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- Journal article (17)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- facial expression (3)
- social anxiety (3)
- EEG (2)
- amygdala (2)
- anxiety (2)
- emotion (2)
- emotion regulation (2)
- emotional pictures (2)
- facial expressions (2)
- fear conditioning (2)
Emotion-motivation models propose that behaviors, including health behaviors, should be predicted by the same variables that also predict negative affect since emotional reactions should induce a motivation to avoid threatening situations. In contrast, social cognitive models propose that safety behaviors are predicted by a different set of variables that mainly reflect cognitive and socio-structural aspects. Here, we directly tested these opposing hypotheses in young adults (N = 4134) in the context of COVID-19-related safety behaviors to prevent infections. In each participant, we collected measures of negative affect as well as cognitive and socio-structural variables during the lockdown in the first infection wave in Germany. We found a negative effect of the pandemic on emotional responses. However, this was not the main predictor for young adults’ willingness to comply with COVID-19-related safety measures. Instead, individual differences in compliance were mainly predicted by cognitive and socio-structural variables. These results were confirmed in an independent data set. This study shows that individuals scoring high on negative affect during the pandemic are not necessarily more likely to comply with safety regulations. Instead, political measures should focus on cognitive interventions and the societal relevance of the health issue. These findings provide important insights into the basis of health-related concerns and feelings as well as behavioral adaptations.
Fear is elicited by imminent threat and leads to phasic fear responses with selective attention, whereas anxiety is characterized by a sustained state of heightened vigilance due to uncertain danger. In the present study, we investigated attention mechanisms in fear and anxiety by adapting the NPU-threat test to measure steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs). We investigated ssVEPs across no aversive events (N), predictable aversive events (P), and unpredictable aversive events (U), signaled by four-object arrays (30 s). In addition, central cues were presented during all conditions but predictably signaled imminent threat only during the P condition. Importantly, cues and context events were flickered at different frequencies (15 Hz vs. 20 Hz) in order to disentangle respective electrocortical responses. The onset of the context elicited larger electrocortical responses for U compared to P context. Conversely, P cues elicited larger electrocortical responses compared to N cues. Interestingly, during the presence of the P cue, visuocortical processing of the concurrent context was also enhanced. The results support the notion of enhanced initial hypervigilance to unpredictable compared to predictable threat contexts, while predictable cues show electrocortical enhancement of the cues themselves but additionally a boost of context processing.
Several studies have investigated the neural responses triggered by emotional pictures, but the specificity of the involved structures such as the amygdala or the ventral striatum is still under debate. Furthermore, only few studies examined the association of stimuli’s valence and arousal and the underlying brain responses. Therefore, we investigated brain responses with functional magnetic resonance imaging of 17 healthy participants to pleasant and unpleasant affective pictures and afterwards assessed ratings of valence and arousal. As expected, unpleasant pictures strongly activated the right and left amygdala, the right hippocampus, and the medial occipital lobe, whereas pleasant pictures elicited significant activations in left occipital regions, and in parts of the medial temporal lobe. The direct comparison of unpleasant and pleasant pictures, which were comparable in arousal clearly indicated stronger amygdala activation in response to the unpleasant pictures. Most important, correlational analyses revealed on the one hand that the arousal of unpleasant pictures was significantly associated with activations in the right amygdala and the left caudate body. On the other hand, valence of pleasant pictures was significantly correlated with activations in the right caudate head, extending to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings support the notion that the amygdala is primarily involved in processing of unpleasant stimuli, particularly to more arousing unpleasant stimuli. Reward-related structures like the caudate and NAcc primarily respond to pleasant stimuli, the stronger the more positive the valence of these stimuli is.
The perception of unpleasant stimuli enhances whereas the perception of pleasant stimuli decreases pain perception. In contrast, the effects of pain on the processing of emotional stimuli are much less known. Especially given the recent interest in facial expressions of pain as a special category of emotional stimuli, a main topic in this research line is the mutual influence of pain and facial expression processing. Therefore, in this mini-review we selectively summarize research on the effects of emotional stimuli on pain, but more extensively turn to the opposite direction namely how pain influences concurrent processing of affective stimuli such as facial expressions. Based on the motivational priming theory one may hypothesize that the perception of pain enhances the processing of unpleasant stimuli and decreases the processing of pleasant stimuli. This review reveals that the literature is only partly consistent with this assumption: pain reduces the processing of pleasant pictures and happy facial expressions, but does not – or only partly – affect processing of unpleasant pictures. However, it was demonstrated that pain selectively enhances the processing of facial expressions if these are pain-related (i.e., facial expressions of pain). Extending a mere affective modulation theory, the latter results suggest pain-specific effects which may be explained by the perception-action model of empathy. Together, these results underscore the important mutual influence of pain and emotional face processing.
It has been demonstrated that verbal context information alters the neural processing of ambiguous faces such as faces with no apparent facial expression. In social anxiety, neutral faces may be implicitly threatening for socially anxious individuals due to their ambiguous nature, but even more so if these neutral faces are put in self-referential negative contexts. Therefore, we measured event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in response to neutral faces which were preceded by affective verbal information (negative, neutral, positive). Participants with low social anxiety (LSA; n = 23) and high social anxiety (HSA; n = 21) were asked to watch and rate valence and arousal of the respective faces while continuous EEG was recorded. ERP analysis revealed that HSA showed elevated P100 amplitudes in response to faces, but reduced structural encoding of faces as indexed by reduced N170 amplitudes. In general, affective context led to an enhanced early posterior negativity (EPN) for negative compared to neutral facial expressions. Moreover, HSA compared to LSA showed enhanced late positive potentials (LPP) to negatively contextualized faces, whereas in LSA this effect was found for faces in positive contexts. Also, HSA rated faces in negative contexts as more negative compared to LSA. These results point at enhanced vigilance for neutral faces regardless of context in HSA, while structural encoding seems to be diminished (avoidance). Interestingly, later components of sustained processing (LPP) indicate that LSA show enhanced visuocortical processing for faces in positive contexts (happy bias), whereas this seems to be the case for negatively contextualized faces in HSA (threat bias). Finally, our results add further new evidence that top-down information in interaction with individual anxiety levels can influence early-stage aspects of visual perception.
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war der Einfluss von emotionalem Gesichtsausdruck und wahrgenommener Blickrichtung auf die visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsausrichtung bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit. Dabei wurde zum einen die so genannte Hypervigilanz-Vermeidungs-Hypothese getestet (Experimente 1 und 2), wonach Hoch-Sozialängstliche (HSÄ) Personen ärgerliche Gesichter initial häufiger anschauen und im weiteren Verlauf vermeiden. Zum anderen wurde überprüft, ob soziale Ängstlichkeit mit einem Vermeiden von Blickkontakt und gleichzeitiger erhöhter physiologischer Erregung assoziiert ist (Experiment 3). Im ersten Experiment wurde das experimentelle Design zur Messung der visuellen Aufmerksamkeitsausrichtung mittels Eye-Tracking etabliert. HSÄ zeigten beim Betrachten zweier gleichzeitig präsentierter Gesichter (emotional vs. neutral) eine Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrung für emotionale Gesichter, die allerdings noch durch das Geschlecht moduliert wurde. HSÄ schauten initial vor allem häufiger auf weibliche freundliche und auf männliche ärgerliche Gesichter. Außerdem tendierten HSÄ dazu, emotionale Gesichter zwischen 1 s und 1.5 s nach Bild-Onset weniger lange anzuschauen, was auf ein Vermeidungsverhalten hindeuten könnte. Im zweiten Experiment wurde dieses Paradigma um eine emotionale Antisakkadenaufgabe erweitert, mit der die willentliche Inhibition der reflexiven Aufmerksamkeitsausrichtung auf soziale Stimuli überprüft werden sollte. Außerdem erfolgte hier eine Selektion von Probanden anhand der Fragebogenscores in einem Screening zur sozialen Ängstlichkeit, um extremere Gruppen zu erhalten. HSÄ zeigten in der freien Bildbetrachtung einen initialen Aufmerksamkeitsbias für freundliche Gesichter und mehr Fehler in der Antisakkadenaufgabe auf alle Gesichtsausdrücke, was auf eine generell verminderte Fähigkeit, die reflexive Aufmerksamkeit auf soziale Stimuli willentlich zu hemmen, hinweist. Die Befunde deuten zum einen auf einen Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrung hin zu freundlichen Gesichtern bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit hin, was als Konsequenz eine Modifizierung der Hypervigilanz-Vermeidungs-Hypothese notwendig erscheinen lässt. Zum anderen zeigen die Ergebnisse der Antisakkadenaufgabe, dass soziale Ängstlichkeit möglicherweise mit einer grundsätzlich verminderten Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle auf soziale Stimuli assoziiert ist. Im dritten Experiment wurden dynamische Videos von Gesichtern eingesetzt, um die Vermeidungsreaktion auf direkten Blickkontakt bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich wurden die Herzraten- (HR) und Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktion (SCR) als Maße autonomer Aktivierung erhoben. Auch hier wurden anhand eines Screenings gebildete Gruppen untersucht. HSÄ zeigten eine verstärkte HR-Akzeleration auf direkten Blick, was als defensive Reaktion gedeutet werden kann, wie sie bei ängstlichen Probanden häufig in Reaktion auf phobie-relevante Stimuli auftritt. Direkter Blick könnte also tatsächlich ein Angst auslösender Stimulus bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit sein, allerdings resultiert dies nicht zwangsläufig in Vermeidung von Blickkontakt. Zusammen deuten die vorliegenden Studien daraufhin, dass sowohl emotionaler Ausdruck als auch Blickrichtung kritische Variable bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit sind. Weitergehende Untersuchungen sollten insbesondere die Wirkung der Interaktion dieser beiden Variablen auf die visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsausrichtung bei sozialer Ängstlichkeit untersuchen.
Why are you looking like that? How the context influences evaluation and processing of human faces
Perception and evaluation of facial expressions are known to be heavily modulated by emotional features of contextual information. Such contextual effects, however, might also be driven by non-emotional aspects of contextual information, an interaction of emotional and non-emotional factors, and by the observers’ inherent traits. Therefore, we sought to assess whether contextual information about self-reference in addition to information about valence influences the evaluation and neural processing of neutral faces. Furthermore, we investigated whether social anxiety moderates these effects. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, participants viewed neutral facial expressions preceded by a contextual sentence conveying either positive or negative evaluations about the participant or about somebody else. Contextual influences were reflected in rating and fMRI measures, with strong effects of self-reference on brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and right fusiform gyrus. Additionally, social anxiety strongly affected the response to faces conveying negative, self-related evaluations as revealed by the participants’ rating patterns and brain activity in cortical midline structures and regions of interest in the left and right middle frontal gyrus. These results suggest that face perception and processing are highly individual processes influenced by emotional and non-emotional aspects of contextual information and further modulated by individual personality traits.
Face processing can be explored using electrophysiological methods. Research with event-related potentials has demonstrated the so-called face inversion effect, in which the N170 component is enhanced in amplitude and latency to inverted, compared to upright, faces. The present study explored the extent to which repetitive lower-level visual cortical engagement, reflected in flicker steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs), shows similar amplitude enhancement to face inversion. We also asked if inversion-related ssVEP modulation would be dependent on the stimulation rate at which upright and inverted faces were flickered. To this end, multiple tagging frequencies were used (5, 10, 15, and 20 Hz) across two studies (n=21, n=18). Results showed that amplitude enhancement of the ssVEP for inverted faces was found solely at higher stimulation frequencies (15 and 20 Hz). By contrast, lower frequency ssVEPs did not show this inversion effect. These findings suggest that stimulation frequency affects the sensitivity of ssVEPs to face inversion.
In everyday life, multiple sensory channels jointly trigger emotional experiences and one channel may alter processing in another channel. For example, seeing an emotional facial expression and hearing the voice's emotional tone will jointly create the emotional experience. This example, where auditory and visual input is related to social communication, has gained considerable attention by researchers. However, interactions of visual and auditory emotional information are not limited to social communication but can extend to much broader contexts including human, animal, and environmental cues. In this article, we review current research on audiovisual emotion processing beyond face-voice stimuli to develop a broader perspective on multimodal interactions in emotion processing. We argue that current concepts of multimodality should be extended in considering an ecologically valid variety of stimuli in audiovisual emotion processing. Therefore, we provide an overview of studies in which emotional sounds and interactions with complex pictures of scenes were investigated. In addition to behavioral studies, we focus on neuroimaging, electro- and peripher-physiological findings. Furthermore, we integrate these findings and identify similarities or differences. We conclude with suggestions for future research.
Humans form impressions of others by associating persons (faces) with negative or positive social outcomes. This learning process has been referred to as social conditioning. In everyday life, affective nonverbal gestures may constitute important social signals cueing threat or safety, which therefore may support aforementioned learning processes. In conventional aversive conditioning, studies using electroencephalography to investigate visuocortical processing of visual stimuli paired with danger cues such as aversive noise have demonstrated facilitated processing and enhanced sensory gain in visual cortex. The present study aimed at extending this line of research to the field of social conditioning by pairing neutral face stimuli with affective nonverbal gestures. To this end, electro-cortical processing of faces serving as different conditioned stimuli was investigated in a differential social conditioning paradigm. Behavioral ratings and visually evoked steady-state potentials (ssVEP) were recorded in twenty healthy human participants, who underwent a differential conditioning procedure in which three neutral faces were paired with pictures of negative (raised middle finger), neutral (pointing), or positive (thumbs-up) gestures. As expected, faces associated with the aversive hand gesture (raised middle finger) elicited larger ssVEP amplitudes during conditioning. Moreover, theses faces were rated as to be more arousing and unpleasant. These results suggest that cortical engagement in response to faces aversively conditioned with nonverbal gestures is facilitated in order to establish persistent vigilance for social threat-related cues. This form of social conditioning allows to establish a predictive relationship between social stimuli and motivationally relevant outcomes.