Institut für Geographie und Geologie
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- remote sensing (40)
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- Institut für Geographie und Geologie (371)
- Theodor-Boveri-Institut für Biowissenschaften (9)
- Institut für Altertumswissenschaften (4)
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- Institut für Informatik (2)
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- Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie (1)
- Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften (1)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I (1)
- Neuphilologisches Institut - Moderne Fremdsprachen (1)
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen
- The Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves (3)
- ALPARC - The Alpine Network of Protected Areas (2)
- Eurac research (2)
- Salzburg Institute for Regional Planning and Housing (2)
- Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (2)
- ALPARC - Das Netzwerk Alpiner Schutzgebiete (1)
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (1)
- Deutsches Klimaservice Zentrum (GERICS) (1)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft & Raumfahrt (DLR) (1)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (1)
- I-5818-2014 (1)
Der Golf von Mexiko umfasst etwa 13,5 % der US-amerikanischen Küstengebiete. Die angrenzenden Bundesstaaten Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama und Florida sind stark von den marinen Ressourcen und Dienstleistungen abhängig. Allerdings wird die Wasserqualität im nördlichen Golf durch menschliche Eingriffe erheblich beeinträchtigt.
Sandstrände machen lediglich 20 % der weltweiten Küsten aus. Über 70 % waren davon in den letzten Jahrzehnten von Erosion betroffen. Sedimente werden durch verschiedene Prozesse ständig umgelagert, was nicht nur das Erscheinungsbild, sondern auch die Ökologie der Küsten beeinflusst.
Die Zulassungsarbeit untersuchte die Brutgebiete von Meeresschildkröten an drei US-amerikanischen Küstenstandorten im Golf von Mexiko: Galveston (Texas), das Mississippi-Delta (Louisiana) und Turtle Beach (Florida). Der Fokus lag auf der ökologischen Bedeutung des Golfs und den Auswirkungen der Sedimentumlagerungen auf das Brutverhalten der Schildkröten. Korallen- und glaziale Küsten wurden nicht berücksichtigt.
Wegen lückenhafter und veralteter Literatur wurden Landsat-Daten (5-8) genutzt, die von Dr. Tobias Ullmann (Universität Würzburg) bereitgestellt wurden. Die drei Forschungsgebiete wurden farblich markiert: Galveston (blau), Mississippi-Delta (grün) und Florida (gelb). Es wurde vermutet, dass Galveston moderate, das Mississippi-Delta signifikante und Florida kaum Sedimentverschiebungen aufweist.
Die Sedimentverlagerungen wurden mit QGIS analysiert und decken einen Zeitraum von 30 Jahren ab, unterteilt in drei Abschnitte. Ziel dieser Zulassungsarbeit war, die Hypothese zu über prüfen, dass Sedimentumlagerungen das Brutverhalten der Meeresschildkröten beeinflussen.
The area of the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor (IAMC) follows the foothills and piedmont zones around the northern limits of Asia’s interior mountains, connecting two important areas for human evolution: the Fergana valley and the Siberian Altai. Prior research has suggested the IAMC may have provided an area of connected refugia from harsh climates during the Pleistocene. To date, this region contains very few secure, dateable Pleistocene sites, but its widely available carbonate units present an opportunity for discovering cave sites, which generally preserve longer sequences and organic remains. Here we present two models for predicting karstic cave and rockshelter features in the Kazakh portion of the IAMC. The 2018 model used a combination of lithological data and unsupervised landform classification, while the 2019 model used feature locations from the results of our 2017–2018 field surveys in a supervised classification using a minimum-distance classifier and morphometric features derived from the ASTER digital elevation model (DEM). We present the results of two seasons of survey using two iterations of the karstic cave models (2018 and 2019), and evaluate their performance during survey. In total, we identified 105 cave and rockshelter features from 2017–2019. We conclude that this model-led approach significantly reduces the target area for foot survey.
Seasonal evolution of Antarctic supraglacial lakes in 2015–2021 and links to environmental controls
Supraglacial meltwater accumulation on ice shelves may have important implications for future sea level rise. Despite recent progress in the understanding of Antarctic surface hydrology, potential influences on ice shelf stability as well as links to environmental drivers remain poorly constrained. In this study, we employ state-of-the-art machine learning on Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to provide new insight into the inter-annual and intra-annual evolution of surface hydrological features across six major Antarctic Peninsula and East Antarctic ice shelves. For the first time, we produce a high-resolution record of supraglacial lake extent dynamics for the period 2015–2021 at unprecedented 10 m spatial resolution and bi-weekly temporal scale. Through synergetic use of optical and SAR data, we obtain a more complete mapping record also enabling the delineation of buried lakes. Our results for Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves reveal below-average meltwater ponding during most of melting seasons 2015–2018 and above-average meltwater ponding throughout summer 2019–2020 and early 2020–2021 considering years 2015–2021 as a reference period. Meltwater ponding on investigated East Antarctic ice shelves was far more variable, with above-average lake extents during most 2016–2019 melting seasons and below-average lake extents during 2020–2021, considering the reference interval 2016–2021. This study is the first to investigate relationships with climate drivers both spatially and temporally including time lag analysis. The results indicate that supraglacial lake formation in 2015–2021 is coupled to the complex interplay of local, regional and large-scale environmental drivers with similar driving factors over both ice sheet regions. In particular, varying air temperature, solar radiation and wind conditions influenced supraglacial lake formation over all six ice shelves despite strong local to regional discrepancies, as revealed through pixel-based correlation analysis. Furthermore, regional climatic conditions were shown to be influenced by Southern Hemisphere atmospheric modes showing large-scale impacts on the spatio-temporal evolution of supraglacial lakes as well as on above- or below-average meltwater ponding with respect to the period 2015–2021. Finally, the local glaciological setting, including melt–albedo feedbacks and the firn air content, was revealed to strongly influence supraglacial lake distribution. Recent increases in Antarctic Peninsula surface ponding point towards a further reduction in the firn air content, implying an increased risk for ponding and hydrofracture. In addition, lateral meltwater transport was observed over both Antarctic regions with similar implications for future ice shelf stability.
Controls on andesitic glaciovolcanism at ice-capped volcanoes from field and experimental studies
Glaciovolcanic deposits at Tongariro and Ruapehu volcanoes, New Zealand, represent diverse styles of interaction between wet-based glaciers and andesitic lava. There are iceconfined lavas, and also hydroclastic breccia and subaqueous pyroclastic deposits that formed during effusive and explosive eruptions into meltwater beneath the glacier; they are rare among globally reported products of andesitic glaciovolcanism. The apparent lack of hydrovolcanically fragmented andesite at ice-capped volcanoes has been attributed to a lack of meltwater at the interaction sites because either the thermal characteristics of andesite limit meltwater production or meltwater drains out through leaky glaciers and down steep volcano slopes. We used published field evidence and novel, dynamic andesite-ice experiments to show that, in some cases, meltwater accumulates under glaciers on andesitic volcanoes and that meltwater production rates increase as andesite pushes against an ice wall. We concur with models for eruptions beneath ice sheets showing that the glacial conditions and pre-eruption edifice morphology are more important controls on the style of glaciovolcanism and its products than magma composition and the thermal properties of magmas. Glaciovolcanic products can be useful proxies for paleoenvironment, and the range of andesitic products and the hydrological environments in which andesite erupts are greater than hitherto appreciated.
Die sozialräumliche Differenzierung urbaner Räume sowie die damit verbundenen Effekte für die Infrastruktur in segregierten Teilräumen der Stadt gewinnen vor dem Hintergrund wachsender sozialer und ökonomischer Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dabei ist die Diskussion um Prozesse der räumlichen Polarisierung und Segregation in Städten sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Bewohner eines Teilgebiets nicht neu. Vielmehr besteht eine fortwährende wissenschaftliche Debatte über städtische Segregationsprozesse und deren mögliche Effekte.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Fragestellung, inwieweit die sozialräumliche Differenzierung auch mit unterschiedlichen infrastrukturellen Ausstattungen und daraus resultierenden Erreichbarkeiten verbunden ist. Methodisch basiert die Analyse der Erreichbarkeitssituationen auf unterschiedlichen GIS-Modellen. Die sozialräumliche Differenzierung wird mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Verfahren kleinräumig analysiert. Anschließend werden die Abhängigkeiten zwischen den sozialräumlichen Typisierungen und den Erreichbarkeitsmodellierungen bi- und multivariat untersucht. Im Sinne eines mixed-methods Ansatzes wird zudem die Bevölkerung unterschiedlicher Sozialräume mittels Auswertungen von Haushaltsbefragungen in die Analyse einbezogen. Die theoretische Fundierung erfolgt durch stadtsoziologische Arbeiten Pierre Bourdieus und den Capability Approach.
Die unterschiedlichen quantitativen Modellierungen zeigen durchweg einen Zusammenhang zwischen Sozialraum und Erreichbarkeitsbedingungen. Die Auswertungen legen offen, dass Haushalte in sozial benachteiligten Gebieten häufig über schlechtere Erreichbarkeitsgegebenheiten verfügen als Haushalte in besser typisierten Gebieten. Die individuelle Bewertung der Erreichbarkeit verifiziert die ermittelten Zusammenhänge aus GIS-Modellierungen und sozialräumlichen Typisierungen: Wird das sozialräumliche Umfeld negativ bewertet, gilt dies häufig auch für die Bewertung der individuellen Erreichbarkeitssituation.
The safety band of Antarctica, consisting of floating glacier tongues and ice shelves, buttresses ice discharge of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Recent disintegration events of ice shelves along with glacier retreat indicate a weakening of this important safety band. Predicting calving front retreat is a real challenge due to complex ice dynamics in a data-scarce environment that are unique for each ice shelf and glacier. We explore the extent to which easy-to-access remote sensing and modeling data can help to define environmental conditions leading to calving front retreat. For the first time, we present a circum-Antarctic record of glacier and ice shelf front change over the last two decades in combination with environmental variables such as air temperature, sea ice days, snowmelt, sea surface temperature, and wind direction. We find that the Antarctic Ice Sheet area decreased by −29 618 ± 1193 km2 in extent between 1997–2008 and gained an area of 7108 ± 1029 km2 between 2009 and 2018. Retreat concentrated along the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica including the biggest ice shelves (Ross and Ronne). In several cases, glacier and ice shelf retreat occurred in conjunction with one or several changes in environmental variables. Decreasing sea ice days, intense snowmelt, weakening easterlies, and relative changes in sea surface temperature were identified as enabling factors for retreat. In contrast, relative increases in mean air temperature did not correlate with calving front retreat. For future studies a more appropriate measure for atmospheric forcing should be considered, including above-zero-degree days and temperature extreme events. To better understand drivers of glacier and ice shelf retreat, it is critical to analyze the magnitude of basal melt through the intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water that is driven by strengthening westerlies and to further assess surface hydrology processes such as meltwater ponding, runoff, and lake drainage.
The seasonal snow cover in the European Alps plays a crucial role in the region's climate, ecology, and economy. It affects the local climate through its high albedo, protects permafrost, provides habitats, and acts as a water reservoir that feeds European rivers. However, these functions are threatened by climate change. Analyzing snow cover dynamics is essential to predict future developments and assess related ecological and economic impacts.
This study explores the potential of long Earth Observation (EO) time series for modeling and predicting the snow line elevation (SLE) in the Alps. Based on approximately 15,000 Landsat satellite images, SLE time series were generated for the years 1985 to 2022. Various univariate forecasting models were evaluated, with the best results achieved by Random Forests, Telescope, and Seasonal ARIMA. A newly developed approach combines the best models into a robust ensemble, achieving an average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.8 in catchments with strong seasonal signals.
Forecasts for 2030 indicate significant upward shifts in the SLE, particularly in the Western and Southern Alps. Given the variability in results, a multivariate modeling approach using climate variables is recommended to improve prediction accuracy. This study lays the groundwork for future models that could potentially project SLE dynamics through the end of the 21st century under various climate scenarios, which is highly relevant for climate policy in the Alpine region.
This study explores the potential of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to identify phenological phases of wheat, sugar beet, and canola. Breakpoint and extreme value analyses were applied to a dense time series of interferometric (InSAR) and polarimetric (PolSAR) features recorded during the growing season of 2017 at the JECAM site DEMMIN (Germany). The analyses of breakpoints and extrema allowed for the distinction of vegetative and reproductive stages for wheat and canola. Certain phenological stages, measured in situ using the BBCH-scale, such as leaf development and rosette growth of sugar beet or stem elongation and ripening of wheat, were detectable by a combination of InSAR coherence, polarimetric Alpha and Entropy, and backscatter (VV/VH). Except for some fringe cases, the temporal difference between in situ observations and breakpoints or extrema ranged from zero to five days. Backscatter produced the signature that generated the most breakpoints and extrema. However, certain micro stadia, such as leaf development of BBCH 10 of sugar beet or flowering BBCH 69 of wheat, were only identifiable by the InSAR coherence and Alpha. Hence, it is concluded that combining PolSAR and InSAR features increases the number of detectable phenological events in the phenological cycles of crops.
This study investigates the projected precipitation changes of the 21st century in the Mediterranean area with a model ensemble of all available CMIP3 and CMIP5 data based on four different scenarios. The large spread of simulated precipitation change signals underlines the need of an evaluation of the individual general circulation models in order to give higher weights to better and lower weights to worse performing models. The models' spread comprises part of the internal climate variability, but is also due to the differing skills of the circulation models. The uncertainty resulting from the latter is the aim of our weighting approach. Each weight is based on the skill to simulate key predictor variables in context of large and medium scale atmospheric circulation patterns within a statistical downscaling framework for the Mediterranean precipitation. Therefore, geopotential heights, sea level pressure, atmospheric layer thickness, horizontal wind components and humidity data at several atmospheric levels are considered. The novelty of this metric consists in avoiding the use of the precipitation data by itself for the weighting process, as state-of-the-art models still have major deficits in simulating precipitation. The application of the weights on the downscaled precipitation changes leads to more reliable and precise change signals in some Mediterranean sub-regions and seasons. The model weights differ between sub-regions and seasons, however, a clear sequence from better to worse models for the representation of precipitation in the Mediterranean area becomes apparent.
A new ranking of the world's largest cities—Do administrative units obscure morphological realities?
With 37 million inhabitants, Tokyo is the world's largest city in UN statistics. With this work we call this ranking into question. Usually, global city rankings are based on nationally collected population figures, which rely on administrative units. Sprawling urban growth, however, leads to morphological city extents that may surpass conventional administrative units. In order to detect spatial discrepancies between the physical and the administrative city, we present a methodology for delimiting Morphological Urban Areas (MUAs). We understand MUAs as a territorially contiguous settlement area that can be distinguished from low-density peripheral and rural hinterlands. We design a settlement index composed of three indicators (settlement area, settlement area proportion and density within the settlements) describing a gradient of built-up density from the urban center to the periphery applying a sectoral monocentric city model. We assume that the urban-rural transition can be defined along this gradient. With it, we re-territorialize the conventional administrative units. Our data basis are recent mapping products derived from multi-sensoral Earth observation (EO) data – namely the Global Urban Footprint (GUF) and the GUF Density (GUF-DenS) – providing globally consistent knowledge about settlement locations and densities. For the re-territorialized MUAs we calculate population numbers using WorldPop data. Overall, we cover the 1692 cities with >300,000 inhabitants on our planet. In our results we compare the consistently re-territorialized MUAs and the administrative units as well as their related population figures. We find the MUA in the Pearl River Delta the largest morphologically contiguous urban agglomeration in the world with a calculated population of 42.6 million. Tokyo, in this new list ranked number 2, loses its top position. In rank-size distributions we present the resulting deviations from previous city rankings. Although many MUAs outperform administrative units by area, we find that, contrary to what we assumed, in most cases MUAs are considerably smaller than administrative units. Only in Europe we find MUAs largely outweighing administrative units in extent.