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- 2023 (4)
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- Journal article (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Bilharziose (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- COVID-19 pandemic (1)
- Germany (1)
- Knowledge attitudes practices survey (1)
- Präventionsmotivation (1)
- Schistosomiasis (1)
- South America (1)
- Tansania (1)
- Wissensstand (1)
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen
Die Schistosomiasisprävalenz und Krankheitslast in der Region Mwanza ist trotz staatlicher Maßnahmen anhaltend hoch. Zur Vorbereitung einer integralen Eliminationsstudie auf der Insel Ijinga sollte erfasst werden, ob die Bevölkerung über relevante Kenntnisse und Motivation verfügt, um sich an nachhaltiger Schistosomiasiskontrolle zu beteiligen. Zudem sollten lokal priorisierte Maßnahmen, sowie hemmende und unterstützende Faktoren identifiziert werden, um geplante Maßnahmen bestmöglich an die lokalen Begebenheiten anzupassen.
Von Februar bis März 2016 wurde eine quantitative Befragung von 356 Schulkindern, sowie 393 Erwachsenen durchgeführt. Anhand logistischer Regression wurden Faktoren ermittelt die mit einem relevanten Kenntnisstand assoziiert sind. Unter Schulkindern wurden des Weiteren Faktoren bestimmt, die mit einer hohen Motivation an Therapiekampagnen teilzunehmen, einhergehen.
Nur ein geringer Teil der Bevölkerung (17% der Kinder und 48% der Erwachsenen) verfügte über ein Mindestmaß an relevantem Wissen, um sich an nachhaltiger Schistosomiasiskontrolle zu beteiligen. Assoziierte Faktoren waren bei den Kindern die Informationsquelle Schule, der Besuch der 6. und 7. Klassen und eine zurückliegende Diagnose. Bei Erwachsenen bestand ein Zusammenhang zu verschiedenen Informationsquellen (Schule, Gesundheitswesen, lokale Medien), zum Alter, Bildungsstand und zur Präsenz von Symptomen. Nur 40% der Kinder hatten eine hohe Motivation an Therapiekampagnen teilzunehmen. Assoziierte Faktoren waren die wahrgenommene eigene Vulnerabilität und Schwere der Erkrankung, eine zurückliegende Diagnose, sowie eine erwartete Heilung durch Praziquantel.
Die aktuelle Wissensvermittlung in der 6. und 7. Schulklasse erfolgt zu spät und zu punktuell, um über einen theoretischen Kenntnisstand hinaus zur Verhaltensänderung zu führen. Eine systematische Aufnahme von Schistosomiasis in verschiedene Sektoren könnte das Bewusstsein in der Bevölkerung stärken. Zur nachhaltigen Einbindung der Bevölkerung ist ein partizipativer Ansatz, priorisierte WASH Interventionen und eine Stärkung des dezentralen Gesundheitssystems zur frühen Fallfindung und Therapie sinnvoll.
Research on the needs of people with disability is scarce, which promotes inadequate programs. Community Based Inclusive Development interventions aim to promote rights but demand a high level of community participation. This study aimed to identify prioritized needs as well as lessons learned for successful project implementation in different Latin American communities.
This study was based on a Community Based Inclusive Development project conducted from 2018 to 2021 led by a Columbian team in Columbia, Brazil and Bolivia. Within a sequential mixed methods design, we first retrospectively analyzed the project baseline data and then conducted Focus Group Discussions, together with ratings of community participation levels. Quantitative descriptive and between group analysis of the baseline survey were used to identify and compare sociodemographic characteristics and prioritized needs of participating communities. We conducted qualitative thematic analysis on Focus Group Discussions, using deductive main categories for triangulation: 1) prioritized needs and 2) lessons learned, with subcategories project impact, facilitators, barriers and community participation. Community participation was assessed via spidergrams. Key findings were compared with triangulation protocols.
A total of 348 people with disability from 6 urban settings participated in the baseline survey, with a mean age of 37.6 years (SD 23.8). Out of these, 18 participated within the four Focus Group Discussions. Less than half of the survey participants were able to read and calculate (42.0%) and reported knowledge on health care routes (46.0%). Unemployment (87.9%) and inadequate housing (57.8%) were other prioritized needs across countries. Focus Group Discussions revealed needs within health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment domains.
Participants highlighted positive project impact in work inclusion, self-esteem and ability for self-advocacy. Facilitators included individual leadership, community networks and previous reputation of participating organizations. Barriers against successful project implementation were inadequate contextualization, lack of resources and on-site support, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall level of community participation was high (mean score 4.0/5) with lower levels in Brazil (3.8/5) and Bolivia (3.2/5).
People with disability still face significant needs. Community Based Inclusive Development can initiate positive changes, but adequate contextualization and on-site support should be assured.
Aim: The climate and ecological crises are considered fundamental threats to human health. Healthcare workers in general and doctors in particular can contribute as change agents in mitigation and adaptation. Planetary health education (PHE) aims to harness this potential. This study explores perspectives among stakeholders involved in PHE at German medical schools on the characteristics of high-quality PHE and compares them to existing PHE frameworks.
Methods: In 2021, we conducted a qualitative interview study with stakeholders from German medical schools involved in PHE. Three different groups were eligible: faculty members, medical students actively involved in PHE, and study deans of medical schools. Recruitment was performed through national PHE networks and snowball sampling. Thematic qualitative text analysis according to Kuckartz was used for the analysis. Results were systematically compared to three existing PHE frameworks.
Results: A total of 20 participants (13 female) from 15 different medical schools were interviewed. Participants covered a wide range of professional backgrounds and experience in PHE education. The analysis revealed ten key themes: (1) Complexity and systems thinking, (2) inter- and transdisciplinarity, (3) ethical dimension, (4) responsibility of health professionals, (5) transformative competencies including practical skills, (6) space for reflection and resilience building, (7) special role of students, (8) need for curricular integration, (9) innovative and proven didactic methods, and (10) education as a driver of innovation. Six of our themes showed substantial overlap with existing PHE frameworks. Two of our themes were only mentioned in one of the frameworks, and two others were not explicitly mentioned. Few important elements of the frameworks did not emerge from our data.
Conclusions: In the light of increased attention regarding the connections of the climate and ecological crises and health, our results can be useful for anyone working toward the integration of planetary health into medical schools' and any health professions' curricula and should be considered when designing and implementing new educational activities.
Stress experiences of healthcare assistants in family practice at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
Background: At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, healthcare assistants in general practices were confronted with numerous new challenges. The aim of the study was to investigate the stress factors of healthcare assistants in March/April 2020 as well as in the further course of the pandemic in 2020.
Methods: From August to December 2020, 6,300 randomly selected healthcare assistants in four German states were invited to participate in the study. We performed a mixed methods design using semi-structured telephone interviews and a cross-sectional survey with quantitative and open questions. The feeling of psychological burden was assessed on a 6-point likert-scale. We defined stress factors and categorized them in patient, non-patient and organizational stress factors. The results of the three data sets were compared within a triangulation protocol.
Results: One thousand two hundred seventy-four surveys were analyzed and 28 interviews with 34 healthcare assistants were conducted. Of the participants, 29.5% reported experiences of a very high or high feeling of psychological burden in March/April 2020. Worries about the patients’ health and an uncertainty around the new disease were among the patient-related stress factors. Non-patient-related stress factors were problems with the compatibility of work and family, and the fear of infecting relatives with COVID-19. Organizational efforts and dissatisfaction with governmental pandemic management were reported as organizational stress factors. Support from the employer and team cohesion were considered as important resources.
Discussion: It is necessary to reduce stress among healthcare assistants by improving their working conditions and to strengthen their resilience to ensure primary healthcare delivery in future health crises.
Although the vast majority of COVID-19 cases are treated in primary care, patients' experiences during home isolation have been little studied. This study aimed to explore the experiences of patients with acute COVID-19 and to identify challenges after the initial adaptation of the German health system to the pandemic (after first infection wave from February to June 2020).
A mixed-method convergent design was used to gain a holistic insight into patients experience. The study consisted of a cross-sectional survey, open survey answers and semi-structured telephone interviews. Descriptive analysis was performed on quantitative survey answers. Between group differences were calculated to explore changes after the first infection wave. Qualitative thematic analysis was conducted on open survey answers and interviews. The results were then compared within a triangulation protocol.
A total of 1100 participants from all German states were recruited by 145 general practitioners from August 2020 to April 2021, 42 additionally took part in qualitative interviews. Disease onset varied from February 2020 to April 2021. After the first infection wave, more participants were tested positive during the acute disease (88.8%; 95.2%; P < 0.001). Waiting times for tests (mean 4.5 days, SD 4.1; 2.7days, SD 2.6, P < 0.001) and test results (mean 2.4 days, SD 1.9; 1.8 days, SD 1.3, P < 0.001) decreased. Qualitative results indicated that the availability of repeated testing and antigen tests reduced insecurities, transmission and related guilt. Although personal consultations at general practices increased (6.8%; 15.5%, P < 0.001), telephone consultation remained the main mode of consultation (78.5%) and video remained insignificant (1.9%). The course of disease, the living situation and social surroundings during isolation, access to health care, personal resilience, spirituality and feelings of guilt and worries emerged as themes influencing the illness experience. Challenges were contact management and adequate provision of care during home isolation. A constant contact person within the health system helped against feelings of care deprivation, uncertainty and fear.
Our study highlights that home isolation of individuals with COVID-19 requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects of patient care and effective coordination between different care providers.