330 Wirtschaft
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- I-5818-2014 (1)
Entrepreneurship research often lacks a contextualized perspective, even though contexts matter in entrepreneurship (Welter and Gartner 2016). In addition, entrepreneurship theory is still predominantly based on empirical insights from developed economy settings (Barkema et al. 2015; Bruton et al. 2022). By not sufficiently paying attention to the differences in contexts entrepreneurs are embedded in, entrepreneurship research misses the opportunity to advance theory by creating new theoretical frameworks that go beyond ‘mainstream’ entrepreneurship theory. Instead, using entrepreneurship contextualization theory makes differences in entrepreneurship visible (Baker and Welter 2020). In response to scholars calling for more inclusive and diverse entrepreneurship research (Cooke and Xiao 2021; Hughes and Jennings 2012), this dissertation contextualizes women’s entrepreneurship in China. It pursues an interdisciplinary approach that draws on entrepreneurship contextualization theory, uses gender as a lens, and is situated in the empirical setting of China. The researcher crafted the dissertation as explorative qualitative research and employed a narrative inquiry with ethnographic elements to investigate the following overarching research questions: 1) How do ‘when’ and ‘where’ contexts and their interplay shape everyday women’s entrepreneurship in China? and 2) How and why do everyday women entrepreneurs shape contexts and gender in China? The main findings show how contexts shape women’s entrepreneurship in China and, at the same time, how women entrepreneurs in China demonstrate agency in shaping the contexts in which they are embedded. An integrative theoretical framework on top-down and bottom-up interaction of contexts and women’s entrepreneurship in China is also derived. This dissertation positions Chinese women entrepreneurs as everyday entrepreneurs (e.g., Welter et al. 2017) and adds to the academic discussion on how women entrepreneurs ‘do’ context and gender (Baker and Welter 2017, 2020; Welter 2020; Welter and Baker 2021).
A principal hires an agent to provide a verifiable service. Initially, the agent can exert unobservable effort to reduce his disutility from providing the service. If the agent is free to waive his right to quit, he may voluntarily sign a contract specifying an inefficiently large service level, while there are insufficient incentives to exert effort. If the agent’s right to quit is inalienable, the underprovision of effort may be further aggravated, but the service level is ex post efficient. Overall, it turns out that the total surplus can be larger when agents are not permitted to contractually waive their right to quit work. Yet, we also study an extension of our model in which even the agent can be strictly better off when the parties have the contractual freedom to waive the agent’s right to quit.
This paper examines professional associations’ local responses to global demands of accounting standardisation. Our longitudinal study from 1998 to 2018 analyses how professional associations of the German audit profession engaged in an intense framing contest over the adoption of external quality controls. Drawing on the concept of strategic action field and the literature on framing, we unpack how the gap between large audit firms and small audit firms increasingly undermined the capacity of the professional associations to fulfil their dual role of governance and representation. We unveil how their failed attempt to maintain the image of an unified profession ultimately led to the creation of a new professional association representing the ‘small auditor’ professional, which successfully, albeit temporarily, took control over the field of German auditing. Our findings suggest that the passivity of small audit firms in the process of translating global regulatory regimes should not be presumed. Rather, we provide insight into how small audit firms can rebuild their own identity by actively responding to waves of global regulation. Doing so, and contrary to prior research, our case highlights that governance units within strategic action fields are not necessarily aligned with the interests of the most powerful field actors.
We develop a model of oligopoly competition involving innovation effort, market entry and production flexibility under demand uncertainty. Several heterogeneous firms make efforts to develop new prototypes; if they succeed, they hold a shared option to enter a new market under stochastic demand. We derive analytic results for the Markov perfect equilibrium accounting for development effort, market entry and production decisions and complement these by numerical analyses. Firm value—which embeds real options—is not convex increasing in demand but exhibits “competitive waves” due to market entries by rivals. A firm with a development advantage (“innovator”) exerts greater innovation effort if the market is a niche, whereas another benefiting from economies of scale (“incumbent”) invests more if the market is larger. Positive externalities benefit the incumbent in the development stage, whereas the innovator is better off in counteracting negative externalities. Demand volatility raises firm incentives to innovate as it enhances the value of firm market‐entry and production flexibility.
A lot of countries have recently published updated hydrogen strategies, often including more ambitious targets for hydrogen production. In parallel, accompanying ramp-up mechanisms are increasingly coming into focus with the first ones already being released. However, these proposals usually translate mechanisms from renewable energy (RE) policy without considering the specific uncertainties, spillovers, and externalities of integrating hydrogen electrolysis into electricity grids. This article details how different aspects of a policy can address the specific issues, namely funding, risk-mitigation, and the complex relation with electricity markets. It shows that, compared to RE policy, subsidies need to emphasize the input side more strongly as price risks and intermittency from electricity markets are more prominent than from hydrogen markets. Also, it proposes a targeted mechanism to capture the positive externality of mitigating excess electricity in the grid while keeping investment security high. Economic policy should consider such approaches before massively scaling support and avoid the design shortcomings experienced with early RE policy.
Die Jahresabschlussprüfung verfolgt das Ziel, die Verlässlichkeit der Rechnungslegung zu bestätigen. Folglich kann sie einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einem hohen Informationsniveau an den Märkten leisten. Angesichts dieser großen ökonomischen Bedeutung unternimmt der deutsche Gesetzgeber zahlreiche Anstrengungen, um eine hohe Prüfungsqualität sicherzustellen.
Die Sichtung der Wirtschaftsprüferordnung zeigt hierbei, dass regulatorische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, die am Kern der Jahresabschlussprüfung ansetzen, nämlich an den Berufsangehörigen selbst. So wurde der Zugang zum Berufsstand der vereidigten Buchprüfer mehrmals geschlossen und wiedereröffnet. Des Weiteren sind markante Anpassungen des Niveaus des Wirtschaftsprüfungsexamens im Zeitablauf zu erkennen. Bei der Jahresabschlussprüfung der Unternehmen von öffentlichem Interesse sind außerdem besondere Berufspflichten zu erfüllen. Zum einen ist diesen schweren Eingriffen in die Freiheit der Berufswahl und der Berufsausübung gemein, dass sie allesamt die Qualifikation des Abschlussprüfers adressieren. Zum anderen werden die entsprechenden Gesetzesänderungen mehrheitlich mit einer Stärkung der Prüfungsqualität begründet.
Fraglich ist, inwiefern jene Facetten der Prüferqualifikation tatsächlich einen Einfluss auf die Prüfungsqualität ausüben. Aufgrund mangelnder Evidenz ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, eine empirische Studie am deutschen Prüfermarkt durchzuführen und somit den Beginn zur Schließung der identifizierten Forschungslücke zu setzen.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation besteht folglich darin, den Zusammenhang zwischen der Prüferqualifikation und der Prüfungsqualität mittels Regressionsanalysen zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein einzigartiger Datensatz zu deutschen privaten prüfungspflichtigen Kapitalgesellschaften mit unkonsolidierten Finanz- und Prüferinformationen im Zeitraum 2006-2018 mit insgesamt 217.585 grundlegenden Beobachtungen erhoben, bereinigt und aufbereitet. Da die Prüfungsqualität nicht direkt beobachtbar ist, wird zwischen wahrgenommener Prüfungsqualität und tatsächlicher Prüfungsqualität unterschieden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wird die wahrgenommene Prüfungsqualität über Fremdkapitalkosten und die tatsächliche Prüfungsqualität über absolute diskretionäre Periodenabgrenzungen approximiert.
Die Ergebnisse der Hauptregressionen zeigen überwiegend, dass kein Zusammenhang zwischen den Maßgrößen der Prüferqualifikation und der wahrgenommenen und tatsächlichen Prüfungsqualität besteht. Die Zusatz- und Sensitivitätsanalysen unterstützen diesen Befund. So können mit Blick auf die Berufszugangsregelungen keine Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen den Berufsständen der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der vereidigten Buchprüfer nachgewiesen werden. Auch innerhalb des Berufstandes der Wirtschaftsprüfer ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf ein Qualitätsgefälle zwischen den Prüfergruppen, die unterschiedliche Examensanforderungen durchlebt haben. Hinsichtlich der Berufsausübungsregelungen ist zu beobachten, dass die zusätzlichen Anforderungen an die Jahresabschlussprüfung der Unternehmen von öffentlichem Interesse nicht mit einer anderen Prüfungsqualität bei privaten Unternehmen verbunden sind. Die beschriebenen regulatorischen Schritte des Gesetzgebers im Bereich der Prüferqualifikation erscheinen somit im Lichte einer verbesserten Prüfungsqualität nicht zwingend gerechtfertigt.
Bioimages frequently exhibit low signal-to-noise ratios due to experimental conditions, specimen characteristics, and imaging trade-offs. Reliable segmentation of such ambiguous images is difficult and laborious. Here we introduce deepflash2, a deep learning-enabled segmentation tool for bioimage analysis. The tool addresses typical challenges that may arise during the training, evaluation, and application of deep learning models on ambiguous data. The tool’s training and evaluation pipeline uses multiple expert annotations and deep model ensembles to achieve accurate results. The application pipeline supports various use-cases for expert annotations and includes a quality assurance mechanism in the form of uncertainty measures. Benchmarked against other tools, deepflash2 offers both high predictive accuracy and efficient computational resource usage. The tool is built upon established deep learning libraries and enables sharing of trained model ensembles with the research community. deepflash2 aims to simplify the integration of deep learning into bioimage analysis projects while improving accuracy and reliability.
Compared to other countries, China was particularly early in developing a comprehensive set of policies to promote electric mobility (e-mobility). The aim of this study is to examine how China’s e-mobility development – through changes in formal institutions as well as market forces – has affected German passenger car manufacturers and their competitive environment and positions. The study is guided by two strands of research: new institutional economics and strategic management literature. A holistic multiple-case design is used to analyze five German case study firms. Qualitative interview data are collected through interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results show that the electric transformation in China has been shaped by changes in formal institutions at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Interestingly, the case study firms were affected not only by changes in China’s formal institutions but also by disparities between institutions in China and Europe. Furthermore, the data suggest that German car manufacturers are facing an increasingly competitive environment in China: at least four forces in Porter’s five-forces model seem to have intensified in recent years. The extent to which the case study firms have been affected by these developments may depend on the industry segments in which they are positioned. However, it can be argued that the electric transition has blurred the lines between traditional segments of the car industry to some extent. The interview data do not provide evidence that any of the German car brands have substantially changed their positioning, but they do suggest that some of the case study companies did not have an adequate offering for the Chinese market at the time of the interviews. In addition, the study finds that China’s transition to e-mobility has led to changes in various parts of the German automakers’ value chains, including production, sales, marketing, services, research and development, and procurement. Whether these changes will ultimately result in competitive advantage, parity, or disadvantage remains to be seen.
Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich anhand einer Sammlung von realen Fällen, die in Aufgabenform formuliert sind, mit dem leider oft gestörten Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis in der rechtsgeprägten Unternehmensbewertung.
Es weist ähnlich wie „normale“ Fallsammlungen die jeweiligen Aufgabenstellungen und die zugehörigen Lösungen aus. Die eigentlichen Fragestellungen in den Aufgabentexten sind durch kurze Erläuterungen eingerahmt, damit jeder Fall als solcher von einem mit Bewertungsfragen halbwegs Vertrauten relativ leicht verstanden und in seiner Bedeutung eingeordnet werden kann. Dieses Vorgehen ähnelt wiederum Lehrbüchern, die Inhalte über Fälle vermitteln, nur dass hier nicht hypothetische Fälle das jeweils idealtypisch richtige Vorgehen zeigen, sondern Praxisfälle plakative Verstöße contra legem artis.