42.65.Re Ultrafast processes; optical pulse generation and pulse compression
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Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (8)
- Journal article (1)
- Ultrakurzer Lichtimpuls (6)
- Femtosekundenbereich (4)
- Pulsformung (3)
- Adaptivregelung (2)
- Fourier-Spektroskopie (2)
- Frequenzvervielfachung (2)
- Photochemische Reaktion (2)
- Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie (2)
- evolutionary algorithm (2)
- pulse shaping (2)
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA (1)
- Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF Jena, Germany (1)
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (1)
- Max Planck School of Photonics Jena, Germany (1)
- National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan (1)
- University of Oldenburg, Germany (1)
- University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China (1)
Excitons in atomically thin transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been established as an attractive platform to explore polaritonic physics, owing to their enormous binding energies and giant oscillator strength. Basic spectral features of exciton polaritons in TMD microcavities, thus far, were conventionally explained via two-coupled-oscillator models. This ignores, however, the impact of phonons on the polariton energy structure. Here we establish and quantify the threefold coupling between excitons, cavity photons, and phonons. For this purpose, we employ energy-momentum-resolved photoluminescence and spatially resolved coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy to investigate the spectral properties of a high-quality-factor microcavity with an embedded WSe\(_2\) van-der-Waals heterostructure at room temperature. Our approach reveals a rich multi-branch structure which thus far has not been captured in previous experiments. Simulation of the data reveals hybridized exciton-photon-phonon states, providing new physical insight into the exciton polariton system based on layered TMDs.
An experimental setup for probing ultrafast dynamics at the diffraction limit was developed, characterized and demonstrated in the scope of the thesis, aiming for optical investigations while simultaneously approaching the physical limits on the length and timescale.
An overview of this experimental setup was given in Chapter 2, as well as the considerations that led to the selection of the individual components. Broadband laser pulses with a length of 9.3 fs, close to the transform limit of 7.6 fs, were focused in a NA = 1.4 immersion oil objective, to the diffraction limit of below 300 nm (FWHM).
The spatial focus shape was characterized with off-resonance gold nanorod scatterers scanned through the focal volume. For further insights into the functionality and limitations of the pulse shaper, its calibration procedure was reviewed. The deviations between designed and experimental pulse shapes were attributed to pulse-shaper artifacts, including voltage-dependent inter-layer as well as intra-layer LCD-pixel crosstalk, Fabry-Pérot-type reflections in the LCD layers, and space-time coupling. A pixel-dependent correction was experimentally carried out, which can be seen as an extension of the initial calibration to all possible voltage combinations of the two LCD layers.
The capabilities of the experimental setup were demonstrated in two types of experiments, targeting the nonlinearity of gold (Chapter 3) as well as two-dimensional spectroscopy at micro-structured surfaces (Chapter 4).
Investigating thin films, an upper bound for the absolute value for the imaginary part of the nonlinear refractive index of gold could be set to |n′′ 2 (Au)| < 0.6·10−16 m2/W, together with |n′ 2 (Au)| < 1.2·10−16 m2/W as an upper bound for the absolute value of the real part. Finite-difference time-domain simulations on y-shaped gold nanostructures indicated that a phase change of ∆Φ ≥ 0.07 rad between two plasmonic modes would induce a sufficient change in the spatial contrast of emission to the far-field to be visible in the experiment. As the latter could not be observed, this value of ∆Φ was determined as the upper bound for the experimentally induced phase change. An upper bound of 52 GW/cm2 was found for the damage threshold.
In Chapter 4, a novel method for nonlinear spectroscopy on surfaces was presented. Termed coherent two-dimensional fluorescence micro-spectroscopy, it is capable of exploring ultrafast dynamics in nanostructures and molecular systems at the diffraction limit. Two-dimensional spectra of spatially isolated hotspots in structured thin films of fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine (F16ZnPc) dye were taken with a 27-step phase-cycling scheme. Observed artifacts in the 2D maps were identified as a consequence from deviations between the desired and the experimental pulse shapes. The optimization procedures described in Chapter 2 successfully suppressed the deviations to a level where the separation from the nonlinear sample response was feasible.
The experimental setup and methods developed and presented in the scope of this thesis demonstrate its flexibility and capability to study microscopic systems on surfaces. The systems exemplarily shown are consisting of metal-organic dyes and metallic nanostructures, represent samples currently under research in the growing fields of organic semiconductors and plasmonics.
The controlled shaping of ultrashort laser pulses is a powerful technology and applied in many laser laboratories today. Most of the used pulse shapers are only able to produce linearly polarized pulses shaped in amplitude and phase. Some devices are also capable of producing limited time-varying polarization profiles, but they are not able to control the amplitude. However, for some state-of-the-art non-linear time-resolved methods, such as polarization-enhanced two-dimensional spectroscopy, the possibility of controlling the amplitude and the polarization simultaneously is desirable.
Over the last years, different concepts have been developed to overcome these restrictions and to manipulate the complete vector-field of an ultrashort laser pulse with independent control over all four degrees of freedom - phase, amplitude, orientation, and ellipticity. The aim of this work was to build such a vector-field shaper. While the basic concept used for our setup is based on previous designs reported in the literature, the goal was to develop an optimized optical design that minimizes artifacts, allowing for the generation of predefined polarization pulse sequences with the highest achievable accuracy.
In Chapter 3, different approaches reported in the literature for extended and unrestricted vector-field control were examined and compared in detail. Based on this analysis, we decided to follow the approach of modulating the spectral phase and amplitude of two perpendicularly polarized pulses independently from each other in two arms of an interferometer and recombining them to a single laser pulse to gain control over the complete vector field.
As described in Chapter 4, the setup consists of three functional groups: i) an optical component to generate and recombine the two polarized beams, ii) a 4f setup, and iii) a refracting telescope to direct the two beams under two different angles of incidence onto the grating of the 4f setup in a common-path geometry. This geometry was chosen to overcome potential phase instabilities of an interferometric vector-field shaper. Manipulating the two perpendicularly polarized pulses simultaneously within one 4f setup and using adjacent pixel groups of the same liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (LC SLM) for the two polarizations has the advantages that only a single dual-layer LC SLM is required and that a robust and compact setup was achieved. The shaping capabilities of the presented design were optimized by finding the best parameters for the setup through numerical calculations to adjust the frequency distributions for a broad spectrum of 740 – 880 nm. Instead of using a Wollaston prism as in previous designs, a thin-film polarizer (TFP) is utilized to generate and recombine the two orthogonally polarized beams. Artifacts such as angular dispersion and phase distortions along the beam profile which arise when a Wollaston prism is used were discussed. Furthermore, it was shown by ray-tracing simulations that in combination with a telescope and the 4f setup, a significant deformation of the beam profile would be present when using a Wollaston prism since a separation of the incoming and outgoing beam in height is needed. The ray-tracing simulations also showed that most optical aberrations of the setup are canceled out when the incoming and outgoing beams propagate in the exact same plane by inverting the beam paths. This was realized by employing a TFP in the so-called crossed-polarizer arrangement which has also the advantage that the polarization-dependent efficiencies of the TFP and the other optics are automatically compensated and that a high extinction ratio in the order of 15000:1 is reached. Chromatic aberrations are, however, not compensated by the crossed-polarizer arrangement. The ray-tracing simulations confirmed that these chromatic aberrations are mainly caused by the telescope and not by the cylindrical lens of the 4f setup. Nevertheless, in the experimentally used wavelength range of 780 – 816 nm, only minor distortions of the beam profile were observed, which were thus considered to be negligible in the presented setup.
The software implementation of the pulse shaper was reviewed in Chapter 5 of this thesis. In order to perform various experiments, five different parameterizations, accounting for the extended shaping capabilities of a vector-field shaper, were developed. The Pixel Basis, the Spectral Basis, and the Spectral Taylor Basis can generally be used in combination with an optimization algorithm and are therefore well suited for quantum control experiments. For multidimensional spectroscopy, the Polarized Four-Pulse Basis was established. With this parameterization pulse sequences with up to four subpulses can be created. The polarization state of each subpulse can be specified and the relative intensity, phase, and temporal delay between consecutive subpulses can be controlled. In addition, different software programs were introduced in Chapter 5 which are required to perform the experiments conducted in this work.
The experimental results were presented in Chapter 6. The frequency distribution across the LC SLM was measured proving that the optimal frequency distribution was realized experimentally. Furthermore, the excellent performance of the TFP was verified. In general, satellite pulses are emitted from the TFP due to multiple internal reflections. Various measurements demonstrated that these pulses are temporally separated by at least 4.05 ps from the main pulse and that they have vanishing intensity. The phase stability between the two arms of the presented common-path setup σ = 28.3 mrad (λ/222) over 60 minutes. To further improve this stability over very long measurement times, an on-the-fly phase reduction and stabilization (OPRAS) routine utilizing the pulse shaper itself was developed. This routine automatically produces a compressed pulse with a minimized relative phase between the two polarization components. A phase stability of σ = 31.9 mrad (λ/197) over nearly 24 hours was measured by employing OPRAS. Various pulse sequences exceeding the capabilities of conventional pulse shapers were generated and characterized. The experimental results proved that shaped pulses with arbitrary phase, amplitude, and polarization states can be created. In all cases very high agreement between the target parameters and the experimental data was achieved.
For the future use of the setup also possible modifications were suggested. These are not strictly required, but all of them could further improve the performance and flexibility of the setup. Firstly, it was illustrated how a “dual-output” of the setup can be realized. With this modification it would be possible to use the main intensity of the shaped pulse for an experiment while using a small fraction to characterize the pulse or to perform OPRAS simultaneously. Secondly, the basic idea of replacing the telescope by focusing mirrors in order to eliminate the chromatic aberrations was presented. Regarding the different parameterizations for vector-field shaping, some modifications increasing the flexibility of the implemented bases and the realization of a von Neumann Basis for the presented setup were proposed. In future experiments, the vector-field shaper will be used in conjunction with a photoemission electron microscope (PEEM). This approach combines the temporal resolution provided by ultrashort laser pulses with the high spatial resolution gained by electron microscopy in order to perform two-dimensional spectroscopy and coherent control on nanostructures with polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses. In combination with other chiral-sensitive experimental setups implemented earlier in our group, the vector-field shaper opens up new perspectives for chiral femtochemistry and chiral control.
The designed vector-field shaper meets all requirements to generate high-precision polarization-shaped multipulse sequences. These can be used to perform numerous polarization-sensitive experiments. Employing the OPRAS routine, a quasi-infinitely long phase stability is achieved and complex and elaborated long-term measurements can be carried out. The fact that OPRAS demands no additional hardware and that only a single dual-layer LC SLM and inexpensive optics are required allows the building of a vector-field shaper at comparatively low costs. We hope that with the detailed insights into the optical design process as well as into the software implementation given in this thesis, vector-field shaping will become a standard technique just as conventional pulse shaping in the upcoming years.
This work deals with nonlinear optics with wavefront controlled ultra-short laser pulses. The effects studied are self-phase modulation due to filamentation of ultra-short laser pulses and high-order harmonic generation in a jet of noble gas. Additionally, a way to optimize the spectral brilliance of the high-order harmonic source is studied by measuring the spectrum and wavefront of the generated XUV beam.
Contents List of Publications 1 Introduction 2 Basic concepts and instrumentation 2.1 Mathematical description of femtosecond laser pulses 2.2 Optical quantities and measurements 2.2.1 Intensity 2.2.2 Absorbance and Beer-Lambert law 2.3 Laser system 2.4 General software framework for scientific data acquisition and simulation 2.4.1 Core components 2.4.2 Program for executing a single measurement sequence 2.4.3 Scan program 2.4.4 Evolutionary algorithm optimization program 2.4.5 Applications of the software framework 2.5 Summary 3 Generation of ultrabroadband femtosecond pulses in the visible 3.1 Nonlinear optics 3.1.1 Nonlinear polarization and frequency conversion 3.1.2 Phase matching 3.2 Optical parametric amplification 3.3 Noncollinear optical parametric amplifier 3.4 Considerations and experimental design of NOPA 3.4.1 Options for broadening the NOPA bandwidth 3.4.2 Experimental setup 3.5 NOPA pulse characterization 3.5.1 Second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating 3.5.2 Transient grating frequency-resolved optical gating 3.6 Compression and shaping methods for NOPA pulses 3.6.1 Grating compressor 3.6.2 Prism compressor 3.6.3 Chirped mirrors 3.6.4 Detuned zero dispersion compressor 3.6.5 Deformable mirror pulse shaper 3.6.6 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7.1 Femtosecond pulse shapers 3.7.2 Experimental design and parameters 3.7.3 Optical setup of the LC pulse shaper 3.7.4 Calibrations of the pulse shaper 3.8 Adaptive pulse compression 3.8.1 Closed loop pulse compression 3.8.2 Open loop pulse compression 3.9 Conclusions 4 Coherent optical two-dimensional spectroscopy 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theory of third order nonlinear optical spectroscopies 4.2.1 Response function, electric fields, and signal field 4.2.2 Signal detection with spectral interferometry 4.2.3 Evaluation of two-dimensional spectra and phasing 4.2.4 Selection and classification of terms in induced nonlinear polarization 4.2.5 Oscillatory character of measured signal 4.3 Previous experimental implementations 4.4 Inherently phase-stable setup using conventional optics only 4.4.1 Manipulation of pulse pairs as a basis for stability 4.4.2 Experimental setup 4.4.3 Measurement procedure 4.4.4 Data evaluation 4.5 First experimental results 4.5.1 Demonstration of phase stability 4.5.2 2D spectrum of Nile Blue at room temperature 4.6 Summary and outlook 5 Product accumulation for ultrasensitive femtochemistry 5.1 The problem of sensitivity in femtochemistry 5.2 Accumulation for increased sensitivity 5.2.1 Comparison of conventional and accumulative sensitivity 5.2.2 Schematics and illustrative example 5.3 Experimental setup 5.4 Calibration and modeling of accumulation 5.5 Experiments on indocyanine green 5.5.1 Calibration of the setup 5.5.2 Chirped pulse excitation 5.5.3 Adaptive pulse shaping 5.6 Conclusions 6 Ultrafast photoconversion of the green fluorescent protein 6.1 Green fluorescent protein 6.2 Experimental setup for photoconversion of GFP 6.3 Calibration of the setup for GFP 6.3.1 Model for concentration dynamics of involved GFP species 6.3.2 Estimate of sensitivity 6.4 Excitation power study 6.5 Time-resolved two-color experiment 6.6 Time-delayed unshaped 400 nm – shaped 800 nm pulse excitation 6.6.1 Inducing photoconversion with chirped pulses 6.6.2 Photoconversion using third order phase pulses 6.7 Conclusions 7 Applications of the accumulative method to chiral systems 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Chiral asymmetric photochemistry 7.2.1 Continuous-wave circularly polarized light 7.2.2 Controlled asymmetric photochemistry using femtosecond laser pulses 7.3 Sensitive and fast polarimeter 7.3.1 Polarimeter setup 7.3.2 Detected signal I(t) 7.3.3 Angular amplification 7.3.4 Performance of the polarimeter 7.4 Molecular systems and mechanisms for enantioselective quantum control 7.4.1 Binaphthalene derivatives 7.4.2 Photochemical helicene formation 7.4.3 Spiropyran/merocyanine chiroptical molecular switches 7.5 Summary 8 Summary Zusammenfassung Bibliography Acknowledgements
The generation of high harmonics is an ideal method to convert frequencies of the infrared- or visible range into the soft x-ray range. This process demands high laser intensities that are nowadays supplied by femtosecond laser systems. As the temporal and spatial coherence properties of the laser are transferred during the conversion process, the generated high harmonics will propagate as a beam with high peak-brightness. Under ideal conditions the generation of soft-x-ray pulses shorter than one femtosecond is possible. These properties are exploited in many applications like time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy. The topic of this thesis is the generation and optimization of high harmonics. A variety of conversion setups is investigated (jet of noble gas atoms, gas-filled hollow-fiber, water microdroplets) and theoretical models present ideas to further enhance the conversion efficiency (using excited atoms or aligned molecules). In different setups the peak intensity of the fundamental laser pulses is increased by spectral broadening and subsequent temporal compression. This is achieved with the help of pulse shaping devices that can modify the spectral phase and therefore also the temporal intensity distribution of laser pulses. These pulse shaping devices are controlled by an evolutionary algorithm. With this setup not only adaptive compression of laser pulses is possible, but also the engineering of specific laser pulse shapes to optimize an experimental output. This setup was used to influence the process of high harmonic generation. It is demonstrated that the spectral distribution of the generated soft-x-ray radiation can be controlled by temporal pulse shaping. This method to tailor high harmonics is complemented by spatial shaping techniques. These findings demonstrate the realization of a tunable source of soft-x-ray radiation.
High-harmonic generation provides a powerful source of ultrashort coherent radiation in the XUV and soft-x-ray range, which also allows for the production of attosecond light pulses. Based on the unique properties of this new radiation it is now possible to perform time-resolved spectroscopy at high excitation energies, from which a wide field of seminal discoveries can be expected. Since the exploration and observation of the corresponding processes in turn are accompanied by the desire to control them, this work deals with new ways to manipulate and characterize the properties of these high-harmonic-based soft-x-ray pulses. After introductory remarks this work first presents a comprehensive overview over recent developments and achievements on the field of the control of high-harmonic radiation in order to classify the experimental results obtained in this work. These results include the control of high-harmonic radiation both by temporally shaping and by manipulating the spatial properties of the fundamental laser pulses. In addition, the influence of the conversion medium and of the setup geometry (gas jet, gas-filled hollow fiber) was investigated. Using adaptive temporal pulse shaping of the driving laser pulse by a deformable mirror, this work demonstrates the complete control over the XUV spectrum of high harmonics. Based on a closed-loop optimization setup incorporating an evolutionary algorithm, it is possible to generate arbitrarily shaped spectra of coherent soft-x-ray radiation in a gas-filled hollow fiber. Both the enhancement and suppression of narrowband high-harmonic emission in a selected wavelength region as well as the enhancement of coherent soft-x-ray radiation over a selectable extended range of harmonics (multiple harmonics) can be achieved. Since simulations that do not take into account spatial properties such as propagation effects inside a hollow fiber cannot reproduce the experimentally observed high contrast ratios between adjacent harmonics, a feedback-controlled adaptive two-dimensional spatial pulse shaper was set up to examine selective fiber mode excitation and the optimization of high-harmonic radiation in such a geometry. It is demonstrated that different fiber modes contribute to harmonic generation and make the high extent of control possible. These results resolve the long-standing issue about the controllability of high-harmonic generation in free-focusing geometries such as gas jets as compared to geometries where the laser is guided. Temporal pulse shaping alone is not sufficient. It was possible to extend the cutoff position of harmonics generated in a gas jet, however, selectivity cannot be achieved. The modifications of the high-harmonic spectrum have direct implications for the time structure of the harmonic radiation, including the possibility for temporal pulse shaping on an attosecond time scale. To this end, known methods for the temporal characterization of optical pulses and high-harmonic pulses (determination of the harmonic chirp on femtosecond and attosecond time scales) were introduced. The experimental progress in this work comprises the demonstration of different setups that are in principle suitable to determine the time structure of shaped harmonic pulses based on two-photon two-color ionization cross-correlation techniques. Photoelectron spectra of different noble gases generated by photoionization with high-harmonic radiation reproduce the spin-orbit splitting of the valence electrons and prove the satisfactory resolution of our electron time-of-flight spectrometer for the temporal characterization of high harmonics. Unfortunately no positive results for this part could be achieved so far, which can probably be attributed mainly to the lack of the focusability of the high harmonics and to the low available power of our laser system. However, we have shown that shaping the high-harmonic radiation in the spectral domain must result in modifications of the time structure on an attosecond time scale. Therefore this constitutes the first steps towards building an attosecond pulse shaper in the soft-x-ray domain. Together with the ultrashort time resolution, high harmonics open great possibilities in the field of time-resolved soft-x-ray spectroscopy, for example of inner-shell transitions. Tailored high-harmonic spectra as generated in this work and shaped attosecond pulses will represent a multifunctional toolbox for this kind of research.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Methode der adaptiven Pulsformung von Femtosekunden Laserpulsen in der flüssigen Phase experimentell zu realisieren. Eine Erweiterung dieser Technik auf die kondensierte Phase stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer breiten Anwendbarkeit zur Steuerung von chemischen Reaktionen dar. Die größere Teilchendichte im Vergleich zur Gasphase ermöglicht zum einen eine Erhöhung der erzielbaren absoluten Produktausbeuten. Andererseits ergibt sich erst dadurch die Möglichkeit, reale chemische Reaktionen, wie bimolekulare Reaktionen, gezielt zu steuern, da Stöße zwischen verschiedenen Molekülen wahrscheinlicher werden. Die Methode der adaptiven Quantenkontrolle ist für die Anwendung in der flüssigen Phase bestens geeignet, da sie eine kohärente Kontrolle von photoinduzierten molekularen Prozessen selbst in komplexen Quantensystemen erlaubt. In dieser experimentellen Umsetzung einer ,,geschlossenen Kontrollschleife'' wird die spektrale Phasenstruktur von fs-Laserpulsen in einem computergesteuerten Pulsformer moduliert. Der resultierende geformte Laserpuls wechselwirkt anschließend mit dem zu untersuchenden molekularen System und steuert aktiv die Entwicklung des erzeugten Wellenpakets auf der Potentialenergiefläche. Eine quantitative Messung der erzeugten Photoprodukte dieser Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung dient als Rückkopplungssignal eines selbstlernenden Computeralgorithmus. Der auf dem Prinzip der Evolutionstheorie arbeitende Algorithmus verbessert nun iterativ die Pulsform bis ein Optimum des gewünschten Reaktionskanals erreicht wird. Das modulierte elektrische Feld des Laserpulses passt sich somit entsprechend der gestellten Kontrollaufgabe automatisch den molekularen Eigenschaften an. Um jedoch die Anwendung dieser Technik auch in der kondensierten Phase zu demonstrieren, mussten Methoden zur Gewinnung eines Rückkopplungssignals gefunden werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden daher Möglichkeiten eines quantitativen Rückkopplungssignals für die adaptive Kontrolle in der flüssigen Phase untersucht, wie die Emissionsspektroskopie und die transiente Absorption im UV/VIS oder infraroten Spektralbereich. In einem ersten Experiment wurde die Emissionsspektroskopie verwendet, um einen Ladungstransferprozess (MLCT) in einem Ru(II)-Komplex ([Ru(dpb)3]2+) mit geformten fs-Laserpulsen zu steuern. Um die dominierende Intensitätsabhängigkeit der Anregung zu eliminieren, wurde die Emissionsausbeute mit dem SHG-Signal eines nichtlinearen Kristalls „normiert“. Diese Auslöschung des intensitätsabhängigen Faktors in beiden Prozessen ermöglichte es, Pulsformen zu finden, die dieses Verhältnis sowohl maximieren als auch minimieren. Ein Ansatz zur Erklärung der experimentellen Ergebnisse konnte mit Hilfe eines störungstheoretischen Modells beschrieben werden. In einem zweiten Experiment wurde erstmals eine photochemische Selektivität zwischen zwei verschiedenen Substanzen in der kondensierten Phase demonstriert. Dabei sollte die jeweilige Zwei-Photonen Anregung des Komplexes [Ru(dpb)3]2+ gegenüber dem Molekül DCM selektiv kontrolliert werden. Wiederum diente die spontane Emission beider Substanzen als Rückkopplungssignal für die Effektivität des Anregungsschritts. Verschiedene Ein-Parameter Kontrollmethoden, wie der Variation der Anregungswellenlänge, der Intensität sowie des linearen Chirps, konnten diese Kontrollaufgabe nicht erfüllen. Jedoch konnte eine Optimierung des Verhältnisses der beiden Emissionsausbeuten mit Hilfe der adaptiven Pulsformung erzielt werden. Das Ergebnis dieses Experiments zeigt, dass photoinduzierte Prozesse in zwei unterschiedlichen molekularen Substanzen trotz der Wechselwirkungen der gelösten Moleküle mit ihrer Lösungsmittelumgebung selektiv und simultan kontrolliert werden können. Das Ziel des dritten Experiments war eine gezielte Steuerung einer komplexeren chemischen Reaktion. Mit Hilfe der adaptiven Pulsformung konnte eine optimale Kontrolle der Photoisomerisierungsreaktion des Moleküls NK88 demonstriert werden. Das dazu benötigte Rückkopplungssignal für den evolutionären Algorithmus wird durch transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie im UV/VIS Spektralbereich bereitgestellt. Eine Untersuchung der Dynamik der Isomerisierungsreaktion mit Hilfe der Pump-Probe Technik erlaubte eine Zuordnung zweier verschiedener Absorptionsbereiche zu den jeweiligen Isomeren. Die Ergebnisse der Optimierung des Verhältnisses der Quantenausbeuten der beiden Isomere zeigten, dass die geformten Laserpulse eine Kontrolle der Effizienz der Photoisomerisierung in der flüssigen Phase ermöglichen. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe der fs-Lasertechnologie und der Technik der adaptiven fs-Quantenkontrolle Experimente durchgeführt wurden, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zu dem neuen Forschungsbereich der Femtochemie darstellen. Die Erweiterung dieser Technik auf die flüssige Phase beschreibt einen ersten Erfolg in Richtung einer neuartigen Chemie.
Adaptive femtosecond quantum control has proven to be a very successful method in many different scientific fields like physics, chemistry or biology. Numerous quantum systems and in particular molecules undergoing chemical reactions have been controlled using shaped femtosecond laser pulses. This method allows to go beyond simple observation and to obtain active control over quantum--mechanical systems. It uses interference phenomena in the time and/or frequency domain to achieve selectivity. The shaped femtosecond laser pulses employed in this scheme have until recently been purely linearly polarized. Therefore, they only address the scalar properties of light--matter interaction and neglect the vectorial character of both the dipole moment $\vec{\mu}$ and the electric field $\vec{E}(t)$. Especially in the quantum control of chemical reactions the investigated systems ---the molecules--- are three dimensional and exhibit complex spatio--tempo\-ral dynamics. With the help of polarization--shaped laser pulses one is now able to follow these dynamics in both, time and spatial direction, and can therefore reach a new level of control over quantum--mechanical systems. In this work, the generation of polarization--shaped laser pulses has been implemented in an optical setup. It requires no interferometric stability as a result of the identical beam path for both polarization components. Dual--channel spectral interferometry was employed as experimental pulse characterization and a mathematical description of the time--dependent polarization state of these pulses was given. The polarization modulation of the shaped pulses by subsequent optical elements was investigated and some solutions to minimize these modulations were presented. Jones matrix calculus with experimentally calibrated matrices was implemented to account for all polarization distortions from the LCD to the position of the experiment and for full characterization of the generated pulse shapes. Adaptive polarization shaping was demonstrated in a purely optical realization of the learning--loop concept. The learning algorithm was able to find the needed linear polarization in order to maximize second harmonic generation in a nonlinear optical crystal. The closed--loop configuration has proven to be capable to clear up more complicated polarization distortion, which was introduced using a multiple order half--wave plate designed for use at a wavelength of 620~nm. The additional deformation of the spectral phase through dispersion in a 10~cm long SF10 glass rod has also been compensated automatically. After these optical demonstration experiments ultrafast polarization shaping was applied to control a quantum system. Polarization sensitivity was shown in pump--probe measurements of the multiphoton ionization of potassium dimer molecules K$_2$. This sensitivity was exploited in a more general way in a learning--loop experiment with polarization--shaped laser pulses. A qualitatively new level of control was demonstrated using the time--dependent polarization state of laser pulses as an active agent. This polarization control was applicable even in randomly aligned molecules, which is a significant simplification of the experimental setup. In addition to these polarization control experiments, the three dimensional dynamics of molecules were also investigated and controlled. The \textit{cis--trans} photoisomerization of NK88 was studied in the liquid phase by transient absorption spectroscopy. The isomerization reaction efficiency was enhanced as well as reduced using linearly polarized laser pulses at 400~nm shaped in spectral phase and amplitude. This experiment demonstrates the ability to control the large scale motion of complex molecular groups with shaped femtosecond laser pulses. The modification of the molecular geometry can be regarded as a first step towards control of chirality in photochemistry. Especially with the successful demonstration of polarization quantum control, which is required in the theoretical models for the selective conversion of one enantiomer into the other, the way is paved towards coherent control of chirality. Besides these fascinating applications of polarization shaping it should now also be possible to extend the wavelength range of these pulses. Apart from second harmonic generation in order to reach the ultraviolet region intra-pulse difference frequency generation could be an option to open the mid-infrared spectral range for polarization shaping. With these new wavelength regions numerous new perspectives arise for quantum control using polarization--shaped laser pulses. Referring once more to the novel of Edwin A. Abbott presented in the introduction one could say that shaped femtosecond pulses really have left Flatland. Or to put it into the words of the sphere, when it teaches the square about the perception of dimensions: \begin{quote} ``Look yonder [...] in Flatland thou hast lived; of Lineland thou hast received a vision; thou hast soared with me to the heights of Spaceland;'' \hfill Edwin A.~Abbott~\cite{abbott1884}, 1884 \end{quote}