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- Journal article (5)
- Anorganische Chemie (2)
- muscarinic antagonists (2)
- (4-(m-Chlorophenylcarbamoyloxy)-2-butynyl)trimethylammonium chloride/pharmacology (1)
- (Hydroxymethyl)diphenyl(piperidinoalkyl)silanes (1)
- Bioorganosilicon chemistry (1)
- Muscarinic antagonist (1)
- Muscarinic receptor subtype (1)
- Sila-biperiden (1)
- Sila-difenidol (1)
- Sila-pridinol (1)
Starting from trichloro(vinyl)silane (Cl\(_3\)SiCH=CH\(_2\)), the musearinic antagonists sila-biperiden [rac-(SiRS,C2SR>-ao-2] and endosila- biperiden [rac-(SiRS,C2SR)-endo-2] were prepared by a seven-step synthesis. Both silanols are configurationally stableininert organic solvents but undergo slow epimerization in aqueous solution (pH 7.4, 32°C) by inversion of the configuration at the silicon atom. The relative configurations of sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden were detennined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Both compounds form intennolecular 0-H · · · N hydrogen bonds in the crystal leading to the fonnation of centrosymmetric dimers (sila-biperiden) and infinite chains (endo-sila-biperiden), respectively. Sila-biperiden is a silicon analogue (C/Si exchange) of the antiparkinsonian drug biperiden [rac-(CRS/C2SR}-exo-1]. In functional phannacological experiments, as well as in radioligand competition studies, biperiden, sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden behaved as simple competitive antagonists at muscarinic Ml-, M2-, M3- and M4-receptors. The three compounds displayed the highest affinity for Ml-receptors (pA\(_2\) values: 8.72-8.80; pK\(_i\) values: 8.8-9.1), intermediate affinity for M4- and M3-receptors, and lowest affinity for M2-receptors (pA\(_2\) values: 7.57-7.79; pK\(_i\) values: 7.7-7.8). The affinity profile (Ml >. M4 > M3 > M2) of biperiden, sila-biperiden and endo-sila-biperiden is qualitatively similar to that of the M1-selective muscarinic antagonist pirenzepine. The antimuscarinic properlies of the C/Si analogues biperiden and sila-biperiden are almost identical.
Durch Racematspaltung mit L-( + )- bzw. o-(-}-Weinsäure wurden die Enantiomere des Sila-Procyclidins (R}-1 b und (S}-1 b erhalten (>97% ce (NMR), 99.7% ee {DSC)]. Daraus wurden die Hydrochloride (R}-2b und (S)-lb und durch Umsetzung mit CH31 die Enantiomerc des Sila-Tricyclamol-iodids (R)-3b und (S}-3b [>96% ee (NMR)] hergestelll Die optisch aktiven Silanoie sind in k:ristalliner Form und in inerten Lösungsmitteln konfigurationsstabil. während sie in wässeriger Lösung raoemisieren (3 b schneller als 111). In. Analogie zur Stereoselektivität der antimuskarin. iscben Wirkung der Enantiomere der Kohlenstoff-Analoga Procyclidin (la) und Tricyclamol-iodid (3a) besitzen die (R)Enantiomere von 1 b und 311 eine größere Affinität zu den ilealen M2&- und atrialen M2ar-Muskarinrezeptorcn des Meerschwein,;, cbens als die (S)-Antipoden. Alle Silicium-Verbindungen sind stärker antiinuskarinisch wirksam als ihre Kohlenstoff-Analoga, deren Stereoselektivität jedoch stärker ausgeprägt ist. Die Unterschiede in der A1Tmität von (R}-1 b und (S)-1 b zu den ilealen und atrialen Muskarinrezeptoren bestätigen das Konzept der Heterogenität musk:arinis.cher M 2-Rezeptoren (M 2\(_\alpha\): atrialer Typ; M2\(_\beta\): ilealer Typ).
Studies were performed in the rabbit aortic rings, precontracted with norepinephrine, to determine the subtype(s) of muscarinic receptors involved in endothelium-dependent relaxation and contraction in the absence of endothelium elicited by cholinergic stimuli. Acetylcholine (ACh) and arecaidine propargyl ester (APE), a M2 and M3 agonist, produced a dose-dependent relaxation and contraction in endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded rabbit aortic rings, respectively. Both of these responses were blocked by the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine. M1 selective agonist McN-A-343 [4-[N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamoyloxy]-2-butinyltrimethylammonium+ ++ chloride] did not produce any effect on the tone of precontracted aortic rings. ACh- and APE-induced relaxation in aortic rings with intact endothelium was selectively blocked by M3 receptor antagonists hexahydrosila-difenidol and p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol (pA2 of 7.84 and 7.18) but not by M1 antagonist pirenzepine or M2 receptor antagonists AF-DX 116 [11-(2-[(diethylamino)methyl]- 1-piperidinyl]acetyl)-5, 11-dihydro-6H-pyrido-[2,3-b][1,4]-benzo-diazepin-6-one] and methoctramine. ACh- and APE-induced contraction was inhibited by M2 receptor antagonists AF-DX 116 and methoctramine (pA2 of 7.11 and 6.71) but not by pirenzepine, hexahydro-sila-difenidol or p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol. ACh- and APE-induced relaxation or contraction were not altered by nicotinic receptor antagonist hexamethonium or cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. These data suggest that relaxation elicited by cholinergic stimulin in endothelium-intact aortic rings is mediated via release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor consequent to activation of M3 receptors located on endothelial cells, whereas the contraction in aortic rings denuded of their endothelium is mediated via stimulation of M2 receptors located on smooth muscle cells.
In the course of systematic investigations on sila-substituted parasympatholytics the diphenyl(2-aminoethoxymethyl)silanols 3b and 4b (and its carbon analogue 4a) were synthesized and characterized by their physical and chemical properties. In the solid state 4a and 4b form strong O-H---N hydrogen bonds, which are intramolecular (4a) and intermolecular (4b), respectively. 4a and 4b were found to be weak antimuscarinic agents (4b >4a) and strong papaverine-like spasmolytics (4a ≈4b).