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- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- Helicobacter pylori (2)
- Campylobacter jejuni (1)
- Chemotaxis (1)
- Darmepithel (1)
- Deep-sequencing (1)
- Genregulation (1)
- Gewebemodell (1)
- Host-pathogen interaction (1)
- Infektion (1)
- Infektionsmodell (1)
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen
Es sollte eine dynamische MRT Methode entwickelt werden, welche die Berechnung und Darstellung einer Achse einer komplexen Bewegung ermöglicht. Dabei war die eigens auferlegte Definition von „Dynamik“, dass ein kompletter Bewegungsablauf als dreidimensionaler Datensatz im Zeitverlauf erfasst und ausgewertet werden soll (4 Dimensionen).
Diese Methode sollte auf die komplexe Bewegung des Kniegelenks angewendet werden und mit einem Knie-Modell verglichen werden.
Schlussendlich sollte die Flexion-Extensionsbewegung als vereinfacht monoaxial verifiziert werden.
Für diese Ziele wurden folgende Schritte durchgeführt:
Es wurden zunächst 10 Kadaver-Knie präpariert und hierbei u.a. kontrastmittelhaltige Kugeln als Tracker eingebracht. Die Knie wurden dann im Rahmen des Versuchsaufbaus in einer speziellen, pneumatischen Bewegungsschiene befestigt, welche dann automatisiert eine passive Bewegung vollzog. Diese wurde mit einer dynamischen MRT Methode festgehalten. Der entstandene 4D-Datensatz wurde eingelesen und die Kugelpositionen ausgewertet. Die Koordinaten der Positionen dienten dann als Grundlage für spezielle mathematische Algorithmen, welche die Flexion-Extensionsachse und ggf. die Innen- und Außenrotationsachse berechneten und schließlich eine graphische Darstellung ermöglichten. Zur Überprüfung wurde zudem ein Knie-Modell herangezogen und von diesem die gleichen Berechnungen durchgeführt.
Bacterial small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) play fundamental roles in controlling and finetuning gene expression in a wide variety of cellular processes, including stress responses, environmental signaling and virulence in pathogens. Despite the identification of hundreds of sRNA candidates in diverse bacteria by genomics approaches, the mechanisms and regulatory capabilities of these posttranscriptional regulators have most intensively been studied in Gram-negative Gammaproteobacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella. So far, almost nothing is known about sRNA-mediated regulation (riboregulation) in Epsilonproteobacteria, including the major human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori was even thought to be deficient for riboregulation as none of the sRNAs known from enterobacteria are conserved in Helicobacter and since it lacks the major RNA chaperone Hfq, which is crucial for sRNA function as well as stability in many bacteria. Nonetheless, more than 60 cis- and trans-acting sRNA candidates were recently identified in H. pylori by a global RNA sequencing approach, indicating that this pathogen, in principle, has the capability to use riboregulation for its gene expression control. However, the functions and underlying mechanisms of H. pylori sRNAs remained unclear.
This thesis focused on the first functional characterization and target gene identification of a trans-acting sRNA, RepG (Regulator of polymeric G-repeats), in H. pylori. Using in-vitro and in-vivo approaches, RepG was shown to directly base-pair with its C/Urich terminator loop to a variable homopolymeric G-repeat in the 5’ untranslated region (UTR) of the tlpB mRNA, thereby regulating expression of the chemotaxis receptor TlpB. While the RepG sRNA is highly conserved, the length of the G-repeat in the tlpB mRNA leader varies among different H. pylori isolates, resulting in a strain-specific tlpB regulation. The modification of the number of guanines within the G-stretch in H. pylori strain 26695 demonstrated that the length of the homopolymeric G-repeat determines the outcome of posttranscriptional control (repression or activation) of tlpB by RepG. This lengthdependent targeting of a simple sequence repeat by a trans-acting sRNA represents a new twist in sRNA-mediated regulation and a novel mechanism of gene expression control, since it uniquely links phase variation by simple sequence repeats to posttranscriptional regulation.
In almost all sequenced H. pylori strains, tlpB is encoded in a two gene operon upstream of HP0102, a gene of previously unknown function. This study provided evidence that HP0102 encodes a glycosyltransferase involved in LPS O-chain and Lewis x antigen production. Accordingly, this glycosyltransferase was shown to be essential for mice colonization by H. pylori. The coordinated posttranscriptional regulation of the tlpB-HP0102 operon by antisense base-pairing of RepG to the phase-variable G-repeat in the 5’ UTR of the tlpB mRNA allows for a gradual, rather than ON/OFF, control of HP0102 expression, thereby affecting LPS biosynthesis in H. pylori. This fine-tuning of O-chain and Lewis x antigen expression modulates H. pylori antibiotics sensitivity and thus, might be advantageous for Helicobacter colonization and persistence.
Whole transcriptome analysis based on microarray and RNA sequencing was used to identify additional RepG target mRNAs and uncover the physiological role of this riboregulator in H. pylori. Altogether, repG deletion affected expression of more than 40 target gene candidates involved various cellular processes, including membrane transport and adhesion, LPS modification, amino acid metabolism, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and nucleic acid modification. The presence of homopolymeric G-repeats/G-rich sequences in almost all target mRNA candidates indicated that RepG hijacks a conserved motif to
recognize and regulate multiple target mRNAs in H. pylori.
Overall, this study demonstrates that H. pylori employs riboregulation in stress response and virulence control. In addition, this thesis has successfully established Helicobacter as a new model organism for investigating general concepts of gene expression control by Hfq-independent sRNAs and sRNAs in bacterial pathogens.
More than 150 different RNA modifications have been detected in all kingdoms of life and 60 are known to decorate bacterial RNA. Among them, pseudouridine is universally conserved and one of the most abundant modifications present in bacterial stable RNAs such as tRNAs and rRNAs. In bacteria, the nucleotide is posttranscriptionally generated by dedicated enzymes called pseudouridine synthases (PUSs). With the advent of sophisticated deep-sequencing technologies, this modification has been identified in different types of RNA classes (tRNAs, rRNAs, mRNAs, snRNAs, and lncRNAs) in diverse eukaryotic organisms. However, these techniques have never been applied to bacteria, generating a knowledge gap about the location of the modified nucleotide in prokaryotic RNAs. Mutations or deletions of specific eukaryotic PUS enzymes are linked to human diseases and therefore their absence is deleterious for the correct function of the cell. However, deletion of tRNA or rRNA PUS enzymes in the bacterial model organism E. coli have not revealed any such drastic phenotypes, suggesting a different role and function of the modification itself and of the enzymes in different kingdoms of life.
Since the roles of tRNA PUS enzymes in bacteria is still poorly understood, a functional characterization of these proteins is pursued in the Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori. While C. jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis in humans, infection with H. pylori is associated with the development of gastric cancer. In particular, phenotypes were explored for the tRNA PUS enzymes TruA, TruB, and TruD in C. jejuni as well as TruA and TruD in H. pylori. Upon deletion of truD, a severe growth defect is observed for C. jejuni but not for H. pylori, highlighting a potential difference in function of the enzyme in the two related bacterial pathogens.
Moreover, a genome-wide approach called Pseudo-seq is established and applied for RNA of these two pathogens, which allows, for the first time, the global identification of pseudouridine modifications at single-nucleotide resolution in the bacterial transcriptome. Applying Pseudo-seq in RNAs of wildtype and diverse PUS enzyme deletion mutants enabled the identification of the distinct RNA substrates of tRNA PUS enyzmes in C. jejuni and H. pylori. Hereby, the tRNA-Glu was determined to be the major tRNA substrate of TruD in C. jejuni. Interestingly, the tRNA-Glu is expressed as a single copy in the C. jejuni genome. To link the growth defect observed for a C. jejuni ∆truD mutant strain to the pseudouridine modification of the tRNA-Glu, a catalytically inactive TruD complementation was generated. This strain is unable to restore the tRNA-Glu modification but surprisingly, was able to complement the growth defect. The same observation was made for a cross-complementation with a copy of H. pylori TruD. This indicates that there is a potential additional function of the TruD PUS enzyme in C. jejuni that is independent of the pseudouridine modification. Using a combination of deep-sequencing technologies (RIP-seq, RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and CLIP-seq), the dual function of TruD is investigated.
Overall, this study provides the first in-depth investigation into pseudouridylation of bacteria in general and the bacterial pathogens C. jejuni and H. pylori in particular. The work presented in this thesis reveals not only a global map of pseudouridine in tRNAs and rRNAs of the two bacteria but it also explores the function of the responsible tRNA PUS enzymes. In addition, this study provides evidence for a dual function of the C. jejuni PUS enzyme TruD that goes beyond its RNA modifying function. Future research could focus on unravelling the function of TruD and its potential interaction partners and thus reveal new mechanisms of regulation of a protein previously only described as an RNA modification enzyme.
According to the WHO, foodborne derived enteric infections are a global disease burden and often manifest in diseases that can potentially reach life threatening levels, especially in developing countries. These diseases are caused by a variety of enteric pathogens and affect the gastrointestinal tract, from the gastric to the intestinal to the rectal tissue. Although the complex mucosal structure of these organs is usually well prepared to defend the body against harmful agents, specialised pathogens such as Salmonella enterica can overcome the intestinal defence mechanism. After ingestion, Salmonella are capable of colonising the gut and establishing their proliferative niche, thereby leading to inflammatory processes and tissue damage of the host epithelium. In order to understand these processes, the scientific community in the last decades mostly used cell line based in vitro approaches or in vivo animal studies. Although these approaches provide fundamental insights into the interactions between bacteria and host cells, they have limited applicability to human pathology. Therefore, tissue engineered primary based approaches are important for modern infection research. They exhibit the human complexity better than traditional cell lines and can mimic human-obligate processes in contrast to animal studies.
Therefore, in this study a tissue engineered human primary model of the small intestinal epithelium was established for the application of enteric infection research with the exemplary pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium.
To this purpose, adult stem cell derived intestinal organoids were used as a primary human cell source to generate monolayers on biological or synthetic scaffolds in a Transwell®-like setting. These tissue models of the intestinal epithelium were examined for their comparability to the native tissue in terms of morphology, morphometry and barrier function. Further, the gene expression profiles of organotypical mucins, tight junction-associated proteins and claudins were investigated. Overall, the biological scaffold-based tissue models showed higher similarity to the native tissue - among others in morphometry and polarisation. Therefore, these models were further characterised on cellular and structural level. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated the establishment of characteristic microvilli and tight-junction connections between individual epithelial cells. Furthermore, the expression pattern of typical intestinal epithelial protein was addressed and showed in vivo-like localisation. Interested in the cell type composition, single cell transcriptomic profiling revealed distinct cell types including proliferative cells and stem cells, progenitors, cellular entities of the absorptive lineage, Enterocytes and Microfold-like cells. Cells of the secretory lineage were also annotated, but without distinct canonical gene expression patterns. With the organotypical polarisation, protein expression, structural features and the heterogeneous cell composition including the rare Microfold-like cells, the biological scaffold-based tissue model of the intestinal epithelium demonstrates key requisites needed for infection studies with Salmonella.
In a second part of this study, a suitable infection protocol of the epithelial tissue model with Salmonella Typhimurium was established, followed by the examination of key features of the infection process. Salmonella adhered to the epithelial microvilli and induced typical membrane ruffling during invasion; interestingly the individual steps of invasion could be observed. After invasion, time course analysis showed that Salmonella resided and proliferated intracellularly, while simultaneously migrating from the apical to the basolateral side of the infected cell. Furthermore, the bacterial morphology changed to a filamentous phenotype; especially when the models have been analysed at late time points after infection. The epithelial cells on the other side released the cytokines Interleukin 8 and Tumour Necrosis Factor α upon bacterial infection in a time-dependent manner. Taken together, Salmonella infection of the intestinal epithelial tissue model recapitulates important steps of the infection process as described in the literature, and hence demonstrates a valid in vitro platform for the investigation of the Salmonella infection process in the human context.
During the infection process, intracellular Salmonella populations varied in their bacterial number, which could be attributed to increased intracellular proliferation and demonstrated thereby a heterogeneous behaviour of Salmonella in individual cells. Furthermore, by the application of single cell transcriptomic profiling, the upregulation of Olfactomedin-4 (OLFM4) gene expression was detected; OLFM4 is a protein involved in various functions including cell immunity as well as proliferating signalling pathways and is often used as intestinal stem cell marker. This OLFM4 upregulation was time-dependent, restricted to Salmonella infected cells and seemed to increase with bacterial mass. Investigating the OLFM4 regulatory mechanism, nuclear factor κB induced upregulation could be excluded, whereas inhibition of the Notch signalling led to a decrease of OLFM4 gene and protein expression. Furthermore, Notch inhibition resulted in decreased filamentous Salmonella formation. Taken together, by the use of the introduced primary epithelial tissue model, a heterogeneous intracellular bacterial behaviour was observed and a so far overlooked host cell response – the expression of OLFM4 by individual infected cells – could be identified; although Salmonella Typhimurium is one of the best-studied enteric pathogenic bacteria. This proves the applicability of the introduced tissue model in enteric infection research as well as the importance of new approaches in order to decipher host-pathogen interactions with higher relevance to the host.