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- Journal article (7)
- English (7)
- super-resolution microscopy (2)
- BDNF stimulation (1)
- Bruchpilot (1)
- GABA-A receptor (1)
- Neisseria meningitidis (1)
- RIM-binding protein (1)
- active zone (1)
- bioinformatics (1)
- cancer imaging (1)
- cancer immunotherapy (1)
- Theodor-Boveri-Institut für Biowissenschaften (6)
- Institut für Klinische Neurobiologie (2)
- Physiologisches Institut (2)
- Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (1)
- Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (1)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall-, Hand-, Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie (Chirurgische Klinik II) (1)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II (1)
- Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik (1)
- Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum (1)
The cardiac hormones atrial (ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP) moderate arterial blood pressure and improve energy metabolism as well as insulin sensitivity via their shared cGMP-producing guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) receptor. Obesity is associated with impaired NP/GC-A/cGMP signaling, which possibly contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes and its cardiometabolic complications. In vitro, synthetic ANP, via GC-A, stimulates glucose-dependent insulin release from cultured pancreatic islets and β-cell proliferation. However, the relevance for systemic glucose homeostasis in vivo is not known. To dissect whether the endogenous cardiac hormones modulate the secretory function and/or proliferation of β-cells under (patho)physiological conditions in vivo, here we generated a novel genetic mouse model with selective disruption of the GC-A receptor in β-cells.
Mice with a floxed GC-A gene were bred to Rip-CreTG mice, thereby deleting GC-A selectively in β-cells (β GC-A KO). Weight gain, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion were monitored in normal diet (ND)- and high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice. β-cell size and number were measured by immunofluorescence-based islet morphometry.
In vitro, the insulinotropic and proliferative actions of ANP were abolished in islets isolated from β GC-A KO mice. Concordantly, in vivo, infusion of BNP mildly enhanced baseline plasma insulin levels and glucose-induced insulin secretion in control mice. This effect of exogenous BNP was abolished in β GC-A KO mice, corroborating the efficient inactivation of the GC-A receptor in β-cells. Despite this under physiological, ND conditions, fasted and fed insulin levels, glucose-induced insulin secretion, glucose tolerance and β-cell morphology were similar in β GC-A KO mice and control littermates. However, HFD-fed β GC-A KO animals had accelerated glucose intolerance and diminished adaptative β-cell proliferation.
Our studies of β GC-A KO mice demonstrate that the cardiac hormones ANP and BNP do not modulate β-cell's growth and secretory functions under physiological, normal dietary conditions. However, endogenous NP/GC-A signaling improves the initial adaptative response of β-cells to HFD-induced obesity. Impaired β-cell NP/GC-A signaling in obese individuals might contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Background: Axonal degeneration and defects in neuromuscular neurotransmission represent a pathological hallmark
in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and other forms of motoneuron disease. These pathological changes do not
only base on altered axonal and presynaptic architecture, but also on alterations in dynamic movements of organelles
and subcellular structures that are not necessarily reflected by static histopathological changes. The dynamic interplay
between the axonal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and ribosomes is essential for stimulus-induced local translation
in motor axons and presynaptic terminals. However, it remains enigmatic whether the ER and ribosome crosstalk is
impaired in the presynaptic compartment of motoneurons with Smn (survival of motor neuron) deficiency that could
contribute to axonopathy and presynaptic dysfunction in SMA.
Methods: Using super-resolution microscopy, proximity ligation assay (PLA) and live imaging of cultured motoneurons
from a mouse model of SMA, we investigated the dynamics of the axonal ER and ribosome distribution and
Results: We observed that the dynamic remodeling of ER was impaired in axon terminals of Smn-deficient motoneurons.
In addition, in axon terminals of Smn-deficient motoneurons, ribosomes failed to respond to the brain-derived
neurotrophic factor stimulation, and did not undergo rapid association with the axonal ER in response to extracellular
Conclusions: These findings implicate impaired dynamic interplay between the ribosomes and ER in axon terminals
of motoneurons as a contributor to the pathophysiology of SMA and possibly also other motoneuron diseases.
Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for epidemic meningitis and sepsis worldwide. A critical step in the development of meningitis is the interaction of bacteria with cells forming the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, which requires tight adhesion of the pathogen to highly specialized brain endothelial cells. Two endothelial receptors, CD147 and the β2-adrenergic receptor, have been found to be sequentially recruited by meningococci involving the interaction with type IV pilus. Despite the identification of cellular key players in bacterial adhesion the detailed mechanism of invasion is still poorly understood. Here, we investigated cellular dynamics and mobility of the type IV pilus receptor CD147 upon treatment with pili enriched fractions and specific antibodies directed against two extracellular Ig-like domains in living human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Modulation of CD147 mobility after ligand binding revealed by single-molecule tracking experiments demonstrates receptor activation and indicates plasma membrane rearrangements. Exploiting the binding of Shiga (STxB) and Cholera toxin B (CTxB) subunits to the two native plasma membrane sphingolipids globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and raft-associated monosialotetrahexosylganglioside GM1, respectively, we investigated their involvement in bacterial invasion by super-resolution microscopy. Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) unraveled accumulation and coating of meningococci with GM1 upon cellular uptake. Blocking of CTxB binding sites did not impair bacterial adhesion but dramatically reduced bacterial invasion efficiency. In addition, cell cycle arrest in G1 phase induced by serum starvation led to an overall increase of GM1 molecules in the plasma membrane and consequently also in bacterial invasion efficiency. Our results will help to understand downstream signaling events after initial type IV pilus-host cell interactions and thus have general impact on the development of new therapeutics targeting key molecules involved in infection.
Neurotransmitter release is stabilized by homeostatic plasticity. Presynaptic homeostatic potentiation (PHP) operates on timescales ranging from minute- to life-long adaptations and likely involves reorganization of presynaptic active zones (AZs). At Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junctions, earlier work ascribed AZ enlargement by incorporating more Bruchpilot (Brp) scaffold protein a role in PHP. We use localization microscopy (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy [dSTORM]) and hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (HDBSCAN) to study AZ plasticity during PHP at the synaptic mesoscale. We find compaction of individual AZs in acute philanthotoxin-induced and chronic genetically induced PHP but unchanged copy numbers of AZ proteins. Compaction even occurs at the level of Brp subclusters, which move toward AZ centers, and in Rab3 interacting molecule (RIM)-binding protein (RBP) subclusters. Furthermore, correlative confocal and dSTORM imaging reveals how AZ compaction in PHP translates into apparent increases in AZ area and Brp protein content, as implied earlier.
Fluorescence labeling of difficult to access protein sites, e.g., in confined compartments, requires small fluorescent labels that can be covalently tethered at well-defined positions with high efficiency. Here, we report site-specific labeling of the extracellular domain of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptor subunits by genetic code expansion (GCE) with unnatural amino acids (ncAA) combined with bioorthogonal click-chemistry labeling with tetrazine dyes in HEK-293-T cells and primary cultured neurons. After optimization of GABA-A receptor expression and labeling efficiency, most effective variants were selected for super-resolution microscopy and functionality testing by whole-cell patch clamp. Our results show that GCE with ncAA and bioorthogonal click labeling with small tetrazine dyes represents a versatile method for highly efficient site-specific fluorescence labeling of proteins in a crowded environment, e.g., extracellular protein domains in confined compartments such as the synaptic cleft.
Immunotherapy with chimeric antigen receptor-engineered T-cells (CAR-T) is under investigation in multiple myeloma. There are reports of myeloma remission after CD19 CAR-T therapy, although CD19 is hardly detectable on myeloma cells by flow cytometry (FC). We apply single molecule-sensitive direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), and demonstrate CD19 expression on a fraction of myeloma cells (10.3–80%) in 10 out of 14 patients (density: 13–5,000 molecules per cell). In contrast, FC detects CD19 in only 2 of these 10 patients, on a smaller fraction of cells. Treatment with CD19 CAR-T in vitro results in elimination of CD19-positive myeloma cells, including those with <100 CD19 molecules per cell. Similar data are obtained by dSTORM analyses of CD20 expression on myeloma cells and CD20 CAR-T. These data establish a sensitivity threshold for CAR-T and illustrate how super-resolution microscopy can guide patient selection in immunotherapy to exploit ultra-low density antigens.
HyphaTracker: An ImageJ toolbox for time-resolved analysis of spore germination in filamentous fungi
The dynamics of early fungal development and its interference with physiological signals and environmental factors is yet poorly understood. Especially computational analysis tools for the evaluation of the process of early spore germination and germ tube formation are still lacking. For the time-resolved analysis of conidia germination of the filamentous ascomycete Fusarium fujikuroi we developed a straightforward toolbox implemented in ImageJ. It allows for processing of microscopic acquisitions (movies) of conidial germination starting with drift correction and data reduction prior to germling analysis. From the image time series germling related region of interests (ROIs) are extracted, which are analysed for their area, circularity, and timing. ROIs originating from germlings crossing other hyphae or the image boundaries are omitted during analysis. Each conidium/hypha is identified and related to its origin, thus allowing subsequent categorization. The efficiency of HyphaTracker was proofed and the accuracy was tested on simulated germlings at different signal-to-noise ratios. Bright-field microscopic images of conidial germination of rhodopsin-deficient F. fujikuroi mutants and their respective control strains were analysed with HyphaTracker. Consistent with our observation in earlier studies the CarO deficient mutant germinated earlier and grew faster than other, CarO expressing strains.