Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin und Hämotherapie
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- Journal article (12)
- Doctoral Thesis (6)
- Thrombozyt (3)
- flow cytometry (3)
- Bortezomib (2)
- Proteasom (2)
- adenosine diphosphate (2)
- phosphorylation (2)
- platelet physiology (2)
- platelets (2)
- purinergic receptors (2)
- ADP (1)
- Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin und Hämotherapie (18)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie (2)
- Abteilung für Molekulare Innere Medizin (in der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik II) (1)
- Graduate School of Life Sciences (1)
- Kinderklinik und Poliklinik (1)
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin (1)
- Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II (1)
- Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik (1)
- Pathologisches Institut (1)
- Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum (1)
The pandemic spread of an infectious disease poses a plethora of challenges to society, clinicians, health care providers and regulating authorities. In order to mount a rapid response and to provide hope in a potentially catastrophic situation as the current COVID-19 pandemic, emergency plans, regulations and funding strategies have to be developed on regional, national and international levels. The speed needed to establish rapid response programs is challenged by the dynamics of the spread of the disease, the concurrent and competing development of different and potentially more effective treatment options, and not the least by regulatory uncertainty. Convalescent plasma, that is plasma collected from patients who have recovered from COVID-19 infections, has emerged as one of the first potential treatment options in the absence of drugs or vaccines with proven efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. The societal aspects of convalescent plasma and the public awareness gave an additional boost to the rapid employment of convalescent plasma donation platforms immediately after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. At the same time, uncertainty remains as to the efficacy of convalescent plasma. With evidence mostly limited to empirical reports, convalescent plasma has been used for decades for the prophylaxis and treatment of various infectious diseases. Clinical trials have addressed different infectious agents, stages of disease, target groups of patients and yielded sometimes inconclusive results. The aim of this short review is to delineate the regulatory background for the emergency use of convalescent plasma in the USA, in the European Union and in Germany, and the transition to the setting of clinical trials. In addition, we describe observations made in the process of collecting COVID-19 convalescent plasma (herein referred to as CCP), and formulate proposals to further improve the framework for rapid responses in future emergency situations.
Natural and cryptic peptides dominate the immunopeptidome of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) are highly aggressive CNS tumors of infancy and early childhood. Hallmark is the surprisingly simple genome with inactivating mutations or deletions in the SMARCB1 gene as the oncogenic driver. Nevertheless, AT/RTs are infiltrated by immune cells and even clonally expanded T cells. However, it is unclear which epitopes T cells might recognize on AT/RT cells.
Here, we report a comprehensive mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis of naturally presented human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and class II ligands on 23 AT/RTs. MS data were validated by matching with a human proteome dataset and exclusion of peptides that are part of the human benignome. Cryptic peptide ligands were identified using Peptide-PRISM.
Comparative HLA ligandome analysis of the HLA ligandome revealed 55 class I and 139 class II tumor-exclusive peptides. No peptide originated from the SMARCB1 region. In addition, 61 HLA class I tumor-exclusive peptide sequences derived from non-canonically translated proteins. Combination of peptides from natural and cryptic class I and class II origin gave optimal representation of tumor cell compartments. Substantial overlap existed with the cryptic immunopeptidome of glioblastomas, but no concordance was found with extracranial tumors. More than 80% of AT/RT exclusive peptides were able to successfully prime CD8+ T cells, whereas naturally occurring memory responses in AT/RT patients could only be detected for class II epitopes. Interestingly, >50% of AT/RT exclusive class II ligands were also recognized by T cells from glioblastoma patients but not from healthy donors.
These findings highlight that AT/RTs, potentially paradigmatic for other pediatric tumors with a low mutational load, present a variety of highly immunogenic HLA class I and class II peptides from canonical as well as non-canonical protein sources. Inclusion of such cryptic peptides into therapeutic vaccines would enable an optimized mapping of the tumor cell surface, thereby reducing the likelihood of immune evasion.
Diese Arbeit untersuchte die Wirkung von bakteriellen Substanzen auf essenzielle
thrombozytäre Funktionen. Bei den Substanzen handelte es sich um Toxine von
Bakterien, die mutmaßlich zur Pathogenese der Parodontitis beitragen.
Während LTX von Bakterium A. actinomycetemcomitans und C14 von F. nucleatum
zur Hemmung der Aggregation und zur Stimulation inhibitorischer Systeme beiträgt,
induziert LPS von P. gingivalis eine leichte Aktivierung der Thrombozyten,
gekennzeichnet durch eine gering verstärkte P-Selektin-Expression.
Der Einfluss der Proteasomhemmung durch Bortezomib auf die Aktivierbarkeit humaner Thrombozyten
Bortezomib, ein selektiver und potenter Proteasominhibitor, wird experimentell in der Tumorzellforschung sowie therapeutisch in der Therapie des Multiplen Myeloms eingesetzt. Die Wirkung auf die Thrombozytenfunktion war bislang unzureichend untersucht. Daher evaluiert diese Studie die dosisabhängige Wirkung von Bortezomib auf die Viabilität, die Aggregation von gewaschenen Thrombozyten und auf aktivierende Signalwege in gewaschenen Thrombozyten.
Die Thrombozytenviabilität war bei hohen Bortezomibkonzentrationen von 100 - 200 µM vermindert. Passend dazu verminderten 100 - 200 µM Bortezomib die Phosphorylierung der ERK1/2 und der Akt/PKB in humanen Thrombozyten. Im Gegensatz dazu hatten diese hohen Bortezomibkonzentrationen keinen Einfluss auf das Niveau der p38 MAP Kinase-Phosphorylierung in aktivierten Thrombozyten. Die Thrombozytenaggregation, induziert durch hohe Konzentrationen von Kollagen oder TRAP-6, blieb unter 0,1 nM - 200 µM Bortezomib unverändert.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Bortezomib weder die essenziellen, aktivierenden Signalwege noch die Initialisierung der Aggregation relevant beeinflusst. Das zeigt, dass diese Prozesse in Thrombozyten nicht abhängig von der Proteasomaktivität sind. Supramaximale Inhibierung des Proteasomsystems mit Bortezomibkonzentrationen von 100 µM oder mehr führen möglicherweise zu veränderter Thrombozytenreaktionsfähigkeit, welche unter Umständen durch unspezifische und potenziell toxische Effekte mit erniedrigter Zellviabilität verursacht werden.
Platelets are anucleated cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes. They play a fundamental role in hemostasis, but there is rising evidence that they are also involved in immunological processes. Despite absence of a nucleus, human platelets are capable of de novo protein synthesis and contain a fully functional proteasome system, which is, in nucleated cells, involved in processes like cell cycle progression or apoptosis by its ability of protein degradation. The physiological significance of the proteasome system in human platelets is not yet fully understood and subject of ongoing research.
Therefore, this study was conducted with the intention to outline the role of the proteasome system for functional characteristics of human platelets. For experimentation, citrated whole blood from healthy donors was obtained and preincubated with proteasome inhibitors. In addition to the commonly used bortezomib, the potent and selective proteasome inhibitor carfilzomib was selected as a second inhibitor to rule out agent-specific effects and to confirm that observed changes are related to proteasome inhibition.
Irreversibly induced platelet activation and aggregation were not affected by proteasome blockade with bortezomib up to 24 hours. Conversely, proteasome inhibition led to enhanced threshold aggregation and agglutination up to 25 %, accompanied by partial alleviation of induced VASP phosphorylation of approximately 10-15 %. Expression of different receptors were almost unaffected. Instead, a significant increase of PP2A activity was observable in platelets after proteasome blockade, accompanied by facilitated platelet adhesion to coated surfaces in static experiments or flow chamber experiments.
Carfilzomib, used for the first time in functional experimentation with human platelets in vitro, led to a dose-dependent decrease of proteasome activity with accumulation of poly ubiquitylated proteins. Like bortezomib, carfilzomib treatment resulted in enhanced threshold aggregation with attenuated VASP phosphorylation.
As the main conclusion of this thesis, proteasome inhibition enhances the responsiveness of human platelets, provided by an alleviation of platelet inhibitory pathways and by an additional increase of PP2A activity, resulting in facilitated platelet adhesion under static and flow conditions. The proteasome system appears to be involved in the promotion of inhibitory counterregulation in platelets. The potential of proteasome inhibitors for triggering thromboembolic adverse events in patients must be clarified in further studies, in addition to their possible use for targeting platelet function to improve the hemostatic reactivity of platelets.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Effektivität und mögliche Einflüsse der Immunadsorption mit der auf rekombinantem Protein A-basierten Einmalsäule Ligasorb® auf bestimmte Blutparameter bei einer Kohorte von neurologischen Patienten mit Myasthenia gravis oder Stiff-Person-Syndrom evaluiert.
Die IA mit der Ligasorb®-Säule senkte effizient die Immunglobulinkonzentrationen IgG1, IgG2 und IgG4 im Patientenblut. Die durchschnittliche Reduktion dieser Plasmaproteine betrug 60%. Die Reduktionsrate der Acetylcholinrezeptor-Autoantikörper der MG Patienten lag bei 70% nach IA. Die Blutkonzentrationen der Serumproteine wie Albumin oder der Komplementfaktoren C3 und C4 wurden durch die IA nicht wesentlich beeinflusst. Die IA zeigten auch keine klinisch relevanten Auswirkungen auf die zelluläre Blutzusammensetzung, insbesondere wurden keine Leukozytosen beobachtet.
Die IA hatten außerdem keinen relevanten Einfluss auf die untersuchten klinisch-chemischen Parameter.
Nach den IA konnte aber eine relevante Störung der Hämostaseparameter festgestellt werden. Die Globaltests Quick, INR und PTT zeigten nach Behandlung deutlich pathologische Werte. Die nachfolgende Einzelfaktorbestimmung ergab Verminderungen der Vitamin K-abhängigen Gerinnungsfaktoren II, VII, IX und X um 42% bis 67%, die z.B. auf einer direkten Interaktion dieser Faktoren mit der Adsorbermatrix und/oder dem Liganden aus rekombinanten Protein A beruhen könnten. Nach 16 bis 20 Stunden zeigten sich die abweichenden Gerinnungsparameter wieder weitgehend normalisiert. Das Einhalten eines entsprechenden Zeitabstands bis zur Durchführung anderer medizinischer Eingriffe, wie z.B. einer Lumbalpunktion, sowie eine vorherige Kontrolle der Globaltests TPZ und PTT sind daher anzuraten.
Platelet Toll-Like-Receptor-2 and -4 Mediate Different Immune-Related Responses to Bacterial Ligands
Like immune cells, platelets express toll-like receptors (TLRs) on their surface membrane. TLR2 and TLR4 are able to recognize bacterial antigens and have the potential to influence hemostatic functions and classical intracellular signaling pathways. This study investigated the role of TLR2 and TLR4 for immune-related functions in human platelets.
Materials and Methods
Washed platelets and neutrophils were prepared from fresh human peripheral blood. Basal-, Pam3CSK4- (as TLR2 agonist) and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS; as TLR4 agonist) -induced CD62P expression, fibrinogen binding and TLR2 or TLR4 expression, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in H2DCFDA-loaded platelets and uptake of fluorescence-labeled TLR ligands, and fluorophore-conjugated fibrinogen were evaluated by flow cytometry. Analysis of platelet–neutrophil complexes was performed after coincubation of washed platelets and neutrophils in the presence and absence of TLR2 or TLR4 agonists on poly-L-lysine coated surfaces, followed by immunostaining and immunofluorescence imaging.
Pam3CSK4 rapidly and transiently increased TLR2 and TLR4 expression. Over the course of 30 minutes after activation with Pam3CSK4 and LPS, the expression of both receptors decreased. Pam3CSK4-stimulated intracellular ROS production and the uptake of TLR ligands or fibrinogen much stronger than LPS. Besides, TLR4 activation led to a significant increase of platelet–neutrophil contacts.
Stimulation leads to rapid mobilization of TLR2 or TLR4 to the platelet surface, presumably followed by receptor internalization along with bound TLR ligands. After activation, platelet TLR2 and TLR4 mediate different immune-related reactions. In particular, TLR2 induces intracellular responses in platelets, whereas TLR4 initiates interactions with other immune cells such as neutrophils.
Storage of platelet concentrates (PC) at cold temperature (CT) is discussed as an alternative to the current standard of storage at room temperature (RT). Recently, we could show that cold-induced attenuation of inhibitory signaling is an important mechanism promoting platelet reactivity. For developing strategies in blood banking, it is required to elucidate the time-dependent onset of facilitated platelet activation. Thus, freshly prepared platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) was stored for 1 and 2 h at CT (2–6 °C) or at RT (20–24 °C), followed by subsequent comparative analysis. Compared to RT, basal and induced vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) phosphorylation levels were decreased under CT within 1 h by approximately 20%, determined by Western blot analysis and flow cytometry. Concomitantly, ADP- and collagen-induced threshold aggregation values were enhanced by up to 30–40%. Furthermore, platelet-covered areas on collagen-coated slides and aggregate formation under flow conditions were increased after storage at CT, in addition to induced activation markers. In conclusion, a time period of 1–2 h for refrigeration is sufficient to induce an attenuation of inhibitory signaling, accompanied with an enhancement of platelet responsiveness. Short-term refrigeration may be considered as a rational approach to obtain PC with higher functional reactivity for the treatment of hemorrhage.
Background and Objectives
Immunoadsorptions (IA) are used to remove autoantibodies from the plasma in autoimmune disorders. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a single-use, recombinant staphylococcal protein A-based immunoadsorber on blood composition of the patient.
Materials and Methods
In a cohort of patients with myasthenia gravis or stiff-person syndrome, essential parameters of blood cell count, coagulation, clinical chemistry or plasma proteins and immunoglobulins (Ig) were measured before and after IA (n = 11).
In average, IA reduced the levels of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 by approximately 60%, the acetylcholine receptor autoantibody levels by more than 70%. IgG3, IgA or IgM were diminished to a lower extent. In contrast to fibrinogen or other coagulation factors, the column markedly removed vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X by approximately 40%–70%. Accordingly, international normalized ratio and activated partial thromboplastin time were increased after IA by 59.1% and 32.7%, respectively. Coagulation tests almost returned to baseline values within 24 h. Blood cell count, electrolytes, total protein or albumin were not essentially affected. No clinical events occurred.
The single-use, multiple-pass protein A adsorber column is highly efficient to remove IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 or specific acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies from the plasma. Coagulation parameters should be monitored, since the column has the capacity to largely reduce vitamin K-dependent factors.
Elimination of pathogenic autoantibodies by immunoadsorption (IA) has been described as an effective adjuvant treatment in severe bullous autoimmune diseases, especially in pemphigus. There is much less experience in the treatment of bullous pemphigoid (BP). BP was diagnosed in a 62-year-old Caucasian woman presenting a pruritic rash with multiple tense blisters. Standard treatments with topical and oral corticosteroids, steroid-sparing agents including dapsone, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and intravenous immunoglobulins were ineffective or had to be discontinued due to adverse events. An immediate clinical response could be achieved by two treatment cycles of adjuvant protein A immunoadsorption (PA-IA) in addition to continued treatment with MMF (2 g/day) and prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day). Tolerance was excellent. Clinical improvement remained stable after discontinuation of IA and went along with sustained reduction of circulating autoantibodies. Our data demonstrate that PA-IA might be a safe and effective adjuvant treatment in severe and recalcitrant BP.