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Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- Immunsuppression (2)
- Homing (1)
- IL-2 (1)
- Immunologie (1)
- Integrin (1)
- Interaktionsrezeptor (1)
- Interleukin 2 (1)
- JURKAT-Zelle (1)
- Masernvirus (1)
- Maus (1)
Regulatory T cells (Treg) are critical immune cells to ensure immune homeostasis. Treg do so by establishing tolerance to self-antigens as well as food-derived antigens. Additionally, they fine-tune immune responses to limit the damage caused by inevitable inflammation during the resolution of an ongoing infection or anti-tumor response. Despite countless efforts to gain a detailed understanding of the mechanisms Treg utilize to regulate adaptive immune responses, in vivo evidence is rather limited. We were interested in the cell-cell interactions of Treg and their spatio-temporal dynamics during a viral infection. We sought to address Interleukin-2 (IL-2) competition as a viable mechanism to control anti-viral CD8 T cell responses. We used intra-vital 2-photon imaging to analyze the interactions between Treg and activated T cells during viral infection. Additionally, we performed multiple loss- and gain-of-function experiments, addressing the IL-2 active signaling of CD8, CD4, and regulatory T cells to understand the competitive sensing of IL-2. Finally, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing to understand the cell-intrinsic differences in Treg caused by infection. We found that IL-2 competition by Treg limits the CD8 T cell response and can alter the differentiation of CD8 T cells. Furthermore, we show that Treg do not arrest in proximity to CD8 T cells for prolonged periods and therefore are unlikely to regulate CD8 T cells via contact-dependent mechanisms previously proposed. Our data support an area control model in which Treg scavenge IL-2 while actively migrating through the LN, constantly limiting access to IL-2. Establishing CD4 T cells as the major source of IL-2 during the later phases of infection, we provide direct evidence that Treg compete with CD8 T cells for CD4-derived IL-2. Finally, we show that IL-2 limitation is in correlation with CD25 expression levels and has an impact on the differentiation of CD8 T cells. Altering the differentiation of CD8 T cells to increase effector or memory functions has huge implications in clinical treatments, e.g ’checkpoint immunotherapy’. Especially in scenarios like checkpoint immunotherapy, where an efficient expansion of CD8 T cells is vital to the success of the treatment, it is invaluable to understand the spatio-temporal dynamics of Treg. Not only can the expansion phase be optimized, but also side effects can be better controlled by ensuring the adequate timing of treatments and boosting the anti-inflammatory response after the initial establishment of CD8 T cells. On top of this, the gained understanding of the regulatory mechanism of Treg can help to enhance the efficacy of autoimmune disorder treatments. Overall, this study addressed highly relevant questions in the Treg field and answered aspects of Treg regulation, refining their mode of action and the spatio-temporal dynamics during viral infection, providing evidence for IL-2 competition as a major regulatory mechanism controlling antiviral CD8 T cell responses.
MDSCs are suppressive immune cells with a high relevance in various pathologies including cancer, autoimmunity, and chronic infections. Surface marker expression of MDSCs resembles monocytes and neutrophils which have immunostimulatory functions instead of suppressing T cells. Therefore, finding specific surface markers for MDSCs is important for MDSC research and therapeutic MDSC manipulation. In this study, we analyzed if the integrin VLA-1 has the potential as a novel MDSC marker. VLA-1 was expressed by M-MDSCs but not by G-MDSCs as well as by Teff cells. VLA-1 deficiency did not impact iNOS expression, the distribution of M-MDSC and G-MDSC subsets, and the suppressive capacity of MDSCs towards naïve and Teff cells in vitro. In mice, VLA-1 had no effect on the homing capability of MDSCs to the spleen, which is a major reservoir for MDSCs. Since the splenic red pulp contains collagen IV and VLA-1 binds collagen IV with a high affinity, we found MDSCs and Teff cells in this area as expected. We showed that T cell suppression in the spleen, indicated by reduced T cell recovery and proliferation as well as increased apoptosis and cell death, partially depended on VLA-1 expression by the MDSCs. In a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, MDSC injection prior to disease onset led to a decrease of the disease score, and this effect was significantly reduced when MDSCs were VLA-1 deficient. The expression of Sema7A by Teff cells, a ligand for VLA-1 which is implicated in negative T cell regulation, resulted in a slightly stronger Teff cell suppression by MDSCs compared to Sema7A deficient T cells. Live cell imaging and intravital 2-photon microscopy showed that the interaction time of MDSCs and Teff cells was shorter when MDSCs lacked VLA 1 expression, however VLA-1 expression had no impact on MDSC mobility. Therefore, the VLA-1-dependent interaction of MDSC and Teff cells on collagen IV in the splenic red pulp is implicated MDSC-mediated Teff cell suppression.
Das Masernvirus (MV) kann in Erkrankten eine schwere, langanhaltende Immunsuppression verursachen, wodurch Infektionen mit opportunistischen Pathogenen begünstigt werden. Diese basiert auf einer Paralyse der hämatopoetischen Zellen, welche das Virus durch Kontakt eines viralen Glykoproteinkomplexes zu einem unbekannten RezeptorX auf der Zell- Oberfläche induzieren kann. Kerncharakterisitika hiervon sind unter anderem die Herabregulation der Akt-Kinase-Phosphorylierung, die Inhibition der zellulären Proliferation und die Aktivierung der neutralen Sphingomyelinase 2 (NSM2).
In einem kinetischen Phosphoproteom konnten zwei potentielle Interaktionsrezeptoren des MV identifiziert werden: CD43 und P2X3. Das hochglykosylierte Oberflächenmolekül CD43 ist auf hämatopoetischen Zellen ubiquitär exprimiert und reguliert in T-Zellen deren Überleben, Proliferation, Aktivierung, Migration und Adhäsion. P2X3 wird in hämatopoetischen Zellen nur in geringem Maße exprimiert. Seine funktionelle Bedeutung ist in diesem Kompartiment nicht bekannt. Beide Kandidaten wurden mittels CRISPR/Cas9 Verfahren einzeln oder kombiniert aus Jurkat-T-Zellen ablatiert, welche nachfolgend nach MV-Kontakt hinsichtlich der oben erwähnten MV-modulierten Parameter getestet wurden. Zusätzlich wurden iso- und allosterische P2X3-Inhibitoren an primären und Jurkat-T-Zellen verwendet, um dessen Rolle in Ca2+-Mobilisierung und Proliferation nach T-Zell-Rezeptor Co-Stimulation zu analysieren.
Die genetische Depletion beider Rezeptor-Kandidaten verringerte die Effekte des MV auf alle getesteten Parameter signifikant, was darauf hindeutet, dass beide Proteine entscheidend an der T-Zell-Suppression beteiligt sind. Während die isosterische Inhibition von P2X3 keinen Effekt hatte, wurde die Proliferation primärer T-Zellen durch dessen allosterische Inhibition vor Co-Stimulation fast verdoppelt und die Effizienz der Ca2+-Mobilisierung in Jurkat- und primären T-Zellen signifikant erhöht. In P2X3-depletierten Jurkat-Zellen hingegen war die Ca2+-Mobilisierung nach Stimulation signifikant geringer als in WT-Zellen.
In dieser Arbeit konnten zwei wichtige Mediatoren der MV induzierten T-Zell-Suppression identifiziert werden. Vor allem P2X3, dessen Expression, Regulation und funktionelle Bedeutung im hämatopoetischen Kompartiment noch nicht erforscht wurde, könnte ein vielversprechender Kandidat für eine antivirale Therapie darstellen, da ein klinisch getesteter P2X3-Inhibitor bereits verfügbar ist.