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Results ofan ab initio study ofthe hyperfine structure of the X\(^2\)A', A\(^2\) A" ( 1\(^2 \Pi\)) system ofthe formyl radical are presented. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the interplay between the vibronic and magnetic hyperfine etfects. The results of computations are in very good agreement with the available experimental findings. The values for the hyperfine coupling constants in lower bending Ievels of both electronic species are predicted.
The hyperfine coupling constants (isotropic hfcc and four Cartesian components of the ani~ tropic tensor) are calculated for all three atoms of C\(_2\)H in its three lowest-lying electronic states at various molecu)ar geometries by means of the ab initio configuration interaction ( MRO.CI) method. The off-diagonal electronic matrix elements involving the two species ofthe A' symmetry are also computed. A diabatic transforrnation is perforrned Jeading to simple geometrical depen· dences of the hyperline coupling constants.
The vibronically averaged values for tbe hyperfine coupling constants in the X\(^2 \sum\)-A\(^2 \Pi\) system of the ethynyl radical are computed by means of tbe ab initio metbod calculations. The results point at tbe importance of taking into account the coupling of a1l tbree electronic states in question ( I\(^2\)A', 2\(^2\)A', and 1\(^2\)A") for a reliable explanation of the available experimental findings. The mean values of the hfcc's for K = 0 and 1 levels in \(^{13}\)C\(_2\)H and \(^{13}\)C\(_2\)D in the energy range up to 6000 cm\(^{-1}\) are predicted.
The hyperfine coupling constants (hfcc) A\(_{iso}\) and A\(_{ij}\) are calculated for the atoms of NH\(_2\) in its, two lowest-lying electronk states at various molecular geometries by means of the ab initio multireference configuration interaction .method. The vibronically averaged values of the hfccs for the K = 0 and 1 levels in \(^{14}\)N \(^1\)H\(_2\) in the energy range up to 20 000 cm\(^{-1}\) are computed. Polarization elfects which determine A\(_{iso}\) as well as a simple model to describe the dipolar hfccs are discussed. All resrilts are in excellent agreement with experimental data.
Vibronically averaged values for K =0 and K = 1 bending levels in the energy range between 0 and 25 000 cm\(^{-1}\) are computed for the \(^{14}\)N, H, and D atoms in NH\(_2\), NHD, and ND\(_2\) The pure ab initio electronic potentials, as well as those derived by fitting of experimentally observed band positions are employed. Effects of vibronic coupling and local perturbations of close-lying levels belanging to different electronic states are discussed.