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- Journal article (10)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- recurrence (5)
- astrocytoma (4)
- glioblastoma multiforme (4)
- mRNA (3)
- protein (3)
- relapse (3)
- therapy (3)
- MGMT (2)
- MPS1 (2)
- brain (2)
- Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik (9)
- Pathologisches Institut (8)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie (ab 2004) (3)
- Frauenklinik und Poliklinik (2)
- Graduate School of Life Sciences (2)
- Augenklinik und Poliklinik (1)
- Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie (1)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Gefäß- und Kinderchirurgie (Chirurgische Klinik I) (1)
- Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik (1)
Glioblastoma leads to a fatal course within two years in more than two thirds of patients. An essential cornerstone of therapy is chemotherapy with temozolomide (TMZ). The effect of TMZ is counteracted by the cellular repair enzyme O\(^6\)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). The MGMT promoter methylation, the main regulator of MGMT expression, can change from primary tumor to recurrence, and TMZ may play a significant role in this process. To identify the potential mechanisms involved, three primary stem-like cell lines (one astrocytoma with the mutation of the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), CNS WHO grade 4 (HGA)), and two glioblastoma (IDH-wildtype, CNS WHO grade 4) were treated with TMZ. The MGMT promoter methylation, migration, proliferation, and TMZ-response of the tumor cells were examined at different time points. The strong effects of TMZ treatment on the MGMT methylated cells were observed. Furthermore, TMZ led to a loss of the MGMT promoter hypermethylation and induced migratory rather than proliferative behavior. Cells with the unmethylated MGMT promoter showed more aggressive behavior after treatment, while HGA cells reacted heterogenously. Our study provides further evidence to consider the potential adverse effects of TMZ chemotherapy and a rationale for investigating potential relationships between TMZ treatment and change in the MGMT promoter methylation during relapse.
Despite its significant overexpression in several malignant neoplasms, the expression of RPS27 in the central nervous system (CNS) is widely unknown. We identified the cell types expressing RPS27 in the CNS under normal and disease conditions. We acquired specimens of healthy brain (NB), adult pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) World Health Organization (WHO) grade I, anaplastic PA WHO grade III, gliomas WHO grade II/III with or without isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). RPS27 protein expression was examined by immunohistochemistry and double-fluorescence staining and its mRNA expression quantified by RT-PCR. Patients’ clinical and tumor characteristics were collected retrospectively. RPS27 protein was specifically expressed in tumor cells and neurons, but not in healthy astrocytes. In tumor tissue, most macrophages were positive, while this was rarely the case in inflamed tissue. Compared to NB, RPS27 mRNA was in mean 6.2- and 8.8-fold enhanced in gliomas WHO grade II/III with (p < 0.01) and without IDH mutation (p = 0.01), respectively. GBM displayed a 4.6-fold increased mean expression (p = 0.02). Although RPS27 expression levels did not affect the patients’ survival, their association with tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages provides a rationale for a future investigation of a potential function during gliomagenesis and tumor immune response.
Brain metastases are the most severe tumorous spread during breast cancer disease. They are associated with a limited quality of life and a very poor overall survival. A subtype of extracellular vesicles, exosomes, are sequestered by all kinds of cells, including tumor cells, and play a role in cell-cell communication. Exosomes contain, among others, microRNAs (miRs). Exosomes can be taken up by other cells in the body, and their active molecules can affect the cellular process in target cells. Tumor-secreted exosomes can affect the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and have an impact on brain metastases forming. Serum samples from healthy donors, breast cancer patients with primary tumors, or with brain, bone, or visceral metastases were used to isolate exosomes and exosomal miRs. Exosomes expressed exosomal markers CD63 and CD9, and their amount did not vary significantly between groups, as shown by Western blot and ELISA. The selected 48 miRs were detected using real-time PCR. Area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy. We identified two miRs with the potential to serve as prognostic markers for brain metastases. Hsa-miR-576-3p was significantly upregulated, and hsa-miR-130a-3p was significantly downregulated in exosomes from breast cancer patients with cerebral metastases with AUC: 0.705 and 0.699, respectively. Furthermore, correlation of miR levels with tumor markers revealed that hsa-miR-340-5p levels were significantly correlated with the percentage of Ki67-positive tumor cells, while hsa-miR-342-3p levels were inversely correlated with tumor staging. Analysis of the expression levels of miRs in serum exosomes from breast cancer patients has the potential to identify new, non-invasive, blood-borne prognostic molecular markers to predict the potential for brain metastasis in breast cancer. Additional functional analyzes and careful validation of the identified markers are required before their potential future diagnostic use.
The metastatic suppressor BRMS1 interacts with critical steps of the metastatic cascade in many cancer entities. As gliomas rarely metastasize, BRMS1 has mainly been neglected in glioma research. However, its interaction partners, such as NFκB, VEGF, or MMPs, are old acquaintances in neurooncology. The steps regulated by BRMS1, such as invasion, migration, and apoptosis, are commonly dysregulated in gliomas. Therefore, BRMS1 shows potential as a regulator of glioma behavior. By bioinformatic analysis, in addition to our cohort of 118 specimens, we determined BRMS1 mRNA and protein expression as well as its correlation with the clinical course in astrocytomas IDH mutant, CNS WHO grade 2/3, and glioblastoma IDH wild-type, CNS WHO grade 4. Interestingly, we found BRMS1 protein expression to be significantly decreased in the aforementioned gliomas, while BRMS1 mRNA appeared to be overexpressed throughout. This dysregulation was independent of patients’ characteristics or survival. The protein and mRNA expression differences cannot be finally explained at this stage. However, they suggest a post-transcriptional dysregulation that has been previously described in other cancer entities. Our analyses present the first data on BRMS1 expression in gliomas that can provide a starting point for further investigations.
Inhibition of the protein kinase MPS1, a mitotic spindle-checkpoint regulator, reinforces the effects of multiple therapies against glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in experimental settings. We analyzed MPS1 mRNA-expression in gliomas WHO grade II, III and in clinical subgroups of GBM. Data were obtained by qPCR analysis of tumor and healthy brain specimens and correlated with the patients’ clinical data. MPS1 was overexpressed in all gliomas on an mRNA level (ANOVA, p < 0.01) and correlated with tumor aggressiveness. We explain previously published conflicting results on survival: high MPS1 was associated with poorer long term survival when all gliomas were analyzed combined in one group (Cox regression: t < 24 months, p = 0.009, Hazard ratio: 8.0, 95% CI: 1.7–38.4), with poorer survival solely in low-grade gliomas (LogRank: p = 0.02, Cox regression: p = 0.06, Hazard-Ratio: 8.0, 95% CI: 0.9–66.7), but not in GBM (LogRank: p > 0.05). This might be due to their lower tumor volume at the therapy start. GBM patients with high MPS1 mRNA-expression developed clinical symptoms at an earlier stage. This, however, did not benefit their overall survival, most likely due to the more aggressive tumor growth. Since MPS1 mRNA-expression in gliomas was enhanced with increasing tumor aggressiveness, patients with the worst outcome might benefit best from a treatment directed against MPS1.
ATF5 suppresses differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells and is overexpressed in glioblastoma (GBM). A reduction of its expression leads to apoptotic GBM cell death. Data on ATF5 expression in astrocytoma WHO grade II (low-grade astrocytoma [LGA]) are scarce and lacking on recurrent GBM.
Patients and methods:
ATF5 mRNA was extracted from frozen samples of patients’ GBM (n=79), LGA (n=40), and normal brain (NB, n=10), quantified by duplex qPCR and correlated with retrospectively collected clinical data. ATF5 protein expression was evaluated by measuring staining intensity on immunohistochemistry.
ATF5 mRNA was overexpressed in LGA (sevenfold, P<0.001) and GBM (tenfold, P<0.001) compared to NB, which was confirmed on protein level. Although ATF5 mRNA expression in GBM showed a considerable fluctuation range, groups of varying biological behavior, that is, local/multifocal growth or primary tumor/relapse and the tumor localization at diagnosis, were not significantly different. ATF5 mRNA correlated with the patients’ age (r=0.339, P=0.028) and inversely with Ki67-staining (r=-0.421, P=0.007). GBM patients were allocated to a low and a high ATF5 expression group by the median ATF5 overexpression compared to NB. Kaplan–Meier analysis and Cox regression indicated that ATF5 mRNA expression significantly correlated with short-term survival (t<12 months, median survival 18 vs 13 months, P=0.022, HR 2.827) and progression-free survival (PFS) (12 vs 6 months, P=0.024). This advantage vanished after 24 months (P=0.084).
ATF5 mRNA expression could be identified as an additional, though not independent factor correlating with overall survival and PFS. Since its inhibition might lead to the selective death of glioma cells, it might serve as a potential ubiquitous therapeutic target in astrocytic tumors.
Die WHO-Klassifikation der Hirntumoren von 2016 ebnete den Weg für molekulare Marker und Therapie-Angriffspunkte. Der Transkriptionsfaktor ATF5 könnte ein solcher sein. Er unterdrückt die Differenzierung von neuronalen Vorläuferzellen und wird in Glioblastomen (GBM) überexprimiert. Daten zur ATF5-Expression in WHO Grad II Gliomen (LGG) und GBM-Rezidiven sind nur spärlich vorhanden. Daher untersuchten wir 79 GBM, 40 LGG und 10 Normalhirnproben auf ihre ATF5-mRNA- und Proteinexpression mit quantitativer Echtzeit-PCR bzw. Immunhistochemie und verglichen sie mit multiplen, retrospektiv erhobenen klinischen Charakteristika der Patienten. ATF5 war in LGG und GBM verglichen zum Normalhirn sowohl auf mRNA-, als auch Proteinebene überexprimiert. Obwohl die ATF5-mRNA-Expression im GBM eine erhebliche Fluktuationsrate zeigte, gab es keine signifikanten Expressionsunterschiede zwischen GBM-Gruppen unterschiedlicher biologischer Wachstumsmuster. ATF5-mRNA korrelierte mit dem Alter der Patienten und invers mit der Ki67-Färbung. Kaplan Meier- und Cox-Regressionsanalysen zeigten eine signifikante Korrelation der ATF5-mRNA-Expression mit dem Überleben nach 12 Monaten sowie dem progressionsfreien Überleben. Die Methylierung des Promotors der O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) ist ein etablierter Marker in der Therapie des GBMs. Sie ist mit dem therapeutischen Ansprechen auf Temozolomid und dem Überleben assoziiert. Uns fielen inzidentell Veränderungen der MGMT-Promotormethylierung auf, woraufhin wir den aktuellen Wissensstand mittels einer ausführlichen Literatur-Metaanalyse zusammenfassten. Dabei fanden wir Veränderungen der MGMT-Promotormethylierung bei 115 der 476 Patienten. Wir schlussfolgern, dass die ATF5-mRNA-Expression als prognostischer Faktor für das Überleben der Patienten dienen könnte. Da seine in vitro-Inhibition zu einem selektiven Zelltod von Gliomzellen führte und wir eine Überexpression in glialen Tumoren nachweisen konnten, zeigt ATF5 Potential als ubiquitäres Therapieziel in Gliomen. Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt ergibt sich keine klare Indikation, den klinischen Standard der MGMT-Teststrategie zu verändern. Trotzdem könnte eine erneute Testung der MGMT-Promotormethylierung für zukünftige Therapieentscheidungen sinnvoll sein und wir regen an, dass dieses Thema in klinischen Studien weiter untersucht wird.
Vestibular schwannoma (VS) are benign cranial nerve sheath tumors of the vestibulocochlear nerve. Their incidence is mostly sporadic, but they can also be associated with NF2-related schwannomatosis (NF2), a hereditary tumor syndrome. Metastasis associated in colon cancer 1 (MACC1) is known to contribute to angiogenesis, cell growth, invasiveness, cell motility and metastasis of solid malignant cancers. In addition, MACC1 may be associated with nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Therefore, we evaluated whether MACC1 may be involved in the pathogenesis of VS. Sporadic VS, recurrent sporadic VS, NF2-associated VS, recurrent NF2-associated VS and healthy vestibular nerves were analyzed for MACC1 mRNA and protein expression by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. MACC1 expression levels were correlated with the patients’ clinical course and symptoms. MACC1 mRNA expression was significantly higher in sporadic VS compared to NF2-associated VS (p < 0.001). The latter expressed similar MACC1 concentrations as healthy vestibular nerves. Recurrent tumors resembled the MACC1 expression of the primary tumors. MACC1 mRNA expression was significantly correlated with deafness in sporadic VS patients (p = 0.034). Therefore, MACC1 might be a new molecular marker involved in VS pathogenesis.
Protocadherins (PCDHs) belong to the cadherin superfamily and represent the largest subgroup of calcium-dependent adhesion molecules. In the genome, most PCDHs are arranged in three clusters, α, β, and γ on chromosome 5q31. PCDHs are highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). Several PCDHs have tumor suppressor functions, but their individual role in primary brain tumors has not yet been elucidated. Here, we examined the mRNA expression of PCDHGC3, a member of the PCDHγ cluster, in non-cancerous brain tissue and in gliomas of different World Health Organization (WHO) grades and correlated it with the clinical data of the patients. We generated a PCDHGC3 knockout U343 cell line and examined its growth rate and migration in a wound healing assay. We showed that PCDHGC3 mRNA and protein were significantly overexpressed in glioma tissue compared to a non-cancerous brain specimen. This could be confirmed in glioma cell lines. High PCDHGC3 mRNA expression correlated with longer progression-free survival (PFS) in glioma patients. PCDHGC3 knockout in U343 resulted in a slower growth rate but a significantly faster migration rate in the wound healing assay and decreased the expression of several genes involved in WNT signaling. PCDHGC3 expression should therefore be further investigated as a PFS-marker in gliomas. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the PCDHGC3 effects.
The most threatening metastases in breast cancer are brain metastases, which correlate with a very poor overall survival, but also a limited quality of life. A key event for the metastatic progression of breast cancer into the brain is the migration of cancer cells across the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
We adapted and validated the CD34\(^+\) cells-derived human in vitro BBB model (brain-like endothelial cells, BLECs) to analyse the effects of patient serum on BBB properties. We collected serum samples from healthy donors, breast cancer patients with primary cancer, and breast cancer patients with, bone, visceral or cerebral metastases. We analysed cytokine levels in these sera utilizing immunoassays and correlated them with clinical data. We used paracellular permeability measurements, immunofluorescence staining, Western blot and mRNA analysis to examine the effects of patient sera on the properties of BBB in vitro.
The BLECs cultured together with brain pericytes in transwells developed a tight monolayer with a correct localization of claudin-5 at the tight junctions (TJ). Several BBB marker proteins such as the TJ proteins claudin-5 and occludin, the glucose transporter GLUT-1 or the efflux pumps PG-P and BCRP were upregulated in these cultures. This was accompanied by a reduced paracellular permeability for fluorescein (400 Da). We then used this model for the treatment with the patient sera. Only the sera of breast cancer patients with cerebral metastases had significantly increased levels of the cytokines fractalkine (CX3CL1) and BCA-1 (CXCL13). The increased levels of fractalkine were associated with the estrogen/progesterone receptor status of the tumour. The treatment of BLECs with these sera selectively increased the expression of CXCL13 and TJ protein occludin. In addition, the permeability of fluorescein was increased after serum treatment.
We demonstrate that the CD34\(^+\) cell-derived human in vitro BBB model can be used as a tool to study the molecular mechanisms underlying cerebrovascular pathologies. We showed that serum from patients with cerebral metastases may affect the integrity of the BBB in vitro, associated with elevated concentrations of specific cytokines such as CX3CL1 and CXCL13.