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- Journal article (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- English (2)
- Animal behavior (1)
- Fear (1)
- Heart rate (1)
- Instructors (1)
- Mental health therapies (1)
- Pilot studies (1)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (1)
- Psychometrics (1)
- Selbst (1)
- Selbstaktivierung (1)
The aim of the current work was to enhance the understanding of the relationship between goals and the self. More specifically, I wanted to achieve three things. First, I developed an implicit measure of self-activation (SA) based on response latencies to avoid the problems of traditional measures of self-activation (i.e., demand effects, self-presentation concerns). Therefore, two studies were conducted in which increased self-activation, induced by classic self-manipulations, was measured with a newly developed picture task. Thereby it was assumed that individuals would react faster to photographs of themselves when the self was activated than when it was not. Second, I aimed to demonstrate that there exists a close connection between personal goals and the self. Despite being inherent in several theories, this assumption has never been tested directly before. It was hypothesized that thinking about personal goals should activate the self, resulting in faster reactions in the newly developed measure of SA, i.e., quicker responses to the self-pictures. Third, it was investigated whether goals and the self are linked in a bidirectional fashion; according to the reported findings, it seems to be functional for individuals’ self-regulation and goal pursuit to develop such a link. To provide evidence for the bidirectionality of the relationship, it was hypothesized that in conditions of high SA, it should be more likely personal evaluations to be construed as goals; this goal activation should result in higher accessibility of goal-related knowledge, stronger approach motivational tendencies towards goal-related targets, and more goal-directed behavior. The obtained results endorse the applicability of the picture task as implicit method to measure increased SA and also corroborate the core hypothesis, namely that personal goals and the self are inherently connected and that they are linked in a bidirectional fashion.
Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is a promising treatment for patients with fear of driving. The present pilot study is the first one focusing on behavioral effects of VRET on patients with fear of driving as measured by a post-treatment driving test in real traffic.
The therapy followed a standardized manual including psychotherapeutic and medical examination, two preparative psychotherapy sessions, five virtual reality exposure sessions, a final behavioral avoidance test (BAT) in real traffic, a closing session, and two follow-up phone assessments after six and twelve weeks. VRE was conducted in a driving simulator with a fully equipped mockup. The exposure scenarios were individually tailored to the patients’ anxiety hierarchy. A total of 14 patients were treated. Parameters on the verbal, behavioral and physiological level were assessed.
The treatment was helpful to overcome driving fear and avoidance. In the final BAT, all patients mastered driving tasks they had avoided before, 71% showed an adequate driving behavior as assessed by the driving instructor, and 93% could maintain their treatment success until the second follow-up phone call. Further analyses suggest that treatment reduces avoidance behavior as well as symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder as measured by standardized questionnaires (Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire: p < .10, PTSD Symptom Scale–Self Report: p < .05).
VRET in driving simulation is very promising to treat driving fear. Further research with randomized controlled trials is needed to verify efficacy. Moreover, simulators with lower configuration stages should be tested for a broad availability in psychotherapy.