Klinik und Poliklinik für Thorax-, Herz- u. Thorakale Gefäßchirurgie
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- Doctoral Thesis (64)
- Journal article (27)
- Herzchirurgie (14)
- cardiac surgery (7)
- Bypass (4)
- Ischämie (4)
- Schlaganfall (4)
- Wundinfektion (4)
- Aortenaneurysma (3)
- Geschlecht (3)
- Herz (3)
- Herzoperation (3)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Thorax-, Herz- u. Thorakale Gefäßchirurgie (91)
- Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie (8)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I (7)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz (DZHI) (4)
- Lehrstuhl für Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin (4)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Gefäß- und Kinderchirurgie (Chirurgische Klinik I) (3)
- Pathologisches Institut (3)
- Institut für Informatik (2)
- Abteilung für Molekulare Innere Medizin (in der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik II) (1)
- Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie (1)
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Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte den Effekt von Levosimendan auf die mitochondriale Funktionen im Herzmuskel, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit dem Ischämie/Reperfusions-Schaden. Methoden: In der Studie wurde ein retrogrades Langendorff-Modell verwendet, um die Auswirkungen von Levosimendan, dem Ischämie/Reperfusions-Schaden sowie deren Kombination auf die mitochondrialen Funktionen im Herzmuskel zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden vier verschiedene Gruppen von Rattenherzen entsprechend den experimentellen Bedingungen perfundiert, und ihre Funktionen wurden analysiert. Ergebnisse: Der Ischämie/Reperfusions-Schaden beeinträchtigte die myokardiale Ventrikelfunktion. Zusätzlich wurde eine Hypopolarisation des mithochondrialen Membranpotentials in den mit Levosimendan oder Ischämie behandelten Gruppen festgestellt. Die ATP-Synthese in den Gruppen mit Levosimendan und Ischämie war reduziert. Schlussfolgerung: Levosimendan zeigt signifikante Einflüsse auf die Atmungsfunktion der mitochondrialen Komplexe IV und V sowie auf das Membranpotential. Diese Phänomene könnten einem mito-K+ ATP-abhängigen Mechanismus zugrunde liegen. Obwohl Levosimendan während des Ischämie/Reperfusionsschadens eine protektive Wirkung hinsichtlich einer Ca2+- Überlastung aufweist, bleibt der kumulative Einfluss der beeinträchtigten ATP-Generierung auf die gesamte Myokardfunktion zu klären.
Multiorgan recovery in a cadaver body using mild hypothermic ECMO treatment in a murine model
Transplant candidates on the waiting list are increasingly challenged by the lack of organs. Most of the organs can only be kept viable within very limited timeframes (e.g., mere 4–6 h for heart and lungs exposed to refrigeration temperatures ex vivo). Donation after circulatory death (DCD) using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can significantly enlarge the donor pool, organ yield per donor, and shelf life. Nevertheless, clinical attempts to recover organs for transplantation after uncontrolled DCD are extremely complex and hardly reproducible. Therefore, as a preliminary strategy to fulfill this task, experimental protocols using feasible animal models are highly warranted. The primary aim of the study was to develop a model of ECMO-based cadaver organ recovery in mice. Our model mimics uncontrolled organ donation after an “out-of-hospital” sudden unexpected death with subsequent “in-hospital” cadaver management post-mortem. The secondary aim was to assess blood gas parameters, cardiac activity as well as overall organ state. The study protocol included post-mortem heparin–streptokinase administration 10 min after confirmed death induced by cervical dislocation under full anesthesia. After cannulation, veno-arterial ECMO (V–A ECMO) was started 1 h after death and continued for 2 h under mild hypothermic conditions followed by organ harvest. Pressure- and flow-controlled oxygenated blood-based reperfusion of a cadaver body was accompanied by blood gas analysis (BGA), electrocardiography, and histological evaluation of ischemia–reperfusion injury. For the first time, we designed and implemented, a not yet reported, miniaturized murine hemodialysis circuit for the treatment of severe hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis post-mortem.
BGA parameters confirmed profound ischemia typical for cadavers and incompatible with normal physiology, including extremely low blood pH, profound negative base excess, and enormously high levels of lactate. Two hours after ECMO implantation, blood pH values of a cadaver body restored from < 6.5 to 7.3 ± 0.05, pCO2 was lowered from > 130 to 41.7 ± 10.5 mmHg, sO2, base excess, and HCO3 were all elevated from below detection thresholds to 99.5 ± 0.6%, − 4 ± 6.2 and 22.0 ± 6.0 mmol/L, respectively (Student T test, p < 0.05). A substantial decrease in hyperlactatemia (from > 20 to 10.5 ± 1.7 mmol/L) and hyperkalemia (from > 9 to 6.9 ± 1.0 mmol/L) was observed when hemodialysis was implemented. On balance, the first signs of regained heart activity appeared on average 10 min after ECMO initiation without cardioplegia or any inotropic and vasopressor support. This was followed by restoration of myocardial contractility with a heart rate of up to 200 beats per minute (bpm) as detected by an electrocardiogram (ECG). Histological examinations revealed no evidence of heart injury 3 h post-mortem, whereas shock-specific morphological changes relevant to acute death and consequent cardiac/circulatory arrest were observed in the lungs, liver, and kidney of both control and ECMO-treated cadaver mice.
Thus, our model represents a promising approach to facilitate studying perspectives of cadaveric multiorgan recovery for transplantation. Moreover, it opens new possibilities for cadaver organ treatment to extend and potentiate donation and, hence, contribute to solving the organ shortage dilemma.
The impact of sex hormones on right and left auricular contractile apparatus function is largely unknown. We evaluated the impact of sex hormones on left and right heart contractility at the level of myocardial filaments harvested from left and right auricles during elective coronary artery bypass surgery.
150 patients (132 male; 18 female) were enrolled. Preoperative testosterone and estradiol levels were measured with Immunoassay. Calcium induced force measurements were performed with left- and right auricular myofilaments in a skinned fiber model. Correlation analysis was used for comparison of force values and levels of sex hormones and their ratio.
Low testosterone was associated with higher top force values in right-sided myofilaments but not in left-sided myofilaments for both sexes (p = 0.000 in males, p = 0.001 in females). Low estradiol levels were associated with higher top force values in right-sided myofilaments (p 0.000) in females and only borderline significantly associated with higher top force values in males (p 0.056). In females, low estradiol levels correlated with higher top force values in left sided myofilaments (p 0.000). In males, higher Estradiol/Testosterone ratio (E/T ratio) was only associated with higher top force values from right auricular myofilaments (p 0.04) In contrast, in females higher E/T ratio was associated with lower right auricular myofilament top force values (p 0.03) and higher top force values in left-sided myofilaments (p 0.000).
This study shows that patients’ comorbidities influence left and right sided contractility and may blur results concerning influence of sex hormones if not eliminated. A sex hormone dependent influence is obvious with different effects on the left and right ventricle. The E/T ratio and its impact on myofilament top force showed divergent results between genders, and may partially explain gender differences in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Left atrial appendage (LAA) is the origin of most heart thrombi which can lead to stroke or other cerebrovascular event in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). This study aimed to prove safety and low complication rate of surgical LAA amputation using cut and sew technique with control of its effectiveness.
303 patients who have undergone selective LAA amputation were enrolled in the study in a period from 10/17 to 08/20. The LAA amputation was performed concomitant to routine cardiac surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass with cardiac arrest with or without previous history of AF. The operative and clinical data were evaluated. Extent of LAA amputation was examined intraoperatively by transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Six months in follow up, the patients were controlled regarding clinical status and episodes of strokes.
Average age of study population was 69.9 ± 19.2 and 81.9% of patients were male. In only three patients was residual stump after LAA amputation larger than 1 cm with average stump size 0.28 ± 0.34 cm. 3 patients (1%) developed postoperative bleeding. Postoperatively 77 (25.4%) patients developed postoperative AF (POAF), of which 29 (9.6%) still had AF at discharge. On 6 months follow up only 5 patients had NYHA class III and 1 NYHA class IV. Seven patients reported with leg oedema and no patient experienced any cerebrovascular event in early postoperative follow up.
LAA amputation can be performed safely and completely leaving minimal to no LAA residual stump.
The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) in thoracic organ transplantation. However, multiple other factors contribute to AKI development after these procedures such as renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) due to hypo-perfusion of the kidney during surgery. In this study, we aimed to explore the kidney injury patterns in mouse models of ECMO and renal IRI. Kidneys of C57BL/6 mice were examined after moderate (35 min) and severe (45 min) unilateral transient renal pedicle clamping and 2 h of veno-venous ECMO. Renal injury markers, neutrophil infiltration, tubular transport function, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and renal heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression were determined by immunofluorescence and qPCR. Both procedures caused AKI, but with different injury patterns. Severe neutrophil infiltration of the kidney was evident after renal IRI, but not following ECMO. Tubular transport function was severely impaired after renal IRI, but preserved in the ECMO group. Both procedures caused upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the renal tissue, but with different time kinetics. After ECMO, but not IRI, HO-1 was strongly induced in tubular cells indicating contact with hemolysis-derived proteins. After IRI, HO-1 was expressed on infiltrating myeloid cells in the tubulo-interstitial space. In conclusion, renal IRI and ECMO both caused AKI, but kidney damage after renal IRI was more pronounced including severe neutrophil infiltration and tubular transport impairment. Enhanced HO-1 expression in tubular cells after ECMO encourages limitation of hemolysis as a therapeutic approach to reduce ECMO-associated AKI.
Die bikuspide Aortenklappe ist als häufigster angeborener Klappenfehler bei Erwachsenen eine relevante Diagnose nicht nur im Fachgebiet der Herz-Thorax-Chirurgie. Etwa die Hälfte aller Patienten mit dieser Klappenanomalie entwickelt im Verlauf eine aneurysmatische Dilatation der thorakalen aszendierenden Aorta, was auch bikuspide Aortopathie genannt wird. Dieses Aneurysma kann anhand seiner Lokalisation in verschiedene Phänotypen unterteilt werden. Bis heute sind sowohl bei der Erforschung der Entstehung der bikuspiden Aortopathie als auch bei deren Therapie noch viele Fragen offen und es fehlt an klaren Leitlinien, um einen individualisierten Behandlungsansatz für den einzelnen Patienten bereitstellen zu können.
Ziel unserer Studie war es, durch Vergleiche klinischer Parameter die aktuell angewendete Praxis der chirurgischen Therapie zu evaluieren sowie Ansatzpunkte für zukünftige individuellere Risikoabschätzung herauszuarbeiten. Hierfür untersuchten wir Patienten, die an einem Aneurysma der aszendierenden Aorta operiert worden waren, aufgeteilt nach Patienten mit bikuspiden und trikuspiden Klappen.
Präoperativ stellten wir folgende signifikante Unterschiede fest: Bikuspide Patienten waren jünger, wiesen öfter arterielle und pulmonale Hypertonie auf, zeigten geringere Aneurysma-Durchmesser und hatten häufiger eine stenotische Klappe als trikuspide Patienten. Für alle Patienten zeigte sich eine Korrelation von Aortenwurzel-Durchmesser und BSA.
Im unmittelbar postoperativen Verlauf fand sich hinsichtlich der Komplikationen und 30-Tage-Mortalität ein ähnlich guter Outcome für beide Klappenmorphologien sowie die verschiedenen angewendeten Operationsverfahren. Eine bikuspide Aortenklappe kann daher aktuell nicht per se als Faktor für ein erhöhtes perioperatives Risiko gesehen werden und die derzeitige klinische Praxis ist für die betroffenen Patienten eine sichere Vorgehensweise.
Mitochondrial impairment can result from myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (IR). Despite cardioplegic arrest, IR-associated cardiodepression is a major problem in heart surgery. We determined the effect of increasing ischemia time on the respiratory chain (RC) function, the inner membrane polarization and Ca\(^{2+}\) homeostasis of rat cardiac subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM).
Wistar rat hearts were divided into 4 groups of stop-flow induced warm global IR using a pressure-controlled Langendorff system: 0, 15, 30 and 40 min of ischemia with 30 min of reperfusion, respectively. Myocardial contractility was determined from left ventricular pressure records (dP/dt, dPmax) with an intraventricular balloon. Following reperfusion, SSM were isolated and analyzed regarding electron transport chain (ETC) coupling by polarography (Clark-Type electrode), membrane polarization (JC1 fluorescence) and Ca2+-handling in terms of Ca\(^{2+}\)-induced swelling and Ca\(^{2+}\)-uptake/release (Calcium Green-5 N® fluorescence).
LV contractility and systolic pressure during reperfusion were impaired by increasing ischemic times. Ischemia reduced ETC oxygen consumption in IR40/30 compared to IR0/30 at complex I-V (8.1 ± 1.2 vs. 18.2 ± 2.0 nmol/min) and II-IV/V (16.4 ± 2.6/14.8 ± 2.3 vs. 2.3 ± 0.6 nmol/min) in state 3 respiration (p < 0.01). Relative membrane potential revealed a distinct hyperpolarization in IR30/30 and IR40/30 (171.5 ± 17.4% and 170.9 ± 13.5%) compared to IR0/30 (p < 0.01), wearing off swiftly after CCCP-induced uncoupling. Excess mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP)-gated Ca\(^{2+}\)-induced swelling was recorded in all groups and was most pronounced in IR40/30. Pyruvate addition for mPTP blocking strongly reduced SSM swelling in IR40/30 (relative AUC, ± pyruvate; IR0/30: 1.00 vs. 0.61, IR15/30: 1.68 vs. 1.00, IR30/30: 1.42 vs. 0.75, IR40/30: 1.97 vs. 0.85; p < 0.01). Ca2+-uptake remained unaffected by previous IR. Though Ca\(^{2+}\)-release was delayed for ≥30 min of ischemia (p < 0.01), Ca\(^{2+}\) retention was highest in IR15/30 (RFU; IR0/30: 6.3 ± 3.6, IR 15/30 42.9 ± 5.0, IR30/30 15.9 ± 3.8, IR40/30 11.5 ± 6.6; p ≤ 0.01 for IR15/30 against all other groups).
Ischemia prolongation in IR injury gradually impaired SSM in terms of respiratory chain function and Ca\(^{2+}\)-homeostasis. Membrane hyperpolarization appears to be responsible for impaired Ca2+-cycling and ETC function. Ischemia time should be considered an important factor influencing IR experimental data on subsarcolemmal mitochondria. Periods of warm global ischemia should be minimized during cardiac surgery to avoid excessive damage to SSMs.
Background: The benefit of the combined use of an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) and venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) for postcardiotomy shock remains unclear. We aimed to analyse the potential benefits and safety of combining these two devices. Methods: We enrolled 200 patients treated with either VA-ECMO only or in combination with IABP (ECMO-I group) between January 2012 and January 2021. To adjust the patients’ backgrounds, we used propensity score matching for additional analyses, resulting in 57 pairs. The primary endpoint was 30-day survival. Secondary endpoints included successful weaning and complication rates. We also analysed hemodynamic parameters in both groups. Results: After propensity score matching, 30-day survival was better in the ECMO-I group (log-rank p = 0.004). The ECMO-I and ECMO-only groups differed regarding the secondary endpoints, including successful weaning (50.9% and 26.3%, respectively; p = 0.012) and the need for continuous renal replacement therapy (28.1% and 50.9%, p = 0.021). Complication rates were not statistically different between the two groups. Conclusion: Compared to VA-ECMO alone, the combined use of VA-ECMO and IABP is beneficial regarding 30-day survival in selected patients with postcardiotomy shock; successful ECMO weaning and freedom from renal replacement therapy is more common in patients supported with VA-ECMO plus IABP.
Mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) devices like Lund University Cardiopulmonary Assist System (LUCAS) cause more skeletal and visceral injuries than standard CPR. A 62-year-old woman with ST-elevation myocardial infarction was resuscitated with LUCAS and Impella CP for refractory cardiogenic shock during percutaneous coronary intervention. She suffered delayed ascending aortic rupture necessitating supracommissural ascending aortic replacement plus triple bypass grafting. Prolonged mechanical CPR with concomitant Impella may lead to aortic rupture. The combined use of LUCAS and Impella may have disastrous consequences.
Bei 5555 Patienten des Würzburger Zentrums für operative Medizin wurden Sterberisiken und assoziierte Faktoren nach Bypass- oder Aortenklappen-OP beschrieben. Eine Risikovorhersage war frühzeitig, sogar tageweise möglich, und nicht (wie bisher) mit Blick auf den 30. postoperativen Tag. Das stärkste Risiko ist ein fehlender Entlassungs-Sinusrhythmus, gefolgt von einer schweren präoperativen Einschränkung (ASA) und einem erhöhten Kreatinin, gefolgt vom kardiogenen anamnestischen Schock, vom zerebrovaskulären Ereignis, der Notwendigkeit von Frischplasma, von einer respiratorischen Insuffizienz, aber auch der Notwendigkeit mechanischer Kreislaufunterstützung. Hochprädiktiv war auch ein kürzlich stattgefundener Myokardinfarkt und eine Angina Pectoris in Ruhe. Liegen bis 4 dieser Ereignisse vor, so zeigt sich das Mortalitätsrisiko als statistisch normal (Verlauf der Grundgesamtheit): Es steigt je Woche nach OP um etwa 1% auf rund 5% nach 4 Wochen an. Bestehen 5 oder 6 Risiken, so erhöht sich das Sterberisiko deutlich: Es steigt um +10% je weitere Woche an und erreicht etwa 40% in der 4. postoperativen Woche. Ab 7 oder mehr erfüllte Risiken nimmt das Sterberisiko drastisch zu. Es erhöht sich um +20% je weitere Woche und kumuliert nach 3 Wochen auf rund 70%. Festzuhalten ist: Bis 4 Risiken ergibt sich je weitere Woche +1% Mortalitätsrisiko, ab 5 Risikofaktoren +10%, ab 7 und mehr Risikofaktoren finden sich je Woche nach der OP ein um +20% erhöhtes Sterberisiko. Diese Erkenntnisse wurden verwendet, um einen Risikoscore zu konstruieren. Die Einzelrisiken werden summiert, d.h. man betrachtet das Risiko als erfüllt oder nicht, und zählt. Das tageweise Risiko ist graphisch ablesbar und ist für die klinische Routine verwendbar, für Studien (Risikostratifizierung) oder für das präoperative Aufklärungsgespräch. Neu ist, dass dieser Score im klinischen Verlauf angepaßt werden kann, wenn neue Risikofaktoren auftreten hinzukommen oder Faktoren therapiebedingt wegfallen.