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- yes (16)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (16)
Document Type
- Journal article (15)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- auditory pathway (3)
- cochlear implantation (3)
- cochlea (2)
- fpVCT (2)
- hearing loss (2)
- neural stem cells (2)
- neurogenesis (2)
- neurosphere (2)
- temporal bone (2)
- 3D analysis (1)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenkrankheiten, plastische und ästhetische Operationen (15)
- Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Neuroradiologie (ehem. Abteilung für Neuroradiologie) (6)
- Institut für Klinische Neurobiologie (2)
- Physikalisches Institut (2)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I (1)
- Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik (1)
Die Spinale Muskelatrophie (SMA) ist mit einer Inzidenz von 1:6000 die zweithäufigste autosomal-rezessive Erbkrankheit im frühen Kindesalter. Die durch den Verlust des SMN- (survival of motoneuron) Gens reduzierte SMN Protein Expression führt zu einer Degeneration der spinalen Motoneurone mit proximal betonter Muskelschwäche. Deshalb zielen erste Therapieversuche darauf ab, diese zu erhöhen. Es war gezeigt worden, dass durch den Einsatz von Histon Deacetylase Inhibitoren (HDAC) in neuronalen Kontroll Zellen und in nicht neuronalen Zellen von SMA Patienten die SMN Protein Expression signifikant gesteigert werden konnte. In der vorgelegten Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob die HDAC Inhibitoren Valproat, SAHA und FK228 Einfluss auf die SMN Protein Expression in kortikalen neuronalen Vorläuferzellen (NSC), auf primär embryonale Fibroblasten (PMEF) und auf die morphologischen Veränderungen in primär kultivierten embryonalen Motoneuronen eines Mausmodells der SMA haben. Es konnte eine signifikante Steigerung der SMN Protein Expression durch den Einsatz von Valproat und FK228 in kortikalen neuronalen Vorläuferzellen nachgewiesen werden. Es ergab sich jedoch kein Einfluss auf die SMN Protein Expression in primär embryonalen Fibroblasten. Bei NSCs und primär kultivierten embryonalen Motoneuronen wirkten die HDAC Inhibitoren Valproat und FK228 konzentrationsabhängig toxisch auf das Überleben, die Länge der Axone und die Größe der Wachstumskegel. Es konnte kein positiver Einfluss auf die morphologischen Veränderungen des Mausmodells gesehen werden. Zusammenfassend zeigte sich in der vorgelegten Arbeit ein positiver Effekt auf die SMN Protein Expression durch den Einsatz von HDAC Inhibitoren, der jedoch mit einem toxischen Effekt auf die behandelten neuronalen Zellen einherging.
This proof of concept describes the use of evoked electromyographic (EMG) activation of the facial nerve for intraoperative monitoring of the electrode insertion during cochlear implantation (CI). Intraoperative EMG measurements from the facial nerve were conducted in nine patients undergoing CI implantation. Electric current pulses were emitted from contacts on the CI array during and immediately after electrode insertion. For control, the results of EMG measurements were compared to postoperative flat panel volume computed tomography scans with secondary reconstruction (fpVCT\(_{SECO}\)). During insertion, the EMG response evoked by the electrical stimulation from the CI was growing with the stimulating contact approaching the facial nerve and declined with increasing distance. After full insertion, contacts on the apical half of the CI array stimulated higher EMG responses compared with those on the basal half. Comparison with postoperative imaging demonstrated that electrode contacts stimulating high EMG responses had the shortest distances to the facial nerve. It could be demonstrated that electrically evoked EMG activation of the facial nerve can be used to monitor the progress during CI electrode insertion and to control the intracochlear electrode position after full insertion.
Die Nutzung mobiler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie im Kontext medizinscher und gesundheitsnaher Dienstleistungen, z. B. in Form von Apps, gewinnt, leider jedoch häufig unter Missachtung notwendiger Qualitätskriterien, immer mehr an Bedeutung. So erscheint es wichtig, dass neben einer die Anwendungssoftware kontrollierenden Instanz möglichst hoch qualifizierte Akteure des Gesundheitswesens bei der Erstellung mitwirken. Schon aus Haftungsgründen muss der beratende Arzt eine hohe Sorgfalt bei der Auswahl und Empfehlung einer App walten lassen, gerade auch in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass nur wenige Apps als Medizinprodukt zertifiziert sind. Auf dem Markt gibt es eine große Anzahl an medizinischen Apps, wobei nur ein geringer Anteil dieser auf den Fachbereich HNO-Heilkunde entfällt. Prozentual sind die Teilbereiche Audiologie, Schlafmedizin und Allergologie am häufigsten vertreten. Obwohl sich der Fachbereich der HNO-Heilkunde zunehmend mit dieser Thematik wissenschaftlich auseinandersetzt, fehlt, wie generell bei vielen medizinischen Apps, eine wissenschaftliche Evidenz der Inhalte und Ergebnisse. Es gibt jedoch für Anwender weitere Möglichkeiten, medizinische Apps nach definierten Qualitätskriterien in verschiedenen Kategorien, wie z. B. Funktionalität, Wissenschaftlichkeit, aber auch Datenschutz, zu beurteilen. Keine der mittels eines solchen Bewertungstools evaluierten Apps erfüllte alle geforderten Kriterien, dem Anwender steht jedoch hiermit ein Instrument zur besseren Einschätzung der Anwendungssoftware zur Verfügung. Im Rahmen des Entwicklungsprozesses einer medizinischen App für den HNO-Bereich war es jedoch möglich, die Qualitätskriterien zu berücksichtigen. Zusammenfassend soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen Überblick über Thema „Apps in der HNO-Heilkunde“ ermöglichen mit dem Ziel, dieses moderne Hilfsmittel nutzbringend einsetzen zu können.
Background: The benefit of hearing rehabilitation is often measured using audiological tests or subjective questionnaires/interviews. It is important to consider both aspects in order to evaluate the overall benefits. Currently, there is no standardized method for reporting combined audiological and patient reported subjective outcome measures in clinical practice. Therefore, this study focuses on showing the patient’s audiological, as well as subjective outcomes in one graph using data from an existing study. Method: The present paper illustrated a graph presenting data on four quadrants with audiological and subjective findings. These quadrants represented speech comprehension in quiet (unaided vs. aided) as WRS% at 65 dB SPL, speech recognition in noise (unaided vs. aided) as SRT dB SNR, sound field threshold (unaided vs. aided) as PTA\(_4\) in dB HL, wearing time and patient satisfaction questionnaire results. Results: As an example, the HEARRING graph in this paper represented audiological and subjective datasets on a single patient level or a cohort of patients for an active bone conduction hearing implant solution. The graph offered the option to follow the user’s performance in time. Conclusion: The HEARRING graph allowed representation of a combination of audiological measures with patient reported outcomes in one single graph, indicating the overall benefit of the intervention. In addition, the correlation and consistency between some results (e.g., aided threshold and aided WRS) can be better visualized. Those users who lacked performance benefits on one or more parameters and called for further insight could be visually identified.
Neural stem cells (NSCs) have previously been described up to the adult stage in the rat cochlear nucleus (CN). A decreasing neurogenic potential was observed with critical changes around hearing onset. A better understanding of molecular factors affecting NSCs and neurogenesis is of interest as they represent potential targets to treat the cause of neurologically based hearing disorders. The role of genes affecting NSC development and neurogenesis in CN over time on hearing capacity has remained unclear. This study investigated the mRNA abundance of genes influencing NSCs and neurogenesis in rats’ CN over time. The CN of rats on postnatal days 6, 12, and 24 were examined. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction arrays were used to compare mRNA levels of 84 genes relevant to NSCs and neurogenesis. Age- and hearing-specific patterns of changes in mRNA abundance of neurogenically relevant genes were detected in the rat CN. Additionally, crucial neurogenic factors with significant and relevant influence on neurogenesis were identified. The results of this work should contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the neurogenesis of the auditory pathway.
Causal therapies for the auditory-pathway and inner-ear diseases are still not yet available for clinical application. Regenerative medicine approaches are discussed and examined as possible therapy options. Neural stem cells could play a role in the regeneration of the auditory pathway. In recent years, neural stem and progenitor cells have been identified in the cochlear nucleus, the second nucleus of the auditory pathway. The current investigation aimed to analyze cell maturation concerning cellular calcium activity. Cochlear nuclei from PND9 CD rats were microscopically dissected and propagated as neurospheres in free-floating cultures in stem-cell medium (Neurobasal, B27, GlutaMAX, EGF, bFGF). After 30 days, the dissociation and plating of these cells took place under withdrawal of the growth factors and the addition of retinoic acid, which induces neural cell differentiation. Calcium imaging analysis with BAPTA-1/Oregon Green was carried out at different times during the differentiation phase. In addition, the influence of different voltage-dependent calcium channels was analyzed through the targeted application of inhibitors of the L-, N-, R- and T-type calcium channels. For this purpose, comparative examinations were performed on CN NSCs, and primary CN neurons. As the cells differentiated, a significant increase in spontaneous neuronal calcium activity was demonstrated. In the differentiation stage, specific frequencies of the spontaneous calcium oscillations were measured in different regions of the individual cells. Initially, the highest frequency of spontaneous calcium oscillations was ascertainable in the maturing somata. Over time, these were overtaken by calcium oscillations in the axons and dendrites. Additionally, in the area of the growth cones, an increasing activity was determined. By inhibiting voltage-dependent calcium channels, their expression and function in the differentiation process were confirmed. A comparable pattern of maturation of these channels was found in CN NSCs and primary CN neurons. The present results show that neural stem cells of the rat cochlear nucleus differentiated not only morphologically but also functionally. Spontaneous calcium activities are of great relevance in terms of neurogenesis and integration into existing neuronal structures. These functional aspects of neurogenesis within the auditory pathway could serve as future targets for the exogenous control of neuronal regeneration.
Neural stem cells (NSCs) have been recently identified in the inferior colliculus (IC). These cells are of particular interest, as no casual therapeutic options for impaired neural structures exist. This research project aims to evaluate the neurogenic potential in the rat IC from early postnatal days until adulthood. The IC of rats from postnatal day 6 up to 48 was examined by neurosphere assays and histological sections. In free-floating IC cell cultures, neurospheres formed from animals from early postnatal to adulthood. The amount of generated neurospheres decreased in older ages and increased with the number of cell line passages. Cells in the neurospheres and the histological sections stained positively with NSC markers (Doublecortin, Sox-2, Musashi-1, Nestin, and Atoh1). Dissociated single cells from the neurospheres differentiated and were stained positively for the neural lineage markers β-III-tubulin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and myelin basic protein. In addition, NSC markers (Doublecortin, Sox-2, CDK5R1, and Ascl-1) were investigated by qRT-PCR. In conclusion, a neurogenic potential in the rat IC was detected and evaluated from early postnatal days until adulthood. The identification of NSCs in the rat IC and their age-specific characteristics contribute to a better understanding of the development and the plasticity of the auditory pathway and might be activated for therapeutic use.
The five tubulin-binding cofactors (TBC) are involved in tubulin synthesis and the formation of microtubules. Their importance is highlighted by various diseases and syndromes caused by dysfunction or mutation of these proteins. Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of tubulin promote different characteristics, including stability-creating subpopulations of tubulin. Cell- and time-specific distribution of PTMs has only been investigated in the organ of Corti in gerbils. The aim of the presented study was to investigate the cell type-specific and time-specific expression patterns of TBC proteins and PTMs for the first time in murine cochleae over several developmental stages. For this, murine cochleae were investigated at the postnatal (P) age P1, P7 and P14 by immunofluorescence analysis. The investigations revealed several profound interspecies differences in the distribution of PTMs between gerbil and mouse. Furthermore, this is the first study to describe the spatio-temporal distribution of TBCs in any tissue ever showing a volatile pattern of expression. The expression analysis of TBC proteins and PTMs of tubulin reveals that these proteins play a role in the physiological development of the cochlea and might be essential for hearing.
Automated analysis of the inner ear anatomy in radiological data instead of time-consuming manual assessment is a worthwhile goal that could facilitate preoperative planning and clinical research. We propose a framework encompassing joint semantic segmentation of the inner ear and anatomical landmark detection of helicotrema, oval and round window. A fully automated pipeline with a single, dual-headed volumetric 3D U-Net was implemented, trained and evaluated using manually labeled in-house datasets from cadaveric specimen (N = 43) and clinical practice (N = 9). The model robustness was further evaluated on three independent open-source datasets (N = 23 + 7 + 17 scans) consisting of cadaveric specimen scans. For the in-house datasets, Dice scores of 0.97 and 0.94, intersection-over-union scores of 0.94 and 0.89 and average Hausdorf distances of 0.065 and 0.14 voxel units were achieved. The landmark localization task was performed automatically with an average localization error of 3.3 and 5.2 voxel units. A robust, albeit reduced performance could be
attained for the catalogue of three open-source datasets. Results of the ablation studies with 43 mono-parametric variations of the basal architecture and training protocol provided task-optimal parameters for both categories. Ablation studies against single-task variants of the basal architecture showed a clear performance beneft of coupling landmark localization with segmentation and a dataset-dependent performance impact on segmentation ability.
The medial geniculate body (MGB) is a nucleus of the diencephalon representing a relevant segment of the auditory pathway and is part of the metathalamus. It receives afferent information via the inferior brachium of the inferior colliculus and transmits efferent fibers via acoustic radiations to the auditory cortex. Neural stem cells (NSCs) have been detected in certain areas along the auditory pathway. They are of great importance as the induction of an adult stem cell niche might open a regenerative approach to a causal treatment of hearing disorders. Up to now, the existence of NSCs in the MGB has not been determined. Therefore, this study investigated whether the MGB has a neural stem cell potential. For this purpose, cells were extracted from the MGB of PND 8 Sprague-Dawley rats and cultured in a free-floating cell culture assay, which showed mitotic activity and positive staining for stem cell and progenitor markers. In differentiation assays, the markers β-III-tubulin, GFAP, and MBP demonstrated the capacity of single cells to differentiate into neuronal and glial cells. In conclusion, cells from the MGB exhibited the cardinal features of NSCs: self-renewal, the formation of progenitor cells, and differentiation into all neuronal lineage cells. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of the development of the auditory pathway.