860 Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen
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- Spanish (1)
- Romanistik (7)
- Literaturwissenschaft (6)
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- Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft (3)
- Zeitschrift (2)
- wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (2)
- 1680 (1)
- Andalusian varieties (1)
- Arcipreste de Hita (1)
Die Zeitschrift promptus – Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik erscheint einmal jährlich und wird durch den gemeinnützigen Verein promptus e.V. herausgegeben.
Sie richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der romanistischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft sowie der Fachdidaktik und bietet diesen die Möglichkeit, in einem frühen Stadium ihrer akademischen Laufbahn qualitativ hochwertige Arbeiten zu publizieren. Zudem versteht sich die Zeitschrift als Impulsgeber für junge romanistische Forschung, ohne sich dabei thematisch zu beschränken.
Die Zeitschrift promptus – Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik erscheint einmal jährlich und wird durch den gemeinnützigen Verein promptus e.V. herausgegeben.
Sie richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der romanistischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft sowie der Fachdidaktik und bietet diesen die Möglichkeit, in einem frühen Stadium ihrer akademischen Laufbahn qualitativ hochwertige Arbeiten zu publizieren. Zudem versteht sich die Zeitschrift als Impulsgeber für junge romanistische Forschung, ohne sich dabei thematisch zu beschränken.
The arrival of the Spanish in present-day Oaxaca, Mexico, led to manifold communicative challenges and was the origin of the first written documents in the local indigenous languages. This paper focuses on Spanish-Zapotec translations produced by Christian missionaries during the colonial period. In this context, it aims to investigate the expression of the concept of soul in their catechisms and confesionarios by analyzing chronologically how different authors apply the Spanish synonyms alma and ánima. On the one hand, we can observe some similar tendencies in central Mexican documents for the early colonial period so that we can assume that the corpus was influenced by Nahuatl translations. On the other hand, there is an independent development in Spanish-Zapotec translations not only regarding the target text but also the source text.
The encounter with non-human animals has always been a major preoccupation in the (philosophical) quest of understanding the human (condition). Of course, they are not only present in literary texts, but also in other media such as music and art. We consider ourselves aware of their selves, natures and skills as well as their sensory perceptions. Indeed, the ways we interact with non-human animals in everyday life and in the fictional world, how we perceive, think and talk about them as well as how we communicate with them are often related to our own self-perceptions in the social collective and in social-historical discourse. If we take a closer look at literary interspecies relations, we can detect clear shades in language and communication. Based on the approaches of Human-Animal Studies, this article deals with those nuances regarding animal-human encounters in Juan Ramón Jiménez’ Platero y yo (1914/1917) and Thomas Mann's Herr und Hund (1919) in a comparative perspective. In addition to this, a special focus is placed on the effect these elements can have on (inter)acting literary subjects as well as on extra-textual recipients.
This article will examine the cinematic approach to the trauma of the Falklands/Malvinas War in Lola Ariasʼ film Teatro de Guerra (AR/ES, 2018). The armed conflict between Ar-gentina and Great Britain in 1982 can be understood as a traumatic liminal experience, whose artistic reception pushes conventional aesthetics to their limits and calls for innova-tive representational strategies. Based on a cultural studies approach to the Falklands/Mal-vinas War as a collective trauma, this contribution will highlight selected moments of aes-thetic border crossing in Teatro de Guerra, by which the film succeeds in transcending boundaries between former enemies of the war.
This paper analyzes the mental development of the main character Salvador in the Spanish movie Los girasoles ciegos (2008) by José Luis Cuerda, based on the camera perspective and focalization, as well as the three-instance model according to Sigmund Freud. For this purpose, screen captures from the movie are examined to see how Salvador’s loss of control is pictured. This is applied to Freud’s three-instance model to prove the takeover of the Id. Throughout the whole movie, the inner conflict between his Ego and Id, i.e. his life as a deacon versus his life as a soldier, is present. The whole process of the breakdown of his mental state is revealed through the camera perspective and visual focalization.
To this day, Lorca’s most popular plays, the Trilogía dramática de la tierra española, are considered to be among the most widely read texts of twentieth century Spanish literature. By combining elements from Antiquity with classic and modern features of Spanish theatre and placing them in new functional contexts, the author succeeds in creating an innovative theatre of sociocritical nature in times of political repression. This article analyses several of these innovations and aims to demonstrate the influence Lorca’s Tragedias rurales still have on today’s literature and culture. Simon Stone’s play Yerma (2017) and the Netflix series Las Chicas del Cable (2017-2020) are approached here with this purpose.
Die Zeitschrift promptus – Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik erscheint einmal jährlich und wird durch den gemeinnützigen Verein promptus e.V. herausgegeben.
Sie richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der romanistischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft sowie der Fachdidaktik und bietet diesen die Möglichkeit, in einem frühen Stadium ihrer akademischen Laufbahn qualitativ hochwertige Arbeiten zu publizieren. Zudem versteht sich die Zeitschrift als Impulsgeber für junge romanistische Forschung, ohne sich dabei thematisch zu beschränken.
This article exemplifies Gunter Grimm’s concept of productive reception by analyzing César Fernández García’s young adult novel La última bruja de Trasmoz (2009) and the episode Tiempo de hechizos (2017) of the TV series El ministerio del tiempo as two modern works which artistically and creatively deal with Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer’s Cartas desde mi celda (1864). The study is based on the core assumption that the choice of genre greatly influences the treatment of motives such as the perception of nature and the idea of dreams, as well as the image of the witch. While Bécquer’s letters, which focus on the rural people’s superstition, present the witch of Aragonese folklore, the modern examples portray two of her fantastic counterparts: the novel depicts its magical protagonist as an evil supernatural being, whereas the TV episode of the science fiction series shows the witch as a time traveller and a victim.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the body, which is staged as sick and painful. El último cuerpo de Úrsula by Peruvian author Patricia de Souza is characterized by the connection between body, pain perception and eroticism. Illness and paralysis play a fundamental role in the narrative because they cause the recomposition of the ego, which leads the protagonist, Úrsula Res, to perceive and reflect the fragmentation of her identity and the increasing distance from her body. Through approaches to pain and disability, the expressiveness of the narrativized eroticism of this text, based on an obedient relationship to the body, is revealed.