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Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- English (4)
- Elliptische Differentialgleichung (3)
- Optimale Kontrolle (3)
- optimal control (3)
- Finite-Elemente-Methode (2)
- Optimale Steuerung (2)
- Bregman distance (1)
- Fokker-Planck-Gleichung (1)
- Nash-Gleichgewicht (1)
- Optimalitätsbedingung (1)
- Optimierung (1)
This thesis deals with the hp-finite element method (FEM) for linear quadratic optimal control problems. Here, a tracking type functional with control costs as regularization shall be minimized subject to an elliptic partial differential equation. In the presence of control constraints, the first order necessary conditions, which are typically used to find optimal solutions numerically, can be formulated as a semi-smooth projection formula. Consequently, optimal solutions may be non-smooth as well. The hp-discretization technique considers this fact and approximates rough functions on fine meshes while using higher order finite elements on domains where the solution is smooth.
The first main achievement of this thesis is the successful application of hp-FEM to two related problem classes: Neumann boundary and interface control problems. They are solved with an a-priori refinement strategy called boundary concentrated (bc) FEM and interface concentrated (ic) FEM, respectively. These strategies generate grids that are heavily refined towards the boundary or interface. We construct an elementwise interpolant that allows to prove algebraic decay of the approximation error for both techniques. Additionally, a detailed analysis of global and local regularity of solutions, which is critical for the speed of convergence, is included. Since the bc- and ic-FEM retain small polynomial degrees for elements touching the boundary and interface, respectively, we are able to deduce novel error estimates in the L2- and L∞-norm. The latter allows an a-priori strategy for updating the regularization parameter in the objective functional to solve bang-bang problems.
Furthermore, we apply the traditional idea of the hp-FEM, i.e., grading the mesh geometrically towards vertices of the domain, for solving optimal control problems (vc-FEM). In doing so, we obtain exponential convergence with respect to the number of unknowns. This is proved with a regularity result in countably normed spaces for the variables of the coupled optimality system.
The second main achievement of this thesis is the development of a fully adaptive hp-interior point method that can solve problems with distributed or Neumann control. The underlying barrier problem yields a non-linear optimality system, which poses a numerical challenge: the numerically stable evaluation of integrals over possibly singular functions in higher order elements. We successfully overcome this difficulty by monitoring the control variable at the integration points and enforcing feasibility in an additional smoothing step. In this work, we prove convergence of an interior point method with smoothing step and derive a-posteriori error estimators. The adaptive mesh refinement is based on the expansion of the solution in a Legendre series. The decay of the coefficients serves as an indicator for smoothness that guides between h- and p-refinement.
Ill-posed optimization problems appear in a wide range of mathematical applications, and their numerical solution requires the use of appropriate regularization techniques. In order to understand these techniques, a thorough analysis is inevitable.
The main subject of this book are quadratic optimal control problems subject to elliptic linear or semi-linear partial differential equations. Depending on the structure of the differential equation, different regularization techniques are employed, and their analysis leads to novel results such as rate of convergence estimates.
This thesis is concerned with the solution of control and state constrained optimal control problems, which are governed by elliptic partial differential equations. Problems of this type are challenging since they suffer from the low regularity of the multiplier corresponding to the state constraint. Applying an augmented Lagrangian method we overcome these difficulties by working with multiplier approximations in $L^2(\Omega)$. For each problem class, we introduce the solution algorithm, carry out a thoroughly convergence analysis and illustrate our theoretical findings with numerical examples.
The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on classical PDE constrained optimal control problems. We start by studying linear-quadratic objective functionals, which include the standard tracking type term and an additional regularization term as well as the case, where the regularization term is replaced by an $L^1(\Omega)$-norm term, which makes the problem ill-posed. We deepen our study of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm by examining the more complicated class of optimal control problems that are governed by a semilinear partial differential equation.
The second part investigates the broader class of multi-player control problems. While the examination of jointly convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEP) is a simple extension of the linear elliptic optimal control case, the complexity is increased significantly for pure GNEPs. The existence of solutions of jointly convex GNEPs is well-studied. However, solution algorithms may suffer from non-uniqueness of solutions. Therefore, the last part of this thesis is devoted to the analysis of the uniqueness of normalized equilibria.
In this thesis, a variety of Fokker--Planck (FP) optimal control problems are investigated. Main emphasis is put on a first-- and second--order analysis of different optimal control problems, characterizing optimal controls, establishing regularity results for optimal controls, and providing a numerical analysis for a Galerkin--based numerical scheme.
The Fokker--Planck equation is a partial differential equation (PDE) of linear parabolic type deeply connected to the theory of stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations. In essence, it describes the evolution over time of the probability distribution of the state of an object or system of objects under the influence of both deterministic and stochastic forces.
The FP equation is a cornerstone in understanding and modeling phenomena ranging from the diffusion and motion of molecules in a fluid to the fluctuations in financial markets.
Two different types of optimal control problems are analyzed in this thesis. On the one hand, Fokker--Planck ensemble optimal control problems are considered that have a wide range of applications in controlling a system of multiple non--interacting objects. In this framework, the goal is to collectively drive each object into a desired state.
On the other hand, tracking--type control problems are investigated, commonly used in parameter identification problems or stemming from the field of inverse problems.
In this framework, the aim is to determine certain parameters or functions of the FP equation, such that the resulting probability distribution function takes a desired form, possibly observed by measurements.
In both cases, we consider FP models where the control functions are part of the drift, arising only from the deterministic forces of the system. Therefore, the FP optimal control problem has a bilinear control structure.
Box constraints on the controls may be present, and the focus is on time--space dependent controls for ensemble--type problems and on only time--dependent controls for tracking--type optimal control problems.
In the first chapter of the thesis, a proof of the connection between the FP equation and stochastic differential equations is provided. Additionally, stochastic optimal control problems, aiming to minimize an expected cost value, are introduced, and the corresponding formulation within a deterministic FP control framework is established.
For the analysis of this PDE--constrained optimal control problem, the existence, and regularity of solutions to the FP problem are investigated. New $L^\infty$--estimates for solutions are established for low space dimensions under mild assumptions on the drift. Furthermore, based on the theory of Bessel potential spaces, new smoothness properties are derived for solutions to the FP problem in the case of only time--dependent controls. Due to these properties, the control--to--state map, which associates the control functions with the corresponding solution of the FP problem, is well--defined, Fréchet differentiable and compact for suitable Lebesgue spaces or Sobolev spaces.
The existence of optimal controls is proven under various assumptions on the space of admissible controls and objective functionals. First--order optimality conditions are derived using the adjoint system. The resulting characterization of optimal controls is exploited to achieve higher regularity of optimal controls, as well as their state and co--state functions.
Since the FP optimal control problem is non--convex due to its bilinear structure, a first--order analysis should be complemented by a second--order analysis.
Therefore, a second--order analysis for the ensemble--type control problem in the case of $H^1$--controls in time and space is performed, and sufficient second--order conditions are provided. Analogous results are obtained for the tracking--type problem for only time--dependent controls.
The developed theory on the control problem and the first-- and second--order optimality conditions is applied to perform a numerical analysis for a Galerkin discretization of the FP optimal control problem. The main focus is on tracking-type problems with only time--dependent controls. The idea of the presented Galerkin scheme is to first approximate the PDE--constrained optimization problem by a system of ODE--constrained optimization problems. Then, conditions on the problem are presented such that the convergence of optimal controls from one problem to the other can be guaranteed.
For this purpose, a class of bilinear ODE--constrained optimal control problems arising from the Galerkin discretization of the FP problem is analyzed. First-- and second--order optimality conditions are established, and a numerical analysis is performed. A discretization with linear finite elements for the state and co--state problem is investigated, while the control functions are approximated by piecewise constant or piecewise quadratic continuous polynomials. The latter choice is motivated by the bilinear structure of the optimal control problem, allowing to overcome the discrepancies between a discretize--then--optimize and optimize--then--discretize approach. Moreover, second--order accuracy results are shown using the space of continuous, piecewise quadratic polynomials as the discrete space of controls. Lastly, the theoretical results and the second--order convergence rates are numerically verified.