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- Journal article (5)
- English (5)
- Lymphozyt (3)
- Electric Field (1)
- Gene Transfer (1)
- Immunologie (1)
- Neomycin Resistance (1)
- Stable Transformation (1)
- Toxikologie (1)
Newly isolated lymphocytes from mousespleensexpress the c-fos oncogene even in the absence of mitogen with maximal mRNA levels 60 min post preparation of single cell suspension, whereas c-myc mRNA Ievels increase only after mitogenic Stimulation with maximal mRNA Ievels 6 h post Stimulation. The half-lives of c-fos mRNA are generally very short; they increase from 14 min (after 30 min of culture) to 70 min (after 2 h of culture). The half-lives of c-myc mRNA decrease from 50 min (at 2 and 6 h post stimulation with concanavalin A) to 12 min (at 48 h post stimulation). The c-fos gene transcription is already tumed on in time-0 lymphocytes 10 min after disruption of the organ structure of the spleens and is down-regulated after 2 h and later. In nuclear run-on experiments with nonstimulated lymphocytes there is already significant transcription of the first exon of c-myc, but almost no elongation of the transcript to exon 2 and 3. In concanavalin A-treated lymphocytes elongation is stimulated about 5-fold within 6 h and returns to background levels at 48 h post Stimulation. · The nuclear run-on analyses of nonactivated lymphocytes showed a signal for RNA complementary to c-myc mRNA detected with a probe specific for the exon 1/intron 1 boundary of c-myc, which disappeared with increasing time of concanavalin A Stimulation. This anti-sense transcription may play a role in regulating the elongation of cmyc transcripts.
Murine spienie T lymphocytes display maximal cellular myc gene (c-myc) expression already 3 h after concanavalin A timulation and sub equent down-regulation before the onset of DNA syntbesis. Stimulation by leucoagglulinin in the prcsence or absence of interleukin 2 Ieads to only low initiaJ Ievels of c-myc-specific RNA which, however, increase later on. A similar pattero of c-myc expression is shown by the Lyt- 2+ T cell subpopulation stimuiated with eilher concanavalin A or leucoagglutinin in the prescncc of interleukin 2. Although eH]thyn1idine incorporation was identical, the leucoagglutinin-stimulated Lyt-2+ T cells werc void of any demon. trable c-mycspeci. fic RNA at 3 h post-stimulation. Thus, the kinetics of c-myc expression in mause T lymphocytes arenot at all uniform, but depend on the mitogen and the subpopulation. [n contrast, lcvel8 of c-rasH•-spccific R A wcre always low at early times, always increased towards tbe onset ofDNA synthesis and down-regulationwas not observed.