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- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- Kernspintomografie (2)
- 2-point Dixon (1)
- Bone Marrow Dosimetry (1)
- Bone Quantification (1)
- DEQCT (1)
- Fat Quantification (1)
- Felddetektion (1)
- Internal Dosimetry (1)
- Kardio-MRT (1)
- Kernspinresonanz (1)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung neuer, robuster Methoden der Spin-Lock-basierten MRT. Im Fokus stand hierbei vorerst die T1ρ-Quantifizierung des Myokards im Kleintiermodell. Neben der T1ρ-Bildgebung bietet Spin-Locking jedoch zusätzlich die Möglichkeit der Detektion ultra-schwacher, magnetischer Feldoszillationen. Die Projekte und Ergebnisse, die im Rahmen dieses Promotionsvorhabens umgesetzt und erzielt wurden, decken daher ein breites Spektrum der Spin-lock basierten Bildgebung ab und können grob in drei Bereiche unterteilt werden. Im ersten Schritt wurde die grundlegende Pulssequenz des Spin-Lock-Experimentes durch die Einführung des balancierten Spin-Locks optimiert. Der zweite Schritt war die Entwicklung einer kardialen MRT-Sequenz für die robuste Quantifizierung der myokardialen T1ρ-Relaxationszeit an einem präklinischen Hochfeld-MRT. Im letzten Schritt wurden Konzepte der robusten T1ρ-Bildgebung auf die Methodik der Felddetektion mittels Spin-Locking übertragen. Hierbei wurden erste, erfolgreiche Messungen magnetischer Oszillationen im nT-Bereich, welche lokal im untersuchten Gewebe auftreten, an einem klinischen MRT-System im menschlichen Gehirn realisiert.
The noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging technique allows for the investigation of functional processes in the living plant. For this purpose during this work, different NMR imaging methods were further developed and applied.
For the localisation of the intrusion of water into the germinating rape seed with the simultaneous depiction of the lipid-rich tissue via a 3D rendering, in Chap. 5 the technique of interleaved chemical selective acquisition of water and lipid was used in the germinating seed. The utilization of high-resolution MR images of germinated seeds enabled the localization of a predetermined water gap in the lipid-rich aleurone layer, which resides directly under the seed coat. The for a long time in biology prevalent discussion, whether such a gap exists or the seed soaks up the water from all sides, rather like a sponge, could hereby, at least for the rapeseed seed, be answered clearly. Furthermore, the segmentation and 3D visualization of the vascular tissue in the rapeseed seeds was enabled by the high-resolution datasets, a multiply branched structure preconstructed in the seed could be shown. The water is directed by the vascular tissue and thus awakens the seed gradually to life. This re-awakening could as well be tracked by means of invasive imaging via an oxygen sensor. In the re-awakened seeds, the lipid degradation starts, other than expected, not in the lipid-rich cotyledons but in the residual endosperm remaining from seed development and in the aleurone layer which previously protected the embryo. Within this layer, the degradation could be verified in the high-resolution MR datasets.
The method presented in Chap. 6 provides a further characteristic trait for phenotyping of seeds and lipid containing plants in general. The visualization of the compounds of fatty acids in plant seeds and fruits could be achieved by the distinct utilization of chemical shift-selective imaging techniques. Via the application of a CSI sequence the fatty acid compounds in an olive were localized in a 2D slice. In conjunction with an individually adjusted CHESS presaturation module Haa85 the high-resolution 3D visualization of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid compounds in different seeds was achieved. The ratio maps calculated from these datasets allow to draw conclusions from the developmental stage or the type of seed. Furthermore, it could be shown that the storage condition of two soybean seeds with different storage time durations lead to no degradation of the fatty acid content.
Additional structural information from inside of dry seeds are now accessible via MRI. In this work the imaging of cereal seeds could be significantly improved by the application of the UTE sequence. The hitherto existing depictions of the lipid distribution, acquired with the spin echo sequence, were always sufficient for examinations of the lipid content, yet defects in the starchy endosperm or differences in the starch concentration within the seed remained constantly unseen with this technique. In a direct comparison of the datasets acquired with the previous imaging technique (spin echo) and with UTE imaging, the advantage of data acquisition with UTE could be shown. By investigating the potential seed compounds (starch, proteins, sugar) in pure form, the constituent parts contributing to the signal could be identified as bound water (residual moisture) and starch. The application of a bi-exponential fit on the datasets of the barley seed enabled the separate mapping of magnetization and of relaxation time of two components contributing to the NMR signal. The direct comparison with histological stainings verified the previous results, thus this technique can be used for the selective imaging of starch in dry seeds.
Conclusions on the translocation characteristics in plants can be drawn by the technique proposed in Chap. 8. The associated translocation velocities can now, even in the range of several um/h, be determined in the living plant. Based on calculated concentrations of an MR contrast agent, which was taken up by the plant, these translocation velocities were estimated both in longitudinal direction, thus along the vascular bundle, and in horizontal direction, thus out of the bundle. The latter velocity is located below the contrast agent's velocity value of free diffusion. By adjusting a dynamic contrast-enhancing imaging technique (DCE-Imaging, Tof91) the acquisition duration of a T1-map was significantly reduced. By means of these maps, local concentrations of the contrast agent in plant stems and the siliques of the rapeseed plant could be determined.
Numerous questions in plant science can only be answered by non-invasive techniques such as MRI. For this reason, besides the experimental results achieved in this work, further NMR methods were tested and provided for the investigation of plants.
As an example, the study on the imaging of magnetic exchange processes are mentioned, which provided the groundwork for a possible transfer of CEST experiments (Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer) to the plant. The results are presented in the bachelor thesis of A. Jäger Jae17, which was performed under my supervision, they find great interest under biologists.
The development of new technologies, which extend the possibilities for the investigation of living organisms, is of great importance. For this reason, I have contributed to the development of the currently unpublished method RACETE (Refocused Acquisition of Chemical Exchange Transferred Excitations [Jak17, Reu17, Gut18a]). By rephasing the transferred magnetization the utilization of properties which have not been available in chemical "`exchange"' experiments is enabled. With this method a positive contrast is generated, thus a reference experiment is not mandatory. Furthermore, the image phase, which in classical experiments contains no information about the exchanged protons, can be used for the distinct identification of multiple substances which have been excited simultaneously.
This recently at the Department of Experimental Physics V developed method can be used in particular for the identification of lipids and for the localization of sugars and amino acids, thus it can serve the enhancement and improvement of non-invasive analytical methods.
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) ist eine noch sehr junge Technologie unter den nicht-invasiven tomographischen Verfahren. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung 2005 wurden einige Scannertypen und Konzepte vorgestellt, welche durch die Messung des Antwortsignals von superparamagnetischen Eisennanopartikeln (SPIOs) auf wechselnde Magnetfelder ein dreidi-mensionales Bild ihrer Verteilung berechnen können. Durch die direkte Messung des Tracers handelt es sich beim MPI um eine sehr sensitive und hochspezifische bildgebende Methode.
Zu Beginn dieser Forschungsarbeit gab es nur wenige bekannte MPI-Scanner, die jedoch alle ein nur kleines Field-of-View (FOV) vorweisen konnten. Der Grund dafür liegt in der Ver-wendung von Permanentmagneten.
Das Ziel war es nun, ein neues Konzept auszuarbeiten und einen 3D-MPI-Scanner zu entwer-fen, der in der Lage ist, ein mausgroßes Objekt zu messen.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein alternatives Scannerkonzept für die dreidimensionale Bildge-bung superparamagnetischer Eisennanopartikel vorgestellt. Der Traveling Wave MPI-Scanner (TWMPI) basiert auf einem neu entwickelten Hauptspulensystem, welches aus mehreren Elektromagneten besteht. Dadurch ist die Hardware bereits in der Lage, eine Linie entlang der Symmetrieachse über einen großen Bereich dynamisch zu kodieren. Mit Hilfe weiterer Ab-lenkspulen kann schließlich ein FOV von 65 x 25 x 25 Millimetern dreidimensional abgetastet werden. Dazu stehen mehrere Scanverfahren zur Verfügung, welche das Probenvolumen li-nienweise oder ebenenweise abtasten und mit einer Auflösung von ca. 2 Millimetern die Ver-teilung der SPIOs in wenigen Millisekunden abbilden können.
Mit diesem neuen Hardwareansatz konnte erstmals ein MPI-Scanner mit einem MR-Tomographen (MRT) kombiniert werden. Das MPI/MRT-Hybridsystem liefert tomographi-sche Bilder des Gewebes (MRT) und zeigt die Verteilung des eisenhaltigen Kontrastmittels (MPI), ohne die Probe bewegen zu müssen.
In einer in-vivo Echtzeitmessung konnte der TWMPI-Scanner mit 20 Bildern pro Se-kunde die dynamische Verteilung eines eisenhaltigen Kontrastmittels im Körper und speziell im schlagenden Herzen eines Tieres darstellen. Diese Echtzeitfähigkeit eröffnet in der kardi-ovaskuläre Bildgebung neue Möglichkeiten.
Erste Messungen mit funktionalisierten Eisenpartikeln zeigen die spezifische Bildge-bung verschiedener Zelltypen und stellen einen interessanten Aspekt für die molekulare Bild-gebung dar. Die Sensitivität des Scanners liegt dabei im Bereich von wenigen Mikrogramm Eisen pro Milliliter, was für den Nachweis von wenigen 10.000 mit Eisen markierten Zellen ausreicht.
Neben Messungen an diversen Ferrofluiden und eisenhaltigen Kontrastmitteln konnte der Einfluss von massiven Materialen, wie Eisenstückchen oder Eisenspänen, auf die rekon-struierten Bilder untersucht werden.
Erste Messungen an Gestein zeigen die Verteilung von Eiseneinschlüssen und bieten die Möglichkeit einer weiteren zerstörungsfreien Untersuchungsmethode für Materialwissen-schaftler und Geologen. Weiterführende Testmessungen mit einer unabhängigen μMPI-Anlage zeigen erste Ergebnisse mit Auflösungen im Mikrometerbereich und liefern Erkennt-nisse für den Umgang und Messung mit starken Gradientenfeldern.
Eine Modifizierung der Messanlage erlaubt es, in gerade einmal 500 μs ein komplettes Bild aufzunehmen, womit die Bewegung eines Ferrofluidtropfens in Wasser sichtbar gemacht werden konnte. Damit ist diese TWMPI-Anlage das schnellste MPI-System und eröffnet die Möglichkeit grundlegende Erfahrungen in der Partikeldynamik zu erlangen.
Der vorgestellte Traveling Wave MPI-Scanner ist ein alternativer Scannertyp, welcher sich von anderen MPI-Scannern abhebt. Mit neuen Ansätzen ist in der Lage ein mausgroßes Objekt auf dynamische Weise sehr schnell abzutasten. Dabei konnten in verschiedenen Mes-sungen die Funktionalität und Leistungsfähigkeit des TWMPI-Konzeptes demonstriert wer-den, welche die gesteckten Ziele deutlich übertreffen.
Bone marrow dosimetry is a topic of high interest in molecular radiotherapy. Predicting the level of hematological toxicity is one of the most important goals of nuclear medicine radiation dosimetry. To achieve this, it is necessary to quantify the absorbed dose to the active bone marrow, thus aiming at administering the most efficient therapy with a minimum level of adverse effects in the patient. The anatomical complexity of trabecular bone and bone marrow leads to the need of applying non-nuclear medicine imaging methods for determining the spatial distribution of soft tissue, adipose tissue, and bone in spongiosa.
Therefore, the two objectives of this dissertation are: i) to apply magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for quantification of the fat volume fraction, and ii) to validate a method based on dual-energy quantitative computed tomography (DEQCT) for quantification of the trabecular bone volume fraction.
In a first step, an MRI sequence (two-point Dixon) for fat-water separation was validated in a 3 Tesla system by quantifying the fat volume fraction in a phantom and the lumbar vertebrae of volunteers and comparing with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). After successful validation, the fat volume fraction was retrospectively measured in the five lumbar vertebrae of 44 patient images acquired in the clinical routine. The two-point Dixon showed a good quantification of the fat volume fraction in the phantom experiment (-9.8% maximum relative error with respect to the nominal values). In the volunteers, a non-significant difference between MRI and MRS was found for the quantification of the fat volume fraction in volumes-of-interest with similar dimensions and position in both quantification methodologies (MRI and MRS). In the study with patient data, the marrow conversion (red → yellow marrow) was found to be age-dependent, and slower in males (0.3% per year) than in females (0.5% per year). Also, considerable variability of the fat volume fraction in patients of similar ages and the same gender was observed.
These results enable the use of two-point Dixon MRI in the quantification of the fat volume fraction in the bone marrow. Additionally, the constant marrow conversion during adulthood suggests that a patient-specific approach should replace the assumption of a constant cellularity volume fraction of 0.7 (reference man) (1,2) as proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
In a second step, a quantification method based on DEQCT was validated in two CT systems: i) a clinical CT integrated into a SPECT/CT and ii) a dual-source computed tomography (DSCT) system. The method was applied in two phantoms: the first was used to validate the DEQCT method by the quantification of the hydroxyapatite volume fraction in three vials of 50 ml each and three different hydroxyapatite concentrations (100 mg/cm3, 200 mg/cm3, 300 mg/cm3). The second phantom was the European spine phantom (ESP), an anthropomorphic spine phantom. It was used to quantify the bone mineral content (BMC) on the whole vertebra and the hydroxyapatite volume fraction (VFHA) in the spongiosa region of each vertebra of the phantom. Lastly, the BMC of lumbar vertebrae 1 (LV1) and 2 (LV2) was measured in a patient using DEQCT and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Furthermore, the hydroxyapatite volume fraction (VFHA) and the bone volume fraction (VFB) was calculated for both the whole vertebrae and the spongiosa region of LV1 and LV2.
The measured and nominal hydroxyapatite volume fraction in the vial phantom showed a good correlation (maximum relative error: 14.2%). The quantification of the BMC on the whole vertebra and the VFHA on the spongiosa region showed larger relative errors than in the validation phantom. The quantification of BMC on LV1 and LV2 showed relative errors between DEXA and DSCT equal to 7.6% (LV1) and -8.4% (LV2). Also, the values of the VFHA (mineral bone) were smaller than the VFB. This result is consistent with the bone composition (mineral bone plus organic material).
The DEQCT method enables the quantification of hydroxyapatite (mineral bone) and bone (mineral bone plus organic material) in a clinical setting. However, the method showed an overestimation of the quantified mineral bone volume fraction. This overestimation might be related to the lack of detailed information on the CT X-ray spectra and detector sensitivity. Also, the DEQCT method showed a dependency on the CT reconstruction kernel and the chemical description of the materials to be quantified.
Based on the results of this work, the feasibility for quantifying the fat volume fraction and the bone volume fraction in the spongiosa in a clinical setting has been demonstrated/proven. Furthermore, the differences in fat volume fraction in females and males, as well as the variability of the fat volume fraction in subjects of similar ages, questions the approximation of the cellularity volume fraction by only a single ICRP reference value in bone marrow dosimetry for molecular radiotherapy. Lastly, this study presents the first approach for non-invasive quantification of the bone volume fraction (mineral bone plus organic material) for improved bone marrow dosimetry.