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Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (15)
- Kleinsatellit (6)
- Low Earth Orbit (2)
- Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle (2)
- Plasmaantrieb (2)
- Robotik (2)
- Satellit (2)
- Sensor (2)
- 3D Sensor (1)
- 3D Vision (1)
- 6DOF Pose Estimation (1)
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen
EU-Project number / Contract (GA) number
- 320377 (1)
While teleoperation of technical highly sophisticated systems has already been a wide field of research, especially for space and robotics applications, the automation industry has not yet benefited from its results. Besides the established fields of application, also production lines with industrial robots and the surrounding plant components are in need of being remotely accessible. This is especially critical for maintenance or if an unexpected problem cannot be solved by the local specialists.
Special machine manufacturers, especially robotics companies, sell their technology worldwide. Some factories, for example in emerging economies, lack qualified personnel for repair and maintenance tasks. When a severe failure occurs, an expert of the manufacturer needs to fly there, which leads to long down times of the machine or even the whole production line. With the development of data networks, a huge part of those travels can be omitted, if appropriate teleoperation equipment is provided.
This thesis describes the development of a telemaintenance system, which was established in an active production line for research purposes. The customer production site of Braun in Marktheidenfeld, a factory which belongs to Procter & Gamble, consists of a six-axis cartesian industrial robot by KUKA Industries, a two-component injection molding system and an assembly unit. The plant produces plastic parts for electric toothbrushes.
In the research projects "MainTelRob" and "", during which this plant was utilised, the Zentrum für Telematik e.V. (ZfT) and its project partners develop novel technical approaches and procedures for modern telemaintenance. The term "telemaintenance" hereby refers to the integration of computer science and communication technologies into the maintenance strategy. It is particularly interesting for high-grade capital-intensive goods like industrial robots. Typical telemaintenance tasks are for example the analysis of a robot failure or difficult repair operations. The service department of KUKA Industries is responsible for the worldwide distributed customers who own more than one robot. Currently such tasks are offered via phone support and service staff which travels abroad. They want to expand their service activities on telemaintenance and struggle with the high demands of teleoperation especially regarding security infrastructure. In addition, the facility in Marktheidenfeld has to keep up with the high international standards of Procter & Gamble and wants to minimize machine downtimes. Like 71.6 % of all German companies, P&G sees a huge potential for early information on their production system, but complains about the insufficient quality and the lack of currentness of data.
The main research focus of this work lies on the human machine interface for all human tasks in a telemaintenance setup. This thesis provides own work in the use of a mobile device in context of maintenance, describes new tools on asynchronous remote analysis and puts all parts together in an integrated telemaintenance infrastructure. With the help of Augmented Reality, the user performance and satisfaction could be raised. A special regard is put upon the situation awareness of the remote expert realized by different camera viewpoints. In detail the work consists of:
- Support of maintenance tasks with a mobile device
- Development and evaluation of a context-aware inspection tool
- Comparison of a new touch-based mobile robot programming device to the former teach pendant
- Study on Augmented Reality support for repair tasks with a mobile device
- Condition monitoring for a specific plant with industrial robot
- Human computer interaction for remote analysis of a single plant cycle
- A big data analysis tool for a multitude of cycles and similar plants
- 3D process visualization for a specific plant cycle with additional virtual information
- Network architecture in hardware, software and network infrastructure
- Mobile device computer supported collaborative work for telemaintenance
- Motor exchange telemaintenance example in running production environment
- Augmented reality supported remote plant visualization for better situation awareness
Telemedicine uses telecommunication and information technology to provide health care services over spatial distances. In the upcoming demographic changes towards an older average population age, especially rural areas suffer from a decreasing doctor to patient ratio as well as a limited amount of available medical specialists in acceptable distance. These areas could benefit the most from telemedicine applications as they are known to improve access to medical services, medical expertise and can also help to mitigate critical or emergency situations. Although the possibilities of telemedicine applications exist in the entire range of healthcare, current systems focus on one specific disease while using dedicated hardware to connect the patient with the supervising telemedicine center.
This thesis describes the development of a telemedical system which follows a new generic design approach. This bridges the gap of existing approaches that only tackle one specific application. The proposed system on the contrary aims at supporting as many diseases and use cases as possible by taking all the stakeholders into account at the same time. To address the usability and acceptance of the system it is designed to use standardized hardware like commercial medical sensors and smartphones for collecting medical data of the patients and transmitting them to the telemedical center. The smartphone can also act as interface to the patient for health questionnaires or feedback.
The system can handle the collection and transport of medical data, analysis and visualization of the data as well as providing a real time communication with video and audio between the users.
On top of the generic telemedical framework the issue of scalability is addressed by integrating a rule-based analysis tool for the medical data. Rules can be easily created by medical personnel via a visual editor and can be personalized for each patient. The rule-based analysis tool is extended by multiple options for visualization of the data, mechanisms to handle complex rules and options for performing actions like raising alarms or sending automated messages.
It is sometimes hard for the medical experts to formulate their knowledge into rules and there may be information in the medical data that is not yet known. This is why a machine learning module was integrated into the system. It uses the incoming medical data of the patients to learn new rules that are then presented to the medical personnel for inspection. This is in line with European legislation where the human still needs to be in charge of such decisions.
Overall, we were able to show the benefit of the generic approach by evaluating it in three completely different medical use cases derived from specific application needs: monitoring of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patients, support of patients performing dialysis at home and councils of intensive-care experts. In addition the system was used for a non-medical use case: monitoring and optimization of industrial machines and robots. In all of the mentioned cases, we were able to prove the robustness of the generic approach with real users of the corresponding domain. This is why we can propose this approach for future development of telemedical systems.
The attitude and orbit control system of pico- and nano-satellites to date is one of the bottle necks for future scientific and commercial applications. A performance increase while keeping with the satellites’ restrictions will enable new space missions especially for the smallest of the CubeSat classes. This work addresses methods to measure and improve the satellite’s attitude pointing and orbit control performance based on advanced sensor data analysis and optimized on-board software concepts. These methods are applied to spaceborne satellites and future CubeSat missions to demonstrate their validity. An in-orbit calibration procedure for a typical CubeSat attitude sensor suite is developed and applied to the UWE-3 satellite in space. Subsequently, a method to estimate the attitude determination accuracy without the help of an external reference sensor is developed. Using this method, it is shown that the UWE-3 satellite achieves an in-orbit attitude determination accuracy of about 2°.
An advanced data analysis of the attitude motion of a miniature satellite is used in order to estimate the main attitude disturbance torque in orbit. It is shown, that the magnetic disturbance is by far the most significant contribution for miniature satellites and a method to estimate the residual magnetic dipole moment of a satellite is developed. Its application to three CubeSats currently in orbit reveals that magnetic disturbances are a common issue for this class of satellites. The dipole moments measured are between 23.1mAm² and 137.2mAm². In order to autonomously estimate and counteract this disturbance in future missions an on-board magnetic dipole estimation algorithm is developed.
The autonomous neutralization of such disturbance torques together with the simplification of attitude control for the satellite operator is the focus of a novel on-board attitude control software architecture. It incorporates disturbance torques acting on the satellite and automatically optimizes the control output. Its application is demonstrated in space on board of the UWE-3 satellite through various attitude control experiments of which the results are presented here.
The integration of a miniaturized electric propulsion system will enable CubeSats to perform orbit control and, thus, open up new application scenarios. The in-orbit characterization, however, poses the problem of precisely measuring very low thrust levels in the order of µN. A method to measure this thrust based on the attitude dynamics of the satellite is developed and evaluated in simulation. It is shown, that the demonstrator mission UWE-4 will be able to measure these thrust levels with a high accuracy of 1% for thrust levels higher than 1µN.
The orbit control capabilities of UWE-4 using its electric propulsion system are evaluated and a hybrid attitude control system making use of the satellite’s magnetorquers and the electric propulsion system is developed. It is based on the flexible attitude control architecture mentioned before and thrust vector pointing accuracies of better than 2° can be achieved. This results in a thrust delivery of more than 99% of the desired acceleration in the target direction.
Object six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) pose estimation is a fundamental problem in many practical robotic applications, where the target or an obstacle with a simple or complex shape can move fast in cluttered environments. In this thesis, a 6DOF pose estimation algorithm is developed based on the fused data from a time-of-flight camera and a color camera. The algorithm is divided into two stages, an annealed particle filter based coarse pose estimation stage and a gradient decent based accurate pose optimization stage. In the first stage, each particle is evaluated with sparse representation. In this stage, the large inter-frame motion of the target can be well handled. In the second stage, the range data based conventional Iterative Closest Point is extended by incorporating the target appearance information and used for calculating the accurate pose by refining the coarse estimate from the first stage. For dealing with significant illumination variations during the tracking, spherical harmonic illumination modeling is investigated and integrated into both stages. The robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated through experiments on various objects in both indoor and outdoor environments. Moreover, real-time performance can be achieved with graphics processing unit acceleration.
This dissertation presents controller design methodologies for a formation of cooperative mobile robots to perform trajectory tracking and convoy protection tasks. Two major problems related to multi-agent formation control are addressed, namely the time-delay and optimality problems. For the task of trajectory tracking, a leader-follower based system structure is adopted for the controller design, where the selection criteria for controller parameters are derived through analyses of characteristic polynomials. The resulting parameters ensure the stability of the system and overcome the steady-state error as well as the oscillation behavior under time-delay effect. In the convoy protection scenario, a decentralized coordination strategy for balanced deployment of mobile robots is first proposed. Based on this coordination scheme, optimal controller parameters are generated in both centralized and decentralized fashion to achieve dynamic convoy protection in a unified framework, where distributed optimization technique is applied in the decentralized strategy. This unified framework takes into account the motion of the target to be protected, and the desired system performance, for instance, minimal energy to spend, equal inter-vehicle distance to keep, etc.
Both trajectory tracking and convoy protection tasks are demonstrated through simulations and real-world hardware experiments based on the robotic equipment at Department of Computer Science VII, University of Würzburg.
In this work, a novel method for estimating the relative pose of a known object is presented, which relies on an application-specific data fusion process. A PMD-sensor in conjunction with a CCD-sensor is used to perform the pose estimation. Furthermore, the work provides a method for extending the measurement range of the PMD sensor along with the necessary calibration methodology. Finally, extensive measurements on a very accurate Rendezvous and Docking testbed are made to evaluate the performance, what includes a detailed discussion of lighting conditions.
Produktionssysteme mit Industrierobotern werden zunehmend komplex; waren deren Arbeitsbereiche früher noch statisch und abgeschirmt, und die programmierten Abläufe gleichbleibend, so sind die Anforderungen an moderne Robotik-Produktionsanlagen gestiegen: Diese sollen sich jetzt mithilfe von intelligenter Sensorik auch in unstrukturierten Umgebungen einsetzen lassen, sich bei sinkenden Losgrößen aufgrund individualisierter Produkte und häufig ändernden Produktionsaufgaben leicht rekonfigurieren lassen, und sogar eine direkte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Roboter ermöglichen. Gerade auch bei dieser Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration wird es damit notwendig, dass der Mensch die Daten und Aktionen des Roboters leicht verstehen kann. Aufgrund der gestiegenen Anforderungen müssen somit auch die Bedienerschnittstellen dieser Systeme verbessert werden. Als Grundlage für diese neuen Benutzerschnittstellen bietet sich Augmented Reality (AR) als eine Technologie an, mit der sich komplexe räumliche Daten für den Bediener leicht verständlich darstellen lassen. Komplexe Informationen werden dabei in der Arbeitsumgebung der Nutzer visualisiert und als virtuelle Einblendungen sichtbar gemacht, und so auf einen Blick verständlich. Die diversen existierenden AR-Anzeigetechniken sind für verschiedene Anwendungsfelder unterschiedlich gut geeignet, und sollten daher flexibel kombinier- und einsetzbar sein. Auch sollen diese AR-Systeme schnell und einfach auf verschiedenartiger Hardware in den unterschiedlichen Arbeitsumgebungen in Betrieb genommen werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Framework für Augmented Reality Systeme vorgestellt, mit dem sich die genannten Anforderungen umsetzen lassen, ohne dass dafür spezialisierte AR-Hardware notwendig wird. Das Flexible AR-Framework kombiniert und bündelt dafür verschiedene Softwarefunktionen für die grundlegenden AR-Anzeigeberechnungen, für die Kalibrierung der notwendigen Hardware, Algorithmen zur Umgebungserfassung mittels Structured Light sowie generische ARVisualisierungen und erlaubt es dadurch, verschiedene AR-Anzeigesysteme schnell und flexibel in Betrieb zu nehmen und parallel zu betreiben. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Standard-Hardware für verschiedene AR-Visualisierungsformen sowie die notwendigen Algorithmen vorgestellt, um diese flexibel zu einem AR-System zu kombinieren. Dabei müssen die einzelnen verwendeten Geräte präzise kalibriert werden; hierfür werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, und die mit ihnen dann erreichbaren typischen Anzeige- Genauigkeiten in einer Evaluation charakterisiert. Nach der Vorstellung der grundlegenden ARSysteme des Flexiblen AR-Frameworks wird dann eine Reihe von Anwendungen vorgestellt, bei denen das entwickelte System in konkreten Praxis-Realisierungen als AR-Benutzerschnittstelle zum Einsatz kam, unter anderem zur Überwachung von, Zusammenarbeit mit und einfachen Programmierung von Industrierobotern, aber auch zur Visualisierung von komplexen Sensordaten oder zur Fernwartung. Im Verlauf der Arbeit werden dadurch die Vorteile, die sich durch Verwendung der AR-Technologie in komplexen Produktionssystemen ergeben, herausgearbeitet und in Nutzerstudien belegt.
Since the first CubeSat launch in 2003, the hardware and software complexity of the nanosatellites was continuosly increasing.
To keep up with the continuously increasing mission complexity and to retain the primary advantages of a CubeSat mission, a new approach for the overall space and ground software architecture and protocol configuration is elaborated in this work.
The aim of this thesis is to propose a uniform software and protocol architecture as a basis for software development, test, simulation and operation of multiple pico-/nanosatellites based on ultra-low power components.
In contrast to single-CubeSat missions, current and upcoming nanosatellite formation missions require faster and more straightforward development, pre-flight testing and calibration procedures as well as simultaneous operation of multiple satellites.
A dynamic and decentral Compass mission network was established in multiple active CubeSat missions, consisting of uniformly accessible nodes.
Compass middleware was elaborated to unify the communication and functional interfaces between all involved mission-related software and hardware components.
All systems can access each other via dynamic routes to perform service-based M2M communication.
With the proposed model-based communication approach, all states, abilities and functionalities of a system are accessed in a uniform way.
The Tiny scripting language was designed to allow dynamic code execution on ultra-low power components as a basis for constraint-based in-orbit scheduler and experiment execution.
The implemented Compass Operations front-end enables far-reaching monitoring and control capabilities of all ground and space systems.
Its integrated constraint-based operations task scheduler allows the recording of complex satellite operations, which are conducted automatically during the overpasses.
The outcome of this thesis became an enabling technology for UWE-3, UWE-4 and NetSat CubeSat missions.
Miniaturized satellites on a nanosatellite scale below 10kg of total mass contribute most to the number of launched satellites into Low Earth Orbit today. This results from the potential to design, integrate and launch these space missions within months at very low costs. In the past decade, the reliability in the fields of system design, communication, and attitude control have matured to allow for competitive applications in Earth observation, communication services, and science missions. The capability of orbit control is an important next step in this development, enabling operators to adjust orbits according to current mission needs and small satellite formation flight, which promotes new measurements in various fields of space science. Moreover, this ability makes missions with altitudes above the ISS comply with planned regulations regarding collision avoidance maneuvering.
This dissertation presents the successful implementation of orbit control capabilities on the pico-satellite class for the first time. This pioneering achievement is demonstrated on the 1U CubeSat UWE–4. A focus is on the integration and operation of an electric propulsion system on miniaturized satellites. Besides limitations in size, mass, and power of a pico-satellite, the choice of a suitable electric propulsion system was driven by electromagnetic cleanliness and the use as a combined attitude and orbit control system. Moreover, the integration of the propulsion system leaves the valuable space at the outer faces of the CubeSat structure unoccupied for future use by payloads. The used NanoFEEP propulsion system consists of four thruster heads, two neutralizers and two Power Processing Units (PPUs).
The thrusters can be used continuously for 50 minutes per orbit after the liquefaction of the propellant by dedicated heaters. The power consumption of a PPU with one activated thruster, its heater and a neutralizer at emitter current levels of 30-60μA or thrust levels of 2.6-5.5μN, respectively, is in the range of 430-1050mW. Two thruster heads were activated within the scope of in-orbit experiments. The thrust direction was determined using a novel algorithm within 15.7° and 13.2° of the mounting direction. Despite limited controllability of the remaining thrusters, thrust vector pointing was achieved using the magnetic actuators of the Attitude and Orbit Control System.
In mid 2020, several orbit control maneuvers changed the altitude of UWE–4, a first for pico-satellites. During the orbit lowering scenario with a duration of ten days, a single thruster head was activated in 78 orbits for 5:40 minutes per orbit. This resulted in a reduction of the orbit altitude by about 98.3m and applied a Delta v of 5.4cm/s to UWE–4. The same thruster was activated in another experiment during 44 orbits within five days for an average duration of 7:00 minutes per orbit. The altitude of UWE–4 was increased by about 81.2m and a Delta v of 4.4cm/s was applied. Additionally, a collision avoidance maneuver was executed in July 2020, which increased the distance of closest approach to the object by more than 5000m.
Small satellites contribute significantly in the rapidly evolving innovation in space engineering, in particular in distributed space systems for global Earth observation and communication services. Significant mass reduction by miniaturization, increased utilization of commercial high-tech components, and in particular standardization are the key drivers for modern miniature space technology.
This thesis addresses key fields in research and development on miniature satellite technology regarding efficiency, flexibility, and robustness. Here, these challenges are addressed by the University of Wuerzburg’s advanced pico-satellite bus, realizing a generic modular satellite architecture and standardized interfaces for all subsystems. The modular platform ensures reusability, scalability, and increased testability due to its flexible subsystem interface which allows efficient and compact integration of the entire satellite in a plug-and-play manner.
Beside systematic design for testability, a high degree of operational robustness is achieved by the consequent implementation of redundancy of crucial subsystems. This is combined with efficient fault detection, isolation and recovery mechanisms. Thus, the UWE-3 platform, and in particular the on-board data handling system and the electrical power system, offers one of the most efficient pico-satellite architectures launched in recent years and provides a solid basis for future extensions.
The in-orbit performance results of the pico-satellite UWE-3 are presented and summarize successful operations since its launch in 2013. Several software extensions and adaptations have been uploaded to UWE-3 increasing its capabilities. Thus, a very flexible platform for in-orbit software experiments and for evaluations of innovative concepts was provided and tested.