100 Philosophie und Psychologie
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- Doctoral Thesis (15)
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- Book article / Book chapter (3)
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- Aufsatzsammlung (3)
- Ethik (2)
- Kongress (2)
- Natur (2)
- Philosophie (2)
- Philosophy of Mind (2)
- Psychotherapie (2)
- Selbst (2)
- Selbstverwirklichung (2)
- double intentionality (2)
- Institut für Philosophie (13)
- Institut für Politische Wissenschaft (8)
- Graduate School of the Humanities (5)
- Institut für Philosophie (bis Sept. 2007) (4)
- Institut für Psychologie (2)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaften Ost- und Südasiens (1)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaften Ost- und Südasiens (bis Sept. 2007) (1)
- Institut für Pädagogik (bis Sept. 2007) (1)
- Institut für Sonderpädagogik (1)
- Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie (1)
The state of substances under ultrahigh pressures and temperatures (UHPHT) now raises a special interest as a matter existing under extreme conditions and as potential new material. Under laboratory conditions only small amounts of micrometer-sized matter are produced at a pressure up to 100 GPa and at room temperature. Simultaneous combination of ultrahigh pressures and temperatures in a lab still requires serious technological effort. Here we describe the composition and structure of the UHPHT vein-like impact glass discovered by us in 2015 on the territory of the Kara astrobleme (Russia) and compare its properties with impact glass from the Ries crater (Germany). A complex of structural and spectroscopic methods presents unusual high pressure marks of structural elements in 8-fold co-ordination that had been described earlier neither in synthetic nor natural glasses. The Kara natural UHPHT glasses being about 70 Ma old have well preserved initial structure, presenting some heterogeneity as a result of partial liquation and crystallization differentiation where an amorphous component is proposed to originate from low level polymerization. Homogeneous parts of the UHPHT glasses can be used to deepened fundamental investigation of a substance under extreme PT conditions and to technological studies for novel material creations.
The need for mental health support within the Parkinson’s disease (PD) community has never been greater, yet many practitioners lack the knowledge or experience to address the unique challenges associated with PD. This book serves as a practical guide for mental health professionals to assist individuals with PD and caregivers through the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques, with the goal of enhancing their well-being and quality of life. The book includes a review of information about PD and mental health, and four structured group programs designed to address issues that are common in people with PD and caregivers:
• Coping with stress and illness
• Communicating about PD
• Emotional expression in PD
• Interventions for caregivers
The programs presented in this book can be utilized as they are, personalized for individual use, or adapted for research protocols. Additionally, the information can serve as a valuable resource for people with PD and their family members, who can learn about PD and be introduced to evidence-based strategies that can be used conjointly with professionals to improve their experience of living with PD.
Whether, and in what sense, research in phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology has—in addition to its descriptive and hermeneutic value—explanatory power is somewhat controversial. This paper shows why it is legitimate to recognize such explanatory power. To this end, the paper analyzes two central concerns underlying the debate about explanation in phenomenology: (a) the warning against reductionism, which is implicit in a conception of causal explanation exclusively based on models of natural/physical causation; and (b) the warning against top-down generalizations, which neglect the specificity of the individual. While acknowledging that these two caveats express serious concerns regarding the debate on explanatory models, I show that phenomenology has the resources to respond to them. These can be found in analyses of different types of causation relating to different regions of reality and in the structure of explanatory models based on exemplarity. On the basis of these analyses, I defend a pluralist account vis-à-vis explanatory models.
Husserl’s taxonomy of action
In the present article I discuss, in confrontation with the most recent studies on Husserl’s phenomenology of acting and willing, the taxonomy of action that is collected in the volume ‘Wille und Handlung’ of the Husserliana edition Studien zur Struktur des Bewussteins. In so doing, I first present Husserl’s universal characterization of action (Handlung) as a volitional process (willentlicher Vorgang). Then, after clarifying what it means for a process to have a character of volitionality (Willentlichkeit), I illustrate the various types of actions, which Husserl distinguishes as ‘straightforward’ (schlicht) or ‘deciding’ (entscheidend), ‘primary’ (primär) or ‘secondary’ (sekundär), ‘inner’ (innere) or ‘outer’ (äußere), ‘immediate’ (unmittelbar) or mediate (mittelbar), ‘simple’ (einfach) or ‘compound’ (zusammengesetzt). Finally, I consider Husserl’s discussion of the direction and foundation of action.
Seit jeher üben Roboter eine Faszination auf den Menschen aus. Es ist die Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen, die technische Systeme, die mit einer höheren Intelligenz ausgestattet sind, gleichermaßen faszinierend wie erschreckend erscheinen lässt. Der Gedanke daran, technische Kreaturen zu erschaffen, die uns erhabenen menschlichen Wesen „das Wasser reichen“ oder uns gar übertreffen können, lässt uns nicht mehr los. Die Erkenntnis von dem Nutzen, den uns derartige Wesen in allen denkbaren Bereichen bringen könnten, mündet jedoch sehr schnell in eine Skepsis im Hinblick auf eine Entmündigung und Entwertung des Menschen. Denn schon heute, obgleich die Forschung in vielen Bereichen noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, geraten wir in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen in Kontakt mit technischen Systemen, die eine starke Wirkung auf uns ausüben und viele grundlegende Fragen aufwerfen.
Die Arbeit widmet sich der ethischen Dimension autonomer (Pflege-)Systeme und thematisiert zu diesem Zweck konkrete Anwendungsszenarien. Dabei geht es nicht um allgemeine ethische Fragen, sondern konkret um den Aspekt der Vereinbarkeit autonomer technischer Systeme mit der Menschenwürde ihrer Nutzer. Auch der Gesichtspunkt des Einflusses von autonomen technischen Innovationen auf das Selbstverständnis des Menschen (Menschenbild) ist Teil der Arbeit.
Als Maßstab für moderne technische Entwicklungen dient der Würdegrundsatz aufgrund seiner enormen Bedeutung für das Recht sowie für das zugrundeliegende und allgemeine Menschenbild. Im Rahmen einer an einem humanistischen Weltbild orientierten Gesellschaft steht die Menschenwürde als oberster Wert, dem moralische und rechtliche Entwicklungen gerecht werden müssen, über allem. Daher gilt es, moderne Entwicklungen immer auch im Hinblick auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit der Menschenwürde zu überprüfen. So lässt sich feststellen, ob ein Regulierungsbedarf besteht und wie Regulierungen im Einzelnen auszugestalten sind.
Gleichzeitig muss aber auch die Menschenwürde gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen gerecht werden. Demgemäß wird sie vom Bundesverfassungsgericht als Grundsatz, der sich aktuellen Herausforderungen stellt und zur Erzwingung eines gesellschaftlichen Diskurses führt, angesehen.
Die hiesige Arbeit soll einen Beitrag zu der bereits angestoßenen gesellschaftlichen Debatte rund um den technischen Fortschritt und konkret um die Probleme, die mit der zunehmenden Autonomie technischer Systeme einhergehen, leisten.
Any account of intentional action has to deal with the problem of how such actions are individuated. Medieval accounts, however, crucially differ from contemporary ones in at least three respects: (i) for medieval authors, individuation is not a matter of description, as it is according to contemporary, ‘Anscombian’ views; rather, it is a metaphysical matter. (ii) Medieval authors discuss intentional action on the basis of faculty psychology, whereas contemporary accounts are not committed to this kind of psychology. Connected to the use of faculty psychology is (iii) the distinction between interior and exterior acts. Roughly, interior acts are mental as opposed to physical acts, whereas exterior acts are acts of physical powers, such as of moving one’s body. Of course, contemporary accounts are not committed to this distinction between two ontologically different kinds of acts. Rather, they might be committed to views consistent with physicalist approaches to the mind. The main interpretative task in this paper is to clarify how Scotus and Ockham explain moral intentional action in terms of the role and involvement of these kinds of acts respectively. I argue that Scotus’s account is close to contemporary, ‘Anscombian’ accounts, whereas Ockham’s account is incompatible with them.
How are fictions given? Conjoining the ‘artifactual theory’ and the ‘imaginary-object theory’
According to the so-called ‘artifactual theory’ of fiction, fictional objects are to be considered as abstract artifacts. Within this framework, fictional objects are defined on the basis of their complex dependence on literary works, authors, and readership. This theory is explicitly distinguished from other approaches to fictions, notably from the imaginary-object theory. In this article, I argue that the two approaches are not mutually exclusive but can and should be integrated. In particular, the ontology of fiction can be fruitfully supplemented by a phenomenological analysis, which allows us to clarify the defining modes of givenness of fictional objects. Likewise, based on the results of the artifactual theory, some assumptions in the imaginary-object theory, which are liable to be interpreted as laying the ground to phenomenalism, can be corrected.