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- Doctoral Thesis (11)
- GPCR (6)
- G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren (3)
- FRET (2)
- Förster Resonanz Energie Transfer (2)
- G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor (2)
- cAMP (2)
- Autofocus (1)
- BRET (1)
- Beta-Adrenergic Receptor (1)
- Beta-Adrenozeptor (1)
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Cyclisches Adenosinmonophosphat ist ein ubiquitärer zweiter Botenstoff zahlreicher Signalwege im menschlichen Körper. Auf eine Vielzahl verschiedenster extrazellulärer Signale folgt jedoch eine Erhöhung desselben intrazellulären Botenstoffs - cAMP. Nichtsdestotrotz schafft es die Zelle, Signalspezifität aufrecht zu erhalten. Ein anerkanntes, wenn auch bisher unverstandenes Modell, um dieses zu ermöglichen, ist das Prinzip der Kompartimentierung. Die Zelle besitzt demnach Areale verschieden hoher cAMP-Konzentrationen, welche lokal begrenzt einzelne Signalkaskaden beeinflussen und somit eine differenzierte Signalübertragung ermöglichen. Eine mögliche Ursache für die Ausbildung solcher Bereiche geringerer cAMP- Konzentrationen (hier als Domänen bezeichnet), ist die hydrolytische Aktivität von Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs), welche als einzige Enzyme die Fähigkeiten besitzen, cAMP zu degradieren.
In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss der cAMP-Hydrolyse verschiedener PDEs auf die Größe dieser Domänen evaluiert und mit denen der PDE4A1 verglichen, welche bereits durch unsere Arbeitsgruppe aufgrund ihrer Größe als Nanodomänen definiert wurden. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Einfluss von kinetischen Eigenschaften der Phosphodiesterasen gelegt. So werden eine PDE mit hoher Umsatzgeschwindigkeit (PDE2A3) und eine PDE mit hoher Substrataffinität (PDE8A1) verglichen. Mithilfe sogenannter Linker, Abstandshaltern definierter Länge, werden zusätzlich die Nanodomänen ausgemessen, um einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen Größe und kinetischer Eigenschaft anzugeben. Die Zusammenschau der Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die maximale Umsatzgeschwindigkeit der Phosphodiesterasen direkt mit der Größe der Nanodomänen korreliert.
Durch den unmittelbaren Vergleich der gesamten PDE mit ihrer katalytischen Domäne wird zusätzlich der Einfluss von regulatorischen Domänen evaluiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese cAMP-Gradienten modulieren können. Bei der PDE2A3 geschieht die Modulation u.a. durch Stimulation mit cGMP, welche höchstwahrscheinlich dosisabhängig ist und somit graduell verläuft. Hiermit präsentieren sich die Domänen als dynamische Bereiche, d.h. sie können in ihrer Ausprägung reguliert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Hypothese bestätigt, dass Phosphodiesterasen eine wichtige Rolle in der Kompartimentierung von cAMP spielen, die Gruppe jedoch inhomogener ist, als bislang angenommen. Die Gradienten-Bildung lässt sich nicht bei jeder Phosphodiesterase darstellen (PDE8A1). Einige Phosphodiesterasen (PDE2A3) jedoch bilden Kompartimente, die durch externe Stimuli in ihrer Größe reguliert werden können.
Die Arbeit legt den Grundstein zur breiteren Charakterisierung des spezifischen Einflusses weiterer PDEs auf cAMP-Kompartimentierung, welches nicht nur das Verständnis der Kompartimentierungs-Strategien voranbringt, sondern auch essentiell für das Verständnis der Pathophysiologie zahlreicher Krankheitsbilder, aber auch für das Verständnis bereits angewandter aber auch potentiell neuer Medikamente ist.
Whereas G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been long believed to signal through cyclic AMP exclusively at cell surface, our group has previously shown that GPCRs not only signal at the cell surface but can also continue doing so once internalized together with their ligands, leading to persistent cAMP production. This phenomenon, which we originally described for the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) in thyroid cells, has been observed also for other GPCRs. However, the intracellular compartment(s) responsible for such persistent signaling and its consequences on downstream effectors were insufficiently characterized. The aim of this study was to follow by live-cell imaging the trafficking of internalized TSHRs and other involved signaling proteins as well as to understand the consequences of signaling by internalized TSHRs on the downstream activation of protein kinase A (PKA). cAMP and PKA
activity was measured in real-time in living thyroid cells using FRET-based sensors Epac1-camp and AKAR2 respectively. The results suggest that TSH co-internalizes with its receptor and that the internalized TSH/TSHR complexes traffic retrogradely to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). This study also provides evidence that these internalized TSH/TSHR complexes meet an intracellular pool of Gs proteins in sorting endosomes and in TGN and activate it there, as visualized in real-time using a conformational biosensor nanobody, Nb37. Acute Brefeldin A-induced Golgi collapse hinders the retrograde trafficking of TSH/TSHR complexes, leading to reduced cAMP production and PKA signaling. BFA pretreatment was also able to attenuate CREB phosphorylation suggesting that an intact Golgi/TGN organisation is essential
for an efficient cAMP/PKA signaling by internalized TSH/TSHR complexes. Taken together this data provides evidence that internalized TSH/TSHR complexes meet and activate Gs proteins in sorting endosomes and at the TGN, leading to a local activation of PKA and consequently increased CREB activation. These findings suggest unexpected functions for receptor internalization, with major pathophysiological and pharmacological implications.
Das Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) ist ein Kinaseregulator, der im Herzen eine Präferenz für die G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptorkinase 2 (GRK2) zeigt. Die Regulation erfolgt durch direkte Interaktion beider Proteine, wird durch eine PKC-Phosphorylierung an Serin 153 des RKIP induziert und inhibiert die GRK2-vermittelte Phosphorylierung von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCR). Die GRK2 desensitiviert GPCR und eine Hemmung der GRK2-Aktivität wirkt sich so positiv auf die Ansprechbarkeit von GPCR aus. Die \textbeta-adrenergen Rezeptoren (\textbeta AR) sind im Herzen maßgeblich an der Regulation der kardialen Kontraktilität beteiligt. Erste Zusammenhänge zwischen der RKIP-Expression und der kontraktilen Antwort von Kardiomyozyten wurden bereits in einer früheren Arbeit untersucht und bestätigt. Sie begründen die Fragestellung nach Effekten einer verstärkten RKIP-Expression auf \textbeta-adrenerge Rezeptorsignale, Herzfunktion und die Entwicklung der Herzinsuffizienz.
Im Rahmen dieses Projektes konnten die Effekte des RKIP auf \textbeta-adrenerge Signalwege detaillierter beschrieben werden. Dabei erwies sich die inhibitorische Funktion auf die GRK2 als rezeptorspezifisch ohne Einfluss auf zytosolische Angriffspunkte der GRK2 zu nehmen. Verstärkte \textbeta-adrenerge Signale zeigten sich in neonatalen Kardiomyozyten an Hand der erhöhten cAMP-Level, PKA-Aktivität, sowie Kontraktionsrate und Relaxationsgeschwindigkeit nach \textbeta-adrenerger Stimulation. Im Einklang damit konnte eine erhöhte PKA- und CaMKII-Aktivität und eine positive Inotropie in transgenen Tieren, mit herzspezifischer Überexpression von RKIP, beobachtet werden. Durch Messung des Calcium-\textit{Cyclings} in Kardiomyozyten konnte der Phänotyp auf eine verbesserte Rückführung des Calciums, einer daraus resultierenden erhöhten Calciumbeladung des sarkoplasmatischen Retikulums und einem gesteigerten systolischen Calciumspiegel, zurückgeführt werden. Die Untersuchung der Phosphorylierung von Calciumkanälen, L-Typ-Calciumkanal und Ryanodin-Rezeptor 2, die den einwärtsgerichteten Calciumstrom vermitteln konnte ihre Beteiligung an der positiv inotropen Wirkung ausschließen.
Neben dem kontraktilen Phänotyp konnten zusätzliche protektive Effekte beobachtet werden. In Modellen, die eine chronische \textbeta-adrenerge Stimulation imitieren, bzw. eine Nachlasterhöhung induzieren konnte eine Verringerung der interstitiellen Fibrose und der damit assoziierten Marker, gezeigt werden. Mit Hilfe von \textit{in vivo} EKG-Messungen konnte die Neigung zur Ausbildung von Arrhythmien untersucht werden. Auch im Hinblick auf die Anzahl der Extrasystolen waren RKIP-transgene Tiere geschützt. Infolge der Untersuchung der Phänotypen in Deletionshintergründen der einzelnen \textbeta AR-Subtypen (\textbeta\textsubscript{1}AR, \textbeta\textsubscript{2}AR) konnte die positive Inotropie mit den spezifischen Signalwegen des \textbeta\textsubscript{1}AR assoziiert und die protektiven Effekte gegenüber den Umbauprozessen und der Arrhythmieneigung dem \textbeta\textsubscript{2}-adrenergen Signalen zugeschrieben werden. Zusätzlich bestätigt sich eine besondere Rolle der G\textalpha\textsubscript{i}-Kopplung des \textbeta\textsubscript{2}AR, durch die er einen hemmenden Einfluss auf die \textbeta\textsubscript{1}AR-Singale nehmen kann.
Die Untersuchung einiger Marker, die eine physiologische von einer pathologischen Hypertrophie unterscheiden, konnte das in den RKIP-transgenen Mäusen auftretende Wachstum der Kardiomyozyten als kompensatorische und physiologische Hypertrophie charakterisieren. Zusammengenommen weisen diese Ergebnisse auf eine ausgeglichene Aktivierung der beiden Rezeptoren hin, die sich gegenseitig regulieren und durch die Inhibition der GRK2 in ihrer Anregbarkeit erhalten bleiben. Mittels einer AAV9-vermittelten Gentherapie konnte das therapeutische Potential dieses Prinzips weiter bestätigt werden, da es die prominentesten Veränderungen während der Herzinsuffizienzentwicklung, wie die Verschlechterung der linksventrikulären Funktion, die Dilatation des linken Ventrikels, die Ausbildung von Lungenödemen und interstitieller Fibrose sowie die Expression von Herzinsuffizienz-assoziierten Genen, verhindern konnte. Auch konnten die Auswirkungen der Deletion des RKIP, die sich durch eine beschleunigte und gravierendere Herzinsuffizienzentwicklung auszeichnet, durch Reexpression von RKIP verhindert werden.
Diese Arbeit kann somit zeigen, dass das RKIP eine ausgeglichene Verstärkung von \textbeta-adrenergen Signalwegen verursacht, die positiv inotrop und gleichzeitig protektiv wirkt. Dieses Wirkprinzip könnte ferner eine Strategie zur Erhöhung der Kontraktilität in der Herzinsuffizienz darstellen, die entgegen etablierter Theorien auf der Stimulation beider \textbeta AR basiert.
The CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and the atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3) are seven transmembrane receptors that are involved in numerous pathologies, including several types of cancers. Both receptors bind the same chemokine, CXCL12, leading to significantly different outcomes. While CXCR4 activation generally leads to canonical GPCR signaling, involving Gi proteins and β‐arrestins, ACKR3, which is predominantly found in intracellular vesicles, has been shown to signal via β‐arrestin‐dependent signaling pathways. Understanding the dynamics and kinetics of their activation in response to their ligands is of importance to understand how signaling proceeds via these two receptors.
In this thesis, different Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)‐based approaches have been combined to individually investigate the early events of their signaling cascades. In order to investigate receptor activation, intramolecular FRET sensors for CXCR4 and ACKR3 were developed by using the pair of fluorophores cyan fluorescence protein and fluorescence arsenical hairpin binder. The sensors, which exhibited similar functional properties to their wild‐type counterparts, allowed to monitor their ligand-induced conformational changes and represent the first RET‐based receptor sensors in the field of chemokine receptors. Additional FRET‐based settings were also established to investigate the coupling of receptors with G proteins, rearrangements within dimers, as well as G protein activation. On one hand, CXCR4 showed a complex activation mechanism in response to CXCL12 that involved rearrangements in the transmembrane domain of the receptor followed by rearrangements between the receptor and the G protein as well as rearrangements between CXCR4 protomers, suggesting a role of homodimers in the activation course of this receptor. This was followed by a prolonged activation of Gi proteins, but not Gq activation, via the axis CXCL12/CXCR4. In contrast, the structural rearrangements at each step of the signaling cascade in response to macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) were dynamically and kinetically different and no Gi protein activation via this axis was detected. These findings suggest distinct mechanisms of action of CXCL12 and MIF on CXCR4 and provide evidence for a new type of sequential signaling events of a GPCR. Importantly, evidence in this work revealed that CXCR4 exhibits some degree of constitutive activity, a potentially important feature for drug development. On the other hand, by cotransfecting the ACKR3 sensor with K44A dynamin, it was possible to increase its presence in the plasma membrane and measure the ligand‐induced activation of this receptor. Different kinetics of ACKR3 activation were observed in response to CXCL12 and three other agonists by means of using the receptor sensor developed in this thesis, showing that it is a valuable tool to study the activation of this atypical receptor and pharmacologically characterize ligands. No CXCL12‐induced G protein activation via ACKR3 was observed even when the receptor was re-localized to the plasma membrane by means of using the mutant dynamin. Altogether, this thesis work provides the temporal resolution of signaling patterns of two chemokine receptors for the first time as well as valuable tools that can be applied to characterize their activation in response to pharmacologically relevant ligands.
In the heart the β\(_1\)-adrenergic receptor (AR) and the β\(_2\)-AR, two prototypical G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), are both activated by the same hormones, namely adrenaline and noradrenaline. Both receptors couple to stimulatory G\(_s\) proteins, mediate an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and influence the contractility and frequency of the heart upon stimulation. However, activation of the β\(_1\)-AR, not the β\(_2\)-AR, lead to other additional effects, such as changes in gene transcription resulting in cardiac hypertrophy, leading to speculations on how distinct effects can arise from receptors coupled to the same downstream signaling pathway.
In this thesis the question of whether this distinct behavior may originate from a differential localization of these two receptors in adult cardiomyocytes is addressed. Therefore, fluorescence spectroscopy tools are developed and implemented in order to elucidate the presence and dynamics of these endogenous receptors at the outer plasma membrane as well as on the T-tubular network of intact adult cardiomyocytes. This allows the visualization of confined localization and diffusion of the β\(_2\)-AR to the T-tubular network at endogenous expression. In contrast, the β\(_1\)-AR is found diffusing at both the outer plasma membrane and the T-tubules. Upon overexpression of the β\(_2\)-AR in adult transgenic cardiomyocytes, the receptors experience a loss of this compartmentalization and are also found at the cell surface. These data suggest that distinct signaling and functional effects can be controlled by specific cell surface targeting of the receptor subtypes.
The tools at the basis of this thesis work are a fluorescent adrenergic antagonist in combination of fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy to monitor the localization and dynamics of the lowly expressed adrenergic receptors. Along the way to optimizing these approaches, I worked on combining widefield and confocal imaging in one setup, as well as implementing a stable autofocus mechanism using electrically tunable lenses.
The receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) are ubiquitously expressed membrane proteins that interact with several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest and pharmacologically most important family of cell surface receptors. RAMPs can regulate GPCR function in terms of ligand-binding, G-protein coupling, downstream signaling, trafficking, and recycling. The integrity of their interactions translates to many physiological functions or pathological conditions.
Regardless of numerous reports on its essential importance for cell biology and pivotal role in (patho-)physiology, the molecular mechanism of how RAMPs modulate GPCR activation remained largely elusive.
This work presents new insights that add to the common understanding of the allosteric regulation of receptor activation and will help interpret how accessory proteins - RAMPs - modulate activation dynamics and how this affects the fundamental aspects of cellular signaling. Using a prototypical class B GPCR, the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) in the form of advanced genetically encoded optical biosensors, I examined RAMP's impact on the PTH1R activation and signaling in intact cells. A panel of single-cell FRET and confocal microscopy experiments as well canonical and non-canonical functional assays were performed to get a holistic picture of the signaling initiation and transduction of that clinically and therapeutically relevant GPCR. Finally, structural modeling was performed to add molecular mechanistic details to that novel art of modulation.
I describe here that RAMP2 acts as a specific allosteric modulator of PTH1R, shifting PTH1R to a unique pre-activated state that permits faster activation in a ligand-specific manner. Moreover, RAMP2 modulates PTH1R downstream signaling in an agonist-dependent manner, most notably increasing the PTH-mediated Gi3 signaling sensitivity and kinetics of cAMP accumulation. Additionally, RAMP2 increases PTH- and PTHrP-triggered β-arrestin2 recruitment to PTH1R and modulates cytosolic ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Structural homology modeling shows that structural motifs governing GPCR-RAMP interaction originate in allosteric hotspots and rationalize functional modulation. Moreover, to interpret the broader role of RAMP's modulation in GPCRs pharmacology, different fluorescent tools to investigate RAMP's spatial organization were developed, and novel conformational biosensors for class B GPCRs were engineered. Lastly, a high throughput assay is proposed and prototyped to expand the repertoire of RAMPs or other membrane protein interactors.
These data uncover the critical role of RAMPs in GPCR activation and signaling and set up a novel platform for studying GPCR modulation. Furthermore, these insights may provide a new venue for precise modulation of GPCR
function and advanced drug design.
One third of all market approved drugs target G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), covering a highly diverse spectrum of indications reaching from acute anti-allergic treatment over bloodpressure regulation, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia up to the treatment of severe pain. GPCRs are key signaling proteins that mostly function as monomers, but for several receptors constitutive dimer formation has been described and in some cases is essential for function. I have investigated this problem using the μ-opioid receptor (µOR) as a model system - based both on its pharmacological importance and on specific biochemical data suggesting that it may present a particularly intriguing case of mono- vs- dimerization. The µOR is the prime target for the treatment of severe pain. In its inactive conformation it crystallizes as homodimer when bound to the antagonist β- funaltrexamine (β-FNA), whereas the active, agonist-bound receptor crystallizes as a monomer. Using single-molecule microscopy combined with superresolution techniques on intact cells, I describe here a dynamic monomer-dimer equilibrium of µORs where dimer formation is driven by specific agonists. The agonist DAMGO, but not morphine, induces dimer formation in a process that correlates temporally and, in its agonist, and phosphorylation dependence with β-arrestin2 binding to the receptors. This dimerization is independent from but may precede µOR internalization. Furthermore, the results show that the μOR tends to stay, on the cell surface, within compartments defined by actin fibers and its mobility is modulated by receptor activation. These data suggest a new level of GPCR regulation that links receptor compartmentalization and dimer formation to specific agonists and their downstream signals.
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), the ubiquitous second messenger produced upon stimulation of GPCRs which couple to the stimulatory GS protein, orchestrates an array of physiological processes including cardiac function, neuronal plasticity, immune responses, cellular proliferation and apoptosis. By interacting with various effector proteins, among others protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (Epac), it triggers signaling cascades for the cellular response. Although the functional outcomes of GSPCR-activation are very diverse depending on the extracellular stimulus, they are all mediated exclusively by this single second messenger. Thus, the question arises how specificity in such responses may be attained. A hypothesis to explain signaling specificity is that cellular signaling architecture, and thus precise operation of cAMP in space and time would appear to be essential to achieve signaling specificity. Compartments with elevated cAMP levels would allow specific signal relay from receptors to effectors within a micro- or nanometer range, setting the molecular basis for signaling specificity. Although the paradigm of signaling compartmentation gains continuous recognition and is thoroughly being investigated, the molecular composition of such compartments and how they are maintained remains to be elucidated. In addition, such compartments would require very restricted diffusion of cAMP, but all direct measurements have indicated that it can diffuse in cells almost freely.
In this work, we present the identification and characterize of a cAMP signaling compartment at a GSPCR. We created a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based receptor-sensor conjugate, allowing us to study cAMP dynamics in direct vicinity of the human glucagone-like peptide 1 receptor (hGLP1R). Additional targeting of analogous sensors to the plasma membrane and the cytosol enables assessment of cAMP dynamics in different subcellular regions. We compare both basal and stimulated cAMP levels and study cAMP crosstalk of different receptors. With the design of novel receptor nanorulers up to 60nm in length, which allow mapping cAMP levels in nanometer distance from the hGLP1R, we identify a cAMP nanodomain surrounding it. Further, we show that phosphodiesterases (PDEs), the only enzymes known to degrade cAMP, are decisive in constraining cAMP diffusion into the cytosol thereby maintaining a cAMP gradient. Following the discovery of this nanodomain, we sought to investigate whether downstream effectors such as PKA are present and active within the domain, additionally studying the role of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) in targeting PKA to the receptor compartment. We demonstrate that GLP1-produced cAMP signals translate into local nanodomain-restricted PKA phosphorylation and determine that AKAP-tethering is essential for nanodomain PKA.
Taken together, our results provide evidence for the existence of a dynamic, receptor associated cAMP nanodomain and give prospect for which key proteins are likely to be involved in its formation. These conditions would allow cAMP to exert its function in a spatially and temporally restricted manner, setting the basis for a cell to achieve signaling specificity. Understanding the molecular mechanism of cAMP signaling would allow modulation and thus regulation of GPCR signaling, taking advantage of it for pharmacological treatment.
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest class of membrane proteins, and are the master components that translate extracellular stimulus into intracellular signaling, which in turn modulates key physiological and pathophysiological processes. Research within the last three decades suggests that many GPCRs can form complexes with each other via mechanisms that are yet unexplored. Despite a number of functional evidence in favor of GPCR dimers and oligomers, the existence of such complexes remains controversial, as different methods suggest diverse quaternary organizations for individual receptors. Among various methods, high resolution fluorescence microscopy and imagebased fluorescence spectroscopy are state-of-the-art tools to quantify membrane protein oligomerization with high precision. This thesis work describes the use of single molecule fluorescence microscopy and implementation of two confocal microscopy based fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy based methods for characterizing the quaternary organization of two class A GPCRs that are important clinical targets: the C-X-C type chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and 7 (CXCR7), or recently named as the atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3). The first part of the results describe that CXCR4 protomers are mainly organized as monomeric entities that can form transient dimers at very low expression levels allowing single molecule resolution. The second part describes the establishment and use of spatial and temporal brightness methods that are based on fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy. Results from this part suggests that ACKR3 forms clusters and surface localized monomers, while CXCR4 forms increasing amount of dimers as a function of receptor density in cells. Moreover, CXCR4 dimerization can be modulated by its ligands as well as receptor conformations in distinct manners. Further results suggest that antagonists of CXCR4 display distinct binding modes, and the binding mode influences the oligomerization and the basal activity of the receptor: While the ligands that bind to a “minor” subpocket suppress both dimerization and constitutive activity, ligands that bind to a distinct, “major” subpocket only act as neutral antagonists on the receptor, and do not modulate neither the quaternary organization nor the basal signaling of CXCR4. Together, these results link CXCR4 dimerization to its density and to its activity, which may represent a new strategy to target CXCR4.
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate diverse physiological processes in the human body and represent prime targets in modern drug discovery. Engagement of different ligands to these membrane-embedded proteins evokes distinct receptor conformational rearrangements that facilitate subsequent receptor-mediated signalling and, ultimately, enable cellular adaptation to altered environmental conditions. Since the early 2000s, the technology of resonance energy transfer (RET) has been exploited to assess these conformational receptor dynamics in living cells and real time. However, to date, these conformational GPCR studies are restricted to single-cell microscopic setups, slowing down the discovery of novel GPCR-directed therapeutics. In this work, we present the development of a novel generalizable high-throughput compatible assay for the direct measurement of GPCR activation and deactivation. By screening a variety of energy partners for fluorescence (FRET) and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), we identified a highly sensitive design for an α2A-adrenergic receptor conformational biosensor. This biosensor reports the receptor’s conformational change upon ligand binding in a 96-well plate reader format with the highest signal amplitude obtained so far. We demonstrate the capacity of this sensor prototype to faithfully quantify efficacy and potency of GPCR ligands in intact cells and real time. Furthermore, we confirm its universal applicability by cloning and validating five further equivalent GPCR biosensors. To prove the suitability of this new GPCR assay for screening purposes, we measured the well-accepted Z-factor as a parameter for the assay quality. All tested biosensors show excellent Z-factors indicating outstanding assay quality. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this assay provides excellent throughput and presents low rates of erroneous hit identification (false positives and false negatives). Following this phase of assay development, we utilized these biosensors to understand the mechanism and consequences of the postulated modulation of parathyroid hormone receptor 1 (PTHR1) through receptor activity-modifying protein 2 (RAMP2). We found that RAMP2 desensitizes PTHR1, but not the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), for agonist-induced structural changes. This generalizable sensor design offers the first possibility to upscale conformational GPCR studies, which represents the most direct and unbiased approach to monitor receptor activation and deactivation. Therefore, this novel technology provides substantial advantages over currently established methods for GPCR ligand screening. We feel confident that this technology will aid the discovery of novel types of GPCR ligands, help to identify the endogenous ligands of so-called orphan GPCRs and deepen our understanding of the physiological regulation of GPCR function.