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- Journal article (6)
- Report (1)
- English (7)
- Neurobiologie (6)
- Lipopolysaccharide (2)
- Axonal degeneration (1)
- Endothelial cell (1)
- Endothelium (1)
- Endothelzelle (1)
- Hypertension (1)
- In-vivo dia lysis (1)
- Monocyte (1)
- Neurophysiologie (1)
The effect of 6-chloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-3-methyi-1-H-3-benzazepine (SKF 86466), a selectlve nonimldazoline alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonlst, on hippocampal re1ease of norepinephrine and dopamlne in conscious rats was lnvestigated by /n vlvo mlcrodialysis and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Additionally, extracellular concentrations of hippocampal dopamine (DA) and norepinephrtne (NE), durtng Infusion of selective monoamine uptake Inhibitors, were determined in freely moving rats. The basal concentration of NE in the dialysate was 4.9 ± 0.3 pg/20 pl. lntravenous admlnistratlon of 5 or 10 mgJkg of SKF 86466 was associated wlth a transierlt inc:rease (30 min) of 2-fold (12 ± 1 pg/20 ,d; p < .05) and 8-fold (39 ± 3 pg/20 pl; p < .05), respectlvely, in dlalysate NE, whereas a 1-mgfkg dose had no effect. DA was not detected in basal dlalysates, but after the adminlstratlon of 5 or 10 mgJkg of SKF 86466, 3.9 ± 0.4 and 6.4 ± 0.6 pg/20 pl, respectlvely, was present in the dialysates. The rnaxlmum increase in dialysate DA was reached 60 to 90 min after SKF 86466. The DA was not derived from plasma because plasma NE was elevated after the 5 mgJkg dose of SKF 86466 whereas no plasma DA was detected. ln order to determlne whether DA was present in noradrenergic nerve termlnals, the dopamine ß-hydroxylase Inhibitor SKF 1 02698 was administered (50 mgJkg i.p.). The Inhibitor decreased dialysate NE but DA was stin not detected in the dialysate. When SKF 86466 (5 mgJkg t.v.) was adminlstered 4 hr after SKF 102698, DA appeared in the dialysate but there was no lncrease in dialysate NE. Administration through the dialysis probe of the DA uptake Inhibitor, GBR-12909 (0.1 and 1 pM), dose-dependently lnaeased DA Ieveis to 5.7 ± 1.2 and 9.6 ± 2.8 pg/20 pl, respectively. GBR-12909 had no effect on hippocampal NE. Desipramine (5 and 10 pM) lncreased dose-dependently dialysate NE and lncreased DA concentrations to detectable Ieveis (2.7 ± 0.5 and 3.5 ± 0.7 pg/20 ,d, respectively). These results suggest that the a/pha-2 adrenoceptors modulate both NE and DA release in the rat hlppocampus and that DA detected in the hlppocampal dialysate might be released from dopaminergic neurons.
The amounts of tissue factor (TF) expressed by brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were compared after stimulating the cells with different doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), thrombin, phorbol myristic acid (PMA), Ca\(^{2+}\)·ionophore (A23187), or tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin·l (IL.l). Treatment ofcultured BMECs fron. WKY and SHR with all of these factors dose·dependently increased their total amount of TF; no substantive differences in the Ieveis of enhanced TF expression were observed between WKY and SHR BMECs. We conclude that stimulated endothelium from rats with hypertension, a major stroke risk factor, is not hyperresponsive with respect to TF expression when compared to normotensive controls.
Lipopolysaccharidc (LPS)-induced (i.v. or i.c.v., 1.8 mg/kg) release of von Willebrand factor (vWF) ·was examined in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. SHR rats releascd significantly (P < 0.05) more vWF than WKY rats in response to LPS. LPS also inhibited factor VIII procoagulant activity (FVIII: c) which may indicate an increase in thrombin activity. Cultured cerebrovascular endothelial cells (EC) derived from both SHR and WKY rats, as weil as human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) cultures constitutively released vWF. Treatment with agonists including LPS, thrombin and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa) did not affect the in vitro secretion of vWF by cerebrovascular EC cultures but significantly upregulated vWF release by HUVEC cultur~s. Preincubation of cerebrovascular EC cultures with interleukin-1 OL-l) ± TNFa or co-culturing in the presence of LPS-activated syngeneic monocytes had no effect on vWF secretion. The findings demoostrate that conditions of hypertension may affect endothelial cells and make them more responsive to agonist Stimulation and thereby increase secretion of vWF, an important factqr in hemostasis as weil as thrombosis. The capacity of LPS to significantly affect the in vivo secretion of vWF in SHR and WKY rats but not cultured cerebrovascular EC indicates that observed elevations in plasma vWF were not derived from cerebrovascular EC. lt is suggested that hypertension may function as a risk factor for thrombotic stroke by influencing factors involved in coagulation processes, such as vWF and factor VIII : c.
We used a sensitive silver degeneration staining method to study the effects of insertion of microdialysis probes in rat dorsal hippocampus and neocortex. Nine animals were sacrificed 24 h, 3 days or 7 days after implantation of dialysis tubing. Although mild neuronal cell death and small petechial hemorrhages were seen in elose proximity to the implantation site, the striking finding was the presence of degenerating axons both adjacent to the implantation site and in remote sites such as the corpus callosum and contralateral hippocampus. The observed changes could alter brain function near or remote from the implantation site and should be considered in analysis of dialysis experiments.
The intercellular adhesion of circulating leukocytes to vascular endothellum ls a prerequisite for leukocyte emigration from the blood to extravascular tlssues. This process is facllltated by adhesion molecules on the surfaces of both the vascular endothelial cells and the leukocytes. The experiments presented here demonstrate for the first time that the leukocyte adhesion receptor, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, is constitutively expressed on cultured cerebromicrovascular endothelial cell lines derived from both spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats and normotensive WistarKyoto (WKY) rats. Both cultures contained simliar numbers of cells constitutively expressing this adhesion molecule (31.4% and 29.6%, respectlvely). Adhesion molecule expression was up-regulated by interleukin-1 ß, tumor necrosis factor-a, interferon-y and lipopolysaccharide in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Both cultures exhibited similar maximum levels of adhesion molecule up-regulation to optimal concentrations of all three cytokines. However, SHR endothelial cells were moresensitive to all three cytokines; significantly higher levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expresslon were seen on SHR as opposed to WKY endothelial cells cultured with sub-optimal cytokine concentrations. It was also observed that lipopolysaccharide up-regulated intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression on SHR endothelial cells to a greater extent than on WKY endothelial cells.
The findings that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 can be up-regulated to a greater degree on SHR endothelial cells may have important implications for in vivo perivascular leukocyte accumulation under hypertensive conditions. These observations indicate a possible mechanism by which hypertension may predispose to the development of disorders such as atherosclerosis and stroke.