW - park–people relationships KW - rural tourism KW - Germany KW - Bavaria KW - conflicts KW - national parks KW - Berchtesgaden KW - Bavarian Forest Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245061 SN - 2071-1050 VL - 13 IS - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Philipp, Marius A1 - Dietz, Andreas A1 - Buchelt, Sebastian A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia T1 - Trends in satellite earth observation for permafrost related analyses — A review JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Climate change and associated Arctic amplification cause a degradation of permafrost which in turn has major implications for the environment. The potential turnover of frozen ground from a carbon sink to a carbon source, eroding coastlines, landslides, amplified surface deformation and endangerment of human infrastructure are some of the consequences connected with thawing permafrost. Satellite remote sensing is hereby a powerful tool to identify and monitor these features and processes on a spatially explicit, cheap, operational, long-term basis and up to circum-Arctic scale. By filtering after a selection of relevant keywords, a total of 325 articles from 30 international journals published during the last two decades were analyzed based on study location, spatio- temporal resolution of applied remote sensing data, platform, sensor combination and studied environmental focus for a comprehensive overview of past achievements, current efforts, together with future challenges and opportunities. The temporal development of publication frequency, utilized platforms/sensors and the addressed environmental topic is thereby highlighted. The total number of publications more than doubled since 2015. Distinct geographical study hot spots were revealed, while at the same time large portions of the continuous permafrost zone are still only sparsely covered by satellite remote sensing investigations. Moreover, studies related to Arctic greenhouse gas emissions in the context of permafrost degradation appear heavily underrepresented. New tools (e.g., Google Earth Engine (GEE)), methodologies (e.g., deep learning or data fusion etc.)and satellite data (e.g., the Methane Remote Sensing LiDAR Mission (Merlin) and the Sentinel-fleet)will thereby enable future studies to further investigate the distribution of permafrost, its thermal state and its implications on the environment such as thermokarst features and greenhouse gas emission rates on increasingly larger spatial and temporal scales. KW - satellite remote sensing KW - permafrost KW - degradation KW - thaw KW - thermokarst Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234198 VL - 13 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hardaker, Sina T1 - More Than Infrastructure Providers – Digital Platforms' Role and Power in Retail Digitalisation in Germany JF - Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie N2 - Digital platforms, such as Amazon, represent the major beneficiaries of the Covid‐19 crisis. This study examines the role of digital platforms and their engagement in digitalisation initiatives targeting (small) brick‐and‐mortar retailers in Germany, thereby contributing to a better understanding of how digital platforms augment, substitute or reorganise physical retail spaces. This study applies a mixed‐method approach based on qualitative interviews, participant observation as well as media analysis. First, the study illustrates the controversial role of digital platforms by positioning themselves as supporting partners of the (offline) retailers, while simultaneously shifting power towards the platforms themselves. Second, digital platforms have established themselves not only as infrastructure providers but also as actors within these infrastructures, framing digital as well as physical retail spaces, inter alia due to their role as publicly legitimised retail advisers. Third, while institutions want to help retailers to survive, they simultaneously enhance retailers' dependency on digital platforms. KW - platform economy KW - digitalisation initiative KW - e‐commerce KW - Covid‐19 KW - two‐sided markets KW - framing Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287297 VL - 113 IS - 3 SP - 310 EP - 328 ER - TY - THES A1 - Keupp, Luzia Esther T1 - Hochaufgelöste Erfassung zukünftiger Klimarisiken für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Unterfranken T1 - High resolution assessment of future climate risks for agriculture and forestry in Lower Franconia N2 - Das Klima und seine Veränderungen wirken sich direkt auf die Land- und Forstwirtschaft aus. Daher ist die Untersuchung der zukünftigen Klimarisiken für diese Sektoren von hoher Relevanz. Dies ist auch und vor allem für den schon heute weiträumig trockheitsgeprägten und vom Klimawandel besonders betroffenen nordwestbayerischen Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken der Fall, dessen Gebiet zu über 80 % land- oder forstwirtschaftlich genutzt wird. Zur Untersuchung der Zukunft in hoher räumlicher Auflösung werden Projektionen von regionalen Klimamodellen genutzt. Da diese jedoch Defizite in der Repräsentation des beobachteten Klimas der Vergangenheit aufweisen, sollte vor der weiteren Verwendung eine Anpassung der Daten erfolgen. Dies geschieht in der vorliegenden Arbeit am Beispiel des regionalen Klimamodells REMO im Bezug auf klimatische Kennwerte für Trockenheit, Starkniederschlag, Hitze sowie (Spät-)Frost, die alle eine hohe land- und forstwirtschaftliche Bedeutung besitzen. Die Datenanpassung erfolgt durch zwei verschiedene Ansätze. Zum Einen wird eine Biaskorrektur der aus Globalmodell-angetriebenen REMO-Daten berechneten Indizes durch additive und multiplikative Linearskalierung sowie empirische und parametrische Verteilungsanpassung durchgeführt. Zum Anderen wird ein exploratives Verfahren auf Basis von Model Output Statistics angewandt: Lokale und großräumige atmosphärische Variablen von REMO mit Reanalyseantrieb, die eine zeitliche Korrespondenz zu den Beobachtungen aufweisen, dienen als Prädiktoren für die Aufstellung von Transferfunktionen zur Simulation der Indizes. Diese Transferfunktionen werden sowohl mithilfe Multipler Linearer Regression als auch mit verschiedenen Generalisierten Linearen Modellen konstruiert. Sie werden anschließend genutzt, um Analysen auf Basis von biaskorrigierten Globalmodell-angetriebenen REMO-Prädiktoren durchzuführen. Sowohl für die Biaskorrektur als auch die Model Output Statistics wird eine Kreuzvalidierung durchgeführt, um die Ergebnisse unabhängig vom jeweiligen Trainingszeitraum zu untersuchen und die jeweils besten Varianten zu finden. Werden beide Verfahren mit ihren Unterkategorien für den gesamten historischen Modellzeitraum verglichen, so weist für alle Monat-Kennwert-Kombinationen eine der beiden Verteilungskorrekturen die besten Ergebnisse auf. Die Zukunftsprojektionen unter Verwendung der jeweils erfolgreichsten Methode zeigen im regionalen Durchschnitt für das 21. Jahrhundert negative Trends der (Spät-)Frost- und Eis- sowie positive Trends der Hitzetagehäufigkeit. Winterliche Starkregenereignisse nehmen hinsichtlich ihrer Anzahl zu, im Sommer verstärkt sich die Trockenheit. Die Hinzunahme zwei weiterer regionaler Klimamodelle bestätigt die allgemeinen Zukunftstrends, jedoch ergeben sich beim Spätfrost Widersprüche, wenn dieser hinsichtlich der thermisch abgegrenzten Vegetationsperiode definiert wird. Zusätzlich werden die Model Output Statistics auf gleiche Weise mit bodennahen Prädiktoren zur Simulation von Erträgen aus Acker- und Weinbau wiederholt. Die Güte kann aufgrund mangelnder Beobachtungsdatenlänge nur anhand der Reanalyse-angetriebenen REMO-Daten abgeschätzt werden, ist hierbei jedoch deutlich besser als im Bezug auf die Kennwertsimulation. Die Zukunftsprojektionen von REMO sowie drei weiterer Regionalmodelle zeigen im Mittel über alle Landkreise Unterfrankens steigende Winter- sowie sinkende Sommerfeldfruchterträge. Hinsichtlich der Frankenweinerträge widersprechen sich die Ergebnisse der drei Klassen Weiß-, Rot- und Gesamtwein insofern, als dass REMO und ein weiteres Modell negative Weiß- und Rotweinertragstrends, jedoch positive Gesamtweinertragstrends simulieren. Die zwei anderen verwendeten Modelle führen durch positive Trendvorzeichen für den Weißwein zu insgesamt kohärenten Ergebnissen. Die Resultate im Bezug auf die land- und forstwirtschaftlich relevanten klimatischen Kennwerte bedeuten, dass Anpassungsmaßnahmen gegenüber Hitze sowie im Speziellen gegenüber Trockenheit in Zukunft im ohnehin trockenheitsgeprägten Unterfranken an Bedeutung gewinnen werden. Auch die unsicheren Projektionen im Bezug auf die Spätfrostgefahr müssen im Blick behalten werden. Die Trends der Feldfruchterträge deuten in die gleiche Richtung, da Sommergetreide eine höhere Trockenheitsanfälligkeit besitzen. Die unklaren Ergebnisse der Weinerträge hingegen lassen keine eindeutigen Schlüsse zu. Der starke anthropogene Einfluss auf die Erntemengen sowie die großen Unterschiede der Rebsorten hinsichtlich der klimatischen Eignung könnten ein Grund hierfür sein. N2 - There is a direct impact of climate and its modifications on agriculture and forestry. For this reason, analyzing future climate risks concerning these sectors is highly important. This is also and particularly the case for the northwestern Bavarian administrative district of Lower Franconia, which is characterized by dry conditions even today and which is especially affected by climate change. Additionally, more than 80 % of its area is used for agriculture or forestry. To study future conditions in high spatial resolutions, projections of regional climate models are used. As these show deficits in the representation of the observed climate of the past, an adaption of the data should happen before application. In the study at hand, this is done using the example of the regional climate model REMO regarding climatic indices for dryness, heavy precipitation, and heat as well as (late) frost, all of which are of high agricultural and silvicultural relevance. Adaption of the data is handled via two different approaches. On the one hand, a bias correction of the indices calculated from REMO data based on global climate model output is done using additive and multiplicative linear scaling as well as empirical and parametric distribution adaption. On the other hand, an explorative technique based on model output statistics is applied: Local and large-scale atmospheric variables of REMO run with reanalysis data, possessing a temporal correspondence with observations, are used as predictors for the derivation of transfer functions for simulating the indices. The transfer functions are constructed by means of Multiple Linear Regression as well as different Generalized Linear Models. Subsequently, they are used for analyses based on bias corrected REMO predictors run with global climate model data. Both bias correction and model output statstics are performed in a cross-validated manner for examining the results independently from the training period and finding the best alternative for each situation. When comparing both methods with their subcategories for the entire historical model period, for all month-index-combinations one of the distribution correction techniques exhibits the best results. Future projections using the most successful method for each situation show negative trends of (late) frost and ice as well as positive trends of heat day occurence for the 21st century. The number of heavy precipitation days increases in winter, dryness amplifies in summer. When taking into consideration two additional regional climate models, the general future trends are confirmed. Nevertheless, discrepancies result regarding late frost when the respective vegetation period is demarcated based on temperature in contrast to monthly delineation. Additionally, model output statistics are repeated in the same manner using near-surface predictors for simulating yield of agriculture and viticulture. Estimation of quality can only be performed on the basis of reanalysis-run REMO data as the duration of the observational data is too short. However, the respective results show a much better performance than for the index simulations. Averaging all rural districs of Lower Franconia, future projections of REMO as well as three additional regional models show rising yields for winter as well as falling yields for summer crops. With respect to the yield of Franconian wine, the results of the three analyzed classes of white, red and total wine disagree as REMO and one additional model simulate negative white and red wine, but positive total wine yields. More consistent results are achieved using the other models, which project positive trend signs for white wine. The outcomes concerning climatic indices of agricultural and silvicultural relevance imply a future gain of importance of adaption measures towards heat and particularly dryness in Lower Franconia which is already drought-affected today. Furthermore, uncertainty in the projections of late frost has to be kept in mind. The resulting trends of agricultural yield point along the same lines as summer crops are more drought-sensitive. However, the ambiguity of the wine yield results impede precise conclusions. A reason for this could be the strong anthropogenic influence on yields as well as the great differences between grape varieties regarding their climatic suitability. KW - Klima KW - Landwirtschaft KW - Forstwirtschaft KW - Unterfranken KW - Klima / Modell KW - regionale Klimamodelle KW - CORDEX KW - Biaskorrektur KW - Model Output Statistics KW - Klimarisiken KW - Klimamodell Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347350 ER - TY - THES A1 - Meyer-Heintze, Simon T1 - Holocene pedosedimentary sequences as archives for paleoenvironmental reconstructions T1 - Holozäne pedosedimentäre Sequenzen als Archive zur Paläoumweltrekonstruktion N2 - Human-environment interaction has significantly altered the pedosphere since the Neolithic, if not since the early Holocene. In the course of clearance, agriculture, and (wood) pasture soils have been deeply modified or eroded. These types of land use practices but above all forms of sedentariness spread alongside floodplains and trajectories were oriented towards loess covered areas where fertile soils could develop. Besides this, also peripheral / marginal regions were settled due to population pressure or other factors. Evidence for landscape history and development can be found within archeological sites but also overbank deposits and anthropogenic slope deposits document vast transformation processes. The presented investigations took place within the natural region of the Windsheimer Bucht which is locat-ed in the district of Middle Franconia in northern Bavaria, Germany. In this area, Holocene soils predomi-nantly developed within mudstones of the Middle to Upper Triassic. The soil texture is extremely clay-rich which renders the soils problematic with regard to cultivation management. As a peculiarity, the gypsum underlying the mudstones is prone to karstification processes and resulting proceeding geomorphological processes shape the surface of the landscape. In the course of gypsum mining the karst forms are being exposed and archeological findings are being documented. The latter mainly date back to a span from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, but partly are of Younger Paleolithic origin. Especially subsidence sinkholes are capable of storing pedosediments of several meters in thickness. Despite the high clay content and connect-ed pedoturbation processes, the excavated sequences are stratigraphically and pedologically well-differentiated. The archives occur in the context of settlement structures such as pits and postholes; there-fore, they developed at the interface of natural developments and human impact on their surroundings. The main original research questions that were formulated within the general frame of a project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-projects Te295/15-1 and -2 and Fa390/9-1 and -2) focused on the attractors of the peripheral region for early settlers, the pedological conditions before land use, but also the impact of humans on soils and karst dynamics through time. In the course of the in hand study, the pedosedimentary archives have been approached with a multimethodological toolset which consisted of field analyses, soil morphological analyses from micro- to macro-scale, spectrophotometric (color), (laser) granulometric, and (iron-) pedochemical analyses. The numerical chronological frame was spanned by radiocarbon dating of different organic remains and bulk material if soil organic carbon was supposed-ly high. The result is a multi-dimensional data set that consists of analyses on different spatial scales but also on different levels of measurement. Thus, qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative data consti-tute the basis for discussion. While the grain-size analyses underline the general sedimentological differen-tiation of the records and further affirm the high clay content within the pedosedimentary layers, iron-pedochemical analyses indicate an interplay between oxidation of iron and its chemical reduction. This is also manifested within the spectrophotometric record. Especially the versatile pedogenic characteristics that have been identified by field analyses are confirmed within the thin sections and, by considering all different analyses, the polygenic character of the pedosediments is emphasized. After stressing the general pedological specificities among the different investigated sites within the re-search area, for the collected data, the research further branches into the subjects of general notions on pedogenesis in clayey material and the classification of the respective pedosediments according to paleo-pedological concepts but also recent schemes. Concerning the latter, it becomes evident that established principles cannot be applied to the studied pedosediments without major adaptions. This underlines the specific characteristics of the material. The basis for further interpretations is the evaluation of the multi-level data set for the single records with regard to profile development and pedogenic processes. Hereby, the main drivers of pedogenesis could be identified, which are karst dynamics, land use, and subtle changes in parent material due to the admixture of slope deposits that contain allochthonous eolian material. The latter underlines the importance of Pleis-tocene preconditioning for understanding Holocene landscape dynamics. At the same time, a differentia-tion between the mentioned factors and Holocene climate development is difficult. The following compila-tion of record and localities within the given time frame unveils synchronous as well as asynchronous de-velopments; however, a clear connection between phases of Holocene climate and pedogenesis within the pedosediments cannot be established. Instead, it becomes evident that site specific factors or those that act on the scale of the micro-catchment of the investigated records are decisive. The aforementioned main topics of the project are also considered in the in hand study from a soil-geographic perspective: it is possible that before land use, there was an insular or thin cover by loess sedi-ments or at least upper layers (according to the concept of periglacial cover beds) which constituted the parent material for Holocene soil formation. The according soils, which were superior for agricultural purposes compared to those developed on the autochthonous mudstones, were eroded which exposed the clayey Upper to Middle Triassic beds. Erosion was aggravated due to the impermeable mudstones which enhanced overland flow and interflow within the overlying silty (loessic) material. This is further support-ed by the notions on erodibility of the clayey material that are derived from the comparison of conven-tional and laser granulometric analyses: probably, the clayey pedosediments are capable of forming micro-aggregates that can easily be eroded during heavy rainfall events despite the general consent that material with heavy texture should be rather resistant. The study presents a comprehensive view on clay-rich pedosediments and the complex effects of human-environment interaction on pedogenic as well as sedimentary processes through time that have not been investigated in such detail before. In this context, the multi-level soil morphological analyses and their necessity for a genetic interpretation with regard to the influence of natural versus anthropogenic factors need to be emphasized. Based on quantitative laboratory analytical data only, a respective differentiation would not be possible. This underlines the importance of the chosen soil-geographic multi-methodological approach for answering questions with regard to human-environment interaction but also geoarcheology in general. N2 - Seit dem Neolithikum, wenn nicht sogar seit dem frühen Holozän, hat die Interaktion des Menschen mit seiner Umwelt einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Pedosphäre: Unter Rodung, Ackerbau und (Wald ) Wei-dehaltung wurden die Böden stark verändert oder erodiert. Diese Art der Landnutzung, aber vor allem Formen von Sesshaftigkeit verbreiteten sich entlang der großen Flüsse und orientierten sich in Richtung lößbedeckter Gebiete, wo fruchtbare Böden vorhanden waren. Daneben wurden aber auch Ungunsträume aufgrund von Bevölkerungsdruck oder anderen Faktoren besiedelt. Belege für die Landschaftsgeschichte und -entwicklung finden sich in archäologischen Funden, aber auch Auensedimente und Kolluvien / Kollu-visole dokumentieren weitreichende Transformationsprozesse. Die vorgestellten Untersuchungen sind im Naturraum der Windsheimer Bucht angesiedelt, die im Regie-rungsbezirk Mittelfranken in Nordbayern liegt. In diesem Gebiet sind die holozänen Böden überwiegend in Tonsteinen des Unteren und Mittleren Keupers entwickelt. Folglich sind die Bildungen extrem tonhaltig, was sie für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung problematisch macht. Der im Liegenden der Tonsteine befind-liche Gips ist zudem tiefgreifend verkarstet und die daraus resultierenden geomorphologischen Prozesse prägen die Landschaftsoberfläche. Im Zuge des Gipsabbaus werden entsprechende Karstformen freigelegt und archäologische Funde dokumentiert, welche überwiegend in die Spanne von Neolithikum bis Eisenzeit, teils aber auch ins jüngere Paläolithikum datieren. Insbesondere Sackungsdolinen sind in der Lage, mehre-re Meter mächtige Pedosedimente aufzunehmen. Trotz des hohen Tongehaltes und der damit verbundenen Pedoturbationsprozesse sind die Abfolgen stratigraphisch und pedologisch außerordentlich gut differen-ziert. Die Archive treten im Kontext von Siedlungsstrukturen wie Gruben und Pfostenlöchern auf und be-finden sich somit an der Schnittstelle von natürlichen Einflüssen und denen des Menschen auf seine Um-welt. Die ursprünglichen Forschungsfragen, welche im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemein-schaft geförderten Projektes (DFG-Projekte Te295/15-1 und -2 und Fa390/9-1 und -2) formuliert wurden, konzentrieren sich auf die Attraktoren der am Rande der Lössgebiete gelegenen Windsheimer Bucht für frühe Siedler und die bodenkundlichen Verhältnisse vor der Landnutzung. Auch der Einfluss des Men-schen auf die Böden und die Karstdynamik im Laufe der Zeit stellt einen Forschungsschwerpunkt dar. Im Zuge der Untersuchungen wurden die pedosedimentären Archive mit einem multimethodischen Instru-mentarium bearbeitet, das aus Feldanalysen, bodenmorphologischen Analysen von der Mikro- bis zur Makroebene, spektrophotometrischen (Farb-), (Laser ) granulometrischen und (eisen-) pedochemischen Analysen besteht. Die Ermittlung des zeitlichen Rahmens erfolgte durch Radiokohlenstoffdatierungen ver-schiedener organischer Überreste, aber auch anhand humosen Bodenmaterials mit hohem Gehalt an or-ganischem Kohlenstoff. Hierdurch wurde ein multidimensionaler Datensatz erzeugt, der verschiedene räumliche Skalen abdeckt, aber auch Analysen auf verschiedenen Messniveaus enthält. Somit bilden quali-tative, semi-quantitative und quantitative Daten die Diskussionsgrundlage. Während die Korngrößenana-lysen vor allem die sedimentologische Untergliederung der untersuchten Profile unterstreichen und an-sonsten den tonigen Charakter innerhalb der pedosedimentären Bereiche bestätigen, deuten vor allem die Eisen-pedochemischen Analysen auf ein Wechselspiel zwischen Oxidation und Reduktion von Eisen hin. Dies zeigt sich ebenfalls in den entsprechenden spektrophotometrischen Daten. Zusätzlich bestätigen Dünnschliffe die vielfältige pedogene Ausprägung der Pedosedimente, welche sich bereits im Rahmen der Geländeanalyse abzeichnete. Insgesamt wird bei der Betrachtung aller Datenebenen deutlich, dass die Pe-dosedimente einen polygenetischen Grundcharakter besitzen. Nach der Erarbeitung der Besonderheiten innerhalb des Datensatzes, differenziert nach Standort, stellt die Arbeit die Pedosedimente in den Kontext weiterer Themenkomplexe, wie allgemeine Vorstellungen zu pedogenen Prozessen in tonigem Material, Einordnung der Pedosedimente nach paläopedologischen Konzepten, aber auch Klassifizierung nach Richtlinien für rezente Böden. In Bezug auf die beiden letztgenannten Aspekte wurde deutlich, dass etablier-te Leitfäden und Schemata nicht ohne größere Anpassungen auf die untersuchten Pedosedimente ange-wendet werden können. Dies unterstreicht die Eigenheiten des untersuchten Materials. Die Diskussion des multiskaligen Datensatzes auf der Ebene der Einzelprofile-/befunde führt in der weite-ren Analyse zur Identifizierung der wesentlichen bodenbildenden Faktoren, nämlich Karstdynamik, Land-nutzung (im Allgemeinen) und schwache Veränderungen des Ausgangsmaterials durch die Beimischung von Material aus ehemaligen Solifluktionslagen, welche allochthones äolisches Material enthalten. Letzte-res unterstreicht die Bedeutung der pleistozänen Vorprägung der Landschaft für das Verständnis ihrer Entwicklung im Holozän. Gleichzeitig jedoch ist eine klare Trennung des Einflusses der genannten Fakto-ren und dem der holozänen Klimaentwicklung auf die Bodenentwicklung schwierig. Die anschließende Zu-sammenstellung der Befunde und Lokalitäten innerhalb des gegebenen zeitlichen Rahmen zeigt zwar syn-chrone und asynchrone Entwicklungen, ein kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen Klimaphasen des Holozäns und pedogener Ausprägung kann jedoch nicht hergestellt werden. Viel mehr zeigt die entsprechende Ge-genüberstellung der Archive, dass standortspezifische Faktoren oder solche, die auf der Skala des Mikro-einzugsgebietes der untersuchten pedosedimentären Archive wirken, ausschlaggebend sind. Die genannten Hauptthemen des Projektes wurden auch in der vorliegenden Studie betrachtet, vor allem jedoch aus bodengeographischer Sicht: Es ist möglich, dass es vor der Landnutzung eine Inselhafte Bede-ckung mit Lösssedimenten oder mindestens Hauptlagen (nach dem Prinzip der periglazialen Deckschich-ten) gegeben hat, welche zunächst das Ausgangsmaterial der holozänen Bodenbildung darstellte. Im Zuge der Landnahme wurden diese Böden, welche deutlich bessere Eigenschaften hatten als die tonigen Keuper-böden, zeitnah erodiert, so dass die Keupertone freigelegt wurden. Begünstigt wurde die Erosion durch die stauenden Eigenschaften der Tone und damit verbunden, erhöhtem Oberflächenabfluss und Zwischenab-fluss im überlagernden schluffigen Material. Gleichzeitig lässt der Vergleich zwischen konventionellen und Laser-granulometrischen Analysen Rückschlüsse auf die Erodierbarkeit des Keupermaterials zu: So scheint es möglich, dass die tonigen Pedosedimente in der Lage sind, Mikroaggregate zu bilden, die bei Starkregen-ereignissen leicht erodiert werden können, trotz der allgemeinen Vorstellung, dass Material mit entspre-chender Textur eigentlich eher erosionsresistent sein sollte. Zentraler Bestandteil der Arbeit sind die multiskaligen bodenmorphologischen Analysen. Sie sind beson-ders relevant bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf natürliche und anthropogene Einfluss-faktoren auf die Pedogenese. Lägen der Diskussion lediglich rein quantitativ-laboranalytische Daten zu-grunde, wären entsprechende Unterscheidungen nicht möglich. Dies unterstreicht den Wert des multime-thodisch boden-geographischen Ansatzes für jene Forschung, die sich zum Ziel setzt, Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen näher zu erörtern, aber auch für geoarchäologische Fragestellungen im Allgemeinen. Da es bisher kaum systematische Studien über tonige Pedosedimente und deren Überprägung gibt, liefert die vorliegende Arbeit erstmals Einblicke in das komplexe Wirkungsgefüge zwischen Mensch und Umwelt und die Auswirkungen die sich aus dieser Beziehung für Pedogenese und Sedimentationsmechanismen ergeben. KW - Geoarchäologie KW - Vertisol KW - Bodengeografie KW - Mikromorphologie KW - Paläopedologie KW - geoarcheology KW - soil KW - paleopedology KW - sedimentology KW - clay KW - micromorphology Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349098 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schäfer, Christian A1 - Fäth, Julian A1 - Kneisel, Christof A1 - Baumhauer, Roland A1 - Ullmann, Tobias T1 - Multidimensional hydrological modeling of a forested catchment in a German low mountain range using a modular runoff and water balance model JF - Frontiers in Forests and Global Change N2 - Sufficient plant-available water is one of the most important requirements for vital, stable, and well-growing forest stands. In the face of climate change, there are various approaches to derive recommendations considering tree species selection based on plant-available water provided by measurements or simulations. Owing to the small-parcel management of Central European forests as well as small-spatial variation of soil and stand properties, in situ data collection for individual forest stands of large areas is not feasible, considering time and cost effort. This problem can be addressed using physically based modeling, aiming to numerically simulate the water balance. In this study, we parameterized, calibrated, and verified the hydrological multidimensional WaSiM-ETH model to assess the water balance at a spatial resolution of 30 m in a German forested catchment area (136.4 km2) for the period 2000–2021 using selected in situ data, remote sensing products, and total runoff. Based on the model output, drought-sensitive parameters, such as the difference between potential and effective stand transpiration (Tdiff) and the water balance, were deduced from the model, analyzed, and evaluated. Results show that the modeled evapotranspiration (ET) correlated significantly (R2 = 0.80) with the estimated ET using MODIS data (MOD16A2GFv006). Compared with observed daily, monthly, and annual runoff data, the model shows a good performance (R2: 0.70|0.77|0.73; Kling–Gupta efficiency: 0.59|0.62|0.83; volumetric efficiency: 0.52|0.60|0.83). The comparison with in situ data from a forest monitoring plot, established at the end of 2020, indicated good agreement between observed and simulated interception and soil water content. According to our results, WaSiM-ETH is a potential supplement for forest management, owing to its multidimensionality and the ability to model soil water balance for large areas at comparable high spatial resolution. The outputs offer, compared to non-distributed models (like LWF-Brook90), spatial differentiability, which is important for small-scale parceled forests, regarding stand structure and soil properties. Due to the spatial component offered, additional verification possibilities are feasible allowing a reliable and profound verification of the model and its parameterization. KW - forest ecology KW - forest hydrology KW - WaSiM-ETH KW - drought stress indicators KW - beech Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357358 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie T1 - Revisiting the 1992 severe drought episode in South Africa: the role of El Niño in the anomalies of atmospheric circulation types in Africa south of the equator JF - Theoretical and Applied Climatology N2 - During strong El Niño events, below-average rainfall is expected in large parts of southern Africa. The 1992 El Niño season was associated with one of the worst drought episodes in large parts of South Africa. Using reanalysis data set from NCEP-NCAR, this study examined circulation types (CTs) in Africa south of the equator that are statistically related to the El Niño signal in the southwest Indian Ocean and the implication of this relationship during the 1992 drought episode in South Africa. A statistically significant correlation was found between the above-average Nino 3.4 index and a CT that features widespread cyclonic activity in the tropical southwest Indian Ocean, coupled with a weaker state of the south Indian Ocean high-pressure. During the analysis period, it was found that the El Niño signal enhanced the amplitude of the aforementioned CT. The impacts of the El Niño signal on CTs in southern Africa, which could have contributed to the 1992 severe drought episode in South Africa, were reflected in (i) robust decrease in the frequency of occurrence of the austral summer climatology pattern of atmospheric circulation that favors southeasterly moisture fluxes, advected by the South Indian Ocean high-pressure; (ii) modulation of easterly moisture fluxes, advected by the South Atlantic Ocean high-pressure, ridging south of South Africa; (iii) and enhancement of the amplitude of CTs that both enhances subsidence over South Africa, and associated with the dominance of westerlies across the Agulhas current. Under the ssp585 scenario, the analyzed climate models suggested that the impact of radiative heating on the CT significantly related to El Niño might result in an anomalous increase in surface pressure at the eastern parts of South Africa. KW - South Africa KW - drought KW - El Niño Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268569 SN - 1434-4483 VL - 146 IS - 1-2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kacic, Patrick A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia T1 - Forest biodiversity monitoring based on remotely sensed spectral diversity — a review JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Forests are essential for global environmental well-being because of their rich provision of ecosystem services and regulating factors. Global forests are under increasing pressure from climate change, resource extraction, and anthropologically-driven disturbances. The results are dramatic losses of habitats accompanied with the reduction of species diversity. There is the urgent need for forest biodiversity monitoring comprising analysis on α, β, and γ scale to identify hotspots of biodiversity. Remote sensing enables large-scale monitoring at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions. Concepts of remotely sensed spectral diversity have been identified as promising methodologies for the consistent and multi-temporal analysis of forest biodiversity. This review provides a first time focus on the three spectral diversity concepts “vegetation indices”, “spectral information content”, and “spectral species” for forest biodiversity monitoring based on airborne and spaceborne remote sensing. In addition, the reviewed articles are analyzed regarding the spatiotemporal distribution, remote sensing sensors, temporal scales and thematic foci. We identify multispectral sensors as primary data source which underlines the focus on optical diversity as a proxy for forest biodiversity. Moreover, there is a general conceptual focus on the analysis of spectral information content. In recent years, the spectral species concept has raised attention and has been applied to Sentinel-2 and MODIS data for the analysis from local spectral species to global spectral communities. Novel remote sensing processing capacities and the provision of complementary remote sensing data sets offer great potentials for large-scale biodiversity monitoring in the future. KW - forest KW - biodiversity KW - alpha diversity KW - beta diversity KW - gamma diversity KW - spectral variation hypothesis KW - spectral diversity KW - optical diversity KW - satellite data KW - remote sensing Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290535 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dhillon, Maninder Singh A1 - Dahms, Thorsten A1 - Kübert-Flock, Carina A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Zhang, Jie A1 - Ullmann, Tobias T1 - Spatiotemporal Fusion Modelling Using STARFM: Examples of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 NDVI in Bavaria JF - Remote Sensing N2 - The increasing availability and variety of global satellite products provide a new level of data with different spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions; however, identifying the most suited resolution for a specific application consumes increasingly more time and computation effort. The region’s cloud coverage additionally influences the choice of the best trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution, and different pixel sizes of remote sensing (RS) data may hinder the accurate monitoring of different land cover (LC) classes such as agriculture, forest, grassland, water, urban, and natural-seminatural. To investigate the importance of RS data for these LC classes, the present study fuses NDVIs of two high spatial resolution data (high pair) (Landsat (30 m, 16 days; L) and Sentinel-2 (10 m, 5–6 days; S), with four low spatial resolution data (low pair) (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16 days), MCD43A4 (500 m, one day), MOD09GQ (250 m, one-day), and MOD09Q1 (250 m, eight day)) using the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM), which fills regions’ cloud or shadow gaps without losing spatial information. These eight synthetic NDVI STARFM products (2: high pair multiply 4: low pair) offer a spatial resolution of 10 or 30 m and temporal resolution of 1, 8, or 16 days for the entire state of Bavaria (Germany) in 2019. Due to their higher revisit frequency and more cloud and shadow-free scenes (S = 13, L = 9), Sentinel-2 (overall R\(^2\) = 0.71, and RMSE = 0.11) synthetic NDVI products provide more accurate results than Landsat (overall R\(^2\) = 0.61, and RMSE = 0.13). Likewise, for the agriculture class, synthetic products obtained using Sentinel-2 resulted in higher accuracy than Landsat except for L-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.62, RMSE = 0.11), resulting in similar accuracy preciseness as S-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.68, RMSE = 0.13). Similarly, comparing L-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.60, RMSE = 0.05) and S-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.52, RMSE = 0.09) for the forest class, the former resulted in higher accuracy and precision than the latter. Conclusively, both L-MOD13Q1 and S-MOD13Q1 are suitable for agricultural and forest monitoring; however, the spatial resolution of 30 m and low storage capacity makes L-MOD13Q1 more prominent and faster than that of S-MOD13Q1 with the 10-m spatial resolution. KW - Landsat KW - Sentinel-2 KW - NDVI KW - fusion KW - agriculture KW - grassland KW - forest KW - urban KW - water Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323471 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 3 ER -