TY - THES A1 - Zilker, Markus T1 - The stability of finished pharmaceutical products and drug substances beyond their labeled expiry dates T1 - Die Stabilität von Fertigarzneimitteln und Wirkstoffen nach Ablauf des Verfalldatums N2 - Upon approval of a drug, the stability of the API and the FPP has to be studied intensively because it determines the shelf-life. If a drug is found to be stable, the expiry date is arbitrary set to five years at the maximum, if a drug tends to undergo degradation, the expiry date is set shorter. The drug product must comply with predefined specifications in accordance with the ICH guidelines Q6A and Q6B during its entire market life. The content of the active substance is required to be within a specification of 95–105% of its labeled claim until expiry corresponding to the ICH guideline Q1A(R2). However, there is little or scattered literature information addressing the stability of drug products beyond their expiry dates. The objective of this thesis was to study and assess the long-term stability of a collection involving numerous pure drug substances and ampoules manufactured in the 20th century. The content and the impurity profile were examined by means of appropriate analytical methods, mainly using liquid chromatography. The results were compared to data being available in the literature. Assessing the stability regarding the dosage form and the affiliation of the drug class was conducted. The experimental studies comprise the examination of 50 drug substances manufactured 20–30 years ago and 14 long expired ampoules which were older than 40 years in the time of analysis, exceeding many times the maximum shelf life of five years. For investigation of the solid drug substances, pharmacopoeial methods were applied as far as possible. Indeed, results of the study showed that 44 tested substances still complied with the specification of the Ph. Eur. with regard to the content and impurity profile, even after more than two decades of storage. For analysis of the injection solutions, HPLC-UV and HPLC-ESI/MS techniques were applied, commonly based on liquid chromatography methods of the Ph. Eur. for determination of related substances. Each method was further validated for its application to ensure accurate API quantification corresponding to ICH Q2(R1). Quite a few ampoules were identified to show surprisingly high stability. In spite of their age of 53–72 years, APIs such as caffeine, etilefrine, synephrine, metamizole sodium, furosemide, and sodium salicylate complied with the specified content that is valid nowadays, respectively. Nevertheless, typical degradation reaction, e.g. hydrolysis, oxidation, or isomerization, was observed in all remaining ampoules. Various degrees of hydrolysis were revealed for scopolamine, procaine, and adenosine triphosphate, the contents were decreased to 71%, 70%, and 15% of the declared concentrations, respectively. In the epinephrine and dipyridamole ampoules, oxidative degradation has been occurred, finding respective API contents of more or less 70%. For dihydroergotamine, excessive decomposition by epimerization was observed, resulting in an API content of 21% and degradation by isomerization was found in lobeline, still containing 64% of the labeled claim. In conclusion, supported by the data of the present studies and the literature, defining and authorizing a longer shelf-life may be applicable to numerous pharmaceuticals which should be considered by pharmaceutical manufacturers and regulatory authorities, if justified based on stability studies. A general extension of the shelf-lives of drug products and the abolishment or extension of the maximum shelf-life limit of five years would prevent disposing of still potent medications and save a lot of money to the entire health care system. N2 - Bei der Zulassung eines Arzneimittels muss die Stabilität sowohl des Wirkstoffes als auch des Fertigarzneimittels umfassend untersucht werden, da dies für die Festlegung der Haltbarkeit wesentlich ist. Wenn sich herausstellt, dass ein Arzneimittel stabil ist, wird das Verfallsdatum auf höchstens fünf Jahre festgelegt. Neigt ein Arzneimittel zum Abbau, so wird ein kürzeres Verfallsdatum gewählt. Das Arzneimittel muss innerhalb der Haltbarkeitsfrist definierten Spezifikationen entsprechen, welche in den ICH-Richtlinien Q6A und Q6B festgelegt sind. Dabei muss insbesondere der Wirkstoff-Gehalt des Arzneimittels gemäß der ICH-Richtlinie Q1A(R2) innerhalb der Spezifikation von 95–105 % der deklarierten Konzentration liegen. In der Literatur gibt es jedoch wenige Informationen darüber, wie stabil Arzneimittel lange nach Ablauf des Verfallsdatums sind. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Stabilität zahlreicher Feststoffe und Ampullen, die aus einer Altarzneimittel-Sammlung stammten und während des 20. Jahrhunderts hergestellt wurden, zu untersuchen und zu bewerten. Der Gehalt und das Verunreinigungsprofil wurden mittels geeigneter instrumenteller Analyseverfahren bestimmt, wobei hauptsächlich flüssigchromatographische Methoden zur Anwendung kamen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden mit Literaturdaten verglichen und es wurde eine Beurteilung der Stabilität in Abhängigkeit von der Darreichungsform und der Zugehörigkeit zu einer Arzneistoffklasse vorgenommen. Die experimentellen Studien umfassten die Untersuchung von 50 Feststoffen, die vor 20 bis 30 Jahren hergestellt worden waren, und 14 Alt-Ampullen, die ein Alter von mindestens 40 Jahre aufwiesen und damit die maximale Haltbarkeit von fünf Jahren um ein Vielfaches überschritten hatten. Zur Untersuchung der Feststoffe wurden meist Arzneibuchmethoden verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 44 geprüfte Substanzen auch nach mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten hinsichtlich ihres Gehalts und Verunreinigungsprofils den jeweiligen Spezifikationen des Europäischen Arzneibuchs entsprachen. Zur Analyse der Alt Ampullen wurden HPLC-UV- und HPLC-ESI/MS-Techniken eingesetzt. Diese basierten häufig auf Arzneibuch-Methoden zur Prüfung auf verwandte Substanzen. Für die Gehaltsbestimmungen wurden entsprechend der ICH-Richtlinie Q2(R1) die erforderlichen Parameter validiert. Einige Ampullen zeigten eine überraschend hohe Stabilität des Wirkstoffs, trotz ihres Alters von 53 bis 72 Jahren. Dabei entsprachen die Wirkstoffe Koffein, Etilefrin, Synephrin, Metamizol Natrium, Furosemid und Natriumsalicylat dem heute gültigen Spezifikationsbereich von 95–105 %. Nichtsdestoweniger wurden bei einigen Ampullen typische Abbaureaktionen wie Hydrolyse, Oxidation oder Isomerisierung festgestellt. Die Hydrolyse der Arzneistoffe Scopolamin, Procain und Adenosintriphosphat führte zu verringerten Gehalten von 71 %, 70 % bzw. 15 % der jeweiligen gekennzeichneten Wirkstoffkonzentration. Die Epinephrin- und Dipyridamol-Injektionslösungen waren von oxidativem Abbau betroffen. Der Wirkstoffgehalt dieser Ampullen lag jeweils bei ca. 70 %. In der Dihydroergotamin Ampulle trat eine massive Epimerisierung auf, wobei ein Gehalt von 21 % bestimmt wurde. Aufgrund der Isomerisierung des Arzneistoffes Lobelin reduzierte sich der Wirkstoffgehalt auf 64 %. Als Schlussfolgerung der experimentellen Studien und der verfügbaren Daten aus der Literatur sollten die pharmazeutischen Unternehmer und die Aufsichtsbehörden erwägen, die Haltbarkeitsdauer für zahlreiche Arzneimittel zu verlängern, wenn dies basierend auf Stabilitätsuntersuchungen gerechtfertigt ist. Eine generelle Ausweitung der Verwendbarkeit von Arzneimitteln sowie die Abschaffung oder Erweiterung der maximalen Haltbarkeitsdauer von fünf Jahren würde die Entsorgung noch wirksamer Medikamente verhindern und dem Gesundheitssystem viel Geld einsparen. KW - Stabilität KW - Fertigarzneimittel KW - Wirkstoff KW - Chromatographie KW - Chemical stability KW - Shelf-life KW - Expiry date Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180695 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zieschang, Fabian T1 - Energy and Electron Transfer Studies of Triarylamine-based Dendrimers and Cascades T1 - Energie- und Elektron-Transfer Studien von triarylamin-basierten Dendrimeren und Kaskaden N2 - In this work the synthesis of dendritic macromolecules and small redox cascades was reported and studies of their energy and electron transfer properties discussed. The chromophores in the dendrimers and the redox cascades are linked via triazoles, which were built up by CuAAC. Thereby, a synthetic concept based on building blocks was implemented, which allowed the exchange of all basic components. Resulting structures include dendrimers composed exclusively of TAAs (G1–G3), dendrimers with an incorporated spirobifluorene core (spiro-G1 and spiro-G2) and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1, in which the terminal groups are exchanged by NDIs. Furthermore, a series of model compounds was synthesised in order to achieve a better understanding of the photophysical processes in the dendrimers. A modification of the synthetic concept for dendrimers enabled the synthesis of a series of donor-acceptor triads (T-Me, T-Cl and T-CN) consisting of two TAA donors and one NDI acceptor unit. The intermediate TAA chromophore ensured a downhill redox gradient from the NDI to the terminal TAA, which was proved by cyclic voltammetry measurements. The redox potential of the intermediate TAA was adjusted by different redox determining substituents in the “free” p-position of the TAA. Additionally, two dyads (Da and Db) were synthesised which differ in the junction of the triazole to the TAA or the NDI, respectively. In these cascades a nodal-plane along the N-N-axes in the NDI and a large twist angle between the NDI and the N-aryl substituent guaranteed a small electronic coupling. The photophysical investigations of the dendrimers focused on the homo-energy transfer properties in the TAA dendrimers G1–G3. Steady-state emission spectroscopy revealed that the emission takes place from a charge transfer state. The polar excited state resulted in a strong Stokes shift of the emission, which in turn led to a small spectral overlap integral between the absorption of the acceptor and the emission of the donor in the solvent relaxed state. According to the Förster theory, the overlap integral strongly determines the energy transfer rate. Fluorescence up-conversion measurements showed a strong and rapid initial fluorescence anisotropy decay and a much slower decrease on the longer time scale. The experiment revealed a fast energy transfer in the first 2 ps followed by a much slower energy hopping. Time resolved emission spectra (TRES) of the model compound M indicated a solvent relaxation on the same time scale as the fast energy transfer. The Förster estimation of energy transfer rates in G1 explains fast energy transfer in the vibrotionally relaxed state before solvent relaxation starts. Thereby, the emission spectrum of G1 in cyclohexane served as the time zero spectrum. Thus, solvent relaxation and fast energy transfer compete in the first two ps after excitation and it is crucial to discriminate between energy transfer in the Franck-Condon and in the solvent relaxed state. Furthermore, this finding demonstrates that fast energy transfer occurs even in charge transfer systems where a large Stokes shift prevents an effective spectral overlap integral if there is a sufficient overlap integral in before solvent relaxation. Energy transfer upon excitation was also observed in the spiro dendrimers spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and identified by steady-state emission anisotropy measurements. It was assumed that the energy in spiro-G1 is completely distributed over the entire molecule while the energy in spiro-G2 is probably distributed over only one individual branch. This finding was based on a more polarised emission of spiro-G2 compared to spiro-G1. This issue has to be ascertained by e.g. time resolved emission anisotropy measurements in further energy transfer studies. Concerning the electron transfer properties of TAA-triazole systems the radical cations of G1–G2, spiro-G1 and spiro-G2 and of the model compound M were investigated by steady-state absorption spectroscopy. Experiments showed that the triazole bridge exhibits small electronic communication between the adjacent chromophores but still possesses sufficient electronic coupling to allow an effective electron transfer from one chromophore to the other. Due to the high density of chromophores, their D-A-D structure and their superficial centrosymmetry, the presented dendrimers are prospective candidates for two-photon absorption applications. The dyads, triads and the donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 were investigated regarding their photoinduced electron transfer properties and the effects that dominate charge separation and charge recombination in these systems. The steady-state absorption spectra of all cascades elucidated a superposition of the absorption characteristics of the individual subunits and spectra indicated that the chromophores do not interact in the electronic ground state. Time resolved transient absorption spectroscopy of the cascades was performed in the fs- and ns-time regime in MeCN and toluene as solvent. Measurements revealed that upon with 28200 cm-1 (355) nm and 26300 cm-1 (380 nm), respectively, an electron is transferred from the TAA towards the NDI unit yielding a CS state. In the triads at first a CS1 state is populated, in which the NDI is reduced and the intermediate TAA1 is oxidised. Subsequently, an additional electron transfer from the terminal TAA2 to TAA1 led to the fully CS2 state. Fully CS states of the dyads and triads exhibit lifetimes in the ns-time regime. In contrast for Db in MeCN, a lifetime of 43 ps was observed for the CS state together with the population of a 3NDI state. The signals of the other CS states decay biexponentially, which is a result of the presence of the 1CS and the 3CS states. While magnetic field dependent measurements of Db did not show an effect due to the large singlet-triplet splitting, T-CN exhibited a strong magnetic field dependence which is an evidence for the 1CS/3CS assignment. Further analysis of the singlet-triplet dynamics are required and are currently in progress. Charge recombination occurred in the Marcus inverted region for compounds solved in toluene and in the Marcus normal region for MeCN as solvent. However, a significant inverted region effect was observed only for Db. Triads are probably characterised by charge recombination rates in the inverted and in the normal region near to the vertex of the Marcus parabola. Hence the inverted region effect is not pronounced and the rate charge recombination rates are all in the same magnitude. However, compared to the charge recombination rate of Db the enlarged spatial distance between the terminal TAA and the NDI in the fully CS2 states in the triads resulted in reduced charge recombination rates by ca. one order of magnitude. More important than a small charge recombination rate is an overall lifetime of the CS states and this lifetime can significantly be enhanced by the population of the 3CS state. The reported results reveal that a larger singlet-triplet splitting in the dyads led to a CS state lifetime in the us time regime while a lifetime in the ns-time regime was observed in cases of the triads. Moreover, the singlet-triplet splitting was found to be solvent dependent in the triads, which is a promising starting point for further investigations concerning singlet-triplet splitting. The donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G1 showed similar characteristics to the dyads. The generation of a CS state is assumed due to a clear NDI radical anion band in the transient absorption spectrum. Noteworthy, the typical transient absorption band of the TAA radical cation is absent for D A-G1 in toluene. Bixon-Jortner analysis yielded a similar electronic coupling in D-A-G1 compared to the dyads. However, the charge recombination rate is smaller than of Db due to a more energetic CS state, which in the inverted region slows down charge recombination. In combination a singlet-triplet splitting similar to the dyads prolongs the CS state lifetime up to 14 us in diluted solution. Both effects result in an even better performance of D-A-G1 concerning energy conversion. D A-G1 is therefore a promising key structure for further studies on light harvesting applications. In a prospective study a second generation donor-acceptor dendrimer D-A-G2 might be an attractive structure accessible by “click reaction” of 13 and 8. D-A-G2 is expected to exhibit a downhill oriented gradient of CS states as assumed from the CV studies on G1–G3. N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Synthese sowohl von dendritischen Makromolekülen als auch von kleineren Donor-Akzeptor-Systemen realisiert. Des Weiteren wurden diese Verbindungen bezüglich ihrer Energie- und Elektron-Transfer-Eigenschaften untersucht. In allen untersuchten Systemen wurden die eingebauten Chromophore durch Triazole miteinander verknüpft. Dabei sind die Triazole das Ergebnis einer Kupfer(I)-katalysierten 1,3-dipolaren Cycloaddition zwischen einem terminalen Alkin und einem Azid. Für die Darstellung der vorgestellten Verbindungen wurde ein synthetisches Konzept auf der Basis von molekularen Bausteinen entwickelt, das den Austausch aller elementaren Komponenten ermöglicht. Die so erhaltenen Systeme bestehen aus Dendrimeren, die auschließlich aus Triarylaminen (TAA) aufgebaut sind (G1-G3), Dendrimeren mit einem Spirobifluoren-Gerüst als Kern (spiro-G1 und spiro-G2) und dem Donor-Akzeptor Dendrimer (D-A-G1), in dem Naphthalindiimid-Akzeptoren (NDI) als Endgruppen fungieren. Zusätzlich wurde eine Reihe von Modellverbindung verwirklicht, um mit ihrer Hilfe ein besseres Verständnis der photophysikalischen Prozesse in den Dendrimeren zu erlangen. Durch eine Modifikation des synthetischen Baukastensystems, welches den Zugang zu den Dendrimeren ermöglichte, wurde außerdem die Darstellung einer Reihe von Donor-Akzeptor-Triaden (T-Me, T-Cl und T-CN) verwirklicht. Diese Triaden bestehen dabei aus zwei TAA-Donoren und einem NDI-Akzeptor. Mit Hilfe der Cyclovoltammetrie konnte ein abwärtsgerichteter Redoxgradient vom NDI zum endständigen TAA in den Triaden bestätigt werden. Realisiert wurde dieser Redoxgradient, indem das Redoxpotential des mittleren TAAs durch geeignete Substitutenten in der „freien” p-Position des TAAs gezielt beeinflusst wurde. Des Weiteren wurden zwei Dyaden (Da und Db) synthetisiert, die sich nur in der Verknüpfung des TAAs bzw. des NDIs an das Triazol unterscheiden. In all diesen Kaskaden sorgen sowohl eine Knotenebene entlang der N-N-Achse des NDIs als auch ein großer Verdrillungswinkel zwischen dem NDI Kerngerüst und dem N-Arylsubstituenten für eine kleine elektronische Kopplung. Bei den Untersuchungen der photophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Dendrimere lag der Schwerpunkt auf der Untersuchung der TAA-Dendrimere G1-G3 bezüglich ihrer Homo-Energie-Transfer-Eigenschaften. Die Beobachtung eines starken Stokes Shifts in der Fluoreszenz dieser Makromoleküle ist das Ergbnis einer Emission aus einem polaren Ladungs-Transfer-Zustand und einer großen Reorganisationsenergie l. Dadurch gibt es im Lösungsmittel-relaxierten Zustand nur ein kleines Überlapp-Integral zwischen der Absorption des Akzeptors und der Emission des Donors. Gerade dieses Überlapp-Integral bestimmt gemäß der Förster-Theorie maßgeblich die Geschwindigkeitskontante des Energie-Transfers. In Untersuchungen auf der Basis der Fluoreszenz-Aufkonversion wurde eine starke und schnelle Abnahme der Anfangsfluoreszenzanisotropie beobachtet, gefolgt von einem deutlich langsameren Abfall auf der längeren Zeitskala. Demnach kommt es zunächst zu einem schnellen Energie-Transfer in den ersten 2 ps nach der Anregung und anschließend zu einem langsameren Energie-Hüpfen. Zeitaufgelöster Emissionsspektren (TRES) der Modellverbindung M haben gezwigt, dass die Lösungsmittel-Relaxation auf derselben Zeitskala wie der schnelle Energie-Transfer stattfindet. Nach einer Abschätzung der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für den Energie-Transfer in G1 auf Grundlage der Förster-Theorie findet der schnelle Energie-Transfer im Schwingungs-relaxierten Zustand statt, noch bevor die Lösungsmittel-Relaxation beginnt. Für diese Abschätzung wurde ein Fluorezenzspektrum von G1 in Cyclohexan als Spektrum zum Zeitnullpunkt verwendet. Der Analyse zur Folge konkurrieren in den ersten 2 ps nach der Anregung sowohl die Lösungsmittel-Relaxation als auch der schnelle Energie-Transfer-Prozess miteinander. Daher ist es unerlässlich zwischen dem Energie-Transfer im Franck-Condon- und im Lösungsmittel-relaxierten Zustand zu unterscheiden. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein schneller Energie-Transfer auch in Ladungs-Transfer-Systemen möglich ist, in denen ein großer Stokes Shift einen effektiven spektralen Überlapp verhindert, wenn ein ausreichend großer spektraler Überlapp vor der Lösungsmittel-Relaxation vorliegt. Auch in den Spiro-Dendrimeren spiro-G1 und spiro-G2 konnte ein Energie-Transfer nach der Anregung mit Hilfe von stationären Emissions-Anisotropie-Experimenten beobachtet werden. Dabei wurde angenommen, dass die Anregungsenergie in spiro-G1 über das gesammte Molekül verteilt ist. Eine stärker polarisierte Fluoreszenz in spiro-G2 im Vergleich zu spiro-G1 legt den Schluss nahe, dass die Energie in spiro-G2 wahrscheinlich nur über einen einzelnen Ast verteilt ist. Um dieser Fragestellung nachzugehen sind allerdings weiter Untersuchungen der Energie-Transfer-Prozesse durch z.B. zeitaufgelöste Emissions-Anisotropie-Messungen notwendig. Zudem wurden stationäre Absorptionsspektroskopie-Messungen an den Radikal-Kationen von G1-G2, spiro-G1 und spiro-G2 und M durchgeführt, um die Elektron-Transfer-Eigenschaften von TAA-Triazol-Systemen zu untersuchen. Laut dieser Messungen erlaubt die Verwendung von Triazolen als Brückeneinheit in den Verbindungen in denen Elektron-Transfer-Prozesse untersucht wurden nur eine geringe elektronische Kommunikation zwischen den verknüpften Redox-Zentren. Allerdings ist die elektronische Kopplung genügend groß, um einen effektiven Elektronen-Transfer zwischen den Zentren zu ermöglichen. Sowohl die Dyaden (Da und Db) und Triaden (T-Me, T-Cl und T-CN) als auch das Donor-Akzeptor Dendrimer D-A-G1 wurden in Bezug auf ihre Eigenschaften in photoinduzierten Elektron-Transfer-Prozessen untersucht, insbesondere die Faktoren, die die Prozesse von Ladungsseparation und Ladungsrekombination beeinflussen. Der stationären Absorptionspektroskopie zur Foelge stellen die Absorptionsspekten der Kaskaden eine Superposition der Absorptionsspektren der einzelnen Chromophore dar. Demnach wechselwirken die einzelnen Chromophore in den Kaskaden im elektronischen Grundzustand nicht miteinander. Des Weiteren wurden für die Kaskaden zeitaufgelöste ns- und fs-transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie-Messungen in Toluol und MeCN als Lösungsmittel durchgeführt. Diese Messungen zeigten, dass der Anregung bei einer Energie von 28200 cm-1 (355 nm) beziehungsweise 26300 cm-1 (380 nm) ein Elektron-Transfer vom TAA zum NDI folgt und ein ladungsgetrennter (CS) Zustand gebildet wird. Dabei wird in den Triaden zunächst ein ladungsgetrennter (CS1) Zustand populiert, in dem das NDI reduziert und das mittlere TAA oxidiert vorliegt. Nachfolgend wird duch einen zusätzlichen Elektronen-Transfer vom endständigen TAA zum mittleren TAA der CS2-Zustand generiert. Die energetisch niedrigsten CS-Zustände sowohl der Triaden als auch der Dyaden weisen Lebenzeiten auf der ns-Zeitskala auf. Im Gegensatz dazu besitzt der CS-Zustand von Db in MeCN nur eine Lebenszeit von etwa 43 ps auf. Zudem konnte hier die Bildung eines 3NDI-Zustands beobachtet werden. Alle anderen CS Zustände zeigen einen biexpontiellen Abfall, als Folge der Ausbildung sowohl eines 1CS- als auch eines 3CS-Zustands. In magnetfeld-abhängigen Messungen wurde für Db kein nennenswerter Effekt beobacht, was auf eine große Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung in den Dyaden zurückzuführen ist. Die Triaden besitzen eine deutlich kleinere Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung. Daher zeigte T-CN eine starke Abhängigkeit vom angelegten Magnetfeld, was zudem ein Beleg für die 1CS/3CS Zuordung darstellt. An dieser Stelle sind weitere Analysen der Singlet-Triplett-Dynamiken notwendig, die gegenwärtig durchgeführt werden. Die Ladungsrekombination findet für alle Systeme in Toluol in der Marcus invertierten Region und in MeCN in der Marcus normalen Region statt. Allerdings konnte nur für Db ein ausgeprägter invertierte Region-Effekt beobachtet werden. In den Triaden sind die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Ladungsrekombination in der normalen und in der invertierten Region wahrscheinlich nah am Scheitelpunkt der Marcus Parabel. Somit ist der invertierte Region-Effekt bei ihnen nur sehr gering ausgeprägt und die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Ladungsrekombination befinden sich in derselben Größenordnung. Im Vergleich mit den Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Ladungsrekombination von Db führt die größere räumliche Distanz der beiden Ladungen im CS2-Zustand in den Triaden zu verringerten Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Ladungsrekombination von ca. einer Größenordnung. Allerdings ist die Gesamtlebensdauer der CS-Zustände wichtiger als eine kleine Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die Ladungsrekombination. Gerade diese Lebensdauer kann maßgeblich durch die Population des 3CS-Zustandes verlängert werden. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die größere Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung in den Dyaden zu einer Lebensdauer des CS-Zustands von mehreren us führt, während sich die Lebensdauern der CS-Zustände in den Triaden im ns-Zeitbereich befinden. Des Weiteren konnte eine Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit der Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung in den Triaden beobachtet werden. Dies stellt einen vielversprechenden Ansatzpunkt für weitere Studien bezüglich der Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung dar. Das Donor-Akzeptor-Dendrimer D-A-G1 zeigt ähnliche Eigenschaften wie die beiden Dyaden (Da und Db). Durch das deutliche Auftreten einer NDI-Radikal-Anion-Bande im transienten Absorptionsspektrum kann auch nach der Anregung von D-A-G1 die Bildung eines CS-Zustandes angenommen werden. Bemerkenswerterweise wurde die transiente Absorptionsbande des TAA-Radikal-Kation für D A G1 in Toluol nicht beobachtet. Eine Bixon-Jortner-Analyse lieferte eine elektronische Kopplung für D-A-G1, die der für die Dyaden (Da und Db) vergleichbar ist. Durch einen energetisch höherliegenden CS-Zustand in D-A-G1, der die Ladungsrekombination in der invertierten Region verlangsamt, ist die Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die Ladungsrekombination bei D-A-G1 kleiner als bei Db. In Kombination mit einer Singulett-Triplett-Aufspaltung vergleichbar mit der, der Dyaden, führt dies zu einer verlängerten Lebensdauer des CS-Zustands bis zu 14 us in verdünnter Lösung. Beide Charakteristiken führen zu verbesserten Eigenschaften von D A-G1 hinsichtlich einer möglichen Verwendung als System für die Energieumwandlung von Sonnenlicht. Daher stellt D-A-G1 eine vielversprechende Leitstruktur für weitere Untersuchungen bezüglich Lichtsammelsysteme dar. In einer zukünftigen Studie könnte das Donor-Akzteptor-Dendrimer zweiter Generation D-A-G2 von Interesse sein. Synthetisch wäre es über eine “Click-Reaktion” zwischen 13 und 8 realisierbar. Den cyclovoltammetrischen Untersuchungen von G1-G3 zur Folge, sollte in D-A-G2 ein abwährtsgerichteter Gradient an CS Zuständen vorliegen. KW - Sternpolymere KW - Triarylamine KW - Dendrimers KW - Energy Transfer KW - Electron Transfer KW - Transient Absorption KW - Fluorescence Upconversion KW - Dendrimere KW - Energie-Transfer KW - Elektron-Transfer KW - Transiente Absorption KW - Fluoreszenz Aufkonversion KW - Donorgruppe KW - Akzeptorgruppe KW - Elektronentransfer KW - Cascades KW - Kaskaden Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101866 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziener, Christian H. A1 - Kurz, Felix T. A1 - Buschle, Lukas R. A1 - Kampf, Thomas T1 - Orthogonality, Lommel integrals and cross product zeros of linear combinations of Bessel functions JF - SpringerPlus N2 - The cylindrical Bessel differential equation and the spherical Bessel differential equation in the interval R\(\leq\)r\(\leq\)\(\gamma\)R with Neumann boundary conditions are considered. The eigenfunctions are linear combinations of the Bessel function \(\Phi\)\(_{n,ν}\)(r) = Y'\(_{ν}\) (\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\))J\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\) r/R) - J'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\))Y\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\)r/R) or linear combinations of the spherical Bessel functions \(\psi\)\(_{m,ν}\)(r) = y'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\))j\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\)r/R) - j'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\))y\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\)r/R). The orthogonality relations with analytical expressions for the normalization constant are given. Explicit expressions for the Lommel integrals in terms of Lommel functions are derived. The cross product zeros Y'\(_{ν}\)\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\))J'\(_{ν}\)(\(\gamma\)\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\))- J'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\))Y'\(_{ν}\)(\(\gamma\)\(\lambda\)\(_{n,ν}\)) = 0 and y'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\))j'\(_{ν}\)(\(\gamma\)\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\)) - j'\(_{ν}\)(\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\))y'\(_{ν}\)(\(\gamma\)\(\lambda\)\(_{m,ν}\)) = 0 are considered in the complex plane for real as well as complex values of the index ν and approximations for the exceptional zero \(\lambda\)\(_{1,ν}\) are obtained. A numerical scheme based on the discretization of the twodimensional and three-dimensional Laplace operator with Neumann boundary conditions is presented. Explicit representations of the radial part of the Laplace operator in form of a tridiagonal matrix allow the simple computation of the cross product zeros. KW - magnetic field relaxation KW - time inhomogeneities KW - model Bessel function KW - linear combination KW - integral Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151432 VL - 4 IS - 390 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zielewska-Büttner, Katarzyna A1 - Heurich, Marco A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Braunisch, Veronika T1 - Remotely Sensed Single Tree Data Enable the Determination of Habitat Thresholds for the Three-Toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Forest biodiversity conservation requires precise, area-wide information on the abundance and distribution of key habitat structures at multiple spatial scales. We combined airborne laser scanning (ALS) data with color-infrared (CIR) aerial imagery for identifying individual tree characteristics and quantifying multi-scale habitat requirements using the example of the three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) (TTW) in the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany). This bird, a keystone species of boreal and mountainous forests, is highly reliant on bark beetles dwelling in dead or dying trees. While previous studies showed a positive relationship between the TTW presence and the amount of deadwood as a limiting resource, we hypothesized a unimodal response with a negative effect of very high deadwood amounts and tested for effects of substrate quality. Based on 104 woodpecker presence or absence locations, habitat selection was modelled at four spatial scales reflecting different woodpecker home range sizes. The abundance of standing dead trees was the most important predictor, with an increase in the probability of TTW occurrence up to a threshold of 44–50 dead trees per hectare, followed by a decrease in the probability of occurrence. A positive relationship with the deadwood crown size indicated the importance of fresh deadwood. Remote sensing data allowed both an area-wide prediction of species occurrence and the derivation of ecological threshold values for deadwood quality and quantity for more informed conservation management. KW - deadwood KW - standing deadwood KW - dead tree KW - snags KW - three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) KW - habitat suitability model (HSM) KW - habitat requirements KW - airborne laser scanning (ALS) KW - CIR aerial imagery Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197565 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 10 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Sabrina A1 - Weiss, Esther A1 - Schmitt, Anna-Lena A1 - Schlegel, Jan A1 - Burgert, Anne A1 - Terpitz, Ulrich A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Moretta, Lorenzo A1 - Sivori, Simona A1 - Leonhardt, Ines A1 - Kurzai, Oliver A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Loeffler, Juergen T1 - CD56 Is a Pathogen Recognition Receptor on Human Natural Killer Cells JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus is an opportunistic fungal mold inducing invasive aspergillosis (IA) in immunocompromised patients. Although antifungal activity of human natural killer (NK) cells was shown in previous studies, the underlying cellular mechanisms and pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) are still unknown. Using flow cytometry we were able to show that the fluorescence positivity of the surface receptor CD56 significantly decreased upon fungal contact. To visualize the interaction site of NK cells and A. fumigatus we used SEM, CLSM and dSTORM techniques, which clearly demonstrated that NK cells directly interact with A. fumigatus via CD56 and that CD56 is re-organized and accumulated at this interaction site time-dependently. The inhibition of the cytoskeleton showed that the receptor re-organization was an active process dependent on actin re-arrangements. Furthermore, we could show that CD56 plays a role in the fungus mediated NK cell activation, since blocking of CD56 surface receptor reduced fungal mediated NK cell activation and reduced cytokine secretion. These results confirmed the direct interaction of NK cells and A. fumigatus, leading to the conclusion that CD56 is a pathogen recognition receptor. These findings give new insights into the functional role of CD56 in the pathogen recognition during the innate immune response. KW - pattern recognition receptors KW - fungal infection KW - Aspergillus fumigatus KW - natural killer cells Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170637 VL - 7 IS - 6138 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Mirjam A1 - Kaiser, Anna A1 - Igel, Christine A1 - Geissler, Julia A1 - Mechler, Konstantin A1 - Holz, Nathalie E. A1 - Becker, Katja A1 - Döpfner, Manfred A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Brandeis, Daniel A1 - Hohmann, Sarah A1 - Millenet, Sabina A1 - Banaschewski, Tobias T1 - Actigraphy-derived sleep profiles of children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) over two weeks — comparison, precursor symptoms, and the chronotype JF - Brain Sciences N2 - Although sleep problems are common in children with ADHD, their extent, preceding risk factors, and the association between neurocognitive performance and neurobiological processes in sleep and ADHD, are still largely unknown. We examined sleep variables in school-aged children with ADHD, addressing their intra-individual variability (IIV) and considering potential precursor symptoms as well as the chronotype. Additionally, in a subgroup of our sample, we investigated associations with neurobehavioral functioning (n = 44). A total of 57 children (6–12 years) with (n = 24) and without ADHD (n = 33) were recruited in one center of the large ESCAlife study to wear actigraphs for two weeks. Actigraphy-derived dependent variables, including IIV, were analyzed using linear mixed models in order to find differences between the groups. A stepwise regression model was used to investigate neuropsychological function. Overall, children with ADHD showed longer sleep onset latency (SOL), higher IIV in SOL, more movements during sleep, lower sleep efficiency, and a slightly larger sleep deficit on school days compared with free days. No group differences were observed for chronotype or sleep onset time. Sleep problems in infancy predicted later SOL and the total number of movements during sleep in children with and without ADHD. No additional effect of sleep problems, beyond ADHD symptom severity, on neuropsychological functioning was found. This study highlights the importance of screening children with ADHD for current and early childhood sleep disturbances in order to prevent long-term sleep problems and offer individualized treatments. Future studies with larger sample sizes should examine possible biological markers to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. KW - sleep KW - actigraphy KW - attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) KW - intra-individual variability (IIV) KW - chronotype KW - children KW - continuous performance task (CPT) KW - precursor symptoms KW - ESCAlife Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250084 SN - 2076-3425 VL - 11 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Katrin A1 - Pollinger, Felix A1 - Böll, Susanne A1 - Paeth, Heiko T1 - Statistical modeling of phenology in Bavaria based on past and future meteorological information JF - Theoretical and Applied Climatology N2 - Plant phenology is well known to be affected by meteorology. Observed changes in the occurrence of phenological phases arecommonly considered some of the most obvious effects of climate change. However, current climate models lack a representationof vegetation suitable for studying future changes in phenology itself. This study presents a statistical-dynamical modelingapproach for Bavaria in southern Germany, using over 13,000 paired samples of phenological and meteorological data foranalyses and climate change scenarios provided by a state-of-the-art regional climate model (RCM). Anomalies of severalmeteorological variables were used as predictors and phenological anomalies of the flowering date of the test plantForsythiasuspensaas predictand. Several cross-validated prediction models using various numbers and differently constructed predictorswere developed, compared, and evaluated via bootstrapping. As our approach needs a small set of meteorological observationsper phenological station, it allows for reliable parameter estimation and an easy transfer to other regions. The most robust andsuccessful model comprises predictors based on mean temperature, precipitation, wind velocity, and snow depth. Its averagecoefficient of determination and root mean square error (RMSE) per station are 60% and ± 8.6 days, respectively. However, theprediction error strongly differs among stations. When transferred to other indicator plants, this method achieves a comparablelevel of predictive accuracy. Its application to two climate change scenarios reveals distinct changes for various plants andregions. The flowering date is simulated to occur between 5 and 25 days earlier at the end of the twenty-first century comparedto the phenology of the reference period (1961–1990). KW - statistical modeling KW - phenology KW - Bavaria Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232717 SN - 0177-798X VL - 140 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Radtke, Franziska A1 - Vitale, Maria Rosaria A1 - Preuße, André A1 - Klopocki, Eva A1 - Herms, Stefan A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter T1 - Generation of multiple human iPSC lines from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of two SLC2A3 deletion and two SLC2A3 duplication carriers JF - Stem Cell Research N2 - Copy number variants of SLC2A3, which encodes the glucose transporter GLUT3, are associated with several neuropsychiatric and cardiac diseases. Here, we report the successful reprogramming of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from two SLC2A3 duplication and two SLC2A3 deletion carriers and subsequent generation of two transgene-free iPSC clones per donor by Sendai viral transduction. All eight clones represent bona fide hiPSCs with high expression of pluripotency genes, ability to differentiate into cells of all three germ layers and normal karyotype. The generated cell lines will be helpful to enlighten the role of glucometabolic alterations in pathophysiological processes shared across organ boundaries. KW - congenital heart-deffects KW - transporter gene SLC2A3 KW - copy-number variation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-264696 VL - 56 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Ehlis, Ann-Christine A1 - Weber, Heike A1 - Vitale, Maria Rosaria A1 - Zöller, Johanna E. M. A1 - Ku, Hsing-Ping A1 - Schiele, Miriam A. A1 - Kürbitz, Laura I. A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Kalisch, Raffael A1 - Zwanzger, Peter A1 - Domschke, Katharina A1 - Fallgatter, Andreas J. A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter T1 - A Common CDH13 Variant is Associated with Low Agreeableness and Neural Responses to Working Memory Tasks in ADHD JF - Genes N2 - The cell—cell signaling gene CDH13 is associated with a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and major depression. CDH13 regulates axonal outgrowth and synapse formation, substantiating its relevance for neurodevelopmental processes. Several studies support the influence of CDH13 on personality traits, behavior, and executive functions. However, evidence for functional effects of common gene variation in the CDH13 gene in humans is sparse. Therefore, we tested for association of a functional intronic CDH13 SNP rs2199430 with ADHD in a sample of 998 adult patients and 884 healthy controls. The Big Five personality traits were assessed by the NEO-PI-R questionnaire. Assuming that altered neural correlates of working memory and cognitive response inhibition show genotype-dependent alterations, task performance and electroencephalographic event-related potentials were measured by n-back and continuous performance (Go/NoGo) tasks. The rs2199430 genotype was not associated with adult ADHD on the categorical diagnosis level. However, rs2199430 was significantly associated with agreeableness, with minor G allele homozygotes scoring lower than A allele carriers. Whereas task performance was not affected by genotype, a significant heterosis effect limited to the ADHD group was identified for the n-back task. Heterozygotes (AG) exhibited significantly higher N200 amplitudes during both the 1-back and 2-back condition in the central electrode position Cz. Consequently, the common genetic variation of CDH13 is associated with personality traits and impacts neural processing during working memory tasks. Thus, CDH13 might contribute to symptomatic core dysfunctions of social and cognitive impairment in ADHD. KW - ADHD KW - CDH13 KW - neurodevelopment KW - executive functions KW - working memory KW - Big Five KW - agreeableness Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245220 SN - 2073-4425 VL - 12 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Almos, Peter A1 - McNeill, Rhiannon V. A1 - Jansch, Charline A1 - Lesch, Klaus‐Peter T1 - Cellular effects and clinical implications of SLC2A3 copy number variation JF - Journal of Cellular Physiology N2 - SLC2A3 encodes the predominantly neuronal glucose transporter 3 (GLUT3), which facilitates diffusion of glucose across plasma membranes. The human brain depends on a steady glucose supply for ATP generation, which consequently fuels critical biochemical processes, such as axonal transport and neurotransmitter release. Besides its role in the central nervous system, GLUT3 is also expressed in nonneural organs, such as the heart and white blood cells, where it is equally involved in energy metabolism. In cancer cells, GLUT3 overexpression contributes to the Warburg effect by answering the cell's increased glycolytic demands. The SLC2A3 gene locus at chromosome 12p13.31 is unstable and prone to non‐allelic homologous recombination events, generating multiple copy number variants (CNVs) of SLC2A3 which account for alterations in SLC2A3 expression. Recent associations of SLC2A3 CNVs with different clinical phenotypes warrant investigation of the potential influence of these structural variants on pathomechanisms of neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and immune diseases. In this review, we accumulate and discuss the evidence how SLC2A3 gene dosage may exert diverse protective or detrimental effects depending on the pathological condition. Cellular states which lead to increased energetic demand, such as organ development, proliferation, and cellular degeneration, appear particularly susceptible to alterations in SLC2A3 copy number. We conclude that better understanding of the impact of SLC2A3 variation on disease etiology may potentially provide novel therapeutic approaches specifically targeting this GLUT. KW - copy number variation KW - energy metabolism KW - glucose transporter KW - GLUT3 KW - neurodegeneration KW - neurodevelopment KW - SLC2A3 Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218009 VL - 235 IS - 12 SP - 9021 EP - 9036 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ziegler, Christiane T1 - Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Anxiety Disorders T1 - Epigenetische Mechanismen in der Pathogenese und Therapie von Angsterkrankungen N2 - Anxiety disorders (AD) are common, disabling mental disorders, which constitute the most prevalent mental health condition conveying a high individual and socioeconomic burden. Social anxiety disorder (SAD), i.e. fear in social situations particularly when subjectively scrutinized by others, is the second most common anxiety disorder with a life time prevalence of 10%. Panic disorder (PD) has a life time prevalence of 2-5% and is characterized by recurrent and abrupt surges of intense fear and anticipatory anxiety, i.e. panic attacks, occurring suddenly and unexpected without an apparent cue. In recent years, psychiatric research increasingly focused on epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation as a possible solution for the problem of the so-called “hidden heritability”, which conceptualizes the fact that the genetic risk variants identified so far only explain a small part of the estimated heritability of mental disorders. In the first part of this thesis, oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene methylation was investigated regarding its role in the pathogenesis of social anxiety disorder. In summary, OXTR methylation patterns were implicated in different phenotypes of social anxiety disorder on a categorical, neuropsychological, neuroendocrinological as well as on a neural network level. The results point towards a multilevel role of OXTR gene hypomethylation particularly at one CpG site (CpG3, Chr3: 8 809 437) within the protein coding region of the gene in SAD. The second part of the thesis investigated monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene methylation regarding its role in the pathogenesis of panic disorder as well as – applying a psychotherapy-epigenetic approach – its dynamic regulation during the course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in PD patients. First, MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be associated with panic disorder as well as with panic disorder severity. Second, in patients responding to treatment MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be reversible up to the level of methylation in healthy controls after the course of CBT. This increase in MAOA methylation along with successful psychotherapeutic treatment was furthermore shown to be associated with symptom improvement regarding agoraphobic avoidance in an independent replication sample of non-medicated patients with PD. Taken together, in the future the presently identified epigenetic patterns might contribute to establishing targeted preventive interventions and personalized treatment options for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder, respectively. N2 - Angsterkrankungen sind die häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen, welche in hohem Maße den Alltag der Betroffenen beeinträchtigen und eine große sozioökonomische Belastung darstellen. Eine der häufigsten Formen von Angsterkrankungen bildet die soziale Phobie, d.h. die Angst vor sozialen Situationen, in denen man im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit steht, mit einer Lebenszeit-Prävalenz von circa 10%. Die Panikstörung, charakterisiert durch das wiederholte und unerwartete Auftreten von Panikattacken, ist eine weitere Form der Angsterkrankungen mit einer Lebenszeit-Prävalenz von circa 2-5%. Epigenetische Mechanismen, wie zum Beispiel die DNA Methylierung, rücken in den letzten Jahren immer weiter in den Fokus der psychiatrischen Forschung. Hier werden sie als eine mögliche Lösung für das Problem der „hidden heritability“ (versteckte Heritabilität) angesehen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die DNA Methylierung des Oxytozinrezeptorgens (OXTR) hinsichtlich ihrer Rolle in der Pathogenese der sozialen Phobie untersucht. Hierbei konnte eine verringerte Methylierung des Gens, speziell an einem CpG-Dinukleotid (CpG3, Chr3: 8 809 437) innerhalb der protein-kodierenden Genregion, auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit der Erkrankung an sozialer Phobie, dimensionalen Maßen der Erkrankungsschwere sowie der Stressverarbeitung auf neuro-endokrinologischer und neuronaler Ebene in Verbindung gebracht werden. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von DNA Methylierungsmustern des Monoaminooxidase A (MAOA) Gens in der Pathogenese und der Therapie der Panikstörung. Zum einen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine verringerte MAOA Methylierung mit dem Auftreten von Panikstörung sowie mit einer erhöhten Symptomschwere assoziiert ist. Zum anderen zeigten Patienten, welche auf eine kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (KVT) ansprachen, eine signifikante Erhöhung der MAOA Methylierung nach der Therapie, welche zusätzlich in einer unabhängigen Stichprobe mit einer Verringerung der Symptomschwere assoziiert war. Diese Veränderung zeigte sich jedoch nicht in Patienten, welche nicht auf die KVT ansprachen. Zusammenfassend können beide im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchten epigenetischen Muster und deren Rolle in der Pathogenese der sozialen Phobie sowie der Panikstörung zur Etablierung personalisierter Therapiemöglichkeiten wie auch targetierter präventiver Interventionen beitragen. KW - Angst KW - Psychische Störung KW - DNA-Methylierung KW - Panikstörung KW - Soziale Phobie KW - Angsterkrankungen KW - Epigenetische Mechanismen KW - Epigenetik KW - Methylierung KW - DNS KW - Angsterkrankungen Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146815 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, C. A1 - Richter, J. A1 - Mahr, M. A1 - Gajewska, A. A1 - Schiele, M.A. A1 - Gehrmann, A. A1 - Schmidt, B. A1 - Lesch, K.-P. A1 - Lang, T. A1 - Helbig-Lang, S. A1 - Pauli, P. A1 - Kircher, T. A1 - Reif, A. A1 - Rief, W. A1 - Vossbeck-Elsebusch, A.N. A1 - Arolt, V. A1 - Wittchen, H.-U. A1 - Hamm, A.O. A1 - Deckert, J. A1 - Domschke, K. T1 - MAOA gene hypomethylation in panic disorder-reversibility of an epigenetic risk pattern by psychotherapy JF - Translational Psychiatry N2 - Epigenetic signatures such as methylation of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene have been found to be altered in panic disorder (PD). Hypothesizing temporal plasticity of epigenetic processes as a mechanism of successful fear extinction, the present psychotherapy-epigenetic study for we believe the first time investigated MAOA methylation changes during the course of exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in PD. MAOA methylation was compared between N=28 female Caucasian PD patients (discovery sample) and N=28 age- and sex-matched healthy controls via direct sequencing of sodium bisulfite-treated DNA extracted from blood cells. MAOA methylation was furthermore analyzed at baseline (T0) and after a 6-week CBT (T1) in the discovery sample parallelized by a waiting time in healthy controls, as well as in an independent sample of female PD patients (N=20). Patients exhibited lower MAOA methylation than healthy controls (P<0.001), and baseline PD severity correlated negatively with MAOA methylation (P=0.01). In the discovery sample, MAOA methylation increased up to the level of healthy controls along with CBT response (number of panic attacks; T0-T1: +3.37±2.17%), while non-responders further decreased in methylation (-2.00±1.28%; P=0.001). In the replication sample, increases in MAOA methylation correlated with agoraphobic symptom reduction after CBT (P=0.02-0.03). The present results support previous evidence for MAOA hypomethylation as a PD risk marker and suggest reversibility of MAOA hypomethylation as a potential epigenetic correlate of response to CBT. The emerging notion of epigenetic signatures as a mechanism of action of psychotherapeutic interventions may promote epigenetic patterns as biomarkers of lasting extinction effects. KW - Adult KW - Case-Control Studies KW - Cognitive Therapy KW - DNA Methylation KW - Epigenesis KW - Genetic KW - Female KW - Humans KW - Monoamine Oxidase/genetics KW - Panic Disorder/genetics KW - Panic Disorder/therapy KW - Sequence Analysis KW - DNA Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164422 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Alice A1 - Meyer, Hanna A1 - Otte, Insa A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Appelhans, Tim A1 - Behler, Christina A1 - Böhning-Gaese, Katrin A1 - Classen, Alice A1 - Detsch, Florian A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Eardley, Connal D. A1 - Ferger, Stefan W. A1 - Fischer, Markus A1 - Gebert, Friederike A1 - Haas, Michael A1 - Helbig-Bonitz, Maria A1 - Hemp, Andreas A1 - Hemp, Claudia A1 - Kakengi, Victor A1 - Mayr, Antonia V. A1 - Ngereza, Christine A1 - Reudenbach, Christoph A1 - Röder, Juliane A1 - Rutten, Gemma A1 - Schellenberger Costa, David A1 - Schleuning, Matthias A1 - Ssymank, Axel A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Tardanico, Joseph A1 - Tschapka, Marco A1 - Vollstädt, Maximilian G. R. A1 - Wöllauer, Stephan A1 - Zhang, Jie A1 - Brandl, Roland A1 - Nauss, Thomas T1 - Potential of airborne LiDAR derived vegetation structure for the prediction of animal species richness at Mount Kilimanjaro JF - Remote Sensing N2 - The monitoring of species and functional diversity is of increasing relevance for the development of strategies for the conservation and management of biodiversity. Therefore, reliable estimates of the performance of monitoring techniques across taxa become important. Using a unique dataset, this study investigates the potential of airborne LiDAR-derived variables characterizing vegetation structure as predictors for animal species richness at the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. To disentangle the structural LiDAR information from co-factors related to elevational vegetation zones, LiDAR-based models were compared to the predictive power of elevation models. 17 taxa and 4 feeding guilds were modeled and the standardized study design allowed for a comparison across the assemblages. Results show that most taxa (14) and feeding guilds (3) can be predicted best by elevation with normalized RMSE values but only for three of those taxa and two of those feeding guilds the difference to other models is significant. Generally, modeling performances between different models vary only slightly for each assemblage. For the remaining, structural information at most showed little additional contribution to the performance. In summary, LiDAR observations can be used for animal species prediction. However, the effort and cost of aerial surveys are not always in proportion with the prediction quality, especially when the species distribution follows zonal patterns, and elevation information yields similar results. KW - biodiversity KW - species richness KW - LiDAR KW - elevation KW - partial least square regression KW - arthropods KW - birds KW - bats KW - predictive modeling Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262251 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ziegenhals, Thomas T1 - The role of the miR-26 family in neurogenesis T1 - Die Rolle der miR-26 Familie in der Neurogenese N2 - For the differentiation of a embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to neuronal cells (NCs) a complex and coordinated gene regulation program is needed. One important control element for neuronal differentiation is the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) complex, which represses neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. Crucial effector proteins of the REST complex are small phosphatases such as the CTDSPs (C-terminal domain small phosphatases) that regulate polymerase II activity by dephosphorylating the C-terminal domain of the polymerase, thereby repressing target genes. The stepwise inactivation of REST, including the CTDSPs, leads to the induction of a neuron-specific gene program, which ultimately induces the formation of neurons. The spatio-temporal control of REST and its effector components is therefore a crucial step for neurogenesis. In zebrafish it was shown that the REST-associated CTDSP2 is negatively regulated by the micro RNA (miR) -26b. Interestingly, the miR-26b is encoded in an intron of the primary transcript of CTDSP2. This gives the fundament of an intrinsic regulatory negative feedback loop, which is essential for the proceeding of neurogenesis. This feedback loop is active during neurogenesis, but inactive in non-neuronal cells. The reason for this is that the maturation of the precursor miR (pre-miR) to the mature miR-26 is arrested in non neuronal cells, but not in neurons. As only mature miRs are actively repressing genes, the regulation of miR-26 processing is an essential step in neurogenesis. In this study, the molecular basis of miR-26 processing regulation in the context of neurogenesis was addressed. The mature miR is processed from two larger precursors: First the primary transcript is cleaved by the enzyme DROSHA in the nucleus to form the pre-miR. The pre-miR is exported from the nucleus and processed further through the enzyme DICER to yield the mature miR. The mature miR can regulate gene expression in association with the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Multiple different scenarios in which miR processing was regulated were proposed and experimentally tested. Microinjection studies using Xenopus leavis oocytes showed that slowdown or blockage of the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport are not the reason for delayed pre-miR-26 processing. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo miR-processing assays showed that maturation is most likely regulated through a in trans acting factor, which blocks processing in non neuronal cells. Through RNA affinity chromatographic assays using zebrafish and murine lysates I was able to isolate and identify proteins that interact specifically with pre-miR-26 and could by this influence its biogenesis. Potential candidates are FMRP/FXR1/2, ZNF346 and Eral1, whose functional characterisation in the context of miR-biogenesis could now be addressed. The second part of my thesis was executed in close colaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Albrecht Müller. The principal question was addressed how miR-26 influences neuronal gene expression and which genes are primarily affected. This research question could be addressed by using a cell culture model system, which mimics ex vivo the differentiation of ESCs to NCs via neuronal progenitor. For the functional analysis of miR-26 knock out cell lines were generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. miR-26 deficient ESC keep their pluripotent state and are able to develop NPC, but show major impairment in differentiating to NCs. Through RNA deep sequencing the miR-26 induced transcriptome differences could be analysed. On the level of mRNAs it could be shown, that the expression of neuronal gene is downregulated in miR-26 deficient NCs. Interestingly, the deletion of miR-26 leads to selectively decreased levels of miRs, which on one hand regulate the REST complex and on the other hand are under transcriptional control by REST themself. This data and the discovery that induction of miR-26 leads to enrichment of other REST regulating miRs indicates that miR-26 initiates neurogenesis through stepwise inactivation of the REST complex. N2 - Für die Differenzierung von embryonalen Stammzellen (ESCs) zu Neuronen (NCs) bedarf es eines komplexen Genregulationsprogramms, welches sowohl zeitlich als auch räumlich reguliert werden muss. Ein wichtiger Faktor während der neuronalen Differenzierung ist der sogenannte „repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor“ (REST)-Komplex, welcher die Expression neuronaler Gene in nicht neuralen Zellen unterdrückt. Wichtige Effektorproteine im REST-Komplex sind kleine Phosphatasen (sog. CTDSPs), welche durch die Dephosphorylierung der C-terminalen Domäne der RNA-Polymerase II deren Aktivität an Zielgenen reprimiert. Die schrittweise Inaktivierung von REST, einschließlich der CTDSPs, führt hingegen zur Einleitung des neuronalen Genprogramms und damit zur Entwicklung von neuronalen Zellen. Die zeitliche Regulierung des REST-Komplexes und seiner assoziierten Effektor-Komponenten ist daher auf molekularer Ebene das entscheidende Ereignis in der Neurogenese. Studien in Zebrafisch haben gezeigt, dass die REST-assoziierte Phosphatase CTDSP2 von der micro-RNA (miR) -26b negativ reguliert wird, was zu einer reduzierten REST Aktivität führt. Interessanterweise liegt diese miR in einem Intron von CTDSP2, also dem Gen, welches sie selbst repremiert. Diese Konstellation stellt die Basis für eine intrinsische negative Rückkopplungsschleife dar und ist essentiell für das Voranschreiten der Neurogenese. Diese Schleife ist aktiv während der Neurogenese, jedoch inaktiv in neuronalen Stammzellen. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Reifung der miR-26b auf der Stufe der Prozessierung des miR-Vorläufers (pre-miR) zur reifen miR in Stammzellen, nicht aber in Neuronen, angehalten ist. Da nur reife miR funktionell aktiv sein können, ist die Regulation der miR-26 Reifung ein essentieller Schritt im Rahmen der Neurogenese. In dieser Dissertation sollte der Frage nach der molekularen Basis der regulierten Prozessierung der miR-26 im Rahmen der Neurogenese nachgegangen werden. Die Prozessierung von miR erfolgt über zwei Intermediate: Zunächst wird aus dem primären Transkript im Zellkern die pre-miR durch das Enzym DROSHA gebildet. Diese wird dann aus dem Kern exportiert und durch das Enzym DICER zur reifen miR weiterverarbeitet, die im Kontext des „RNA-Induced Silencing Complex“ (RISC) die post-transkriptionale Genexpression reguliert. Mirkoinjektionsstudien an Xenopus leavis Oocyten zeigten, dass eine Verlangsamung bzw. Blockade des nukleo-zytoplasmatischen Transports nicht Ursache für die verzögerte Prozessierung der pre-miR-26 sein kann. Stattdessen haben in vitro und in vivo Prozessierungsexperimente gezeigt, dass die Reifung der miR-26 sehr wahrscheinlich durch einen in trans agierenden Faktor gesteuert wird, der die Prozessierung in nicht-neuronalen Zellen blockiert. Durch RNA affinitätschromatographische Versuche gelang es, Proteine aus Maus- und Zebrafischlysaten zu isolieren und diese zu identifizieren, die spezifisch mit der pre-miR-26b interagieren und deren Biogenese beeinflussen könnten. Vielversprechende Kandidaten sind die Proteine FMRP/FXR1/2, ZNF346 und Eral1, deren funktionelle Charakterisierung im Kontext der miR-Biogenese nun möglich ist. In einer Kooperation mit der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Albrecht Müller wurde im zweiten Teil der Arbeit der prinzipiellen Frage nachgegangen, wie die miR-26 die neuronale Genexpression steuert und welche Gene hiervon primär betroffen sind. Diese Untersuchungen wurden durch die Etablierung eines Zellkultur-Protokolls ermöglicht, welches ex vivo die Differenzierung von ESC über neuronal Vorläufer Zellen (NPC) zu NCs erlaubte und so eine systematische Analyse dieses Prozess erlaubte. Für die Funktionsanalyse von miR-26 wurden über die CRISPR/Cas9 Technologie Zelllinien hergestellt, welche keine miR-26 mehr im Genom haben. miR-26 defiziente ESCs behalten ihren pluripotenten Status und ließen sich zu NPCs entwickeln. Die Weiterentwicklung von NPCs zu NCs war hingegen massiv eingeschränkt. Durch RNA Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung gelang es die miR-26 induzierten Genexpressionsunterschiede geanu zu identifizieren. Auf der Ebene der mRNA konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Expression von neuronalen Genen in miR-26 defizienten NCs herunterreguliert ist und dass unter diesen Bedingungen offensichtlich kein anderer Differenzierungsweg eingeschlagen werden konnte. Interessanterweise führte die Deletion von miR-26 zu einer selektiven Verminderung von miRs, die einerseits den REST Komplex regulieren, andererseits aber auch unter dessen transkriptionaler Kontrolle stehen. Diese Daten und die Entdeckung, dass die Induktion von miR-26 zur Anreicherung anderer REST regulierender miRs führt, lässt vermuten, dass miR-26 die Neurogenese durch die schrittweise Inaktivierung des REST Komplexe initiiert. KW - miRNS KW - Neurogenese KW - miR-26 KW - REST-Complex KW - miRNA Biogenesis KW - microrna KW - neurogenesis Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156395 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziebertz, Hans-Georg T1 - Introduction to the special issue: Religion and human rights: complementary or contrary JF - Religions N2 - No abstract available KW - human rights Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228798 SN - 2077-1444 VL - 12 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziebell, Philipp A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Forster, André A1 - Sanguinetti, Joseph L. A1 - Allen, John JB. A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Inhibition of midfrontal theta with transcranial ultrasound explains greater approach versus withdrawal behavior in humans JF - Brain Stimulation N2 - Highlights • Transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation/stimulation (TUS) is a growing field. • We conducted a double-blind sham-controlled within-subjects large sample TUS study. • Right prefrontal cortex TUS inhibits midfrontal theta electroencephalography (MFT). • TUS MFT inhibition explains greater approach versus withdrawal in a virtual T-maze. • This distinct TUS-MFT-behavior link merits future basic and applied research. Abstract Recent reviews highlighted low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound (TUS) as a promising new tool for non-invasive neuromodulation in basic and applied sciences. Our preregistered double-blind within-subjects study (N = 152) utilized TUS targeting the right prefrontal cortex, which, in earlier work, was found to positively enhance self-reported global mood, decrease negative states of self-reported emotional conflict (anxiety/worrying), and modulate related midfrontal functional magnetic resonance imaging activity in affect regulation brain networks. To further explore TUS effects on objective physiological and behavioral variables, we used a virtual T-maze task that has been established in prior studies to measure motivational conflicts regarding whether participants execute approach versus withdrawal behavior (with free-choice responses via continuous joystick movements) while allowing to record related electroencephalographic data such as midfrontal theta activity (MFT). MFT, a reliable marker of conflict representation on a neuronal level, was of particular interest to us since it has repeatedly been shown to explain related behavior, with relatively low MFT typically preceding approach-like risky behavior and relatively high MFT typically preceding withdrawal-like risk aversion. Our central hypothesis is that TUS decreases MFT in T-maze conflict situations and thereby increases approach and reduces withdrawal. Results indicate that TUS led to significant MFT decreases, which significantly explained increases in approach behavior and decreases in withdrawal behavior. This study expands TUS evidence on a physiological and behavioral level with a large sample size of human subjects, suggesting the promise of further research based on this distinct TUS-MFT-behavior link to influence conflict monitoring and its behavioral consequences. Ultimately, this can serve as a foundation for future clinical work to establish TUS interventions for emotional and motivational mental health. KW - approach versus withdrawal KW - electroencephalography (EEG) KW - midfrontal theta (MFT) KW - right prefrontal cortex (PFC) KW - transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation/stimulation (TUS) KW - virtual reality Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349890 VL - 16 IS - 5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zidorn, Wilfried T1 - Alliances and R&D activites in the Biotechnology Industry T1 - Allianzen und F&E Aktivitäten in der Biotechnologieindustrie N2 - This dissertation is divided into three studies by addressing the following constitutive research questions in the context of the biotechnology industry: (1) How do different types of inter-firm alliances influence a firm’s R&D activity? (2) How does an increasing number and diversity of alliances in a firm’s alliance portfolio affect its R&D activity? (3) What is the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation? (1) To answer these research questions the first main chapter analyzes the impact of different types of alliances on the R&D activities of successful firms in the biotechnology industry. Following the use of a new approach to measuring changes in research activities, the results show that alliances are used to specialize in a certain research field, rather than to enter a completely new market. This effect becomes smaller when the equity involvement of the partners in the alliance project increases. (2) The second main chapter analyzes the impact on innovation output of having heterogeneous partners in a biotechnology firm’s alliance portfolio. Previous literature has stressed that investment in the heterogeneity of partners in an alliance portfolio is more important than merely engaging in multiple collaborative agreements. The analysis of a unique panel dataset of 20 biotechnology firms and their 8,602 alliances suggests that engaging in many alliances generally has a positive influence on a firm’s innovation output. Furthermore, maintaining diverse alliance portfolios has an inverted U-shaped influence on a firm’s innovation output, as managerial costs and complexity levels become too high. (3) And the third main chapter investigates whether there is an optimal balance to be found between explorative and exploitative innovation strategies. Previous literature states that firms that are ambidextrous (i.e., able to focus on exploration and exploitation simultaneously) tend to be more successful. Using a unique panel dataset of 20 leading biotechnology firms and separating their explorative and exploitative research, the chapter suggests that firms seeking to increase their innovation output should avoid imbalances between their explorative and exploitative innovation strategies. Furthermore, an inverted U-shaped relationship between a firm’s relative research attention on exploration and its innovation output is found. This dissertation concludes with the results of the dissertation, combines the findings, gives managerial implications and proposes areas for potential further research. N2 - In einer sich ständig verändernden Welt, die dominiert wird durch dynamisches Wachstum und Technologietransfer, spielt die Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) eines Unternehmens eine zentrale Rolle. Der einfache Zugang zu Informationen, insbesondere für Unternehmen in technologiegetriebenen Industrien, kann über Erfolg und Misserfolg entscheiden und dadurch signifikante Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren. Da Wissen zu jeder Zeit und an verschiedenen Orten auf dieser Welt generiert wird, ist es für ein einzelnes Unternehmen unmöglich auf dieses breite Spektrum an Information durch eigenständige F&E zuzugreifen. Um diesen Zugang zu erweitern, kooperieren Unternehmen, insbesondere im Hochtechnologiebereich, entlang ihrer Wertschöpfungskette mit nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen aus wettbewerbsnahen und –fremden Industrien sowie staatlichen und privaten Forschungseinrichtungen. Diese Allianzen helfen Unternehmen den wechselnden Umwelteinflüssen, gekennzeichnet durch radikale und inkrementelle Innovationen, dem Kampf um Marktanteile und Änderungen der regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen entgegenzutreten und ermöglichen dadurch schnell und flexibel auf diese exogenen Einflüsse zu reagieren. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, die F&E Prozesse von Unternehmen in der Biotechnologieindustrie darzustellen und dabei zu analysieren, inwiefern Unternehmen verschiedene Arten von Allianzen nutzen, um diese Prozesse zu optimieren. Nach Beschreibung der Forschungsrelevanz und der damit verbundenen Analyse von Studien zu F&E, Wissensgenerierung, Allianzen und der Biotechnologieindustrie folgen drei empirische Hauptteile. Der erste Teil beschreibt, inwiefern Unternehmen verschiedene Typen von Allianzen nutzen können, um sich auf bestimmte Technologiebereiche zu spezialisieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Biotechnologieunternehmen, die oft und gezielt mit anderen Unternehmen kooperieren, einen spezialisierteren Technologiefokus haben, als Unternehmen, die von diesem strategischen Instrument nur selten Gebrauch machen. Der zweite Teil geht auf den Einfluss von Allianzportfolios auf F&E Prozesse innerhalb eines Biotechnologieunternehmens ein. Damit Unternehmen nicht wiederholt auf redundantes Wissen stoßen, müssen diese mit heterogenen Partnern kooperieren. Um die F&E Erträge zu maximieren, ist es dabei essentiell, dass Unternehmen den Überblick zum einen über die Anzahl der Allianzen und zum anderen über deren Diversität behalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Unternehmen zwar von beiden Kooperationsstrategien einzeln betrachtet profitieren, allerdings in Kombination schnell an einen Punkt gelangen, ab welchem negative F&E Erträge eintreten. Der dritte Teil beschäftigt sich mit der explorativen und exploitativen Wissensgenerierung innerhalb Biotechnologieunternehmen. Exploration bezieht sich hierbei auf experimentelle Forschung und der Schaffung von neuem Wissen, wohingegen Exploitation die Erweiterung und Verbesserung von bereits bestehendem Wissen beschreibt. Vorhergegangene Studien beschreiben, dass Unternehmen am meisten von einer effektiven Verbindung der beiden Forschungsstrategien profitieren, ermitteln allerdings nicht, bei welcher Gewichtung ein Unternehmen den höchsten technologischen Nutzen hat. Ziel dieses Teils ist es, diesen Extrempunkt für Unternehmen der Biotechnologie zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Biotechnologieunternehmen am meisten von einem Gleichgewicht zwischen Exploration und Exploitation profitieren, dabei allerdings minimal mehr Ressourcen der experimentellen Forschungen zusprechen. Dieses Optimum müsste sich jedoch verschieben, sobald sich Rahmenbedingungen wie Wettbewerb, Industriedynamik oder regulatorische Vorgaben ändern. Daher zeigt diese Dissertation, dass Unternehmenskooperation eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung sowie dem Überleben von Biotechnologieunternehmen spielt und eine Balance zwischen Exploration und Exploitation zu einem großen Teil die nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Biotechnologieunternehmen bestimmen kann. KW - Biotechnologische Industrie KW - Forschung und Entwicklung KW - Unternehmenskooperation KW - Biotechnologie KW - Alliances KW - Innovation KW - Biotechnology Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75483 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhu, Yan T1 - Small RNA-associated RNA-binding proteins in \(Fusobacterium\) \(nucleatum\) T1 - Kleine RNA-assoziierte RNA-bindende Proteine in \(Fusobacterium\) \(nucleatum\) N2 - Fusobacterium nucleatum is an emerging cancer-associated bacterium belonging to the Fusobacteriota phylum, which is evolutionary distant from all model bacteria. Recent analysis generated global fusobacterial RNA maps, which enabled the discovery of 24 small noncoding RNAs (sRNAs) in F. nucleatum. Notably, the σE-dependent sRNA FoxI and FoxJ act as a posttranscriptional regulator of several cell envelope proteins. The σE-dependent sRNAs in Escherichia coli and Salmonella require the RNA chaperone Hfq for their functions. Intriguingly, F. nucleatum seems to have no homologs of the three common RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) CsrA, Hfq and ProQ. However, it remains unclear if other families of RBPs act in concert with FoxI, FoxJ and other fusobacterial sRNAs. This work has successfully established a 14-mer capture tagged-sRNA affinity purification procedure initially using 6S RNA as a proof-of-concept. Applying this method to 19 different F. nucleatum sRNAs led to a comprehensive mapping of sRNA-binding proteins in this bacterium. This screen identified a total of 75 proteins significantly enriched across all sRNAs and prominent in ribosomal proteins, uncharacterized proteins and enzymes associated with metabolism. This work further focused on the homologs of two KH domain proteins KhpA and KhpB, which were recently recognized as global RBPs in various Gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Clostridioides difficile, and Enterococcus faecalis. Comparative analyses revealed conserved domain composition and gene synteny of KhpA and KhpB across F. nucleatum, S. pneumoniae, C. difficle and E. faecalis, indicating conserved roles of these proteins in bacteria. Further protein-protein interaction assays and global RNA targets profiling demonstrated that KhpA and KhpB form dimers and act together as broad RBPs, binding to sRNAs, mRNAs and tRNAs in F. nucleatum. Further functional characterizations unveiled that KhpA/B are required for the growth of F. nucleatum under nutrient limitation conditions and impact cell morphology. Additionally, the two RBPs also influence global gene expression in F. nucleatum affecting various bacterial physiological processes, including ethanolamine utilization. In summary, this work established a sRNA-centric approach for screening sRNA-binding proteins in F. nucleatum. Further, the assay could be applied in other non-model organisms and is feasible to screen multiple sRNA baits in parallel for sRNA-interactors. By applying this procedure to nearly all known fusobacterial sRNAs, this work generated an extensive map of sRNA-interacting proteins in F. nucleatum. Molecular and genetic studies identified that KhpA/B act as major RBPs and gene regulators in F. nucleatum, representing important first steps in elucidating key players of post-transcriptional control at the root of the bacterial phylogenetic tree. N2 - Fusobacterium nucleatum ist ein relevantes krebsassoziiertes Bakterium des Phylums Fusobacteriota, welches sich evolutionär von allen anderen Modellbakterien abgrenzt. In einer kürzlich durchgeführten Analyse wurden fusobakterielle RNAs global kartiert, was die Entdeckung von 24 kleinen nichtkodierenden RNAs (sRNAs) in F. nucleatum ermöglichte. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die σE-abhängige sRNAs FoxI und FoxJ, die als posttranskriptioneller Regulator von mehreren Proteine der Zellhülle fungiert. Die σE-abhängigen sRNAs in Escherichia coli und Salmonella benötigen das RNA-Chaperonprotein Hfq für ihre Funktionen. Interessanterweise scheint F. nucleatum aber keine Homologe der drei verbreiteten RNA-Bindeproteine (RBPs) CsrA, Hfq und ProQ zu besitzen. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, ob andere RBP-Familien mit FoxI, FoxJ und sonstigen fusobakteriellen sRNAs interagieren. Diese Arbeit hat erfolgreich ein 14-mer Capture-Markierung basierendes sRNA Affinitätsreinigungsverfahren etabliert, das zunächst unter Verwendung von 6S RNA erprobt wurde. Die Anwendung dieser Methode auf 19 verschiedene sRNAs in F. nucleatum führte zu einer umfassenden Übersicht von sRNA-bindenden Proteinen in diesem Bakterium. Unter allen sRNAs konnten mit Hilfe dieses Screenings insgesamt 75 signifikant angereicherte Proteine identifiziert werden, so vor allem ribosomale Proteine, uncharakterisierte Proteine und Metabolismus-assoziierte Enzyme. Diese Arbeit konzentrierte sich weiterführend auf die Homologe der zwei KH-Domänenproteine KhpA und KhpB, die kürzlich als globale RBPs in verschiedenen Gram-positiven Bakterien, wie Streptococcus pneumoniae, Clostridioides difficile und Enterococcus faecalis beschrieben wurden. Vergleichende Analysen bewiesen eine konservierte Domänenzusammensetzung und Gensyntenie von KhpA und KhpB in F. nucleatum, S. pneumoniae, C. difficile und E. faecalis, was wiederum auf konservierte Funktionen dieser Proteine in Bakterien hinweist. Weitere Protein-Protein-Interaktionsassays und globale Assays zur Identifizierung der Ziel-RNAs zeigten, dass KhpA und KhpB Dimere bilden und gemeinsam als umfangreiche RBPs wirken, die an sRNAs, mRNAs und tRNAs in F. nucleatum binden. Funktionelle Charakterisierungen der Proteine ergaben, dass KhpA/B für das Wachstum von F. nucleatum unter Nährstoffmangel erforderlich sind und die Zellmorphologie beeinflussen. Zusätzlich spielen die beiden RBPs auch eine Rolle in der globalen Genexpression in F. nucleatum und wirken sich auf verschiedene physiologische Prozesse aus, einschließlich der Ethanolamin-Nutzung. Zusammenfassend etablierte diese Arbeit einen sRNA-orientierten Ansatz zur Untersuchung von sRNA-Bindeproteinen in F. nucleatum. Darüber hinaus kann dieser Ansatz potenziell in anderen Nicht-Modellorganismen angewendet werden und eignet sich um mehrere sRNA-Baits parallel auf deren sRNA-Interaktionspartner zu untersuchen. Durch die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens auf nahezu allen bekannten fusobakteriellen sRNAs wurde eine umfangreiche Kartierung der sRNA-Interaktoren in F. nucleatum generiert. Die hier beschriebenen molekularen und genetischen Studien, in welchen KhpA/B als wichtige RBPs und Genregulatoren von F. nucleatum identifiziert wurden, stellen wichtige erste Schritte bei der Aufklärung der Schlüsselakteure der posttranskriptionellen Kontrolle am Ursprung des bakteriellen Stammbaums dar. KW - Fusobacterium nucleatum KW - RNA-binding proteins KW - Small non-coding RNAs KW - Proteine Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370731 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhu, Mo T1 - Germination and differentiation of \(Blumeria\) \(graminis\) ascospores and effects of UV-C and white light irradiation on \(B.\) \(graminis\) conidial prepenetration T1 - Keimung und Differenzierung von \(Blumeria\) \(graminis\) Ascosporen und Effekte von UV-C und Weißlichtbestrahlung auf die Konidienpräpenetration von \(B.\) \(graminis\) N2 - Blumeria graminis, the obligate biotrophic grass powdery mildew, is a highly pathogenic fungus capable of inflicting foliar diseases and of causing severe yield losses. There is asexual and sexual propagation in the life cycle of B. graminis. In the epidemiological processes of this pathogen, both types of spores - asexual conidia and sexual ascospores – are crucial. Conidia of B. graminis are demonstrated to perceive cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes as molecular signal substances notably promoting germination and differentiation of the infection structure (the appressorium) – the prepenetration processes – in a concentration- and chain-length-dependent manner. Conidial germination and appressorium formation are known to be dramatically impeded by the presence of free water on the host surface. However, sexually formed ascospores are reported to easily germinate immersed in water. There are abundant assays on conidial prepenetration processes. However, with respect to the stimulating effects of very-long-chain aldehydes and to the influence of the presence of free water, ascosporic prepenetration processes are still obscure. In order to study the effects of very-long-chain aldehydes on the ascosporic prepenetration processes of wheat powdery mildew fungus B. graminis f. sp. tritici, Formvar®-based in vitro systems were applied to exclude the secondary host effects (such as host resistance) and to reproducibly provide homogeneous hydrophobic substratum surfaces. By the presence of even-numbered very-long-chain aldehydes (C22 - C30), the appressorium formation of the ascospores was notably triggered in a chain-length dependent manner. N-octacosanal (C28) was the most inducing aldehyde tested. Unlike conidia, ascospores could easily differentiate immersed in water and showed a more variable differentiation pattern even with a single germ tube differentiating an appressorium. To evaluate the alternative management against barley powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, the suppressing effects of UV-C irradiation on the developmental processes of conidia on artificial surfaces (in vitro) and on host leaf surfaces (in vivo) were assayed. In vitro and in vivo, a single dose of 100 J m-2 UV-C was adequate to decrease conidial germination to < 20 % and to reduce appressorium formation to values < 5 %. UV-C irradiation negatively affected colony pustule size and vegetative propagation. Under photoperiodic conditions of 2h light/16h dark, 6h dark/12h light or 6h dark/18h light, UV-C-treated conidia showed photoreactivation (photo-recovery). White light-mediated photoreactivation was most effective immediately after UV-C irradiation, suggesting that a prolonged phase of darkness after UV-C application increased the efficacy of management against B. graminis. UV-C irradiation increased transcript levels of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis, indicating those were probably involved in photoreactivation processes. However, mere white light or blue light (wavelength peak, 475 nm) could not induce the up-regulation of these genes. To determine whether visible light directly impacted the prepenetration and penetration processes of this powdery mildew pathogen, conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici were inoculated onto artificial surfaces and on host leaf surfaces. Samples were analyzed after incubation periods under light conditions (white light intensity and spectral quality). Increasing white light intensities directly impaired conidial prepenetration processes in vitro but not in vivo. Applying an agar layer under the wax membrane compensated for conidial water loss as a consequence of high white light irradiation. Light stimulated in vitro and in vivo the appressorium elongation of B. graminis in a wavelength-dependent manner. Red light was more effective to trigger the elongation of appressorium than blue light or green light assayed. Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrate that 1) a host surface recognition principle based on cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes is a common feature of B. graminis f. sp. tritici ascospores and conidia; 2) the transcriptional changes of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis are mediated in a UV-C-dependent manner; 3) light directly affected the (pre)penetration processes of B. graminis. N2 - Blumeria graminis, der obligate biotrophe Grasmehltau, ist ein hochpathogener Pilz, der in der Lage ist, Blätter zu schädigen und in Getreidekulturen schwere Ertragsverluste zu verursachen. Im Lebenszyklus von B. graminis kommen sowohl sexuelle als auch asexuelle Reproduktion vor. In den epidemiologischen Prozessen dieses Erregers sind beide Arten von Sporen - asexuelle Konidien und sexuelle Ascosporen - von entscheidender Bedeutung. Conidien von B. graminis reagieren nachweislich auf kutikuläre, sehr langkettige Aldehyde als molekulare Signalstoffe, die insbesondere die Keimung und Differenzierung der Infektionsstruktur (das Appressorium) - die Präpenetrationsprozesse - konzentrations- und kettenlängenabhängig fördern. Es ist bekannt, dass die Konidienkeimung und Appressoriumbildung durch die Anwesenheit von freiem Wasser auf der Wirtsoberfläche dramatisch behindert wird, während sexuell gebildete Ascosporen unter diesen Bedingungen keimen. Es gibt zahlreiche Untersuchungen zu Konidien-Präpenetrationsprozessen. Im Hinblick auf die stimulierende Wirkung von langkettigen Aldehyden und den Einfluss von freiem Wasser sind die askosporischen Präpenetrationsprozesse jedoch noch unklar. Um die Effekte langkettiger Aldehydmoleküle auf die ascosporischen Präpenetrationsprozesse von Weizenmehltaupilz zu untersuchen, wurde B. graminis f. sp. tritici auf Formvar®-basierten In-vitro-Systemen angewendet. Dadurch konnten sekundäre Wirtseffekte (wie Wirtsresistenz) ausgeschlossen und homogene hydrophobe Substratoberflächen reproduzierbar bereitgestellt werden. Die Anwesenheit geradzahliger sehr langkettiger Aldehyde (C22 – C30) erhöhte deutlich die Ausbilung des Appressoriums von Ascosporen. Von den getesteten Aldehyden zeigte n-Octacosanal (C28) die größte Induktionskraft. Im Gegensatz zu Konidien konnten bei Ascosporen auch unteri Anwesenheit von freiem Wasser variable Differenzierungsmuster festgestellt werden, bei denen auch einzelne Keimröhren zur Differenzierung des Appressoriums führten. Zur Bewertung der alternativen Bekämpfung gegen Gerstenmehltaupilz Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei wurde die Unterdrückungswirkung von UV-C-Strahlung auf die Entwicklungsprozesse von Konidien auf künstlichen Oberflächen (in vitro) und auf Wirtsblattoberflächen (in vivo) untersucht. In vitro und in vivo war eine Einzeldosis von 100 J m-2 UV-C ausreichend, um die Konidienkeimung auf < 20 % zu verringern und die Appressoriumsbildung auf Werte < 5 % zu reduzieren. Die UV-C-Bestrahlung beeinflusste die Größe der Kolonepusteln und die vegetative Vermehrung negativ. UV-C behandelte Konidien wurden unterschiedlichen Lichtverhältnissen ausgesetzt: 2 h hell / 16 h dunkel, 6 h dunkel / 12 h hell und 6 h dunkel / 18 h hell. Dabei zeigten sie unterschiedliche Photoreaktivierungsaktivitäten. Die Weißlicht-vermittelte Photoreaktivierung war unmittelbar nach der UV-C-Behandlung am effektivsten, was darauf hindeutet, dass eine verlängerte Phase der Dunkelheit nach der UV-C-Anwendung die Wirksamkeit des Managements gegen B. graminis erhöhte. UV-C-Bestrahlung erhöhte die Transkriptmengen von drei mutmaßlichen Photolyase-Genen in B. graminis, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie wahrscheinlich an Photoreaktivierungsprozessen beteiligt waren. Weißes oder blaues Licht (Wellenlängen-Peak, 475 nm) konnte die Hochregulation dieser Gene nicht induzieren. Um zu bestimmen, ob sichtbares Licht direkt auf die Präpenetrations- und Penetrationsvorgänge dieses Mehltau-Erregers einwirkt, wurden Konidien von Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei und Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici auf künstliche Oberflächen und auf Wirtsblattoberflächen inokuliert. Die Proben wurden nach Inkubationunter verschiedenen Lichtbedingungen (Weißlichtintensität und Spektralqualität) analysiert. Das Auftragen einer Agarschicht unter der Wachsmembran kompensierte den Wasserverlust der Konidien als Folge der Bestrahlung mit hoher Lichtintensität. Zunehmende Weißlichtintensitäten beeinträchtigten Konidienpräpenetrationsprozesse direkt in vitro, aber nicht in vivo. Eine wellenlängenabhängige Stimulation der Verlängerung des Appressoriums konnte sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo beobachtet werden. Dabei war rotes Licht wirksamer, um die Verlängerung des Appressoriums auszulösen, als blaues oder grünes Licht. Zusammengefasst zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie, dass 1) ein Prinzip der Wirtsoberflächenerkennung basierend auf kutikulären, sehr langkettigen Aldehyden ein gemeinsames Merkmal von B. graminis f sp. tritici Ascosporen und Konidien ist; 2) die Transkriptionsänderungen von drei putativen Photolyase-Genen in B. graminis in einer UV-C-abhängigen Weise vermittelt werden und 3) Licht direkt die (Vor-) Penetrationsvorgänge von B. graminis beeinflusste. KW - Powdery mildew fungus KW - Germination and differentiation KW - Cuticle KW - Irradiation KW - Blumeria graminis KW - Bestrahlung Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166470 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Min A1 - Shabala, Lana A1 - Cuin, Tracey A. A1 - Huang, Xin A1 - Zhou, Meixue A1 - Munns, Rana A1 - Shabala, Sergey T1 - Nax loci affect SOS1-like Na\(^+\)/H\(^+\) exchanger expression and activity in wheat JF - Journal of Experimental Botany N2 - Salinity stress tolerance in durum wheat is strongly associated with a plant's ability to control Na\(^+\) delivery to the shoot. Two loci, termed Nax1 and Nax2, were recently identified as being critical for this process and the sodium transporters HKT1;4 and HKT1; 5 were identified as the respective candidate genes. These transporters retrieve Na\(^+\) from the xylem, thus limiting the rates of Na\(^+\) transport from the root to the shoot. In this work, we show that the Nax loci also affect activity and expression levels of the SOS1-like Na\(^+\)/H\(^+\) exchanger in both root cortical and stelar tissues. Net Na\(^+\) efflux measured in isolated steles from salt-treated plants, using the non-invasive ion flux measuring MIFE technique, decreased in the sequence: Tamaroi (parental line)>Nax1=Nax2>Nax1:Nax2 lines. This efflux was sensitive to amiloride (a known inhibitor of the Na\(^+\)/H\(^+\) exchanger) and was mirrored by net H\(^+\) flux changes. TdSOS1 relative transcript levels were 6-10-fold lower in Nax lines compared with Tamaroi. Thus, it appears that Nax loci confer two highly complementary mechanisms, both of which contribute towards reducing the xylem Na\(^+\) content. One enhances the retrieval of Na\(^+\) back into the root stele via HKT1;4 or HKT1;5, whilst the other reduces the rate of Na\(^+\) loading into the xylem via SOS1. It is suggested that such duality plays an important adaptive role with greater versatility for responding to a changing environment and controlling Na\(^+\) delivery to the shoot. KW - HKT transporter KW - potassium KW - salinity stress KW - sequestration KW - sodium KW - xylem loading Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190908 VL - 67 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Min A1 - Shabala, Lana A1 - Cuin, Tracey A A1 - Huang, Xin A1 - Zhou, Meixue A1 - Munns, Rana A1 - Shabala, Sergey T1 - Nax loci affect SOS1-like Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger expression and activity in wheat JF - Journal of Experimental Botany N2 - Salinity stress tolerance in durum wheat is strongly associated with a plant’s ability to control Na\(^{+}\) delivery to the shoot. Two loci, termed Nax1 and Nax2, were recently identified as being critical for this process and the sodium transporters HKT1;4 and HKT1;5 were identified as the respective candidate genes. These transporters retrieve Na\(^{+}\) from the xylem, thus limiting the rates of Na\(^{+}\) transport from the root to the shoot. In this work, we show that the Nax loci also affect activity and expression levels of the SOS1-like Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger in both root cortical and stelar tissues. Net Na\(^{+}\) efflux measured in isolated steles from salt-treated plants, using the non-invasive ion flux measuring MIFE technique, decreased in the sequence: Tamaroi (parental line)>Nax1=Nax2>Nax1:Nax2 lines. This efflux was sensitive to amiloride (a known inhibitor of the Na\(^{+}\)/H\(^{+}\) exchanger) and was mirrored by net H\(^{+}\) flux changes. TdSOS1 relative transcript levels were 6–10-fold lower in Nax lines compared with Tamaroi. Thus, it appears that Nax loci confer two highly complementary mechanisms, both of which contribute towards reducing the xylem Na\(^{+}\) content. One enhances the retrieval of Na\(^{+}\) back into the root stele via HKT1;4 or HKT1;5, whilst the other reduces the rate of Na\(^{+}\) loading into the xylem via SOS1. It is suggested that such duality plays an important adaptive role with greater versatility for responding to a changing environment and controlling Na\(^{+}\) delivery to the shoot. KW - HKT transporter KW - potassium KW - salinity stress KW - sequestration KW - sodium KW - xylem loading Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150236 VL - 67 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhu, Ana Cheng T1 - Metagenomic analysis of genetic variation in human gut microbial species T1 - Metagenomische Analysen der genetischen Variationen in menschlichen Darmbakterien N2 - Microbial species (bacteria and archaea) in the gut are important for human health in various ways. Not only does the species composition vary considerably within the human population, but each individual also appears to have its own strains of a given species. While it is known from studies of bacterial pan-genomes, that genetic variation between strains can differ considerably, such as in Escherichia coli, the extent of genetic variation of strains for abundant gut species has not been surveyed in a natural habitat. This is mainly due to the fact that most of these species cannot be cultured in the laboratory. Genetic variation can range from microscale genomic rearrangements such as small nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) to macroscale large genomic rearrangements like structural variations. Metagenomics offers an alternative solution to study genetic variation in prokaryotes, as it involves DNA sequencing of the whole community directly from the environment. However, most metagenomic studies to date only focus on variation in gene abundance and hence are not able to characterize genetic variation (in terms of presence or absence of SNPs and genes) of gut microbial strains of individuals. The aim of my doctorate studies was therefore to study the extent of genetic variation in the genomic sequence of gut prokaryotic species and its phenotypic effects based on: (1) the impact of SNP variation in gut bacterial species, by focusing on genes under selective pressure and (2) the gene content variation (as a proxy for structural variation) and their effect on microbial species and the phenotypic traits of their human host. In the first part of my doctorate studies, I was involved in a project in which we created a catalogue of 10.3 million SNPs in gut prokaryotic species, based on metagenomes. I used this to perform the first SNP-based comparative study of prokaryotic species evolution in a natural habitat. Here, I found that strains of gut microbial species in different individuals evolve at more similar rates than the strains within an individual. In addition, I found that gene evolution can be uncoupled from the evolution of its originating species, and that this could be related to selective pressure such as diet, exemplified by galactokinase gene (galK). Despite the individuality (i.e. uniqueness of each individual within the studied metagenomic dataset) in the SNP profile of the gut microbiota that we found, for most cases it is not possible to link SNPs with phenotypic differences. For this reason I also used gene content as a proxy to study structural variation in metagenomes. In the second part of my doctorate studies, I developed a methodology to characterize the variability of gene content in gut bacterial species, using metagenomes. My approach is based on gene deletions, and was applied to abundant species (demonstrated using a set of 11 species). The method is sufficiently robust as it captures a similar range of gene content variability as has been detected in completely sequenced genomes. Using this procedure I found individuals differ by an average of 13% in their gene content of gut bacterial strains within the same species. Interestingly no two individuals shared the same gene content across bacterial species. However, this variation corresponds to a lower limit, as it is only accounts for gene deletion and not insertions. This large variation in the gene content of gut strain was found to affect important functions, such as polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) and capsular polysaccharide synthesis (CPS), which are related with digestion of dietary fibers. In summary, I have shown that metagenomics based approaches can be robust in characterizing genetic variation in gut bacterial species. I also illustrated, using examples both for SNPs and gene content (galK, PULs and CPS), that this genetic variation can be used to predict the phenotypic characteristics of the microbial species, as well as predicting the phenotype of their human host (for example, their capacity to digest different food components). Overall, the results of my thesis highlight the importance of characterizing the strains in the gut microbiome analogous to the emerging variability and importance of human genomics. N2 - Mikrobielle Arten (Bakterien und Archaeen) im menschlichen Darm sind wichtige Begleiter für unsere Gesundheit. Jedoch gibt es nicht nur starke Unterschiede zwischen individuellen Wirten in der Artenzusammensetzung des Darmmikrobioms, sondern es scheint sogar Individuen-spezifische Bakterienstämme zu geben. Analysen von Bakterien wie z.B. Escherichia coli haben schon früh gezeigt, dass die Genome von Bakterienstämmen derselben Art große Unterschiede aufzeigen können; jedoch wurden diese Unterschiede bisher noch nicht in einer natürlichen Umgebung gezeigt. Genetische Variation kann viele Ausprägungen haben und reicht von kleinen Veränderungen wie „small nucleotide polymorphism“ (SNP) zu makroskopischen Veränderung, wie z.B. chromosomalen Restrukturierungen. All diese genetischen Variationen wurden bis jetzt nicht in der natürlichen Umgebung der Bakterien studiert, vorallem bedingt durch fehlende Methoden um die meisten dieser Bakterien um Labor zu kultivieren. Metagenomische Studien können hier helfen, da sie unabhängig von Kultivierungen jegliche DNS aus einer natürlichen Bakteriengemeinschaft untersuchen. Jedoch wurde dies in den meisten bisher veröffentlichten metagenomischen Studien nicht ausgenutzt da diese hauptsächlich auf die Anzahl der gefunden Gene ausgerichtet waren. Das Ziel meiner Doktorarbeit war es, die genetische Variation in Darmbakterien zu beschreiben und phenotypische Veränderungen zu untersuchen. Dies habe ich umgesetzt durch die Erforschung (1) der SNP-Varianz in Darmbakterien, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Gene, die unter einem selektivem Druck stehen und (2) der Variationen in der Genzusammensetzung eines Genomes (als eine Annäherung an strukturelle Variationen) und welchen Effekt dies auf Mikrobenarten und Wirtsphenotypen hat. Im ersten Kapitel meiner Doktorarbeit beschreibe ich meine Arbeit in einem Projekt unserer Gruppe, in dem wir basierend auf metagenomischen Daten 10 Millionen SNPs in menschlichen Darmbakterien beschrieben haben. Diesen Datensatz habe ich verwendet um die erste SNP-basierte, vergleichende Studie der Bakterienevolution in einem natürlichen Habitat zu realisieren. Ich entdeckte, dass Bakterienstämme unabhängig vom Wirt ähnliche evolutionäre Raten haben. Genauer gesagt, die evolutionäre Rate für eine Art ist stabiler zwischen Wirten, als die von verschiedenen Spezies innerhalb eines Wirtes. Ausserdem fand ich heraus, dass die Evolution von einzelnen Genen unabhängig vom restlichen Genom einer Spezies ist. Dies könnte durch einen Selektionsdruck wie z.B. die Ernährung des Wirtes ausgelöst werden, was ich am Beispiel des Galactokinasegenes (galK) gezeigt habe. Obwohl wir zeigen konnten, dass das SNP-Profil der Darmbakterien spezifisch für den jeweiligen Wirt ist, konnten wir keine Assoziation zwischen SNPs und Wirtsphänotypen finden. Auch aus diesem Grund habe ich mich in meiner weiteren Arbeit verstärkt auf makroskopische Genomvariationen konzentriert. Im zweiten Teil meiner Doktoarbeit entwickelte ich eine neue Methode, um Variationen in der genomische Zusammensetzung von einzelnen Bakterienarten zu beschreiben, wieder basierend auf metagenomischen Daten. Hierbei fokussiere ich mich insbesondere auf Gene, die in unseren metagenomischen Daten im Verglich zum Referengenom fehlen und wende dies auf die 11 dominantesten Bakterienspezies an. Diese neue Methode ist robust, da die gefundene Genomvarianz in unseren metagenomischen Daten übereinstimmt mit Daten aus komplett sequenzierten Genomen. So konnte ich herausfinden, dass im Durchschnitt 13% der Gene einer Bakterienart zwischen einzelen Wirten varieren. Besonders interessant ist hier, dass wir keine zwei Wirte gefunden haben, die für eine Bakterienart genau diesselben Gene haben. Jedoch ist die erwarte Varianz aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach noch größer, da ich mit dieser Methode nur fehlende Gene beschreiben kann, aber nicht neu hinzugekommende. Diese Varianz kann auch wichtige bakterielle Funktionen betreffen, z.B. Gene für „polysaccharide utilization loci“ (PULs) und „capsular polysaccharide synthesis“ (CPS), welche wichtig sind um Ballaststoffe in der Nahrung zu verwerten. Zusammenfassend konnte ich in dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass metagenomische Methoden robust genug sind um die genetische Varianz von Darmbakterien zu beschreiben. Ausserdem konnte ich zeigen, dass die beschriebene Varianz benutzt werden kann, um phenotypische Veränderungen von Bakterien vorherzusagen (demonstriert für die galK, PULs and CPS-Gene). Dies wiederrum könnte benutzt werden um Vorhersagen für den Wirt über z.B. seine Ernährung zu machen. Meine Doktorarbeit zeigt wie wichtig es ist, einzelne Bakterienstämme zu charakterisieren, ganz analog zu der Bedeutsamkeit der genetischen Varianz des menschlichen Genomes. KW - metagenomic KW - Darmflora KW - Metagenom Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113890 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Yang A1 - Ding, Meiqi A1 - Duan, Xiaodong A1 - Konrad, Kai R. A1 - Nagel, Georg A1 - Gao, Shiqiang T1 - Extending the Anion Channelrhodopsin-Based Toolbox for Plant Optogenetics JF - Membranes N2 - Optogenetics was developed in the field of neuroscience and is most commonly using light-sensitive rhodopsins to control the neural activities. Lately, we have expanded this technique into plant science by co-expression of a chloroplast-targeted β-carotene dioxygenase and an improved anion channelrhodopsin GtACR1 from the green alga Guillardia theta. The growth of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tube can then be manipulated by localized green light illumination. To extend the application of analogous optogenetic tools in the pollen tube system, we engineered another two ACRs, GtACR2, and ZipACR, which have different action spectra, light sensitivity and kinetic features, and characterized them in Xenopus laevis oocytes, Nicotiana benthamiana leaves and N. tabacum pollen tubes. We found that the similar molecular engineering method used to improve GtACR1 also enhanced GtACR2 and ZipACR performance in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The ZipACR1 performed in N. benthamiana mesophyll cells and N. tabacum pollen tubes with faster kinetics and reduced light sensitivity, allowing for optogenetic control of anion fluxes with better temporal resolution. The reduced light sensitivity would potentially facilitate future application in plants, grown under low ambient white light, combined with an optogenetic manipulation triggered by stronger green light. KW - optogenetics KW - rhodopsin KW - light-sensitive anion channel KW - surface potential recording KW - pollen tube Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236617 SN - 2077-0375 VL - 11 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhou, Yang T1 - The Exploitation of Opsin-based Optogenetic Tools for Application in Higher Plants T1 - Die Nutzung von optogenetischen Werkzeugen auf Opsin-Basis für die Anwendung in höheren Pflanzen N2 - The discovery, heterologous expression, and characterization of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) – a light-sensitive cation channel found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii – led to the success of optogenetics as a powerful technology, first in neuroscience. ChR2 was employed to induce action potentials by blue light in genetically modified nerve cells. In optogenetics, exogenous photoreceptors are expressed in cells to manipulate cellular activity. These photoreceptors were in the beginning mainly microbial opsins. During nearly two decades, many microbial opsins and their mutants were explored for their application in neuroscience. Until now, however, the application of optogenetics to plant studies is limited to very few reports. Several optogenetic strategies for plant research were demonstrated, in which most attempts are based on non-opsin optogenetic tools. Opsins need retinal (vitamin A) as a cofactor to generate the functional protein, the rhodopsin. As most animals have eyes that contain animal rhodopsins, they also have the enzyme - a 15, 15'-Dioxygenase - for retinal production from food-supplied provitamin A (beta-carotene). However, higher plants lack a similar enzyme, making it difficult to express functional rhodopsins successfully in plants. But plant chloroplasts contain plenty of beta-carotene. I introduced a gene, coding for a 15, 15'-Dioxygenase with a chloroplast target peptide, to tobacco plants. This enzyme converts a molecule of β-carotene into two of all-trans-retinal. After expressing this enzyme in plants, the concentration of all-trans-retinal was increased greatly. The increased retinal concentration led to increased expression of several microbial opsins, tested in model higher plants. Unfortunately, most opsins were observed intracellularly and not in the plasma membrane. To improve their localization in the plasma membrane, some reported signal peptides were fused to the N- or C-terminal end of opsins. Finally, I helped to identify three microbial opsins -- GtACR1 (a light-gated anion channel), ChR2 (a light-gated cation channel), PPR (a light-gated proton pump) which express and work well in the plasma membrane of plants. The transgene plants were grown under red light to prevent activation of the expressed opsins. Upon illumination with blue or green light, the activation of these opsins then induced the expected change of the membrane potential, dramatically changing the phenotype of plants with activated rhodopsins. This study is the first which shows the potential of microbial opsins for optogenetic research in higher plants, using the ubq10 promoter for ubiquitous expression. I expect this to be just the beginning, as many different opsins and tissue-specific promoters for selective expression now can be tested for their usefulness. It is further to be expected that the here established method will help investigators to exploit more optogenetic tools and explore the secrets, kept in the plant kingdom. N2 - Die Entdeckung, heterologe Expression und Charakterisierung von Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) - einem lichtempfindlichen Kationenkanal, der in der Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii vorkommt - führte zum Erfolg der Optogenetik als leistungsfähige Technologie, zunächst in den Neurowissenschaften. ChR2 wurde eingesetzt, um in genetisch veränderten Nervenzellen durch blaues Licht Aktionspotentiale zu induzieren. Bei der Optogenetik werden exogene Photorezeptoren in Zellen exprimiert, um die zelluläre Aktivität zu manipulieren. Diese Photorezeptoren waren anfangs hauptsächlich mikrobielle Opsine. Im Laufe von fast zwei Jahrzehnten wurden viele mikrobielle Opsine und ihre Mutanten für ihre Anwendung in den Neurowissenschaften erforscht. Bis jetzt ist die Anwendung der Optogenetik in der Pflanzenforschung jedoch auf sehr wenige Arbeiten beschränkt. Es wurden mehrere optogenetische Strategien für die Pflanzenforschung aufgezeigt, wobei die meisten Versuche auf optogenetischen Werkzeugen, die nicht Opsine sind, beruhen. Opsine benötigen Retinal (Vitamin A) als Kofaktor, um das funktionelle Protein, das Rhodopsin, zu generieren. Da die meisten Tiere Augen haben, die tierische Rhodopsine enthalten, verfügen sie auch über das Enzym - eine 15, 15'-Dioxygenase - zur Retinalproduktion aus mit der Nahrung zugeführtem Provitamin A (Beta-Carotin). Höheren Pflanzen fehlt jedoch ein ähnliches Enzym, was es schwierig macht, funktionale Rhodopsine erfolgreich in Pflanzen zu exprimieren. Aber die Chloroplasten der Pflanzen enthalten reichlich Beta-Carotin. Ich führte ein Gen, das für eine 15, 15'-Dioxygenase mit einem Chloroplasten-Zielpeptid kodiert, in Tabakpflanzen ein. Dieses Enzym wandelt ein Molekül β-Carotin in zwei Moleküle all-trans-Retinal um. Nach Expression dieses Enzyms in Pflanzen wurde die Konzentration von all-trans-Retinal stark erhöht. ... KW - optogenetics KW - opsins KW - higher plants Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236960 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Wuchter, Patrick A1 - Egerer, Gerlinde A1 - Kriegsmann, Mark A1 - Mataityte, Aiste A1 - Koelsche, Christian A1 - Witzens-Harig, Mathias A1 - Kriegsmann, Katharina T1 - Role of virological serum markers in patients with both hepatitis B virus infection and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma JF - European Journal of Haematology N2 - Background Causality between hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was reported in various studies. However, the implication of different virological serum markers of HBV infection in patients with both HBV infection and DLBCL is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of HBV markers on overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with both HBV infection and DLBCL. Methods In this study, patients (n = 40) diagnosed with both HBV infection and DLBCL were identified between 2000 and 2017. Six patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and/or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection were excluded from this study. We retrospectively analyzed patients’ demographic characteristics, treatment, and the prognostic impact of different HBV markers at first diagnosis of DLBCL (HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBeAg, anti-HBe, and HBV-DNA) on OS and PFS. Results The majority of patients (n = 21, 62%) had advanced disease stage (III/IV) at diagnosis. In the first-line therapy, 24 patients (70%) were treated with R-CHOP regimen (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone). HBeAg positive patients had a trend toward inferior OS and PFS compared with HBeAg negative patients. Anti-HBe positive patients had a statistically significant better OS and PFS compared with anti-HBe negative group (both P < .0001). Viremia with HBV-DNA ≥ 2 × 107 IU/L had a significant negative impact on OS and PFS (both P < .0001). Conclusion High activity of viral replication is associated with a poor survival outcome of patients with both HBV infection and DLBCL. KW - hepatitis B virus KW - diffuse large B-cell lymphoma KW - prognosis Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258442 VL - 103 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian Johannes A1 - Düll, Johannes A1 - Krummenast, Franziska A1 - Danhof, Sophia A1 - Meckel, Katharina A1 - Nickel, Katharina A1 - Grathwohl, Denise A1 - Leicht, Hans‐Benno A1 - Rosenwald, Andreas A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Kortüm, Martin T1 - Obinutuzumab and venetoclax induced complete remission in a patient with ibrutinib‐resistant non‐nodal leukemic mantle cell lymphoma JF - European Journal of Haematology N2 - We herein report the case of a 73‐year‐old male patient who was diagnosed with leukemic non‐nodal MCL. This patient had received six cycles of bendamustine, which resulted in a transient remission, and a second‐line therapy with ibrutinib, which unfortunately failed to induce remission. We started a treatment with single‐agent obinutuzumab at a dose of 20 mg on day 1, 50 mg on day 2‐4, 330 mg on day 5, and 1000 mg on day 6. The laboratory analysis showed a rapid decrease of leukocyte count. Four weeks later, we repeated the treatment with obinutuzumab at a dose of 1000 mg q4w and started a therapy with venetoclax at a dose of 400 mg qd, which could be increased to 800 mg qd from the third cycle. This combination therapy was well tolerated. The patient achieved a complete remission (CR) after three cycles of obinutuzumab and venetoclax. To date, the patient has a progression‐free survival of 17 months under ongoing obinutuzumab maintenance q4w. This is the first report about obinutuzumab and venetoclax induced CR in rituximab‐intolerant patient with an ibrutinib‐resistant MCL. This case suggests that obinutuzumab‐ and venetoclax‐based combination therapy might be salvage therapy in patients with ibrutinib‐resistant MCL. KW - mantle cell lymphoma KW - obinutuzumab KW - venetoclax Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215513 VL - 104 IS - 4 SP - 352 EP - 355 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian J. A1 - Grathwohl, Denise A1 - Meckel, Katharina A1 - Nickel, Katharina A1 - Leicht, Hans‐Benno A1 - Krummenast, Franziska A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Kortüm, Klaus M. T1 - Multiagent therapy with pomalidomide, bortezomib, doxorubicin, dexamethasone, and daratumumab (“Pom‐PAD‐Dara”) in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma JF - Cancer Medicine N2 - Background Even in the era of novel immunotherapies for multiple myeloma (MM), treatment of late‐stage relapsed/refractory (RR) patients remains challenging. The aim of our study was to analyze the efficacy and safety of the five‐drug combination pomalidomide, bortezomib, doxorubicin, dexamethasone, and daratumumab (“Pom‐PAD‐Dara”) in RRMM. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data of 56 patients with RRMM who received Pom‐PAD‐Dara between September 2016 and May 2019. Results Patients were heavily pretreated with a median of four prior lines of therapy, including autologous and allogenic stem cell transplant in 50 (89%) and six (11%) patients, respectively. The overall response rate (ORR) was 78% and we observed partial remission, very good partial remission, and complete remission in 27 (48%), 13 (23%) and four (7%) patients, respectively. Median progression‐free survival was 7 months (95% CI, 3.3‐10.7) and the median overall survival was not reached at 24 months. Adverse events grade ≥ 3 were observed 41 (73%) patients and included neutropenia (n = 28, 50%), anemia (n = 22, 39%), thrombocytopenia (n = 21, 38%), and pneumonia (n = 6, 11%). Conclusion Pom‐PAD‐Dara represents a promising multiagent regimen in heavily pretreated RRMM patients with high ORR and an acceptable safety profile. KW - multiple myeloma KW - Pom‐PAD‐Dara KW - refractory KW - relapse Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218029 VL - 9 IS - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Ruckdeschel, Anna A1 - Peter, Jessica A1 - Böckle, David A1 - Hornburger, Hannah A1 - Danhof, Sophia A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian Johannes A1 - Heimeshoff, Larissa A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Kortüm, Klaus Martin A1 - Rasche, Leo T1 - Salvage therapy with "Dara-KDT-P(A)CE" in heavily pretreated, high-risk, proliferative, relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma JF - Hematological Oncology N2 - The multi-agent therapy “VDT-PACE” represents an established regimen in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). Here, we report on our experience with a “modified VDT-PACE” incorporating new generation anti-MM agents daratumumab and carfilzomib (“Dara-KDT-P(A)CE”). We retrospectively analyzed 38 patients with RRMM treated with “Dara-KDT-P(A)CE”. The median age was 62 (range 45–82) years, and the patients were heavily pretreated with a median of 5 (range 2–12) prior lines of therapy. Twenty-one (55%) patients suffered from penta-refractory MM. High-risk cytogenetics was present in 31 (81%) patients. The patients received a median of 2 (range 1–10) cycles of this therapy, and the overall response rate (ORR) was 70%. Patients with penta-refractory MM and high-risk cytogenetics showed similar ORR of 65% and 79%, respectively. The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival were 4.1 (95% CI 2.7–5.4) and 8.4 (95% CI 6.7–10.0) months, respectively. Patients with lactate dehydrogenase >250 IU/L showed significantly shorter PFS in comparison with others patients (p = 0.006). We used this regimen as bridging therapy prior to chimeric antigen receptor T-cell infusion in four patients. In conclusion, “Dara-KDT-P(A)CE” is an effective salvage therapy for patients with heavily pretreated, multi-refractory, high-risk RRMM lacking alternative options. KW - Dara-KDT-P(A)CE KW - multiple myeloma KW - refractory KW - salvage Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257495 VL - 40 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin A1 - Danhof, Sophia A1 - Hudecek, Michael A1 - Einsele, Hermann T1 - Toxicities of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy in Multiple Myeloma: An Overview of Experience From Clinical Trials, Pathophysiology, and Management Strategies JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - In the last few years, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) such as elotuzumab and daratutumab have brought the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) into the new era of immunotherapy. More recently, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) modified T cell, a novel cellular immunotherapy, has been developed for treatment of relapsed/refractory (RR) MM, and early phase clinical trials have shown promising efficacy of CAR T cell therapy. Many patients with end stage RRMM regard CAR T cell therapy as their “last chance” and a “hope of cure”. However, severe adverse events (AEs) and even toxic death related to CAR T cell therapy have been observed. The management of AEs related to CAR T cell therapy represents a new challenge, as the pathophysiology is not fully understood and there is still no well-established standard of management. With regard to CAR T cell associated toxicities in MM, in this review, we will provide an overview of experience from clinical trials, pathophysiology, and management strategies. KW - CAR T cell KW - clinical trial KW - multiple myeloma KW - toxicity KW - pathophysiology KW - management Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219911 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Flüchter, Patricia A1 - Nickel, Katharina A1 - Meckel, Katharina A1 - Messerschmidt, Janin A1 - Böckle, David A1 - Knorz, Sebastian A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian Johannes A1 - Krummenast, Franziska A1 - Danhof, Sophia A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin A1 - Rasche, Leo T1 - Carfilzomib based treatment strategies in the management of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma with extramedullary disease JF - Cancers N2 - Published experience with carfilzomib in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) and extramedullary disease (EMD) is still limited. The current study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of carfilzomib containing therapy regimens in EMD. We retrospectively analyzed 45 patients with extramedullary RRMM treated with carfilzomib from June 2013 to September 2019. The median age at the start of carfilzomib was 64 (range 40–80) years. Twenty (44%) and 25 (56%) patients had paraosseous manifestation and EMD without adjacency to bone, respectively. The serological overall response rate (ORR) was 59%. Extramedullary response was evaluable in 33 patients, nine (27%) of them achieved partial remission (PR) (ORR = 27%). In 15 (33%) patients, we observed no extramedullary response despite serological response. The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were five (95% CI, 3.5–6.5) and ten (95% CI, 7.5–12.5) months, respectively. EMD without adjacency to bone was associated with a significantly inferior PFS (p = 0.004) and OS (p = 0.04) compared to paraosseous lesions. Carfilzomib based treatment strategies showed some efficacy in heavily pretreated patients with extramedullary RRMM but could not overcome the negative prognostic value of EMD. Due to the discrepancy between serological and extramedullary response, evaluation of extramedullary response using imaging is mandatory in these patients. KW - carfilzomib KW - extramedullary disease KW - multiple myeloma KW - relapse KW - refractory Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203704 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 12 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Dierks, Alexander A1 - Kertels, Olivia A1 - Samnick, Samuel A1 - Kircher, Malte A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Haertle, Larissa A1 - Knorz, Sebastian A1 - Böckle, David A1 - Scheller, Lukas A1 - Messerschmidt, Janin A1 - Barakat, Mohammad A1 - Truger, Marietta A1 - Haferlach, Claudia A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin A1 - Lapa, Constantin T1 - The link between cytogenetics/genomics and imaging patterns of relapse and progression in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: a pilot study utilizing 18F-FDG PET/CT JF - Cancers N2 - Utilizing 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT), we performed this pilot study to evaluate the link between cytogenetic/genomic markers and imaging patterns in relapsed/refractory (RR) multiple myeloma (MM). We retrospectively analyzed data of 24 patients with RRMM who were treated at our institution between November 2018 and February 2020. At the last relapse/progression, patients had been treated with a median of three (range 1–10) lines of therapy. Six (25%) patients showed FDG avid extramedullary disease without adjacency to bone. We observed significantly higher maximum standardized uptake values (SUV\(_{max}\)) in patients harboring del(17p) compared with those without del(17p) (p = 0.025). Moreover, a high SUV\(_{max}\) of >15 indicated significantly shortened progression-free survival (PFS) (p = 0.01) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.0002). One female patient exhibited biallelic TP53 alteration, i.e., deletion and mutation, in whom an extremely high SUV\(_{max}\) of 37.88 was observed. In summary, this pilot study suggested a link between del(17p)/TP53 alteration and high SUV\(_{max}\) on 18F-FDG PET/CT in RRMM patients. Further investigations are highly warranted at this point. KW - radiogenomics KW - 18F-FDG PET/CT KW - multiple myeloma KW - relapse KW - progression KW - pattern Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211157 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 12 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Dierks, Alexander A1 - Kertels, Olivia A1 - Kircher, Malte A1 - Schirbel, Andreas A1 - Samnick, Samuel A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Knorz, Sebastian A1 - Böckle, David A1 - Scheller, Lukas A1 - Messerschmidt, Janin A1 - Barakat, Mohammad A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Lapa, Constantin T1 - 18F-FDG, 11C-Methionine, and 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT in patients with smoldering multiple myeloma: imaging pattern and clinical features JF - Cancers N2 - This study aimed to explore the correlation between imaging patterns and clinical features in patients with smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) who simultaneously underwent 18F-FDG, 11C-Methionine, and 68Ga-Pentixafor positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). We retrieved and analyzed clinical characteristics and PET imaging data of 10 patients with SMM. We found a significant correlation between bone marrow (BM) plasma cell (PC) infiltration and mean standardized uptake values (SUV\(_{mean}\)) of lumbar vertebrae L2-L4 on 11C-Methionine PET/CT scans (r = 0.676, p = 0.031) and 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT scans (r = 0.839, p = 0.002). However, there was no significant correlation between BM involvement and SUV\(_{mean}\) of lumbar vertebrae L2-L4 on 18F-FDG PET/CT scans (r = 0.558, p = 0.093). Similarly, mean target-to-background ratios (TBR\(_{mean}\)) of lumbar vertebrae L2-L4 also correlated with bone marrow plasma cell (BMPC) infiltration in 11C-Methionine PET/CT (r = 0.789, p = 0.007) and 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT (r = 0.724, p = 0.018) PET/CT. In contrast, we did not observe a significant correlation between BMPC infiltration rate and TBR\(_{mean}\) in 18F-FDG PET/CT (r = 0.355, p = 0.313). Additionally, on 11C-Methionine PET/CT scans, we found a significant correlation between BMPC infiltration and TBR\(_{max}\) of lumbar vertebrae L2-L4 (r = 0.642, p = 0.045). In conclusion, 11C-Methionine and 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT demonstrate higher sensitivity than 18F-FDG PET/CT in detecting BM involvement in SMM. KW - 18F-FDG PET/CT KW - 11C-Methionine PET/CT KW - 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT KW - smoldering myeloma Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211240 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 12 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Bai, Tao A1 - Meckel, Katharina A1 - Song, Jun A1 - Jin, Yu A1 - Kortüm, Martin K. A1 - Eisele, Hermann A1 - Hou, Xiaohua A1 - Rasche, Leo T1 - COVID-19 infection in patients with multiple myeloma: a German-Chinese experience from Würzburg and Wuhan JF - Annals of Hematology N2 - No abstract available. KW - COVID-19 KW - patients with multiple myeloma Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235108 SN - 0939-5555 VL - 100 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Sijie A1 - Allison, Brendan Z. A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Cichocki, Andrzej A1 - Wang, Xingyu A1 - Jin, Jing T1 - Effects of Background Music on Objective and Subjective Performance Measures in an Auditory BCI JF - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience N2 - Several studies have explored brain computer interface (BCI) systems based on auditory stimuli, which could help patients with visual impairments. Usability and user satisfaction are important considerations in any BCI. Although background music can influence emotion and performance in other task environments, and many users may wish to listen to music while using a BCI, auditory, and other BCIs are typically studied without background music. Some work has explored the possibility of using polyphonic music in auditory BCI systems. However, this approach requires users with good musical skills, and has not been explored in online experiments. Our hypothesis was that an auditory BCI with background music would be preferred by subjects over a similar BCI without background music, without any difference in BCI performance. We introduce a simple paradigm (which does not require musical skill) using percussion instrument sound stimuli and background music, and evaluated it in both offline and online experiments. The result showed that subjects preferred the auditory BCI with background music. Different performance measures did not reveal any significant performance effect when comparing background music vs. no background. Since the addition of background music does not impair BCI performance but is preferred by users, auditory (and perhaps other) BCIs should consider including it. Our study also indicates that auditory BCIs can be effective even if the auditory channel is simultaneously otherwise engaged. KW - brain computer interface KW - event-related potentials KW - auditory KW - music background KW - audio stimulus Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165101 VL - 10 IS - 105 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhou, Qingchun T1 - Molecular analysis of the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome in the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus T1 - Molekulare Analyse der geschlechtsbestimmenden Region des Y Chromosoms von Xiphophorus maculatus N2 - A large variety of sex determination systems have been described in fish. However, almost no information is available about sex determination in the classical fish models, the zebrafish Danio rerio and the pufferfish Takifugu rubripes. A DNA-binding protein gene called dmrt1bY (or DMY) has been recently described as an outstanding candidate for the primary sex-determining gene in the medaka fish Oryzias latipes. But this gene is not the universal master sex-determining gene in teleost fish, since dmrt1bY is not found in most other fishes. Hence, other fish models need to be examined including the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus. Xiphophorus maculatus has three types of sex chromosomes (X, Y and W; females are XX, WX or WY; males are XY or YY). Its gonosomes are at an early stage of differentiation. The sex-determining locus on the sex chromosomes is flanked by two receptor tyrosine kinase genes, the Xmrk oncogene and its protooncogenic progenitor gene egfrb, which both delimit a region of about 0.6 centiMorgans. This situation should allow the positional cloning of the sex-determining gene (SD) of the platyfish. For this purpose, Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) contigs were assembled from a BAC library of XY males constructed in our laboratory, using the oncogene Xmrk, egfrb, as well as a Y-specific pseudogene called ps-criptY as starting points. The ps-criptY sequence was found to be closely linked to the SD gene, since no recombination was observed between SD and ps-criptY in more than 400 individuals tested. Two major BAC contigs for the X chromosome (about 2.5 Mb) and three major BAC contigs for the Y chromosome (about 3.5 Mb) were built up and analyzed by strategic sequencing. These are some of the largest contigs ever assembled for the sex chromosomes of a non-mammalian vertebrate species. The molecular analysis of the ps-criptY contig was the major objective of this work. The Y-specific ps-criptY contig has been extended over 1 Mb in this work with 58 identified molecular markers. Approximatively 700 kb of non-redundant sequences has been obtained from this contig by strategic sequencing. Numerous Y-linked markers from the contig including ps-criptY were also detected on the X chromosome. Nevertheless, major structural differences were observed between the X and Y chromosomes. Particularly, a large region, which is present at one copy on the X chromosome and contains several candidate genes, was found to be duplicated on the Y chromosome. Evidence for an inversion in the sex-determining region and for the Y-specific accumulation of a repeated sequence called XIR was also obtained. Such events might correspond to an initiation of differentiation between both types of gonosomes. Accumulation of transposable elements was also observed in the ps-criptY contig. A DNA transposable element, helitron, was isolated from the sex-determining region of X. maculatus. Three copies of helitron are located on the ps-criptY contig and one copy on the X-linked contig (helitron has roughly 15 copies per haploid genome). No in-frame stop codon, truncation or intron was found in these four copies, which present high nucleotide identities to each other. This suggests that helitron elements might be active or have been recently active in X. maculatus. A consensus open reading frame of helitron was also assembled from medaka (Oryzias latipes) genomic sequences. Two candidate genes from the ps-criptY contig are also located on the W chromosome in the X. maculatus Usumacinta strain (heterogamety). These markers show the relationship between the different types of gonosomes and allow to compare the male and female heterogameties in the platyfish. Several gene candidates were identified in the ps-criptY contig. However, some of them such as msh2, cript, igd and acr probably correspond to pseudogenes. Interestingly, a novel gene, called swimy, is exclusively expressed in spermatogonia of the adult testis. Swimy is a gene encoding a DNA-binding protein with several putative DNA-binding domains. The data suggest that swimy is a very promising candidate for the master SD gene. Another novel gene, which is called fredi and encodes a novel helix-turn-helix protein, is predominately expressed in the adult testis and currently under scrutiny. There is no doubt that the master SD gene of X. maculatus will be identified by positional cloning. Further molecular analysis of the contigs built in this work will shed new light on the molecular mechanism of sex determination and the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish. N2 - In Fischen wurde eine große Anzahl Geschlechtsbestimmungssysteme beschrieben. Allerdings gibt es kaum Informationen über die Geschlechtsbestimmung der klassischen Modellorganismen, des Zebrafisches Danio rerio und des Pufferfisches Takifugu rubripes. Das für ein DNA-bindendes Protein kodierende Gen dmrt1bY (oder DMY) wurde kürzlich als ein herausragender Kandidat für das primäre Geschlechts-bestimmungsgen im Medaka Oryzias latipes beschrieben. Dieses Gen ist jedoch nicht das universelle Geschlechtsbestimmungsgen der echten Knochenfische (Teleostei), da dmrt1bY in den meisten anderen Fischen nicht identifiziert werden konnte. Deshalb dienen andere Fische wie der Platy Xiphophorus maculatus als Modelle. Xiphophorus maculatus besitzt drei Geschlechtschromosomen X, Y und W in einem frühen Stadium der Differenzierung (Weibchen sind XX, WX oder WY, Männchen XY oder YY). Der geschlechtsbestimmende Locus wird flankiert von zwei Rezeportyrosinkinase-Genen, dem Onkogen Xmrk und seinem Vorläufer, dem Proto-onkogen egfrb. Sie markieren eine Region von ca. 0.6 centiMorgan, was die positionelle Klonierung des geschlechtsbestimmenden Gens SD des Platys erlauben sollte. Zu diesem Zweck wurden BAC- (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome-) Contigs der X- und Y-Chromosomen aus einer genomischen Bibliothek erstellt, wobei Xmrk, egfrb und das Y-spezifische Pseudogen ps-criptY als Startpunkte gewählt wurden. Ps-criptY ist eng an SD gekoppelt, wie die Analyse von über 400 Individuen zeigte. Zwei BAC-Contigs des X-Chromosoms (ca. 2.5 Mb) und drei BAC-Contigs des Y-Chromosoms (ca. 3.5 Mb) wurden erstellt und durch strategisches Sequenzieren analysiert. Dies sind einige der größten geschlechtschromosomalen Contigs, die je für eine Wirbeltierart außerhalb der Säuger erstellt wurden. Der Aufbau und die molekulare Analyse des BAC-Contigs um ps-criptY war Hauptziel dieser Arbeit. Dieses Y-spezifische Contig wurde durch die Analyse von 58 molekularen Markern in dieser Arbeit um über eine Megabase erweitert. Fast 700 kb nicht-redundanter Sequenz konnten durch strategisches Sequenzieren analysiert werden. Obwohl eine Vielzahl von Markern des Y-Chromosoms inklusive ps-criptY ebenfalls auf dem X-Chromosom detektiert wurden, konnten große strukturelle Unterschiede der Geschlechtschromosomen nachgewiesen werden. Im besonderen konnte die Duplikation einer großen Region des X-Chromosoms, die mehrere Genkandidaten enthält, auf dem Y-Chromosom gezeigt werden. Außerdem konnte die Inversion dieser Region inklusive einer Akkumulation der repetitiven Sequenz XIR konnte belegt werden. Solche Ereignisse entsprechen einer beginnenden Differenzierung zwischen heteromorphen Geschlechtschromosomen. Außerdem wurde die Akkumulation transposabler Elemente im ps-criptY-Contig beobachtet. Eines dieser Elemente, helitron, konnte aus der geschlechtsbestimmenden Region von X. maculatus isoliert werden. Von den vier Kopien der geschlechts-bestimmenden Region (3 Kopien im ps-criptY-Contig des Y-Chromosoms, 1 Kopie im Xmrk-Contig des X-Chromosoms, 15 im gesamten Genom) enthielt keine ein vorzeitiges Stop-Codon, Unterbrechung oder sonstige Störung des offenen Leserasters. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass die helitron-Elemente in X. maculatus noch aktiv sind oder bis vor kurzem waren. Ein Konsensus-ORF des helitron-Elements konnte auch aus Datenbank-Sequenzen des Medaka (Oryzias latipes) erstellt werden. Zwei Genkandidaten des ps-criptY-Contigs konnten auch auf dem W-Chromosom von X. maculatus (Rio Usumacinta, weibliche Heterogametie) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Marker zeigen die enge Beziehung zwischen den Geschlechtschromosomen des Platys und ermöglichen eine detaillierte Untersuchung von männlicher und weiblicher Heterogametie im Platy. Verschiedene Genkandidaten konnten im ps-criptY-Contig identifiziert werden. Allerdings zeigte die Analyse, dass einige davon, wie msh2, cript, igd und acr Pseudogene darstellen. Interessanterweise ist eines dieser Gene, swimy, ausschließlich in Spermatogonien exprimiert. Dieses neue Gen kodiert für ein Protein mit mehreren DNA-bindenden Domänen. Diese Daten machen swimy zu einem vielversprechenden Kandidaten für SD. Ein weiteres neues Gen, fredi, kodiert für ein Helix-Loop-Helix Protein, ist ebenfalls im adulten Hoden exprimiert und wird gerade eingehender analysiert. Zweifellos wird das geschlechtsbestimmende Gen in X. maculatus durch positionelle Klonierung identifiziert werden. Weitergehende molekulare Analysen der geschlechtschromosomalen Contigs werden Licht in die molekularen Grundlagen der Geschlechtsbestimmung und die Evolution der Geschlechtschromosomen in Fischen bringen. KW - Platy KW - Geschlechtsbestimmung KW - Y-Chromosom KW - Genanalyse KW - Xiphophorus maculatus KW - Geschlechtsbestimmung KW - Y Chromosome KW - Xiphophorus maculatus KW - Sex determination KW - Y chromosome Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13827 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zheng, Peilin T1 - Ptpn22 silencing in the NOD model of type 1 diabetes indicates the human susceptibility allele of PTPN22 is a gain-of-function variant T1 - Ptpn22 knockdown im NOD Modell für Diabetes Typ 1 belegt einen Aktivitätsgewinn der humanen Krankheitsvariante N2 - PTPN22 encodes the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase Lyp that can dephosphorylate Lck, ZAP-70 and Fyn to attenuate TCR signaling. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (C1858T) causes a substitution from arginine (R) to tryptophan (W) at 620 residue (R620W). Lyp-620W has been confirmed as a susceptible allele in multiple autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes (T1D). Several independent studies proposed that the disease-associated allele is a gain-of-function variant. However, a recent report found that in human cells and a knockin mouse containing the R620W homolog that Ptpn22 protein degradation is accelerated, indicating Lyp-620W is a loss-of-function variant. Whether Lyp R620W is a gain- or loss-of-function variant remains controversial. To resolve this issue, we generated two lines (P2 and P4) of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice in which Ptpn22 can be inducibly silenced by RNAi. We found long term silencing of Ptpn22 increased spleen cellularity and regulatory T (Treg) cell numbers, replicating the effect of gene deletion reported in the knockout (KO) B6 mice. Notably, Ptpn22 silencing also increased the reactivity and apoptotic behavior of B lymphocytes, which is consistent with the reduced reactivity and apoptosis of human B cells carrying the alleged gain-of-function PTPN22 allele. Furthermore, loss of Ptpn22 protected P2 KD mice from spontaneous and Cyclophosphamide (CY) induced diabetes. Our data support the notion that Lyp-620W is a gain-of-function variant. Moreover, Lyp may be a valuable target for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. N2 - PTPN22 kodiert die lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase Lyp, die Lck, ZAP-70 und Fyn dephosphorilieren kann, um T Zell Rezeptor Signale zu vermindern. Ein Polymorphismus (C1858T) verursacht einen Aminosäurenaustausch auf Position 620 von Arginin zu Tryptophan (R620W). Lyp-620W erhöht das Risiko einer Vielfalt von Autoimmunerkrankungen, darunter auch Diabetes Typ 1 (T1D). Mehrere Studien haben belegt, dass dieses Krankheitsallel die Funktion von Lyp verstärkt. Eine neuere Studie hat andererseits gezeigt, dass die R620W Variante schneller degradiert wird, was bedeuten würde, dass das C1858T Allel einen Funktionsverlust verursachen könnte. Ob Lyp R620W die Funktion dieser Phosphatase erhöht oder mindert bleibt demnach bis jetzt ungewiss. Um diese Frage zu klären haben wir zwei transgene Mauslinien (P2 und P4) im diabetischen Hintergrund der NOD Maus generiert, in denen Ptpn22 auf induzierbare Weise durch RNAi gehemmt werden kann. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die langfristige Hemmung von Ptpn22 zu einer Zunahme der Milzzellularität und der Anzahl regulatorischer T Zellen führt, was dem Phänotyp des Ptpn22 knockout im B6 Hintergrund entspricht. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Hemmung von Ptpn22 auch zu einer Zunahme der Reaktivität und des apoptotischen Verhaltens von B Lymphozyten führt, also dem entgegengesetzten Phänotypen, der in menschlichen B Zellen beobachtet wurde, die das Krankheitsallel exprimierten. Zusätzlich konnte die Ptpn22 Inhibierung NOD Mäuse vor spontanem und Cyclophosphamid-induziertem Diabetes schützen. Unsere Daten unterstützen also die Hypothese, dass Lyp-620W eine stärkere Aktivität vorweist. Dies würde auch bedeuten, dass Ptpn22 möglicherweise zu therapeutischen Zwecken inhibiert werden könnte, um Autoimmunerkrankungen zu bekämpfen. KW - Diabetes mellitus KW - Typ 1 KW - Genexpression KW - Ptpn22 KW - Diabetes Typ 1 KW - Type 1 diabetes KW - PTPN22 Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73869 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhao, Suting T1 - Symmetry Resolution of Entanglement in Holography T1 - Symmetrieaufgelöste Verschränkung in Holographie N2 - This thesis investigates the charged moments and the symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy in the context of the AdS3/CFT2 duality. In the first part, I focus on the holographic U(1) Chern-Simons-Einstein gravity, a toy model of AdS3/CFT2 with U(1) Kac-Moody symmetry. I start with the vacuum background with a single entangling interval. I show that, apart from a partition function in the grand canonical ensemble, the charged moments can also be interpreted as the two-point function of vertex operators on the replica surface. For the holographic description, I propose a duality between the bulk U(1) Wilson line and the boundary vertex operators. I verify this duality by deriving the effective action for the Chern-Simons fields and comparing the result with the vertex correlator. In the twist field approach, I show that the charged moments are given by the correlation function of the charged twist operators and the additional background operators. To solve the correlation functions involved, I prove the factorization of the U(1) extended conformal block into a U(1) block and a Virasoro block. The general expression for the U(1) block is derived by directly summing over the current descendant states, and the result shows that it takes an identical form as the vertex correlators. This leads to the conclusion that the disjoint Wilson lines compute the neutral U(1) block. The final result for the symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy shows that it is always charge-independent in this model. In the second part, I study charged moments in higher spin holography, where the boundary theory is a CFT with W3 symmetry. I define the notion of the higher spin charged moments by introducing a spin-3 modular charge operator. Restricting to the vacuum background with a single entangling interval, I employ the grand canonical ensemble interpretation and calculate the charged moments via the known higher spin black hole solution. On the CFT side, I perform a perturbative expansion for the higher spin charged moments in terms of the connected correlation functions of the spin-3 modular charge operators. Using the recursion relation for the correlation functions of the W3 currents, I evaluate the charged moments up to the quartic order of the chemical potential. The final expression matches with the holographic result. My results both for U(1) Chern-Simons Einstein gravity and W3 higher spin gravity constitute novel checks of the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence. N2 - Diese Arbeit untersucht die Symmetrie-aufgelöste Verschränkungsentropie im Kontext der AdS3/CFT2-Dualität. Im ersten Teil konzentriere ich mich auf die holographische U(1) Chern-Simons-Einstein- Gravitations-Theorie, welches ein Spielzeugmodell für AdS3/CFT2 mit U(1) Kac-Moody-Symmetrie ist. Ich beginne mit dem Vakuumhintergrund mit einem einzigen Verschränkungsintervall. Ich zeige, dass neben einer Partitionsfunktion im großen kanonischen Ensemble die geladenen Momente auch als Zweipunktfunktion von Vertex-Operatoren auf der Replikationsoberfläche interpretiert werden können. Für deren holographische Beschreibung wähle ich eine Dualität zwischen der Bulk U(1) Wilson-Linie und den Randvertexoperatoren. Diese Dualität verifiziere ich, indem ich die effektive Wirkung für die Chern-Simons-Felder herleite und das Ergebnis mit dem Vertex-Korrelator vergleiche. Im Twist-Field-Ansatz zeige ich, dass die geladenen Momente durch die Korrelationsfunktion der geladenen Twist-Operatoren und der zusätzlichen Hintergrundoperatoren gegeben sind. Um die beteiligten Korrelationsfunktionen zu lösen, beweise ich die Faktorisierung des U(1) erweiterten konformen Blocks in einen U(1)-Block und einen Virasoro- Block. Der allgemeine Ausdruck für den U(1) Block wird direkt durch die Summierung über alle Absteigerzustände hergeleitet. Das erzielte Ergebnis hat tatsächlich die gleiche Form wie die Vertex-Korrelatoren hat. Dies führt zur Schlussfolgerung, dass die getrennten Wilson-Linien den neutralen U(1) Block berechnen. Das Endergebnis für die Symmetrieaufgelöste Verschränkungsentropie zeigt, dass sie in diesem Modell immer ladungsunabhängig ist. Im zweiten Teil untersuche ich geladene Momente in der Holographie höherer Spins, wobei die Randtheorie eine CFT mit W3 Symmetrie ist. Ich definiere das Konzept der geladenen Momente höheren Spins, indem ich einen Spin-3-modularen Ladungsoperator einführe.Wenn ich mich auf den Vakuum-Hintergrund mit einem einzelnen Verschränkungsintervall beschränke, nutze ich die Interpretation des großkanonischen Ensembles und berechne die geladenen Momente mithilfe der bekannten Lösung für das schwarze Loch höheren Spins. Auf der CFT-Seite führe ich eine perturbative Expansion für die höheren spingeladenen Momente in Bezug auf die verbundenen Korrelationsfunktionen der modularen Spin-3-Ladungsoperatoren durch. Unter Verwendung der Rekursionsrelationen für die Korrelationsfunktionen der W3-Ströme werte ich die geladenen Momente bis zur quartischen Ordnung des chemischen Potenzials aus. Das endgültige Ergebnis stimmt mit dem holographischen Ergebnis überein. Meine Ergebnisse für U(1) Chern-Simons-Einstein-Gravitation und W3 höhere Spingravitation stellen neuartige Überprüfungen des AdS3/CFT2 dar Korrespondenz. KW - AdS-CFT-Korrespondenz KW - Gauge/Gravity Duality KW - Symmetry Resolution KW - Quantum Information Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363854 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhao, De-Wei A1 - Yu, Mang A1 - Hu, Kai A1 - Wang, Wei A1 - Yang, Lei A1 - Wang, Ben-Jie A1 - Gao, Xiao-Hong A1 - Guo, Yong-Ming A1 - Xu, Yong-Qing A1 - Wei, Yu-Shan A1 - Tian, Si-Miao A1 - Yang, Fan A1 - Wang, Nan A1 - Huang, Shi-Bo A1 - Xie, Hui A1 - Wei, Xiao-Wei A1 - Jiang, Hai-Shen A1 - Zang, Yu-Qiang A1 - Ai, Jun A1 - Chen, Yuan-Liang A1 - Lei, Guang-Hua A1 - Li, Yu-Jin A1 - Tian, Geng A1 - Li, Zong-Sheng A1 - Cao, Yong A1 - Ma, Li T1 - Prevalence of Nontraumatic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head and its Associated Risk Factors in the Chinese Population: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey JF - Chinese Medical Journal N2 - Background: Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (NONFH) is a debilitating disease that represents a significant financial burden for both individuals and healthcare systems. Despite its significance, however, its prevalence in the Chinese general population remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of NONFH and its associated risk factors in the Chinese population. Methods: A nationally representative survey of 30,030 respondents was undertaken from June 2012 to August 2013. All participants underwent a questionnaire investigation, physical examination of hip, and bilateral hip joint X-ray and/or magnetic resonance imaging examination. Blood samples were taken after overnight fasting to test serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels. We then used multivariate logistic regression analysis to investigate the associations between various metabolic, demographic, and lifestyle-related variables and NONFH. Results: NONFH was diagnosed in 218 subjects (0.725%) and the estimated NONFH cases were 8.12 million among Chinese people aged 15 years and over. The prevalence of NONFH was significantly higher in males than in females (1.02% vs. 0.51%, \(\chi^2\) = 24.997, P < 0.001). Among NONFH patients, North residents were subjected to higher prevalence of NONFH than that of South residents (0.85% vs. 0.61%, \(\chi^2\) = 5.847, P = 0.016). Our multivariate regression analysis showed that high blood levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and non-HDL-cholesterol, male, urban residence, family history of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, heavy smoking, alcohol abuse and glucocorticoid intake, overweight, and obesity were all significantly associated with an increased risk of NONFH. Conclusions: Our findings highlight that NONFH is a significant public health challenge in China and underscore the need for policy measures on the national level. Furthermore, NONFH shares a number of risk factors with atherosclerosis. KW - nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head KW - risk factors KW - idiopathic osteonecrosis KW - early-stage osteonecrosis KW - implantation KW - bone KW - marrow KW - follow-up KW - intake KW - avascular necrosis KW - occupational-status KW - cigarette smoking KW - alcohol KW - prevalence Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138482 VL - 128 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhao, Bo A1 - Zhang, Keya A1 - Bhuripanyo, Karan A1 - Choi, Chan Hee J. A1 - Villhauer, Eric B. A1 - Li, Heng A1 - Zheng, Ning A1 - Kiyokawa, Hiroaki A1 - Schindelin, Hermann A1 - Yin, Jun T1 - Profiling the Cross Reactivity of Ubiquitin with the Nedd8 Activating Enzyme by Phage Display JF - PLoS ONE N2 - The C-terminal peptides of ubiquitin (UB) and UB-like proteins (UBLs) play a key role in their recognition by the specific activating enzymes (E1s) to launch their transfer through the respective enzymatic cascades thus modifying cellular proteins. UB and Nedd8, a UBL regulating the activity of cullin-RING UB ligases, only differ by one residue at their C-termini; yet each has its specific E1 for the activation reaction. It has been reported recently that UAE can cross react with Nedd8 to enable its passage through the UB transfer cascade for protein neddylation. To elucidate differences in UB recognition by UAE and NAE, we carried out phage selection of a UB library with randomized C-terminal sequences based on the catalytic formation of UB similar to NAE thioester conjugates. Our results confirmed the previous finding that residue 72 of UB plays a "gate-keeping" role in E1 selectivity. We also found that diverse sequences flanking residue 72 at the UB C-terminus can be accommodated by NAE for activation. Furthermore heptameric peptides derived from the C-terminal sequences of UB variants selected for NAE activation can function as mimics of Nedd8 to form thioester conjugates with NAE and the downstream E2 enzyme Ubc12 in the Nedd8 transfer cascade. Once the peptides are charged onto the cascade enzymes, the full-length Nedd8 protein is effectively blocked from passing through the cascade for the critical modification of cullin. We have thus identified a new class of inhibitors of protein neddylation based on the profiles of the UB C-terminal sequences recognized by NAE. KW - protein NEDD8 KW - E1 KW - system KW - conjugation KW - pathway KW - complex KW - ligases KW - purification KW - neddylation KW - expression Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128479 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 8 IS - e70312 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Zishuai A1 - Ye, Siyu A1 - Gbureck, Uwe A1 - Barralet, Jake E. A1 - Merle, Géraldine T1 - Cavitation Mediated 3D Microstructured Architectures from Nanocarbon JF - Advanced Functional Materials N2 - Here, the formation of high surface area microscale assemblies of nanocarbon through phosphate and ultrasound cavitation treatment is reported. Despite high conductivity and large surface area, potential health and safety concerns limit the use of nanocarbon and add challenges to handling. Previously, it is shown that phosphate ultrasonic bonding is ineffective for organic materials but in this study, it is found that by a preliminary oxidizing treatment, several carbons can be readily assembled from xerogels. Assembling nanocarbon into microparticles can usually require a binder or surfactants, which can reduce surface area or conductivity and generate a low microsphere yield. Carbon nanotube microspheres are nitrogen-doped and flower-like nanostructured Pt deposited on their surface, and finally showcased as efficient cathode electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (half-wave potential 0.78 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode) and methanol oxidation (417 mA mg−1). In particular, no significant degradation of the catalysts is detected after 12 000 cycles (26.6 h). These results indicate the potential of this multimaterial assembly method and open a new way to improve handling of nanoscale materials. KW - carbon nanotube microspheres KW - cavitation KW - oxygen reduction reaction KW - platinum nanostructures Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233926 VL - 28 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Yonghong A1 - Zheng, Lanlan A1 - Zheng, Yan A1 - Zhou, Chao A1 - Huang, Ping A1 - Xiao, Xiao A1 - Zhao, Yongheng A1 - Hao, Xincai A1 - Hu, Zhubing A1 - Chen, Qinhua A1 - Li, Hongliang A1 - Wang, Xuanbin A1 - Fukushima, Kenji A1 - Wang, Guodong A1 - Li, Chen T1 - Assembly and Annotation of a Draft Genome of the Medicinal Plant Polygonum cuspidatum JF - Frontiers in Plant Science N2 - Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed, also known as Huzhang in Chinese), a plant that produces bioactive components such as stilbenes and quinones, has long been recognized as important in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. To better understand the biological features of this plant and to gain genetic insight into the biosynthesis of its natural products, we assembled a draft genome of P. cuspidatum using Illumina sequencing technology. The draft genome is ca. 2.56 Gb long, with 71.54% of the genome annotated as transposable elements. Integrated gene prediction suggested that the P. cuspidatum genome encodes 55,075 functional genes, including 6,776 gene families that are conserved in the five eudicot species examined and 2,386 that are unique to P. cuspidatum. Among the functional genes identified, 4,753 are predicted to encode transcription factors. We traced the gene duplication history of P. cuspidatum and determined that it has undergone two whole-genome duplication events about 65 and 6.6 million years ago. Roots are considered the primary medicinal tissue, and transcriptome analysis identified 2,173 genes that were expressed at higher levels in roots compared to aboveground tissues. Detailed phylogenetic analysis demonstrated expansion of the gene family encoding stilbene synthase and chalcone synthase enzymes in the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway, which is associated with the biosynthesis of resveratrol, a pharmacologically important stilbene. Analysis of the draft genome identified 7 abscisic acid and water deficit stress-induced protein-coding genes and 14 cysteine-rich transmembrane module genes predicted to be involved in stress responses. The draft de novo genome assembly produced in this study represents a valuable resource for the molecular characterization of medicinal compounds in P. cuspidatum, the improvement of this important medicinal plant, and the exploration of its abiotic stress resistance. KW - genome assembly KW - resveratrol biosynthesis KW - whole-genome duplication KW - medicinal plant KW - stress tolerance KW - Polygonum cuspidatum Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189279 SN - 1664-462X VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Yi A1 - Lee, Chil-Woo A1 - Wehner, Nora A1 - Imdahl, Fabian A1 - Svetlana, Veselova A1 - Weiste, Christoph A1 - Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang A1 - Deeken, Rosalia T1 - Regulation of Oncogene Expression in T-DNA-Transformed Host Plant Cells JF - PLoS Pathogens N2 - Virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains integrate their T-DNA into the plant genome where the encoded agrobacterial oncogenes are expressed and cause crown gall disease. Essential for crown gall development are IaaH (indole-3-acetamide hydrolase), IaaM (tryptophan monooxygenase) and Ipt (isopentenyl transferase), which encode enzymes for the biosynthesis of auxin (IaaH, IaaM) and cytokinin (Ipt). Although these oncogenes are well studied as the tumor-inducing principle, nothing is known about the regulation of oncogene expression in plant cells. Our studies show that the intergenic regions (IGRs) between the coding sequences (CDS) of the three oncogenes function as promoters in plant cells. These promoters possess a eukaryotic sequence organization and cis-regulatory elements for the binding of plant transcription factors. WRKY18, WRKY40, WRKY60 and ARF5 were identified as activators of the Ipt promoter whereas IaaH and IaaM is constitutively expressed and no transcription factor further activates their promoters. Consistent with these results, the wrky triple mutant plants in particular, develops smaller crown galls than wild-type and exhibits a reduced Ipt transcription, despite the presence of an intact ARF5 gene. WRKY40 and WRKY60 gene expression is induced by A. tumefaciens within a few hours whereas the ARF5 gene is transcribed later during crown gall development. The WRKY proteins interact with ARF5 in the plant nucleus, but only WRKY40 together with ARF5 synergistically boosts the activation of the Ipt promoter in an auxin-dependent manner. From our data, we propose that A. tumefaciens initially induces WRKY40 gene expression as a pathogen defense response of the host cell. The WRKY protein is recruited to induce Ipt expression, which initiates cytokinin-dependent host cell division. With increasing auxin levels triggered by ubiquitous expression of IaaH and IaaM, ARF5 is activated and interacts with WRKY40 to potentiate Ipt expression and balance cytokinin and auxin levels for further cell proliferation. KW - luminescence KW - oncogenes KW - agrobacterium tumefaciens KW - transcription factors KW - auxins KW - gene expression KW - cytokinins KW - plant cells Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125256 VL - 11 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhang, Yi T1 - Regulation of Agrobacterial Oncogene Expression in Host Plants T1 - Regulierung der Expression der Onkogene aus Agrobakterien in Wirtspflanzen N2 - Virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains transfer and integrate a DNA region of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid, the T-DNA, into the plant genome and thereby cause crown gall disease. The most essential genes required for crown gall development are the T-DNA-encoded oncogenes, IaaH (indole-3-acetamide hydrolase), IaaM (tryptophan monooxygenase) for auxin, and Ipt (isopentenyl transferase) for cytokinin biosynthesis. When these oncogenes are expressed in the host cell, the levels of auxin and cytokinin increase and cause cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to unravel the molecular mechanisms, which regulate expression of the agrobacterial oncogenes in plant cells. Transcripts of the three oncogenes were expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana crown galls induced by A. tumefaciens strain C58 and the intergenic regions (IGRs) between their coding sequences (CDS) were proven to have promoter activity in plant cells. These promoters possess eukaryotic sequence structures and contain cis-regulatory elements for the binding of plant transcription factors. The high-throughput protoplast transactivation (PTA) system was used and identified the Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors WRKY18, WRKY40, WRKY60 and ARF5 to activate the Ipt oncogene promoter. No transcription factor promoted the activity of the IaaH and IaaM promoters, despite the fact that the sequences contained binding elements for type B ARR transcription factors. Likewise, the treatment of Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts with cytokinin (trans-zeatin) and auxin (1-NAA) exerted no positive effect on IaaH and IaaM promoter activity. In contrast, the Ipt promoter strongly responded to a treatment with auxin and only modestly to cytokinin. The three Arabidopsis WRKYs play a role in crown gall development as the wrky mutants developed smaller crown galls than wild-type plants. The WRKY40 and WRKY60 genes responded very quickly to pathogen infection, two and four hours post infection, respectively. Transcription of the WRKY18 gene was induced upon buffer infiltration, which implicates a response to wounding. The three WRKY proteins interacted with ARF5 and with each other in the plant nucleus, but only WRKY40 together with ARF5 increased activation of the Ipt promoter. Moreover, ARF5 activated the Ipt promoter in an auxin-dependent manner. The severe developmental phenotype of the arf5 mutant prevented studies on crown gall development, nevertheless, the reduced crown gall growth on the transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) tir1 mutant, lacking the auxin sensor, suggested that auxin signaling is required for optimal crown gall development. In conclusion, A. tumefaciens recruits the pathogen defense related WRKY40 pathway to activate Ipt expression in T-DNA-transformed plant cells. IaaH and IaaM gene expression seems not to be controlled by transcriptional activators, but the increasing auxin levels are signaled via ARF5. The auxin-depended activation of ARF5 boosts expression of the Ipt gene in combination with WRKY40 to increase cytokinin levels and induce crown gall development. N2 - Virulente Bakterien des Stamms Agrobakterium tumefaciens, transferieren und integrieren einen Teil ihrer DNA, die T-DNA aus dem Tumor induzierenden Plasmid (Ti), in das Pflanzengenom. Dadurch wird die Tumorbildung induziert und die Krankheit bricht aus. Die wichtigsten Gene, die für die Entwicklung eines Tumors benötigt werden, sind auf der T-DNA lokalisierte Onkogene: IaaH (indole-3-aceetamide hydrolase), IaaM (tryptophan monooxygenase) für die Auxin Biosynthese und Ipt (isopentenyl transferase) für die Cytokinin Biosynthese. Werden diese Onkogene in der Wirtszelle exprimiert, steigt der Gehalt an Auxin und Cytokinin und fördert die Zellteilung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es die molekularen Mechanismen, die die Expression der agrobakteriellen Onkogene in Pflanzenzellen regulieren, aufzuklären. Transkripte der drei Onkogene wurden in Tumoren an Arabidopsis thaliana exprimiert. Die Tumore wurden durch den A. tumefaciens Stamm C58 induziert. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Sequenzabschnitte zwischen den Onkogenen (IGRs: intergenic regions) eine Promoteraktivität in der Pflanzenzelle besitzen. Diese Promoter haben eukaryotische Sequenzstrukturen und enthalten cis-Elemente, an die pflanzliche Transkriptionsfaktoren binden. Mit Hilfe der PTA (high-throughput protoplast transactivation) Methode wurden die pflanzlichen Transkriptionsfaktoren WRKY18, WRKY40, WRKY60 und ARF5 von Arabidopsis thaliana identifiziert, welche den Promoter des Ipt Onkogens aktivieren. Für IaaH und IaaM konnte kein Transkriptionsfaktor, der die Promotersequenzen aktiviert, identifiziert werden, obwohl die Promotersequenzen Bindedomänen für den Typ B ARR Transkriptionsfaktor enthalten. Ebenso zeigte die Behandlung von Arabidopsis Protoplasten aus dem Mesophyll mit Cytokinin (trans-zeatin) und Auxin (1-NAA) keinen positiven Effekt auf die Aktivität des IaaH und des IaaM Promoters, wohingegen der Ipt Promoter stark auf eine Behandlung mit Auxin und leicht auf eine Behandlung mit Cytokinin reagierte. Die drei WRKYs aus Arabidopsis spielen eine Rolle in der Tumorentwicklung, da die wrky Mutante kleinere Tumore zeigt, als die Wild Typ Pflanzen. Die Gene WRKY40 und WRKY60 reagieren sehr schnell, innerhalb von zwei, beziehungsweise vier Stunden, auf eine Pathogen Infektion. Die Transkription des WRKY18 Gens wurde durch die Infiltration von Puffer in Blätter induziert, dies lässt auf eine Reaktion im Zusammenhang mit Wunderzeugung schließen. Die drei WRKY Proteine interagieren mit einander und mit ARF5 im Zellekern der Pflanzenzelle, aber nur WRKY40 und ARF5 können gemeinsam den Ipt Promoter aktivieren. Zusätzlich kann ARF5 den Ipt Promoter, in Abhängigkeit von Auxin, aktivieren. Wegen starker Entwicklungsstörungen der arf5 Mutante, konnte das Tumorwachstum an dieser Mutante nicht untersucht werden. Das reduzierte Tumorwachstum an der tri1 (transport inhibitor response, TIR) Mutante, der ein Auxinsensor fehlt, deutet auf die Notwendigkeit des Auxinsignalwegs für optimales Tumorwachstum hin. Zusammengefasst benutzt A. tumefaciens den WRKY40 Signalweg, der mit der Pathogen Abwehr verbunden ist, um die Ipt Expression in der mit T-DNA transformierten Pflanzenzelle zu aktivieren. Die Genexpression von IaaH und IaaM schein nicht von Transkriptionsfaktoren abhängig zu sein, aber erhöhte Auxin Werte werden von ARF5 erkannt. Die Auxin abhängige Aktivierung von ARF5 verstärkt die Expression des Ipt Gens gemeinsam mit WRKY40 um die Cytokin Werte in der Pflanzenzelle zu erhöhen und somit die Tumorentwicklung einzuleiten. KW - Agrobacterium tumefaciens KW - Transcription factor KW - Onkogen KW - Genexpression KW - Oncogene KW - Regulation Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102578 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhang, Yanxiang T1 - The Making of a Place: Topographical Literature on West Lake by Tian Rucheng (b. 1501) and Zhang Dai (b. 1597) T1 - Die Erschaffung eines Orts: die Topografische Literatur über den Westsee von Tian Rucheng (geb. 1501) und Zhang Dai (geb. 1597) N2 - This dissertation explores the local gazetteers of West Lake that were compiled by literati of the Ming dynasty. In 1547, the first West Lake gazetteer was published by the local literatus of Hangzhou, Tian Rucheng 田汝成. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, accompanying the huge enthusiasm for West Lake and the flourishing of its tourism, the production of West Lake gazetteers reached its peak. This trend, however, was reduced by the turmoils in the last years of the Ming and the dynastic transition, a period when West Lake had also experienced destruction. Nevertheless, the practice was resumed in the first decades of the Qing dynasty by some literati who had survived the disasters. One prominent work of this period was compiled by the Ming loyalist and “remnant subject” Zhang Dai 張岱, who wrote an author’s preface in 1671. This dissertation can be divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the editorial principles of compilers, e.g., which materials are included, how they are organized and presented. It explores various possible intentions of the compilers, such as scholarly and documentary, practical and oriented toward tour-guiding, didactic and educational, and personal and nostalgic ones. The second part focuses on some of the perceptions, attitudes, and values of literati focusing on West Lake. The discourses analyzed in this part include West Lake as a hybrid between metropolitan city and sheer wilderness, as a national symbol and object of nostalgia of the lost dynasty, and as a place of pleasure-seeking and indulgence. While a discourse often had a long tradition and historical development, the emphasis of the study is on the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, i.e., the late Ming. N2 - Diese Dissertation untersucht Regionalbeschreibungen des Westsee, die von Literaten während der Ming-Dynastie zusammengestellt wurden. Das erste solche Werk über den Westsee wurde 1547 von einem Literaten aus Hangzhou, Tian Rucheng田汝成, veröffentlicht. Die Produktion von Westsee-Regionalbeschreibungen erreichte, im Zusammenhang mit dem großen Enthusiasmus für den Westsee und einer boomenden Tourismusindustrie, den Höhepunkt. Diese Tendenz wurde allerdings durch die Unruhen in den letzten Jahren der Ming-Dynastie und den Dynastieübergang rückläufig. In dieser Zeit erlebte auch der Westsee Zerstörungen. Dennoch wurde die Praxis in den ersten Jahrzehnten der Qing-Dynastie auch weiterhin von Literaten, die die Katastrophen überlebt hatten, weitergeführt. Ein bedeutendes Werk wurde von einem Ming-Loyalisten und „Hinterbliebenen“ Zhang Dai 張岱 geschrieben. Er schrieb 1671 ein Vorwort zu seinem Text. Diese Dissertation kann in zwei Teile geteilt werden. Der erste Teil fokussiert auf die redaktionellen Prinzipien von Herausgebern, beispielsweise welche Materialien einbezogen wurden und wie sie organisiert und präsentiert wurden. Es werden verschiedene mögliche Intentionen der Herausgeber, etwa akademische und dokumentarische, praktische und tourismusorientierte, didaktische und bildende, und persönliche und nostalgische Motivationen, dargestellt. Der zweite Teil fokussiert auf Wahrnehmungen, Einstellungen und Werte von Gelehrten im Zusammenhang mit dem Westsee. Die Diskurse, die in diesem Teil analysiert werden, umfassen den Westsee als ein Hybrid zwischen weltstädtischer Metropole und blanker Wildnis, als ein Staatssymbol und Ort der Nostalgie für eine verlorene Dynastie, und als ein Ort der Genusssucht und des Schwelgens. Jeder Diskurs hatte oft eine lange Tradition und seine historische Entwicklung, wobei der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung aber auf dem späten sechzehnten und frühen siebzehnten Jahrhundert, der Zeit der späten Ming, liegt. KW - Editorial Principles KW - Perceptions, Attitudes, and Values KW - Place KW - West Lake KW - Local Gazetteer KW - Tian Rucheng KW - Zhang Dai Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327590 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Xin A1 - Wu, Wei A1 - Li, Gang A1 - Wen, Lin A1 - Sun, Qing A1 - Ji, An-Chun T1 - Phase diagram of interacting Fermi gas in spin-orbit coupled square lattices JF - New Journal of Physics N2 - The spin-orbit (SO) coupled optical lattices have attracted considerable interest. In this paper, we investigate the phase diagram of the interacting Fermi gas with Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on a square optical lattice. The phase diagram is investigated in a wide range of atomic interactions and SOC strength within the framework of the cluster dynamical mean-field theory (CDMFT). We show that the interplay between the atomic interactions and SOC results in a rich phase diagram. In the deep Mott insulator regime, the SOC can induce diverse spin ordered phases. Whereas near the metal-insulator transition (MIT), the SOC tends to destroy the conventional antiferromagnetic fluctuations, giving rise to distinctive features of the MIT. Furthermore, the strong fluctuations arising from SOC may destroy the magnetic orders and trigger an order to disorder transition in close proximity of the MIT. KW - ultracold KW - hubbard-model KW - physics transition KW - metal-insulator transition KW - cluster dynamical mean-field theory KW - atomic gases KW - mean-field theory KW - mott insulator KW - optical lattice KW - weak ferromagnetism KW - quantum gases KW - superfluid KW - spin-orbit coupling Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151475 VL - 17 IS - 073036 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Xiaolei A1 - Friedrich, Alexandra A1 - Marder, Todd B. T1 - Copper-Catalyzed Borylation of Acyl Chlorides with an Alkoxy Diboron Reagent: A Facile Route to Acylboron Compounds JF - Chemistry—A European Journal N2 - Herein, the copper-catalyzed borylation of readily available acyl chlorides with bis(pinacolato)diboron, (B\(_{2}\)pin\(_{2}\)) or bis(neopentane glycolato)diboron (B\(_{2}\)neop\(_{2}\)) is reported, which provides stable potassium acyltrifluoroborates (KATs) in good yields from the acylboronate esters. A variety of functional groups are tolerated under the mild reaction conditions (room temperature) and substrates containing different carbon-skeletons, such as aryl, heteroaryl and primary, secondary, tertiary alkyl are applicable. Acyl N-methyliminodiacetic acid (MIDA) boronates can also been accessed by modification of the workup procedures. This process is scalable and also amenable to the late-stage conversion of carboxylic acid-containing drugs into their acylboron analogues, which have been challenging to prepare previously. A catalytic mechanism is proposed based on in situ monitoring of the reaction between p-toluoyl chloride and an NHC-copper(I) boryl complex as well as the isolation of an unusual lithium acylBpinOBpin compound as a key intermediate. KW - boronate KW - catalysis KW - borylation KW - carbonyl KW - copper Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318318 VL - 28 IS - 42 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, X. F. A1 - Becker, Charles R. A1 - Zhang, H. A1 - He, L. A1 - Landwehr, G. T1 - Investigation of a short period (001) HgTe-Hg\(_{0.6}\)Cd\(_{0.4}\)Te superlattice by transmission electron microscopy N2 - No abstract available Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-38029 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhang, Tengyu T1 - Development of Modified polylysine based antibody conjugated nanoparticles with tumor-restricted, FcγR-independent stimulatory activity by targeting Fn14 T1 - Entwicklung modifizierter, mit Antikörpern konjugierter Nanopartikel auf Polylysinbasis mit tumorbeschränkter, FcγR- unabhängiger stimulierender Aktivität durch Ausrichtung auf Fn14 N2 - In this study, we developed an innovative nanoparticle formulation to facilitate the delivery of antitumor antibodies to tumor sites. The study commenced with the utilization of 13 bispecific antibody fusion proteins, which targeted the Fn14 receptor, thereby validating the pivotal role of crosslinking in Fn14 receptor activation. Subsequently, gold nanoparticles were activated using COOH-PEG-SH in combination with EDC/NHS, and subsequently conjugated with two Fn14-targeting antibodies, PDL192 and 5B6. Following this, a pH-sensitive shell was generated on the outer layer of the antibody-coupled gold nanoparticles through the application of chemically modified polylysine. The resultant complexes, termed MPL-antibody-AuNP, demonstrated a release profile reminiscent of the tumor microenvironment (TME). Notably, these complexes released antibody-AuNPs only in slightly acidic conditions while remaining intact in neutral or basic environments. Functionality analysis further affirmed the pH-sensitive property of MPL-antibody-AuNPs, demonstrating that the antibodies only initiated potent Fn14 activation in slightly acidic environments. This formulation holds potential for applicability to antibodies or ligands targeting the 80 TNFRSF family, given that gold nanoparticles successfully served as platforms for antibody crosslinking, thereby transforming these antibodies into potent agonists. Moreover, the TME disintegration profile of MPL mitigates the potential cytotoxic effects of antibodies, thereby circumventing associated adverse side effects. This study not only showcases the potential of nanoparticle formulations in targeted therapy, but also provides a solid foundation for further investigations on their clinical application in the context of targeting category II TNFRSF receptors with antibodies or ligands. N2 - In dieser Studie haben wir eine innovative Nanopartikel-Formulierung entwickelt, um die Auslieferung von Antitumor-Antikörpern an Tumorstellen zu erleichtern. Die Studie begann mit der Verwendung von 13 bispezifischen Antikörper-Fusionsproteinen, die auf den Fn14-Rezeptor abzielten, wodurch die entscheidende Rolle der Quervernetzung bei der Aktivierung des Fn14-Rezeptors bestätigt wurde. Anschließend wurden Goldnanopartikel unter Verwendung von COOH-PEG-SH in Kombination mit EDC/NHS aktiviert und danach mit zwei auf Fn14 abzielenden Antikörpern, PDL192 und 5B6, konjugiert. Daraufhin wurde eine pH-sensitive Schale auf der äußeren Schicht der mit Antikörpern gekoppelten Goldnanopartikel durch den Einsatz von chemisch modifiziertem Polylysin erzeugt. Die resultierenden Komplexe, bezeichnet als MPL-Antikörper-AuNP, zeigten ein Freisetzungsprofil, das an das Tumormikroumfeld (TME) erinnert. Bemerkenswert ist, dass diese Komplexe Antikörper-AuNP nur in leicht sauren Bedingungen freisetzten, während sie in neutralen oder basischen Umgebungen intakt blieben. Die Funktionalitätsanalyse bestätigte weiterhin die pH-empfindliche Eigenschaft der MPL-Antikörper-AuNPs, was zeigt, dass die Antikörper eine potente Fn14-Aktivierung nur in leicht sauren Bedingungen initiierten. Diese Formulierung hat Potenzial für die Anwendbarkeit auf Antikörper oder Liganden, die auf die Familie der TNFRSF abzielen, da die Goldnanopartikel erfolgreich als Plattformen für die Antikörpervernetzung dienten und diese Antikörper in potente Agonisten verwandelten. Darüber hinaus mildert das TME-Zerfallsprofil von MPL die potenziellen zytotoxischen Effekte der Antikörper, wodurch die damit verbundenen negativen Nebenwirkungen umgangen werden. Diese Studie zeigt nicht nur das Potenzial von Nanopartikel-Formulierungen in der gezielten Therapie auf, sondern bietet auch eine solide Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen zu ihrer klinischen Anwendung im Kontext der Zielrichtung auf Kategorie-II-TNFRSF-Rezeptoren mit Antikörpern oder Liganden. KW - Immuntherapie KW - Immunotherapy Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358650 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhang, Shenxishuai T1 - Conflicts and Anxieties over Money in Late Ming Vernacular Stories T1 - Konflikte und Ängste um Geld in Geschichten der spaeten Ming-Dynastie N2 - The present study discusses money and conflicts and anxiety over money in late Ming vernacular stories and contextualizes these stories in the contemporary society of economic prosperity and rapid changes. The high monetization and extensive use of silver and copper cash as currency brought both wealth and conflicts in various aspects of society. Eleven vernacular stories from several collections are adopted as source materials for the close examination, including Jingshi tongyan (Stories to Caution the World, 1624) and Xingshi hengyan (Stories to Awaken the World, 1627) by Feng Menglong (1574-1646) and the two Pai’an jingqi (Slapping the Table in Amazement, 1628 and 1632) collections by Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), etc. The analysis then focuses on the relationship between money and four topics, the late Ming context, social relations, gender ideals, and religion. Multiple voices and various viewpoints in these narratives show human beings’ struggles in taming and dominating money, the increasingly familiar and essential object in everyday life. Generally, when people cannot control money properly, there is a fear of its detrimental power to humans and social relations within and beyond families. On the contrary, characters, who are able to control money, are praised. N2 - Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit Geld und Konflikten sowie der Angst vor Geld in den volkstümlichen Erzählungen der späten Ming-Zeit und kontextualisiert diese Erzählungen in der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft, die von wirtschaftlichem Wohlstand und schnellen Veränderungen geprägt war. Die starke Monetarisierung und die umfassende Verwendung von Silber- und Kupfergeld als Währung brachten sowohl Reichtum als auch Konflikte in verschiedenen Bereichen der Gesellschaft mit sich. Elf volkstümliche Geschichten aus verschiedenen Sammlungen werden als Quellenmaterial für die eingehende Untersuchung herangezogen, darunter Jingshi tongyan (Geschichten zur Vorsicht der Welt, 1624) und Xingshi hengyan (Geschichten zum Erwachen der Welt, 1627) von Feng Menglong (1574-1646) und die beiden Sammlungen Pai'an jingqi (Auf den Tisch schlagen vor Staunen über das Ungewöhnliche, 1628 und 1632) von Ling Mengchu (1580-1644) usw. Die Analyse konzentriert sich dann auf die Beziehung zwischen Geld und vier Themen, dem späten Ming-Kontext, den sozialen Beziehungen, den Geschlechteridealen und der Religion. In diesen Erzählungen wird mit mehreren Stimmen und aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln der Kampf der Menschen um die Zähmung und Beherrschung des Geldes, des zunehmend vertrauten und unverzichtbaren Objekts des täglichen Lebens, dargestellt. Wenn Menschen das Geld nicht richtig kontrollieren können, fürchten sie im Allgemeinen seine schädliche Wirkung auf die Menschen und die sozialen Beziehungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Familie. Im Gegensatz dazu werden Personen, die in der Lage sind, Geld zu kontrollieren, gelobt. KW - Geld KW - Mingdynastie KW - Money KW - Ming dynasty KW - Vernacular story KW - Feng Menglong Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-316733 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Shaowu A1 - Si, Aung A1 - Pahl, Mario T1 - Visually guided decision making in foraging honeybees JF - Frontiers in Neuroscience N2 - Honeybees can easily be trained to perform different types of discrimination tasks under controlled laboratory conditions. This review describes a range of experiments carried out with free-flying forager honeybees under such conditions. The research done over the past 30 or so years suggests that cognitive abilities (learning and perception) in insects are more intricate and flexible than was originally imagined. It has become apparent that honeybees are capable of a variety of visually guided tasks, involving decision making under challenging situations: this includes simultaneously making use of different sensory modalities, such as vision and olfaction, and learning to use abstract concepts such as “sameness” and “difference.” Many studies have shown that decision making in foraging honeybees is highly flexible. The trained animals learn how to solve a task, and do so with a high accuracy, but when they are presented with a new variation of the task, they apply the learnt rules from the earlier setup to the new situation, and solve the new task as well. Honeybees therefore not only feature a rich behavioral repertoire to choose from, but also make decisions most apt to the current situation. The experiments in this review give an insight into the environmental cues and cognitive resources that are probably highly significant for a forager bee that must continually make decisions regarding patches of resources to be exploited. Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124228 VL - 6 IS - 88 ER -