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Document Type
- Journal article (6)
- Preprint (3)
- English (9)
- boron (5)
- carbenes (4)
- diborenes (3)
- diradicals (2)
- heterocycles (2)
- Acene (1)
- Bindungsaktivierung (1)
- Biradikale (1)
- Bor (1)
- Diborane (1)
EU-Project number / Contract (GA) number
- 669054 (6)
Molecules containing multiple bonds between atoms—most often in the form of olefins—are ubiquitous in nature, commerce, and science, and as such have a huge impact on everyday life. Given their prominence, over the last few decades, frequent attempts have been made to perturb the structure and reactivity of multiply-bound species through bending and twisting. However, only modest success has been achieved in the quest to completely twist double bonds in order to homolytically cleave the associated π bond. Here, we present the isolation of double-bond-containing species based on boron, as well as their fully twisted diradical congeners, by the incorporation of attached groups with different electronic properties. The compounds comprise a structurally authenticated set of diamagnetic multiply-bound and diradical singly-bound congeners of the same class of compound.
The addition of alkynes to a staturated N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-supported diboryne results in spontaneous cycloaddition, with complete B≡B and C≡C triple bond cleavage, NHC ring- expansion and activation of a variety of C-H bonds, leading to the formation of complex mixtures of fused B,N-heterocycles.
A series of 22 new bis(phosphine), bis(carbene) and bis(isonitrile) tetrahalodiborane adducts has been synthesized, either by direct adduct formation with highly sensitive B2X4 precursors (X = Cl, Br, I) or by ligand exchange at stable B2X4(SMe2)2 precursors (X = Cl, Br) with labile dimethylsulfide ligands. The isolated compounds have been fully characterized using NMR spectroscopic, (C,H,N)- elemental and, for 20 of these compounds, X-ray crystallographic analysis, revealing an unexpected variation in the bonding motifs. Besides the classical B2X4L2 diborane(6) adducts, some of the more sterically demanding carbene ligands induce a halide displacement leading to the first halide-bridged monocationic diboron species, [B2X3L2]A (A = BCl4, Br, I). Furthermore, low-temperature 1:1 reactions of B2Cl4 with sterically demanding N-heterocyclic carbenes led to the formation of kinetically unstable mono-adducts, one of which was structurally characterized. A comparison of the NMR and structural data of new and literature-known bis-adducts shows several trends pertaining to the nature of the halides and the stereoelectronic properties of the Lewis bases employed.
Room temperature hydrogenation of an SIDep-stabilized diboryne (SIDep = 1,3-bis(diethylphenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-ylidene) and a CAAC-supported diboracumulene (CAAC = 1-(2,6- diisopropylphenyl)-3,3,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidin-2-ylidene) provided the first selective route to the corresponding 1,2-dihydrodiborenes. DFT calculations showed an overall exothermic (ΔG = 19.4 kcal mol\(^{-1}\) two-step asynchronous H\(_2\) addition mechanism proceeding via a bridging hydride.
Molecules containing multiple bonds between atoms—most often in the form of olefins—are ubiquitous in nature, commerce, and science, and as such have a huge impact on everyday life. Given their prominence, over the last few decades, frequent attempts have been made to perturb the structure and reactivity of multiply-bound species through bending and twisting. However, only modest success has been achieved in the quest to completely twist double bonds in order to homolytically cleave the associated π bond. Here, we present the isolation of double-bond-containing species based on boron, as well as their fully twisted diradical congeners, by the incorporation of attached groups with different electronic properties. The compounds comprise a structurally authenticated set of diamagnetic multiply-bound and diradical singly-bound congeners of the same class of compound.
A number of novel alkynyl-functionalized diarylbis(dimethylamino)diboranes(4) are prepared by salt metathesis, and the appended alkynyl groups are subjected to hydroboration. Their reactions with monohydroboranes lead to discrete boryl-appended diborane(4) species, while dihydroboranes induce their catenation to oligomeric species, the first known examples of well-characterized macromolecular species with B−B bonds. The oligomeric species were found to comprise up to ten repeat units and are soluble in common organic solvents. Some of the oligomeric species have good air stability and all were characterized by NMR and vibrational spectroscopy and size-exclusion chromatography techniques.
A one-pot synthesis of a CAAC-stabilized, unsymmetrical, cyclic diborene was achieved via consecutive two-electron reduction steps from an adduct of CAAC and B\(_2\)Br\(_4\)(SMe\(_2\))\(_2\). Theoretical studies revealed that this diborene has a considerably smaller HOMO–LUMO gap than those of reported NHC- and phosphine-supported diborenes. Complexation of the diborene with [AuCl(PCy\(_3\))] afforded two diborene–Au\(^I\) π complexes, while reaction with DurBH\(_2\), P\(_4\) and a terminal acetylene led to the cleavage of B−H, P−P, and C−C π bonds, respectively. Thermal rearrangement of the diborene gave an electron-rich cyclic alkylideneborane, which readily coordinated to Ag\(^I\) via its B=C double bond.
cAAC‐Stabilized 9,10‐diboraanthracenes—Acenes with Open‐Shell Singlet Biradical Ground States
Narrow HOMO–LUMO gaps and high charge‐carrier mobilities make larger acenes potentially high‐efficient materials for organic electronic applications. The performance of such molecules was shown to significantly increase with increasing number of fused benzene rings. Bulk quantities, however, can only be obtained reliably for acenes up to heptacene. Theoretically, (oligo)acenes and (poly)acenes are predicted to have open‐shell singlet biradical and polyradical ground states, respectively, for which experimental evidence is still scarce. We have now been able to dramatically lower the HOMO–LUMO gap of acenes without the necessity of unfavorable elongation of their conjugated π system, by incorporating two boron atoms into the anthracene skeleton. Stabilizing the boron centers with cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes gives neutral 9,10‐diboraanthracenes, which are shown to feature disjointed, open‐shell singlet biradical ground states.
Geringe HOMO-LUMO-Abstände und eine hohe Ladungsträgermobilität prädestinieren die höheren Acene für Anwendungen im Bereich der Organoelektronik. Die Leistungsfähigkeit derartiger Verbindungen steigt hierbei dramatisch mit der Anzahl anellierter Benzolringe. Größere Acenmengen sind synthetisch bisher jedoch nur für Acene bis Heptacen verlässlich zugänglich. Theoretischen Studien zufolge besitzen (Oligo)acene offenschalige Singulettbiradikal- und (Poly)acene polyradikalische Grundzustände. Eindeutige experimentelle Belege für diese Vorhersagen sind hingegen äußerst selten. Durch den Einbau von zwei Boratomen in das Anthracengrundgerüst konnten wir den HOMO-LUMO-Abstand von Acenen dramatisch verringern und zwar ohne die Notwendigkeit einer Ausweitung des konjugierten π-Systems. Stabilisierung der Borzentren durch cyclische (Alkyl)(amino)carbene lieferte hierbei neutrale 9,10-Diboraanthracene mit disjunkten, offenschaligen Singulettbiradikal-Grundzuständen.