05.45.-a Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (see also section 45 Classical mechanics of discrete systems; for chaos in fluid dynamics, see 47.52.+j)
- 05.45.Ac Low-dimensional chaos
- 05.45.Df Fractals (see also 47.53.+n Fractals in fluid dynamics; 61.43.Hv Fractals; macroscopic aggregates in structure of solids)
- 05.45.Gg Control of chaos, applications of chaos
- 05.45.Jn High-dimensional chaos
- 05.45.Mt Quantum chaos; semiclassical methods
- 05.45.Pq Numerical simulations of chaotic systems
- 05.45.Ra Coupled map lattices
- 05.45.Tp Time series analysis
- 05.45.Vx Communication using chaos
05.45.Xt Synchronization; coupled oscillators
- 05.45.Yv Solitons (see 52.35.Sb for solitons in plasma; for solitons in acoustics, see 43.25.Rq-in Acoustics Appendix; see 42.50.Md, 42.65.Tg, 42.81.Dp for solitons in optics; see also 03.75.Lm in matter waves; for solitons in space plasma physics, see 94.05.Fg; f