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Document Type
- Journal article (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- multiple sclerosis (3)
- Amplifikation (1)
- B cells (1)
- DLBCL (1)
- Deletion (1)
- EAE (1)
- Glatiramer acetate (1)
- IL-15 (1)
- Inflammation (1)
- K+ channel (1)
- Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik (6)
- Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum (2)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz (DZHI) (1)
- Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie (1)
- Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie (1)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II (1)
- Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik (1)
- Pathologisches Institut (1)
EU-Project number / Contract (GA) number
- 026155 (1)
The two bradykinin receptors B1R and B2R are central components of the kallikrein–kinin system with different expression kinetics and binding characteristics. Activation of these receptors by kinins triggers inflammatory responses in the target organ and in most situations enhances tissue damage. We could recently show that blocking of B1R, but not B2R, protects from cortical cryolesion by reducing inflammation and edema formation. In the present study, we investigated the role of B1R and B2R in a closed head model of focal traumatic brain injury (TBI; weight drop). Increased expression of B1R in the injured hemispheres of wild-type mice was restricted to the later stages after brain trauma, i.e. day 7 (P<0.05), whereas no significant induction could be observed for the B2R (P>0.05). Mice lacking the B1R, but not the B2R, showed less functional deficits on day 3 (P<0.001) and day 7 (P<0.001) compared with controls. Pharmacological blocking of B1R in wild-type mice had similar effects. Reduced axonal injury and astroglia activation could be identified as underlying mechanisms, while inhibition of B1R had only little influence on the local inflammatory response in this model. Inhibition of B1R may become a novel strategy to counteract trauma-induced neurodegeneration.
CD4+ T cells express K2P5.1 (TWIK-related acid-sensitive potassium channel 2 (TASK2); KCNK5), a member of the two-pore domain potassium channel family, which has been shown to influence T cell effector functions. Recently, it was shown that K2P5.1 is upregulated upon (autoimmune) T cell stimulation. The aim of this study was to correlate expression levels of K2P5.1 on T cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to disease activity in these patients.
Expression levels of K2P5.1 were measured by RT-PCR in the peripheral blood of 58 patients with RA and correlated with disease activity parameters (C-reactive protein levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, disease activity score (DAS28) scores). Twenty patients undergoing therapy change were followed-up for six months. Additionally, synovial fluid and synovial biopsies were investigated for T lymphocytes expressing K2P5.1.
K2P5.1 expression levels in CD4+ T cells show a strong correlation to DAS28 scores in RA patients. Similar correlations were found for serological inflammatory parameters (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein). In addition, K2P5.1 expression levels of synovial fluid-derived T cells are higher compared to peripheral blood T cells. Prospective data in individual patients show a parallel behaviour of K2P5.1 expression to disease activity parameters during a longitudinal follow-up for six months.
Disease activity in RA patients correlates strongly with K2P5.1 expression levels in CD4+ T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood in cross-sectional as well as in longitudinal observations. Further studies are needed to investigate the exact pathophysiological mechanisms and to evaluate the possible use of K2P5.1 as a potential biomarker for disease activity and differential diagnosis.
NKG2D is an activating receptor on T cells, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. T cells are critically involved in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) and have been proposed as specific therapeutic targets. However, the mechanisms underlying T cell-mediated progressive muscle destruction in IIM remain to be elucidated. We here determined the involvement of the NKG2D - IL-15 signaling pathway. Primary human myoblasts expressed NKG2D ligands, which were further upregulated upon inflammatory stimuli. In parallel, shedding of the soluble NKG2D ligand MICA (sMICA) decreased upon inflammation potentially diminishing inhibition of NKG2D signaling. Membrane-related expression of IL-15 by myoblasts induced differentiation of naive CD8\(^+\) T cells into highly activated, cytotoxic \(CD8^+NKG2D^{high}\) T cells demonstrating NKG2D-dependent lysis of myoblasts in vitro. \(CD8^+NKG2D^{high}\) T cell frequencies were increased in the peripheral blood of polymyositis (PM) patients and correlated with serum creatinine kinase concentrations, while serum sMICA levels were not significantly changed. In muscle biopsy specimens from PM patients expression of the NKG2D ligand MICA/B was upregulated, IL-15 was expressed by muscle cells, CD68\(^+\) macrophages as well as CD4\(^+\) T cells, and \(CD8^+NKG2D^+\) cells were frequently detected within inflammatory infiltrates arguing for a local signaling circuit in the inflammatory muscle milieu. In conclusion, the NKG2D - IL-15 signaling pathway contributes to progressive muscle destruction in IIM potentially opening new therapeutic avenues.
The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of acute ischemic stroke is increasingly recognized. However, targeted treatment strategies to modulate immunological pathways in stroke are still lacking. Glatiramer acetate is a multifaceted immunomodulator approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Experimental studies suggest that glatiramer acetate might also work in other neuroinflammatory or neurodegenerative diseases apart from multiple sclerosis.
We evaluated the efficacy of glatiramer acetate in a mouse model of brain ischemia/reperfusion injury. 60 min of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced in male C57Bl/6 mice. Pretreatment with glatiramer acetate (3.5 mg/kg bodyweight) 30 min before the induction of stroke did not reduce lesion volumes or improve functional outcome on day 1.
Glatiramer acetate failed to protect from acute ischemic stroke in our hands. Further studies are needed to assess the true therapeutic potential of glatiramer acetate and related immunomodulators in brain ischemia.
Eine primäre Aberration wurde bei den extranodalen diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen bisher nicht definiert. Das in dieser Arbeit untersuchte Chromosom 1 birgt dennoch eine Vielzahl an genomischen Veränderungen, die möglicherweise als sekundäre Aberrationen an der Pathogenese der extranodalen DLBCL beteiligt sein könnten. Durch die in der vorliegenden Untersuchung angewandten Mikrosatellitenanalyse war es möglich, diese genomischen Aberrationen aufzudecken. Als Hotspot unserer Untersuchung gilt die Chromosomenbande 1p36.32, die den Locus für das Gen TP73 enthält. Deletionen in diesem Bereich wurden in 34,8% der informativen Fälle nachgewiesen. Die am zweithäufigsten von Deletionen betroffene Region (20% der Patienten) war 1q32.3-41. Die Bereiche 1p22 und 1q21-23 waren nicht auffällig verändert. Wir vermuten, dass Aberrationen dieser Bereiche in der Pathogenese der gastralen DLBCL von untergeordneter Bedeutung sind. Lediglich 1,44% aller Genotypen zeigten Mikrosatelliteninstabilität, high frequency MSI konnte dabei in keinem der Fälle nachgewiesen werden. Bei Betrachtung des Alters der Patienten, die MSI aufwiesen, fällt ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen höherem Alter und steigender MSI-Inzidenz auf. Eine Korrelation zwischen Tumorstadium und MSI-Inzidenz konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Der für die Mikrosatelliteninstabilität stehende Mutator Pathway scheint keine bedeutende Rolle in der Pathogenese der DLBCL einzunehmen. Die Ergebnisse unserer Untersuchung veranlassen uns jedoch dazu, dem Tumorsuppressor Pathway eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pathogenese der extranodalen DLBCL zuzuschreiben.
Lymphocytes express potassium channels that regulate physiological cell functions, such as activation, proliferation and migration. Expression levels of K\(_{2P}\)5.1(TASK2; KCNK5) channels belonging to the family of two-pore domain potassium channels have previously been correlated to the activity of autoreactive T lymphocytes in patients with multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In humans, K\(_{2P}\)5.1 channels are upregulated upon T cell stimulation and influence T cell effector functions. However, a further clinical translation of targeting K\(_{2P}\)5.1 is currently hampered by a lack of highly selective inhibitors, making it necessary to evaluate the impact of KCNK5 in established preclinical animal disease models. We here demonstrate that K\(_{2P}\)5.1 knockout (K\(_{2P}\)5.1\(^{-/-}\) mice display no significant alterations concerning T cell cytokine production, proliferation rates, surface marker molecules or signaling pathways. In an experimental model of autoimmune neuroinflammation, K\(_{2P}\)5.1\(^{-/-}\) mice show a comparable disease course to wild-type animals and no major changes in the peripheral immune system or CNS compartment. A compensatory upregulation of the potassium channels K\(_{2P}\)3.1 and K\(_{V}\)1.3 seems to counterbalance the deletion of K\(_{2P}\)5.1. As an alternative model mimicking autoimmune neuroinflammation, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the common marmoset has been proposed, especially for testing the efficacy of new potential drugs. Initial experiments show that K\(_{2P}\)5.1 is functionally expressed on marmoset T lymphocytes, opening up the possibility for assessing future K\(_{2P}\)5.1-targeting drugs.
Aberrant immune responses represent the underlying cause of central nervous system (CNS) autoimmunity, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Recent evidence implicated the crosstalk between coagulation and immunity in CNS autoimmunity. Here we identify coagulation factor XII (FXII), the initiator of the intrinsic coagulation cascade and the kallikrein–kinin system, as a specific immune cell modulator. High levels of FXII activity are present in the plasma of MS patients during relapse. Deficiency or pharmacologic blockade of FXII renders mice less susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (a model of MS) and is accompanied by reduced numbers of interleukin-17A-producing T cells. Immune activation by FXII is mediated by dendritic cells in a CD87-dependent manner and involves alterations in intracellular cyclic AMP formation. Our study demonstrates that a member of the plasmatic coagulation cascade is a key mediator of autoimmunity. FXII inhibition may provide a strategy to combat MS and other immune-related disorders.
Aside from the established immune-mediated etiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), compelling evidence implicates platelets as important players in disease pathogenesis. Specifically, numerous studies have highlighted that activated platelets promote the central nervous system (CNS)-directed adaptive immune response early in the disease course. Platelets, therefore, present a novel opportunity for modulating the neuroinflammatory process that characterizes MS. We hypothesized that the well-known antiplatelet agent acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) could inhibit neuroinflammation by affecting platelets if applied at low-dose and investigated its effect during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) as a model to study MS. We found that oral administration of low-dose ASA alleviates symptoms of EAE accompanied by reduced inflammatory infiltrates and less extensive demyelination. Remarkably, the percentage of CNS-infiltrated CD4\(^+\) T cells, the major drivers of neuroinflammation, was decreased to 40.98 ± 3.28% in ASA-treated mice compared to 56.11 ± 1.46% in control animals at the disease maximum as revealed by flow cytometry. More interestingly, plasma levels of thromboxane A\(_2\) were decreased, while concentrations of platelet factor 4 and glycoprotein VI were not affected by low-dose ASA treatment. Overall, we demonstrate that low-dose ASA could ameliorate the platelet-dependent neuroinflammatory response in vivo, thus indicating a potential treatment approach for MS.