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- Journal article (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Preprint (1)
- Ackerschmalwand (1)
- Antiport (1)
- AtERDl6 (1)
- AtSUC4 (1)
- AtTMT1/2 (1)
- Exciton localization dynamics (1)
- Glucose (1)
- Glucose/Saccharose Transport (1)
- Glucosetransport (1)
- Mesophyll (1)
- Institut für Organische Chemie (2)
- Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie (2)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (2)
- Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik (2)
- Institut für Funktionsmaterialien und Biofabrikation (1)
- Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie (Institut für Röntgendiagnostik) (1)
- Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften (1)
EU-Project number / Contract (GA) number
- 646737 (2)
The photophysics of a molecular triad consisting of a BODIPY dye and two pyrene chromophores attached in 2-position are investigated by steady state and fs-time resolved transient absorption spectroscopy as well as by field induced surface hopping (FISH) simulations. While the steady state measurements indicate moderate chromophore interactions within the triad, the time resolved measurements show upon pyrene excitation a delocalised excited state which localises onto the BODIPY chromophore with a time constant of 0.12 ps. This could either be interpreted as an internal conversion process within the excitonically coupled chromophores or as an energy transfer from the pyrenes to the BODIPY dye. The analysis of FISH-trajectories reveals an oscillatory behaviour where the excitation hops between the pyrene units and the BODIPY dye several times until finally they become localised on the BODIPY chromophore within 100 fs. This is accompanied by an ultrafast nonradiative relaxation within the excitonic manifold mediated by the nonadiabatic coupling. Averaging over an ensemble of trajectories allowed us to simulate the electronic state population dynamics and determine the time constants for the nonradiative transitions that mediate the ultrafast energy transfer and exciton localisation on BODIPY.
The origin of the solvent dependence of fluorescence quantum yields in dipolar merocyanine dyes
Fluorophores with high quantum yields are desired for a variety of applications. Optimization of promising chromophores requires an understanding of the non-radiative decay channels that compete with the emission of photons. We synthesized a new derivative of the famous laser dye 4-dicyanomethylen-2-methyl-6-p-dimethylaminostyryl-4H-pyran (DCM),i.e., merocyanine 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-tert-butyl-6-[3-(3-butyl-benzothiazol-2-ylidene)1-propenyl]-4H-pyran (DCBT). We measured fluorescence lifetimes and quantum yields in a variety of solvents and found a trend opposite to the energy gap law.This motivated a theoretical investigation into the possible non-radiative decay channels. We propose that a barrier to a conical intersection exists that is very sensitive to the solvent polarity. The conical intersection is characterized by a twisted geometry which allows a subsequent photoisomerization. Transient absorption measurements confirmed the formation of a photoisomer in unpolar solvents, while the measurements of fluorescence quantum yields at low temperature demonstrated the existence of an activation energy barrier.
Defined aggregates of polymers such as polymeric micelles are of great importance in the development of pharmaceutical formulations. The amount of drug that can be formulated by a drug delivery system is an important issue, and most drug delivery systems suffer from their relatively low drug-loading capacity. However, as the loading capacities increase, i.e., promoted by good drug–polymer interactions, the drug may affect the morphology and stability of the micellar system. We investigated this effect in a prominent system with very high capacity for hydrophobic drugs and found extraordinary stability as well as a profound morphology change upon incorporation of paclitaxel into micelles of amphiphilic ABA poly(2-oxazoline) triblock copolymers. The hydrophilic blocks A comprised poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline), while the middle blocks B were either just barely hydrophobic poly(2-n-butyl-2-oxazoline) or highly hydrophobic poly(2-n-nonyl-2-oxazoline). The aggregation behavior of both polymers and their formulations with varying paclitaxel contents were investigated by means of dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy, (cryogenic) transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle neutron scattering. While without drug, wormlike micelles were present, after incorporation of small amounts of drugs only spherical morphologies remained. Furthermore, the much more hydrophobic poly(2-n-nonyl-2-oxazoline)-containing triblock copolymer exhibited only half the capacity for paclitaxel than the poly(2-n-butyl-2-oxazoline)-containing copolymer along with a lower stability. In the latter, contents of paclitaxel of 8 wt % or higher resulted in a raspberry-like micellar core.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten neue Erkenntnisse zum Zuckertransport über die Vakuolenmembran von Arabidopsis thaliana sowie dessen Energetisierung durch die V-ATPase erlangt werden. Hierfür wurden Patch-Clamp-Experimente konzipiert, die eine direkte Erfassung der Transportmechanismen, Transporteigenschaften sowie Triebkräfte des vakuolären Zuckertransportes ermöglichten. Zusätzlich wurden Lokalisations- und Interaktionsstudien zu ausgewählten Transportern mit Hilfe der konfokalen Laser Scanning Mikroskopie durchgeführt. Im Einzelnen wurden folgende Aspekte hinsichtlich des pflanzlichen Zuckertransports und dessen Energetisierung bearbeitet. Mittels der Patch-Clamp-Technik konnten vakuoläre glucose- und saccharose-induzierte Protonen-Transportkapazitäten in Mesophyllvakuolen von Wildtyp-pflanzen aufgelöst werden, die eindeutig einen Antiportmechanismus für beide Zucker zur Beladung der Vakuole vorschlagen. Dabei zeigten die Glucose- und Saccharoseantiporter eine geringe Affinität und hohe Transportkapazität für den jeweiligen Zucker. Auf molekularer Ebene konnte die protonengekoppelte Glucose- und Saccharoseaufnahme in die Vakuolen maßgeblich dem putativen Monosaccharid¬transporter AtTMT1/2 zugeordnet werden, der folglich als erster Glucose-Saccharose/Protonen-Antiporter identifiziert wurde. Im Zuge dieser Untersuchungen wurden der Zucker- und der pH-Gradient als Triebkräfte der Zuckertransportaktivität herausgearbeitet. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte ferner ein Beitrag zur quan¬titativen Charakterisierung der V-ATPase geleistet werden, welche den Einfluss der V-ATPase aufgrund ihrer pH-abhängigen H+-Pumpaktivität auf die pH-Homöostase belegt. Demzufolge scheint die V-ATPase als pH-regulierter Energielieferant für die Zuckertransporter zu fungieren. Darüber hinaus wurde die mitogenaktivierte Proteinkinase AtVIK1 als potentieller Regulationsfaktor von AtTMT1 identifiziert. Dies gelang durch den Nachweis einer spezifischen physikalischen Interaktion zwischen AtTMT1 und AtVIK1 mittels der Bimolekularen Fluoreszenzkomplemen¬tation. Neben der AtTMT1/2-vermittelten Aufnahme der beiden Zucker Glucose und Saccharose wurde ebenso die Zuckerentlassung aus der Vakuole näher charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe vergleichender Patch-Clamp-Analysen von verschiedenen Zuckertransporter-Verlustmutanten konnte AtERDl6 als Glucose/Protonen-Symporter identifiziert werden, der sich für den Glucoseexport aus der Vakuole verantwortlich zeigt. In Bezug auf den Saccharosetransport aus der Vakuole konnte erstmals die Saccharose/Protonen-Symportfunktion von AtSUC4 in planta nach dessen transienter Überexpression in Zuckertransporter-Verlustmutanten eindeutig aufgelöst und nachgewiesen werden. Desweiteren offenbarten die hier erlangten Ergebnisse bezüglich der Glucose/Saccharose-Beladung und -Entladung von Mesophyllvakuolen, dass weitere protonengekoppelte Zuckertransporter, neben AtTMT1/2 and AtERDl6, in diesem Zelltyp existieren, deren molekulare Natur es jedoch noch gilt herauszufinden.
The pseudopeptide backbone provided by N-(2-aminoethyl)-glycine oligomers with attached nucleobases has been widely utilized in peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) as DNA mimics. Here we demonstrate the suitability of this backbone for the formation of structurally defined dye stacks. Toward this goal a series of peptide merocyanine (PMC) dye oligomers connected to a N-(2-aminoethyl)-glycine backbone were prepared through peptide synthesis. Our concentration-, temperature- and solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption studies show that under the control of dipole–dipole interactions, smaller-sized oligomers consisting of one, two or three dyes self-assemble into defined duplex structures containing two up to six chromophores. In contrast, upon further extension of the oligomer, the chosen peptide backbone cannot direct the formation of a defined duplex architecture anymore due to intramolecular aggregation between the dyes. For all aggregate species a moderate aggregation-induced emission enhancement is observed.
Many dyes suffer from fast non-radiative decay pathways, thereby showing only short-lived excited states and weak photoluminescence. Here we show a pronounced fluorescence enhancement for a weakly fluorescent merocyanine (MC) dye by being co-facially stacked to other dyes in hetero-folda-trimer architectures. By means of fluorescence spectroscopy (lifetime, quantum yield) the fluorescence enhancement was explained by the rigidification of the emitting chromophore in the defined foldamer architecture and the presence of a non-forbidden lowest exciton state in H-coupled hetero-aggregates. This folding-induced fluorescence enhancement (FIFE) for specific sequences of π-stacked dyes points at a viable strategy toward improved fluorophores that relates to the approach used by nature in the green fluorescent protein (GFP).
(1) Background: To evaluate radiomics features as well as a combined model with clinical parameters for predicting overall survival in patients with bladder cancer (BCa). (2) Methods: This retrospective study included 301 BCa patients who received radical cystectomy (RC) and pelvic lymphadenectomy. Radiomics features were extracted from the regions of the primary tumor and pelvic lymph nodes as well as the peritumoral regions in preoperative CT scans. Cross-validation was performed in the training cohort, and a Cox regression model with an elastic net penalty was trained using radiomics features and clinical parameters. The models were evaluated with the time-dependent area under the ROC curve (AUC), Brier score and calibration curves. (3) Results: The median follow-up time was 56 months (95% CI: 48–74 months). In the follow-up period from 1 to 7 years after RC, radiomics models achieved comparable predictive performance to validated clinical parameters with an integrated AUC of 0.771 (95% CI: 0.657–0.869) compared to an integrated AUC of 0.761 (95% CI: 0.617–0.874) for the prediction of overall survival (p = 0.98). A combined clinical and radiomics model stratified patients into high-risk and low-risk groups with significantly different overall survival (p < 0.001). (4) Conclusions: Radiomics features based on preoperative CT scans have prognostic value in predicting overall survival before RC. Therefore, radiomics may guide early clinical decision-making.
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) represents an adverse side effect of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic medications. It is associated with impaired quality of life, oral health, and oral function and can be classified into various stages. The purpose of this prospective clinical study is to evaluate the impact of stages I and II MRONJ on oral-health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and related parameters. Patients’ OHRQoL, satisfaction with life, oral discomfort, and oral health were assessed using the German version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-G49), visual analog scales (VAS), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) at baseline (T0), 10 days (T1), and 3 months after treatment (T2) in 36 patients. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, two-way mixed ANOVAs, and follow-up Mann–Whitney U tests. The impact of treatment effects on the original seven OHIP domain structures and the recently introduced four-dimensional OHIP structure were evaluated using linear regression analysis. Thirty-six patients received surgical MRONJ treatment. Before treatment, patients’ perceived OHRQoL, oral discomfort, oral health, and satisfaction with life were negatively affected by MRONJ. Surgical treatment significantly improved OHRQoL and related parameters (all p ≤ 0.012). This improvement was greater in patients with higher impairment at T0. OHRQoL and oral restrictions were still impaired after treatment in patients who needed prosthetic treatment. The four-dimensional structure revealed valuable information beyond the standard seven OHIP domains. Increased awareness of MRONJ risks and an interdisciplinary treatment approach for MRONJ patients are needed.
To define frailty in older cancer patients, the aim of this study was to assess the geriatric status and quality of life (QoL) aspects in patients suffering from recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (r/m HNSCC) under palliative treatment. A comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) was performed on 21 r/m HNSCC patients at two defined assessments, and the QoL aspects and the impact of descriptive data were evaluated. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Spearman’s rho correlation, and two-way mixed ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. All patients were found to be “frail”. Pain, fatigue, and the burden of illness were the highest-rated symptoms. Oral function and orofacial appearance were highly impaired. A significant impact of descriptive data on the CGA and QoL results was found (all p ≤ 0.05). Thus, the CGA results revealed high frailty, severe comorbidities, and high impairments in QoL aspects. The CGA and QoL results were negatively affected by the primary HNSCC treatment approach, the need for prosthetic treatment, and worse oral functional capacity. Therefore, frailty in r/m HNSCC patients seems to be multidimensional. The evaluation of the CGA and QoL aspects in r/m HNSCC patients can be recommended to detect special needs, organize aftercare, and improve the support for frail and vulnerable cancer patients to create a multidisciplinary treatment approach.