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Document Type
- Journal article (7)
- Antikörper (1)
- Chirurgie (1)
- Langerhans-Inseln (1)
- Schwein (1)
- Transplantation (1)
- acute myeloid leukemia (1)
- biodiversity (1)
- cytarabine dose (1)
- elderly (1)
- global (1)
The BioTIME database contains raw data on species identities and abundances in ecological assemblages through time. These data enable users to calculate temporal trends in biodiversity within and amongst assemblages using a broad range of metrics. BioTIME is being developed as a community-led open-source database of biodiversity time series. Our goal is to accelerate and facilitate quantitative analysis of temporal patterns of biodiversity in the Anthropocene.
Main types of variables included
The database contains 8,777,413 species abundance records, from assemblages consistently sampled for a minimum of 2 years, which need not necessarily be consecutive. In addition, the database contains metadata relating to sampling methodology and contextual information about each record.
Spatial location and grain
BioTIME is a global database of 547,161 unique sampling locations spanning the marine, freshwater and terrestrial realms. Grain size varies across datasets from 0.0000000158 km2 (158 cm2) to 100 km2 (1,000,000,000,000 cm2).
Time period and grain
BioTIME records span from 1874 to 2016. The minimal temporal grain across all datasets in BioTIME is a year.
Major taxa and level of measurement
BioTIME includes data from 44,440 species across the plant and animal kingdoms, ranging from plants, plankton and terrestrial invertebrates to small and large vertebrates.
Software format
.csv and .SQL.
No abstract available.
The GVHRIL foHowing transplantation of small intestine are different from those found after bone marrow transplantation or spleen cell injections in that they show a remarka ble, significant prevalence of lesions within the intestinal mucosa. These findings are consistent with the observation that jntestinal lymphocytes newly formed in mesenteric lymph nodes predominantly home in on the intestine again.& The degree of histologic alteration within different tissues indicates that the graft and the host may survive the lesions of the lymphatic tissues, whereas the severe intestinal lesions following GVHR may easily cause death of the recipient. With regard to clinical sman bowel transplantation two statements can be made: (l) GVHRIL play a significant role in small bowel trans~ plantation. (2) To minimize their biologic importance, a selective elimination of the graft's Jymph nodes by irradiation or surgical resection should be considered in view of the remarkable difference between GVHRIL in lymph nodes and in the graft's intestinal wall itself.
No abstract available
Background: The combination of intermediate-dose cytarabine plus mitoxantrone (IMA) can induce high complete remission rates with acceptable toxicity in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We present the final results of a randomized-controlled trial comparing IMA with the standard 7+3 induction regimen consisting of continuous infusion cytarabine plus daunorubicin (DA).
Patients and methods: Patients with newly diagnosed AML>60 years were randomized to receive either intermediate-dose cytarabine (1000 mg/m(2) twice daily on days 1, 3, 5, 7) plus mitoxantrone (10 mg/m(2) days 1-3) (IMA) or standard induction therapy with cytarabine (100 mg/m(2) continuously days 1-7) plus daunorubicin (45 mg/m(2) days 3-5) (DA). Patients in complete remission after DA received intermediate-dose cytarabine plus amsacrine as consolidation treatment, whereas patients after IMA were consolidated with standard-dose cytarabine plus mitoxantrone.
Results: Between February 2005 and October 2009, 485 patients were randomized; 241 for treatment arm DA and 244 for IMA; 76% of patients were >65 years. The complete response rate after DA was 39% [95% confidence interval (95% CI): 33-45] versus 55% (95% CI: 49-61) after IMA (odds ratio 1.89, P = 0.001). The 6-week early-death rate was 14% in both arms. Relapse-free survival curves were superimposable in the first year, but separated afterwards, resulting in 3-year relapse-free survival rates of 29% versus 14% in the DA versus IMA arms, respectively (P = 0.042). The median overall survival was 10 months in both arms (P = 0.513).
Conclusion: The dose escalation of cytarabine in induction therapy lead to improved remission rates in the elderly AML patients. This did not translate into a survival advantage, most likely due to differences in consolidation treatment. Thus, effective consolidation strategies need to be further explored. In combination with an effective consolidation strategy, the use of intermediate-dose cytarabine in induction may improve curative treatment for elderly AML patients.