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Document Type
- Journal article (8)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- magnetic resonance imaging (2)
- 3D printing (1)
- Applied physics (1)
- Atherosclerosis, intracranial arteries (1)
- Biomedical engineering (1)
- Imaging techniques (1)
- MPI (1)
- MPS (1)
- Magnetpartikelbildgebung (1)
- Tomografie (1)
- Physikalisches Institut (6)
- Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Neuroradiologie (ehem. Abteilung für Neuroradiologie) (3)
- Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie (Institut für Röntgendiagnostik) (2)
- Abteilung für Funktionswerkstoffe der Medizin und der Zahnheilkunde (1)
- Abteilung für Molekulare Innere Medizin (in der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik II) (1)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz (DZHI) (1)
- Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (1)
- Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie (1)
- Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (1)
- Institut für Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie (1)
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) ist eine noch sehr junge Technologie unter den nicht-invasiven tomographischen Verfahren. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung 2005 wurden einige Scannertypen und Konzepte vorgestellt, welche durch die Messung des Antwortsignals von superparamagnetischen Eisennanopartikeln (SPIOs) auf wechselnde Magnetfelder ein dreidi-mensionales Bild ihrer Verteilung berechnen können. Durch die direkte Messung des Tracers handelt es sich beim MPI um eine sehr sensitive und hochspezifische bildgebende Methode.
Zu Beginn dieser Forschungsarbeit gab es nur wenige bekannte MPI-Scanner, die jedoch alle ein nur kleines Field-of-View (FOV) vorweisen konnten. Der Grund dafür liegt in der Ver-wendung von Permanentmagneten.
Das Ziel war es nun, ein neues Konzept auszuarbeiten und einen 3D-MPI-Scanner zu entwer-fen, der in der Lage ist, ein mausgroßes Objekt zu messen.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein alternatives Scannerkonzept für die dreidimensionale Bildge-bung superparamagnetischer Eisennanopartikel vorgestellt. Der Traveling Wave MPI-Scanner (TWMPI) basiert auf einem neu entwickelten Hauptspulensystem, welches aus mehreren Elektromagneten besteht. Dadurch ist die Hardware bereits in der Lage, eine Linie entlang der Symmetrieachse über einen großen Bereich dynamisch zu kodieren. Mit Hilfe weiterer Ab-lenkspulen kann schließlich ein FOV von 65 x 25 x 25 Millimetern dreidimensional abgetastet werden. Dazu stehen mehrere Scanverfahren zur Verfügung, welche das Probenvolumen li-nienweise oder ebenenweise abtasten und mit einer Auflösung von ca. 2 Millimetern die Ver-teilung der SPIOs in wenigen Millisekunden abbilden können.
Mit diesem neuen Hardwareansatz konnte erstmals ein MPI-Scanner mit einem MR-Tomographen (MRT) kombiniert werden. Das MPI/MRT-Hybridsystem liefert tomographi-sche Bilder des Gewebes (MRT) und zeigt die Verteilung des eisenhaltigen Kontrastmittels (MPI), ohne die Probe bewegen zu müssen.
In einer in-vivo Echtzeitmessung konnte der TWMPI-Scanner mit 20 Bildern pro Se-kunde die dynamische Verteilung eines eisenhaltigen Kontrastmittels im Körper und speziell im schlagenden Herzen eines Tieres darstellen. Diese Echtzeitfähigkeit eröffnet in der kardi-ovaskuläre Bildgebung neue Möglichkeiten.
Erste Messungen mit funktionalisierten Eisenpartikeln zeigen die spezifische Bildge-bung verschiedener Zelltypen und stellen einen interessanten Aspekt für die molekulare Bild-gebung dar. Die Sensitivität des Scanners liegt dabei im Bereich von wenigen Mikrogramm Eisen pro Milliliter, was für den Nachweis von wenigen 10.000 mit Eisen markierten Zellen ausreicht.
Neben Messungen an diversen Ferrofluiden und eisenhaltigen Kontrastmitteln konnte der Einfluss von massiven Materialen, wie Eisenstückchen oder Eisenspänen, auf die rekon-struierten Bilder untersucht werden.
Erste Messungen an Gestein zeigen die Verteilung von Eiseneinschlüssen und bieten die Möglichkeit einer weiteren zerstörungsfreien Untersuchungsmethode für Materialwissen-schaftler und Geologen. Weiterführende Testmessungen mit einer unabhängigen μMPI-Anlage zeigen erste Ergebnisse mit Auflösungen im Mikrometerbereich und liefern Erkennt-nisse für den Umgang und Messung mit starken Gradientenfeldern.
Eine Modifizierung der Messanlage erlaubt es, in gerade einmal 500 μs ein komplettes Bild aufzunehmen, womit die Bewegung eines Ferrofluidtropfens in Wasser sichtbar gemacht werden konnte. Damit ist diese TWMPI-Anlage das schnellste MPI-System und eröffnet die Möglichkeit grundlegende Erfahrungen in der Partikeldynamik zu erlangen.
Der vorgestellte Traveling Wave MPI-Scanner ist ein alternativer Scannertyp, welcher sich von anderen MPI-Scannern abhebt. Mit neuen Ansätzen ist in der Lage ein mausgroßes Objekt auf dynamische Weise sehr schnell abzutasten. Dabei konnten in verschiedenen Mes-sungen die Funktionalität und Leistungsfähigkeit des TWMPI-Konzeptes demonstriert wer-den, welche die gesteckten Ziele deutlich übertreffen.
Vessel wall enhancement (VWE) may be commonly seen on MRI images of asymptomatic subjects. This study aimed to characterize the VWE of the proximal internal carotid (ICA) and vertebral arteries (VA) in a non-vasculitic elderly patient cohort.
Cranial MRI scans at 3 Tesla were performed in 43 patients (aged ≥ 50 years) with known malignancy for exclusion of cerebral metastases. For vessel wall imaging (VWI), a high-resolution compressed-sensing black-blood 3D T1-weighted fast (turbo) spin echo sequence (T1 CS-SPACE prototype) was applied post gadolinium with an isotropic resolution of 0.55 mm. Bilateral proximal intradural ICA and VA segments were evaluated for presence, morphology, and longitudinal extension of VWE.
Concentric VWE of the proximal intradural ICA was found in 13 (30%) patients, and of the proximal intradural VA in 39 (91%) patients. Mean longitudinal extension of VWE after dural entry was 13 mm in the VA and 2 mm in the ICA. In 14 of 39 patients (36%) with proximal intradural VWE, morphology of VWE was suggestive of the mere presence of vasa vasorum. In 25 patients (64 %), morphology indicated atherosclerotic lesions in addition to vasa vasorum.
Vasa vasorum may account for concentric VWE within the proximal 2 mm of the ICA and 13 mm of the VA after dural entry in elderly subjects. Concentric VWE in these locations should not be confused with large artery vasculitis. Distal to these segments, VWE may be more likely related to pathologic conditions such as vasculitis.
Magnetic particle imaging is an emerging tomographic method used for evaluation of the spatial distribution of iron‐oxide nanoparticles. In this work, the effect of the polymer coating on the response of particles was studied. Particles with covalently crosslinked coating showed improved signal and image resolution.
Since the addition of fluoride to drinking water in the 1940s, there have been frequent and sometimes heated discussions regarding its benefits and risks. In a recently published review, we addressed the question if current exposure levels in Europe represent a risk to human health. This review was discussed in an editorial asking why we did not calculate benchmark doses (BMD) of fluoride neurotoxicity for humans. Here, we address the question, why it is problematic to calculate BMDs based on the currently available data. Briefly, the conclusions of the available studies are not homogeneous, reporting negative as well as positive results; moreover, the positive studies lack control of confounding factors such as the influence of well-known neurotoxicants. We also discuss the limitations of several further epidemiological studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria of our review. Finally, it is important to not only focus on epidemiological studies. Rather, risk analysis should consider all available data, including epidemiological, animal, as well as in vitro studies. Despite remaining uncertainties, the totality of evidence does not support the notion that fluoride should be considered a human developmental neurotoxicant at current exposure levels in European countries.
Physical and mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic is typically assessed via surveys, which might make it difficult to conduct longitudinal studies and might lead to data suffering from recall bias. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) driven smartphone apps can help alleviate such issues, allowing for in situ recordings. Implementing such an app is not trivial, necessitates strict regulatory and legal requirements, and requires short development cycles to appropriately react to abrupt changes in the pandemic. Based on an existing app framework, we developed Corona Health, an app that serves as a platform for deploying questionnaire-based studies in combination with recordings of mobile sensors. In this paper, we present the technical details of Corona Health and provide first insights into the collected data. Through collaborative efforts from experts from public health, medicine, psychology, and computer science, we released Corona Health publicly on Google Play and the Apple App Store (in July 2020) in eight languages and attracted 7290 installations so far. Currently, five studies related to physical and mental well-being are deployed and 17,241 questionnaires have been filled out. Corona Health proves to be a viable tool for conducting research related to the COVID-19 pandemic and can serve as a blueprint for future EMA-based studies. The data we collected will substantially improve our knowledge on mental and physical health states, traits and trajectories as well as its risk and protective factors over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and its diverse prevention measures.
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been adapted for many applications, e.g., bioassays for the detection of biomarkers such as antibodies, by controlled engineering of specific surface properties. Specific measurement of such binding states is of high interest but currently limited to highly sensitive techniques such as ELISA or flow cytometry, which are relatively inflexible, difficult to handle, expensive and time-consuming. Here we report a method named COMPASS (Critical-Offset-Magnetic-Particle-SpectroScopy), which is based on a critical offset magnetic field, enabling sensitive detection to minimal changes in mobility of MNP ensembles, e.g., resulting from SARS-CoV-2 antibodies binding to the S antigen on the surface of functionalized MNPs. With a sensitivity of 0.33 fmole/50 µl (≙7 pM) for SARS-CoV-2-S1 antibodies, measured with a low-cost portable COMPASS device, the proposed technique is competitive with respect to sensitivity while providing flexibility, robustness, and a measurement time of seconds per sample. In addition, initial results with blood serum demonstrate high specificity.
To investigate the effects of B\(_1\)-shimming and radiofrequency (RF) parallel transmission (pTX) on the visualization and quantification of the degree of stenosis in a coronary artery phantom using 7 Tesla (7 T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Stenosis phantoms with different grades of stenosis (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%; 5 mm inner vessel diameter) were produced using 3D printing (clear resin). Phantoms were imaged with four different concentrations of diluted Gd-DOTA representing established arterial concentrations after intravenous injection in humans. Samples were centrally positioned in a thorax phantom of 30 cm diameter filled with a custom-made liquid featuring dielectric properties of muscle tissue. MRI was performed on a 7 T whole-body system. 2D-gradient-echo sequences were acquired with an 8-channel transmit 16-channel receive (8 Tx / 16 Rx) cardiac array prototype coil with and without pTX mode. Measurements were compared to those obtained with identical scan parameters using a commercially available 1 Tx / 16 Rx single transmit coil (sTX). To assess reproducibility, measurements (n = 15) were repeated at different horizontal angles with respect to the B0-field.
B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX markedly improved flip angle homogeneity across the thorax phantom yielding a distinctly increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) averaged over a whole slice relative to non-manipulated RF fields. Images without B\(_1\)-shimming showed shading artifacts due to local B\(_1\)\(^+\)-field inhomogeneities, which hampered stenosis quantification in severe cases. In contrast, B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX provided superior image homogeneity. Compared with a conventional sTX coil higher grade stenoses (60% and 80%) were graded significantly (p<0.01) more precise. Mild to moderate grade stenoses did not show significant differences. Overall, SNR was distinctly higher with B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX than with the conventional sTX coil (inside the stenosis phantoms 14%, outside the phantoms 32%). Both full and half concentration (10.2 mM and 5.1 mM) of a conventional Gd-DOTA dose for humans were equally suitable for stenosis evaluation in this phantom study.
B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX at 7 T can distinctly improve image homogeneity and therefore provide considerably more accurate MR image analysis, which is beneficial for imaging of small vessel structures.
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a promising new tomographic modality for fast as well as three-dimensional visualization of magnetic material. For anatomical or structural information an additional imaging modality such as computed tomography (CT) is required. In this paper, the first hybrid MPI-CT scanner for multimodal imaging providing simultaneous data acquisition is presented.
Background: Scientific guidelines have been developed to update and harmonize exercise based cardiac rehabilitation (ebCR) in German speaking countries. Key recommendations for ebCR indications have recently been published in part 1 of this journal. The present part 2 updates the evidence with respect to contents and delivery of ebCR in clinical practice, focusing on exercise training (ET), psychological interventions (PI), patient education (PE). In addition, special patients' groups and new developments, such as telemedical (Tele) or home-based ebCR, are discussed as well. Methods: Generation of evidence and search of literature have been described in part 1. Results: Well documented evidence confirms the prognostic significance of ET in patients with coronary artery disease. Positive clinical effects of ET are described in patients with congestive heart failure, heart valve surgery or intervention, adults with congenital heart disease, and peripheral arterial disease. Specific recommendations for risk stratification and adequate exercise prescription for continuous-, interval-, and strength training are given in detail. PI when added to ebCR did not show significant positive effects in general. There was a positive trend towards reduction in depressive symptoms for “distress management” and “lifestyle changes”. PE is able to increase patients’ knowledge and motivation, as well as behavior changes, regarding physical activity, dietary habits, and smoking cessation. The evidence for distinct ebCR programs in special patients’ groups is less clear. Studies on Tele-CR predominantly included low-risk patients. Hence, it is questionable, whether clinical results derived from studies in conventional ebCR may be transferred to Tele-CR. Conclusions: ET is the cornerstone of ebCR. Additional PI should be included, adjusted to the needs of the individual patient. PE is able to promote patients self-management, empowerment, and motivation. Diversity-sensitive structures should be established to interact with the needs of special patient groups and gender issues. Tele-CR should be further investigated as a valuable tool to implement ebCR more widely and effectively.