73.20.Mf Collective excitations (including excitons, polarons, plasmons and other charge-density excitations) (for collective excitations in quantum Hall effects, see 73.43.Lp)
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An experimental setup for probing ultrafast dynamics at the diffraction limit was developed, characterized and demonstrated in the scope of the thesis, aiming for optical investigations while simultaneously approaching the physical limits on the length and timescale.
An overview of this experimental setup was given in Chapter 2, as well as the considerations that led to the selection of the individual components. Broadband laser pulses with a length of 9.3 fs, close to the transform limit of 7.6 fs, were focused in a NA = 1.4 immersion oil objective, to the diffraction limit of below 300 nm (FWHM).
The spatial focus shape was characterized with off-resonance gold nanorod scatterers scanned through the focal volume. For further insights into the functionality and limitations of the pulse shaper, its calibration procedure was reviewed. The deviations between designed and experimental pulse shapes were attributed to pulse-shaper artifacts, including voltage-dependent inter-layer as well as intra-layer LCD-pixel crosstalk, Fabry-Pérot-type reflections in the LCD layers, and space-time coupling. A pixel-dependent correction was experimentally carried out, which can be seen as an extension of the initial calibration to all possible voltage combinations of the two LCD layers.
The capabilities of the experimental setup were demonstrated in two types of experiments, targeting the nonlinearity of gold (Chapter 3) as well as two-dimensional spectroscopy at micro-structured surfaces (Chapter 4).
Investigating thin films, an upper bound for the absolute value for the imaginary part of the nonlinear refractive index of gold could be set to |n′′ 2 (Au)| < 0.6·10−16 m2/W, together with |n′ 2 (Au)| < 1.2·10−16 m2/W as an upper bound for the absolute value of the real part. Finite-difference time-domain simulations on y-shaped gold nanostructures indicated that a phase change of ∆Φ ≥ 0.07 rad between two plasmonic modes would induce a sufficient change in the spatial contrast of emission to the far-field to be visible in the experiment. As the latter could not be observed, this value of ∆Φ was determined as the upper bound for the experimentally induced phase change. An upper bound of 52 GW/cm2 was found for the damage threshold.
In Chapter 4, a novel method for nonlinear spectroscopy on surfaces was presented. Termed coherent two-dimensional fluorescence micro-spectroscopy, it is capable of exploring ultrafast dynamics in nanostructures and molecular systems at the diffraction limit. Two-dimensional spectra of spatially isolated hotspots in structured thin films of fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine (F16ZnPc) dye were taken with a 27-step phase-cycling scheme. Observed artifacts in the 2D maps were identified as a consequence from deviations between the desired and the experimental pulse shapes. The optimization procedures described in Chapter 2 successfully suppressed the deviations to a level where the separation from the nonlinear sample response was feasible.
The experimental setup and methods developed and presented in the scope of this thesis demonstrate its flexibility and capability to study microscopic systems on surfaces. The systems exemplarily shown are consisting of metal-organic dyes and metallic nanostructures, represent samples currently under research in the growing fields of organic semiconductors and plasmonics.
In this work, functional plasmonic nanocircuitry is examined as a key of revolutionizing state-of-the-art electronic and photonic circuitry in terms of integration density and transmission bandwidth. In this context, numerical simulations enable the design of dedicated devices, which allow fundamental control of photon flow at the nanometer scale via single or multiple plasmonic eigenmodes. The deterministic synthesis and in situ analysis of these eigenmodes is demonstrated and constitutes an indispensable requirement for the practical use of any device. By exploiting the existence of multiple eigenmodes and coherence - both not accessible in classical electronics - a nanoscale directional coupler for the ultrafast spatial and spatiotemporal coherent control of plasmon propagation is conceived. Future widespread application of plasmonic nanocircuitry in quantum technologies is boosted by the promising demonstrations of spin-optical and quantum plasmonic nanocircuitry.
Time-resolved optical spectroscopy has become an important tool to investigate the dynamics of quantum mechanical processes in matter. In typical applications, a first “pump” pulse excites the system under investigation from the thermal equilibrium to an excited state, and a second variable time-delayed “probe” pulse then maps the dynamics of the excited system. Although advanced nonlinear techniques have been developed to investigate, e.g., coherent quantum effects, all of these techniques are limited in their spatial resolution. The laser focus diameter has a lower bound given by Abbe’s diffraction limit, which is roughly half the optical excitation wavelength—corresponding to about 400nm in the presented experiments. In the time-resolved experiments that have been suggested so far, averaging over the sample volume within this focus cannot be avoided. In this thesis, two approaches were developed to overcome the diffraction limit in optical spectroscopy and to enable the investigation of coherent processes on the nanoscale. In the first approach, analytic solutions were found to calculate optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that provide optical near-field pump–probe pulse sequences in the vicinity of a nanostructure. These near-field pulse sequences were designed to allow excitation of a quantum system at one specific position at a certain time and probing at a different position at a later time. In the second approach, the concept of coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy, which has had great impact on the investigation of coherent quantum effects in recent years, was combined with photoemission electron microscopy, which yields a spatial resolution well below the optical diffraction limit. Using the analytic solutions, optical near fields were investigated in terms of spectroscopic applications. Near fields that are excited with polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses in the vicinity of appropriate nanostructures feature two properties that are especially interesting in the view of spectroscopic applications: On the one hand, control of the spatial distribution of the optical fields is achieved on the order of nanometers. On the other hand, the temporal evolution of these fields can be adjusted on the order of femtoseconds. In this thesis, solutions were found to calculate the optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that control the near field in a general manner. The main idea to achieve this deterministic control was to disentangle the spatial and temporal near-field control. First, the spatial distribution of the optical near field was controlled by assigning the correct state of polarization for each frequency within the polarization-shaped laser pulse independently. The remaining total phase—not employed for spatial control—was then used for temporal near-field compression, which, in experimental applications, would lead to an enhancement of the nonlinear signal at the respective location. In contrast to the use of optical near fields, where pump–probe sequences themselves are localized below the diffraction limit and the detection does not have to provide the spatial resolution, a different approach was suggested in this thesis to gain spectroscopic information on the nanoscale. The new method was termed “Coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy” and transfers the concept of “conventional” coherent 2D spectroscopy to photoemission electron microscopy. The pulse sequences used for the investigation of quantum systems in this method are still limited by diffraction. However, the new key concept is to detect locally generated photoelectrons instead of optical signals. This yields a spatial resolution that is well below the optical diffraction limit. In “conventional” 2D spectroscopy a triple-pulse sequence initiates a four wave mixing process that creates a coherence. In a quantum mechanical process, this coherence is converted into a population by emission of an electric field, which is measured in the experiment. Contrarily, in the developed 2D nanoscopy, four-wave mixing is initiated by a quadruple-pulse sequence, which leaves the quantum system in an electronic population. This electronic population carries coherent information about the investigated quantum system and can be mapped with a spatial resolution down to a few nanometers given by the spatial resolution of the photoemission electron microscope. Hence, 2D nanoscopy can be considered a generalization of time-resolved photoemission experiments. In the future, it may be of similar beneficial value for the field of photoemission research as “conventional” 2D spectroscopy has proven to be for optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. In a first experimental implementation of coherent 2D nanoscopy coherent processes on a corrugated silver surface were measured and unexpected long coherence lifetimes could be determined.
The results of this thesis contribute to the understanding of the electronic properties of organic thin-films and interfaces. It is demonstrated that photoemission spectroscopy is very useful for studying surfaces and interfaces. Additionally it is shown, that many-body effects can be relevant for organic thin films, in particular at interfaces with strong interaction. These effects can have general implications for the material properties. In the first part of this thesis a systematic series of polyacene molecules is investigated with NEXAFS spectroscopy. The comparison of the data with core level and IPES data indicates that core excitations and core excitons need to be understood as many-body excitations. This finding implies for example that a high exciton binding energy is not necessarily associated with strong localization of the excited electron at the hole. As these effects apply also for valence excitons they can be relevant for the separation of charges and for the electron-hole recombination at interfaces. In the next chapter some fundamental effects in organic multilayer films and at organic-metal interfaces are studied with core level and NEXAFS spectroscopy. In this context a series of selected molecules is investigated, namely BTCDA, BTCDI, PTCDA and PTCDI. It is shown that in case of strong interface interaction a density of adsorbate-substrate states is formed which can lead to significant charge transfer satellites in the PES and NEXAFS spectra, similar to what is known for transition metal compounds. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the data can be modeled qualitatively by a basic approach which fuses the single impurity Anderson model with the description of charge transfer satellites by Sawatzky et al. This approach, which is equivalent to that of Gunnarsson and Schönhammer, allows even a relatively simple semi-quantitative analysis of the experimental data. The comparison of different adsorbate layers indicates that these many-body effects are particularly strong in case of partial occupation of the LUMO derived DOS. In the third part an organic multilayer film (SnPc), an organic-metal interface with strong coupling (SnPc/Ag) and an organic-organic interface (SnPc/PTCDA/Ag) are studied exemplarily with resonant Auger spectroscopy. The comparison of the data gives evidence for the contribution of many-body effects to the autoionization spectra. Furthermore, it is found that the electron-vibration coupling and the substrate-adsorbate charge transfer occurs on the time scale of the core hole life time. Moreover, the interaction at the organic-organic interface is weak, comparable to the intermolecular interaction in the multilayer films, despite a considerable rigid level shift for the SnPc layer. Furthermore, weak but significant electron-electron correlation is found for the molecular frontier orbitals, which are important for the substrate-adsorbate charge transfer. Therefore, these strongly coupled adsorbate films are briefly discussed within the context of the Hubbard model in the last part of this thesis. From the data derived in this work it can be estimated that such monolayer films are in the regime of medium correlations. Consequently one can expect for these adsorbate films properties which are related to the extraordinary behavior of strongly correlated materials, for which Mott metal-insulator transitions, sophisticated magnetic properties and superconductivity can be observed. Additionally some results from the investigation of alkyl/Si self-assembled monolayers are briefly discussed in the appendix. It is demonstrated exemplarily for the alkyl chains that the electronic band structure of short, finitely repeating units can be well modeled by a comparatively simple quantum well approach. In principle this approach can also be applied to higher dimensional systems, which makes it very useful for the description of E(k) relations in the regime of repeating units of intermediate length. Furthermore, the photoelectron and NEXAFS spectra indicate strong interaction at the alkyl/Si interface. It was found that the interface states can be modified by moderate x-ray irradiation, which changes the properties for charge transport through the SAM.
Spektroskopie kollektiver Zyklotron- und Intersubband-Resonanzen von Quanten-Hall-Systemen in GaAs
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit stand das Studium der langwelligen Magneto-Kollektivmoden quasi-zweidimensionaler Elektronengase (Q2DEG) in GaAs. Diese Anregungen, die sich in Zyklotronresonanzen und Magneto-Intersubband-Resonanzen untergliedern, wurden mittels der Ferninfrarot-Fourierspektroskopie in einem Magnetfeldregime 0 T ≤ B ≤ 17 T untersucht. Die Zyklotronresonanz wurde über einen sehr weiten und umfassenden Dichtebereich von 1x10^11 cm^-2 bis 1.2x10^12 cm^-2 im Temperaturintervall 0.3 K < T < 80 K vermessen. Dabei kamen grundlegend unterschiedliche Proben-Strukturen mit Elektronenbeweglichkeiten im Bereich 5x10^5 cm^2/Vs bis 7x10^6 cm^2/Vs zum Einsatz, die unter unterschiedlichen Optimierungsgesichtspunkten hergestellt wurden. Mit den verfügbaren Proben und Parametern konnten mittels der Zyklotronresonanz die Regimes des Integralen (IQHE) und des Fraktionalen Quanten-Hall-Effektes (FQHE) abgedeckt und die bei hohen Temperaturen dominierenden Polaron-Renormierungen grundlegend charakterisiert werden. Zur Analyse und Interpretation der experimentellen Daten wurden theoretische Modelle zur mehrkomponentigen Zyklotronresonanz unte r den Aspekten der Polaron-Renormierung, der Leitungsband-Nichtparabolizität, der Streuung an Störstellen, der Abschirmung, sowie der Elektron-Elektron-Wechselwirkung und den mit ihr zusammenhängenden Grundzuständen entwickelt und mit diesen numerische Modell- und Anpassungsrechnungen durchgeführt. Die Magneto-Intersubband-Resonanzen wurden im Regime des IQHE experimentell untersucht. Dabei wurde die Gitterkopplertechnik zur Ankopplung des Lichtfeldes an diese Anregungen eingesetzt. Zum Verständnis und zur Interpretation der Messergebnisse wurden die selbstkonsistenten Gleichungen zur Berechnung der Magneto-Landau-Subband-Struktur und der dazu kompatiblen Dichteantwort im Rahmen der Hartree-Fock- (HFA) bzw. der zeitabhängigen Hartree-Fock-Näherung (TDHFA) aufgestellt und der numerische Lösungsweg dargelegt. Anhand von Anpassungsrechnungen wurde daraufhin die Magnetfeldabhängigkeit der Intersubband-Resonanzen analysiert.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Kopplung von kollektiven Anregungen in einlagigen und doppellagigen quasi-zweidimensionalen Elektronensystemen. Es wurden verschiedene modulationsdotierte Proben auf Basis von GaAs mit Gate-Elektrode und Gitterkoppler präpariert, um bei variabler Elektronendichte die Plasmon-Anregungen mit Hilfe der Ferninfrarot-Spektroskopie zu studieren. Die Auswertung der experimentellen Daten erfolgte durch eine selbstkonsistente Berechnung des elektronischen Grundzustandes, der Plasmon-Anregungsenergien und der optischen Absorption des Elektronengases. Zur Bestimmung der Absorption wurde dabei auf Grundlage bestehender Ansätze ein eigener Formalismus im Rahmen der Stromantwort-Theorie entwickelt. Somit gelangen der erstmalige Nachweis von optischen und akustischen Intersubband-Plasmonen in zweilagigen Elektronensystemen sowie eine detaillierte Analyse der Kopplung von Intersubband-Plasmonen an optische Phononen und an strahlende Gittermoden im Bereich der Rayleigh-Anomalie.