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1 We have compared the binding properties of several hexocyclium and sila-hexocyclium derivatives to muscarinic Ml receptors (in rat brain, human neuroblastoma (NB-OK I) cells and calf superior cervical ganglia), rat heart M2 receptors, rat pancreas M3 receptors and M4 receptors in rat striatum, with their functional antimuscarinic properties in rabbit vas deferens (Ml/M4-like), guinea-pig atria (M2), and guinea-pig ileum (M3) muscarinic receptors.
2 Si la-substitution (C/Si exchange) of hexocyclium (~ sila-hexocyclium) and demethyl-hexocyclium (~demethyl-sila-hexocyclium) did not significantly affect their affinities for muscarinic receptors. By contrast, sila-substitution of demethoxy-hexocyclium increased its affinity 2 to 3 fold for all the muscarinic receptor subtypes studied.
3 The p-fluoro- and p-chloro-derivatives of sila-hexocyclium had lower affinities than the parent
compound at the four receptor subtypes, in binding and pharmacological studies.
4 In binding studies, o-methoxy-sila-hexocyclium (Ml = M4 ~ M3 ~ M2) had a much lower affinity than sila-hexocyclium for the four receptor subtypes, and discriminated the receptor subtypes more poorly than sila-hexocyclium (Ml = M3> M4> M2)' This is in marked contrast with the very clear selectivity of demethoxy-sila-hexocyclium for the prejunctional MtlM4-like heteroreceptors in rabbit vas deferens.
5 The tertiary amines demethyl-hexocyclium, demethyl-sila-hexocyclium and demethyl-o-methoxy-silahexocyclium had 10 to 30 fold lower affinities than the corresponding quaternary ammonium derivatives.
Five subtypes of muscarinic receptors have been distinguished by pharmacological and molecular biological methods. This report characterizes the muscarinic subtype present in human gastric mucosa by radioligand binding studies. The receptor density was 27 ± 6 fmol/mg protein and the tritiated ligand N-methylscopolamine had an affinity of (Kn) 0.39 ± 0.08 nM (n = 11). The M1 receptor selective antagonist pirenzepine and the M2 receptor selective ligand AF-DX 116 had low affinities of 148 ± 32 nM (n = 13) and 4043 ± 1011 nM (n = 3) K n , respectively. The glandular M3 antagonists hexahydrosiladifenidol and silahexocyclium had high affinities ofKn 78 ± 23 nM (n = 5) and 5.6 ± 1.8 nM (n = 3). The agonist carbachol interacted with a single low-affinity site and binding was insensitive to modulation by guanine nucleotides. Antagonist and agonist binding studies thus showed an affinity profile typical of M3 receptors of the glandular type.
In the course of systematic studies on sila-substituted drugs the nifedipine-like 1.4-dihydropyridine derivatives 4a, 4b and 4c were prepared and investigated with respect to sila-substitution effects. By X-ray diffraction analyses 4a, 4b and 4c were found to be isostructural. The C/Si-analogues exhibit similar spasmolytic activities (in vitro, guinea pig ileum), comparable with that of nifedipine. However, the compounds differ substantially in their in vivo activity, as measured by the antihypertensive effect on the renal-hypertensive rat. The experimental results are discussed with respect to the carbon/silicon exchange.
Sila-Pridinol (2 b), ein Sila-Analogon des Anticholinergicums Pridinol (2a), wurde auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen dargestellt. Die Kristall- und Molekülstrukturen von 2 a und 2 b wurden röntgenstrukturanalytisch bestimmt. 2a bildet im festen Zustand intramolekulare Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen aus, während sich in kristallinem 2 b zentrosymmetrische, durch intermolekulare H-Brückenbindungen verknüpfte cyclische Dimere finden. IR- und \8^1\)H-NMR-spektroskopische sowie kryoskopische Untersuchungen ergaben Informationen über die Strukturen von 2a und 2 b in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln. - Die pharmakologischen und toxikologischen Eigen" schaften von 2a und 2b wurden unter dem Gesichtspunkt bekannter Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen vergleichend untersucht. 2 b erwies sich als ein etwa fünfmal so starkes Anticholincrgicum wie 2a.
Sila-Tiemoniumiodid (16b), ein Sila-Analogon des Anticholinergicums Tiemoniumiodid (16a), und das Sila-Analogon 14b der entsprechenden Tiemonium-Base 14a wurden erstmalig synthetisiert.14b und 16b sowie die Vorstufen 10-13 und 15 wurden in ihren physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften charakterisiert und in ihrer Struktur durch Elementaranalysen sowie \(^1\)H-NMR- und Massenspektren sichergestellt. Die spasmolytischen Eigenschaften der Paare 14a/14b und 16a/16b wurden am isolierten Meerschweinchendarm vergleichend untersucht.
A method was developed to detennine the affinities of antimuscarinic drugs at M\(_1\) receptors. [\(^3\)H](±)-Telenzepine served as radioligand in crude preparations of calf superior cervical ganglia and showed high affinity for a single receptor population. consisting of M1 receptors (K\(_D\) = 1.12 nM). Kinetic experiments showed monophasic association (k\(_1\) =0.017 min\(^{-1}\) nM\(^{-1}\) ) and dissociation (k\(_1\) = 0.017 min\(^{-1}\) ) kinetics, the half-life of dissociation being 41 min at 37°C. The kinetie K\(_D\) value amounted to 1.00 nM. M\(_1\) affinities for pirenzepine, methoctramine. hexahydro-sila-difenidol and p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol detennined in competition experiments were similar to those found in functional studies with MI receptors in rabbit isolated vas deferens. The binding assay was used to deterriline the affinities of the (R) and (S) enantiomers of tertiary (trihexyphenidyl, hexahydro-difenidol. hexbutinol, p-fluoro-hexbutinol) and quatemary musearlnie antagonists (trihexyphenidyl methiodide. hexbutinol methiodide). Comparison of results obtained with the rabbit vas deferens suggested that the ionic environment may influence the affinities.
Sila-Procyclidin (1 b) sowie dessen Derivate 2b (Sila-Tribexyphenidyl), 3b und 4b (Sila-Cycrimin) wurden - ausgehend von Cl\(_3\)SiCH\(_2\)Cl - durch eine neue, sechsstufige Synthese mit einer Gesamtausbeute von 16 (lb), t9 (2b), 8 (3b) bzw. 7% (4b) dar· gestellt. - Vergleichende in-vivo-Untcrsuchungen (Maus, per-osApplikation) hinsichtlich der peripheren und zentralen auticholincrgen Wirkung haben gezeigt, daß die Silicium-Verbindung 1 b dem Kohlenstoff-Analogon Ia (Procyclidin) überlegen ist.
In an attempt to assess the structural requirements of hexahydro-sila-difenidol for potency and selectivity, a series of analogues modified in the amino group and the phenyl ring were investigated for their affinity to muscarinic M1- (rabbit vas deferens), Mr (guinea-pig atria) and Mr (guinea-pig ileum) receptors. All compounds were competitive antagonists in the three tissues. Their affinities to the three muscarinic receptor subtypes differed by more than two orders of magnitude and the observed receptor selectivities were not associated with high affinity. The pyrrolidino and hexamethyleneimino analogues, compounds substituted in the phenylring with a methoxy group or a chlorine atom as weil as p-fluoro-hexahydro-difenidol displayed the same affinity profile as the parent compound, hexahydro-sila-difenidol: M1 = M3 > M2 • A different selectivity patternwas observed for p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol: M3 > M1 > M2 • This compound exhibited its highest affinity for M3-receptors in guinea-pig ileum (pA 2 = 7.84), intermediate affinity for M1-receptors in rabbit vas deferens (pA 2 = 6.68) and lowest affinity for the Mrreceptors in guinea-pig atria (pA 2 = 6.01). This receptor selectivity profile of p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol was confirmed in ganglia (M1), atria (M2 ) and ileum (M 3 ) of the rat. Furthermore, dose ratios obtained with either pirenzepine (Mt) or hexahydrosila- difenidol (M2 and M3) and the p-fluoro analogue used in combination suggested that the antagonism was additive, implying mutual competition with a single population of muscarinic receptor subtypes. These results indicate that p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol represents a valuable tool for characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes.
Five different musearlnie receptor subtypes ean be distinguished by the differenees in their amino aeid sequence, the eoupled signal transduetion system, pharmaeologieal binding properties and aetivation of ionie fluxes. The present study served to eharaeterize the binding profile of musearlnie receptors in human eolon eareinoma eells (HT-29) using seleetive musearlnie antagonists. The affinities of the compounds were eompared with their poteney to inhibit cholinergieally-aetivated phosphoinositide metabolism. Pirenzepine displaced [\(^3\)H]N-methyl-scopolamine binding and inhibited inositolphosphate (IP) release with potencies typieal of those of non-M\(_1\) receptors. The M\(_3\) subtype-selective antagonists sila-hexocyelium and hexahydro-sila-difenidol bad high affinity to the musearlnie reeeptors in HT-29 cells (K0 = 3.1 nM and 27 nM, respectively) and inhibited IP release at nanomolar concentrations. The M\(_2\) receptor antagonists, AF-DX 116 and methoctramine, had low antimusearinic poteneies. Our results demonstrate that HT-29 human colon earcinoma cells contain an apparently pure population of M\(_3\) receptors. These cells could serve as a model system for further investigations coneerning regulatory and signal transduction mechanisms associated with glandular muscarinic M\(_3\) receptors.