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Muscarinic receptors of rcsistance vessels (submucosal artcrioles, outside diametcr 50-75 J,Lm) from the guinea-pig small intestinc were invcstigatcd in vitro using a computcr-assisted vidcomicroscopy system (Diamtrak <~t ). The muscarinic receptor which mediates vasodilation of prccontractcd [U-46619 (300 nM) or (- )-noradrcnaline (1 0 J.L M)] artcriolcs was characterized with scveral muscarinic agonists and subtypc-sclectivc antagonists. Thc following agonists all produccd cquivalent maximum vasodilation (given in rank ordcr of potency): acctylcholinc = arccaidinc propargyl cstcr (APE) > oxotremorine = ( ± )-muscarinc = ( ± )-mcthacholinc > carbachol > 4-[[N-{4-chlorophenyl)carbamoyl]oxy]-2-hutynyltrimcthylammonium iodide (4-CI-McN-A- 343). 4-([N-(3-ChlorophcnyD-carbamoyl)oxy]-2-butynyltrimcthylammonium chloride (McN-A-343) and N-ethyl-guvacinc propargyl ester (NEN-APE) produccd minimal or no artcriolar vasodilation. Thc muscarinic antagonists pircnzcpinc, ( ± )-5,11-dihydro-11- [[[2-[2-((dipropylamino)methyl}-1-pipcridinyl]ethyl]amino ]-carbonyi]-6H-pyrido(2,3-h)( 1 ,4)-benzodiazcpin-6-onc (AF-DX 384 ), 11- [[ 4-[4-(dicthylamino)butyl]-1-piperidinyl]acetyl]-5, ll-dihydro-6H-pyrido(2.3-h)( 1,4 )-bcnzodiazepin-6-onc (AQ-RA 741 ), p-fluorohexahydro- sila-difcnidol (p-F-HHSiD), 4-diphcnylacetoxy-N-methylpipcridine mcthiodidc (4-DAMP) and (R)- and (S)hexahydro- difcnidol [(R)-HHD, (S)-HHD] shifted thc muscarinc, mcthacholinc or carbachol dosc-rcsponsc curve to the right in a compctitive manner. Schildanalysis of the data yicldcd pA\(_2\) valucs for pircnzcpinc (6.74/6.9), AF-DX 384 (6.72), AQ-RA 741 (6.58), p-F-HHSiD (7.53/7.57), 4-DAMP (9.06), (R)-HHD (7.88/8.32) and (S)-HHD (5.52/5.88). Thus, it can he concluded that submucosal arteriolcs posscss only the M\(_3\) functional muscarinic reccptor, the activation of which causcs hlood vcsscl dilation. The preparation dcscribcd is considcrcd to be a valuable now bioassay for pharmacological investigations of drug actions at muscarinic receptors in the peripheral vascular system.
The muscarinic receptor mediating vasodilation of resistance vessels in the rat isolated, constant-pressure perfused kidney (preconstriction by w- 7 M cirazoline) was characterized by subtype-preferring agonists and se]ective antagonists. The agonists produced vasodi1ation with the fol1owing rank order of potency: arecaidine propargy] ester (APE) > 5-methylfurtrethonium = methacholine = oxotremorine > (S)-aceclidine > arecaidine 2-butyne-1,4-diyl bisester > 4-Cl-McN-A-343 = (R)-nipecotic acid ethyl ester = N-ethyl-guvacine propargyl ester- (R)-aceclidine = (S)-nipecotic acid ethyl ester > McN-A-343. Agonist-induced vasodilation disappeared after destruction of the endothelium with detergent. Highly significant correlations of agonist potencies for vasodilation were found between rat kidney and guinea-pig ileum submucosal arterioles as weH as agonist potencies at smooth muscle muscarinic M\(_3\) receptors of the guinea-pig ileum. The rank order of antagonist potencies (4-diphenylacetoxy-Nmethylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) > (R)-hexahydro-difenidol - hexahydro-sila-difenidol > pirenzepine - p-fluorohexahydro- sila-difenidol- himbacine- AF-DX 384- AQ-RA 741 > (S)-hexahydro-difenidol) to attenuate vasodilation to APE in rat kidney, correlated significantly with affinities at M\(_3\) receptors in submucosal arterioles and in smooth muscle of the guinea-pig ileum, but differed from those at M\(_1\) and M\(_2\) receptors in rabbit vas deferens. The agonist and antagonist potencies suggest that vasodilation elicited by muscarinic stimuli in endothelium-intact rat renal vasculature is mediated by functional muscarinic M\(_3\) receptors.
Cholinergie agents arepotent modulators of insulin release that aet via musearinie reeeptors. We now investigated the muscarinic receptor subtype present in rat panereatic islets in binding and funetional studies. Binding of 5 nM [ \(^3\)H]N-methylscopolamine ([\(^3\)H]NMS) was half maximal at 30 min. At 60 min, the maximal total bindingwas 1.29% and the non-specifie binding (presence of 100 ,uM atropine) was 0.18% of the total radioaetivity per 10 f.'g islet protein. Unlabelled atropine inhibited [\(^3\)H]NMS binding with an IC50 of ca. 30 nM. The rank order of antagonist high-affinity binding was atropine > sila-hexocyelium methyl sulfate (SiHC; M\(_1\) > M\(_3\) > M\(_2\) ) > pirenzepine (M\(_1\)> M\(_2\) = M\(_3\) ) = methoctramine (M\(_2\) > M\(_1\) > M\(_3\) ). The high-affinity K\(_d\)s were 8.5, 56, 1300 and 1300 nM, respectively. The high affinity Kd of the muscarinie receptor agonist, arecaidine propargyl ester (APE), was 8.1 nM. The EC\(_{50}\) for the biologieal effects of APE on insulin and glucagon secretion was 3.2 and 2.3 nM. The rank order for the high-affinity biological effects of antagonists (inhibition of APE-mediated insulin/ glucagon release) was almost the same as for binding. The data indicate that rat pancreatie islets contain neither an M\(_1\) subtype (high-affinity for pirenzepine) nor an M\(_2\) subtype (high-affinity for methoctramine) receptor. However, the data evidence an M\(_3\) receptor subtype, since SiHC in the absence of the M\(_1\) receptor subtype shows a relatively high affinity to the receptors in rat panereatic islets.
Die Synthese der (2-Aminoethyl)cycloalkylphenylsilanole Sb (Sila-Trihexyphenidyl), 6b (SilaCycrimin), 7 b (Sila-Procyclidin) und Sb wird beschrieben. Sb- Sb wurden - ausgehend von Cl\(_2\)(C\(_6\)H\(_5\))SiCH = CH\(_2\) (9) - durch eine fünfstufige Reaktionsfolge mit einer Gesamtausbeute von 32- 40% erhalten. Am isolierten Ileum des Meerschweinchens wurden die C/Si-Paare Sa, b- 8a, b vergleichend auf ihre antimuskarinische Aktivität geprüft. Die durch die Sila-Substilution von Sa-8a erreichte Zunahme der Affinität zum Muskarinrezeptor ist deutlich weniger ausgeprägt als bei den strukturverwandten C/Si-Paaren I a, b- 4a, b.
The crystal structures of the (R)-enantiomer (2b) and the racemate (1 b) of (cyclohexyl)phenyl[2- (pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethyl]silanol (sila--procyclidine) have been determined by X -ray structural analysis. The absolute configuration of (2b) was established. (2b) crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2\(_1\)2\(_1\)2\(_1\), with a = 15.221 (1 ), b = 17.967(1 ), c = 6.463(1) A, and Z = 4. (1 b) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2\(_1\)/c, with a = 6.441 (1 ), b = 17.1 82(7), c = 16.707(4) A, ß = 1 03.86(2r, and Z = 4. The structures were refined to respective R factors of 0.044 and 0.058. The molecular conformation of sila-procyclidine is identical in the two different structures. lntermolecular 0-H • • • N hydrogen bonding is observed in both crystallattices.ln (1 b) (R)- and (S)-configurated molecules form centrosymmetric dimers, in (2b) the (R)-configurated molecules are linked into infinite chains parallel to the c axis. The (R)-configurated sila--procyclidine (2b) has higher affinity for ileal and atrial muscarinic receptors of the guinea pig than the (S)-configurated enantiomer (3b).
A method was developed to detennine the affinities of antimuscarinic drugs at M\(_1\) receptors. [\(^3\)H](±)-Telenzepine served as radioligand in crude preparations of calf superior cervical ganglia and showed high affinity for a single receptor population. consisting of M1 receptors (K\(_D\) = 1.12 nM). Kinetic experiments showed monophasic association (k\(_1\) =0.017 min\(^{-1}\) nM\(^{-1}\) ) and dissociation (k\(_1\) = 0.017 min\(^{-1}\) ) kinetics, the half-life of dissociation being 41 min at 37°C. The kinetie K\(_D\) value amounted to 1.00 nM. M\(_1\) affinities for pirenzepine, methoctramine. hexahydro-sila-difenidol and p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol detennined in competition experiments were similar to those found in functional studies with MI receptors in rabbit isolated vas deferens. The binding assay was used to deterriline the affinities of the (R) and (S) enantiomers of tertiary (trihexyphenidyl, hexahydro-difenidol. hexbutinol, p-fluoro-hexbutinol) and quatemary musearlnie antagonists (trihexyphenidyl methiodide. hexbutinol methiodide). Comparison of results obtained with the rabbit vas deferens suggested that the ionic environment may influence the affinities.
Wc invcstigatcd thc binding properlies of thc (R)- and (Sl-cnantiomcrs of thc muscarinic antagonists trihcxyphcnidyl, procyclidinc, hcxahydro-difcnidol. p-fluoro-hcxahydro-difcnidol. hcxbutinol, p-fluoro-hcxbutinnl. and thcir corrcsponding methiodidcs at muscarinic M\(_1\), M\(_2\)• M\(_3\) and M\(_4\) receptor subtypes. In addition. binding properlies of thc (R)- and (S)-cnantiomcrs of oxyphcncycliminc wcrc studicd. The {R)- cnantiomcrs (cutomcrs} of all the compounds had a grcatcr affinity than the (S)-isomcrs for thc four muscarinic rcccptor subtypcs. Thc binding pattcrns of thc (R)- and (S)-enantiomers wcrc gcncrally different. We did not obscrvc any gcncral corrclation hctwccn thc potcncy of thc high-affinity enantiomer and Lhc affinity ratio (cudismic ratio) of the two cnantiomcrs. Thc rcsuhs arc discusscd in tcrms of a 'four suhsitcs' binding modcl.
Starting from trichloro(vinyl)silane (Cl\(_3\)SiCH=CH\(_2\)), the musearinic antagonists sila-biperiden [rac-(SiRS,C2SR>-ao-2] and endosila- biperiden [rac-(SiRS,C2SR)-endo-2] were prepared by a seven-step synthesis. Both silanols are configurationally stableininert organic solvents but undergo slow epimerization in aqueous solution (pH 7.4, 32°C) by inversion of the configuration at the silicon atom. The relative configurations of sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden were detennined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Both compounds form intennolecular 0-H · · · N hydrogen bonds in the crystal leading to the fonnation of centrosymmetric dimers (sila-biperiden) and infinite chains (endo-sila-biperiden), respectively. Sila-biperiden is a silicon analogue (C/Si exchange) of the antiparkinsonian drug biperiden [rac-(CRS/C2SR}-exo-1]. In functional phannacological experiments, as well as in radioligand competition studies, biperiden, sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden behaved as simple competitive antagonists at muscarinic Ml-, M2-, M3- and M4-receptors. The three compounds displayed the highest affinity for Ml-receptors (pA\(_2\) values: 8.72-8.80; pK\(_i\) values: 8.8-9.1), intermediate affinity for M4- and M3-receptors, and lowest affinity for M2-receptors (pA\(_2\) values: 7.57-7.79; pK\(_i\) values: 7.7-7.8). The affinity profile (Ml >. M4 > M3 > M2) of biperiden, sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden is qualitatively similar to that of the M1-selective muscarinic antagonist pirenzepine. The antimuscarinic properlies of the C/Si analogues biperiden and sila-biperiden are almost identical.
Sila-Hexocyclium-methylsulfat (7b), ein Silicium-Analogon des therapeutisch eingesetzten Antimuscarinileums Hexocyclium-methylsulfat (7a), wurde durch eine sechsstufige Synthese - ausgehend von (CH\(_3\)0)\(_3\)SiCH\(_2\)Cl - dargestellt (Gesamtausbeute 16%). Außerdem wurden die hiervon abzuleitende freie Base 9b (fünfstufige Synthese, ausgehend von (CH\(_3\)0)\(_3\)SiCH\(_2\)O; Gesamtausbeute 29%) und das strukturverwandte (Aminomethyl)silanol 13 (dreistufige Synthese, ausgehend von cyclo-C\(_6\)H\(_{11}\)(C\(_6\)H\(_5\))Si(OCH\(_3\))CH\(_2\)Cl, Gesamtausbeute 46$) synthetisiert. 7b ist ein hochwirksames und selektives Antimuscarinikum, das in der experimentellen Pharmakologie aufgrund seines bemerkenswerten Selektivitätsprofils zur Klassifizierung von Subtypen muscarinischer Rezeptoren eingesetzt wird.