TY - THES A1 - Eiken, Barbara T1 - Auswirkung von Epiduralkatheter und suprapubischer Harnableitung in Bezug auf die Inzidenz von Katheter-assoziierten Harnwegsinfektionen nach abdominalchirurgischen Eingriffen T1 - Effect of epidural catheter and suprapubic urinary drainage on the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections after abdominal surgery N2 - Einleitung Periduralkatheter (PDK) werden häufig zur postoperativen Analgesie angewendet. Deren Anwendung kann zu einem Harnverhalt führen, was oftmals zu einer längeren Liegedauer des Blasenkatheters führt. Ziel Unser Ziel war es den optimalen Zeitpunkt für die Entfernung des Blasenkatheters zu identifizieren, um das Risiko für Komplikationen im Sinne von Harnwegsinfekten (HWI) zu minimieren. Methodik Insgesamt wurden 501 Patienten in diese retrospektive Studie eingeschlossen, die einen Periduralkatheter sowie einen suprapubischen Blasenkatheter im Rahmen eines allgemeinchirurgischen Eingriffs erhalten hatten. Die Patienten wurde anhand des Zeitpunktes der Entfernung des Blasenkatheters in Bezug zum Zeitpunkt der Entfernung des PDKs aufgeteilt und das Auftreten eines HWIs analysiert. Zusätzlich haben wir eine Umfrage an 102 deutschen Kliniken durchgeführt und die 83 erhaltenen Antworten hinsichtlich der aktuellen Handhabung von PDK und Harnableitung evaluiert. Ergebnis In unserem Patientenkollektiv zeigte sich in 6,7 % ein Katheter-assoziierter HWI. Signifikant mehr Frauen als Männer hatten einen HWI (7,8 % männlich versus 20,1 % weiblich, p = 0,0001). Es zeigte sich ein Trend zur erhöhten Rate an HWIs, wenn der Blasenkatheter nach dem PDK entfernt wurde, jedoch ohne statistische Signifikanz (vor PDK-Entfernung: 29,5 %, zeitgleich 16,2 %, nach PDK-Entfernung 54,3 %). Die deutschlandweite Umfrage konnte zeigen, dass in fast allen Krankenhäusern (98,8 %), die Patienten einen PDK und eine Harnableitung nach einem größeren abdominalchirugischen Eingriff erhalten hatten. Es wurde häufiger ein transurethraler als ein suprapubischer Katheter verwendet. Der Zeitpunkt der Entfernung der Harnableitung war gleichmäßig verteilt auf die Zeitpunkte vor, zeitgleich und nach Entfernung des PDKs. Schlussfolgerung Der Zeitpunkt der Entfernung der Harnableitung in Bezug zum Zeitpunkt der Entfernung des PDKs scheint keinen statistisch signifikanten Einfluss auf die Entstehung eines Harnweginfektes zu haben. Es zeigt sich lediglich ein Trend zu einer leicht erhöhten Rate an HWIs, wenn der Blasenkatheter nach dem PDK entfernt wurde. Die aktuelle Handhabung in Deutschland zeigt sich sehr inhomogen, sodass weitere Studien notwendig sind, um die postoperative Versorgung zur standardisieren. N2 - A multicenter survey and a descriptive, retrospective single-center study in the department of visceral surgery Introduction Peridural catheters (PDK) are often used for postoperative analgesia. Their use can lead to urinary retention, which often leads to a longer length of time for the urinary catheter. Objective Our goal was to identify the optimal time to remove the urinary catheter to minimize the risk of complications related to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Method A total of 501 patients were enrolled in this retrospective study who received a peridural catheter and a suprapubic urinary catheter as part of a general surgery. The patients were divided based on the time of removal of the urinary catheter in relation to the time of removal of the PDK and the occurrence of a UTI was analyzed. In addition, we conducted a survey of 102 German clinics and evaluated the 83 responses received regarding the current handling of PDK and urinary diversion. Result In our patient population, catheter-associated UTIs were found in 6.7 %. Significantly more women than men had UTIs (7.8 % male versus 20.1 % female, p = 0.0001). There was a trend towards an increased rate of UTIs when the urinary catheter was removed after the PDK, but without statistical significance (before PDK removal: 29.5%, at the same time 16.2%, after PDK removal 54.3%). The Germany-wide survey showed that in almost all hospitals (98.8 %), the patients had received a PDK and urinary diversion after a major abdominal surgery. A transurethral catheter has been used more often than a suprapubic catheter. The time of urinary diversion removal was evenly distributed between the times before, at the same time and after removal of the PDK. Conclusion The time of urinary diversion removal relative to the time of removal of the PDK does not appear to have a statistically significant impact on the development of a urinary tract infection. There is only a trend towards a slightly increased rate of UTIs when the urinary catheter was removed after the PDK. The current handling in Germany is very inhomogeneous, so that further studies are necessary to standardize postoperative care. KW - Harnwegsinfektion KW - HWI KW - PDK KW - Viszeralchirurgie KW - suprapubisch KW - Periduralkatheter KW - Harnableitung Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208836 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Ehlis, Ann-Christine A1 - Weber, Heike A1 - Vitale, Maria Rosaria A1 - Zöller, Johanna E. M. A1 - Ku, Hsing-Ping A1 - Schiele, Miriam A. A1 - Kürbitz, Laura I. A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Kalisch, Raffael A1 - Zwanzger, Peter A1 - Domschke, Katharina A1 - Fallgatter, Andreas J. A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter T1 - A Common CDH13 Variant is Associated with Low Agreeableness and Neural Responses to Working Memory Tasks in ADHD JF - Genes N2 - The cell—cell signaling gene CDH13 is associated with a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and major depression. CDH13 regulates axonal outgrowth and synapse formation, substantiating its relevance for neurodevelopmental processes. Several studies support the influence of CDH13 on personality traits, behavior, and executive functions. However, evidence for functional effects of common gene variation in the CDH13 gene in humans is sparse. Therefore, we tested for association of a functional intronic CDH13 SNP rs2199430 with ADHD in a sample of 998 adult patients and 884 healthy controls. The Big Five personality traits were assessed by the NEO-PI-R questionnaire. Assuming that altered neural correlates of working memory and cognitive response inhibition show genotype-dependent alterations, task performance and electroencephalographic event-related potentials were measured by n-back and continuous performance (Go/NoGo) tasks. The rs2199430 genotype was not associated with adult ADHD on the categorical diagnosis level. However, rs2199430 was significantly associated with agreeableness, with minor G allele homozygotes scoring lower than A allele carriers. Whereas task performance was not affected by genotype, a significant heterosis effect limited to the ADHD group was identified for the n-back task. Heterozygotes (AG) exhibited significantly higher N200 amplitudes during both the 1-back and 2-back condition in the central electrode position Cz. Consequently, the common genetic variation of CDH13 is associated with personality traits and impacts neural processing during working memory tasks. Thus, CDH13 might contribute to symptomatic core dysfunctions of social and cognitive impairment in ADHD. KW - ADHD KW - CDH13 KW - neurodevelopment KW - executive functions KW - working memory KW - Big Five KW - agreeableness Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245220 SN - 2073-4425 VL - 12 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel A1 - Schuele, Carolin A1 - Stopper, Helga T1 - Cell survival after DNA damage in the comet assay JF - Archives of Toxicology N2 - The comet assay is widely used in basic research, genotoxicity testing, and human biomonitoring. However, interpretation of the comet assay data might benefit from a better understanding of the future fate of a cell with DNA damage. DNA damage is in principle repairable, or if extensive, can lead to cell death. Here, we have correlated the maximally induced DNA damage with three test substances in TK6 cells with the survival of the cells. For this, we selected hydrogen peroxide (H\(_{2}\)O\(_{2}\)) as an oxidizing agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) as an alkylating agent and etoposide as a topoisomerase II inhibitor. We measured cell viability, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and micronucleus frequency on the following day, in the same cell culture, which had been analyzed in the comet assay. After treatment, a concentration dependent increase in DNA damage and in the percentage of non-vital and apoptotic cells was found for each substance. Values greater than 20-30% DNA in tail caused the death of more than 50% of the cells, with etoposide causing slightly more cell death than H\(_{2}\)O\(_{2}\) or MMS. Despite that, cells seemed to repair of at least some DNA damage within few hours after substance removal. Overall, the reduction of DNA damage over time is due to both DNA repair and death of heavily damaged cells. We recommend that in experiments with induction of DNA damage of more than 20% DNA in tail, survival data for the cells are provided. KW - Cell death and comet assay KW - DNA damage KW - DNA repair Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265339 VL - 95 IS - 12 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hilligardt [geb. Rück], Deborah T1 - Methylierung pro- und antiinflammatorischer T-Helfer-Zell-spezifischer Transkriptionsfaktoren bei ausgewählten Krankheitsbildern T1 - Methylation of pro- and anti-inflammatory t-helper cell specific transcription factors in different disease pattern N2 - Die Regulation krankheitsrelevanter Gene und deren Proteine über Veränderungen in der DNA-Methylierung stellen einen wichtigen und zugleich noch unzureichend erforschten Bereich bei Erkrankungen mit inflammatorischer Komponente dar. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Methylierung pro- und antiinflammatorischer Gene im hypoxischen Setting hervorgerufen durch Präeklampsie, Angsterkrankung und Inflammation bei Sklerodermie untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der prozentualen Methylierung wurde Pyrosequenzierung durchgeführt. Bei einem Teil der Proben erfolgte zusätzlich die Bestimmung der Genexpression mittels Real Time PCR. Bei Angsterkrankung zeigte sich eine signifikante Hypermethylierung am Promotor des Treg spezifischen Transkriptionsfaktors FOXP3. Daraus könnte eine beeinträchtigte Funktion der Tregs und somit eine erhöhte Komorbidität resultieren. In der Gruppe der an Sklerodermie erkrankten Personen zeigte sich entgegen den Erwartungen eine signifikant höhere RORC1 und RORC2 Methylierung. Eine Genexpressionsanalyse erbrachte eine signifikant niedrigere Expression von RORC bei Sklerodermie im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollen. Diese überraschenden Ergebnisse könnten der Methodik geschuldet sein. Auf eine Auftrennung der verschiedenen T-Zellen vor Messung der Methylierung wurde verzichtet. Plazentagewebe bei Präeklampsie zeigte eine signifikant geringere Methylierung am FOXP3 Promotor als Plazentagewebe von gesunden Schwangeren. Die Veränderbarkeit der DNA-Methylierung durch äußere Einflüsse und Medikamente stellt hierbei einen vielversprechenden Ansatzpunkt für zukünftige Therapien dar und sollte in weiteren Studien konkretisiert werden. N2 - Epigenetic research offers new insights about the regulation of gene activities and provides important knowledge of the pathogenesis of diseases. Hypoxic conditions through preeclampsia, panic disease and inflammation in systemic sclerosis were used to measure the methylation level of pro- and anti-inflammatory genes. The analyses were performed with PBMCs and placental tissue. To determine the methylation level pyrosequencing was used. Gene expression through real time PCR was additionally analyzed with part of the samples. A significant hypermethylation of the promoter of the Treg specific transcription factor FOXP3 in patients with panic diseases was shown. This could be a reason for the impaired function of Tregs in panic disorder and could cause the comorbidity of several diseases. Against expectations the transcription factor RORC was significantly higher methylated in patients with scleroderma and the gene expression was lower compared to the healthy control group. This surprising result might be caused through the used methods: t-cells were not divided into their subgroups. It could be possible that Th1- and Th2-cells are responsible for the hypermethylation of RORC. Placental tissue of patients with preeclampsia showed significant lower methylation levels of the FOXP3 promoter than tissue of healthy pregnant women. The convertibility of DNA methylation with external factors and pharmaceuticals is a promising approach for therapies and should be substantiated in future studies. KW - Methylierung KW - Epigenetik KW - Präeklampsie KW - Angststörung KW - Sklerodermie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249499 ER - TY - THES A1 - Volk, Simone T1 - Prospektiv-randomisierte, kontrollierte Evaluation der Auswirkungen zweier postoperativer Nachbehandlungskonzepte auf die Rerupturrate nach operativer Rekonstruktion der Rotatorenmanschette T1 - Prospective randomized controlled evaluation of the effects of two rehabilitation protocols on the retear rate after surgical repair of the rotator cuff N2 - Aufgrund der divergierenden Studienlage bezüglich der physiotherapeutischen Nachbehandlung nach operativer Rotatorenmanschettenrefixation erfolgte im Rahmen einer prospektiv randomisierten Studie die Evaluation zweier Nachbehandlungsmodelle nach operativer Refixation vollschichtiger RM-Rupturen in Mini-Open-Technik. Hierfür wurden 57 Patienten präoperativ, 3 Wochen, 6 Wochen sowie 6 Monate postoperativ nachuntersucht und ausgewertet. Die Scores beinhalteten den NRS-Score, Constant-Score, DASH-Score, ASES-Score, NHP-Score, SF-36-Score sowie eine sonographische Untersuchung zur Beurteilung der Reruptur nach 6 Monaten postoperativ. Einheitlich erfolgte die Ruhigstellung im Gilchrist-Verband für 6 Wochen. In der konservativen Nachbehandlungsgruppe wurden bis 6 Wochen postoperativ lediglich Pendelübungen durchgeführt, in der progressiven Nachbehandlungsgruppe erfolgte eine passive Beübung direkt postoperativ bis an die Schmerzgrenze mit Ausnahme der Adduktion. Im Gesamtkollektiv war eine Rerupturrate von 5,3% zu verzeichnen mit 3,7% in der konservativen und 6,7% in der progressiven Nachbehandlungsgruppe ohne signifikanten Gruppenunterschied (p=0,540). Bezüglich der klinischen und psychischen Ergebnisse zeigte sich 6 Monate postoperativ lediglich eine Einschränkung der aktiven Außenrotation in der konservativen Nachbehandlungsgruppe (46,2∘ vs. 39,7∘, p=0,031), sonst war kein signifikanter Gruppenunterschied zu sehen. Weiterhin erfolgten Subgruppenanalysen insbesondere hinsichtlich Alter und Geschlecht der Patienten. Dabei haben Patienten über 65 Jahren unabhängig von der Nachbehandlungsgruppe kürzer Analgetika eingenommen und waren 6 Wochen postoperativ weniger bewegungseingeschränkt. Aufgrund einer Tendenz zu vermehrten Rerupturen nach progressiver Nachbehandlung in der Literatur werden daher weiterführende Studien benötigt um zu evaluieren, ob ältere Patienten von einer vermehrten Ruhigstellung profitieren könnten. Diese Studie präsentiert im Gegensatz zu der überwiegend in der Literatur verwendeten arthroskopischen OP-Technik Ergebnisse nach RM-Refixation in Mini-Open-Technik. Damit liefert sie eine gute Grundlage für weiterführende Studien insbesondere in der Behandlung von größeren RM-Rupturen, welche ein erhöhtes Rerupturrisiko besitzen und von einer konservativen Nachbehandlung profitieren könnten. N2 - Due to divergent studies regarding physiotherapeutic treatment after surgical rotator cuff repair, two rehabilitation protocols after surgical rotator cuff repair using the mini-open technique were evaluated in a prospective randomized study. For this purpose, 57 patients were examined and evaluated preoperatively, 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. The scores included the NRS-Score, Constant-Score, DASH-Score, ASES-Score, NHP-Score, SF-36-Score as well as a sonographic examination to assess the retear rate after 6 months postoperatively. In both groups patients were immobilized with a Gilchrist sling for 6 weeks. In the delayed group only pendulum exercises were allowed until 6 weeks postoperatively. In the early group, passive exercises were carried out directly postoperatively up to the pain threshold with the exception of adduction. The retear rate was 5.3% respectively with 3.7% in the delayed and 6.7% in the early group with no significant group difference (p = 0.540). Regarding the clinical and psychological results 6 months postoperatively, there was only a restriction of the active external rotation in the delayed group (46.2∘ vs. 39.7∘, p = 0.031). Otherwise there was no significant group difference. Subgroup analyzes were also carried out, particularly with regard to age and gender of the patients. Patients over 65 years of age had less and shorter use of analgetics postoperatively and were better in their mobility 6 weeks postoperatively. Due to the tendency towards increased retears after early aggressive rehabilitation in literature, further studies are required to evaluate whether older patients could benefit from immobilization. In contrast to the arthroscopic surgical technique mainly used in literature, this study presents results after RM refixation in the mini-open technique. It thus provides a good basis for further studies, particularly in the treatment of larger RM ruptures, which have an increased risk of retear and could benefit from longer immobilization. KW - Rotatorenmanschettenruptur KW - Rotatorenmanschette KW - Nachbehandlung KW - Reruptur KW - Mini-Open Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249547 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stepula, Elzbieta A1 - König, Matthias A1 - Wang, Xin‐Ping A1 - Levermann, Janina A1 - Schimming, Tobias A1 - Kasimir‐Bauer, Sabine A1 - Schilling, Bastian A1 - Schlücker, Sebastian T1 - Localization of PD‐L1 on single cancer cells by iSERS microscopy with Au/Au core/satellite nanoparticles JF - Journal of Biophotonics N2 - Programmed cell death‐ligand 1 (PD‐L1) is an important predictive biomarker. The detection of PD‐L1 can be crucial for patients with advanced cancer where the use of immunotherapy is considered. Here, we demonstrate the use of immuno‐SERS microscopy (iSERS) for localizing PD‐L1 on single cancer SkBr‐3 cells. A central advantage of iSERS is that the disturbing autofluorescence from cells and tissues can be efficiently minimized by red to near‐infrared laser excitation. In this study we employed Au/Au core/satellite nanoparticles as SERS nanotags because of their remarkable signal brightness and colloidal stability upon red laser excitation. False‐color iSERS images of the positive and negative controls clearly reveal the specific localization of PD‐L1 with SERS nanotag‐labeled antibodies. KW - gold nanoparticles KW - PD‐L1 KW - Raman KW - SERS Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212655 VL - 13 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schadt, Fabian T1 - Entwicklung und erste Validierung eines innovativen Analysen-Tools für präklinische Bewertungen von PET-Radiopharmazeutika zur \(in\) \(vivo\) Untersuchungen neurologischer Erkrankungen T1 - Development and initial validation of an innovative analytical tool for preclinical evaluations of PET radiopharmaceuticals for \(in\) \(vivo\) investigations of neurological disease N2 - Die präklinische Forschung stellt den ersten wichtigen Meilenstein in der Klärung und Untersuchung klinisch-relevanter Erkrankungen dar. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die präklinische Forschung erheblich die Entwicklung von Therapien. Die Kleintier-Positronenemissionstomographie (µ-PET) spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle, da sie in der Lage ist, funktionelle, physiologische und biochemische Prozesse in vivo darzustellen und zu quantifizieren. Trotz diverser etablierter PET-Datenauswertungs-Programme bleibt die Analyse von in vivo akquirierten Bilddaten aufgrund der Vielzahl an medizinischen Fragestellungen, der Komplexität der Krankheitsbilder, sowie der Etablierung neuer Radiotracer weiterhin eine große Herausforderung in der Medizin. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es daher, ein geeignetes, brauchbares Auswertungstool für eine einfache und effiziente Analyse von akquirierten µ-PET-Daten zu entwickeln und zu etablieren, welches das Spektrum bereits vorhandener Programme erweitert. Das entwickelte nuklearmedizinische Datenverarbeitungs-Analyseprogramm (engl. nuclear medicine data processing analysis tool, NU_DPA) wurde in Matlab implementiert und anhand dreier präklinischer Versuchs- bzw. Testreihen erprobt und etabliert. Bei den Datenreihen handelt es sich um µ-PET-Datensätze verschiedener Schlaganfall-Rattenhirnmodelle unter Verwendung folgender Radiotracer. Zum einen die im Gehirn homogen akkumulierende 2-[18F]Fluor-2-desoxy-glukose ([18F]FDG) zum anderen das spezifisch an P-Selektin anreichernde [68Ga]Fucoidan. Das NU_DPA umfasst die automatische Selektion des Zielvolumens (volume-of-interest, VOI) aus dem vollständigen PET-Bild und die anschließende Ausrichtung des VOI mit Hilfe eines PET-Templates (gemittelter PET-Datensatz). Dieses PET Template wird aus den eigenen akquirierten PET-Daten erstellt. Durch das Einbinden eines geeigneten anatomischen MRT-Atlas‘ (anpassbar) können die ausgerichteten PET-Daten einzelnen, Atlas-spezifischen Teilregionen zugeordnet werden. Eine solche Subklassifikation des VOI erlaubt eine genauere Betrachtung und Auswertung der Radiotracer-Akkumulation. Des Weiteren bietet NU_DPA die Möglichkeit einer semiquantitativen Auswertung der PET-Bilddaten anhand von drei unterschiedlichen Parametern, der normalisierten Aktivität, dem Standardized Uptake Value und der Uptake Ratio. Durch die Matlab-integrierten Statistik-Algorithmen ist zusätzlich eine Möglichkeit der statistischen Auswertung der zuvor berechneten Parameter gegeben. Das NU_DPA-Programm stellt somit ein semi-automatisiertes Datenauswertungs-Programm dar, das sowohl die Registrierung als auch die semiquantitative Auswertung von PET-Bilddaten innerhalb einer Versuchsreihe ermöglicht und bereits erfolgreich für die Radiotracer [18F]FDG und [68Ga]Fucoidan in Tiermodellen getestet wurde. Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand ist kein Datenauswertungs-Programm bekannt, das PET-Bilddaten unter Verwendung des hinzugefügten Atlas‘ semi-automatisiert analysieren kann und potenziell für homogene und Target-spezifisch akkumulierende Radiotracer geeignet ist. N2 - Preclinical research represents the first important milestone in the clarification and investigation of clinically relevant diseases. In addition, preclinical research significantly supports the development of therapies. Small animal positron emission tomography (µ-PET) plays an important role in this context, as it is able to image and quantify functional, physiological and biochemical processes in vivo. Despite various established µ-PET data analysis programs, the analysis of in vivo acquired image data remains a major challenge in medicine due to the multitude of medical questions, the complexity of disease patterns, and the establishment of new radiotracers. Therefore, the aim of this PhD thesis is to develop and establish a suitable, usable evaluation tool for a simple and efficient analysis of acquired µ-PET data, which extends the spectrum of already existing programs. The developed nuclear medicine data processing analysis tool (NU_DPA) was implemented in Matlab and tested and established on the basis of three preclinical experimental or test series. The data series are µ-PET datasets of different stroke rat brain models using the following radiotracers: 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose ([18F]FDG), which accumulates homogeneously in the brain and [68Ga]fucoidan, which specifically accumulates at p-selectin. The NU_DPA involves automatic segmentation of a volume-of-interest (VOI) from the full PET image and the subsequent alignment of the VOI using a PET template (averaged PET dataset). This PET template is created from the own acquired PET data. By embedding a suitable anatomical MR atlas (customizable), the aligned PET data can be assigned to individual atlas-specific sub-regions. Such a sub-classification of the VOI allows a more detailed analysis and evaluation of the radiotracer accumulation. Furthermore, NU_DPA offers the possibility of a semi-quantitative evaluation of the PET image data based on three different parameters, the normalized activity, the standardized uptake value and the uptake ratio. The Matlab-integrated statistical algorithms provide an additional option for statistical evaluation of the previously calculated semi-quantitative parameters. The NU_DPA program thus represents a semi-automatic data evaluation program that enables both the registration and the semi-quantitative evaluation of PET image data within a series of experiments and it has already been successfully tested for the radiotracers [18F]FDG and [68Ga]fucoidan in animal models. To the best of our current knowledge, there is no known data analysis program that can semi-automatically analyze PET image data using the added atlas and is potentially suitable for homogeneous and target-specific accumulating radiotracers. KW - PET KW - Präklinische Bildgebung Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247499 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Anna A1 - Corona, Angela A1 - Spöring, Imke A1 - Jordan, Mareike A1 - Buchholz, Bernd A1 - Maccioni, Elias A1 - Di Santo, Roberto A1 - Bodem, Jochen A1 - Tramontano, Enzo A1 - Wöhrl, Birgitta M. T1 - Biochemical characterization of a multi-drug resistant HIV-1 subtype AG reverse transcriptase: antagonism of AZT discrimination and excision pathways and sensitivity to RNase H inhibitors JF - Nucleic Acids Research N2 - We analyzed a multi-drug resistant (MR) HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT), subcloned from a patient-derived subtype CRF02_AG, harboring 45 amino acid exchanges, amongst them four thymidine analog mutations (TAMs) relevant for high-level AZT (azidothymidine) resistance by AZTMP excision (M41L, D67N, T215Y, K219E) as well as four substitutions of the AZTTP discrimination pathway (A62V, V75I, F116Y and Q151M). In addition, K65R, known to antagonize AZTMP excision in HIV-1 subtype B was present. Although MR-RT harbored the most significant amino acid exchanges T215Y and Q151M of each pathway, it exclusively used AZTTP discrimination, indicating that the two mechanisms are mutually exclusive and that the Q151M pathway is obviously preferred since it confers resistance to most nucleoside inhibitors. A derivative was created, additionally harboring the TAM K70R and the reversions M151Q as well as R65K since K65R antagonizes excision. MR-R65K-K70R-M151Q was competent of AZTMP excision, whereas other combinations thereof with only one or two exchanges still promoted discrimination. To tackle the multi-drug resistance problem, we tested if the MR-RTs could still be inhibited by RNase H inhibitors. All MR-RTs exhibited similar sensitivity toward RNase H inhibitors belonging to different inhibitor classes, indicating the importance of developing RNase H inhibitors further as anti-HIV drugs. KW - ribonuclease H KW - HIV-1 subtype AG KW - azidothymidine KW - reverse transcriptase KW - multi-drug resistance Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166423 VL - 44 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grabarczyk, Daniel B. A1 - Berks, Ben C. T1 - Intermediates in the Sox sulfur oxidation pathway are bound to a sulfane conjugate of the carrier protein SoxYZ JF - PLoS ONE N2 - The Sox pathway found in many sulfur bacteria oxidizes thiosulfate to sulfate. Pathway intermediates are covalently bound to a cysteine residue in the carrier protein SoxYZ. We have used biochemical complementation by SoxYZ-conjugates to probe the identity of the intermediates in the Sox pathway. We find that unconjugated SoxYZ and SoxYZ-S-sulfonate are unlikely to be intermediates during normal turnover in disagreement with current models. By contrast, conjugates with multiple sulfane atoms are readily metabolised by the Sox pathway. The most parsimonious interpretation of these data is that the true carrier species in the Sox pathway is a SoxYZ-S-sulfane adduct. KW - thiosulfates KW - oxidation KW - sulfur KW - cysteine KW - sulfides KW - thermodynamics KW - sulfates KW - sulfites Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171147 VL - 12 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Andratschke, Nicolaus A1 - Kuhnt, Thomas A1 - Hildebrandt, Guido T1 - Radiation myelitis after hypofractionated radiotherapy with concomitant gefitinib JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - We describe the case of a 71-year-old Caucasian female with primary disseminated non-small cell cancer of the lung, presented for palliative radiotherapy of metastatic spread to the 9th and 11th thoracic vertebrae without intramedullary growth. Palliative radiotherapy with daily fractions of 3 Gy and a cumulative dose of 36 Gy to thoracic vertebrae 8-12 was performed. The patient received concomitantly 250 mg gefitinib daily. After a latent period of 16 months, the patient developed symptoms of myelitis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) did not reveal any bony or intraspinal tumor progression, but spinal cord signal alteration. No response to steroids was achieved. The neurological symptoms were progressive in August 2013 with the right leg being completely plegic. The left leg was incompletely paralyzed. Deep and superficial sensitivity was also diminished bilaterally. The patient was completely urinary and anally incontinent. Contrary to the clinical findings, a follow-up MRI (July 2013) showed amelioration of the former signal alterations in the spinal cord. The diagnosis of paraneoplastic myelopathy was refuted by a negative test for autologous antibodies. At the last clinical visit in May 2014, the neurological symptoms were stable. The last tumor-specific treatment the patient is receiving is erlotinib 125 mg/d. We reviewed the literature and found no reported cases of radiation myelopathy after the treatment in such a setting. The calculated probability of such complication after radiotherapy alone is statistically measurable at the level of 0.02%. We suppose that gefitinib could also play a role in the development of this rare complication. KW - radiation myelitis KW - concomitant radiotherapy KW - gefitinib Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175443 VL - 10 IS - 29 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Boelch, S. P. A1 - Jakuscheit, A. A1 - Doerries, S. A1 - Fraissler, L. A1 - Hoberg, M. A1 - Arnholdt, J. A1 - Rudert, M. T1 - Periprosthetic infection is the major indication for TKA revision – experiences from a university referral arthroplasty center JF - BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders N2 - Background: We hypothesized, that periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) accounts for the major proportion of first (primary) and repeated (secondary) Total Knee Arthroplasty revisions at our university referral arthroplasty center. Methods: One thousand one hundred forty-three revisions, performed between 2008 and 2016 were grouped into primary (55%) and secondary (45%) revisions. The rate of revision indications was calculated and indications were categorized by time after index operation. The odds ratios of the indications for primary versus secondary revision were calculated. Results: In the primary revision group PJI accounted for 22.3%, instability for 20.0%, aseptic loosening for 14.9% and retropatellar arthrosis for 14.2%. PJI (25.6%) was the most common indication up to 1 year after implantation, retropatellar arthrosis (26.8%) 1–3 years and aseptic loosening (25.6%) more than 3 years after implantation. In the secondary revision group PJI accounted for 39.7%, aseptic loosening for 16.2% and instability for 13.2%. PJI was the most common indication at any time of revision with 43.8% up to one, 35.4% 1–3 years and 39.4% more the 3 years after index operation. The odds ratios in repeated revision were 2.32 times higher (p = 0.000) for PJI. For instability and retropatellar arthrosis the odds ratios were 0.60 times (p = 0.006) and 0.22 times (p = 0.000) lower. Conclusions: PJI is the most common indication for secondary TKA revision and within one year after primary TKA. Aseptical failures such as instability, retropatellar arthrosis and aseptical loosening are the predominant reasons for revision more than one year after primary TKA. KW - knee arthroplasty KW - revision KW - failure KW - periprosthetic infection Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176983 VL - 19 IS - 395 ER - TY - THES A1 - Imam, Nasir T1 - Molecular basis of collybistin conformational activation T1 - Molekulare Prinzipien der konformellen Aktivierung von Collybistin N2 - The nervous system relies on an orchestrated assembly of complex cellular entities called neurons, which are specifically committed to information management and transmission. Inter-neuronal communication takes place via synapses, membrane-membrane junctions which ensure efficient signal transfer. Synaptic neurotransmission involves release of presynaptic neurotransmitters and their reception by cognate receptors at postsynaptic terminals. Inhibitory neurotransmission is primarily mediated by the release of neurotransmitters GABA (γ-Aminobutyric acid) and glycine, which are precisely sensed by GABA type-A receptors (GABAARs) and glycine receptors (GlyRs), respectively. GABAAR assembly and maintenance is coordinated by various postsynaptic neuronal factors including the scaffolding protein gephyrin, the neuronal adaptor collybistin (CB) and cell adhesion proteins of the neuroligin (NL) family, specifically NL2 and NL4. At inhibitory postsynaptic specializations, gephyrin has been hypothesized to form extended structures underneath the plasma membrane, where its interaction with the receptors leads to their stabilization and impedes their lateral movement. Gephyrin mutations have been associated with various brain disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy. Furthermore, gephyrin loss is lethal and causes mice to die within the first post-natal day. Gephyrin recruitment from intracellular deposits to postsynaptic membranes primarily relies on the adaptor protein CB. As a moonlighting protein, CB, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), also catalyzes a nucleotide exchange reaction, thereby regenerating the GTP-bound state of the small GTPase Cdc42 from its GDP-bound form. The CB gene undergoes alternative splicing with the majority of CB splice variants featuring an N-terminal SH3 domain followed by tandem Dbl-homology (DH) and pleckstrin-homology (PH) domains. Previous studies demonstrated that the most widely expressed, SH3-domain containing splice variant (CB2SH3+) preferentially adopts a closed conformation, in which the N-terminally located SH3 domain forms intra-molecular interaction with the DH-PH domain tandem. Previous cell-based studies indicated that SH3 domain-encoding CB variants remain untargeted and colocalize with intracellular gephyrin deposits and hence require additional factors which interact with the SH3 domain, thus inducing an open or active conformation. The SH3 domain-deficient CB isoform (CB2SH3-), on the contrary, adopts an open conformation, which possess enhanced postsynaptic gephyrin-clustering and also effectively replenishes the GTP-bound small GTPase-Cdc42 from its GDP-bound state. Despite the fundamental role of CB as a neuronal adaptor protein maintaining the proper function of inhibitory GABAergic synapses, its interactions with the neuronal scaffolding protein gephyrin and other post synaptic neuronal factors remain poorly understood. Moreover, CB interaction studies with the small GTPase Cdc42 and TC10, a closely related member of Cdc42 subfamily, remains poorly characterized. Most importantly, the roles of the neuronal factors and small GTPases in CB conformational activation have not been elucidated. This PhD dissertation primarily focuses on delineating the molecular basis of the interactions between CB and postsynaptic neuronal factors. During the course of my PhD dissertation, I engineered a series of CB FRET (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) sensors to characterize the CB interaction with its binding partners along with outlining their role in CB conformational activation. Through the aid of these CB FRET sensors, I analyzed the gephyrin-CB interaction, which, due to technical limitations remained unaddressed for more than two decades (refer Chapter 2 for more details). Subsequently, I also unraveled the molecular basis of the interactions between CB and the neuronal cell adhesion factor neuroligin 2 (refer chapter 2) and the small GTPases Cdc42 and TC10 (refer chapter 3) and describe how these binding partners induce a conformational activation of CB. In summary, this PhD dissertation provides strong evidence of a closely knit CB communication network with gephyrin, neuroligin and the small GTPase TC10, wherein CB activation from closed/inactive to open/active states is effectively triggered by these ligands. N2 - Das Nervensystem ist eine komplexe Ansammlung zellulärer Einheiten, darunter sind die Neuronen, die speziell für die Verarbeitung und Übertragung von Informationen zuständig sind. Die Kommunikation zwischen Neuronen erfolgt über Synapsen, spezialisierte Membran-Membran-Kontakte, die eine effiziente Signalübertragung gewährleisten. Die synaptische Neurotransmission umfasst die präsynaptische Freisetzung von Neurotransmitters und deren Empfang durch entsprechende Rezeptoren in den Postsynapsen. Die inhibitorische Neurotransmission wird in erster Linie durch die Freisetzung der Neurotransmitter GABA (γ-Aminobuttersäure-Typ) und Glycin vermittelt, die von GABA-Typ-A-Rezeptor (GABAAR) bzw. Glycinrezeptoren (GlyR) präzise wahrgenommen werden. Der Aufbau und die Aufrechterhaltung von GABAAR Clustern wird durch verschiedene postsynaptische neuronale Faktoren koordiniert, darunter das Gerüstprotein Gephyrin, das neuronale Adaptorprotein Collybistin (CB) und Zelladhäsionsproteine der Neuroligin (NL)-Familie, insbesondere NL2 und NL4. Es wird angenommen, dass Gephyrin an hemmenden postsynaptischen Spezialisierungen ausgedehnte Strukturen unterhalb der Plasmamembran bildet, und durch Interaktion mit den Rezeptoren deren laterale Diffusion verhindert. Gephyrin-Mutationen wurden mit verschiedenen Hirnkrankheiten in Verbindung gebracht, darunter Autismus, Schizophrenie, Alzheimer und Epilepsie. Der Verlust von Gephyrin ist tödlich und führt dazu, dass Mäuse innerhalb des ersten postnatalen Tages sterben. Die Rekrutierung von Gephyrin aus intrazellulären Ablagerungen zu postsynaptischen Membranen hängt in erster Linie von CB ab. Als Moonlighting-Protein katalysiert CB, ein Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktor (GEF), auch den Nukleotidaustausch und somit die Reaktivierung der kleinen GTPase Cdc42 . Das CB-Gen wird durch alternatives Spleißen modifiziert; die meisten CB-Spleißvarianten weisen eine N-terminale SH3-Domäne auf, gefolgt von Tandem aus einer Dbl-Homologie (DH)- und einer Pleckstrin-Homologie (PH)-Domäne. Frühere Studien zeigten, dass die am häufigsten exprimierte Spleißvariante, die eine SH3-Domäne enthält (CB2SH3+), vorzugsweise eine geschlossene Konformation annimmt, bei der die N-terminal gelegene SH3-Domäne eine intra-molekulare Interaktion mit dem DH-PH- Tandem eingeht. Zellbasierte Studien zeigten, dass CB-Varianten, die für die SH3-Domäne kodieren, sich innerhalb der Zelle nicht an spezifischen Orten anreichern und stattdessen mit intrazellulären Gephyrin-Ablagerungen kolokalisieren. Zusätzliche Faktoren werden benötigt, die mit der SH3-Domäne interagieren und so eine offene oder aktive Konformation hervorrufen. Die SH3-Domänen-defiziente CB-Isoform (CB2SH3-) hingegen nimmt eine offene Konformation an, die eine verstärkte postsynaptische Gephyrin-Anhäufung aufweist und die GTP-gebundene kleine GTPase Cdc42 aus ihrem GDP-gebundenen Zustand effektiv wieder regeneriert. Trotz der grundlegenden Rolle von CB als neuronales Adaptorprotein, das die ordnungsgemäße Funktion hemmender GABAerger Synapsen aufrechterhält, ist seine Interaktion mit dem neuronalen Gerüstprotein Gephyrin und anderen post-synaptischen neuronalen Faktoren nach wie vor unzureichend verstanden. Darüber hinaus sind die Interaktionsstudien von CB mit der kleinen GTPase Cdc42 und TC10, einem eng verwandten Mitglied der Cdc42-Unterfamilie, noch immer unzureichend charakterisiert. Somit war die Frage, ob diese neuronalen Faktoren sowie die kleinen GTPasen an der CB-Konformationsaktivierung beteiligt sind. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf die Beschreibung der molekularen Grundlagen der Interaktion von CB mit postsynaptischen neuronalen Faktoren. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation habe ich eine Reihe von CB-FRET-Sensoren (Förster-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer) entwickelt, um die CB-Interaktion mit seinen Bindungspartnern zu charakterisieren und ihre Rolle bei der CB-Konformationsaktivierung zu beschreiben. Mit Hilfe der CB-FRET-Sensoren entschlüsselte ich das langjährige Rätsel der Gephyrin-CB-Interaktion, das aufgrund technischer Beschränkungen mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte lang ungelöst blieb (siehe Kapitel 2 für weitere Einzelheiten). In der Folge habe ich auch die molekularen Grundlagen der CB-Wechselwirkung und damit ihre konformelle Aktivierung durch den neuronalen Zelladhäsionsfaktor Neuroligin 2 (siehe Kapitel 2) und die kleinen GTPasen Cdc42 und TC10 (siehe Kapitel 3) analysiertt. Zusammengefasst liefert diese Dissertation starke Beweise für ein engmaschiges CB-Kommunikationsnetzwerk mit Gephyrin, Neuroligin und der kleinen GTPase TC10, in dem der CB-Konformationswechsel vom geschlossenen/inaktiven zum offenen/aktiven Zustand effektiv durch die Liganden ausgelöst wird. KW - Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) KW - Rho GTPasw KW - inhibitory postsynapse KW - Autoinhibition KW - conformational activation KW - collybistin KW - fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) KW - gephyrin KW - neurologin-2 KW - time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311458 ER - TY - THES A1 - Fuchs, Katharina T1 - Validierung verschiedener prädisponierender Faktoren für die Entwicklung eines Lagerungsplagiozephalus T1 - Validation of various predisposing factors for developing an deformational plagiocephaly N2 - Bei seiner Geburt und innerhalb der ersten Lebensmonate ist der Säuglingsschädel verhältnismäßig leicht verformbar. Dies birgt die Gefahr einer unphysiologischen Verformung durch externe modellierende Kräfte. Die auf diesem Weg am häufigsten verursachte Deformation ist der Lagerungsplagiozephalus (LP). In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 455 Säuglinge, die zunächst in drei unterschiedliche Gruppen bezüglich ihrer Kopfform unterteilt worden sind, hinsichtlich verschiedener Parameter miteinander verglichen. Anhand des U-Heftes und einem speziell für die craniofaciale Sprechstunde des CFCW Würzburg angefertigten Fragebogen wurden Prädiktoren für die Entwicklung eines LP evaluiert. Die herausgearbeiteten prädisponierenden Faktoren waren das männliche Geschlecht, Frühgeburtlichkeit, eine unphysiologische Geburtslage, Notkaiserschnitt oder geburtshilfliche Maßnahmen, verminderte Geburtsgröße, vermindertes Geburtsgewicht und ein längerer Krankenhausaufenthalt im Anschluss an die Geburt. Als prognostisch günstiger Faktor hinsichtlich der Entwicklung einer physiologischen Schädelform konnte in der vorliegenden Studie eine längere Stilldauer bestätigt werden. Dies galt ebenso für Gabe von Flaschennahrung aus alternierenden Positionen. Hinsichtlich der präventiven Aufklärung von Eltern Neugeborener liefert die vorliegende Studie einige wichtige Ansätze. Sie untermauert jedoch auch den hohen Bedarf an weiterer Forschung bezüglich prädisponierender Faktoren für die Entwicklung des LP. Dies kann dazu beitragen die Prävention und Früherkennung eines LP mittels flächendeckender qualitativ hochwertiger Aufklärung stetig zu verbessern und notwendig gewordene Behandlungen durch standardisierte Therapieempfehlungen zu optimieren. N2 - At birth and within the first months of life, the infant skull is easily deformable. This goes along with the risk of non-physiological deformation by external modelling forces. The most common deformation caused by this pathway is the unilateral deformational plagiocephaly (DP). In the present study, 455 infants, who were initially divided into three different groups according to their head deformity, were compared with each other regarding different parameters. The identified predisposing factors were male sex, premature birth, non-physiological birth status, emergency caesarean section or obstetric measures, reduced birth size, reduced birth weight and a longer hospitalization after birth. A longer breastfeeding duration was confirmed as a prognostic factor in the development of a physiological skull shape. This also applied to bottle feeding from alternating positions. The study provides some important approaches regarding the preventive education of parents. However, it also underlines the strong need for further research considering predisposing factors for the development of an DP. This can help to continuously improve the prevention and early detection of DP and to optimize necessary treatments by standardized therapy recommendations. KW - Lagerungsplagiozephalus KW - Risikofaktoren KW - risk factors KW - deformational plagiocephaly Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251471 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuhlemann, Alexander A1 - Beliu, Gerti A1 - Janzen, Dieter A1 - Petrini, Enrica Maria A1 - Taban, Danush A1 - Helmerich, Dominic A. A1 - Doose, Sören A1 - Bruno, Martina A1 - Barberis, Andrea A1 - Villmann, Carmen A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Werner, Christian T1 - Genetic Code Expansion and Click-Chemistry Labeling to Visualize GABA-A Receptors by Super-Resolution Microscopy JF - Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience N2 - Fluorescence labeling of difficult to access protein sites, e.g., in confined compartments, requires small fluorescent labels that can be covalently tethered at well-defined positions with high efficiency. Here, we report site-specific labeling of the extracellular domain of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptor subunits by genetic code expansion (GCE) with unnatural amino acids (ncAA) combined with bioorthogonal click-chemistry labeling with tetrazine dyes in HEK-293-T cells and primary cultured neurons. After optimization of GABA-A receptor expression and labeling efficiency, most effective variants were selected for super-resolution microscopy and functionality testing by whole-cell patch clamp. Our results show that GCE with ncAA and bioorthogonal click labeling with small tetrazine dyes represents a versatile method for highly efficient site-specific fluorescence labeling of proteins in a crowded environment, e.g., extracellular protein domains in confined compartments such as the synaptic cleft. KW - super-resolution microscopy (SRM) KW - click-chemistry KW - dSTORM KW - GABA-A receptor KW - genetic code expansion Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251035 SN - 1663-3563 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peters, Simon A1 - Kaiser, Lena A1 - Fink, Julian A1 - Schumacher, Fabian A1 - Perschin, Veronika A1 - Schlegel, Jan A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Stigloher, Christian A1 - Kleuser, Burkhard A1 - Seibel, Juergen A1 - Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra T1 - Click-correlative light and electron microscopy (click-AT-CLEM) for imaging and tracking azido-functionalized sphingolipids in bacteria JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Sphingolipids, including ceramides, are a diverse group of structurally related lipids composed of a sphingoid base backbone coupled to a fatty acid side chain and modified terminal hydroxyl group. Recently, it has been shown that sphingolipids show antimicrobial activity against a broad range of pathogenic microorganisms. The antimicrobial mechanism, however, remains so far elusive. Here, we introduce 'click-AT-CLEM', a labeling technique for correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) based on the super-resolution array tomography (srAT) approach and bio-orthogonal click chemistry for imaging of azido-tagged sphingolipids to directly visualize their interaction with the model Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria meningitidis at subcellular level. We observed ultrastructural damage of bacteria and disruption of the bacterial outer membrane induced by two azido-modified sphingolipids by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Click-AT-CLEM imaging and mass spectrometry clearly revealed efficient incorporation of azido-tagged sphingolipids into the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria as underlying cause of their antimicrobial activity. KW - antimicrobials KW - biological techniques KW - imaging KW - microbiology KW - microbiology techniques KW - microscopy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259147 VL - 11 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheer, Monika A1 - Vokuhl, Christian A1 - Blank, Bernd A1 - Hallmen, Erika A1 - von Kalle, Thekla A1 - Münter, Marc A1 - Wessalowski, Rüdiger A1 - Hartwig, Maite A1 - Sparber-Sauer, Monika A1 - Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt A1 - Kramm, Christof M. A1 - Kontny, Udo A1 - Spriewald, Bernd A1 - Kegel, Thomas A1 - Bauer, Sebastian A1 - Kazanowska, Bernarda A1 - Niggli, Felix A1 - Ladenstein, Ruth A1 - Ljungman, Gustaf A1 - Jahnukainen, Kirsi A1 - Fuchs, Jörg A1 - Bielack, Stefan S. A1 - Klingebiel, Thomas A1 - Koscielniak, Ewa T1 - Desmoplastic small round cell tumors: Multimodality treatment and new risk factors JF - Cancer Medicine N2 - Background To evaluate optimal therapy and potential risk factors. Methods Data of DSRCT patients <40 years treated in prospective CWS trials 1997-2015 were analyzed. Results Median age of 60 patients was 14.5 years. Male:female ratio was 4:1. Tumors were abdominal/retroperitoneal in 56/60 (93%). 6/60 (10%) presented with a localized mass, 16/60 (27%) regionally disseminated nodes, and 38/60 (63%) with extraperitoneal metastases. At diagnosis, 23/60 (38%) patients had effusions, 4/60 (7%) a thrombosis, and 37/54 (69%) elevated CRP. 40/60 (67%) patients underwent tumor resection, 21/60 (35%) macroscopically complete. 37/60 (62%) received chemotherapy according to CEVAIE (ifosfamide, vincristine, actinomycin D, carboplatin, epirubicin, etoposide), 15/60 (25%) VAIA (ifosfamide, vincristine, adriamycin, actinomycin D) and, 5/60 (8%) P6 (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, ifosfamide, etoposide). Nine received high-dose chemotherapy, 6 received regional hyperthermia, and 20 received radiotherapy. Among 25 patients achieving complete remission, 18 (72%) received metronomic therapies. Three-year event-free (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 11% (±8 confidence interval [CI] 95%) and 30% (±12 CI 95%), respectively, for all patients and 26.7% (±18.0 CI 95%) and 56.9% (±20.4 CI 95%) for 25 patients achieving remission. Extra-abdominal site, localized disease, no effusion or ascites only, absence of thrombosis, normal CRP, complete tumor resection, and chemotherapy with VAIA correlated with EFS in univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, significant factors were no thrombosis and chemotherapy with VAIA. In patients achieving complete remission, metronomic therapy with cyclophosphamide/vinblastine correlated with prolonged time to relapse. Conclusion Pleural effusions, venous thrombosis, and CRP elevation were identified as potential risk factors. The VAIA scheme showed best outcome. Maintenance therapy should be investigated further. KW - C-reactive protein KW - desmoplastic small round cell tumor KW - maintenance therapy KW - soft tissue sarcoma KW - Trousseau's syndrome Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228444 VL - 8 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silwedel, Christine A1 - Speer, Christian P. A1 - Haarmann, Axel A1 - Fehrholz, Markus A1 - Claus, Heike A1 - Buttmann, Mathias A1 - Glaser, Kirsten T1 - Novel insights into neuroinflammation: bacterial lipopolysaccharide, tumor necrosis factor α, and Ureaplasma species differentially modulate atypical chemokine receptor 3 responses in human brain microvascular endothelial cells JF - Journal of Neuroinflammation N2 - Background: Atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3, synonym CXCR7) is increasingly considered relevant in neuroinflammatory conditions, in which its upregulation contributes to compromised endothelial barrier function and may ultimately allow inflammatory brain injury. While an impact of ACKR3 has been recognized in several neurological autoimmune diseases, neuroinflammation may also result from infectious agents, including Ureaplasma species (spp.). Although commonly regarded as commensals of the adult urogenital tract, Ureaplasma spp. may cause invasive infections in immunocompromised adults as well as in neonates and appear to be relevant pathogens in neonatal meningitis. Nonetheless, clinical and in vitro data on Ureaplasma-induced inflammation are scarce. Methods: We established a cell culture model of Ureaplasma meningitis, aiming to analyze ACKR3 variances as a possible pathomechanism in Ureaplasma-associated neuroinflammation. Non-immortalized human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) were exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and native as well as LPS-primed HBMEC were cultured with Ureaplasma urealyticum serovar 8 (Uu8) and U. parvum serovar 3 (Up3). ACKR3 responses were assessed via qRT-PCR, RNA sequencing, flow cytometry, and immunocytochemistry. Results: LPS, TNF-α, and Ureaplasma spp. influenced ACKR3 expression in HBMEC. LPS and TNF-α significantly induced ACKR3 mRNA expression (p < 0.001, vs. control), whereas Ureaplasma spp. enhanced ACKR3 protein expression in HBMEC (p < 0.01, vs. broth control). Co-stimulation with LPS and either Ureaplasma isolate intensified ACKR3 responses (p < 0.05, vs. LPS). Furthermore, stimulation wielded a differential influence on the receptor’s ligands. Conclusions: We introduce an in vitro model of Ureaplasma meningitis. We are able to demonstrate a pro-inflammatory capacity of Ureaplasma spp. in native and, even more so, in LPS-primed HBMEC, underlining their clinical relevance particularly in a setting of co-infection. Furthermore, our data may indicate a novel role for ACKR3, with an impact not limited to auto-inflammatory diseases, but extending to infection-related neuroinflammation as well. AKCR3-induced blood-brain barrier breakdown might constitute a potential common pathomechanism. KW - atypical chemokine receptor 3 KW - human brain microvascular endothelial cells KW - meningitis KW - neuroinflammation KW - Ureaplasma species Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175952 VL - 15 IS - 156 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hofmann, Lukas A1 - Karl, Franziska A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan T1 - Affective and cognitive behavior in the alpha-galactosidase A deficient mouse model of Fabry disease JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Fabry disease is an X-linked inherited lysosomal storage disorder with intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) due to α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) deficiency. Fabry patients frequently report of anxiety, depression, and impaired cognitive function. We characterized affective and cognitive phenotype of male mice with α-Gal A deficiency (Fabry KO) and compared results with those of age-matched male wildtype (WT) littermates. Young (3 months) and old (≥ 18 months) mice were tested in the naïve state and after i.pl. injection of complete Freund`s adjuvant (CFA) as an inflammatory pain model. We used the elevated plus maze (EPM), the light-dark box (LDB) and the open field test (OF) to investigate anxiety-like behavior. The forced swim test (FST) and Morris water maze (MWM) were applied to assess depressive-like and learning behavior. The EPM test revealed no intergroup difference for anxiety-like behavior in naïve young and old Fabry KO mice compared to WT littermates, except for longer time spent in open arms of the EPM for young WT mice compared to young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05). After CFA injection, young Fabry KO mice showed increased anxiety-like behavior compared to young WT littermates (p<0.05) and naïve young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05) in the EPM as reflected by shorter time spent in EPM open arms. There were no relevant differences in the LDB and the OF test, except for longer time spent in the center zone of the OF by young WT mice compared to young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05). Complementary to this, depression-like and learning behavior were not different between genotypes and age-groups, except for the expectedly lower memory performance in older age-groups compared to young mice. Our results indicate that genetic influences on affective and cognitive symptoms in FD may be of subordinate relevance, drawing attention to potential influences of environmental and epigenetic factors. KW - cognitive impairment KW - mouse models KW - depression KW - swimming KW - learning KW - Fabry disease KW - genetics Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170745 VL - 12 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dombert, Benjamin A1 - Balk, Stefanie A1 - Lüningschrör, Patrick A1 - Moradi, Mehri A1 - Sivadasan, Rajeeve A1 - Saal-Bauernschubert, Lena A1 - Jablonka, Sibylle T1 - BDNF/trkB induction of calcium transients through Ca\(_{v}\)2.2 calcium channels in motoneurons corresponds to F-actin assembly and growth cone formation on β2-chain laminin (221) JF - Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience N2 - Spontaneous Ca\(^{2+}\) transients and actin dynamics in primary motoneurons correspond to cellular differentiation such as axon elongation and growth cone formation. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor trkB support both motoneuron survival and synaptic differentiation. However, in motoneurons effects of BDNF/trkB signaling on spontaneous Ca\(^{2+}\) influx and actin dynamics at axonal growth cones are not fully unraveled. In our study we addressed the question how neurotrophic factor signaling corresponds to cell autonomous excitability and growth cone formation. Primary motoneurons from mouse embryos were cultured on the synapse specific, β2-chain containing laminin isoform (221) regulating axon elongation through spontaneous Ca\(^{2+}\) transients that are in turn induced by enhanced clustering of N-type specific voltage-gated Ca\(^{2+}\) channels (Ca\(_{v}\)2.2) in axonal growth cones. TrkB-deficient (trkBTK\(^{-/-}\)) mouse motoneurons which express no full-length trkB receptor and wildtype motoneurons cultured without BDNF exhibited reduced spontaneous Ca\(^{2+}\) transients that corresponded to altered axon elongation and defects in growth cone morphology which was accompanied by changes in the local actin cytoskeleton. Vice versa, the acute application of BDNF resulted in the induction of spontaneous Ca\(^{2+}\) transients and Ca\(_{v}\)2.2 clustering in motor growth cones, as well as the activation of trkB downstream signaling cascades which promoted the stabilization of β-actin via the LIM kinase pathway and phosphorylation of profilin at Tyr129. Finally, we identified a mutual regulation of neuronal excitability and actin dynamics in axonal growth cones of embryonic motoneurons cultured on laminin-221/211. Impaired excitability resulted in dysregulated axon extension and local actin cytoskeleton, whereas upon β-actin knockdown Ca\(_{v}\)2.2 clustering was affected. We conclude from our data that in embryonic motoneurons BDNF/trkB signaling contributes to axon elongation and growth cone formation through changes in the local actin cytoskeleton accompanied by increased Ca\(_{v}\)2.2 clustering and local calcium transients. These findings may help to explore cellular mechanisms which might be dysregulated during maturation of embryonic motoneurons leading to motoneuron disease. KW - growth cone KW - BDNF KW - trkB KW - Ca\(_{v}\)2.2 KW - F-actin KW - motor axon Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159094 VL - 10 IS - 346 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiore, Piera Filomena A1 - Vacca, Paola A1 - Tumino, Nicola A1 - Besi, Francesca A1 - Pelosi, Andrea A1 - Munari, Enrico A1 - Marconi, Marcella A1 - Caruana, Ignazio A1 - Pistoia, Vito A1 - Moretta, Lorenzo A1 - Azzarone, Bruno T1 - Wilms' tumor primary cells display potent immunoregulatory properties on NK cells and macrophages JF - Cancers N2 - The immune response plays a crucial defensive role in cancer growth and metastasis and is a promising target in different tumors. The role of the immune system in Wilm’s Tumor (WT), a common pediatric renal malignancy, is still to be explored. The characterization of the immune environment in WT could allow the identification of new therapeutic strategies for targeting possible inhibitory mechanisms and/or lowering toxicity of the current treatments. In this study, we stabilized four WT primary cultures expressing either a blastematous (CD56\(^+\)/CD133\(^−\)) or an epithelial (CD56\(^−\)/CD133\(^+\)) phenotype and investigated their interactions with innate immune cells, namely NK cells and monocytes. We show that cytokine-activated NK cells efficiently kill WT cells. However, after co-culture with WT primary cells, NK cells displayed an impaired cytotoxic activity, decreased production of IFNγ and expression of CD107a, DNAM-1 and NKp30. Analysis of the effects of the interaction between WT cells and monocytes revealed their polarization towards alternatively activated macrophages (M2) that, in turn, further impaired NK cell functions. In conclusion, we show that both WT blastematous and epithelial components may contribute directly and indirectly to a tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment that is likely to play a role in tumor progression. KW - Wilm's tumor KW - NK cells KW - macrophages KW - tumor microenvironment KW - Wilms' tumor Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222981 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 13 IS - 2 ER -